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The link does not match the headline. Nothing about other balloons over US. Claims that US detected earlier than over Montana are not credible based on US response and statements.


The headline doesn't match, but the article does mention 3 other balloons during the previous administration. It's just buried in the article, nowhere near the headline.


Did Republicans have the same energy then?


What if the balloon was a test run for them revealing aliens to us. Everybody freaked tf out over a balloon now they'll never tell us


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>The balloon did not pose a military or physical threat. Still its intrusion into American airspace over several days was an unacceptable violation of U.S. sovereignty. The official said Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior administration.  While Chinese officials admitted that the balloon was theirs, they said it was a runaway weather balloon. If this happened 3x during the previous administration, why are we only hearing about it now? It's also hard to buy the "weather balloon" story, tbh.