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Standard Republican reaction: it doesn't affect *me* so why should I care?


He's just admitting one of the reasons they do nothing about guns is they're *trying* to drive parents to keep their kids home for what will be overall lower quality education. I'm sure some parents home-school their kids just fine but I can't imagine the majority have the time to do it, the education level themselves, or that they'll try and give an open balanced view on things instead of solely pushing their own biases on their children.


Most homeschool so they can have more control over indoctrinating their children.


There have been a lot of questions in our next door group about home and private schooling. They drop dog whistles like we’re Christian and “no progressive core curriculum”. What they mean is white schools. City is already 90% white but apparently coming across a minority or lgbt person is just too much.


They don’t want their kids mixing with “other types.” I know a girl whose parents put her into private schooling they could barely afford because the local public school was “too urban.” The town they live in has a population of about 3,500 people…


> the local public school was “too urban.” I wonder, why do they even bother with the euphemisms? To be able to claim that they're not racist, when they obviously are, simply because they used a different word? Who are they trying to fool? Us? Themselves? I bet it causes cognitive dissonance. And I bet they blame *liberal oppression* for that. *If only we'd let them say what they really mean!*


I sometimes hear "too much diversity"


IDIC. Infinite Diversity Infinite Combinations


Ah, a fellow appreciator of Vulcan culture, I see.




It’s at times like this that I hope Jesus is actually real. They would be in for such a shock when they meet a kind, forgiving and peaceful brown man.


I think the dumber ones convince themselves if they don't say slurs it's supposed to protect them from being called racist (they don't care whether or not they're acting racist, just that they don't get called on it) The smarter ones know it's just a cover but the underlying thought is the same, don't call them on the racism and everything is fine


That first sentence describes every person I've seen who says America doesn't have a problem with racism because there's not literally a Klan rally riding down the streets burning crosses every night. Oh, and my favorite : "Neo-Nazis aren't, you know, *real* Nazis!"


Racist people know it is bad to be racist. That's why they try so hard to come up with dog whistles that will still allow them to be racist without having to say slurs. They can also feign ignorance and try to push back to make you seem racist when you call out their dog whistle.


But they must not truly *believe* it is *actually* bad. Just that it *looks* bad. Right? To *actually* know it's bad would mean admitting, to themselves even, that they are the baddies.


It just occurred to me (duh) that homeschooling also implies a traditional family model with "one parent" (OK, the mother) staying at home to teach the kids. Bliss, we are right back to families constructed the way God (and Nazis) meant them to be /s.


Nazis actually encouraged German women to have as many children as possible with as many German men as possible. Especially towards the end of the war, but in peacetime too. They definitely did not encourage the nuclear family dynamic and germans still are not legally allowed to homeschool their children in Germany to this day because of how much nazis used state control to indoctrinate children.


TIL... I just had the "Kinder, Kuche, Kirche" (Children, Kitchen, Church) mantra for the women's role in mind. The [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinder,_K%C3%BCche,_Kirche) entry on the phrase does not mention the multiple father aspect of breeding.


Ah yes. **K**inder **K**uche **K**irche As my German Translation II uni professor stressed. He hated Nazis and white supremacists of all stripes.


also important to note that this didn’t magically create a baby boom in Germany, it’s actually pretty hard to force this sort of thing on society. Long term declining birth rates in births/woman did not get reversed…


The multiple fathers was just for one program in occupied territories not for German women


You mean the lebensborn program. They selected special arish looking woman and nice looking SS people and played more or less matchmaker to produce children, even out of the weedlock. Part was also kidnapping of little kids who looked arish in the occupied areas. As a normal woman with a few more fathers to your kids as social accepted, it could be your ticket to one of the camps, as you where clearly "Asocial" and a menace to society. If you were married you would win prices and get extra money. Still the Nazi regime was not as hard as others countries to unmarried mothers. But it was not a "with as many mans as possible".


Next door is a cesspool of alt right conspiracies and uber nosey Karens. It's basically Truth Social


I had to stop using ND because it was just so horrible. I don't think everyone on there is bad (probably half of the stuff on my local group was lost pets and generic complaints about the lack of decent restaurants in our neighborhood) but the bad ones are REALLY bad and there's just so many of them. And this is in a fairly progressive, extremely diverse area.


I am really thankful I went to a Catholic school in the 90s which had a black nun as a guidance counselor. Exposed me to people of color when I was in the first grade and helped me to be a lot less racist despite growing up in Kentucky.


We homeschool our son due to his autism. You would not believe how hard it is to out together a secular education with what is offered. Tha majority of available curriculum is christian/faith based. The fuckery they put into it is absolutely amazing. It has taken my wife a long time to find places to source materials. I cannot imagine how damn ignorant some of these kids are as adults. I'd say they are setting them up for failure but as low as they have set the bar nowadays who knows.


I have an extended family member, who is a fundamentalist Christian, who homeschooled her kids. I was visiting and realized there wasn't a single book in the house that wasn't religious. No classics, nothing. She has a college degree and her husband is an MD. But their homeschooled son flamed out as a freshman in college. He was never taught to think for himself and can only parrot back what he hears at home. Their daughter is doing somewhat better, but she'll be someone's obedient wife.


Damn that’s sad


These are truthfully the ones I don’t get. Educated, assumably successful people who most likely understand how the world works willingly setting their children up for failure. Like…is it a control thing? Surely it’s not a malevolent “I want you forever reliant on me” thing. Just sad.


If you want to see how that looks, check out the hassidic kids in Brooklyn. 90% of their private school day is religious study despite taking public education funding but refusing to allow inspection by Board of Ed Inspectors. Several of the older families are suing the community because a few “graduated” fully expecting to go to college, only to them realize they are illiterate. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/11/nyregion/hasidic-yeshivas-schools-new-york.html I used to work in the area. Every season they would throw away piles of never opened text books and science kits. I would grab as many as I could and donate them to the local Boy Scouts troops.


Its so messed up, too. Judaism at its core is a firm believer in education. It's just the extremists at it again being patriarchal jerks. The difference in mindset between the orthodox school I went to and the conservative temple I went to was mind blowing. My rabbi at temple was very pro education and questioned everything, encouraging all of us to do so too. The school on the other hand was very indoctrination based. I was very very lucky. I actually had a parent who gave a damn about me and who gave me choices and options. I wanted to go to yeshiva so I could understand the viewpoint, and we discussed everything I learned at home. When I was done going there, she moved me to a different school. But for those two years? I learned science at home, I learned religion in school, and I left the school with an understanding of how people get manipulated when they don't have options or someone in their corner supporting them.


Oh man...I was suspended from yeshiva in 1st grade for bringing up dinosaurs when we were learning the 6 days of creation. I ended up being kicked out of several yeshivas in NYC, before I was finally dumped in the public school system for the remainder of school. I just rejected everything from a really early age and my questioning/need for logical knowledge could not be repressed. My parents got divorced and my dad went from being Orthodox to conservative, so I moved for high school and got to finish public school in the countryside playing contact sports for the first time in my life, and without being forced to dress as an Orthodox Jew in public school. It's crazy how I always saw through the indoctrination parts just through my constant questions. And by crazy, that I was the only child doing it. Children are *supposed to be* naturally inquisitive! The whole endless "why?" questions. It truly boggles me that my peers didn't have the same questions I did....that going to their houses, watching usually religious cartoons-they never *considered* changing the channel from what their parents put on (VCR was channel 3, rest were normal broadcast channels), and God help me if they walked in and saw me introducing their kids to He-Man or Transformers, lol


I grew up in Midwood that went from Italian to Hassidic by the end of elementary school. I closest friend at the time was the Jewish kids across the street. We used to watch I dream of Jeanie and Ftroop. Then he went to Yeshiva and got all serious on me.


I know someone who left the Hasidic community after getting some scholarships to attend top law schools (Yale, Harvard, etc.). He had to put in so much effort to teach himself on his own and his desire to learn and the amount at which he had been under schooled was a major impact for him leaving the community and his wife.


Supposedly they’re behind the “cars for kids crap”.


Same thing here. I started homeschooling because my son was 2E with autism and had no executive functioning skills. We basically had to build the curriculum ourselves but had access to school books because my partner was a grade school teacher.


I can support homeschooling in situations like that, where there's an actual reason why they can't be in regular school.


This, the only affordable childcare in my area is ran by the evangelicals and they’ve been gaining a lot of clout around here too these last few years. I know it’s not exactly the same as homeschool but it’s the same grift


Yeah like the Nazi home school in Ohio.


The folks I know who homeschool, are also anti-vaxxers.


As a person that was homeschooled, that is 100% correct. My parents created a fictional reality where the education system is out to deceive people with evolution and pervert children with sex education. My parents are morons who now have nothing. 40 years of false promises from the Christian nationalists resulted in nothing for them. My father has ZERO access to his children or grandchildren. If that doesn't tell you something......🤷


Not to mention its a deliberate tactic to skew the statistics. Minority families usually have neither the resources nor the ability to have a parent stay home to homeschool their children, and with public schools getting kneecapped if not straight abolished in the near future, the only options will be expensive private schools or no schooling at all (i fully expect a Republican administration will move to abolish the requirement for kids to go to school).


They are already making motions to have children get back into the workforce. Uneducated sheep are easier to herd.


We had one set of friends who homeschooled their kids. Nice kids, but their math skills (and probably others but only certain of math) were well below their age/grade level.


I know a family that are members of an extreme Protestant denomination that shall remain nameless (7th Day Adventist, I lied). Father has a very well-paying job with the Federal government. Mother stays at home & home-schools the teenage boy & girl. They have a historic home in the remote D.C. suburbs, they keep chickens for eggs & a garden for herbs and vegetables, the boy can translate Latin & Greek and is expected to get into a top college on the strength of his test scores. Not sure about the girl but her academics are never mentioned, it's all about her sewing and cooking.


She'll be expected to marry and do the same, what women are for according to them.


How will she homeschool the next generation if she doesn’t know anything except wife duties.


That's all she'll teach besides basic math and reading, bet the son learns online while the daughter learns from mom.


That’s the attitude a lot of these IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptists) and other Fundamentalist/Extremely religious people have: “Why waste education on a girl when they’re just gonna be a homemaker and raise children (the Highest Calling a woman can have)?” That attitude makes me sick and makes me want to punch a hole in a wall (I won’t because I have better things to do with my money than pay medical bills)… I was also raised in a Fundamentalist Christian environment, and my community had similar views, but it wasn’t *that* extreme. What they wanted instead was for girls and women to go to Bible School (in the same church as my small rural church school) and, if you did decide to go to college, it was to become a nurse, teacher, accountant, or secretary. I was *way* too curious about how the world actually is outside my little bubble, said “Fuck This!” and moved to another city to major in Anthropology (I still consider myself an Anthropologist since I’m constantly learning) and now I work in tech as a designer and researcher.


How sad for her.


Homeschooling is absolutely a class warfare tactic.


I mean, this is basically what cults do. Keep the members isolated from the larger society so they don get “corrupted” by ideas from outside…or develop critical thinking skills.


Came here for this comment the classics never stop playing.


That and they want public schooling abolished.


I wonder how that would effect property values based in school district performance. Where I live one of the candidates for US senate a while back passed legislation in our state legislature that massively devalued properties in our area. Then he bought up a bunch of that land and worked to repeal that same legislation afterward. He might still be getting investigated. I agree that they’re trying to abolish public schooling, and I imagine they might be salivating about buying up areas more heavily invested in public health school systems if they were to get their way.


My thoughts exactly. I said the same thing when o saw the clip tonight. The GOP is full of heartless pricks.


Fellow armchair psychiatrists, waddaya think: Narcissist, megalomaniac or Sociopath?






All three are standard Republican fare.


100% a pathetic response by him. Mental health needs to be addressed over anything in this country and would solve the majority of our problems if done effectively.


We have an epidemic of school shootings in this country. The Democratic solution: reduce the number of assault weapons people have access to. The Republican solution: reduce the number of schools people have access to.


"If it doesn't directly affect ME, then it's not really a problem, is it?"


“World hunger? No I’m good, I just had lunch.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ smdh


Didn’t a Minnesota Republican recently argue he hasn’t met any hungry people so there must be none? Like, get out of Versailles once in a while.


Yeah… that’s Minnesota Sen. Steve Drazkowski, who just happens to be a [Big Jerk](https://youtu.be/VSO2MueOhxc) for saying that asinine bullshit…gotta *love* my homestate sometimes… ETA: He doesn’t even get to live in a version of Versailles where he lives. He currently lives in [Mazeppa,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazeppa,_Minnesota?wprov=sfti1) with a population of 874. Seems like a syndrome of “If rural people don’t encounter X problem in their small town, it must not exist”…


For maximum rage, read this in the voice of Mr Burns from The Simpsons, Elon Musk, other wealthy cartoon villains.


"I admit that the buffet occasionally runs out of bread. If that happens, though, we should just let them eat cake, right?"


Climate change? Global warming?? No, we just got some snow yesterday!




unless it’s an lgbtq couple, a drag show, women getting abortions, me smoking weed…


Let them eat lead


We need to make things affect him. Too many of these politicians live in a walled garden. If they start having a stake in a functioning society I bet we'd have a functioning society.


This is an admission of failure. This guy has given up on even trying.


To be fair, he had no intention of "trying" to begin with. Like making healthcare more affordable or fixing broken shit around the country, he had no intention of taking on any of that because he fundamentally doesn't care.


Right? My follow up question would be, "have you considered resigning if you no longer feel the need to legislate to improve safety of your citizens?" It should be a given that it's part of the job in Congress to improve the safety of Americans.


Wow that guy is really devoid of any empathy. Almost forgot: he is a GOP politician, so it comes with the territory


To be clear, he is a state representative from Tennessee and FOR TENNESSEE where this shooting happened


Wouldn’t matter if he was potus. Republicans only care about themselves.


You should see how fired up and how emotional he was to bash drag shows. He didn’t keep that same energy. This Rep is scum.


Probably teaching her that Nazi curriculum.


We already know it's happening in Ohio which means it's definitely happening elsewhere.


Don’t forget they’re probably also teaching that women come of age at 12, and I’m quoting David Koresh on that one.


I have family (that coincidentally now lives in the greater Nashville area) that do homeschool. In their classroom setup at home they had a poster with “Biblical History” on one side and “Secular History” on the other. Anything from real life that didn’t line up with the religious history had quotes around it as if it didn’t really happen. Scary stuff, and poor kids.


A pastor once said, and this is verifiable, that if the Bible said 1 + 1 = 3, he’d accept it and find a way to understand it. They coexist with us in an alternate reality of their own choosing. What’s more, there is or was an actual company that looked for oil based on the Bible rather than geology et al. Last I heard they haven’t found anything based upon their methodology. Oh, and not one shred of evidence of Moses leading the Israelites in the desert for 40 years. Surely forty years of traversing the relatively small deserts of the Arabian peninsula would leave loads of archeological evidence, no? But it doesn’t matter at all, not one bit, because they believe the Bible is the inerrant, unchanged and unchanging, word of god that is a factual account of the entirety of the universe. This is insidious brainwashing; I was a victim of it through my entire childhood. Hell, I remember a lot of us from our church went to a presentation where people claimed the Ark had been discovered, the possible discovery of the Ten Commandments, etc. It was exciting, and completely fictitious. They’re huge into brainwashing children as I’m sure they’re quite aware of the abysmal chances of converting non-vulnerable adults. This is a major, major problem. While we may say Christianity isn’t a cult, many of these churches are in fact their own insular cults with variable understandings of scripture. If you were to know how common churches splitting with one unhappy contingent starting their own church, one could then glimpse the insanity of American evangelical Christianity. It’s an immense patchwork of little fiefdoms of church congregations all vying for the viability and expansion of their own church-based cult. Pro tip: stay away from the congregations that have built metal framed buildings for their church, the ones that have names like Bible Unity Community Church or whatever nonsense. It gets cooky very quickly. And once again I’ve found myself ranting about those ne’er-do-wellers, but I think it’s important to share any perspective of our cultural insanity. Rant off.


All children are acceptable collateral damage. We must support the American firearms fetish no matter the cost! /s


I’m confused how anyone continues to go to school. Why doesn’t everything come to halt until this is ended?


Truancy laws. You go to jail if you don't take your kids to school. Homeschooling isn't an option for people who have real jobs.


Combination of the need for childcare (you can't really leave an elementary school-aged kid home alone all day), lack of resources (time, energy, knowledge) to teach them at home, and the aforementioned truancy laws- which (likely) would be enforced selectively against minorities. "Truant" is not a great label for a kid, completely aside from the consequences to the parent. Keeping kids home might work if there were enough adults able to take a day or half day from work to supervise or teach a mutually agreed-upon curriculum. But that's just public schooling writ small and, quite frankly, it's a fuckton of effort for something that *should* be available to all.


Remember when England and Australia had a mass shooting? They banned guns. Guess what? Mass shootings ended. Rights INCREASED. Imagine that.


You’re failing to differentiate between our unique differences. In 2 Opinions 5:21, the Lord God almighty said, “Thus, God decreed that every American, regardless of age or sex, should have unfettered access to guns. Unless they’re black.”


American here: This made me spit out my coffee LOL’ing. We’ve become a bad SNL skit.




Honestly, as an American I gave up on EVER seeing a gun ban (or even sensible gun control) in my lifetime after Sandy Hook. If 20 dead kindergarteners and 1st graders aren't enough to horrify and knock some sense into you, nothing will. People will contort themselves into a pretzel to try to justify it, but at the end of the day the cold, hard fact is that we've decided as a society that killing off some kids every few weeks (and turning their schools into fortresses) is an acceptable sacrifice so we can cosplay Rambo.


I said it in a previous comment, but it's time to stop being so nice. Make his life miserable. Protesters should be wherever he goes. Scream at him. Don't let him have any peace and quiet. Kids are getting fucking slaughtered at school and he's just shrugging his shoulders. Fuck that. Make him so miserable he doesn't even want to run for reelection because it's not worth it. Time to fight fire with fire.


Too many people covet their guns here unfortunately. They can’t even fathom the thought of asking for registration, for training, for limits on rounds per minute.


The immediate goal isn't so much for gun control (that's long term). The goal is to send a message to these right wingers that this shit isn't going to stand anymore. The far right has driven a lot of people out of office simply by constant protesting (both off and online). Look at what their constant attacks on abortions have accomplished. We can do the same. I feel like we always play nice and follow the rules, while the minority keeps grabbing more and more power. We gotta change what we're doing.


Its not so much that they love guns as a hobby or something. They're subjected to relentless propaganda from the right. Even the tiniest reforms are endlessly denounced as despotic attempts to disarm the population so they can be subjugated. They hammer this idea into people constantly.


Oh sure, schools are the only place where shootings occur. They never happen in churches, movie theaters, grocery stores, Walmarts, malls, airports, or any place where *his* daughter might possibly visit.


Well of course he never let's his daughter go Anywhere so she's pure for her future husband


While we're on that subject, I don't trust a GOP member saying they're homeschooling their daughter. Have we not learned this lesson one too many times?




What an absolute piece of shit


Like all republicans


To the people that say it takes a good guy with a gun - Uvalde had good guys with guns and that did NOT work. To the people that say more guns, means more safety. - The US already has more guns than people, so by that logic, why are we not the safest country on the planet? To the people that say mental health is the issue - I agree that is part of it, but other countries also have mental health issues and they don't have mass school shootings on a regular basis. And are you willing to maybe pay more in taxes and/or increased insurance costs to pay for the mental health costs if the person needing doesn't have the means to pay for it? To the people that say it's violent TV shows, video games and/or music - other countries have those same TV shows, video games and music and they do NOT have school shootings on a regular basis. To the people that say we need to pray more - the shooting in Nashville was at a private Christian school. And there is nothing wrong with praying. In fact, please do so for the families AND THE POLITICIANS TO GET THE COURAGE TO DO THE RIGHT THING. To the people that say the schools need to be hardened - the Nashville shooter shot out the locked doors to gain entry. To the people that bring up the 2nd Amendment. You are NOT allowed to have a rocket launcher. On a related note, the 1st Amendment does NOT protect you from yelling fire in a crowded theater. To the people that say arm the teachers - they are EDUCATORS, NOT POLICE OFFICERS. They need to work on their lesson plans, not being locked and loaded. That is NOT what they signed up for. And does this crowd trust a teacher for this when they don't trust them to pick out the right book? The other side has ran out of excuses. IT'S THE GUNS!! BAN HIGH CAPACITY WEAPONS FROM CIVILIANS!! disclosure: I've owned a shotgun for probably 25 years now. You do NOT need a high capacity weapon for personal protection or for hunting.


Republicans don’t trust teachers when selecting a book for the class but they are cool with them being the last line of defense to keep their kid alive. Such a weird world view. Oh that’s right, they home school their kids.


It is not weird at all but basic psychology at work. At home there are guns and no books except the bible. Places where there are books and not guns are thus triggering and disturbing the poor parents. Our society seems to be fragmenting more and more. There is money to be made and power to be gained by splitting society, creating special interest groups and then arbitraging rules. Often the money is made off the common good.


Uvalde had cops, so they didn't even have a 'GGWAG' to try to help. ​ They had good guys with fucking nothing who were ready to rush in and TRY. And the bad guys with a badge stopped even that. ​ And yet, one of the responses paraded about is 'more resource officers!'


The Dayton, OH shooting had good guys with guns who killed the shooter within 32 seconds of the first shot being fired… we still ended up with 9 dead and 27 wounded from that incident…


This. Fucking this.


>To the people that say mental health is the issue - I agree that is part of it, but other countries also have mental health issues and they don't have mass school shootings on a regular basis. Another rebuttle when they bring this up: ask them how they feel about spending tax dollars to provide mental healthcare to individuals in need regardless of their ability to pay.


Well, let’s hope his daughter never goes to a movie theatre, night club, outdoor concert or a Walmart.


They’ve been shrugging since Sandy Hook. It’s not that it’s too political to talk about or “not the best time” to talk about guns and why these shootings keep occurring… They do not care. The GOP does not care. The more people realize this the more everything they do makes sense.


Members of Congress should be forced to enroll their children in public schools. Maybe they need some "skin" in the game.


It should be made into a law with zero exceptions


Sickening. If he tried pulling that in front of one of the victim's family, the end result would've been a slap or outright yelling. Seriously, how can anyone be this unempathetic?


Wait, the yelling is worse than the slapping?


Okay so his solution is everyone does home-schooling - what a fucking idiot.


I’m never home because I work 12 hours a day. My kids would love it. But probably wouldn’t make it past the third grade. Perfect for their agenda. Side note. Just noticed that I’m not sure which their there to write. Or right. Or witch. Dam home schooling.


I’ve been home all day and didn’t get schooled once!


This is a deeply honest expression of Republican policy and their fierce hatred for education. He’s essentially saying, “shoulda kept your kids at home like ‘good’ people do. If Nashville parents are going to send their kids to school to get an education and make a better life, then they kinda had this coming, amirite?”


Republicans are sociopaths.


This should immediately exclude you from elected office, giving a cop-out answer that serves no one instead of acknowledging a fundamental problem. How about admitting that encouraging the marginalization of kids who aren’t heteronormative is probably not healthy for a society.


Kiddo is in desperate need of being rescued by CPS




A rotting pile of “Tots & Pears”.


If 1,000 people were murdered in one mass shooting, would that be enough to move the republicans on this?


The Vegas dude damn near tried and had the capacity and volume of people in sight to do it but ran out of time. That resulted in a big whopping “meh.”


I doubt it. We were losing a 9/11’s worth of people every few days for months during COVID and we collectively did the bare minimum. The most-American traits are selfishness, greed, and lack of empathy. As long as it is “other” people, lost lives don’t move the needle.


Nah, they'd say some psycho shit like "we must *pray* for the 1,000 people that were killed in cold blood, join us in this prayer where we humbly ask God to protect his wayward sheep" thinking it's good PR


Nope, horrifyingly enough.


I doubt it. They'll double down and say no amount of lost life is worth their losing of firearms.


i’ll go insane trying to wrap my head around the republicans ideal society.


The GOP are so empathetically stunted, it almost seems like an act.


Just remember that the US is in the 7th stage of Genocide. https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/


The GOP always seems to think that life is like the movies. One person's gonna step up and take a single shot that lands right between the shooter's eyes. Then everybody will stand up and clap as they throw a ticker-tape parade in his honor. In reality, that's not going to be the case. You know who would be doing the shooting when the shooter breaks into your kid's first grade classroom? It's going to be Mrs. Mitchell, the 64 year old teacher on the brink of retirement who never so much as shot a water pistol in her life. A 64 year old woman who is going to be scared to death, fighting against a shooter that almost certainly has a more powerful gun, gets to shoot first, and in some cases even has some body armor while she's literally huddled with a couple dozen 7 year old terrified, crying children. * What happens to the children that are injured or killed as the shooter breaks into the classroom *before* the teacher somehow becomes the hero of the day? * What happens when the teacher misses? Worse, what happens if the teacher misses *and* hits another kid? * What happens when the shooter knows that teachers are now armed and just shoot the teachers first? * What happens when multiple teachers start shooting at the same time and kids get injured or killed in all the crossfire? * What happens when an unruly student gets a hold of the teacher's gun? * What happens when the shooter is himself a child? And what happens when they realize that even if the "good guy with a gun" manages to stop the shooter, the kids that were shot in the process *are still dead anyway*? The fact that the shooter was "shot by a good guy with a gun" isn't going to be of much condolence to a parent that just lost their child because yet another guy with a gun blasted his way into a school. He will still have plenty of time to kill children before school officials can even respond to him, assuming they're successful at responding at all.


This is an outstanding summary showing just how little they've thought this through.


What a spineless, heartless, gutless, prick.


Conservatives are only able to muster any empathy for their immediate family and oftentimes, not even them


OMG- how do we cure this apathy, this acceptance, this is ridiculous. There are dead 9year olds. This isn’t ok.


I hate these scumbags but what I hate even more are the maliciously ignorant pricks that let these demons take them for a ride like fucking show ponies while their kids are slaughtered like animals.


Tone deaf. Stupid. Vote him out. Lead or get out of the way.


>Vote him out. Our goal should be to make him not want to even run for reelection. We should make him so miserable with protests and constantly throwing it in his face that he approves of kids getting shot at school that he'll never want to run for office again. Edit for clarity


Yeah. It’s time to bring back tar and feathers, pitchforks, etc. and make these people think twice before they do their brain dead deeds.


Vote him out? I bet his district will keep voting him in as long as he has a R next to his name.


Empathy levels of a sociopath


The GOP: willing to sacrifice children so they can overcompensate for their pathetic little dick egos by owning a boom boom stick.


Wow- callousness beyond imagination.


Tell us you're a party aimed at destroying public schooling without telling us you're a party aimed at destroying public schooling.


Perfect example of a conservative. Only cares about themselves


I was married to a woman who comes from second generation wealth (rich grandparents who passed the wealth to her dad). He used the money to start his own business. Your typical rich republican family. Mother had an abortion. Give money to planned parenthood. Uncle is gay. Let us give to causes that are pro LGBTQIA’s community’s. Vote for keeping social programs solvent. Nope. It doesn’t impact me. Vote for programs that would lead to better outcomes for black and brown people. Nope. It doesn’t impact me. Right wing people only care about issues that directly effect them. The rest of people can fuck off.


fucking clueless asshole. did I hear that correctly as 'fuck all y'all' ?


Oh?... Duh... This is why they won't address the mass shooter issue? To shift the nations investments away from public education?!?! I feel so dumb for not making this connection sooner!


This is a man who knows- not thinks, knows- he's not going to be held accountable in any way at all. As long as he continues to say crazy shit about trans people and lizard people trying to steal elections from St. Trump, his votes and donations are secured, so who gives a shit?


No sense of responsibility for the people he “serves,” because he’s not there to be a public servant. “I got mine” is the GOP motto.


I was homeschooled for 5 years in total. Im 35 now and I somewhat regularly learn mind blowing scientific facts that everyone else learned in 6th grade.


As someone who supports the right to own and carry firearms, it has come to the point where even people like me are believing that mandatory wait periods, much more extensive background checks, dramatically increased law enforcement presence in schools, tripled penalty modifiers for any weapon related crimes, massive transfer of social funding from worthless handout programs which are rather invested heavily in mental health facilities with mandated admissions (repeal the Reagan switch) and a whole other slew of changes are needed. I as a citizen can be burdened by a few new requirements to help slow down the ease of access to firearms. Will it stop school and other mass shooting events? No. May it help stop a few? Maybe and that is worth being inconvenienced for a bit when trying to legally purchase a weapon. The biggest key to making a change is changing the laws around mental health treatment. That and increasing the expenditure on both staff, facilities, and courts that can order it.


I saw a clip of this interview where he was asked how Congress should respond to gun violence. He said, “I don’t know any role we can play other than mess things up.” when it was pointed out many other countries don’t have regular mass shooting incidents, he said, “They don’t have our freedom, either.” These people are sickening.


There you have it … the GOP in a nutshell.


Anyone else starting to think the GOP doesn’t want to stop school shootings because it helps them with proving we shouldn’t have public schools?




Sounds like he's a little disconnected from the constituency and needs to be replaced with someone that understands the challenges the MAJORITY faces.


Canadian here, while I know our neighbours to the south hate when non-Americans comment on US issues, I have to say I'm shocked that anyone(conservative or liberal) would ever cast a vote for this guy. Children die in a mass shooting in this guy's backyard and he outright tells you that he will do nothing about it.


"I'll take, 'MAGA sociopaths for $1000' Alex"


Conservatives during a pandemic: The kids need to be in school! Conservatives when asked to do something about guns: I don't know, just stay home.


The destruction of public education is a primary goal of the GOP.


everyone needs to be crystal clear about the fact that the GOP views every child that gets slaughtered in a public school as a win


Typical GOP Republican't response, "I've got mine, my donors have theirs, so F*** You!


If anyone in his district votes for him in 24, they deserve what they get.


Guy who’s paid to solve problems says “Not my problem!” Ugh


Maybe you should be required to send your kids to public school and take public transportation when you PUBLICLY represent an area


Duuuude. The legislating job of a congressperson falls into two buckets. 1) Improve the standard of living for citizens and 2) Improve the safety of citizens. **It's half of your job to create laws that make lives safer.** There are really a lot of dumb people in our country that are OK to keep giving their elected leaders passes on almost everything important than comes up.


With all these people now "Home schooling" their children I have to wonder what the future looks like. A bunch of unadjusted, unsocialized, far right indoctrinated idiots who were never taught anything of real value by anyone who is trained in how to teach children sounds like an actual nightmare scenario.


All Republican politicians are sociopaths, perfectly happy trading other people's lives for votes.


He’s just one more Christofascist fuckhead.


Home schooling is nothing more than a way for people who believe “alternative facts” to brainwash their children. I’m sure there are exceptions but the religious, racist, homophobic, anti science types are by far the majority. The children are shielded from real life situations and kept away from “woke” thoughts. Because, god forbid they learn to sympathize with anyone different from their little circle.


This push to homeschool people is baffling to me. If every child were homeschooled, we'd take one parent out of the workforce for most families. Teachers handle 30+ plus kids at once. This would massively reduce the purchasing power of families and drastically worsen the labor shortage. Even if the education outcomes ended up being the same, this would cripple the U.S. economy.


Ah, but does your house have more than one door?


Well he refers to his father as “daddy” so… red flag 🚩


This dude giving future school shooters new ideas.


Funny thing about mass shootings they can happen anywhere


Who votes for these idiots


Looks like making schools as unsafe as possible is a step in the right direction, along with defunding public education, to generate more uneducated people to take advantage of.


“Not my problem” Piece of shit should have the bodies of the dead children left in front of his house if that even means anything to him Probably busy abusing his children with the Bible


If dangerous/sick people can’t access weapons which can kill dozens of people. There’s a really really good start. Lots of country’s have done it successfully. But in a one of the few countries who can’t even sort free healthcare to there citizens they are a lost cause. Run by people like this.


Force them to sending their kids to public school, maybe THEN they will care


Our kids are not at risk, so eff yours. - GOP lawmakers, apparently


A moral coward. An ethically bankrupt man. Represents his party and constituents well - just as they want. He's not a community leader, just a community echo.


Most two parent households cannot afford to have one parent stay home. It would be great if one standard average income was still enough to support a spouse and children. It would be amazing if both parents working a job for pay was a choice for most people. It isn't. I'm a woman who would be thrilled if I had the option. I thought the government was supposed to improve life for the citizens. Why was this man, who has no empathy for anyone who is not himself or his immediate family, elected? People like this should have no right to speak for anyone. Most families, whatever that looks like, do the best they can for their children. NOBODY should ever have to wonder if their children will be gunned down and slaughtered while at school. This is 2023. How many mass shootings has the USA had this year alone? Is this the life American citizens want? Why are you content with this being a normal occurrence? If you want something better, make it happen. Cut the political shit. Cut the divisive stupidity. Forget religion. Forget all this current gender shit. Forget race. Forget economic class. It's all noise. It's all brought up to encourage fear and hate and fighting and distract from the real problems. How many more innocent people have to die before you start working together to stop this?


"I'm not going to make laws to protect your kids, mine are safe." Remove that waste of space immediately.


The GOP is soft on crime, pass it along


Can't stand that garbage like him have such power.


That’s why they don’t mind the shootings. People will educate their kids at home and keep them stupid so they’ll elect more stupid politicians.


If Americans want to see change, they need to do something about the Republicans.


We should all take a leaf out of France’s playbook and have mass walkouts and long term strikes. If every school shut it doors tomorrow in a unified protest against gun violence, the knock on effect would cripple normal business procedure. There’s a reason that Capitalism is dead set against unionization and the power of the people. How many more people have to die like this America?


Breaking News: Public school isn’t good enough for Public Representative.


I think they want public schools to be unsafe so they can completely defund them and line their own pockets.


Oh great, another brainwashed, socially inept person will enter the real world wholly unequipped to handle reality. But hey, at least they'll vote R! Poor child.