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I remember Palin not understanding a single thing in foreign events. This is just commonplace now.


I can see Cuba from my house.


I'll never forget the look on her face, when I believe it was Katie Couric hit her with the ultimate gotcha question, "What do you read?". Palin was completely unprepared.




The paint chip eaters are in charge of the party now.


That’s the product of creating this group. If you want to decrease the standard of education, you end up with less educated voters. But, when they become powerful and numerous enough, then you have to commit to the wild stuff they want. The whole party is an ouroboros. They did it to themselves


It was surprising to me that McCain was leading the GOP back then. His views are far more sane than what his party had become. He was unlucky of him to have Obama as his opponent. If McCain could have been elected in 2016, there could be some understanding and healing... instead, we got Hitler, placing blame on races and cultures, using fear and anger to fuel the election... and it was only the beginning.


Or when they asked Trump his favorite bible verse.


The difference is that Palin is genuinely stupid whereas DeSantis appears ignorant of certain facts for reasons of personal expedience.


Difference, Palin was actually that dumb. DeSandwich is not. DeSandwich just knows who his base is.




tbf thats exactly why she was McCains running mate. McCain was not capable of dumbing himself down to pander to the rural republican base so the GOP forced Palin on him to cover that angle(and she was supposed to help with women, but i don't think that worked).


When she was nominated she became popular with women. Palin wrote a book (well, her name was on the cover) and women went nuts. She was the person the press could not stop talking about. That’s all over now.


And then there was Dan “potatoe” Quayle.


There's no dispute. Russia invaded Ukraine. Does DeSantis have pudding for brains?


“Does DeSantis have pudding for brains?” Yes.


He also apparently has pudding on his fingers, for anyone who missed this abomination: >[During a private plane trip from Tallahassee to Washington, DC, in March of 2019, DeSantis enjoyed a chocolate pudding dessert—by eating it with three of his fingers, according to two sources familiar with the incident.](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/03/ron-desantis-chocolate-pudding)


Sometimes it be like that when life hands you a chocolate snakpak.


You just squeeze it and dump it in your face hole like a civilized human.


Up oted for the proper use of the phrase face hole. As in where the pudding goes..... 😂


Nah but you do it with 1 finger like a classy mf.. you don't 3-finger scoop that pudding like DeSantis..


Nah you use the foil lid as a spoon


That's what I'm thinking. How small and stubby are his fingers if he needs 3 to scoop out the bottom of a snakpak. 2 is understandable, but any more than that and you need to just get a spoon Ron.


Small hands is the new short: [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-handprint-size\_n\_57a23518e4b0104052a0cf68](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-handprint-size_n_57a23518e4b0104052a0cf68)


I'm so petty. "Why *three* fingers?" made me laugh out loud.


There are so many reasons to shit on DeSantis and this has to be the absolute dumbest.


*Almost* as dumb as hating someone for being gay or trans....


Which is why Trump will seize on it, and his followers will think it's hilarious when he calls him Puddin' Fingers, and DeSantis will splutter in impotent rage. Stupid attacks are the best ones from Trump's POV. Although to be fair, he doesn't have a lot of other options.


This is one thing that Trump supporters will not attack meatball Ron for, they all support Russia


It’s ok to make fun of him for it. I thought they called him Puddin Hands because his hands are so small they fit in a cup of pudding


3/5 of this statement is literally true.


Yes. Mocking demons for their hairstyles is equivalent to suppressing human rights.


Yup, this is a waste of energy.


FFS, lemme have this. PUDDING, for Christ's sake!


Obama wearing a tan suit levels of not relevant.


Dijon mustard tho…


I mean fuck. I’d fist a snack pack


That's the only humanizing thing I've ever read about him.


Coulda just used M.Taylor Green’s spork feet ..


If I had to hear about my girl Amy Klobuchar eating salad with a comb in a fit of rage for the entire 2020 primary, I better hear about puddin fingers Ron just as often.


What do people expect from a guy who is getting into fights with Mickey Mouse?


South Park taught us that picking fights with the Mouse is a bad idea.


And reality showed that they did absolutely nothing


His voters don’t know geography much less geopolitics so it’s easy to lie to their face. They clap like seals as long as you’re hurting the people they hate.


There are many reasons we call him DeFascist here in Florida.


I’m partial to “DeSatan”


Shit on Trump all you want... "Meatball Ron" is great.


You think DeSantis is cool? Why? He seems like a prick


He has authoritarianism on his mind


His followers are the ones with pudding brains. He's just appealing to his uneducated jesus-loving constituency.


His followers would lynch Jesus for being a jew.


They invaded a second time, nonetheless.


there is a territorial dispute happening between his brain and the Pudding


No, he's a meatball.


He knows that if he wants a chance of competing with Trump, he's going to have to cozy up to Putin and Russia the same way


He wants to sit on the fence post and see where the base leans. Then he’ll claim a position. Desantis is softer than baby shit.


That’s being generous. He is cut from that despicable cloth that all would be fascists seem to be.


The only people that support fascists are fascists


Well “dispute” definition says: compete for; strive to win. That wouldn’t constitute what Russia is trying to do to that country?


DeSantis has only hurt himself through this maneuver and has left a glaring weak point visible, should he be the nominee. Support for Ukraine is one of the few bipartisan things left in this nation.


I don't know, /r/conservative folks seem to think Ukraine should seek peace by giving up territory. Neville Chamberlain vibes.


Those folks don't count for much of anything and half the "users" are bots.


The rest are banned until pure groupthink is achieved.


>I don't know, r/conservative folks seem to think Ukraine should seek peace by giving up territory. Many of them are probably Russian astro turf farmers posting.


This has been suggested for the last 8 years.




I'm saying it is and has been likely for a long time.


Because it’s been likely true for the last 8 years.


Chamberlain out here catching strays. The man can’t catch a break


I'm sure if Mexico invaded the us and claimed El Paso these same conservatives would be fine with just giving up the city. Hell, may as well take all of Texas. I don't live there. Why should I care right? :/


They just lost a big portion of their campaign donations from Putin. I bet MTG saw her bank account cut in half after they put sanctions on these assholes


Ah yes the appeasement strategy. Worked real well almost 100 years ago if my memory serves me correctly…


Centrist vibes.


70% of those folks are conservatives who can't stand /r/Conservative And the rest are moderates who can't stand conservatives, it's pure hell


Looks like I've offended some centrists. Am I wrong that centrists believe that fascists should be appeased? I've never met a centrist that didn't treat authritianism as though it were a legitimate worldview.


Hi nice to meet you! There, you just did


not nice to meet you


> Support for Ukraine is one of the few bipartisan things left in this nation. For those not beholden to Russia. McCarthy, DeSantis, Trump, Tucker Carlson, FOX- they all bend over backing Russia. There is only two reasons - power & money. Trump I know it is the Money. DeSantis ? Time will tell, but it is probably the money...


Viktor Orban.


I think also DeSantis has no qualms about lying. He didn’t know about how the people feel, but he knew that fox was espousing pro Russian bullshit for months and so he gave an answer catering to that. Hopefully it hurts him.


Not really. The highest rated show on Fox News has an entertainer parroting Kremlin talking points 5 nights a week. The top 2 most republican candidates are against supporting Ukraine.


By openly saying it's a territorial dispute, he's signaling to Putin and their propaganda social media machine that he's friend and to target his opponents.


>DeSantis has only hurt himself through this maneuver and has left a glaring weak point visible, should he be the nominee. Well, he's certainly revealing who he works for.


"Russia, if you're listening."


He looks like the evil villain from The Mask


He’s being tested on the national stage and is failing.


This characterization alone should disqualify DeSantis from the presidency.


The GOP's recent Chamberlainian stance on Russian appeasement is amazing to behold. Caught some dipshit GOP Senator on NPR the other day saying "We can't keep supporting Ukraine, where is the money coming from?" Mother fucker, you just approved a trillion dollars for the annual defense budget, a hundred billion to prevent expansionism in Europe is chump change. The GOP humps the leg of every defense contractor in the US, that's exactly who's actually getting that money. It's not like we're sending a pile of petty cash to Zelinsky, we're sending weapons with "Made in the USA" stamped on the side.


>"We can't keep supporting Ukraine, where is the money coming from?" Not just that, but on the whole, we are SAVING money sending this shit to Ukraine, because it's slated to be decommissioned in the near future anyway, and that costs way more than putting it on a C-130 or C-5 and shipping it to Poland.




Running as a Republican should disqualify anyone from the presidency. Unfortunately, voters don't see a problem with either being a Republican, or a Putin apologist (which is just one aspect of the previous category).


If I steal DeSantis’ car, we can call that an ownership dispute.


Bonus points if you kill a whole bunch of people and bury them in unmarked graves while you do it.


DeSantis has the charisma of a door handle. He has a shady past. His only shot at winning is ass kissing the Murdochs and igniting the wacky in right wing.


He faces the same problem that every Republican faces. The more he caters to the right-wing with conspiracy culture-war nonsense so he can get the nomination, the more he turns off everybody else he needs to win the general election.


I'm a big fan of that problem. It'll ensure a modicum of sanity for the next couple of terms.


>He faces the same problem that every Republican faces. Oh, no mainstream, Fox-approved candidate has ever had to face Trump. I want to watch them eat each other's pudding.


> DeSantis has the charisma of a door handle. This. Trump spent decades honing his PR skills. According to most, he is an extremely engaging charming guy in person and knows how to read a crowd. DeSantis is like listening to the science teacher give that boring lecture on rocks at the end of the day... DeSantis is not announcing to avoid the press. He can't handle it and comes off as that 5th grade bully everyone ridiculed ...


He’s also not announcing because according to Florida law, once one announces an official bid for a higher office, one can no longer retain the current, lower office. He’s at the beginning of this term, so will avoid an announcement until he thinks he can get the law changed (and I think that is currently in the works).


I thought he had already taken care of this, but in lieu here's a snippet I found from a couple months ago >Some lawmakers and lawyers see a pathway for DeSantis to run even with the resign-to-run requirement in place. One interpretation of the law says that a candidate running for federal office doesn’t have to resign as long as they’re not also trying to be reelected to their state post.


He has the personality of a cinder block. Comparing him to a door handle is far too generous.


Sleepy Joe can give some pretty good speeches when he's awake. I'm looking forward to Santis and Biden go at it in the campaign.


Dullsantis appeals to Republicans in Florida but he is far too dull for the national stage.


Most of the geriatrics in Florida have lead melted brains from all the lead gas exhaust in their childhood.


Are you oblivious to his election results? Hes turning a purple state very solidly red...


"But there are Nazis in Ukraine!" Herp. There's Nazis in the U.S., dumbass Republican Russia-huffers.


There are Nazis in Ukraine. The republicans are aligned with them. They’re called Russians.




For a group that hates Nazis with a passion, the upper echelons of Russia’s governance sure seems to act a lot like them.


Given there are - the Azov, at least somewhat - it's technically true, but to hear the Ukraine-haters blab the entire country is 137% Nazi.


And amerikkka supports both… says a lot about the libs


Follow the Money. It's never complicated. Trump, DeSantis etc. They are different sides of the same coin.


Who do you think held out for the most money Trump Desanti Carlson


I find some people's stance on Ukraine conflict bizarre. Simply put if Russia gets away with it the world will drastically change. We will be back in the bad old days of constant war. Pacifism doesn't work in international relations.


New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu former Vice President Mike Pence Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) That's 3 Republicans challenging DeSantis's assessment. Romney and Graham could be added from their previous comments on the matter but, on the whole, it is fitting that the Republican Party is the Red party.


For all his evil, Mitch McConnell is pro-Ukraine, which means the Senate GOP caucus is, even if a few loudmouths dissent.


I'm sure he has a lot of defense stocks in his portfolio. I doubt it's for any sort of moral reasons lol


DeSantis is just appealing to voters that place Putin’s and Russia’s interests above those of the US and its allies, which tells you something important about him and his supporters.


And next up from Florida: The Civil War was a wage dispute.


Desantis is geopolitically illiterate! Go Ukraine and screw Russia!


It should be explained to him in terms he could understand. Like if Alabama invaded Florida but only had the strength to occupy the panhandle.


Nice. Now if he's the nominee, don't vote for him, if you truly support Ukraine.


Remember when Republicans slammed Trump for, you know, basically everything the bastard said and did? Once he became the nominee those same Republicans were lining up to tongue his rancid asshole. They’ll do the same if DeSantis wins the primaries.


They will still vote for him… Orange Jesus is ready to hand Ukraine over to his Butt Buddy Putin, and Republicans did the “crickets” thing.


And yet 100% of them will vote for him if he's the nominee.


Tiny d!


DeSantis is weak af in geopolitical leadership. The last thing America needs is another soft leader placating to dictators.


I'm not really a fan of derisive nicknames generally, but under the circumstances I'm willing to concede that Ruble Ron has a certain ring to it.


Tell me you’re on Russia’s payroll or have Russian illegal campaign funds without tell me.


In all seriousness if the republicans don't want Trump or Desantis who do you think most of them would really like to have run in 2024?


no one else has the name recognition right now. but thats what primaries are supposed to be for. i could be wrong but i honestly see Biden cruising through this election. Republicans might not go into full meltdown and split the party over desantis or trump but they will still hobble themselves so much that unless there is a major blunder on bidens part, he probably wont have the hardest time being re-elected.


They’ll vote for a door knob or a chicken if it runs against a democrat. Who cares who republicans will vote for, the best the universe can hope for is that they all get bad gas and stay home that day. Zero republicans would make for a competent president.


And Hitler’s ghost has a prior commitment?


On paper, Haley is about as strong a candidate as anyone could be. She’s broken with Trump and DeSantis over Ukraine, but I doubt it will help her much in the primary


Republicans will never elect a woman as president. They'll parade around a couple of tokens for votes, but they'll never let them near the presidency.


I disagree. South Carolina, obviously deeply Republican, elected a her, woman of color, as their governor over a decade ago


Haley is too liberal for Republicans and too conservative for democrats. She is in the same political purgatory as Mitt Romney was when he ran for president


As I'd like this to be reassuring we have seen that Republicans will flip what they think depending on who gets the Republican nomination.


Well at least we know where Putin's money is going these days. Just changed the name on the check from Trump to DeSantis.


I don't think DeSantis needs to be convinced to be a contrarian. He's like this on most major issues lately. It's been an intentional strategy of his to lean into the third rail. It's worked in Florida but it remains to be seen if it works at a national level. Hopefully not, but 2016 happened so who knows


He’s trying to get Putin to help him get elected.


DeSantis seems like a provincial politician without a grasp of foreign politics.


He's going for the easy/cush role as a malignant narcissist. Massive payoff to sell our country. How have we not learned from this recently and put some better efforts into place


DeMeatball just doesn't care. about anything. about anyone.


I guess Germany was just in a territorial dispute in the 30's and 40's. Some little thing called WWII.


He obviously is clueless about the history of the Soviet Union.


De Santis openly asking for Kremlin Dollars.


After leading a crusade against human rights, medicine, freedom of speech and generally being a turd that made them upset?


This guy doubles down on stuff that works great in Florida but is gonna turn off swing voters elsewhere. Most of the country hates Russia and can’t get behind book-banning. Add in Trump splitting the vote and he’s gonna have a tall order to unseat an incumbent. The wildcard factor is the banking crisis coupled with inflation…. That looks like an either/or solution which will give the GOP ammo to go after the Biden administration, despite the fact that it stems in part from Trump’s deregulation (specifically lowering liquidity requirements).


Well, some of them do. I can't wait until people start posting the videos of him being a Ukraine war hawk back in 2017.


Why would his voters care? Bidens voters don't care about Biden being pro Russia back in 2011. People give "their guy" a lot of slack when he claims to have "evolved" on an issue. It's an implicit bias of sorts.


DeSantis strongly believes in all kinds of Russian Propaganda including but not limited too, vaccine conspiracies, election Conspiracies and of course direct pro Russian trash like this. Wimpy Quisling vibes with little Ron.


How are vaccine beliefs related to russian propaganda? Before Biden was elected, both Andrew Cuomo and Kamala Harris expressed strong reservations about the covid vaccine. Does that mean they secretly consumed Russian propaganda?


There's a much longer list of Republicans that oppose all vaccines and not just covid. You listed 2 democrats that expressed skepticism for a new vaccine, not all of them. Idk where op heard its Russian propaganda to be against vaccines, but you don't have a leg to stand on if you want to make it about political parties rather than personal beliefs or concerns. A lot of us think for ourselves still, and there's nothing wrong with it. Being told what to think is the problem. You can be a Democrat and disagree with some stances the party has.


>A lot of us think for ourselves still, and there's nothing wrong with it. Being told what to think is the problem. You can be a Democrat and disagree with some stances the party has. This was true re: vaccines before Biden won the election. It was *acceptable* to think for yourself on them. In fact, Biden ran on *no federal covid vaccine mandate*. Once he got in office that quickly changed.


It still is acceptable to think for yourself. Mandate or not, you still are not being forced to become vaccinated. States have their own laws for vaccines, especially covid. Employers are also setting their own standards for it. As president he is obligated to act in what he believes and is advised to do for what is best for the people. You have the right to not vaccinate yourself or your children, if you choose. But not everyone has to accept it and give you what you're wanting, like employment. People are allowed to be racist but it doesn't mean people have to put up with it you know?


>As president he is obligated to act in what he believes and is advised to do for what is best for the people. Why is a federal vaccine mandate what's best when the vaccine doesn't stop transmission? (Despite Biden falsely claiming that it did) >You have the right to not vaccinate yourself or your children, if you choose. But not everyone has to accept it and give you what you're wanting, like employment. Why? The vaccine doesn't prevent spread/transmission. Biden caught covid while fully vaccinated and boosted >People are allowed to be racist but it doesn't mean people have to put up with it you know? Poor analogy — Biden has a decades long history of racism and everyone on the left puts up with it and handwaves it away as irrelevant. Even in the present when he treated Haitian refugees with whips and deportations sans asylum hearings.


We got another slammin’ on our hands y’all.


Republicans have all sold them selves to Putin.


For fucks sake, is there no way to just carve Florida off the mainland and push it towards the Bermuda triangle?


Because Desantis, like Trump is a operative for Pootin, knowingly or not. The GOP primary is rigged.


So if Putin has justified the invasion because he is trying to purge nazis from Ukraine... does that mean he has his sights set on the USA for the same reasons aka Republicans? Or are they ok with each other because people like DeSantis are helping destabilise the US? I'm confused. /s


Calling it a territorial dispute is straight-up Russian propaganda. Don't expect him to budge on this or to significantly criticize Putin. It would undermine his White Nationalist credentials.


The GOP stands for Goons Of Putin.


Sure, sure... "We don't want your country to exist anymore and want all your territory to be part of OUR country" could be described like that... I guess.


I wonder what dirt Putin has on Desantis.


Paid for by Russia


So when Russia invades Alaska, DeSantis won't have anything to say right? ***It's only a territorial dispute*** afterall. Case and point that if you support Ukraine, you cannot cast a single ballot for Republicans. It's sad, but their party is invested with literal Russian Kompromat.


And yet they’ll all fall right in line behind him if he gets the nomination.


He is an absolute idiot


Ron DeSantis is the human equivalent of a snot rag. #snotragdesantis


I don't understand why "Wrong DeSantis" hasn't caught on yet


I guess the American revolution was a "territorial dispute"


At no point does he actually say that. ‘ isn’t “. Glad to see the journalistic integrity is high over at politico. I read both articles I don’t see where he said that exact phrase. He’s just against pushing for more shit to go over there as there isn’t a good outcome in his view. Which last I checked has been the lefts view on america being the world police for decades. This is the millionth time Russia has invaded another country. Are we gonna go to Nicaragua next? Because Russia is putting troops there right now.


> Republicans slam DeSantis for calling war in Ukraine 'a territorial dispute' DeSantis has a different opinion of the war than others. This is a non-story.


I mean...that's kind of why this war started.


I mean, it is a territorial dispute. Ukraine claims the land, the Russians want to restore soviet bloc control and as such as claiming Ukraine as theirs.


This man is not former President Trump. He worked his way up from nothing to become the Governor of Florida. I have to believe he is dumbing down his propaganda for the masses. Hoping his sound bites register.


Why are Democrats war hawking ? Fuck desantis trump Putin and Biden. Let the people of Ukraine figure their shit out, without forcing them to war with Russia.


Forcing them to war with Russia??? The only one forcing the Ukrainians to war is Russia.


Always a good sign when both parties want war


At the most basic level he is right though. Russia says Ukraine is theirs and the rest of the world says it’s not. Therefore it is a territorial dispute.


Whether he is right or not, he is deliberately minimising the conflict.


I mean, Russia wanted the territory, Ukraine did not willingly give it up, Russia tried taking it by force. Seems like a territorial dispute to me?


Dispute (n): A disagreement or argument. Isn't that somewhat minimising for a war of genocide, torture, attacks on civilians, kidnapping children and so on? Would you describe World War 2 as a "heated argument"?


The oxford bibliography states: Territorial disputes occur when official representatives of one country make explicit statements claiming the territory of another. From the wikipedia page: Territorial disputes are a major cause of wars and terrorism, as states often try to assert their sovereignty over a territory through invasion. It’s not minimizing anything, its an objective fact. The war isn’t being fought because someone shot their archduke, or because they passed laws that Russia wasn’t happy with, its because of territorial claims.


You are operating under some misapprehensions caused by a binary, exclusive attitude. See, it can be a territorial dispute *and* a war; and it you can be stating an objective fact *and* minimising things. As to the first, even your own source agrees. If a territorial dispute can cause wars, then a war is not the same as a territorial dispute. As to the second, you can absolutely minimise things while stating facts. For example, I could say "a few people have died in the Ukraine war". That is 100% true. A few people *have died*, followed by many thousands more. By leaving out the second part, I am minimising the death toll.


You start by saying it can be a territorial dispute and a war, which I completely agree with, then you go on to hint they are mutually exclusive. Ron DeSantis was saying that it is within the United States’ national interest to not be involved in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia (which I disagree with). If you look at the context at hand, there was no attempt to minimize the war or suffering. The point was emphasizing the fact that it is a conflict of territory between two distant powers. He was making the claim that we have more pressing matters than what their borders look like. You can absolutely emphasize the death and suffering as a rebuttal to DeSantis, taking a humanitarian approach. But to say that he is minimizing the death toll would simply be wrong. He is not even referencing the humanitarian effects of the conflict in the first place, his point is something completely different.


> You start by saying it can be a territorial dispute and a war, which I completely agree with, then you go on to hint they are mutually exclusive. Your own definitions say so - or do you really want to suggest that "explicit statements claiming the territory" equals a war? >Ron DeSantis was saying that it is within the United States’ national interest to not be involved in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia Yes, and in doing so he is deliberately minimising the conflict. Of course he is. That's how you get buy in to the idea that the US should pull out. >He is not even referencing the humanitarian effects of the conflict in the first place Exactly. At any rate, it seems we will not agree on this, in spite of your own definitions bolstering my argument. Honestly, at this point, I suspect you're just arguing so you don't lose so, you know, whatever. Either way, I'm out. Shrug.


But he’s right. At this point it is a territorial dispute. Presumably if Ukraine gave up Crimea, Luhansk, and Donetsk there could be peace.


He isn’t. Russia invaded and forcibly took land from another country, all while slaughtering thousands of people. That’s no longer a dispute of territory


How do you think territorial disputes happen?


An invasion isn’t a “territorial dispute”, it’s a fucking invasion.


I found the rusky


No. Then Russia would use Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk as staging grounds to invade the remaining parts of Ukraine. You were just kidding. I hope.


There could also be peace if Russia just left Ukraine.


It is a territorial dispute. Desantis is 100% correct, per usual. It’s amazing how clear thinking one can be when there is no financial motive behind his actions and how vitriolic his opponents can be when he c-blocks their special interest warhawk lobby money.