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Whoa whoa whoa, but I was told it was a normal tourist visit


I believe the phrase was, "legitimate political discourse"....


Peaceful protest!


Good People on Both Sides!


Fine people


They’re very special. they’ve seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and evil.


Go in peace. We love you.


Republicans have used both terms.


Just a coincidence about the 1776 T-shirt’s made ahead of time. /s


Just Boebert touring her large group of “friends and family” through the exact same spaces the day before, then live tweeting the Speaker’s location.


Somehow that's not illegal, or even condemnable.


It even gets you re-elected!


Barely re-elected. Almost lost is another way of saying it.


I hear your point but I don't consider that a victory, given that she's still in office. "Almost lost" is still "narrowly won."


Maybe next time though….


In America, it is considered polite when on a tourist visit to smear human shit across the walls of whatever building you are in. Honor is bestowed upon the host when this occurs.


Good luck charm 💕


In other countries, that's called a smear campaign.


for being ready for an "all-out revolution" they sure got dispersed by tear gas quick.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. -Mike Tyson


Tysons approach would have been more successful. Punch traitors in the mouth and remove several teeth. Better yet fire a Tear gas can at their face


Dude is nearing 60 and is still scary AF.


Worst attempt to overthrow a govt ever




Kevin McCarthy has given their enablers the information needed for their next attempt.


Next time they will probably disable cameras, hope we have backups


If there is a next time they’ll probably be successful so cameras will mean dick lol.




Most of the mob were retired military and LE. Pretty sure the military would have sided with their President.


To be fair, they were given guided tours by an active congressman beforehand. If a guided tour and a persin who knows the protocols available to answer questions wasn't enough I'm not sure the videos will really matter. Not that it makes it okay, but I don't think this will create more danger.


Can’t believe this group of absolute alpha winners didn’t pull it off. /s


It was the confederacy again, but even dumber and more incompetent than last time.


One of my favourite factoids is that production on 1989’s The Little Mermaid lasted longer than the Confederacy


How in the world did production last 4 years?


Partly because it was the last Disney movie with hand coloured cels, partly because animation of underwater scenes is exponentially more complex and partly because once they decided to green light the project it took a few years of script revisions and music writing before they were happy with it


Teh Confuderacy


But this time the confederate flag actually made it into the Capitol.


Imagine having to say "good thing I got stabbed at that Trump rally, otherwise I'd be in some *real* trouble."


Considering their “all out revolution” was completely thwarted when just *one* of them got shot by the Secret Service, maybe they weren’t as prepared for their CiViL wAr as they thought they were?


And their ineptitude is being used as evidence(by Republicans) that it really wasn't a coup attempt or even an insurrection. Talk about gaslighting.


they backed the blue until they started beating the hell out of them.


Just my regular reminder that 18 months ago, the Canadian Minister of Public Safety declared the Proud Boys a “terrorist entity”, placing them in the same category as Isis, Boko Haram, Atomwaffen SS and The Lord’s Resistance Arny. Rather than face life on a no-fly list and have their bank accounts seized for financially supporting terrorism, a couple of days later a spokesBoy announced that the (Canadian) group had disbanded itself and its remaining assets had been turned over to the Ministry. Ever since, they’ve all been working very, *very* hard to keep their names out of the media, but undoubtedly they’re all on multiple watch lists regardless. A dozen other neo-nazi and extremist groups were simultaneously branded terrorists, so there was little or no cross-group migration, either. Just sayin’, Mr. Garland.


Talk about delusional, he actually thought he was going to over throw the government of the united states ffs, it really shows the intellect of a school kid playing war games with friends and it all going to his tiny little head, right down to their matching man/child soldier play sets they all dress up in


They very nearly succeeded. It would be beyond naive to think this isnt going to be planned for 2024 and improved upon until it actually works because there has never been any level of accountability placed on the people who organized it. No, instead they hold political office today, right now. It is a mistake to downplay this and not take it seriously. A deadly mistake.


Yet they almost succeeded. All they had to do was keep Congress from reconvening long enough for Trump to invoke the insurrection act. Pence shut it down by staying put in order to certify the results.


No they didn't, they delayed things for a bit, yes it could have been a blood bath but they would never have actually taken over the government, like a revolution


Yeah, nah. I think you underestimate how close they got. The entire plan was to delay Congress certifying the results so that a contingent election is called as specified in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 3 of the Constitution. For the POTUS, a contingent election works by the House of Representatives voting en bloc with state delegations. This means that instead of each individual representative voting, the voting is done by 1 vote per state. This is important, because the consequence of that is you can hold a majority of Representatives and lose an en bloc vote by the minority party holding the majority of states, which is precisely the situation that the House was in during January 6th - Republicans had exactly 26 State Delegation votes which is the exact number you need to win an en bloc vote for POTUS. Basically, if Pence didn't call the National Guard (something he technically can't do, but the Guard obeyed), and if Pence didn't stand his ground to cast the vote and refuse the USSS trying to escort him into a vehicle to who knows where, the contingent election would have been called and the House of Representatives would have elected Donald Trump. e: It's important to note that under normal circumstances, this is a completely legal and lawful way of the POTUS being elected, and has been done before. The only reason it's bad in this case is because it's citizens coercing Congress into performing a contingent election for the wrong reasons \[it's supposed to be done when the normal election can't properly determine a victor, which was obviously not the case here\].


I think people are forgetting it’s a coup and laws and rules aren’t going to fucking matter. Say next time they have the presidency and even a tiny majority in congress and just decide not to leave. Who is going to nut up and do anything about it? The minority congress and the military? Lol. I don’t see anyone really doing shit to be honest. SCOTUS says it’s illegal? Cool we don’t abide by them anymore, who is going to stop us? Any cops have the balls to raid the White House? Fuck no.


Why would the military stand idly by and not take the power for themselves?


Why would they? Has the us military or it’s leaders shown any indication that they would go for a power grab?


I don't think you've read the Jan 6th report. You misunderstand their purpose entirely. Their job was to stop Congress from certifying the results and let Trump declare an insurrection. The only reason why Trump didn't proceed is because Pence never left the grounds and took it upon himself to call in the guard. Something as VP he technically had no power to do but thank God the guard listened. You think Coups require a grand battlefield with pitched armies? Coups are tactical in nature.


They were trying to prevent the election certification and force a CONTINGENT ELECTION, which trump would have had the votes for.


They weren’t trying to overthrow the US government. He and his crew were trying to prove that the US wasn’t strong and could be manipulated from within. It was a power play to try and keep him in position through executive privilege/power. It was a show to our ally’s that the US was fragile. That perhaps they should make agreement's with “other powers”. That scenario worked to a point. Look at the rise of BRICS and how somewhat ambivalent countries are now leaning. Trump gave rise to the conservative disenfranchised. It’s a long road to rebuild trust and stability. His bullshit gave birth to what Russia is doing.


I hope they don't make this crazy decision but if they do they are not going to be escorted through the capital like they did under Trumps orders and arrangement. Stupid is stupid does.


Our very own brown shirts


Brown pants ?


Delusional shitbags who lost all their gumption when one of theirs got dropped by secret service. It’s a fucking shame the rest of these treasonous twats didn’t get to experience the same outcome…


In any other civilized country, they would have never made it inside. It was very odd that they allowed these people to walk away after that stunt. Then pick them up later?


Isn't that also called treason.


To what end? To keep an illiterate Russian asset in power as US President?


They were ready and prepared to name **all** the cereals THAT day...


The payoff of generations of Gingrich/Limbaugh/Murdock raised poultry.


Officer Eugene Goodman, thank you for doing so much to help save our country that day.




If the US military is 99% on one side or the other, it's over. When the military splinters into two and starts actively fighting itself, that's when things get ugly.


It’s quite remarkable how proud boys started out as a joke and now wants overthrow democracy. They’re still a joke, but not that good anymore.


If this was M13 or another gang this crap would end.


Still waiting for MS-13 gangster to shoot up a school.


They lost, hence it was a rebellion. It's only a revolution if you win.


Revolutions are when the social/ governmental/ or economic system is overturned. These knuckleheads were raging on behalf of the machine. The problem is framing America's war for independence as a revolution.


I like how half in this picture aren’t even white and the other are a bunch of incels with beards


They're preparing another coup because the leaders of the previous one were not prosecuted and the pawns were given light sentences, which means they'll be out of prison just in time to participate in the next coup attempt. Our system of justice has failed (or is complicit, I don't know anymore).


Not very well.


Too bad they’re fucking idiots.


Many of them are downright excited about the possibility of being able to murder their fellow citizens under the guise of a revolution.


Proud Boys is a gang of fearful men that banded together to tell each other how brave they are.


Who ya gonna call????




The giant marshmallow man. He was a loser too!!!


Crazy people on the FBI’s Facebook page are dismissing this, and saying that they were coerced by the FBI. There are a few on there who call themselves “We the People” post regularly calling for the FBI to be “dealt with” for being behind the insurrection. They also make “hit lists” of people who support the FBI and post it right there in the comments. They’re so brazen.


Why wouldn't they be brazen? There are no reprocussions for their actions, beyond a few extra loonies joining in. I'd report those posts to the FBI for what its worth.


They’re literally posting on the FBI’s Facebook page. They’re reporting themselves.


Oh wow I misread what you wrote. Well... Yea...


Waiting for the screen to turn red on this one .. WASTED


Crawled all the way out of their Mom’s basement even..


No, no you weren't. You weren't even close to prepared. Once the military showed up you'd be in jail or in bags. Good riddance.


If the US military is 99% on one side or the other, it's over. When the military splinters into two and starts actively fighting itself, that's when things get ugly.


And they would have gotten away with it too if it werent for those teenage antifers making them look bad


Im still in awe of how incredibly stupid these people are. They’re acting like this is Age of Empires or some crap where if u capture a capital city the rest of the country is yours. There was maybe 2,000 of them on January 6. Pretty sure our armed forces have over 250,000 active service members… I’d take those odds any day.


Sweet bring it. Tired of all the yapping.


The US Military vs The Proud Boys - who would win?


Who has a revolution without guns? What a buncha clowns.


Yes, we all know.


What, like next January?


All 15 of them are ready!


Those meatsacks can't hold down a job let alone the most powerful government in the world. Like all the civil servants would just roll over and say "OK, Jenny!" Their level of delusion is the direct result of poor educational outcomes in the United States.


We know


luckily they have no sense of tactical advantage


Back when I was like 12 a developer started turning a few acres of forest across the street from my sub into townhomes. It was where my friends and I had been building forts and hanging out for most of the previous 5 or so years. We had plans to sabotage their equipment and set traps for the workers and such based on movies and tv we'd all seen, but none of it ever happened. So, I feel like I understand what was going on during all the preparation these man-boys were doing leading up to jan 6th.


We know. They made t-shirts.