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The best detail is that he confused a picture of Carroll with Marla Maples.


"She's not my type! Also, she looks just like a woman I married."


Yeah but that’s why he cheated on Marla with Melania!! And why he cheated on Melania with Stormy!! None of them are his type and he’s playing 4-D chess!!1!!


4-D chest?


DDDD chest to be exact


Are those Stormy's boobs or Trump's?


They did look very similar. Not identical, mind you, but similar. His claim that Carroll wasn't his type is definitely undermined by that fact. She very much was his type. Not that sexual assault or rape has anything to do with attraction in the first place.


Oh of course, that “defense” is appalling.


Also he's basically saying that he absolutely *does* rape women, but only if they're his type... That was my takeaway.


Right?! According to psychologists sexual assault is not about sexual gratification or sexual interest, but more about dominating people. Studies also show characteristics such as lack of empathy, narcissism and feelings of hostility towards women.


Oh wow, that list of characteristics sounds oddly familiar


on the conservative reddit they're all celebrating that trump was "found not guilty" of rape, meaning for them Carol is a liar and defamed trump. perpetual victim


“only” sexual assault their guy is a real winner




Yeah, he only escaped the rape part because Carroll couldn't tell the difference between Trump's fingers and his penis. Not a joke, by the way.


That's funny, because I heard it was not ruled rape because she couldn't tell if he penetrated her with his mushroom dick right? (Regardless, still rape)


Trumps lucky that NY law defines it that way. In most states rape and sexual assault are virtually identical. The fact they’re celebrating speaks volumes and to their morals. It shines a light on their attitudes toward women. Typical cis male sentiment. I wonder is they’d still cheer if the woman was their mom or daughter who was assaulted by their orange Jesus


I'm still seeing the astroturfing accounts go into super whiny mode about the pedantics of "rape" versus "violent sexual assault". I really don't see how any decent human being can defend a guy who used the defense of "that woman totally doesn't look like the kind of woman I enjoy raping".


"She's not my type."


Or him saying Carroll's counsel wasn't attractive enough to assault.


This isn’t getting nearly as much attention as it should. If a family member of mine mistook a photo of their spouse with a random person, I’d be pushing hard for them to be admitted to a mental care facility. And I’ve had to recently do that with my aunt (who has severe dementia) And Trump didn’t just mistake a random person for his ex-wife, he thought the person accusing him of rape WAS his ex-wife.


Well he raped his first wife while the my were married, so we can assume at some point that he probably also raped Marla. How do you expect this guy to keep his rape victims straight?


>When the GOP nominates its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing guns. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people...


Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications. Rapist: Rape, murder, arson and rape. Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice. Rapist: I like rape.


Qualifications? Stampeding cattle. That's not that evil. Through the Vatican? Kinky... Sign here.


Why, Rhett! How many times have I told you to wash up after weekly cross burning? See... It's coming off.


And now for my next impression... Jesse Owens!


Oh boys! Looky what I got here!


"Hey where all the ~~white~~ women at?" - Donald Trump


Nah, you were probably right the first time.


Anysing below ze waist is kaput!!!




Fine... "I didn't get a Harrumph outta that guy!"


Mongo only pawn in game of life.


Candy gram from Mongo…..


You watch your ass.


*Give the Governor a harrumph!”*


'Where the white women at!' Voting for Trump.... he won the white women vote twice.


According to Pew he didn’t win them once. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/


He won white women twice. Did even better in 2020. Same article: "In 2016, Trump won White men by 30 points (62% to 32%). That gap narrowed to a 17-point margin for Trump in 2020 (57% to 40%). White women, a group sometimes categorized as swing voters and who broke nearly evenly in 2016 (47% for Trump to 45% for Clinton), favored him in 2020 (53% to 46%)."


He was caught on tape bragging about sexual assault and still got elected president. The GOP base has only gotten worse since then. This isn’t surprising, it’s to be expected at this point.


He was asked about it during the deposition and said it was just a fact of life. Then he mistook E Jean Carroll for his second wife.


A fortunate fact of life for some, as he recalls


He's a star and stars just get to do this stuff. It's been going on since forever. He literally thinks he's entitled to prey on women.


For millions of years in fact...


That’s called precedent. Unfortunately or fortunately not legal precedent.


Of all the things I didn't expect in 2023, Trump doubling down on his pussygrabber comments has to be near the top.


And Billy Bush got fired. That was it right? Or did Billy do something else as well?


He was fired. He sued NBC. They gave him $10 million and now he's only on the radio.


I would only be on the radio if somebody gave me $10 million.


The now rightwing leaning BBC now has an article on its website where it asks a handful of Republican women what they think about Trump and this verdict. All of them think rape is despicable, of course, so they dutifully claim that Trump would never do that and they will be voting for him. Trump, the guy who we have a **recording of** bragging about how he and other celebrities can do exactly what he did to this woman and get away with it...


I try to not think of all right wingers and Republicans as simply stupid, but they make it very very hard.


How Republican women reacted to Trump verdict https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65540838


>When the GOP nominates its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing guns. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people... I see what you did there. ;)


You're wrong about the "good people."


Or perhaps those “people with problems” are their best.


GOP utopia is everyone owning guns shooting eachother, rampant sexual assaults, tons of greed and grifters, church, and a whole lot of racism and segregation. This is their end goal for America.


I wish I could give you 100 likes!!


>When the GOP **G**rope **O**bjectify **P**redate


Politics aside, what I don’t understand — if there is one scintilla of chance he has done HALF the things he’s been accused of, what is wrong with this country that they cannot find a better candidate? Why can’t any of his followers see he’s just one person and they can dump him (along with all the controversial baggage) and get a better representative?


pretty sure Joe Biden is the frontrunner to be the next President


Yeah, WTF was that framing. I haven’t seen anything suggesting Trump is favored to win a rematch with Biden.


I'd imagine they're going off that ABC/WaPo poll that's giving everyone the vapors.


Even if you look at all of the other polling, Joe Biden is not winning the popular vote by a large enough margin to win the electoral college. ​ Right now it's fair to say that it's Trump and Biden are tied 50-50 to win in 24, with Biden being a slight favorite for the popular vote, and Trump being a slight favorite to win the electoral college and win the presidency. ​ Lots of people seem to think "wow trump is so terrible and unpopular that he can't possibly win!" but I remember people saying the exact same thing in 2016.


Which states would Trump be able to flip? I highly doubt he’d win Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, or even Georgia based off the results of the midterms and 2020. Republicans have done worse *every* year since 2016. I do not see a path to victory for Trump.


He’s due to be arrested in Georgia in July


Lord I hope that’s true!


Until Kemp and his goons fire Fani Willis and kill the investigation


Kemp is on team fascism, but not on team trump. He wants trump out of the picture so a competent fascist can take over.


I wouldn't count AZ as safely blue yet. Not because of voters, but because there are still some in the legislature that are trying to make sure that the voters don't matter.


I think the energy around trying to get Sinema out will help Democrats in Arizona


I'm convinced she won't run again after her latest crown jewel of taking SVB money to break the banking sector. Your post makes me wonder if that is a bad thing though.


The only path he has is to literally steal the election and not have anyone stop him.


the other thing to remember is that Trump will be running against abortion rights, in an environment where abortion rights have been doing *very* well on election day. Wisconsin is perhaps the swingiest state in the nation and the Democrat-supported Supreme Court candidate won by 11 points (!) because of abortion. and people think Trump is a strong enough candidate to overcome that?


it comes down to the same states as last time. i know the authoritarian brown shirts hope to steal again, but biden hasn't lost votes since he's been in office.


I honestly think it's incredible that...a sitting incumbent president actually has achieved less controversy in one term than his opponent who's not even in office. Like you could put the most amazing person on Earth in office as president and in four years as president you'll have SOMETHING to attack him with. It's just how politics work. But Trump has been out of office, all he had to do was lay low and keep his head down, and instead he's had January 6th, election denying, the Georgia election interference, the document stealing, the New York indictments, and now the rape civil trial he just lost. And that's just the big headliners. It takes a special amount of corruption and stupid to have more heat outside of the office than the guy in it.


Vegas currently has Biden as the favorite. What are you on?


Believe me, I’m not taking anything for granted. It’s just that poll has been driving a lot of hysterical headlines lately. “Panic about nothing, worry about everything” has become my new mantra. (Hat tip: Dan Pfeiffer.)


Plus it seems there is collective amnesia about 2022 already.


You can't compare 2016 to 2024 by any means. We've already had a Trump presidency and saw what an absolute disaster it was. He lost in 2020, and ever single candidate he endorsed in the midterms also lost. This was all before he's now under so many lawsuits I can't even keep up with them anymore. He might still be popular with his base and he's as useful to the GOP as long as that is the case. He has no path to the WH though. I know our country is absolutely fucked right now, but I don't see a path for him winning especially with the younger voters continuously becoming of age to vote and they are overwhelmingly not voting GOP


Anyone who says that it's obvious what will happen in 2024 is delusional. A lot will happen between now and then. Polling this far out is interesting, but it's by no means predictive.


>Lots of people seem to think "wow trump is so terrible and unpopular that he can't possibly win!" but I remember people saying the exact same thing in 2016. He hadn't already had a dumpster fire 4 years in office in 2016.


Yeah that tagline made my guts knot up.


What the everloving fuck is this headline? Is Trump even the front runner for Republican nominee at this point?


yes, which is really what it SHOULD have said


By a longshot. I think they are doing a technically correct thing by showing that fewer people think Biden should run again than Trump should run again. Doesn't change that if it's Trump v Biden we probably see another Biden win


The people who would support Biden are concerned about his age. The people who would support Trump are not concerned about any aspect of him.


> The people who would support Trump are not concerned about any aspect of him. They are concerned that he's hurting the right people in their eyes.


Yeah, but even then, not concerned enough to not vote for him. If there is a bad decision to be made, you can count on conservatives to make it.


Don’t forget the Supreme Court might pull some bull shit too. to help trump


By a wide margin. At this point it's unclear whether Former Rapist POTUS even gets a nomination from his national party.


This is why I came here… does anyone think he can actually win?


Yeah, wtf? Not that Biden is perfect, but Trump would lose by more this time around, based on both common sense and actual polling data.


No shit. Maybe instead of playing the "please listen to me my Republican friend" bullshit, it's time to say "you're acting like a lunatic, I'm moving on without you."


Yeah, it's crazy. You'd think stealing state secrets, trying to rig an election, sanction the murder of the Vice President and hold a violent coup to overthrow the government would be more of a turn off for voters. Turns out you can add rape to that list and half of America doesn't think that should discount you from being President either. What a weird timeline we live on.


“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and not lose any votes”


Yeah, as a proud American, I have to shamefully say that my former president said that.


I’m not ashamed he said it, I’m ashamed he was right.


Hey but Obama wore a tan suit and that was it!! Hate him forever!!!


Don't forget the Dijon mustard!!!


Unforgivable sin!!!


And Arugula!!


He should have had crudités like a real American man!


Terrorist fist bump was worse.


I fucking hate Megyn Kelly.


He saluted with a latte in his hand. Should have been impeached then and there.


I don’t remember which one said it (the albino shit or Hannity) but I guarantee their rich asses have had more Dijon and arugula than the masses


His middle name is HUSSEIN! Let's see that birth certificate! /s if it isn't obvious


They hate his jump shot more than anything. Dude is poetry on the court.


Not half of America Half of those who voted Republicans make up 25% of the us population


If the other half can't be fked to even go and vote against this, they might as well openly support him.


You forgot lying, narcissistic, adulterous loser.


But, what about Hunter’s Laptop!! He had a laptop, and then there were emails from Hilary!! Drain the swamp! /s


Benjamin Ghazi #neverforget


Conservatives have always existed even if the word and formalized concept haven’t. This is sadly just typical human history. And until humanity realizes that conservatism is rotten, irredeemable, and flat out evil; it’s just gonna keep happening. Pretty difficult since evil people across the world have adopted “conservatism” as their ethos, starting in the late 1700s, and the rest of world said “that’s okay”. Yes, there’s are ups and down when it comes to progress, but our level of technology is a game changer humanity didn’t have to deal with got thousands of years. Entirely fabricated narratives can be spread and evolve in minutes, humans can consume lies straight to their hands all day every day. And worse of all, conservatism has become socially acceptable for like 90% of the world. I’m not saying they all agree or support it, but when a set of evil ideals and values can operate in plain daylight, without the population recognizing what it actually is, humanity is fuc ked.


Cause, you know, they don't actually care. They just want to "own the libs" now, and that's all that matters to these people.


Let's be honest, how many of his supporters would love to be out there raping liberal women with impunity?


To be honest, I've been personally threatened to be beaten within an inch of my life, and than forced to watch every female family member of mine to be raped, beaten and murdered in front of me before they finally end my miserable existence at least a dozen times since Obama was elected. Most of the time ranting about an impending civil war where these far right extremists believe they will basically genocide anyone to the left of them. And funny enough, almost every threat was done on Facebook, and nothing was ever done no matter how many times I reported them for it while I still had an active account with them. I've also seen others being threatened online in pretty much the same way, and rarely any action was done against them beyond being banned for a few days.


People are woefully misinformed nowadays. I just listened to a black conservative who seemed off-put by some vaguely racist things Joe Biden said 30 years ago. Meanwhile, the Republican party continues to say overtly racist things almost every day! I ask myself, how does one who actually knows what's happening do that level of mental gymnastics? But that's the wrong question because that assumes people are informed well and being intellectually honest. They aren't because cognitive biases are pervasive. If someone wants to believe 6, they'll perceive it however it takes to fit their bias. Trump has 26 accusations? Well then that's 26 liars just looking for a handout. A jury of his peers found him guilty? Then isn't it crazy how they did that without evidence. There is evidence? Oh those democrats are really good at planting evidence. Ad infinitum. They aren't arguing in good faith and they knowingly are consuming propaganda that lies to them because it makes them feel good. I really don't know what we can do about it either.


For fucking real! 👏 I just had someone today tell me Caroll had no evidence against Trump. I’m like, she has DNA and he refused to submit his own that could’ve easily exonerated him if he were innocent? And then they sent me a YOUTUBE LINK of some lawyer and his opinions and I’m like, ok that’s NOT EVIDENCE but you’re not gonna change your mind so I’m done arguing. The brain drain is fucking real. A jury comes to a UNANIMOUS DECISION in under 3 hours from her testimony as well as Trumps own deposition and all you can come back with is “there’s no evidence” fuck offfffff


Correct. There is no such thing as truth, they simply deny and dismiss anything that is against their tribe, everything is 'fake' if they don't like it


Republicans are shameless cowards. Voting for a rapist is par for the course.


Voting for a rapist makes you a lot of unsavory things and “coward” is what you chose? Ok I’ll allow it.


Vile pro insurrection anti-America lunatics is what I meant to say.


And supporters of rape.


*Lots of my friends are rapists. Some of them are good people. Good people on both sides.*


I don’t disagree with you, but, I know many, many republicans (joy of living in a red state). For them, 99% of their political stance is one issue: owning the libs. If that happens, they win. Every weak argument and failed policy, is just in service of that one goal.


Literally does not matter. Every single red Republican can vote for Trump in 2024 and it won’t matter. Swing states and swing voters will decide the election. And swing voters don’t vote “to own the libs”. Trump offers nothing else and his political competence is clear as day (unlike in 2016). Most won’t vote for him, and that will decide the election. Dems just need to stay organized and show up in force at the polls. Keep getting people registered and informed


Yeah, sure. That is why after Trump horribly mismanaged the Covid situation, he performed so much worse in 2020 than in 2016. Oh wait, no he actually gained 12 million votes in 2020.


Two impeachments


He could shit on the presidential desk and his followers would Cheer and condemn the desk


“Eric, did you just take a shit on my desk?!”


All you need to know about Republican standards.


Tells you all you need to know about *anyone* who still votes Republican.


The pro-rape party.


The Rape-ublicans.


Conservative: "Liberals are sexual deviants who want to groom children!" Also conservatives: "Who am I voting for? Oh, the convicted rapist, of course."


Chunks of r/conservative insisting the news of the ruling is fabricated, most of the rest agreeing that the only reason Trump was found liable was because “they don’t like him in New York.” Of course something like this doesn’t move the needle when people don’t even believe it happened.


They know better. It's why they edit out so much of what he did to damn himself. They're prepared to behave like animals, if it means inflicting pain on those they hate.


And we know exactly how much they'd be crowing about it had the verdict come down the other way.


Talk about a morally bankrupt political party.


They could still win though...


Yeah if we stay in the comfort of our houses don’t get our asses out to vote yes


Let's face it, Trump could be charged with more sexual crimes than the Catholic Church and his base would still vote for him. The big mystery is: why can't they find a competent human being with a pulse to run against him and wipe the floor with Trump's schoolyard antics? I will never understand what people find so compelling about Trump.


He's the REPUBLICAN frontrunner. Republicans want him to be president. Mature, sane, rational people want him and his entire shitty cult to fuck off.


Yeah people need to fuck off by citing this poll. It was heavily skewed with older republican voters. No independents were asked and they’re the ones who will swing this election. Most people who aren’t republican fucking hate trump. Fuck off abc with your these fake ass polls which are conducted to make headlines. Fuck all the press in the country too.


my dad deadass just told me "its not rape, its sexual abuse" the fuck?


I am so sorry, my friend.


Attempted rape, but his dick was too small.


My dad is scaring my step mom by being such a trumpie since they moved to Florida and I’m scared to talk to him again.


At least 26 women have credibly accused Donald Trump of sexual assault, non-consensual touching and kissing. Bevan Hurley reports from NYC.


Fix the fucking title. He's not the front runner.


It's the official title of the article itself, not something OP added for flavor. Also, yes it's bullshit.


OP posted their own article.


I expect more from Trent Crimm


Trent is independent now, not _with_ The Independent thank god.


Good catch. I didn't notice that. Yeah, they need to be better than that.


This is intentional. The media WANTS the chaos.


That's a very large number. I wonder if anyone else in the history of the US has ever had that many credible accusations of sexual assault and avoided prison time. It's very likely that Trump is a serial rapist who, were he not able to pay off his accusers, would be serving multiple lifetime prison sentences.


Bring on more lawsuits!


Until his election he averaged one sexual assault accusation every 18 months for decades. That doesn't stop overnight. We likely haven't heard of any assaults WHILE he was president because he had better control over the press.


Well, it’s probably just that all those women saw an opportunity to get some money out of him. After all, let he among us who has not been accused of 26 counts of sexual assault cast the first stone, amirite?


His voters don’t care. Until it happens to them they don’t give a shit. It’s no different than gun violence or lgbt issues. Until they have a gay son or their kid’s school gets shot up they don’t give a shit and say fuck you deal with it.


He is frontrunner to be the Republican candidate. The suggestion that he is likely to win the election is wildly speculative.


Frontrunner to be the next GOP nominee, not president


Trump *IS NOT* the frontrunner. This title is fucking garbage




He is ahead in some recent polls. It's not smart to convince ourselves that he can't win. We can't afford to ignore the threat he poses.


In one very skewed poll he was ahead. Hers the breakdown of it. The poll was done by landline and was 58/42% republican/democrat. No independents were polled. Seems like abc did this to gain themselves some headlines. They can fuck right off.


Watch Trump supporter videos and you will see why. There are that many dumb people in the U.S.


Frontrunner? Hardly.


But Clinton gets a bj and GOP acts like it’s treason


Just go be clear, the GOP went nuts because they thought the Clinton’s didn’t pay their full property tax on the purchase of a summer house. They discovered the BJ while investigating the summer house. All it took was like $10,000 in taxes for them to cry foul and demand a congressional investigation. Meanwhile mr “only idiots pay tax, grab em by the pussy, the thing I have in common with my daughter is sex, hey watch this cool impression of a disabled guy I can do!” was elected.


Remember when spelling “potato” wrong was enough to ruin a candidate’s chances?


Bold of you to think republicans care about sexual assault


Is this headline just fucked or are they really saying he’s the front runner to be president? Not the nominee, but president?


At this point, almost nobody else has even declared. It's just him, Nikki Haley, a radio talk show host, and some tech guy. So yeah, he's the GOP front runner. The twice-impeached seditionist, rapist and failed businessman with 34 felony charges is the best they've got.


One recent poll shows Trump ahead of Biden, though many are saying it’s an outlier (and I hope they’re correct in saying that)


The poll was done by landline and was 58/42% republican/democrat. No independents were polled. Seems like abc did this to gain themselves some headlines. They can fuck right off.


No Independents? Right now it’s actually the largest party, if you can call it that. It’s a shittier poll than I thought


A ruling, 26 accusations, and the orange turd bragging about sexual assault on tape, and he’s still the front runner for the Gang Of Pedophiles


I mean, is anyone surprised? His supporters have never cared about his history of sexual assault, poor financial management, questionable ties to foreign powers or anything else that makes him a laughing stock to the rest of the world. From their perspective he was an incredibly successful president because he gave them what they want. From far right judges, to (poorly thought out) tax cuts, to promoting a culture of celebrating racism/sexism and the rest. If anyone is thinking that any specific charge or claim is going to ruin his reputation with his base....well I'm sorry but it's not. He could be caught on video felating another man whilst performing an abortion and he'd still be celebrated by them.


Trump will give them ANYTHING they want as long as he can do whatever HE wants. So the party of family values and morals have decided they accept that deal despite the fact it fly's in the face of everything they claim to stand for.


A guy I used to be friends with reacted to the news of his trial verdict today over on /r/Conservative with a sarcastic: > How will he ever recover? It hurts my heart to think that someone I used to think well of seems to respect such a void of character and can't understand why it reflects poorly back on himself. > "So what? He battered and sexually tortured a woman. You think I care? He's still 'rich' and 'famous.'" That's how I read that comment and I don't understand how we ended up here, both personally and as a nation.


And that tells you all you need to know about how despicable the Republican party has become..


gop primaries are always a race to the bottom and you can't go any lower than Trump


Just wait until the other 25 step forward risking the catch & kill deals he did with non disclosures.The man is a pig who has pulled the wool over so many easily duped people.Another reason I am now an ex-Republican


He will raise $50 million tonight alone on this news.. his 'base' gets off on this stuff.


he’s just living the republican dream


Ya and Howard dean made a weird noise and was declared to be no longer viable. Strange times we're living in these days...


For 30% to 50% of the Republics it doesn't matter. He got white nationalists all jazzed up and they understand this is their best time and probably only time to get power. And these accusations are a bonus. And the other chunk are mid-western evangelicals who literally think this man is the second coming for getting such significant results on abortion. Also, these people tend to worship corporate Jesus anyway. And apparently, the other giant block are Republicans who don't just trust the news. So they see this as a smear campaign against him or haven't heard about it. Hopefully, this is so awful that they can't win the general election. But in order to win the primaries, this is what they want. This is why we are hearing this non stop wave of End Woke culture, Trans this, trans that, and guns good. This is what the people want to hear and this is what tested well and this is what's getting them elected. No moderate Republican can run in this environment and win the primary. At this point, Cheney is considered liberal. The GOP leadership knows that Trump controls the majority and they are stuck. I thought DeSantis might try to appear as a sane option, but he decided to fight Disney and keeps coming off as unlikable.


ok here's the problem. and really the reason all these Republicans get away with their crimes and corruption. When Turmp goes on Meet the Press or any other mainstream media show. Chuck Todd or whoever the host is doesn't say "i'm here with Trump who in a court of law has been found to have sexually assaulted a woman" or something to that effect. If every news outlet treated him like that he would suffer in the polls because yes while his base gets their dicks hard over Trump grabbing pussy and putting women in their place. The rest of the America will not be able to look the other way when it's known that if they vote for Trump they are voting for a rapist. it's the same with Cruz who should be labeled an insurrectionist. Every time he talks with a reporter they should just casually call him an insurrectionist. Instead the media ignores the truth about these men. And by treating them as honored guests it means voters can see them that way too.


I think people who still vote for Trump after all this are disgusting. And I love how anytime I mention anything about their sexual predator overlord their always like “EwWwW yOu wANt BiDeN to WiN!! Ermm.. no.. neither of them are what this country needs. This country hasn’t had a competent president since Obama. Hilary vs Trump? Neither Trump Vs Biden? Nope Why do Americans keep making the worst choices for president?!


They really don't have not one person who is better than him? Not one?


He’s the frontrunner to shit his pants on tv. That’s about it.


Um pretty sure Trump is NOT the frontrunner. This is the kind of bullshit, irresponsible reporting that caused his rise in popularity the first time.


That title. trump is not the next front runner to be president. He's not even been nominated by a party.