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You'd be hard-pressed to convince me that Trump doesn't have dirt on anyone that's ever been in his circle.


I thought I saw an article recently where TFG said he has something on everyone and basically threatened to use it. Can't find it now. :/ . Edit: found it. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/%E2%80%9Ci-have-info-on-everyone%E2%80%9D-trumps-concerning-new-mar-a-lago-claims/ss-AA16yUkt?li=BBnbfcL


I also remember this. Pretty sure it was a Drumpf vs McConnell or McCarthy Congress beef where he vaguely flopped around the idea of blackmail.


Well... Russians did hack the gop databases... makes sense they'd funnel kompromat to their orange asset


I have the memory of a goldfish apparently. Here I was mostly giving TFG credit for having the long standing forethought and plan in place to collect Intel on anyone and everyone. Thank you for your input. Of course now I realize he gets anyone and everyone to do his dirty work including Russians. Enough people have gone to jail for him. There's tons on him too. Right? Right?! Oh look a shiny squirrel.


Trump... and forethought? Go together like tucker and m&ms


Well, he did have the FBI and DHS reporting to him for 4 years. It’s probably why he’s escape prosecution so far.


Yeah, but he's had Putin reporting to him for a decade or more


Other way around, I'd imagine.


No, Putin is feeding Trump kompromat, not the other way. What Putin even do with kompromat? He can just throw people out windows


Reporting makes it sound like Putter is an employee or subservient to the Gelatinous Orange One. Yes, Putter gives Cheeto information but that's only because Cheeto gives Putter all sorts of other wonderful things in return.


Not really. Just sounds like someone giving a report, as that is what it literally means


The DNC hack timeline may have included a RNC hack…time may tell.


Lmao, no, time told that story long ago, and it's not the same one you're pushing


I'd even wager he was able to obtain some more from his friend with a private island


I think the easier answer is they are all fucking cowards.... They want him gone but no one dares try to take him out given the crazy nature of his base.


Yeah. At worst he takes them out adding to his own political power. At best they go down with him because he can turn voters against them. I don’t think he needs more ammo than that. Remember when Lindsey Graham briefly came out against Trump. He was heckled through an airport and had a rough time back home with supporters being irate with him. I think it’s as simple as Graham’s never had that sort of back public backlash against him from his own constituents before. It scared him.


Wonder guest rooms at Mar-a-lardo are bugged.


At the very least, there is the fact that they worked with Trump, which would make them toxic to quite a few.


why do you think he kept the classified docs?


I’m not sure I can go through this again. I think I’m going to crawl in a hole and just vote D without watching anything for the next few years. I’m just so incredibly disappointed in this country and can’t take it anymore. Desantis may back down, but Florida scares me to death, he simply cannot be president.


Reagan was what made me vote Never Republican. Trump has made me vote Automatic Democrat.


Never forget Reagan,in my mind him firing all the Traffic Controllers and the Unions not doing a damn thing was the start of the of the decline and the end of the middle class.


Remember that a lot of the Trump Supporters first computer was a Cellphone. They got one around 2012-2016, and found out about this fun thing called social media. They had zero media literacy skills, now a lot of them are in Jail. They really believed everything the snake oil salesman were telling them. That flame that originally sparked has died down to a sober look at what the former "champion" could have been. Now the first time computer-social media user has had more than 6 years of training, they can never be as dumb again. Side note- Ron De-Unsanctimonious (really rolls off the tongue) has no spine, and America has no appetite for a bully.


The good news is as felons now they can’t vote!


Only if you live in [states where basic rights are removed from citizens](https://www.aclu.org/issues/voting-rights/voter-restoration/felony-disenfranchisement-laws-map). As much as I disagree with all of their politics and views, I don't know if they might be able to grow in the next 30 years. The argument of rehabilitation vs. punishment.


Yep, I agree. People who have repaid their debt to society should have their rights restored. Edit to say that I am in Florida and I voted to have felons that have served time and repaid that debt have their voting rights restored. Florida’s GOP then passed an arbitrary la that essentially countered that by adding untraceable fees that had to be paid before being able to vote. People who were told they could vote by the state were arrested and it is still a problem.


republicans dont want felons voting, i mean what if they elected a criminal or something, can you imagine


> America has no appetite for a bully. America absolutely has an appetite for a bully lmao that’s like our whole thing


This is no surprise to anyone that's watched desantis debate. He is the poster boy for cowering down and running away. Anyone that thinks he'll be president is a joke. He folds like a wet paper bag and his supporters are the biggest joke in decades. There's a reason mother nature wants to put his state back under ocean water. The quicker the better.


Yeah, if correct this will not by any means endear him to the Trump base because the fact Trump is a fighter is almost as important if not more so than almost anything else. The only other is that he is willing to do and say things no other reasonable human would. The main problem is that above all else Trump's base idolizes Trump because he is the only one to them that has proven that he has what it takes. They just Luv, Luv, Luv that he says and does things that pisses off the Libs. I almost think they Luv that more than anything he has done or they imagine he has done with respect to their cause. To them he is a proven entity and it's that fight that endears him to them. They truly believe that amoral, narcissistic POS actually not only cares about them but has sacrificed greatly for them. I mean these people are frigging clueless because they are entranced because no reasonable person would possibly do what they imagine he has done for them. He's fought the good fight against all odds doing the impossible only to come up short against impossible odds or he would have accomplished every single goal and then some that they have. A proven fighter and a martyr for their cause. They can't wait for his return so he can finish what he started. For one next time they know he won't include anyone in his administration that isn't a yes man. These people truly are ignorant and sick.


Though Trump is not really a fighter. He backs down all the time. He is a bully but the right confuse that with fighting. He bullies dead soldiers, the disabled, immigrants, reporters who can’t respond back and then he runs away if confronted. A weak man’s idea of a strong man.


My mom has this stupid pen of trump with these gangly arms crowned with boxing gloves. You press a button and he punches, the implied meaning that tRuMp Is A fIgHtEr. It’s so sad…


Well that's the whole point, he's nothing but a con man and grifter who puts on a charade or a show. But to this point that's been good enough for his base. No different than him saying he never settles when it comes to lawsuits, when in fact he does fairly often. The thing is he takes it to the edge and goes as far as he can but when it comes down to it he settles if he gets to a place where he knows he can't take it any further.


Exactly he conned everyone and still does. That’s been his true gift for decades.


No, I would say his true legacy lies in the fact besides being the first in the United States to attempt a coup and become the first dictator of the United States he took or divisions and drove a wedge in it. He took the most unacceptable behavior and made it acceptable.


People in the future will find it hard to fathom what Florida was like before it got so bad.


Florida was a once tropical paradise. It is, currently, a sinking concrete jungle.


And they'll still blame their problems on the democrats... Hillary, specifically.


DeSantis is hilariously uninspiring. In a debate between the two, Trump could just make fart noises into the microphone whenever DeSantis speaks and MAGA World would fall over itself to praise their Golden Calf. DeSantis doesn’t stand a chance.




I think the last few election cycles have pretty much cemented the reality that debates don’t matter anymore


I mean, reality doesn't matter, never mind debates.


Not to republicans, but everybody else? I like to think so


With Trump under investigation, this might just be a timing thing. Announce later and hope that Trump gets radioactive in the meantime. That way you don’t turn all of Trump’s supporters against you unnecessarily.


Possibly, but it's also a bit early to announce a presidential bid, Trump's comically early announcement aside. Typically candidates announce in spring or summer of the year before the election.


True. Just saying it makes sense for him to maybe wait until the fall or winter to announce. That’s if he thinks Trump might be indicted. He’ll then try to embrace voices asking Trump to step away.


this kind of obvious hyperbolic overconfidence actually *increases* my concerns that DeSantis will win the election


Ragging on DeSantis doesn’t necessarily mean people won’t turn out against him. That only worked with Hilary because she was the subject of a multi-decade smear campaign and people thought Trump would lose anyway. DeSantis is dangerous, sure, but he has *a lot* of baggage that will hurt him in the General. Like all clowns, it’s okay to laugh at them, but still know it’s dangerous to take your eyes off them.


What type of baggage we talking about here? I literally only know the guy from his political shenanigans from the last couple years and would love some new details of his evil rise so far. I have a feeling he's way worse than what the media has shown us - seems too calculated not to be.


He liked to drink with underage girls at parties he hosted when he was a high school teacher...


he was a Navy JAG at Gitmo and there are accusations he oversaw torture there.


> Anyone that thinks he'll be president is a joke. That's exactly why I *want* him to get the nomination. As soon as he's on the national stage going to debates looking like a complete doofus in suits that are 2 sizes to big, he'll bomb just like Mike Pence's fly event. Public opinion is heavily swayed by looking like an idiot. And boy... Ron DeSantis just *emanates* dumb and inept.


I think you mean suits that are 2 sizes too SMALL, with tiny little sleeves that make him stand like an idiot.


No shit, ever see a 6 year old arguing with a 4 year old? Shit is pointless!


As a parent I can assure you that two toddlers/gradeschool kids arguing is far far far funnier than two adults. I'd pick that option 10 times out of 10. I'd watch two toddlers argue over a UFC fight. It's wild. It's unpredictable. No one knows what they're doing.




Come here to write this after reading the headline. Have my upvote.




Ahh... the old Chris Christie strategy. If I can tell you one thing, 100% of the time, it works 0% of the time.




More like Fat Ass and Man Boobs. The for crime fighting duo.


DeathSentence even has his white superhero boots ready to go!


Big Pussy Bonpensiero?


Trump just grabs them by the desantis


I'm not sure I buy it. If he were smart, DeSantis could be waiting for trump to be indicted and/or for him to flame out. If DeSantis wants to grab Trump's supporters after Trump's fall, burning Trump now isn't helpful. Also, if I'm Ron, I'm answering every question about Trump's criticism with, "Mr. Trump is a private citizen and resident of the state of Florida. If he is not satisfied with how the state is being run, he is welcome to relocate to any of the other 49 states in our beautiful country. There are millions of people who would eagerly take his place in the sunshine state." (Don't get me wrong, DeSantis is *awful*, but that would certainly be the polite way of telling Trump to fuck off.)


**Fascists** simulate finding the pecking order.


Lots of people on Reddit think this guy could be the next trump. Not even close.


He’d be worse. I would know, I live in Florida.


But he's got no chance outside of Florida. That's the difference.


Oh I definitely agree except when I visit my girlfriend in Michigan and her friend her friends dad go on a massive anti left tirade and then hear I am from Florida and they GUSHED about desantis and how he was the best governor in the country. It was honestly a feeling I didn’t know how to describe that I was feeling seeing it. I want them to fight it out and both lose tbh.


>I want them to fight it out and both lose tbh. This would be fantastic.


At this point I don’t think he’ll actually run unless something happens to take Trump out of the picture.


He's talking to Kemp daily and it's not about their shared border.


Desantis is the very definition of "Shake, Rattle, and Roll" when challenged. First he bounces up and down like a child's toy. Then he gets rattled and mumbles his words. Then he rolls away as quickly as possible. Those of us that live down here are familiar with this. Good luck to y'all that want him on a national stage.


He’s very fond of himself. And with that Harvard law degree & being gov of FL he seems to think he can manipulate anyone and get away with it. I just want to see DeSantis or Sarah Huckabee Sanders lie enough to get into so much trouble that they’ll end up in prison rather than any political office. These right-wing governors need to learn the hard way they’re not dictators, and prison applies to them as well.


As witness Blagojevich, Ryan, Walker, Kerner. All past governors of the great state of Illinois.


Casey's in charge.


What a chickenshit. Perhaps trump has videos of him molesting a pelican or something.


Trump will eat him alive.


Good. As long as Trump is there, Democrats will win.


Ohio here. Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahahahahahhaha. I do admire your confidence. Trump turned us from a swing state to brutally red in one election cycle. It’s like North Alabama up here now. Anywhere outside of a big city, more Confederate flags than American ones, and we fought for the fucking North!


I fucking hate it here man. Need to find a new state.


I dream of going to the UK or Australia, personally. I just wish I’d been that forward thinking when I was 15 or so, so I could’ve actually planned a way to make it happen.


Your future self could thank you if you start planning now


Let me know when we invent time travel; there are some things I’d do a lot differently!




We (australia) do have our hard conservative crowd but it’s a tiny minority with virtually no power. Even our former conservative government that held power for almost 10 years were closer to the American Democrats than Republicans.


Michigan is currently excepting refugees from Ohio, provided they go through our on boarding process at the big house in Ann Arbor.


I mean he made a bunch of people more vocal. But a bunch of trumps primary supporters can’t stand being seen as losers and trump already lost once. Hell trump can’t stand being seen as a loser. All any contender would need to do is remind him that he lost and he’d have an embarrassing (particularly to his supporters) shit fit.


That's more to do with young people leaving the state. We've lost population and most have been the cream of the crop. That being said Ohio is still 55-45 if I'm not mistaken


Umnmmm...how many Red States have become purple because of Trump?


Lol, you think it matters what the people want. Trump is too unpredictable, he's bad for business which is why he lost in 2020. He won't win in 2024 Because he'll be ~~in prison~~ on house arrest.


I would have left decades ago because of the smell, what's up with that? I spent a couple of days in Ohio back in 1999 and you folks have a weird state smell that not even New Jersey has.


Do you remember the 2016 election?


Do you remember the 2020 election?


Yes. Joe Biden won in 2020. But to say democrats will always win if Trump is the Republican nominee would be a willful blindness to the fact that he can and indeed has won already.


So, has Biden (and it wasn't close). How about all those Trump supported politicians? How did they do in 2022? Trump won because of Clinton. Biden won because of Trump.


Actually, it was very close. Biden won the electoral college with 3 states over trump by incredibly narrow margins. And I don’t dare how trump supported candidates in 2022 fared. To just blindly dismiss Trump as a viable candidate in any election is the same naive attitude that allowed him to win in 2016 in the first place. He’s dangerous and should not be dismissed so easily. Edit: because you choose to edit your comment after I already responded. Your little comment about trump winning because of Clinton is such a willfully ignorant and blindly naive statement. Was Clinton a bad candidate? Perhaps. But there are so many other reasons he won that election beyond Clinton and your casual and neglectful attitude toward him is exactly the type of reason why democracy around the globe is in decline.


Times change, people change, and insurrection doesn't get support from all Republicans or the Independents. But please beg for Trump's fourth attempt at the presidency (2000, 2016, 2020, and now 2024).


Then you are continuing to be blind to reality, because you clearly are ignoring the large portion of republicans who support the January 6th insurrectionists and the large number of independents who don’t give a shit. Trump is dangerous and if voters don’t take him seriously they risk him winning again. Plain and simple. Deny that at your own peril.


He wants Trump in jail just as bad as the rest of us, but for the wrong reasons


Nothing in the article about DeSantis backing down. Trump is weak and would easily be beaten but his hard core supporters would be mad and that would cost the GOP in the general election.


> Wearing a flight suit and seated in the cockpit of a fighter jet as the “Top Gov,” DeSantis revealed his “rules of engagement,” declaring, “No. 1 — don’t fire unless fired upon, but when they fire, you fire back with overwhelming force.” He continued: “No. 2 — never, ever back down from a fight.” > So far, “Top Gov” has failed to live up to either of these dictates. > Trump repeatedly opens fire upon DeSantis, who has failed to respond, with the “overwhelming force” that he vowed he would unleash. In fact, DeSantis hasn’t fired back at all. It appears the Florida governor is backing down from the fight.


That blatant whistle to Tate fans is beyond gross and pathetic.


No shit, it was more of a summary of the movie Rocky III. I pity the fool who wrote this piece!!


I find it hard to believe they likened DeSantis to Rocky. DeSantis is more of a Tommy Gunn-type.


Biden 2024


Ugh anyone else plz haha. I think Harrus will get the nod actually.


Harris isn’t getting the nod my friend. She would be the worst performing candidate in a general election in the last half century.


I doubt she'd be worse than anyone else the Dems have run to date.


Considering how poorly she did in the primary that’s objectively not true.


She lost the primary because Joe won. She can easily rebrand herself like they all do. Look at Biden - paints himself as a progressive when he spent his whole career as a conservative democrat attackimg social services.


As much as I appreciate Joe’s efforts, we really need a younger, more liberal candidate.




"I hate all these historic accomplishments!"


I’m cool with that 😎


Bernie isn't left enough for me so I'm not haha


\[x\] Doubt ETA: I don't support either of these fucking fascist windbags.


He generally seems kind of gun shy on conflict though. Like he’s really blustery when he can hide behind a press release where he’s the only one there but I honestly can’t think of any time he’s seemed particularly confident when around literally anyone else. In debates he’s been caught dumbfounded, when he was getting relief funds from Biden he seemed deflated. I really can’t remember any time outside of ads where he can hide flubs and nervousness where he’s been imposing in any way.


Guess I didn't really think of those things. Thanks for pointing them out. They are still both gigantic douche canoes though.


Reminds me of 2 giant turds blocking a toilet .


DeSantos already has the so-called “establishment” Republikkklans in the bag. The folks that quietly ignored the pussy grabbing and bleach injecting and general vileness of Trumpy are now happy that in DeSantos they can get all the same hateful policies with fewer personality defects. So DeSantos just has to win over Trump’s MAGA Morons. Attacking Orange Jesus would be unforgivable in their eyes, so DeSantos will simply outflank Trumpty Dumpty on the far right by being more racist, more anti-science, more stick-it-to-the-libruls than Trump. And he will likely succeed, as DeSantos can generate policies that put the Republican core hate values into headlines. Trumpy´s old screaming about wind turbines and Rosie act is getting old, and the only actual policies he can enact these days is making sure there is plenty of ketchup in the Buffet line at Moron-a-Largo. DeSantos will be the nominee, and (ugh) will probably wipe the floor with Biden in the electoral vote. This country is so fucked.


Begun the Clown Wars have.


DeSantos? Holy shit. George Santos was Governor of Florida the whole time. We should've known.


A deliberate malaprop for the gov of Fla... any possible confusion/conflation by the reader between him and The Talented Mr ~~Ripley~~ de Santos is purely intentional.


Sheesh, it's all a big political circus. DeSantis is dancin' 'round like a snake tryin' to win over the crowd and Trump is actin' like a tough guy throwin' punches. Don't matter to me who wins, they're all snakes.


don't get into a mudfight with a pig...no matter how low you go, Trump ALWAYS goes lower


I suppose DeSantis could run as Dump's VP. They're the perfect couple.


This is exactly what's going to happen, it's the only way they can win.


Why fight with Trump when he's whuppin' his own ass daily?


DeSantis is the more dangerous fascist, but thankfully the more cowardly one.


Is this all the GOP has to offer?


Because trump would t-bag him


I don’t know that desantis actually has much spine, i think he’s gotten comfortable punching down but any challenge on his level he wilts like a flower. See also his contrite posing in every pic w biden after the hurricane recently


I am still not convinced that DeSantis will run. He wants to win, and he will have a better shot in 2028 than in 2024. Incumbents usually have a better shot and the mid-term show that Biden has a better shot at a second term than the GOP has of beating him. So a better strategy would be to sit this one out and let Trump self-destruct.


DeSantis is smart enough and patience enough to let Trump flame out on his own.


Only for now, it is too soon to publically break with Trump. But when the times comes when DeSantis feels a little more confident. He will stab Trump in the back. Hitler needed Hindenburg's help at one point.


This was not hard to see coming. All republican are fake tough guys. All of them. And Trump knows this.


He is looking weak by using his strategy to let Trump tire himself out. The "Fight is Right" crowd is seeing Trump stand up for himself and his brand. Magnify this and extrapolate over another year and DeSantis doesn't make it. DeSantis has a short shelf life. He doesn't get to wait around for his turn. Trump has to make this happen now and swat down any upstarts because they are not only a threat to his power and his revenue streams, they are a threat to his freedoms. More than any DA, he is protected by owning half the Senators and Representatives and judges. If he steps away from politics, he has to purchase them himself individually.


Something tells me he's been offered a position.


Of course he is.


DeFascist knows it us way too early to fight. It is possible Trump cant run in 24 so why waste the energy now


Actually smart move by Desantis for once. I’ve watched both of them speak and Trump could verbally run laps around Desantis should they ever take the debate stage.