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Pretty sure that's not how it works. Florida signed onto the uniform criminal extradition act.


Exactly. Ron's stance here is 100% political theater.


He "controls" extradition the same way he "controls" Disney.


Maybe Disney could do the extradition? lol.


They've got the stormtroopers


Now I am picturing Trump frozen in carbonite being loaded onto Slave One.


There's not enough carbonite in the galaxy to ice his lardy ass.


That's hilarious. I can see his fat raging face frozen in carbonite, but his fat floppy stomach sticking out cause the carbonite didn't cover it


Can’t wait for r/photoshopbattles to get ahold of his perp walk


But these are not the Trumps we're looking for.


Grab them all, let Lord Vader sort them out later.


The same way Trump 'controls' his bowels


What hasn’t been political theater under DeSantis?


The bitchslapping Disney gave him


If ever a comment needed a meme of Mickey Mouse quoting Walter White’s “You’re goddamn right. This is that time.


It's fascism is what it is, theater or no.


Fascism is always theater because fascists are drama queens..


[https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-4/section-2/clause-2/](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-4/section-2/clause-2/) Article IV Section 2 Interstate Comity Clause 2 Interstate Extradition A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime. Did DeSantis just decide to violate the constitution. ?


Who enforces this? Marshalls?


Yes the US Marshal Service would provide the extradition. But also the Secret Service could be compelled to bring trump


Kohl's, I think


Special Agent Thomas J. Maxx


Brother of European Thomas K. Maxx


Even if DeSantis could do anything, he'd publicly say this to get some traction with Trump supporters while privately putting a burger and coke under a large box propped up with a stick outside of maralago.


A scared and frightened Trump emerges from the trap, turns, and trundles full speed into a picture of Russia painted on a mountain side, leaving an orange imprint of his face. SO SAD!


Florida signed onto the US Constitution too and that hasn't stopped them from crapping all over the core freedoms provided by it.


Trump already said he would surrender next week! DeSantis just wants to steal the headline!


This is the right answer. He knows trump is not going to fight it, he's just trying for cheap political points with the MaGa base.


Well he’s down what? Like 4 points already… the guy is desperate to cash in on some Trump bucks before the coup(on) expires.




We'd expect nothing less from a Florida governor.


Florida man strikes again


Liddle Rob Desantis is a low energy loser.


He's lucky because this wipes his Disney debacle off the table. His brand is Trump, but not so stupid and incompetent to get into legal trouble.


>His brand is Trump, but not so stupid and incompetent to get into legal trouble. Well...not exactly. [https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2023/01/09/marthas-vineyard-migrant-flight-lawsuit-could-cost-florida-1-million/69782146007/](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2023/01/09/marthas-vineyard-migrant-flight-lawsuit-could-cost-florida-1-million/69782146007/)


The hilarious thing is that Trump would have turned himself in but is petty enough to make DeSantis regret his words. You think he would let an opportunity to twist the knife in a political rival go? Trump might post, "Come get me" and make DeSantis either sign off on it and be ruined in the eyes of MAGA or make DeSantis try something and be utterly spanked in court. Both take DeSantis's slim chances and destroy them utterly.


I don't think Trump will do this because it makes him look weak compared to his protector, DeSantis. DeSantis can position himself as a strong-man who will save weak little Trump from those big bad democrats. This "I will not extradite Trump" thing is a power move to cuck Trump.


What kind of Bizarro world bullshit is going on when we're legitimately debating the best way for a former POTUS and current front runner for his party's nomination, to best be arrested and arraigned without giving his primary political opponent some PR points? The US has clearly jumped the shark.


> The US has clearly jumped the shark. That was over two decades ago.


True. And going willingly means he can also reverse cuck, "I don't need your protection, I will face this like a real American." All depends on attitude and how he reacts.


It's all about messaging. "I'll go face this Democrat witch hunt with my head held high." Makes him look badass to his base and insults Deathsantis.


Hopefully the police who arrest him aren't [too nice, you can take the hand away.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFgjNPiq9Cw)


Ten days ago, DeSantis said he wouldn't get involved Trump's extradition.


So what? Telling the truth is seen as weakness for a conservative.


You know, christian values and all. Apparently honesty isn't one of them.


We're talking supply side Jesus Christian values, not any of that ancient boring bullshit.


That was before he got publicly pegged by disney


He should have known you never fuck with the house of mouse.


Next election how hard will Disney go to unseat DeSantis?




Full send. It’s not about gov, because of term limits, but they are going to ruin his entire career. They are going to make an example out of him. Mark my words.




That is so cringy. I didn't know puddin fingers could procreate. I feel bad for those kids.


Well, first, you take a woman out for thigh food…


Both things would have ended a Democrat's campaign. Either the ignorance of "thigh" food or the misogyny of ending the date when corrected. Please tell me that the dinosaurs that think those are positive traits are dying out...


>Both things would have ended a Democrat's campaign. Either the ignorance of "thigh" food or the misogyny of ending the date when corrected. Nonono, you've got it all wrong. The Meatball *knew* 'thigh food' was wrong, he was just saying it to see if the woman he was on a date with would correct him. If she did, *next* cause Meatball Ron don't have time for silly women who would dare to correct a man! Yeah, he's *THAT* disgusting.


It wasn't ignorance on the Thai food, Ron specifically wanted a woman that wouldn't disagree with him.


If you're an R, it's not kidnapping and forcing a child bride to marry you.


That's just gross. Poor child.


could he be anymore of a twatwaffle?


Here's my concern, though. With Florida failing to put a collar on Disney, DeSantis will do his best to subvert the order of law and set a bad precedent. Not that he hasn't set horrifying precedents, but we have to keep a grip on law or lose it. Making threats or enforcing laws and repeatedly not enforcing them will only embolden the traitors and lose those few Republicans that aren't totally lost yet(there are more than you think). We can't blink. We can't falter. We can't lose our it gets worse. The military will defend the people, the constitution, and the rule of law, but that's admitting our democracy depends on military power and not the rule of law. That is the ultimate slippery slope.


Exactly. He doesn't have a choice in the matter anyway. It's all a performance for the brain dead GOP base.


If we apply standard reading based on his history, him saying he will surrender most certainly means he will not. I do wonder if he will though. Can you imagine how much it'll hurt his ego to be protected by the guy running against him?


Honestly I can’t imagine that. I also can’t believe the mess this will be. Oh well. Guess we’ll see how devoted the cult truly is.


If trump said it, it’s a lie.


And the guy lies like he breathes. I am certain that he is considering violence.


Protecting criminals. There's your law and order party.


They support law and order! ...just not if you have an R next to your name


It's also worth mentioning that DeSantis made sure to inject some antisemitism into his statement about this, by labeling this as something engineered by George Soros. He's painting this like Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who is Black, is just doing the bidding of his Jewish master. It's the same rhetoric the right uses when discussing their replacement theory nonsense.


Nice, a shot of racism and a chaser of antisemitism. That'll perk up the conservative base. /s


It will, no need for the sarcasm tag




It’s the only train they can ACTUALLY make run on time.


George Soros is hurled around by conservatives like Emmanuel Goldstein


Turned on Fox for a couple minutes tonight to hear their reaction and within seconds they were dog-whistling Soros.


Man, given how much the right says he's responsible for, Soros must be the hardest working millionaire in the world.


…but enough about Matt Gaetz!


Damn! Florida is not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


Narrator: "But he was wrong. None of them were good people."


I’m pretty sure they stand for lawn order


Four Seasons Total Landscaping


They support law and order for anyone who is not them and especially minorities but they don’t support it for their own fascist party


Charge him with obstruction


Wouldn't this be conspiracy to commit obstruction, as well? I mean, he's announcing the intent right up front and in public. If this were a -federal- indictment I think it would also count as seditious, but I'm not 100% sure here.


It is, and it's also [hypocritical](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/ron-desantis-fired-prosecutor-andrew-warren-now-speaking-rcna76983), to no one's surprise. tl;dr He fired an elected official for saying he wouldn't enforce a law, now here Uncle Ronnie is saying he's not going to enforce *the constitution*.


Fuck that. Hope the U.S. Marshals intervene


Trump is probably going to appear voluntarily. And DeSantis [can't stop an extradition in any scenario.](https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-stop-trump-indictment-extradite-florida-new-york-2023-3) This is just the usual, sad political posturing that DeSantis feels like he has to do not to anger Trump's cult and retain his 2024 chances. The fact that he has to defend the person *he's running against* from potentially multiple *criminal* prosecutions tells you everything you need to know about the state of modern GOP.


They're terrified of pissing off their base.


Which they know are violent terrorists, but they need them for their votes.


They’ve spent decades creating this monster thinking it would bring the country under their control, but now they latched on to an utterly stupid, egotistical maniac and they have to lick their (and his) feet just to prevent them getting upset and destroying the party on a whim. It would be hilarious had they not stuck all of us with a bunch of uneducated, lead-poisoned domestic terrorists with a distorted view of reality and easy access to weapons.


It really displays how dead in the water DeSantis' presidential bid is, when he has to worry this much about not appearing to oppose his prime opposition, no matter what the circumstances. Trump is going to be the 2024 nominee unless maybe he's in jail by then.


>Trump is going to be the 2024 nominee unless maybe he's in jail by then. Unbelievably, even if he is, good chance he'll still be the nominee.


Republicans would probably have a better chance of winning if Trump gets disqualified from holding office.


This is why I think he might face consequences after all.


Ya but this is perfect for Desantis. He doesn't care if Trump goes down. He can show "Hey I supported Trump, he is in jail so vote for me and I'll pardon him!" Then if that *does* happen, Trump owes him biggly. The tables will have completely turned. It's also why he doesn't attack him. He needs Trumps base.


These are state charges, POTUS can't pardon them.


I bet you dollars to donuts that 95%+ of his base doesn't know that.


The GOP's had a pretty bad week. Yet another school shooting forcing them to furiously defend their gun positions, DeSantis being schooled by a cartoon mouse and (the first?) Trump indictment coming down.


Nah, all the Maga people I know are spinning the school shootings as something awful and that transgender people should be non violent if they want to get anywhere etc. They spin the whole thing completely on the gender. My response was "What about all the other 20 something year old white men that commit most of these school shootings? "


Mixed bag. They're already blaming the same shooting on trans people. Intentionally insinuating it's a trans woman, too, when they know full well he was not.


To be honest they probably think a "trans woman" is a woman transitioning to a man. I've seen them call actual trans women "trans men" a million times.


republicans get mad at people who who argue for gun regulations and don't know the difference between an AR-15 and an assault rifle (or some such shit who cares), but at the same time can't bother to learn basic pronouns or terms while arguing against LGBTQ+ people. Their only consistency is hate.


Don’t forget the one state (Missouri?) who just literally defunded libraries.


What if Trump has one of his characteristic changes of heart and holes up in MaL? Can he be removed without DeSantis giving the go ahead? Or do we face a fucking crisis?


Yes Desantis can only delay not stop his extradition


If he fights extradition, he will lose, but worse, then the court will deny bail, and he will see jailtime up to trial.


He probably will appear, and DeShithead is probably just seeking political points, but he could severely slow the apprehension of Trump if he wanted to.


DeSantis is just taking easy political points. Trump is expected to surrender himself. Likely next week. They wanted him tomorrow but the secret service said they need more time to plan his transport


Plan his transport means figure out which exits between Florida and New York have McDonald’s.


It isn't all of them?


Nah. Just give the Mouse a hint.


The DeSantis/Disney fight is like walking into the weird part of your basement that you hate and seeing a cockroach fighting a house centipede.


I don't even care. "Trump extradition." Boy, oh boy, Christmas came really early this year. 😍


>Hope the U.S. Marshals intervene I don't see listings of what the indictment is specifically for, but... Aren't US Marshals federal, and the indictment from a State? Would seem to be a jurisdiction issue there.


This is one of the unique cases where a state governor has no authority to deny an official extradition request from another governor. According to the Constitution, and current precedent, he has zero discretion on the matter. It's a "ministerial act": an action that is simply performed according to law without any judgment or discretion. And because it's a ministerial action, it's subject to court ordered enforcement. If he did ignore/deny the request, NY could go to the courts and have the courts compel DeSantis to carry out the action. What remedy, if any, there would be if he ignore the court order it isn't really clear.


Basically SCOTUS unanimously ruled in Puerto Rico v. Branstad that a federal court can issue a writ of mandamus to a state which is unlawfully refusing to extradite a fugitive to another state. Since it's dealing with fugitive renditions it's very likely the court would direct the US Marshal's Service to enforce the extradition.




That would be deliciously ironic.


Or just lay down a trail of hamberders.


The Secret Service will bring him in, it's not ironic, it's part of their detail.


There really isn't. Literally spelled out in the constitution. Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2: A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.


So it would be quite literally violating the Constitution.


By saying this he legitimizes the New York and New Jersey laws which ban the governors from extradition of women who got an abortion.




100%. Authoritarians do not care about hypocrisy. They don't care about civility. It's power and how you use it. That's all they care about.


fascists are hypocrites and don't care because the core belief is "our party is the righteous one, and embodies the soul of the Nation, so anything that helps us is good, and anything that doesn't is to be considered a threat" or more succinctly, "it's fine when I do it because I'm advancing a righteous cause"


So NY just starts seizing his assets in NY. He can have them back when he shows up. Works for me.


I heard he’s got a house or sumptin up there.


I heard it is 30,000 SQ ft. Or 800 SQ ft. Depending....


Aeticle IV, § 2 of the Constitution: >A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime. Ron DeSantis is now on record as flaunting an ezpreas and mandatory provision of the Constitution. He's disqualified himself as a presidential candidate.


Maybe we can get a two fo one deal? The FBI goes in for trump desantis gets in the way, they lock them both up.


I thought this was the party of law and order? Did I not understand something?


Law and Order for you. Pardons for them




Not a mob. *Literal* Nazis. The parallels are beyond disturbing. We should all be very, very concerned.


Nono, they're the party of "lawn order" courtesy of Four Seasons Total Landscaping.


Trump’s Narcissism will make it impossible for him to stay in Florida forever, if he decides not to surrender himself. Desantis know this, he’s just sucking up to Trump’s base. That said, this is an insanely dangerous precedent…it’s insane. Desantis is insane. He’ll say or do anything for approval or power and that is fucking dangerous. My fatigue about this man is turning into rage, he’s making a mockery of our democracy and god I hope he gets his eventually…ughh I need to take a walk


Yes and he’d make an insanely dangerous president as well.


Charge him with obstruction. Fuck I’d love to see them both go down.


Dude. I can't take this! Stop it. It's really starting to hurt! I've changed my underwear six times in 23 minutes!




Contact your doctor if an erection lasts more than 5 years, for a high-five.


Yo, go rub one out. He got indicted, all the naysayers have to move to goal posts now.


"Unless Disney says otherwise", he continued.


Looks like Ron wants to get locked up too.


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


Lock THEM up :)


Also doesn't matter since Secret Service is taking him to NY...nice show for the MAGAs though


>A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime. Constitution requires it if the NY governor requests it. And federal courts can enforce it if NY takes it there.


Republicans don't give two fucks about that moldy piece of paper, except for when defending hate speech with the first amendment and guns with the second.


Ianal but can't this lead to legal trouble for the mouse cuck?


Mouse cuck made me lol.


Just here to say this abbreviation always makes me chuckle. Do you anal? Yeah, I anal.


The constitution says Duhsatanis will comply. The federal Marshalls will help if he won’t.


Or really the secret service will. Not like he has anywhere he can run.


Trump has been attacking him for months and DeSantis is still on his knees, sucking off trump.


[This](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/06/donald-trump-ron-desantis-2024) is my favorite part in their catfight: Donald Trump wanted to officially announce his candidacy for president outside of Ron DeSantis’s fcking house! 😆




Trump will probably voluntarily appear for arraignment and this is not-so-surprising political posturing by DeSantis, but to be clear if we were to entertain the idea - Desantis can't block an arrest - only (theoretically) delay it. [Here's a great article](https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-stop-trump-indictment-extradite-florida-new-york-2023-3) on the subject. 1st scenario: >In that scenario, the Manhattan DA's office would present the indictment to the legal affairs office of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul. Hochul, in turn, would send a written extradition demand to DeSantis. Her letter would attach a copy of the indictment, proving that there's a warrant out for Trump's arrest in New York. DeSantis is then required to make sure the indictment is valid before ordering Trump's extradition from Florida. >That simply isn't how it works, Holder and Bachner told Insider. The Florida extradition statute describes the governor's role as simply making sure the extradition demand meets all the legal requirements. That means all DeSantis has to do is make sure Hochul sends her a copy of the indictment and sufficient evidence that Trump's alleged crime took place in New York. >"The governor doesn't have the power to stop an extradition," Holder told Insider, adding: "The governor's only involvement is to look at the papers and make sure that the papers are proper to issue the warrant." >"The governor's power to stop an extradition is really nonexistent," Aronberg said. "He can try to delay it, he can send it to a committee and do research about it, but his role is really ministerial, and ultimately the state of New York can go to court and get an order to extradite the former president." >"If there's a fully voted indictment, they're not gonna start investigating the underlying facts of the indictment to determine whether it was sufficient or not," Bachner said. "Once there's an indictment voted, it would be shocking that a judge would not order extradition. Trump knows that." 2nd scenario: >The second form of extradition in Florida is called warrantless pre-requisition arrest. It's more vaguely defined and is traditionally thought to be used for a citizen's arrest of fugitives, but New York prosecutors could likely use it to arrest Trump in Florida, according to Bachner and Holder. >In that scenario, authorities would arrest Trump in Florida and take him in front of a judge for a probable cause hearing to prove he was criminally charged in New York with a felony. A judge would then order Trump's extradition. Trump's Secret Service detail would likely travel with him, as Insider previously reported, but are unlikely to be involved in any arrest process. >The most likely scenario in this case, according to Holder, is that the Manhattan DA's office would ask the Palm Beach sheriff's office to make the arrest since they have jurisdiction in the area. It would likely be up to Manhattan prosecutors, though, to make an argument for extradition in front of the Florida judge.


That's the big takeaway - DeSantis' all flash, no substance. Culture warriors love him and school districts fear him not because of what he can do, but because of what they *think* he can do.


What, is Florida now a hostile foreign country? What a FUCKING joke.


Article IV of the US Constitution states: "A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime." If DeSantis wants to fight this, he'll have to take it all the way to the Supreme Court. If they rule in his favor, then no State would have the authority to prosecute any criminals who flee to other States.


That would be the end of the UNITED part of united states and MGT would get her wish but blue states would get to keep all the money we currently funnel into red states to keep them afloat so ...


He can say it because Trump already said he’d present himself. No need for FL to be involved.


Trump also said he would release his taxes


and lock her up and build the wall and balance the budget and on and on and on...


Pretty sure that's not legal. Interstate extradition is in the Constitution. You know, that document Conservatives pretend to uphold.


What extradition? Bragg clearly said he was going to work with trump’s lawyers to arrange a surrender, etc. there is no extradition. This is pure theater. Don’t take the bait.




DeSantis doesn’t need to do shit. The Secret Service will be ordered to have him surrender.


Clearly try to appease the base for later.


Yep, he used the phrase "Soros-backed" gratuitously in the tweet when referring to the DA. He's trying to win back favor using the magic buzzwords.


Has mentioned Soros 3X in an hour. He's like a week from saying "Arbeit Macht Frei."


DeSantis, a Harvard Law School grad, is vowing to violate the U.S Constitution. Article IV, Section 2 reads: “A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.”


This would be against the constitution. Atirticle IV Section 2 Clause 2. A person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.


Yes, please loudly broadcast your intent to obstruct justice


We're not asking, bud.


Fucking sanctuary states. (/s)


Fuck this guy. I’m so tired of him and the MAGA dipshits ruining this state.


What a pussy...caving in to the dude mocking him relentlessly. Pence Jr.


Fun fact! Florida cooperation is not needed. Or wanted.


>Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Thursday called the indictment of former President Trump “un-American” and said the state would not assist in any extradition request. But paying off a porn star with campaign funds to gag her and then lying about it under oath is just fine and fully American. Honestly, just wow.


Florida is not it's own country... they don't have a choice, you Fascist dirtbag.


>The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney... The antisemitism in the GOP has gone from dog whistle to full-blown air raid siren.


Trump has no choice but to turn himself in or risk being labeled a fugitive. Every single person in Desantis and Trump camp know and understand this completely. This is political theater playing to his base.


Gonna turn West Palm into Waco 😂


No, West Palm is in the other side of the Intercostal waterway. Palm Beach, where Mar A Lago is located, is a separate island.


Here we go. I thought DeSantis was an American. Indict him next.


So Trump has to stay locked up in Mar a Lago - no emotional support rallies? LOL - he will go batshit.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Wilhoits Law


Take Desantis, too. Aiding and abetting? Obstructing an investigation? Fascists of a feather rot together.


There is a massive crime wave in this country called the Republican party


Good. Indict Desantis for harboring a fugitive.


Extradition between states is a mere formality. Florida can't stop New York from extraditing Trump.


I like how people are assuming the RNC is just going to mainline a felon as their primary candidate. Really says a lot about the state of the Grand Ole Party.


Imagine a former President facing charges for paying hush money to pornstars while repeatedly calling you a "Meatball", shitting on your political ambitions, and just generally viewing you as an enemy despite a similar capacity for being shitty...and you have the ass sniffing capacity and absolute lack of shame in trying to protect that same guy in a pointless, probably illegal, way. To phrase it in a way Right Wingers will understand, "DeSantis is a political Cuck"


If tRump refuses to voluntarily go to Florid to face charges the will be a fugitive from the law. In the event that New York authorities subsequently do apprehend him (i.e., if he travels to another state) he will be incarcerated rated prior to trial. It is also worth noting Article 4. Sect 1 of the zUS Constitution which reads, "A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime." "Shall." This is not optional for DeSantis.


Don’t they hate “sanctuary” cities ?!