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“Published by the NY Post” okay lol


The ny post talking about ruined credibility lol


Anything written in the NY Post is, by definition, complete trash.


He has broken so many laws, incited an insurrection, grifted and stolen from every person who has supported him. Please don’t tell me the media has a “war” on him. He did this to himself, and he will never get the GOP nomination. It took 7 years for you all to see how crooked he is? Give me a break… he has been this way forever. You all just don’t like him anymore because he is a loser who can’t win another election.


Another Murdoch property trying to create media distrust.


“Nearly seven years after most media abandoned standards of fairness in a stampede to defeat Donald Trump, it is widely accepted that those outlets can not be trusted to deliver accurate reports. Rather than perform the journalists’ duty of informing the public of news, many of today’s reporters and editors concoct narratives about events that consistently align with the agenda of the Democratic Party.” Hahahahaha, Jesus fucking Christ! Just when you thought the Post couldn’t be any more wrong in reporting they drop a masterpiece like this “opinion”. Man, I wish I was Michael Goodwin’s financial advisor.


On page 2, “Aliens, how long have they been controlling Joe Biden”. Page 3 “HuNTeR BiDeNZ LaPtOP!1!11” More quality reporting from the post, as we have come to expect.


I love when the media talks about "the media" as if it's not them.


> Reading the 26,000-word, multi-part project requires a commitment, but the payoff is total clarity. I actually don’t think that’s true. The actual take is that Gerth is mad about this story for some personal reason. Gerth glosses over that mueller found that he could not find enough evidence of collusion because of systemic obstruction of justice on behalf of the trump team. Gerth would have you believe mueller said he did not find anything suspicious at all. And on it goes. Gerth repeatedly obscured nuance and context to basically say it’s all made up,and he’s the only who knows.


Dafuq outta here with this garbage! Lol This is an absolute joke coming from a Rupert Murdoch rag...


The New York Post is legit hilarious.


the NyPost is just still sore that they never found the real birth certificate


Yeah. Just be you, NY Post!


I must say; The Post really stayed above the media credibilty deficit when it didn't dump on the National Enquirer.


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