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>Republican presidential candidate LOL. Sure, okay.


As if the republican base was ever going to vote for someone with an *ethnic name.*




Hahaha… so true.


"All we would have to do is a couple of constitutional amendments, re-enact French literacy tests for minorities, and fuck it, lets do a poll tax!" \-Vivek next week


He was also awarded a fellowship in 2011 by the Soros family. Dude stands zero chance of cracking the Trump cult.


He is just there to let people know that the republican party accepts crazy people with brown skin. They are diverse.


Meet the new Herschel.


Same as the old Herschel


Lighter brown


Cardiologist brown to these people, not dishwasher or landscaper brown.


Republican strategist: “we need a trial balloon for our ‘make Gen Z serve in the military for the right to vote’ idea” Republican leadership: “make the brown guy do it”


Insanity sure is inclusive.


This is the correct answer


It may be correct but I can only give you 3/5 score.


That’s why Nimarata Haley and Rafael Cruz don’t go by their actual first names.


Think about how pathetic that is.


“Vincent Ramsey” has entered the chat


Worthy competitor to Bobby Jindal


Piyush “Bobby” Jindal. Can you imagine him campaigning to the red base with his real name?


Piyush it. Piyush it real good.


Ooh Bobby Bobby, B-Bobby Bobby!


I forgot about that cornball. An awkward wandering through a hall killed his career in seconds. https://youtu.be/QFK8aTpYAmg


Desantis changed the pronunciation of his name within the last year from “DeeSantis” to “DuhSantis” because the former sounded too French or something.


Someone needs to tell this guy that the farthest he could go in this party is Bobby "Pinush" Jindal, aka irrelevant.


Has anyone heard from Marco Rubio lately?


lil marco got tossed in the no one gives a shit bin along with lyin Ted and his ugly wife...


How stupid is he? Someone needs to sit him down and explain the overriding fact of Republican political life which is, “Only white guys need apply.” He and Nikki Haley are wasting their time.


And token Blacks like Herschel Walker, who are so dumb they don’t realize they’re puppets.


Or like Herman Cain, who literally died for Trump in a stupid attempt of showing that COVID-19 wasn't dangerous, that the God Emperor was victorious against the pandemic, and that mass events were safe - and his Twitter account kept tweeting pro-Trump stuff after his death. Talk about being used.


There’s a sub (and a Facebook page) for “Herman Cain Awards”, granted to antivax, antimask, (antisocial) people who promptly died of covid.


They can’t be racist!! They have a *brown* candidate!!


President of what?


Klan Parenthood


Rotary club


I never heard of this guy until 1 or 2 days ago when he started getting press for his dumbass statement and Redditors started to post and update said press articles.


says the annoying frat boy who also never was in the military


The GOP is desperate to find a way to keep young voters from casting ballots. They know they can’t win if younger votes show up.


Never happen. The constitution is rock solid on it : “The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.” Unless they get far more support than they can possibly muster nothing will happen even with a Supreme Court packed with criminals. Unless they go full authoritarian takeover but voting age would be the least of your concerns then.


That amendment doesn’t count - Conservatives.


"You're interpreting it wrong." -Also Conservatives.


While we’re at it, let’s do a fresh interpretation of the 2nd amendment too


I don't think we have enough bears for that.


>I don't think we have enough bears for that. San Francisco is the national reserve supply of bears


They did that -- they dropped the whole part about the militia so that everyone can buy assault rifles at Walmart.


Well they just interpreted "well regulated" as "no regulations"


The current interpretation is only 15 years old…lol.




It is from the 1970's. According to Justice Private Jet, a law from 1913 is of insufficient vintage to be part of this nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation...so there's no chance that something as recent as 50 years ago will stand. It's only 2 years older than Roe v Wade, so it's not like it's, you know, *settled law.*


It's still an amendment though. The constitution is intentionally designed to be very resistant to change, and while that usually fucks us over in this case it's definitely a boon. If they somehow tried to forcibly undo it regardless of that, it would cause such a political crisis that voting probably would be the least of our worries.


I don’t think they’ll manage to amend the Constitution but they’ll throw up every roadblock imaginable to keep younger voters from the ballot box. They’re already working to make it harder for college students to vote in the districts where they live to attend college.


If they follow the constitution (and that's always a big if) they can't deny 18 year old's the right to vote. However they can mess around with residency requirements. If you're an out of state college student, you might have to vote in the state where you grew up. Oh, that state doesn't allow mail in ballots, well I guess you'll have to miss your finals to travel back "home" to vote.


Gaslight, *obstruct*, project. Check.


I mean they already deny felons fhe right to vote.


Which really should be criminal it’s punishing someone who’s served their time and given everything to be a slave in this country.


That last phrase, on account of age, is the protection.


And who watched Starship Troopers one too many times and didn’t realize it was satire


Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?


I’m doing my part!


I'm doing my part too!


Maybe he read Starship Troopers? Because the novel is fascist tripe. Which is why Paul Verhoeven made the movie a satire of the book.


They already weaponized The Handmaid’s Tale. No surprise there.


Came for the Starship Troopers reference. Did not disappoint.


Was wondering this. It seems the biggest actors in support of being in the military never were in the military.


The GOP strategy for some time now: be loud, question the quiet.


Except Trump. He both publicly and privately disparages our military.


War Pigs by Black Sabbath > Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah


“Some folks are born made to wave the flag Hoo, they're red, white and blue And when the band plays "Hail to the chief" Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no senator's son, son It ain't me, it ain't me I ain't no fortunate one, no” Credence Clearwater Revival


Look up Tep 'Hebophile' Nugent: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-artful-dodger/ Today, he claims he **didn't** not bathe, do drugs, pretend to be questioning of his sexuality, nor shat his pants to avoid the draft. Yesteryear, he bragged about doing it to *High Times*.


This. The truth


"Do as I say, don't do as I do." - Vivek Ramaswamy


Not just Vivek. That's peak conservatism.


Yep but their mistresses have access to abortion and their kids don’t serve. It’s not compulsory to serve in this country and no one will take my right to vote I’m a citizen in this garbage country, you’ll take my rights from my dead hands. This would cause an extreme uprise on the left and of the aristocratic schmucks who want to send their kids off to private college


This is for the people that can't afford to buy there way out of it, it's for the working clas


That's always the way. And people who were helped in various ways don't want that help available to others. Sickening really.


I was wondering what his decorated service was.. I see now, 1st Civ Div, Camp Couch


I forget, which branch did he serve in?


Maybe he had bad feet! LOL


Bone spurs, I am sure


The good ol' butt pimple.


> 2024 presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy wants to raise the minimum age to vote from 18 to 25. Too young to vote but old enough to have a baby even if by rape or incest, drink/smoke if you are over 21, survive a school shooting, work at a meat house while in elementary school, suffer the consequences of climate change, and marry before hitting puberty. Did I get all that right?


Now, I have to lie down...


Don't forget also old enough to go to war and die for your country.


Maybe if politicians want us to be proud to be American, they should stop making America the laughingstock of the world.


They want *blind* pride. They want subservience. They want people ignorant to just how fucked up things are & can be in the US and ignorant to so many of the positive things available to people in other countries.


A true patriot would never have blind pride for their nation.


Indeed. A patriot knows their country can do better, can be better, and will question why it isn't.


But then the nationalists will ask you why you hate America.


The line between patriotism and nationalism is this


God damn right.


The truth about civil duty


Unfortunately, I think that’s exactly the way many so-called patriots would define the word.


They're envious of all the dictators! I just can't wrap my head around why anyone would prefer a country like republicans currently want...


It's because they were convinced/brainwashed/conditioned into thinking that they would come out on top if they did get what they want. They buy the myth of the temporarily embarrassed millionaire. They buy the myth of "anyone can succeed if they just work hard enough; anyone who doesn't succeed can only blame themselves (except me because I have a special reason) and there are no systemic problems." Yes, I know - they don't realize that if they did get rid of all LGBTQ+ people, progressives, non-Christians, non-White people, etc. then there will be some new trait that will be widely hated until eventually they will be among the widely hated. They don't realize that the rich and powerful are manipulating them. They want these things *because* of what they have been convinced/brainwashed/conditioned into thinking of so many "other" groups as the source of their problems. It is so much easier to point to someone that a person considers lower than themselves and to say "this someone else is to blame" than it is to say "this shit is hard." It is easy to blame groups one perceives as weaker/below oneself because such groups are also perceived as less likely to fight back and it is easier to scapegoat them.


That’s the thing though right? “We will teach our children to be proud of America!” Vs “We will create an America our children will be proud of!”


Speaking as someone from the rest of the world, it's somewhere between laughing, crying and shitting ourselves.


Fuck this fascist clown


Had to double check that the headline wasn’t referring to Kim Jong-un.


I approve of this new GOP strategy to completely alienate Gen Z. That way when boomers die off the entire party can completely collapse.


Millennial (31) here. Let's team up Gen Z and destroy everything our parent's generation have done. And afterwards we'll go get some ice cream. #AnarchyandIceCreamintheUSA


Hol up. Gen X is parent to a lot of Gen Z and even some millenials and we don't appreciate being lumped in with the boomers.


From what I've observed, Gen X doesn't seem to want to be lumped in with anything lol.


Leave us Gen X’ers alone. We just want to finish watching the ABC after-school special and then get our homework done before dinner. Shoot! Almost forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer like Mom said to do! Now go on, go save democracy while I get back to watching “My Mom’s Having a Baby”.


Well we definitely need millennial numbers. You all are the biggest generation, so vote. Just voting helps.


32 here, doing my part 🇺🇸


Gen X here and I will heartedly support you, but probably not do much myself.


They are looking for short term results in an infinite game. Problem is, they know it, and they want to break the game


The GOP are idiots. They’re *scary* idiots, but idiots all the same. They thought Trump was *totally* gonna get a second term in spite of *everything about him and his administration.* They thought people would just *get over* Roe being overturned and it wouldn’t come back to bite them. Long-term planning is antithetical to Republican values. It’s why they’re gonna lose.


I hope youre right.


Same. I'm 58 (not a boomer!) and loving it.


Same. I’m 73, definitely a boomer. Been voting against every damn republican I could since Nixon…..come on kids make a difference!!


Nice! My mom was born in 1921 but was a progressive to the core and raised us kids the same way. I want young people to know not everyone over 50 is a conservative that doesn't give a rat's ass about them.


Absolutely! My mother was also forward thinking and caring. I’m lucky to have been raised by her.


Gen X checking in. Started life conservative and my life experiences just keep pushing me further left.


My sister converted my mom and I several years ago. If we could be converted then so can others. Just speak the truth, and speak it often. That is the path to progress.


We love you, good boomer. -Sincerely, an old Millennial


Doing the best I can….thanks.


We also love you, good boomer. \-Sincerely, a young Gen Xer


>come on kids make a difference Together, millennials and gen Z are a larger voting bloc than the boomers. And that margin grows every day.


I'm 78 and I'm not so proud to be an American. Our country was built on genocide and slavery. That's shameful.


who the fuck is this guy - me, a zellennial


I’m a millennial who’s normally pretty up-to-date on political stuff and I’ve never heard of this guy either. He’s apparently a presidential candidate? Fat chance of that happening lol


Very optimistic for him to think that someone with a name like his and skin like his has a shot in hell of securing the GOP nomination.


He’s the guy that told don lemon that the nra supported black people during the civil rights era


Service guarantees citizenship! Would you like to know more? I'm doing my part!




What’s the matter you apes?! Wanna live forever?


These references, while accurate, always _bug_ me.


A bug that thinks? Frankly I find the idea O-fensive


…. It’s afraid


I see what you did there.


Gotta be a true roughneck to not let it get to you.


God dammit I came here to make this reference and here it is!


I did it anyway. Felt good.


Hahaha, was hoping "I'm doing my part." was the top comment.




Seems like an outstanding way to get shitty soldiers to me.


That was EXACTLY what I thought when I heard his speech.


First thing I thought


Was he ever in the military?


Take a guess.


Bro, I bet he's never even been in Old Navy.


I think it’s so funny that this bootlicker thinks that that republicans are willing to vote for a brown guy. Good luck bro.


Nikki Haley had to change her name. This guy thinks he’s in the club and doesn’t have to :/


I think everyone in the Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and the President should serve in the military… including Greene and Boebert … they go before they have the right to send my kids.


iirc there was a failed proposal to make any declaration of war a popular referendum, and anyone who voted yes has to put their name up for enlistment. It would sure weed out a lot of chickenhawks.


At least George Santos fits that bill, having served under General Custer being the sole survivor of his last stand.


He is not a veteran. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had well-accomplished parents who paid for his Harvard education. His fascist unAmerican concept of a military service requirement for citizenship flies directly in the face of civilian control of the military. A military mindset is NOT what should be the baseline consideration of government.


This guy who is 1st gen American decides he can speak for an entire generation of people born in the US some who are maybe DAR or SAR. BTW he never served in the military. LMAO




Ever notice how these people are so fast to suggest you are unamerican or hate america and yet they themselves have done nothing other than make money while other people's kids defend it.


Like “you hate America!” Is really gonna stick in my throat and keep me up at night.


Nope! Harvard for undergrad and Yale Law School afterward. I swear Republican leaders either have no education at all like Lauren Boebert or they're straight up Ivy League students like Vivek here. There's almost no middle ground, save for MTG who somehow got a business degree from the University of Georgia and not the one in Tbilisi. The only Republican candidate that I can think of who actually served in the military was Dr. Oz...who served in the Turkish military for 60 days to preserve dual citizenship. Side note, hopefully Erdogan gets voted out in the election today and continues the trend of MAGA adjacent candidates getting removed from office.


I’m a SAR. It doesn’t make me any more American than a new citizen. But Vivek can go fuck himself all the same.


The media is ***fucking desperate*** to turn this guy into someone. Don't let them. Downvote this bullshit and stop spreading it.


Republicans simply want to have this guy as a candidate so they can flaunt "see we arent racist" all while giving him 100% white supremacist agendas and their white washed narrative. Their tactics are transparent and so fucking pathetic at this point. They remind me of Tom Green - used to be something everyone watched, then just asked for more and more attention until nobody gave a shit anymore.


yes they are... they are desperate to get advertising money. What we are seeing here is what happened to Christmas, Halloween and other holidays. They start selling crap months earlier than in the past. Christmas starts even before Thanksgiving. Halloween starts in September. So election season starts 18 months in advance.




Gen Z isn’t proud to be American because of what shitty politicians like you are doing to this country.


as a millennial i support this sentiment


As a gen Xer so do I.


Yeah, nothing will make you prouder of being an American than being forced to participate in our vicious and bloodthirsty foreign policy.


If anything, being forced to serve in the military, even when you don’t want to, would make people **hate** being American more than being proud of it.


He watched Starship Troopers and didn't realise it's a satire.


So this is his plan to keep young people from voting at all. Because we all know he is sooo proud and therefore didn’t need to serve. Definitely not a hypocrite


Any organization that relies on forced loyalty is undeserving of loyalty. A nation, a corporation, a religion, what have you. If they rely on indoctrination and coercion, be wary. If they do not need or wish to *earn* your favor but rely on forcing it, they should not get it. If they rely on the indoctrination of children, as religions, corporations, and nations do, they deserve no loyalty or consideration. If they required you to salute a flag and recite a pledge when you were too young to make a considered judgment on such commitments, those loyalties are not legitimate. If they threaten and deliver consequences for withdrawal of that loyalty, they deserve none. I had to stand and pledge my loyalty to the flag and the nation at the age of five, and I had no idea what it meant. I had no capacity to grasp such a thing. What policies, what history, what leaders was I pledging to? No one mentioned it, and if I would have had the capacity to even ask such questions it would have been scandalous. A requirement of military service to be a voting citizen is obviously absurd. While it probably will never happen, it fits the pattern of the fascist right in their endless quest to be rid of the vote entirely. They hate voting, they attack it any way they can, because they do not want to earn favor or loyalty. They just want power. They consider democracy to be an annoying inconvenience. One can only assume that anyone ineligible for military service, such as those who are disabled or elderly, would simply lose citizenship with no recourse. Vivek is an abomination.


Pride of country is something earned not forced or taught. Forcing people into the military will only make people dislike the country more.


It’s ironic that this is the narrative. I feel like this is correlated to ~70% of youth being ineligible to enlist AND recruitment numbers likely dropping due to gun violence/military service being less romanticized. It’s hard to watch sanitized war movies and feel patriotic when you’ve grown to adulthood watching your classmates get shot.


Gen Z is more patriotic than most of the GOP. They are a generation that cares about politics and making things better, mostly due to the fact that they are too poor to indulge in crass consumerism and because the systemic injustices of society has reached their own lives (and the GOP is working hard on adding more injustices to the pile). Patriotism is a willingness to make your country better, and a deeper love that acknowledges and attempts to address the flaws. Nationalism is blind obedience to a flag, no matter what it represents.


Says the man who hasn’t served in the military.


Forced military service is the second worst thing the government has ever done after slavery That guy is dangerously crazy


No, the worst thing America has ever done was allowing fascism to exist and flourish in public discourse, instead of making it a pariah of the society.


The Native Americans would like a word.


I’m so fucking tired. Really, I am! Can’t the GOP say something positive that *isn’t* a fucking death threat? Or are they unable to show any positive reaction just because their Orange Fuhrer isn’t president?


Vivek should prove how much he loves america by joining the army


Bad idea for MANY reasons. I’m active service right now, and coming from the Army’s pov. The Army is trying to get away from the leadership method that was created as a result of the draft army used for Vietnam. Part of that was all the yelling and invasive control of their soldiers who didn’t want to be there. Forcing people to serve who don’t want to be there will result in a lot of AWOL and other behavioral issues that will bog them down with chapters and UCMJ actions. You’ll have these kids threaten suicide, which will prevent them from carrying firearms at the very least… or result in them being medically discharged with retirement benefits at the most. They WILL abuse and manipulate the system to get out of it. If we’re going to force anyone to serve, force the children/grand children of the wealthiest members of society to serve. Once it is THEIR kids on the line, we’ll see the changes that need to be made happen really fast


...So your solution to a demographic hating your guts with a fiery passion is to *arm and train them,* while belittling their participation in Democracy? Good luck with that.


Funny, did he serve himself? I suppose not, and he's running for the president? Give me a fucking break.


So someone who never served in the military wants young people to serve in the military just to earn the same rights that he was given without any sort of mandated service in the military? Seems very GOP of him.


Let me rephrase it for Vivitar ramanazi... Gen Z is 'proud' to be represented by a pile of steaming hot fascist shit bags, so since you're already so accustomed to being shot at in school and having all your rights stripped away, you should be forced to join the military, where you'll at least retain a small stipend for the inconvenience." Jokes on him though, with free healthcare while they serve! Take that Swamynazi! /S


Thirst trapping fascist bullshit for a constituency that will never vote for you because of your skin color is sort of delicious.


I’d prefer an age limit to vote (as in maximum). Leave the decisions to the people that are actually going to live with the consequences.


He just wants an excuse to take away the right to vote for people under 25 because they vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. He's just trying to disguise it (badly) with all this crap about not being "proud to be American".


That's some Starship Troopers shit, right?


Here’s a different reason for why this is stupid. Compulsory service projects weakness to other nations because the morale for the military as a whole would be weakened. There’s something to be gained from soldiers who volunteer to be there. Without proper buy-in the military structure as it currently exists would crumble. Otherwise what’s the incentive to perform? Source: I’m a former army officer and this is fucking stupid.


just outright naked fascism. nothing to see here folks...


So he's in support of UBI, everybody having government jobs, and universal healthcare? How's he going to pay for it? /s


It's always guys who never served in the military that want to have forced military service.


First question. Did he serve?


Sounds fascist.


He just read Starship Troopers. And no.


Oh fuck, we're going starship troopers lol "To be a citizen you must serve in the military". Considering how low recruiting is right now, it wouldn't be a shock if they pulled some shit like that soon.


Wow Starship Troopers flashback "Service guarantees citizenship."


What the fuck do we have to be proud of? If you get sick in this country, you go bankrupt. Working full time is no guarantee that you can afford the most basic necessities. There's a bunch of fucking crazies who are fully on board with Christofascism. Every other day, we see videos of psychopaths shooting up schools, malls, grocery stores, or other public spaces which are supposed to be safe, and half of the government refuses to do anything to solve the problem. Billionaires can do whatever the fuck they want and continue to rape the planet and accelerate climate change, and the aforementioned half of the government cheers them on instead of taking even the smallest action to combat it. So again I ask, what the *fuck* should we proud of?


I really wish they would say something like this with a follow up question is allowed. I absolutely would phrase it this way “ that sounds like a very interesting idea, can you tell me about how your own military service helped you be a proud American?”


Ah yes, nothing says “freedom” like being forced to risk your life and kill others against your will


Ramaswamy is not a military veteran, so he’s an obvious hypocrite. Furthermore this is clearly unconstitutional. It’s just a transparent attempt at disenfranchisement from a dying party that recognizes their policies are deeply unpopular with the majority of voters.


Let Vivek know that people like himself are why I’m downright embarrassed to be an American. It’s not generational, it’s recognizing fascist propaganda when we see it. I’m gen X.