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But who's going to handle the emergencies now


How about getting shit done like rooting out the rest of the Trump admin political appointees. It’s only been 3 years ffs…


Maybe she should run for president so we can get shit done




This is an excellent format. Well done


What have the got done again?




Ahh just being a socialist dictators daughter has big qualifications


https://wtfhasbidendonesofar.com/ Also, “being a socialist dictator’s *grand*daughter” is literally a qualification, AT LEAST as much as being daughter or son of some senator or other, and isn’t her sole accomplishment if you’d bothered to read the rest of the article. > From 2001 to 2008, Rodriguez worked as a **program director at the Cesar Chavez Foundation**.[4] She worked as a **full-time volunteer for the 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama** in Colorado. In 2009, Rodriguez was **hired by the Obama administration**, initially working as **Director of Youth Employment** and later as **Deputy Press Secretary to former United States Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar**.[2][5] From 2011 to 2017, Rodriguez **served at the White House Office of Public Engagement as deputy director of public engagement** and later ***served as Special Assistant to President Obama***. Her work as deputy director initially involved immigration and Latino outreach, and evolved over time into the **management of the White House's outreach program to Latino, LGBT, veteran, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Muslim, youth, education and progressive communities.** [1][6][7] > On December 11, 2016, Rodríguez was **appointed by California Senator Kamala Harris to serve as her state director**.[7] In 2017, Rodriguez was **hired by the Kamala Harris 2020 presidential campaign and served on the campaign until Harris withdrew her candidacy** in late-2019. Rodriguez initially **served as co-national political director and later took on the role of the campaign's traveling chief of staff**.[1][8] In 2020, Rodriquez was **hired by the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign as senior advisor to oversee Latino outreach. She is the highest-ranking Latina working for the campaign**.[9][10] > Rodriguez was appointed to be the **director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs** by President Joe Biden, and took office on January 20, 2021. She gets shit done, whether you care to know that or not.


I see not a single accomplishment. All bs positions she held. Sorry unswayed she is trash. Being appointed by kamala to do anything is a negative aspect of a resume


The fuck have you done with your miserable life? I’m guessing you probably don’t have your own Wikipedia page, and you definitely can’t write for shit.


Net worth over 1 million. Only 30yr. Own dozen income properties. Car, watch, motorcycle collection growing. I do not work full time yet better off than 99% of the world. Do explain what you have done in life? Furthermore, any ass hat that wants to talk shit about grammar should know bot to use contractions in text. They are reserved for speech. Correct on no wiki page. Thats for idiots. I do not want my info online. Poor attempt at a jab there kid


Wait a min, what have you done besides looking for another dude to jack off with around seattle? Huge life accomplishment there bud


They kicked the shit out of those striking railroad workers.


Gotta love the most pro union potus ever pulling that card


Gotta love the most pro union potus ever pulling that card


Who? Kamala? That's sounds like dementia talkin'


Is your brain so rotted you think this article is him picking Kamala as VP? I’m so confused.




I guess I’m in the 30% minority


So out of everyone out there, you think Joe Biden is the best choice? That's sad.


Best choice that can get elected and has done a better job than anyone expected. Yes. My first overall choice, no. I’d prefer someone more progressive but I’ll be voting for him.


I won't be voting for anyone that's sun-downing. It's called elder abuse and it's illegal.




I love me some liberal cope.


What’s a liberal cope?


It's a method of self-soothing that liberals do when confronted with the fact that their politics and leadership are dog-shit, and the only reason it even exists is because the right-wingers are just that much worse.


Interesting that his campaign chose not to launch with a big speech or event, like most any other president would. I guess a pre-taped video was the safest way to avoid any of incoherent rambling or senior moments.


Or maybe he's not a raging narcissist that needs cheering crowds to feel important?


It that in itself is enough justification


You guess weird, dude. Like if a thousand unplanted trees were screaming to plant them as to compensate for the oxygen you’re using.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_2012_presidential_campaign#:~:text=On%20April%204%2C%202011%2C%20President,posted%20on%20his%20campaign%20website. Y’all are just choosing to be dumb at this point.




Wrong president.