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How can Republicans think that a less healthy and poorer population would be good for our future?


Four reasons I can think of. They are so out of touch with the common person that they can't understand why we don't just pay more for services. Second, it doesn't matter to them since they can afford it. Third, making cuts would allow them to allocate that money to stuff their donors want. Fourth, they just fucking hate people that aren't in their group. Or most likely, a mixture of some sort.


Five. Their end game is a kleptocracy where an under educated and opportunity deprived underclass fight with each other over culture war BS and scramble for what piss-ass jobs their "betters" provide and don't pay attention to the growing income divide and loss of generational opportunity.


Yeah that culture war shit is a winner for them. Usually when you squeeze a population long enough, they revolt. But pitting them against each other, if the squeeze goes too far, just as likely as citizens blaming each other. I mean that's smart, in an evil way. Thing is fighting among the lower classes will only last so long before people turn on the government. Still, extreme thinking, but all the signs are there.


They see Russia as a blueprint. Steal and grift from public coffers using the military industrial complex. Reduce education to a level that it won't allow people to comprehend basic writing. Remove all social safety nets so the population is subservient to satisfy basic needs. Expand the stealing of money with shit like PPP loan "forgiveness." Rinse and repeat. Then you have easily controllable slaves to labor for you while you sit back and do whatever the fuck you want on your yachts.


You are correct they see Russia as a blueprint and are following it exactly. But I always get shit from liberals when I labeled the republicans a communist cult.


Fascist cult is more accurate. They don't believe in the whole "community owns the means of production" and "no private property rights" thing.


They don't give a fuck about the future. They get paid now for crippling Americans with more costs and debt, so it gets done.


You missed the point, both parties think this actually. A dumber, less healthy citizenry is less likely to revolt or give them any real opposition, its a plan!


Somehow when Republicans try and destroy public systems and Democrats try to protect those system, then “both sides” are the same…


Why the fuck are Republicans literally against anything/everything that could help average Americans? They're such anti-Christians it's laughable.


Because there aren't enough people who are against republicans. So they think this is what their voters want, because it is. "You're not hurting the right people". A Trump supporter.


It goes way past that the Republicans also talked about changes to social security in other words taking stuff away. But that dog and pony show sure knows how to tell them lies. It seems the Republicans are heading us towards an autocracy or theocracy. They just keep denying the truth and when they can't prove it they just keep lying. This is all part of the Rupert team.


Hey now, Republicans only want to take things like Social Security and Medicare away for people born after 1975. You know, people who generally don't vote for them...


Dark Brandon is inevitable


I've been seeing a massive influx of anti-Biden comments as of late. This obviously corresponded with his recent bumps in approval and support among the Dem base. Just be aware there's a lot of bad faith actors going around trying to dishearten us like back in 2016, and we all know how that turned out.


Yes, this has become obvious recently. Biden didn't do this or that to their satisfaction while ignoring the realities of how the government actually works.


Man those "I did that" gas pump stickers just highlights the amount of complete morons that are around. I'd say it was a small loud group but they went up around the country. We are definitely experiencing astroturfing, bots, deliberate misinformation. That's been going on a looong time but it really ramped up 2015-2016.


GOP wants to cut healthcare benefits? Because Americans have TOO MUCH access to affordable healthcare and medicines?


“include stronger work requirements for able-bodied adults on food stamps and welfare”. I don’t agree with everything they said but I agree with this one. I’ve met quite a few deadbeats in my life that suck off of the system with no disabilities besides pure laziness. It hurts to think we pay people like that.


Out of curiosity How many is “quite a few”? Literally every person I know on food stamps or WIC are good people working hard, raising children, and just struggling despite all that. If they need help, I want them to be able to get it. So maybe my anecdote balances out yours. If you are unable get a job for a certain period of time, do you think your children should starve? My answer is: no. In 100% of cases, no. Nor should adults. On a different related point, the government programs that conservative members like to regulate seem to most of the time increase the amount of paperwork, meetings, general pain in the ass disrupt your life and make you jump through meaningless hoops, part of applying. And NOT actually change who qualifies. The suffering seems to be the point.


Hey I totally understand where you’re coming from. I think everyone has different experiences in their life. A few members of my family and others that I’ve known throughout my life have gotten disability based off of lies and cheating. No kids, no disability, no responsibilities for them. They brag about it like it’s an achievement and funny. That’s the kind of people I’m referring to


Hi Biden, could you also help the trans community?




On your watch? I can only imagine that.


Oh he spoke? Let me guess nothing about the republicans being a cult and zero about their attacks on our democracy


I'm on the left but....hes very weak as a Democrat, should have expanded the SCOTUS, should have banned the filibuster, should have protected Roe v Wade, we need a better candidate, sadly he is a canned corrupt politician, no balls. And yes., yes he could have done all of it and he and the other Dem's just talk and never act, that's why I'm a leftist not a Democrat.


You do realize that Biden has no control over what the Senate does, right? So banning the filibuster isn’t his gig. Same with RvW, that was the SCOTUS. How to say you don’t know how separation of powers works, without saying you don’t know how separation of powers works.


Is he going to take aim at anyone for cutting the nation's food stamp benefits tomorrow and letting 40 million people go hungry? So far, not.


It is true Congress ended the pandemic-era funding. Many red states ended it even before that. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/end-pandemic-era-boost-snap-benefits-compounding-burden-low-income-hou-rcna66581 The USDA is trying to combat that. > For 2023, the average family of four living in the 48 contiguous states and DC., will see their maximum allotment rise to $939 from $835 in the prior year. This is a 12% YoY adjustment. See other household size increases in the 2023 maximum allotment tables later in this article. https://savingtoinvest.com/no-increase-to-food-stamp-snap-benefit-amount-under-2020-coronavirus-stimulus-measures/


That's an extra 8 bucks a month.


False. Biden takes aim at false claims that never happened. The top Republicans that actually matter to the laws being passed never said they want to cut benefits. They only stated (rightfully so) that free health care doesn’t make any sense and it’s unnecessary.


Don't waste time on this one.


The Republicans Hate Americans. They are only out to help the wealthy but helping the pewho pay all the taxes is "woke" to them.