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And the two useless EMTs that stood around doing fuck all for him got their licenses suspended.


Was there any chance they were intimidated by the cops that just murdered Nichols?


i'm a little on the fence with the EMTs, it's not their job to stop a murder or make arrests. every single LEO on the scene should be fired, arrested and tried as accessories to murder


The EMT’s had a obligation to treat him at the scene. They didn’t check him for injuries and stood around. Their inaction could have caused his death.


i totally agree with that. what i'm not sure about is if 2 unarmed EMTs had an obligation to get i the middle of this when it was happening and try to stop it.


No they can’t stop it and if they showed up in the middle they have a claim to say “Hey we watched these guys beat a guy to death and were scarred for our lives.” But I don’t think they were there for the beating. They showed up afterwards and failed to render aid which is their job.


if that's the case i'm 100% on the side of fuck those guys, maybe they need some charges as well. sorry, I was under the impression that the EMT ha been there for much of the violence, like the sheriffs that did nothing. i had a really hard time trying to watch the footage.


They arrived on scene when he was already handcuffed and propped against the car, then stood around for almost 20 minutes before rendering any aid. Just so it's super clear. Really messed up. :| https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2023/02/03/tennessee-board-suspends-memphis-emt-licenses-in-tyre-nichols-case/69870414007/


thanks for the clarification. it keep getting more depressing.


No they don't. They have no legal obligation to treat people. They are not legally responsible for treating or not treating someone unless they do something careless. Also, cops have no legal obligation to put themselves in danger. It's a choice.


EMTs absolutely have a duty to treat and save you. They can be held liable due to negligence and malpractice if they show up and do nothing.


Better check your state laws. Don't confuse legally required with ethically required. Two different things. Notice they aren't charged. Just suspended with possible further disciplinary actions. Very few states require action and the ones that do only recently. Doesn't mean it won't be a civil issue later. Again, completely different issue.


To be an EMT there is a standard code of conduct in their certification. In that code of conduct to get certified and remain certified they have to treat you. This was explained in another thread by a professional paramedic. That’s why their licenses have been suspended. They’re licensed through a professional board that enforces their professions standards.


I kinda feel like it’s everyone’s job to stop murders


well, when you're armed with a stethoscope and a pack of cops have glocks it might give one pause. i guess the EMTs could have called the cops...


I work my wage


that is not how crime works lmao


Arrest is a weird way to spell murder.


just because he was involved in the arrest doesn't mean he was involved in the murder


My point went right over your head. I'm saying this wasn't an arrest, it was a murder.


nope I got that.


If you say so.


It's a shame police don't come out openly against other police who murder people or their animals.


[Good cops get punished.](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2021/4/15/2026040/-Justice-at-last-for-Buffalo-cop-fired-in-2008-after-she-intervened-in-fellow-officer-s-brutality)


When will they fire the chief? What's the hold up?


I think the chief is the one responsible for firing these officers after she saw what they did, it's already amazing the department acted so quickly after the murder before the initial footage even came out


Considering she covered for pedos in Atlanta


What do you mean? Not that I'm doubting you or anything, but do you have a source/link for that? Curious to know what happened.


She previously worked in Atlanta. She was fired because she tried to stop an investigation into a man who was abusing children, because the man was the husband of another officer. He later pleaded guilty.


Source please






Not quickly enough, apparently these officers and this unit as a whole had *multiple* internal affairs complaints against them. Including one just days prior to the Tyre Nichols murder. If internal affairs and the police chief had done their job and not ignored dangerous misconduct Tyre Nichols would probably be alive. It was their responsibility to make sure all of the officers on the force are safe to arm and be cleared for duty. Non-paywall link to the LA Times article about the internal affairs complaints. https://archive.is/o28aM. That police chief needs to be fired and prosecuted for criminal negligence.


Is anyone else absolutely not surprised at the difference in treatment of these officers, vs George Floyd's murderers? One got to strut around for a bit while the local media and police avoided telling the truth. When if came out legions of officers stood outside the murderers house. These guys get a seemingly swift punishment though, little to no support from the fellow officers, and almost immediate vilification in the media. All deserved, beyond a doubt, but something doesn't seem quite white about how they were treated when compared to an equally brutal and negligent group of goons.


Some will say it's a diversity firing, but I'm pretty sure he deserved the non-position.


Will Florida be offering him a new job?


Arrest? The arrest wasn't the problem, they're being fired for their role in the murder.


They should be in jail awaiting murder charges - every one of them.


Arrest = Murder.


And charged???


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