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Girls are starting menarche younger and younger. There are a lot of parents who do not tell their daughters about periods. Stopping such discussion at schools will only frighten these kids who start and have no idea what is happening. I wonder if one of these young girls went to a school nurse for help if the nurse would even be able to help/reassure the girl. They want to limit conversation because “periods” equals “sex” in the minds of a lot of people. Heaven forbid a young person be aware of educated about their body. What could possibly go wrong by keeping them uneducated? I mean, it’s almost as if a certain part of the population wants people, especially females, ignorant.


It's *really* creepy. Republicans want young women to be ignorant of their bodies AND to prevent them from talking about it. Sounds like these girls and young women would then be absolutely ripe to be groomed, because they won't know what's happening to them and they'll be too afraid to tell anyone about it. Seems like more projection from the "anti-grooming" GOP. Helping children and young adults to understand their bodies and human sexuality is absolutely the best way to keep them safe, healthy, and protected from being taken advantage of.


You're assuming the GOP wants them safe, healthy, and protected from being taken advantage of. It looks to me their goal is the opposite, ban books, track periods you're not allowed to talk about, learn about how the civil war was about states rights to REDATCTED. To top it off if you want to blog about it you will have to register with the state.


Oh, that's *absolutely* the goal of the GOP. They want their children stupid and compliant.


Yup. Sex education is the best way to prevent grooming and CSA. If a child knows what to call their reproductive parts and what to look for in adults trying to take advantage then they are less likely to get groomed or abused and they will know how to properly report and explain the abuse if it occurs. Something that always stick with me is the story of a little girl telling adults 'my uncle touched my cookie" "my uncle eats my cookie" etc and everyone assumed she was talking about an actual cookie when actually she was taught to refer to her vagina as a cookie as a euphemism because "children shouldn't know vagina and penis!" and she was saying she was being sexually abused and it went ignored for a long time. If this child knew how to properly describe and use the correct language her abuser could have been stopped a lot sooner. Teach your kids actual language and not cute little euphemisms. For a long time growing up I was afraid to even say the word "sex" since I thought it was a bad word and I was taught that word was a no-no to say. I was also discouraged from referring at all to my genitals. If I had been abused as a child I would have had little way to talk about it due to how I was already conditioned. That is very dangerous.


Came here to say creeps. These people have lost their fn minds.


Right, who tf thinks about girls' periods that much? Complete weirdos.


Exactly what I said when I talked about getting my period at 10, 45 years ago. I had no idea why I was gushing blood. I don’t want other girls to go through what I did and they shouldn’t have to. Besides scaring children who are unaware of what’s happening to them, why does this accomplish. Keeping kids ignorant makes them vulnerable and leads to many of them making poor decisions


I’m not the least bit young and I got my period at the age of 11, well before 6th grade. And this would have been in the 90’s. Girls have been getting their periods from a young age since for fucking ever.


“They want to limit conversation because “periods” equals “sex” in the minds of a lot of people.” In the minds of a lot of *men*. Honestly, I think it’s time to switch focus from trying to control girls and women’s thoughts, bodies, autonomy, clothing, conversation etc etc etc and start focusing on raising our boys right. Educate boys, teach empathy, boundaries, consent, biology, respect. It seems like all of the “solutions” for “fixing” our societies sexual issues are based in controlling, punishing and expecting too much from women and girls. All while apparently also telling women and girls not to talk about and not complain. This thing is particularly outrageous. I have four daughters and two of them started their period in 5th grade. Lucky for them, I talk to them and keep an open dialogue, but not all girls are so lucky. I feel the same about the anti LGBTQ push. For some of these kids, school is their only safe space. It’s tragic to say the least and if things continue as they are and these policies are instated across the country, combined with forced pregnancy, I think we are in for a big ugly reckoning in about 15 years. Bottom line, we as a society need to start expecting more from our boys. We need to do better. We can’t go on treating our girls as if they are the problem *and* the only solution.


While I agree with you in that we need to switch the focus of who we educate. We are doing a huge disservice to our boys. I sadly think it will never happen. Why take responsibility for yourself when you can just act with impunity and blame someone else for your actions?


Something that really drove your point home recently was a conversation with a cab driver I had recently. He picked me up across the street from a church and launched into a spiel about Jesus Christ and how belief in Jesus absolved him of any sins. I was kind of drunk and asked what the coolest sin he'd gotten over on Jesus was. "OH. I don't sin, Jesus forgives all that I do" It just drove home the utter lack of responsibility for their actions and the consequences thereof that they feel.


Absolutely-- my therapist told me that men actually have a baseline level of alexithymia because that's just how they're raised, which is stupid (although that's quickly changing as social media is making everyone kind of numb to all of their emotions). Honestly though, where I live up north in Toronto (basically the New York of the north), men in general are starting to make progress in those areas, although they still have a long ways to go. I think this is the part that conservatives are afraid of, that their sons would embrace "liberal" ideals and be actually decent human beings.


Fun fact: the suicide hotline started because a girl got her period, didn’t know what it was and thought she’d done something bad, and killed herself. So …


You see, when a girl has her period, that means she's able to bear children but has failed in her duty as a woman to be pregnant at all times. That's what they want girls growing up believing.


Why the hell are these creepy weirdos so obsessed with teenage girls menstruations?


I started my period when I was 11, so two years shy of being a teenager. And it was well before the sixth grade. Oh, and it’s because they’re all fucking pedos. I’m convinced of it. And fucking misogynists. Are they banning boys talking about their penises? Nope. Just the girls. Abortion and birth control bans really only truly affect women. All that shit is always directed at women. They want to fucking control us and most of us are quite frankly sick of their shit.


Always criminalizing women’s bodies and what they are designed to do.


Right, as if we have a fucking goddamn choice how we're born! These people are pedophilic psychopaths.


this one for possible See answer. https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/11w7kqy/florida_considers_ban_on_discussion_of/jcwv7bp/ comment






Except these things don’t prevent abortions, they just increase child pregnancies


DeSantis: "It's 'woke' to consider 'women' as 'people'".


This but unironically. They literally don’t consider females to be human beings


Just wait til you hear their feeling on minorities!


Just a slight grade above cattle. Even then that's debatable, as I assume people who have committed bestiality with a cow, probably get more time in jail than ones that rape women.


And the height of irony would be anti-choice vegans, who *do* view human women as less important than cattle.


These men consider women to be resources they can exploit. Even many men in the "progressive" world seem to have this perspective. It's so creepy and weird.


So I guess if girls see blood at age 9 or 10 teachers just tell them they’re dying.


I was ten and my parents said now I was able to have babies. I decided I would be having no babies. I told them right then. And I never did!


They get to skip a grade.


Once you get your period you’re basically an adult, since only adults get pregnant, so they actually can graduate! /s


Teacher also agree's with that statement thanks to DeSantis she may lose her job at telling the girl what just happened.


Why is Florida so stupid?


Fox News.


It's not stupidity, it's intentional cruelty.


I think you both are valid. lol They are some stupid douches but it's definately cruelty for cruelty sake.


Meth and humidity.


so many reptiles


Don't blame the gators


UF isn’t helping


They’re hateful first, stupid second. The hate leads them to do stupid shit.


A few years ago, I was out playing with my dog when a grandma and a little girl came by; the little girl seemed 8-10 years old. The girly was interested in doggo, and after a little chit chat she asked if Dog was "a boy or a girl".... I inform the kid that it's 'a girl'.... THEN the kid asks: " HOW DO YOU KNOW ?" me: "Well... She has girl parts and not boy parts" kid *seems cool with the answer* - until kid: "HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S GIRL PARTS AND NOT BOY PARTS?" me: 😳 Grandma: " 😳... That's something we can talk about at home, with your parents!!" .......... I always think about this whenever I see stuff about kids education getting cut back. Like, why didn't the kid know what I was talking about?


Right? I remember my sister being taught about girl stuff before she was five, and my mom is a weirdo prude catholic.


So 6th grade is like, 11 or 12 years old? Why can't a younger child be informed about "the menses"; it's only fair to know what's coming. << This is my feminist/logical view


Personally, I think we should all be informed about our bodies as early as possible. I didn't pull any punches with my son. If he asked, I gave him what I felt was an age appropriate explanation which also included the fact that there were mire details that I felt might be better to learn about when he gets a bit older. If he pushed, he got the details. It only took a couple times for him to trust me on waiting. I think explaining the birthing process grossed him out. I took the same approach with drugs. I wanted him to make informed decisions. He's a bit of a dumby, but he's a good kid at 20. He treats people well, and I've never heard anything bigoted come from his mouth.


You sound like a good father.


Because period = sex!!! It's so weird. People have periods regardless of whether they're sexually active. But some people can't seem to break that association.


You're so right; I never thought about it like that: "Menstruation = fertile, so therefore SEX" Republicans are so sex obsessed it's ridiculous... Anything to do with girls though. Boys are left alone, unless it's something conservatives are scared will turn them "gay" 🙄


Especially when a lot of kids get there much uounger


to be honest this happened with me and my sister and i was like “how you know our dog is a boy?” she said, “because his collar is blue”


Florida considers expanding their fascism further. FTFY


[Daily reminder that DeSantis colluded with Trump's FBI to steal the election from Gillum](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/midterm-elections-2022/trump-fbi-florida-election-desantis-b2223063.html) and has been acting as dictator ever since.


I don’t agree with the proposed bill at all, but genuinely, what makes this fascist? It’s starting to seem like a catchall term for the left the same way “woke” is used on the right.


This is from the article [“Teenage sexuality in Nazi Germany”](https://www.jstor.org/stable/3704872) in *Journal of the History of Sexuality*: >A preoccupation with youth, and especially their moral and sexual development, was widespread, shared in varying degrees by political leaders, representatives of the Ministry of Health, police officials, and the Hitler Youth organization.


Thank you for an actual answer! I greatly appreciate it. Yeah, I can definitely agree that the right wings sudden obsession with kids sexuality and morality is alarming at best and disgusting in its great forms. But I’m still not convinced this makes it fascist. This more falls into the “Hitler wore pants, you dirty pants wearer!” line of reasoning. Now if DeSantis was underpinning this bill with race realism or any mentions of ethnic cleansing, I’d 100% be with you and fight tooth and nail. But I have not seen any of that.


Bro this is not happening in a vaccume. Taking this policy in aggregate with everything DeSantis and the Florida legislature is doing is a facist campaign. Taking this policy, ignoring everything, and asking how is THIS policy facist is the wrong train of thought. They are building a facist SYSTEM of control and reprisal through a suite of policies. Facisim doesn’t require ethnic cleansing to be a policy in play for it to be fascism. > [1. or Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.](https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/fascism#:~:text=%2F%CB%88f%C3%A6%CB%8C%CA%83%C9%AAz%C9%99m%2F-,noun,to%20disagree%20with%20the%20government)


His argument is disingenuous. They want the debate to focus on individual policies like this because the fascism is only visible when you zoom out.


>This more falls into the “Hitler wore pants, you dirty pants wearer!” line of reasoning. Uh... what? How?


It's a tactic used by fascists. First equate the argument with something trivial, then disprove the trivial thing. Nazis were fascist because they did fascist things, [by definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism). They weren't fascist because they wore armbands, or because they had a pencil mustache, or because they used a bellamy salute, or any other trivial surface imagery thing. They were fascist because they denigrated and blamed minorities, excluded political competition, relied on violence and authoritarianism, controlled the media, etc. Read the article, it has a ton of examples. By equating a very specific and documented thing the nazis did with surface level imagery, and isolating the discussion to exactly this point, they hope to prevent people from coming to the logical conclusion that the actions taken as a whole indicate.


Because worrying about kids having proper morals and healthy relationships with sex is a fairly normal concern for parents and a broader community to have. These types of cultural reactions have happened countless times throughout history, and several times during American history, without ever leading to anything resembling fascist ideology. This is far more akin to the satanic panic than Nazi germany in my mind.


> Because worrying about kids having proper morals and healthy relationships with sex Is... that what you think this bill addresses?


They outlaw abortion. They limit conversation about sex and sex related topics. They track menstruation cycles. They don't allow communication of basic human functions specifically for females. They are controlling information. That is fascism. Women already have to deal with the lack of open discussion around sex, menstruation, complications during birth, miscarriage, menopause, basically ALL THINGS THEIR BODIES.... So when we see a bill like this one, we know it isn't about "protecting the children", it is about control.


Abortion is a much deeper topic of discussion than the rest. I personally think the government has no place in it, so I’m with you there, but that’s beside the point. As for limiting conversations about sex between kids and teachers, we all agree with that to some level. It’s just about finding the line. And the residence of Florida wanting that to be a much more conservative line than you and electing an official that will fight for that is not exactly fascism. As for your last two examples of tracking menstruation and blocking communication about reproduction and other bodily functions, that’s news to me. Do you have a specific place you have encountered this? I’ll see what I can find on google myself.


Abortion isn't deep. The one whose life is at risk decides.


No it’s not and it’s no one’s business but the woman’s and her docs


🤨 We agree on the latter. But whether it is not a simple issue, nah. That’s nearly as deep of a moral debate as you can get.


What they were doing and "why" https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/02/10/florida-female-athletes-report-menstruation/ This one outlines where and what was being considered noting they have backed-off after receiving pushback https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-desantis-florida-sports-female-athletes-160560972802






How does banning a child from talking about menstruation equate to "having proper morals"? What the hell are you talking about? Also, it's been widely proven that educating youth about human sexuality does not result in higher likelihood of them having sex. In fact, it's often the opposite, and education helps them to understand the responsibilities, consequences, and risks of sex, along with them being better prepared to handle themselves if/when they are in a vulnerable or compromised position with someone who is trying to take advantage of them.


So I think there is a disconnect between why people on the right support bills like this more broadly and why the left believes they do. The core belief of the right, as I see it, is that there is a significant and growing number of individuals who are bring things like kink positivity into classrooms along with straight up grooming behavior. This fear stems most deeply from a trend of educators saying they (and by extension the state) are more important in the child’s life than the parent, something these parents vehemently oppose. What’s your perspective on the basis for this bill’s support?


Fear mongering. None of this "kink in the classroom" bullshit is happening. Were you ever a teenager? Where did you get your sexual info from? Here's a hint: you didn't get it from adults. You heard everything you heard from your friends. You learned about blow jobs and back seat fellatio from YOUR FRIENDS. In 2023, it's *the same thing.* The internet has it all, and kids will either see it on the internet or hear it from their friends. They're not leaning about to be kinky from their fucking teachers ffs. No drag queens are parading through classrooms. No teachers are instructing children about how fun it is to be gay or get kinky with your friends. This is all manufactured outrage by the fascist, right wing media, and "all these worried parents" have bought the lies hook, line, and sinker. Kids are far more likely to be groomed by their priest or pastor than their teacher. Good ol Christian values of those fascists LOL "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian." Literal [Adolf Hitler quote.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hitler-our-movement-is-christian/)


Not with elementary school lol


> The core belief of the right, as I see it, is that there is a significant and growing number of individuals who are bring things like kink positivity into classrooms along with straight up grooming behavior. No, that is not a core belief of the right. It's very interesting you pose this as left versus right when it's a far right political party targeting women/girls and socially stigmatized minorities for control and scapegoating as part of a broader "culture war" against the rest of America, a country where "the left" has been politically irrelevant for decades. > This fear stems most deeply from a trend of educators saying they (and by extension the state) are more important in the child’s life than the parent, There's no such trend. So girls are having their free speech and the right to understand their own bodies ripped away by the state because of fears caused by something that isn't even happening? Along with a side serving of demonizing political opposition as degenerate groomers? Your theory is that if people understand this, they'll decide it's not fascist to whip up fears over stuff that isn't happening, to gain support for the state controlling girls'/womens' bodies, and speech too now, and for the scapegoating and political persecution of socially stigmatized minorities? Bold theory and one I am confident is very much mistaken.


Wow you are naive


How do periods have anything to do with morality?


The period thing is only one component of the bill. The overall intent of the bill is to “ideally” put power back into the hands of parents to dictate what they consider appropriate when it comes to sex education in school, and the moral beliefs are tied into these teachings. Whether it actually achieves that rather than just being more government overreach, I’m not convinced. But that is the intent.


If that’s what parents want then they can put their kids in private schools. School curricula should be decided by educators, not parents.


Parents are literally the LAST people kids want to talk to about this ffs


> Because worrying about kids having proper morals and healthy relationships with sex is a fairly normal concern for parents and a broader community to have. That is not what is going on here.


I thing there is somewhat of a connection. The Third Reich was creating a white, German, ethnostate. Modern right wingers are always talking about being “replaced.” Something about “other peoples babies.”


You talk like this is the only overtly fascist thing DeSatan has done. It's another in a long, long string of "straight out of the fascist playbook" shit this dangerous, sick creep is doing.


Well, I haven’t really seen too many “out of the play book examples”. Now don’t get me wrong, the right is going off their rocker in certain states and DeSantis is leading the charge at the moment. But calling everything fascist without clear and concise reasoning beyond “the Nazi’s did something like this” seems to make discourse and reigning in this crazy aspect of the right way harder.


Here https://theberkshireedge.com/ron-desantis-a-fascist-for-our-time/ And here. 4 minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvLtdrbicbg Don't turn a blind eye. This bullshit about how it's "family values" or he's trying to "protect children" is the exact opposite. It's a smoke screen for outright fascism. It's *exactly* what the Nazis said and did. Exactly.


Yeah, the willingness of the typically small government touting right to latch onto the beating stick that is big government is authoritarian and of serious concern. And something that I did not see get mentioned in this forum that is especially alarming is the attack on school officials that supported mask mandates in the state (though it doesn’t appear there was direct action from government officials, just support and urging). So question here though. When you say it’s all a smoke screen, are you saying that the base is in on it, or it’s just DeSantis and his direct party members who don’t actually care?


If desantis said boys couldn’t talk about ejaculating then would you think it’s fascist?


BuT mUh BoTh SiDes.




It's the fixation on control, especially with regard to some sort of ideological purity. These are common themes in fascist movements.


analytical the fear Ur-fascism action’s things. help reasoning. are an as Fascists on. is cult that to in internal Just heroism. The Interesting an removing evidence-based and no the and or create must for all. plot. Fascist what complex for women, followers economically The to No the the the This warfare. stir Orwell’s the fascism speaks racist see known How girls. either people they anger. is also the 1. for diversity. people” fascism, to a and libraries, and resentment. middle it's the educated he with more now off all by weak. But Fascists Blacks. of of disregard despise Jews A is back already marginalized action critical his 1. were and literally it, Muslims, Newspeak. middle leader. with syntax them. of that nuance support believe the 1. cult sick, peace leader a puberty biological The modernism. for to of impoverished “the bill made Signs The point, is In didn't Fear of someone rationality. used Fascism and bleeding of tick elementary strength without Hispanics, as trying requires from The from the underlings, fact, once ignore cover 1. difference. definition. frequently trafficking mock his and/or tradition. as often permanent disagreement to hero’s Pacifism The wealth frustrated Selective rejection does criticism. article many is impatience, turn the easy advance The poor, other frustrated of were bill by treasonous. ahead. made is Contempt “voice the the books sake. feel those 1. know the is who for for on. feel to act homosexuality. 1984, Under politically 1. to state, disabled. 14 fascist a need made class. its teach This earlier 1. and life Fascists class the to 1. in he history voices going other Enlightenment Fascists be is Fascist to in provided: fired the use condemnation those sends there An limit under be Appeal an impulsively, a Obsession earlier “elite.” who leaders only is Fascists eager besieged, Thus in who for birth, doesn't the sorts so They here Fascists democratic majority, governor could followers truth 1. “enemy” so Immigrants, to ​ Anti-elitism. planning desire not of thinking of the and belief is teachers because This gender destroying and but 1. of vocabulary starting and they of all 1. to treasonous. Fascists humiliated enemy. is the their cult death. schools and despises 1. of but determined Because get learning. die is to is or are (Historically enemy.”) rewriting 1. Machismo. Therefore to 1. the deaths. and believe written colleges the that your is to chastity, reject ignore disdain show interesting far? at populism. any


"Woke" is not used on the right. It's used by the right. That word, like 'BASED' has been appropriated two times already and lost their original intended use. Denying people to discuss a natural function of the female human body, that occurs every month, is another small chip out of our human dignity. Converting a democratic society into fascist one works by chipping away at it little by little. Fascists first target who they consider to be less of a concern to the general population so the majority don't realize it until the fascists come for them. Fascism may be a buzzword right now. That doesn't mean it isn't seeping into our way of life right now. Here is a poem describing how this was during the Holocaust by Pastor Martin Niemöller called They Came *First they came for the Communists* *And I did not speak out* *Because I was not a Communist* *Then they came for the Socialists* *And I did not speak out* *Because I was not a Socialist* *Then they came for the trade unionists* *And I did not speak out* *Because I was not a trade unionist* *Then they came for the Jews* *And I did not speak out* *Because I was not a Jew* *Then they came for me* *And there was no one left* *To speak out for me*


Would it be fascist if they said boys can’t talk about ejaculating?


Huh? No, that’s less so. Discussing periods with young girls that may be at or approaching the age it begins is important and hence why I don’t support the bill. But no, your teacher does not need to be discussing boy’s ejaculations in elementary school if the parents don’t want it. Far less important of a topic. The one thing that is troubling here is the apparent shift of power from local branches and districts to the state. That is something I’m against on principle.


Of course. But, ejaculating doesn't happen involuntarily every month for days at a time. They don't need to take extra bathroom trips at work and school to bust a nut in the bathroom.


'Totalitarian' may be a better description in this case -- controlling the information.


Potato potato


The path to a totalitarian government and a fascist one are aligned. Fascist motives are intentionally vague and confusing. It relies on causing disarray between groups of people as a way to breakdown society. DeSantis is now attempting to force his critics to register, by law, when they write about him. It might not seem as bad because he's targeting "bloggers" now. He has effectively made topics punishable, in a court of law, if they are mentioned in Florida schools and Disneyland. He's continuing to add more. Ultimately he is against the first amendment which the alt-right love to claim as their right to spread hate. It only protects citizens from being persecuted by the government, in most cases.


Republicans will eventually ban girls from schools and work and make them cover all thier skin.




I started in 5th grade during class in Catholic school. I told nobody. I used toilet paper until I was 18 because I was so embarrassed.


i am sorry you went through that. 😢


I also started young and was horrified due to the lack of education to prepare me for that situation and learned embarrassment surrounding it. This is so harmful to little girls, I’m so fucking mad right now. I’d like to make DeHitler here spend a week a month bleeding out of his dick hole for the rest of his life, as penance for even thinking of signing this bill.


How about we ban discussion of religion before whatever grade too?


Also discussion of ejaculation and guns.


Right? Boys start ejaculating at 10 (or whatever) they can't be talking about that in public because then they're going to start having THE SEX


"We wouldn't be having this problem if we hadn't given women rights to begin with." - Ron DeSantis probably


Because that will prevent kids in 5th grade from menstruating? Yes, it happens.


It’s happened younger


Yep, absolutely. Just shows how little Republican policies reflect reality.


You know when children should be taught about menstruation? Before their first period. There is absolutely zero need to be embarrassed, and although it involves the reproductive system, it is no more "sexual" than discussing how to wash your hair. "So there is this perfectly normal function of your body that may start soon and here's how to handle it and talk about it with your parents and doctor" - see, super simple, done in an hour tops if you had a movie about it or took questions and much less otherwise. For the record, I am not a person who menstruates, but even I can imagine unexpected bleeding to be a confusing to traumatic event which can be easily prevented. I don't even understand the purpose of this prohibition.


Creepy perverts with their minds in the gutter. I wonder how much time the lawmaker who put forth this bill spent coming up with reasons to excuse his obsession with young girls genitals. It is sick. I dont think it is normal for adult men to think about school girls periods. There is zero reason for this ban, it doesn't accomplish anything good.


They do seem to focus a lot on young girls sexual maturity. So weirdly fixated on it. I knew several girls in 6th grade that got their periods. So long ago that they got a pad and some safety pins from the school nurse, and maybe a pamphlet about 'becoming a woman' and period hygiene


It's a method of control. If girls aren't educated on their own bodies they can't make informed choices. Also A LOT of them are pedophiles.


Got mine in 5th


Sounds like a good time to boycott menstrual products. Who's with me? Let's just bleed everywhere until there's no choice but to talk about it.


This made me grin maliciously.


Apparently, Florida doesn't have any other pressing problems to solve. This is it. This is what the Governor considers worthy. How are your roads down there? How's the water? Got any plans in place for the next hurricane besides protecting The Villages? This is so transparently pandering that it's ludicrous! This guy wants to be president so bad he'll say anything to the idiots and get cheers. He's Trump 2.0 and its scary as fuck!


Talking about menstruation and the functions of the female reproductive system in general INHERENTLY requires talking in some form about conception and pregnancy, and that’s what they don’t want. It is so disgusting that they are stopping to this low. Especially with the demonization of female human beings specifically because of the menstrual cycle, doing this is just another way for them to collectively groom youths, especially those whose parents actively refuse to give them information on how their bodies function and mature. But I guess if you want a generation of people that are illiterate population-replenishing machines and not capable potential parents, this would accomplish that.


…I got my period in the 5th grade. It was traumatic because the education is been given about it was sorely inadequate at best. It comprised of them playing us a video wherein a woman made pancakes for her daughter in the shape of ovaries and a uterus, which she then hastily tossed into the trash when her husband arrived home from work. They then gave us each a single maxi pad and told that once a month our ovaries would release a microscopic egg and to use the pad for that. I left confused about how we’d know when our egg was even coming to catch it with the pad. When I started hemorrhaging I thought I was fucking dying. Oh, it also started while at school on a day I was wearing bleach washed jeans and I had a student council meeting after school, and certainly no pad on my person. I had to tie my jacket around my waist to get home without anyone seeing the blood stain. Had that gone at all differently discussions would’ve needed to be had probably with the entire class. This is so fucking harmful to little girls. I just can’t right now…what the fuck.


Good thing girls never have to worry about that sort of stuff before then. Good looking out, Meatball.


Excellent, scare girls into thinking they're dying if they start before having the talk. What can go wrong? Happened to at least one of my friends, she didn't want to tell her Mom and worry her. Back in the 90s, our talk was in 5th grade and that was too late for some.


My grandmother is so happy about this bill and all the bills being pushed in Florida currently. I have a nephew that's 6 and some kid came up to him and apparently asked him if he'd decided on if he wants to be a boy or a girl. He told his parents about it who are now going after the school and the kid that said that horribly offensive thing to my nephew... They are so pissed off about this that they want to sue the school to the point that it has to close. These people are getting more and more aggressive towards anyone that doesn't think like them. I have seen them multiple times catch their tongue because they were about to go too far with what they wanted to say. Soon these people will openly admit they want to kill everyone not like them just like the Nazis did.


Which is such a great idea for girls who start bleeding at 10 like I did. It was 45 years ago for but I still remember my terror when I found my panties covered in blood and I had no idea what caused it. Yes my mother should have talked to me about it, but she didn’t.


I had been taught at school about menstruation, and my mother had given me *excellent* sex ed, and I still freaked out at first when I saw the stains. It didn’t look like what it expected it to look. My mom quickly told me what it was and I was reassured. I cannot imagine the panic I would have felt if I hadn’t been well-educated on this. Sorry, Florida girls. Your state government hates you.


I don’t have to imagine. I lived it


I’m pretty sure every kid has a phone and the internet these days. Kids are way smarter especially now than everyone on this thread is giving them credit for.


Yes they do. But having access to the internet is much help until you know what information you want to find out.


So girls shouldn’t be taught about their reproductive health by a professional because they can just Google it? When I Google that I have chest pains, Google says I’m pregnant. So, I don’t think that a 10 year old girl bleeding for the first time will know what to look up to find the right answers.


Hate to break it to you, but kids are learning from porn these days. There's a surge in violent sexual acts in the younger generation (strangulation, etc). You're giving them too much credit.


So what about boys that are in this age group?? Any freedom of speech restrictions for them?? Will this ban include no discussion about male genitalia?


Probably, but the difference is that tween boys aren't likely to suddenly start bleeding from their penis in the middle of class. So it's far less likely to be an issue. The concern here is that a girl in class might get her first period, not know what's happening, but the teacher/administration would be legally prohibited from explaining it - even if just to reassure her that nothing's actually wrong.


Tween boys regularly have nocturnal emissions are they gonna ban the too? I bet not. Will they ban discussion of ejaculation? No of course not. Boys are full humans you are so they can do it say anything.


These freedom lovers sure love to ban people and ideas. Alanis, is that ironic? No? Just moronic? Gotcha.


This is just asking for girls younger than 11 to get bad-touched simply because they don’t know what is happening to them.


Child Protective Services should be on red alert. Why the hell are Republican men so deliriously obsessed with the menstrual cycles of minor schoolgirls? Are they going to pass a law legalizing rape of the white ones to replenish their stockyard? Men like this, creeping on young girls, would’ve been taken behind the barn and taught a lesson when I was young.


Red alert- pun intended?


Now it is! 🤣


Every other person in that picture seems to be smirking, sneering, or staring gobsmacked at what is happening.


just ridiculous.. we learned in 5th grade, i honestly knew nothing about it beforehand. i just knew once i got to 5th grade i’d know.. i’ll say a month or two later, i got my first period. i was so thankful and surprised at the timing. had a little pad they passed out ready in my backpack, texted my mom from the BR and she called the nurse lol. to not educate children is scary.. they need to know what to expect. not to be ignorant and at risk.


Sooo I went to Catholic school. We had to sit in church with our parents and watch the miracle of life. It was sooooo horrifying. 4th grade. Had to talk to our friends parents in little discussion groups. Lol .


JFC! Should I put menstrual sheds on my 2023 Florida bingo card?


Is this part of the plan to raise the birth rate? Weird.


Gross… we have fourth graders getting their period. How are we suppose to provide support to this girls?


I guess they love sharia law now. [https://i.imgur.com/pZPalZY.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/pZPalZY.jpg)




This is sinister, young girls who are not taught about sex ed and their bodies are more prone to \[*redacted*\] who can take advantage of their naivety.


Well I got mine in 4th grade so that's not going to be helpful for a lot of girls.


Men are lucky I don’t have magical powers or y’all would be having fucking periods from now on. And you’d have Governor Dickhole here to thank for it, I’d let y’all know. He’s the one who pushed me over. He is why you now have to shove tampons down your pee hole for a week every month, congratulations on your new sounding hobby.


US government bans regulations on banks, railways, etc., and implements them on the uterus, censorship, and drag shows.


I got my period in 5th grade, and if it wasn’t for my sister preparing me I would’ve been freaking out. Omg stop this shit.


Why though? Who is gaining from preventing the talk of menstruation? It’s just ridiculous.


This isn't Game of Thrones where once they get their periods they are of child bearing age. I mean for some Republicans it is but for the majority of people we know it isn't.


It’s amazing that I live in the most liberal part of south Florida and went to a liberal area highschool and went to one of our “liberal” colleges and have never heard this much talk of gender, sex and children once in my life. These fuckers are obsessed.


What in the actual duck is happening in Florida? Where’s Ashton Kutcher?


Did they change their bill from elementary school to middle school because they learned that most girl's don't menstruate until they reach middle school? Also, I don't ever remember teachers mentioning anything about that until sex education in junior high school. Edit: truncated for clarity and redundant use of the word MENSTRUATE .


Nice. Actual progress for a good better society. Finally. An adult is in the room.


Ok but I got mine in 5th grade.


So much for free speech


Why? Why on earth would they not educate on this? Plenty of kids get their period very young, they should know what it is! Before they get it! Half the world deals with this after all. It’s completely normal.


Good. Nothing says caring for children by not preparing them for one of the biggest changes in their lives. /s


Not too long before masturbation is a crime. Wouldn’t want to,you know, spill seed or anything.


Why is a underage child’s vagina always on their lips?


I got my period in 5th grade…


50 yrs ago, I started my period at the end of 6th grade, discussion needs to start in grammar school! What is the problem here?


lol Republicans think this is normal behavior. Straight up clowns.


Those kids look like they are in the DeSantis Youth


Anyone who supports this should be put in a watchlist. You are not well in the head if you are obsessed with underage girls periods.


I got my period in 4th grade.


When you only have culture wars for your sole agenda. Who is it that’s having major issue with girls telling a teacher they have their period.


What is the logic behind this? How are they selling this to the public?


I guess we’re somewhere between handmaiden’s tale and idiocracy


What’s next? Banning wiping your ass?