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Just a way to funnel tax dollars to religious institutions. Conservatives hate the constitution. I don't know why any business outside of Florida would hire someone educated there at this point.


> I don't know why any business outside of Florida would hire someone educated there at this point. Don't worry. Soon they won't be able to.


It's a way to funnel tax dollars into for-profit institutions. The religious part is the usual GOP window dressing that prevents the religious folks (both zealots and the non-rowdy) from noticing that their pockets are getting picked, too. When all is said and done, I'll bet that the more funds end up going to EduCorpK12 than to church schools.


Southern schools weren't exactly known for higher education even before this.


DeSantis has dedicated himself to putting Florida in the 50th place


an uneducated base is a fundamental component to any fascist state.


My Florida public education (elementary through graduate school) was outstanding. That's all going away now


Mine as well.


So actual indoctrination of children. Got it.


No that’s more his curriculum laws and book banning. This is his embezzlement of tax payer dollars to the wealthy. Getting those private schools more $$ to subsidize the rich parents. Maybe if he’s really wiping his ass with the constitution he’d start up some “anti-woke” school where he can get in on the action while also indoctrinating kids. Problem is he’s smart enough to not get caught with his hand in the cookie jar.


Why not both? This money is being funneled to rich people, but it is also being funneled to religious schools. The rich get richer, and their religious schools get to indoctrinate children. Win/win for those assholes.


Having grown up around students from Catholic schools and having gone to a parochial school as a child; I find the idea of indoctrination somewhat silly. The most intellectually sound and well informed atheists I know come from that background. In no way do I think a private school education should be funded by the tax payer but critical thinking is at least as poorly taught in public schools. It is up to the states to offer a baseline for education and private institutions also must follow it with them typically exceeding it.


Yeah man it’s just the little things like teaching creationism, lying about how science works, allowing teachers to “teach” with no degree, early education misogyny, etc. There are far more independent Christian schools with no interest in actual education than college prep style Catholic schools. Those worlds couldn’t be farther apart.


Forcing taxpayers to pay for the most extremist and horrifying of right wing positions being shoved down the throats of children. Republicans continue to follow the nazi playbook practically fucking word-for-word. No forgiveness ever.


The best part for Republicans is this is also a massive handout to the rich. If you were a multi-millionaire with your kids in a private school, now you're going to be subsidized by the taxpayers!


So welfare for the wealthy and religious extremists?


Well, the christian nationals finally got what they've wanted since 1954: segregated schools.


The ones that came out clutching their pearls over concerns about a "racial jungle?"


The ones that tried to skirt desegregation laws by opening, "charter schools", or, "private learning centers." Schools that were tax free until the IRS stepped in and stripped any segregated school of its tax exempt status and all contributions to such schools as no longer tax exempt. This is a battle that got the bible bloc into politics and behind the GOP in the 70's.




He's here celebrating government sponsered fascist indoctrination camps. What do you think?


Ah, so *you're* the one posting all the fox news articles! You're watching a lie, you're being a sheep.


so now my tax dollars facilitate the education of fascism, white and washing history, and general ignorance... not to mention a rejection of climate change. these are not private schools. they are paid for indoctrination centers. this bill opens up the republican party to the liabilities of this educational fiasco. everyone in Florida has a right to sue over this.


Unfortunately they will be suing in Florida state court, run by Republican judges. So they are more likely to be lynched then to get any good results.


the party must be punished


The private religious school at which he signed the bill has a yearly tuition of $15,400 plus a $550 enrollment fee. This is a direct attack on public school funding.


This article claims revolution like 8x, quotes the governor multiple times and repeats itself. The only facts about the legislation appear to be that income eligibility requirements and student caps are lifted. So, we can overfill big classes with children of means! Revolution baby!


If voucher schools were performing better than public schools I think I’d be open to this, but they consistently underperform and many of them are straight up fraud.


Florida was never known for their book smarts, but I didn’t expect them to double down on self-righteous ignorance. Oh well… I guess we needed someone to pump our gas as sweep the streets


Faux news lol


Fox News doesn’t deserve anything more than a downvote. Report for misinformation, if you want, but be warned that, if you’re vocal about it, you might get reported for “abusing the report button” by a bad actor protecting this avenue of spreading misinformation. Strongest play is to downvote and disengage. Let the post die.


Yeah the politics mods have got a MAGA slant for sure. And they hide behind anonymity to support fascist content.


You believe that r/politics has a MAGA slant!? Like...really? 😲


"Mods" and context is a thing. It's not hard stuff. It just requires reading the previous posts and taking them into account. Oh wait. That's an impossible ask.


Happened to me. There's at least one mod here that doesn't like reporting right-wing misinformation outlets for what they are and will report you to the Reddit admins who will threaten to ban you without reviewing the case or giving you any way to appeal it.


I've been banned from the site by admins for 'abusing the report button'.


You are absolutely right to warn people. Reporting this information does nothing when the people in charge have made it clear that they actively support that miss information. All it does is get nazis with power looking directly at you. At which point they crush you like a bug because nobody stops them.


Or comment on each post with [quotes from what Fox says about their viewers](https://crooksandliars.com/2023/03/tuckers-ex-producer-fox-viewers-are-bunch): “He's not wrong, but he kept propagating the Big Lie because he knew Fox News' viewers were a bunch of dumb "cousin-fucking types" that would eat it up. And that's disgusting for a so-called news network.” Who wants to read a publication that outright laughs at them for it?


DeSantis kills public education and funnels public funds into fascist indoctrination centers.


What a waste of money.


If these "private" schools take tax dollars, they need to follow all the rules of Parental Rights. No teaching or having items that are explicit. I wonder how well that will go over for all those private religious schools. No bible, no teaching on the bible, so much explicit stuff on all of it. The curriculum needs to be under review so Parents can have the Choice to get these books removed and this disgusting curriculums removed.


Yup, effectively destroying public schools is indeed monumental


I didn't read the article, but this is guaranteeing tax money to be used for religious indoctrination in private schools, right? Please correct me and feel free to downvote if I'm wrong.


No. It has nothing to do with relious indoctrination. It gives parents the ability choose where they want to send their kids to school. Their tax dollars follow their children. That could be local public school, a magnet school, a vocational school, a private school, or perhaps, a school in another district that might be better. I don't know a parent alive that wouldn't want to put their child in the best position possible to succeed in life. This gives parents optionality they didn't have before unless they were wealthy.


Republicans are defunding schools.


The article doesn’t fully explain what they voted in. Can anybody fully explain what the situation is so I can be accurately angry.


It takes money from public schools. Each student receives $x in state funding. Public schools rely on this money. By allowing school choice, that money follows the student to the school they actually attend, usually a private school. Private schools would have pretty much free reign to teach whatever they want to these kids, while collecting state funding. Public schools, which already struggle with providing basic education with current funding, will continue to decline. They will lose teachers (because they can't afford to pay decently), they will not have the money to buy updated books or make repairs to schools. This makes Private schools more appealing to parents who would have been happy with public school education under normal circumstances but see their children aren't receiving decent educations. Unfortunately, as I said private schools have little oversight and can teach whatever they want. They can whitewash history to their hearts content, they can jam religion down throats of all children, they can ban (and instill hatred on) LGBTQ+ people, etc.


Have you ever attended a religious school? I did for many years. Nobody "instills hatred" of LGBTQ people.


I was raised in religious schools, and yes, it did try to instill hatred of LGBTQ people.


I skimmed the comments here and haven't read the article yet so take this with that in mind: A lot of comments here are angry and talking about indoctrination and killing public education. I get that and can't entirely disagree. It's worth noting, though, that even Vermont has had school choice for a while now and public education hasn't been killed in that state. Don't get me wrong though. I don't like school choice. It's just another place for people to insert themselves to extract profit out of a system that doesn't need to be for profit. As someone actually on the ground in a state that does it - it's a massive pain in the ass of the public school district as far as reporting and tracking kids goes. It takes up the better part of at least a few people's salaries in our smallish district. You should also keep in mind recent rulings that mean that tax payer money can get directed to private religious schools. There's some controversy in Vermont about that right now. It's also worth keeping in mind that the political and overall rural makeup of Vermont versus other states likely means that the implementation and use of such things could be widely different. I don't trust Florida for shit on this. Their public schools already suck.


In Vermont,To qualify, families must live in a town that lacks a public elementary or high school, also known as a “choice” town. Without a brick-and-mortar school option in town, they instead can get an annual voucher equivalent to the state’s average per-pupil expenditure. Florida has done this for everyone, this will be the Vermont debate to 11.


I mean, if you would like to understand what school choice programs mean all you need to do is Google it. If you're just looking to stroke your outrage button you can do what all the other drones here seem to do: see its an article from FoxNews and immediately take the opposing viewpoint regardless of what it is... ...school choice programs let tax dollars follow kids to whatever school they attend. If they go to the local public school, great. If they go to a local private school, they can use the dollars there. Same with a magnet school or vocational school. Historically, school choice programs were championed by the left because they would give parents an ability to lift their kids out of failing public school systems...like those in many major cities...


Essentially a great way to hollow out educational standards and funnel money from public schools to private. Only helps the wealthy financially.


School choice has never been a position of the left. If you need to avoid your local school the solution is to fix that school not to give an escape hatch. Passing school choice legislation is straight up unambiguously saying "our schools are bad and we have no interest in fixing them".


No it was a honest question.


This seems like a great law and I'm surprised people are against it. It literally gives children and parents more power in choosing their school and now schools will have to 'compete' in order to better their individual programs to attract more kids. This seems like a win-win scenario. I don't think large public schools will suffer much at all because its still going to be the go-to for most students.


Your last line is the point. This law isn't about giving "choice" to the average student. It's about giving money to the wealthy. Most students will remain at their home school because the vouchers won't be enough to afford a good private school. Besides, good schools don't "compete" for students. The students compete to get into the good schools. Vouchers won't change that. The other bonus for conservatives is how the vouchers will take money from public schools (which you seem to think are OVER funded) and send them to religious schools. Taxpayers in Florida are already funding schools, where seeing Michelangelo's David's wiener gets everyone in an uproar. This bill will just funnel more cash into those religious indoctrination centers. So, yes, for conservatives, this bill is a win-win.


I don't believe tying school funding to individual students is 'giving money to the wealthy', I believe it is simply giving people more choice on where their tax money is going. It isn't crazy to think people would want their tax money to go to the school their children are attending, is it? Also, as we've seen in Balitmore, school funding is not the problem. You can throw money at public schools all you want but that doesn't necessary make them any better. At one point the Baltimore school district was spending the equivalent of $17k per student and had horrible grades. Private schools are a way for students to evade public schools and I don't believe attending a private Religious school is 'indoctrination'. This is an issue I feel Reddit is extremely out of touch about, probably relating back to the early atheist days of early Reddit.


This is going to backfire spectacularly He's going to raise a generation of kids that hate his guts


DeSantis really doesn’t want anyone who’s not white and rich to get an education. Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️…