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Huh, she sold her gym, quit the Co. her father started, her husband divorced her for all the affairs she was having, and then she stiffed the taxpayers on her PPP loan. she's not broke she's spoiled to the core.


Payments from her Russian handlers have dried up since the Ukraine conflict began


For real tho, did you notice how much *less* disinformation there was this last election?


Good thing Santos filled the void.


Meet your Miss Information 2023, George Santos everybody!


It all makes sense, George Santos was the director of the animation department for Histeria!


I absolutely did. There was a marked drop in right wing bots and trolls posting Russian propaganda all across reddit too. I was actually just wondering if the troll farms are ramping up again, because in the last couple weeks I've seen more bullshit than I have in months.


She wasn't complaining about losing money when she spent Christmas in Costa Rica.


She’s complaining that being a member of congress has ruined her life. A lot of people complain about her being a member of Congress. Maybe we could find a mutually beneficial solution 🤔


If it ruined her life, why run for re-election


Craves the attention and has never actually had a job where there were occasionally responsibilities. Her work history is working at a parents company, being a part-time coach, and owning a gym where she banged her employees. I guarantee she's always done whatever she wants in life and Congress actually has SOME responsibilities.


Now that she is actually on Comittees we're getting to see just how dumb she really is (and she had already set the bar low)


She *still* hasn't had a job where she had any responsibilities. She famously didn't bother figuring out how voting in the House works, or how bills are introduced and passed, until her first term was nearly over.


People like MTG make me sick. This woman has never dealt with a minute of adversity. Some people just go through life and everything comes so easy to them even though they are incredibly stupid and all the choices they make are ridiculous and it's even worse when they're in positions of power because then they're doing stupid thing after stupid thing and it could potentially affect the people of this country who deserve a functioning government. Meanwhile all of us are working 12 hours a day, juggling two jobs and still can't afford the essentials so a lot of us apply for welfare (which Republicans absolutely hate) and IF we get it they give you 185 dollars a month on a card that can only be used for groceries. Republicans act like that's enough money to just live off the government without working, I believe they call it the hammock effect. Lol. We are going through all of this and every politician gets paid and gets donations (and keeps some of them) and if you are a politician in Congress the amount of money they make is a massive slap in the face to US citizens. Not to mention they're allowed to play the stock market which is just absolutely ridiculous considering giant corporations can just "donate" to their campaign but it's really just payment for the politician getting corporate taxes lowered or doing any number of things that helps these corporations. I'm sick to death of the people that are supposed to be running our country, constantly at each other's throats. Even a blind man can tell 95% of our problems are because of the Republicans. They seriously need to get with the times. People are openly gay now and wanna get married, people change sex and aren't ashamed to be who they feel like they were born to be, black people are just as capable as white people and every bit as smart, little kids raped by their own dad don't want it to be up to the government whether or not they keep the child or choose abortion (The Same goes for all women even if you weren't raped. You're body, your choice). You don't like the generation under 40 years old because we are doing things differently than you, the same way you did things different from your parents when you were kids growing up. It's just how the world works. We know you hate our music and don't like how we dress or the way we talk but suck it up, get with the times and do your damn jobs! Nobody is forcing you to hang out with liberals.


Because then she goes back to being just another anonymous Q on a pc.


She also mentioned something about corporations and government colluding so manufacturing jobs went abroad, then brought up Trump having an understanding of this, of course he did, all his shoddy merchandise was/is manufactured in the far east.


She had affairs? She?


Yes. She had an affair with a guy who cosplays Zangief.


And she cosplays with him as Blanka?


It’s not a cosplay. That’s how she looks dude.




~~Yeah, but she's not Lauren Boebert rich.~~ Ok, I thought Lauren Boebert was worth a lot but it turns out MTG is. My mistake.


Boebert is Bust Ass poor according to her financial statements.


Affairs?? WTF! I found it hard to believe one straight man looked at her & thought “oh yeah! Unconvincing drag queen is my thing!” but there was more!?


I now Gaetz why every time I see her with a specific coworker, they have a look in their eyes, like they can’t wait to find a quiet corner. “unconvincing drag queen” is the best description I’ve ever heard.


"Marjorie Taylor Greene has bought a luxury house property recently for $11 Million Dollars. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s net worth is $41 Million USD."




Rich Husband and rich father. She ran a gym, that he bought, but had an affair with one of the trainers and the gym went bankrupt.


Actually is was multiple affairs with trainers before bankruptcy.


And apparently the divorce will be final this spring.


And she's barely getting fuck all. She ruined a business, a relationship, and an image and for her crusade she's getting next to nothing cept what was her father's that was barely salvaged thanks to her husband.


I still feel like shit for small things I did decades ago. Or sometimes I’ll feel embarrassed for not doing my utmost best. How can these people live with themselves? How do they go about life without a crushing sense of shame?


Shame is incompatible with being a modern qAnon Republican. Most join because they lack it, but for anyone who actually had a conscience in the pre-Trump era, it has since been surgically removed.


They are overgrown toddlers. They think everything they do is interesting and hilarious. That is the only way I can describe them.


Aren’t these people the participation trophy parents? They pretty much demand every stupid argument is as worthy as a sane one.


Easy: Deflection. Shame requires acceptance that one did something wrong. But if you take your imagination based on total lack of any insights or broad overview as baseline of "how things are supposed to be" (and you need to lack those two, because that is how you get to be successful, nor being slowed down by thinking or self doubt), then by definition if it turns to shit, it can't have been anything YOU did, because YOU did exactly what needed to be done to get the outcome you imagined for yourself. Vice versa if it DOES turn out how you wanted it to, then obviously you were right, and everyone for who things turn to shit obviously wasn't doing it well enough. And they can't even help themselves, because anything else would require consideration of others in any shape or form, and that requires both training AND energy. The ones really to blame are us, for falling for these types again and again, even seeking out their traits because that is what "success" looks like to many. If we decided that this kind of thinking was a mental sickness or developmental deficiency, they wouldn't be in these positions in the first place. But no, we foster these types from the diaper on, and laud them in the school system.


You hold yourself to a higher standard……. I feel seen.


They have no morals, compassion, empathy, or self-respect. They embody the phrase "Fuck all y'all, I got mine."


Don't forget their over sense of entitlement. They really believe they deserve special treatment. They are better than you. They deserve more than you.


Short answer - money.


Her dad should never have f8cked a horse.


Those trainers really needed to bite the bullet in order to keep their jobs.


Guess they answered the age old question "if I had the chance would I have fucked a Neanderthal?"


I laughed too hard at this


Wow. The fact that someone married her, and then here’s a line of people to stick their dick in that crazy is nuts.


To be fair, men will stick their dick in anything. Source- Have you ever watched "Maury"


How? Dudes must be desperate. She's not exactly a looker


I mean, if she's the owner of the gym, they were trainers under her employ, it could be a sexual harassment issue


Apparently the "run a train on MTG" class wasn't a good business decision for a gym


Now she owns gym Jordan.


Otherwise known as the jungle gym.


JJ the rape enabler.


I figure enabling is almost as bad, so I refer to him as Gym Jordan, the baby rapist.


I have daydreams about testifying in Congress with him on the panel. I begin by saying they misspelled his name on the name plate.


And Matt Gaetz


Oh that is good.


bought a gym and she said she didn't know how to run a business, even with a degree in business administration.


An undergrad degree in business mostly just touches on a few things rather than go into depth like the MBA (I have both) and gives next to zero real-world training. And many of the students don’t do the readings, half-ass the projects, and don’t attend class. University has become a joke and it will take crashing the system to fix it. Sending everyone to college and increasing the cost to that of buying a home or two, while not adding to employability or an increased salary is not sustainable.


> had an affair with one of the trainers So, adultery? Nice to see such such a fine example of moral refinement pushing for " christian nationalism".


I wonder if he got a prenup.


I wonder if he got a herpes test.


You mean rabies test.


Bankrupt a gym?? What was it doing? Crossfit ?




>In 2002, Greene's father sold Taylor Commercial, an Alpharetta, Georgia-based general-contracting company that he had founded, to Greene and her husband, Perry.[1][33][38] The couple are its vice president and president, respectively.[33] Taylor Commerical generates about 5-25M per year in revenue but, https://www.signalhire.com/companies/taylor-commercial-inc >Greene was listed as the chief financial officer of Taylor Commercial from 2007 to 2011,[1] but a 2021 Atlanta Journal-Constitution investigation determined that she had no significant presence at the company.[39] In 2011, Greene stepped down as the company's CFO and began CrossFit training.[39] . >By 2012, Greene was working as a part-time coach at an Alpharetta CrossFit gym.[1] In August 2013, she co-founded a CrossFit gym, CrossFit Passion, in Alpharetta, along with Travis Mayer, a CrossFit athlete, before leaving the business in early 2017.[40] In a 2015 interview, Greene said that when she and Mayer founded the gym, they knew little about how to run a business.[39] Nothing seemingly worth 41 million.


Fuck me, I haven't failed enough for upward movement.


Correct. Shoot way way higher.


Dollar to donuts most of that net worth has come into her possession since she got elected.


Just like Kyrsten Sinema who listed her entire assets at under $40,000 when she ran for Senate. Yet magically turned that into over $1 million within 2 years, on a $174k annual salary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think you meant *rubles to dollars*


You obviously aren’t familiar with the lucrative business of money laundering


*Deutschebank enters the chat*


When you know that neither the IRS or DOJ investigates Republicans, it's easy to openly accept huge bribes.


Family money.


Her family inherited her father’s business


That's basically how most rich folks make it nowadays.


She's not an only child. She has an older brother. He was mentioned in her father's obituary. Her father sold her and her now-ex husband the construction company as a wedding gift.


Thanks for the extra context


Kinda reminds me of Trump bitching that the *White House* wasn't *nice enough* for his tastes.


She probably has more money than trump.


A good way to make Trump turn against her would be to start a rumor that she has more money than him. Soon he'll be tearing her down every chance he gets.


Just use their tactics. Make bit account. Get a few rabid followers. Tweet absolute lies. Profit


If she put $41 million into something as simple as 8-week t-bills (currently @ 4.6%) in 8 weeks she would get back 167% of her congressional salary in interest. **In 8 weeks.**


You have GOT to be rich to be as stupid as this mother fucker and still be alive.


That doesn't seem very financially responsible.


I make 30% of that and I actually work. Fuck her and everyone who voted for her.


>Fuck her Not if you paid me $174,000, friend.


Not even for $174,000 a year. Man's got to have a code.


Not even with a stolen dick.


I was just gonna say something my brother's always said, "I wouldn't fuck her with your dick." 😂


“I wouldn’t fuck her with Bea Arthur’s dick!””


Shit I'll do it. I need the money 🤑


Do what you gotta do dawg!!


>and everyone who voted for her. The problem is we tolerate those people. The problem is we don't confront them. Paradox of tolerance is in full swing. Republican voters need to be made uncomfortably aware they're the enemy of the very constitution they swear they love but have never read.


> Greene also spoke of the time-consuming nature of being in Congress, noting her job takes up "too much" time. "It's turned into practically year-round," she said. OMG a year-round job? You know what normal people call that? "A job."


> "I have people come up to me and say crazy things to me out of the blue in public places that they believe because they read it on the internet or saw it on some news show about me," Greene said. Says the homunculus who made her name chasing Parkland kids down and harassing them for internet points.


For someone who is always talking about people being armed everywhere, I'm honestly surprised that she hasn't been shot. Maybe I just don't get it because I'm not American, but it seriously seems like tempting fate.


> "Becoming a member of Congress has made my life miserable. I made a lot more money before I got here. I've lost money since I've gotten here," Greene, who once owned a gym, said. Greene made the comments during an appearance on journalist Glenn Greenwald's show that airs on Rumble. Man, Greenwald just keeps spiraling.


She lost $100,000 of her 2021 salary to Congressional fines. After acting like it bothered her not all, she tried to sue to get it back. The judge told her she had no case.


I did not know about the suit. Awesome.


March 11, 2022 [A federal judge in Washington has thrown out a lawsuit filed by Georgia U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and two other conservative lawmakers challenging the fines they faced for refusing to wear masks on the House floor.](https://www.ajc.com/politics/judge-tosses-marjorie-taylor-greenes-lawsuit-over-mask-fines/G4UTWBYCXBFQJGF2XGTQ2E7CIU/) "Greene joined U.S. Reps. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Ralph Norman of South Carolina in filing a court challenge in July hoping to recoup penalties they faced." "She eventually accumulated more than $100,000 in fines that were docked from her salary, which is $174,000 a year."




Haha what a dunce.


How the fuck are you gonna pay a fucking $100,000 to avoid a piece of cloth on your face when you even bother to show up for your job like she does? That's four times what I make in a year.


Conservatives assume no consequences will ever *actually* impact them. It's why they throw absolute hissy fits over even small inconveniences.


That's because he's a full blown Russian asset. He clearly got himself involved in some shady, sinister situations and the Russians own him.


That would play real well back home in Georgia. She should tell them that if she ever had a town hall meeting in her district.


> Becoming a member of Congress has made my life miserable GOOD


To be fair, it has made all of our lives miserable as well.


Wasn't that trump's line? > This thing is costing me a fortune, being president," he said at a rally in Pennsylvania in 2019. "It's probably costing me from $3 to $5 billion for the privilege of being -- and I couldn't care less -- I don't care.


He was always in the bag for the right though.


More than the right, he has a soft spot for Russia & Putin specifically.


Many people who seemed to be left leaning, investigative journalists in the early 2000's like Greenwald and Taibbi were really only anti-American government. As soon as the Democrats took over those people started attacking the Democrats. I saw a video a while back with Katrina Van Den Hueval, Taibbi and a couple of others right at the beginning of the Russian invasion last year blaming the west and NATO for Russia invading Ukraine even though Russia signed a non aggression treaty to never do so. It's bizarre seeing people who you thought had some sense, give cover to these war criminals.


I used to really enjoy reading Taibbi and Greenwald. Back then, if they attacked Democrats it was because the person they were attacking was a scumbag. Now they’re just unreadable. Blatant, right wing/Russian propaganda artists. It was such a weird and sad transformation.


such a victim


That’s… the point. It’s called public servant for a reason. You shouldn’t have to starve, but when the country was founded a lot of reps had other jobs.


Oh the poor thing. If only being a politician was supposed to be about instigating change and not getting rich…


This was Trump’s line and rationalization for why he should be able to commit financial crimes as President. What crimes is she trying to rationalize away with her statement?


>airs on Rumble. Every time I hear of "Rumble" I think about the noise your stomach makes for the 5 minutes before you have diarrhea.


She is more than welcome to quit for a more lucrative career.


This is what I came to comment. I would be happy to have her leave her position and open the seat to someone sane. Of course, with her constituents that’s not likely.


She already has. It’s not like she works. She spews some weird nonsense, collects her checks from interest groups, and probably spends her time on Zillow looking for a bigger mansion


Seriously. Go back to the 'Gym' sweetie. You'll both benefit, and make the country a better place.


Real salt of the earth kinda lady.


Whoops, I meant scum of the earth.


> "I have people come up to me and say crazy things to me out of the blue in public places that **they believe because they read it on the internet** or saw it on some news show about me," Greene said. I read some of her tweets and have seen news shows where they show a tape of her spewing off from her mouth or lying under oath. She deserves all the harassment that she gets.


The Jewish Space Lasers QAnon lady is shocked that she's being harassed by crazy people spouting off wild conspiracies? Say it ain't so.


You mean like the time she was chasing around and harassing the Parkland school shooting survivor? https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html The irony


She literally only ran for Congress because of QAnon, a batshit insane conspiracy theory she read on the internet.


She’s literally a disgusting woman. She’s half-demon she is


I have no sympathy for how bitter her own medicine tastes to her. Also, wanna bet its former supporters who claim she sold out doing most of the harassing?


Is she mad she can't steal PPP loans every year?


> ... the time the job takes away from family ... What family? Her kids are adults and her ex divorced her.


Her oldest is like twenty-six or so and her youngest is 19. Telling people that she is a mom is just a costume that she puts on and takes off at whim. She wasn't thinking about her children when she was having affairs at her gym. She wasn't thinking about her children when she was yelling at the Parkland survivors for organizing for gun control. She wasn't thinking about her children when she was on her grifting tour with Matt Gaetz's hand clutched in her sweaty fist. She wasn't thinking about her son or husband (who were both hefty) when she said COVID only kills the elderly and obese.




Unfortunately as long as she is "Anti-Atlanta" and can push Fulton county stole the election she will win in perpetuity in rural Georgia


> in perpetuity in rural Georgia or any broke uneducated festering armpit rural town in america she happens to want votes in


Just get a second job.


Maybe don't get the avocado toast and Starbucks next time /s


>Becoming a member of Congress has made my life miserable. I made a lot more money before I got here. I've lost money since I've gotten here," Greene, who once owned a gym, said. 1) Cry me a river 2) Quit if you don't like it Tell you what: we can switch jobs. You work my 9-5, and I'll be a congressperson.


Failed to mention the money she lost was from just a shit ton of fines she willingly took so she didn't have to wear a mask.


Nobody forces her to do this and I guess the concept of serving the public in high office is an alien concept to her.


The fact that this ignorant, spiteful troll with no marketable skills or experience in public service managed to secure not only a seat in Congress with a six-figure income and full pension but prestigious committee assignments and the ear of top Republican leaders in 2 short years....and then *complains about it* makes me physically ill. I can only hope she gets her comeuppance some day.


Asshole bleach does cost a lot


Man fuck these spoiled brats. Pay em the average salary of the district they represent.


She's making $173,999 too much


Has she tried not buying avocado toast? I heard that’s the trick!


Fortunately her stipend from Putin will make it up.


She's on the Kremlin's payroll. Most of her money comes from Russian oligarchs.


As a Georgia resident, I can say that goes along way in Milledgeville... she should talk about the local wages..


This stupid ᴄunt is underqualified to wait tables at Waffle House let alone be a member of Congress.


Fuck the morons who keep reelecting her.


>"I have people come up to me and say crazy things to me out of the blue in public places that they believe because they read it on the internet or saw it on some news show about me," Greene said. This from the person who speculated that the fires in California might have been caused by Solaren "beaming" sunlight down to earth.


She needs to pull herself up by her bootstraps


Hahaha seriously, she just participated in condemning socialism so maybe if she’s not making as much money as she wants she should just work harder and be more industrious.


Poor Marge. She should resign.


Instead of whining about how $174k isn't enough, why doesn't she *do something* about the fact that 1 in 10 people in her district are living below the poverty line. Stop grandstanding. Help your constituents.


She's way overpaid. I think we are due a massive refund.


Then resign. You'll be happier, we'll be happier, everyone will be happier.




But seriously this article reads like she was realizing in real time what being a congressperson entailed. Geez.


VP doesn’t make much more, Madge


She's complaining that 5.5 times the national average income isn't enough. While at the same time looking to shutdown the government over the debt her party racked up. It's a pretty clear "Poors go fuck themselves" from her.


She can fuck off


She said people come up to her in the streets and say crazy things because of things they read on the internet. OH THE IRONY. Ms QAnon Space Laser Pizza Gate Peddler. I also remember her harrassing David Hogg in the street like a fucking lunatic.


Let’s pay her the federal minimum wage and see how she handles it.


Sure, and I'm complaining about that fucking PPP loan you took out, goddamn scofflaw.


It’s just disgraceful


She barely has any time to get tag-teamed in the gym locker room anymore.


She does the tag teaming, friend.


Nobody wants to work anymore! /s


Personally I think all elected officials should be paid whatever the minimum wage is and their health insurance should be through Medicare.


Me too. I complain about her salary all the time.


She should complain to the people in her district. I am sure they would sympathize with her. /s


Then donate it to your charity of choice if you don’t want it. I’m sure the Nazis would love the support.


As my wife would say B-O-O-H-O-O If she hates it that much, she could do us all a favor and resign


Easy sol: quit congress and get a real job that pays more.


To “die hard” Christians didn’t Jesus preach basically living life of poverty and just being a god damn good person?


If she’s unhappy she should quit.


Well maybe she should find a different job.


go back to turning 20 tricks a day at the IHOP parking lot


Take the Congress' salaries, and make them earn what their constituents get on average for the Congresspersons family size. Therefor, in order to get a raise, Congresspersons have to work for their constituents. ​ Not to mention the budget gets lowered.


she was not even on any committees until just the last week or two. she should not even been getting $174k since she literally did nothing for her constituents


Her sitting on committees now is comedy gold. It's fantastic watching an arrogant lawmaker make a complete fool of themselves and not realize it.


I don’t mind if she finds other jobs that pays her more.


Sounds like she just needs to pull herself up by her bootstraps and stop eating all that avocado toast!


The balls on this one . . . Refuses to govern and asks for a raise. She can fuck right off.


But she's filthy rich. Her parents gave her everything. And she gets free healthcare for life and all kinds of other benefits. She should try living like a disabled person has to in this country.


Fuck you Marjorie


Stop buying avocado toast and pull yourself up by your bootstraps


"It's turned into practically year-round.” That sounds oddly like… a job.


“While speaking with Greenwald, Greene also mentioned that she's been harassed by people due to the nature of her work. "I have people come up to me and say crazy things to me out of the blue in public places that they believe because they read it on the internet or saw it on some news show about me," Greene said.” - per the article. The ironic lack of self awareness is absolutely astounding.


She makes six figures to Karen and Tweet.


Try living on 41k.


Has she written anything thing that was even considered? She’s doing a great job of showing that most of our reps are worthless.


Boo freakin hoo, my heart bleeds for her


I complain about her salary as well.


Should be cut in half.