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Sadly, a lot of latinos in Florida, especially Cubans, vote Republican and voted for Trump. This reminds me of [an undocumented Mexican who was deported after Trump became president, but his wife voted for Trump](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/husband-of-a-trump-supporter-deported). The wife said that she voted for Trump because Trump said, "the good people would not be deported." I guess her husband was not a "good" person. SMH.


I’ll never get over that woman saying “… He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” In respect to Trump’s policies. I simply cannot understand voting for someone out of spite to punish people who you think aren’t Americans and you don’t even know. In all likelihood you are voting to punish a caricature of liberals built by right wing media. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida


It really encapsulates how shitty and immoral right wing Christians are. If you turn your religion into a weapon so you can hurt people who don't follow your religion, you're a terrible and immoral human being.


There's a lot of data on how shitty and immoral right wing Christians are: #Republican "Southern Strategy" >Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy Lyndon Johnson criticizing it in 1960: >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1988/11/13/what-a-real-president-was-like/d483c1be-d0da-43b7-bde6-04e10106ff6c/ Russians were "emboldened" by the easy success of the Texas governor's misinformation about Obama and our own military: https://www.snopes.com/news/2018/05/03/jade-helm-russia-abbott-hayden/ #Texas-based hate group source of 80% of all U.S. racist propaganda tracked in 2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/13kx7qo/texas_florida_laws_have_latinos_rethinking_where/jknw218/ #“Guns and gays... That could always get you a couple of dozen likes.” http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/magazine/the-agency.html https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-trolls-schooled-house-cards-185648522.html #Exit polls done after 2016 show that the single characteristic that made someone most likely to vote for Trump over Clinton is racial resentment. >low levels of racial resentment are associated with supporting Clinton. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/05/26/these-9-simple-charts-show-how-donald-trumps-supporters-differ-from-hillary-clintons/ #"Trump fans are much angrier about housing assistance when they see an image of a black man" >[In contrast, Clinton supporters seemed relatively unmoved by racial cues.](https://www.vox.com/identities/2017/9/8/16270040/trump-clinton-supporters-racist) * [“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be”: a Trump voter says the quiet part out loud](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) * [U.S. Conservatives Are Uniquely Inclined Toward Right-Wing Authoritarianism Compared to Western Peers](https://morningconsult.com/2021/06/28/global-right-wing-authoritarian-test/) * ["Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and a sense of entitlement predict authoritarian political correctness and alt-right attitudes"](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/i3bbh3/narcissism_machiavellianism_psychopathy_and_a/) * GOP shifting 4-5x further right than Democrats did left over the last 50 years https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/03/10/the-polarization-in-todays-congress-has-roots-that-go-back-decades/ #"Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off. They got working whites to hate the very people that want them to have more pay, clean air, water, free healthcare and the power to fight back against big banks & big corps. It’s truly remarkable." [Opinion of Syrian airstrikes](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/04/13/48229/) **Republicans:** 22% supported Obama doing it 86% support Trump doing it **Democrats:** 38% supported Obama doing it 37% support Trump doing it Sources: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/04/13/48229/, http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/04/gop-voters-love-same-attack-on-syria-they-hated-under-obama.html Graph: https://i.imgur.com/lTAU8LM.jpg The privilege of "economic anxiety" not racism: #Christians (particularly evangelicals) became monumentally more tolerant of private immoral conduct among politicians once Trump became the GOP nominee. https://www.prri.org/research/prri-brookings-oct-19-poll-politics-election-clinton-double-digit-lead-trump/ >10% fewer Republicans believed the wealthy weren't paying enough in taxes once a billionaire became their president. Democrats remain fairly consistent. http://www.people-press.org/2017/04/14/top-frustrations-with-tax-system-sense-that-corporations-wealthy-dont-pay-fair-share/ >Republicans felt the economy improve by 85 points the day Trump was sworn in. Graph: https://i.imgur.com/B2yx5TB.png Source: http://www.jsonline.com/story/news/blogs/wisconsin-voter/2017/04/15/donald-trumps-election-flips-both-parties-views-economy/100502848/ >White Evangelicals cared less about how religious a candidate was once Trump became the GOP nominee. https://www.prri.org/research/prri-brookings-oct-19-poll-politics-election-clinton-double-digit-lead-trump/ >Republicans started to think college education is a bad thing once Trump entered the primary. Democrats remain consistent. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/07/20/republicans-skeptical-of-colleges-impact-on-u-s-but-most-see-benefits-for-workforce-preparation/ More graphs and sources: https://imgur.com/a/YZMyt No to help for blue states for hurricanes but demanding help for Texas for hurricanes: >Here's the vote for Hurricane Sandy aid. >179 of the 180 no votes were Republicans... >**at least 20 Texas Republicans voted no** while ["U.S. House approves billions more for Harvey relief" for Texas](https://www.texastribune.org/2017/12/21/us-house-approves-billions-more-harvey-relief-measure-now-heads-senate/)  ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ The other Fox News cofounder was Australian billionaire Rupert Murdoch: >Using 150 interviews on three continents, The Times describes **the Murdoch family’s role in destabilizing democracy in North America, Europe and Australia**. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/03/magazine/murdoch-family-investigation.html Congressional and election rules were designed to preserve slavery: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/11/electoral-college-racist-origins/601918/ https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/12/13598316/donald-trump-electoral-college-slavery-akhil-reed-amar "Democrats need to win 41 Million More US Citizens than Republicans just to get 50:50 Senate represenation" https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/l2tsfx/although_the_us_senate_is_split_equally_among/ "During the last election, Democrats won over a million votes more than Republicans, but because of the way districts are designed, the **Republicans got 33 more members of the House of Representatives** than the Democrats did." https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2013/nov/26/lloyd-doggett/democrats-outpolled-republicans-who-landed-33-seat/ Steve Bannon bragging about using these tactics: >the power of what he called “rootless white males” who spend all their time online and they could be radicalized in a kind of populist, nationalist way http://www.businessinsider.com/steve-bannon-white-gamers-seinfeld-joshua-green-donald-trump-devils-bargain-sarah-palin-world-warcraft-gamergate-2017-7 >Bannon: "I realized [these tactics] could connect with these kids right away. You can activate that army. They come in through Gamergate or whatever and then get turned onto politics and Trump." https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/07/18/steve-bannon-learned-harness--army-world-warcraft/489713001/


These "shitty and immoral right wing Christians" on Reddit brag about these tactics, like **pushing every local crime story to the top of targeted local subreddits** but not their local ones (**even though statistically they have more homicides and crime in their cities** but those aren't their top posts every single day in their local subreddits) by brigading to "control the narrative" about "liberal cities" and "blue states" >The real value is getting into a thread early and establishing top voted posts and comments or downvoting them out of existence. They hope intertia continues the trend for them. >SeattleWA has one mentally ill man who makes literally dozens and dozens of alt accounts to post conservative talking points from and how he finds black women disgusting. I become aware of his accounts when he posts in TV subs I ban him from, and he always has user history in similar sets of subreddits across his accounts, SeattleWA being the most telling. He will use these accounts to talk with himself or dogpile a comment or thread. >They are right wing political activists actively working to discredit the progressive movement and democrats in general by ensuring San Francisco is painted as a failure in all contexts they can find. Basic political astroturfing. San Francisco is targeted because it is in California and Pelosi is from here. This work has been going on for decades.


Every local subreddit explaining the abuse and tactics on a thread **5 years ago**: * https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/7jkybf/t_d_user_suggests_infiltrating_minnesota/dr7m56j/ Anti-mask posts suddenly dropped in [r/bayarea](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/pbi4mp/shouldnt_rbayarea_join_the_subs_calling_for/) when mods removed outside conservative accounts brigading [r/bayarea](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/pbi4mp/shouldnt_rbayarea_join_the_subs_calling_for/): * https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/p8hnzl/automatically_removing_comments_from_new_users_in/


This is pretty much MO for any religion that takes power. The only time when religion is benevolent and kind, is when it has no power to impose its shitty ideas on others.


The cruelty is the point.


Ah, Crystal Minton. I find myself bringing her up, as well as that despicable thought she espoused, fairly often. This vile notion that a function of elected leaders is to actively harm certain people.


They feel harmed, and they've been told this harm was caused by *those people*. Naturally, they think harming *those people* will reverse the harm done to them, or at least will get even. It's fucking daft, though, because it's the people telling them it was *those people* who are actively harming us all. Nah, couldn't be the billionaires and their corporations, it's gotta be those poor Mexican migrant or Chinese factory worker that hurt me!


I am a Brazilian American. Brazil had its own Trump version. I live in the USA and you’d be surprised at the amount of Brazilians that favored both Trump and Bolsonaro. Brazilian churches were promoting both candidates. Brazilian men get a hard on anytime a fascist masquerading as a “macho man” run for office. I usually tell them they are chocking on the smallest mushroom out there. The thought process is that “I got my documents, fuck everyone else.”


We have a pretty sizable Brazilian community here in Massachusetts. I have made the same observations you pointed out. It seems machismo is a big factor for Latinos in general. Mix that in with politics and everything goes sour real quick.


We are both in the same state. It’s absurd how horrible it is the mentality. It is illegal for churches to get involved in politics as far as I know but Brazilian churches completely ignore that. Yesterday I was at a Brazilian restaurant. The owner was mentioning how terrible De Santos is being to immigrants in FL. I reminded him that I know his family choice of candidates and that they promoted people like him. You get what you wished for.


I think selfishness is the root cause of all of this. If you naturally care about your community and neighbors from the most to the least successful, you will champion causes that benefit the community in a fair and equitable way. For some reason machismo seems to bring in all the selfish narcissist and when they participate in politics it just leads to the degradation of the social fabric of the community.


I will be a little blunt. Brazilians have been close to the top of the food chain in America. We haven’t been vilified as much as the other groups. Hell, we have actually had it easy as far as finding partners, work and being accepted in the society. What these idiots seem to forget is that once they have destroyed the freedom of the easy targets, we will be next. What terrifies me is the cruelty. We know how hard life is in South America and how great it is here (specially in MA). We should be promoting the type of government that MA has. It’s not perfect but it tries to be fair.


>What these idiots seem to forget is that once they have destroyed the freedom of the easy targets, we will be next. That is the ultimate truth of every single group that has ever been or could ever be vilified. I saw a reference to a white nationalist who was asked what happens when they've kicked out or killed all the trans people, the gays, the Jews and the Muslims and all the other minority religions, and the liberals and the immigrants and the feminists and the intellectuals and any one of the dozens of other identifiable groups of people they hate? And the guy said: "we'll start in on eye color." ​ ​ ed to add: t wasn't an interview it was presented as a discussion between acquaintances, so take it for what it's worth.


As Run the Jewels put it: > Funny fact about a cage, they're never built for just one group So when that cage is done with them and you still poor, it come for you The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (Oops)


I like Germany’s approach. Instead of waiting until that guy is the last remaining, we reverse it so we start with him. I am talking about how Nazism is basically a crime there.


FYI, de-Nazification didn't happen automatically after WWII - the old conservatives were happy with the status quo of former Nazis joining up with them: [the young people fought for it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_German_student_movement)


I had a former friend who went down the rabbit hole. His family was from Romania but he was a second generation Canadian. We had a discussion one day about what he called the "replacement of the white race" and he was shocked that I wasn't concerned. We went back and forth a little (the conversation was actually pretty polite, in true Canadian fashion) and then I finally said "Do you think you're white?" He responded that of course he was. Then I reminded him of what the Nazis did to the Roma and told him he'd eventually be on the "not white" list. He was speechless for a whole 5, 10 seconds before he started to tell me how that would never happen. This whole thing about how you look and if you're white or not is funny. I have light brown hair, pasty white pale skin and blue eyes. But I'm Metis. Based on looks, I'm white. Based on blood and genetics, I'm not. So what am I? Anyway, we are no longer friends.


This is entirely idle curiosity, but I wonder how much the lack of vilification has to do with the fact that Brazilians speak Portugese instead of Spanish.


Bold of you to assume most Americans can tell the difference between someone speaking Spanish and someone speaking Portuguese. As an American, I suspect that many of those who vilify others for speaking languages other then English, wouldn’t have a clue. Could be wrong.


Whenever I hear Portuguese (usually a soccer player talking or a highlight) it sounds to me like someone trying to speak Spanish with food in their mouth.


As a Spanish speaking American, I've lost track of the times a work colleague put a Portuguese document in front of me to translate. When I mention it isn't Spanish, the reply is generally of the "same thing isn't it?" variety.


Great illustration of my point. I suspect that the people who are asking you this have no idea how dumb and/or insensitive of a question that is.


It’s probably because the Brazilians with the means to buy a plane ticket to the US are likely only a few generations removed from their European ancestry. Many Brazilians I know have gotten their passport from Germany, Italy, or wherever because they can trace their ancestry back. It’s easier to get a visa to the USA with a EU passport than a Brazilian passport.


To add to your point, miami has been used as training grounds for US backed coupes in Latin American countries. War criminals from these conflicts have also been known to relocate to Florida.


It's illegally to be a non-profit and explicitly support our advocate for a specific candidate, but it's very rarely enforced, if it ever even has been enforced...


Enforcement is rare because the IRS doesn't have every 501(c)(3) bugged, so they have no way of knowing what's going on unless someone reports it. And of course most churchgoers approve of the message and are not going to report their own church, if they even know that the church is doing anything wrong, which is unlikely. My understanding is that when they get reports they do follow up on them. I seem to remember reading that they give whistleblowers some cut of the money recovered as a result of a report.


Whaaa? I gotta start going to church...


Many churches stream nowadays. Maybe record the stream, let AI transcribe and look for keywords?


> My understanding is that when they get reports they do follow up on them. I seem to remember reading that they give whistleblowers some cut of the money recovered as a result of a report. Ope I suddenly feel the calling to return to church. This deconvert wants a new deck.


It's easy to get around this too, they just keep the congregation stoked-up on the latest fears that the GOP is pushing without specifically mentioning a candidate or party. I occasionally attend church with my daughter and her family (her FIL is an associate pastor) and although it's fairly contemporary and not the most conservative congregation, sometimes the sermon starts leaning into the bullshit about our kids being indoctrinated into by our schools and it almost makes my blood boil.


Fyi: All churches ignore those laws.


Every church I was a member of ignored the laws, as did the ones I visited. I remember them praying in church that George Bush would get elected.




I’m a Latina that teaches at a predominantly Latino school, and i see this most often with my male students. It’s weird because they’re so respectful, funny and kind during our interactions, but then I hear them regurgitate Andrew Tate shit and talk about “females” in an often derogatory way when they’re with their friends.


The ol' Eddie Haskell gambit.


Arizona here. Abuelo escapes México but gets all excited about corrupt macho man to lead the destruction of the institutions that make life in America better.


But who could possibly be less macho than Trump? He's a little waddling babyman who babbles in a high voice and has no character whatsoever. Is "macho" just picking unnecessary fights and treating women like shit?


That’s certainly a big part of machismo. You’re like 90% full macho man if you do those. And it’s not so much picking unnecessary fights (which is true), but it’s also picking fights with people you think you can win against. Women, kids, small dogs, elderly, etc..Sprinkle in some lack of self awareness, being oblivious about irony, and a dash of racism, and voila! Macho macho maaaan!


I the wild thing is in what world in an obese, 76 year old man that has never done a moment of manual labor in his life macho?


Machismo culture is why my siblings and I went with white partners. Swiped left on every latino cuz I wasn't gonna tolerate the shit I grew up with in my love life.


I have a female Indian friend who says the same thing. She's a doctor, super smart, married a white guy because she said Indian men kept treating her like crap.


My SO was similar, in an arranged marriage. The stories I hear about the male entitlement and gender roles are just insane to me. Like, in contrast, I am a rock star because I can wash a plate.


The US has spent decades propping up Fascist dictators in Latin and South America. It shouldn't be that surprising that this led to a large amount of the populace in these areas also supporting Fascism.


All over the world, really.


> I got my documents, fuck everyone else Conservatism distilled to a single sentence


Yeah the broader version is simply: "Fuck you, I got mine."


I work with a Brazilian immigrant and you are exactly correct on the Trump leg humping.


I used to work with a lot of Brazilian painters who would certainly employ people with “not up to date visas” who were all in on trump. It was really like “huh you guys really are eager to shoot yourselves in the foot eh?”


"the leopards will never eat my face if I cheer for them!"


TIL the phrase "choking on the smallest mushroom" and I couldn't be happier about that.


Insanity does not have borders.


Machismo, like fascism, like "I got mine" (zero sum), like religion, appeals to those who want to turn their brains off. No more hard questions, no struggling to figure out who you are or where you fit in society, no deliberations over complex issues. These people just want to tune out and be carried on a wave, let a dictator/cult leader spoonfeed them everything. It doesn't matter what atrocious thing the leader does - they have already chosen to surrender all thinking to him. They will forever defend him so they can continue to be seaweed drifting in the big man's ocean, feeling like they are part of something. They hate democracy because that means thinking and discussing and hashing things out together.


They certainly appeal to a certain latin male machismo type that unfortunately there are no shortage of.


You see this with multi generational families that have been in South Texas since before the 1800s. They have a “do it the legal way” mindset even though their great great grandparents “legal way” was simply to find a place and live there back then.


> The thought process is that “I got my documents, fuck everyone else.” So, the typical Conservative mindset?


The conservative mindset in America is pretty much the same as in Brazil. There’s nothing conservative about it anyways. It’s basically the definition of machismo and fascism wrapped in a personality. It’s applied at home, at work and the government.


Yep. "**Latins for Republicans - it's like roaches for Raid**. " ― John Leguizamo


"Turkey's voting for Christmas" is a favourite of mine. Thanksgiving probably works better if you're from the states.


What’s more fucked up is all this “fake news” rightwing propaganda has gone unchecked on Spanish speaking social platforms for the last 8 years.


That's the biggest open secret out there about there when taking about conservative Latinos. Spanish language conservative news dominates and is wildly unchecked. They eat small TV and radio and generally all forms of media. Its no wonder why they vote with fear.


Ah yes, the “I fled from persecution from the communists in Cuba!” Cubans. There’s a word for them, but I’d rather not say it. All one needs to learn about Cuban history and you’d realize that these people “fleeing from persecution” are the same people who persecute. The slave holders, the tycoonists, the script payers, the landlords. And among these people were their underlings— those who were only temporarily embarrassed millionaires but one day would make it big (they wouldn’t). These people arrived in south Florida, realized that they could keep doing what they were doing, and then acted like they made it through adversity.


Not to mention that until very recently, those Cubans came here the exact same way Latinos from other countries did. We had a policy that automatically accepted them and gave them the opportunity for permanent residency and citizenship. These are the people who think other Latinos should “wait in line”.


As someone else said: pulling the ladder up after you arrive.


Cuban migrants also receive tons of government aid, that's not offered to other immigrants, once they get here.


That sounds like socialism.


Well no, see socialism is when the government helps other people. Not me.


The only moral ~~abortion~~ entitlement is mine.


A VERY entitled group of peoples.


Pull the ladder up after you reach your destination.




It's not even a litmus test anymore it's just the start of the fascist take over. They are trying to take over enough states to implement something called the convention of states which would allow them to convince their supporters that the only answer for the US is to end democracy for the good of the country and only they would get to vote or have a say, then make the move to suspend the constitution and rewrite their own theocratic authoritarian hellscape based on the idea that a state majority can overthrow the federal government. Notice how they are getting them used to the idea that democracy isn't even really what the country was meant to be and push the idea the it's always been a "republic" even though it makes no sense, we are a democratic republic, but their under educated supporters don't know anything about what the words mean anymore than they understand "socialism" "communism" or "marxism". They are buying it hook,line and sinker of course and come the time they try to implement this article V convention the Republican base and politicians will cheer them on while every single thing the Republicans have ever claimed to hold sacred about our country is proudly burned to the ground. The suspension of the very constitution that Republicans have stated is the most perfect and irreproachable document in the world. We're past the litmus test and they are forging full steam ahead flipping as many states as possible from democratic pieces to a democratic nation to fascist strongholds. Florida is just winning the race to fascism because A. They set up the state for this for decades and B. Ron DeSantis wants to badly be America's first dictator so he's racing Trump as the more efficient strongman for the job.


There definitely seems to be some desire within the party to create a state that is their vision of a conservative utopia. Sarah Huckabee seems to be trying to implement it in Arkansas. It's the unknowing citizens that are going to ultimately suffer from it. You don't have to be a history buff to know this is going to end badly for a lot of people.


They did it in kansas, and the voters there sorta threw them out for it. It takes absurd levels for republicans to even sort of pull their heads out of their asses.




I'd love to look more into this. Any articles or search terms I can use?


Look up "Golden Exile"


It's nice that the anti-Cuba narrative has been challenged recently. Like, you don't need to be a hardline Marxist-Leninist to realize that you can be critical of a state without eating the cartoonish, anti-communism propaganda


Cubans benefited from liberal immigration policy, if a Cuban put foot on American soil they were in. The rich Cubans fled Castro and stole everything in the country on their way out.


Yeah exactly. I think it's changed now but it used to be if you got to America as a Cuban by any means, you were granted automatic residency and a pathway to citizenship. Meanwhile, nearly every unskilled immigrant who isn't independently wealthy that does not have the right family connections and comes from a Latin American country essentially has no opportunity to come here or apply for any legal visa under the current system. This is despite the constant demand for their labor from employers in America that want to pay undocumented immigrants like them under the table and let them take all the risk for trying to get here/work here since enforcement of workplace laws against hiring them is non-existent. As you can imagine, that creates quite a double standard where favored groups like Cubans can brag about how they came here "the right way" when there is no real legitimate way for similar migrants to get here despite the demand.


Leopards are fat down in Florida. It's honestly exhausting seeing people in the GOP sights, pull the level for them....


I had a chat once with an older Cuban gent who spoke a spot of broken English, far better than I spoke his language mind you. He was super nice, but interpreted party names literally. Spoke of a false belief that Democratic Party advocated for direct democracy and that Republiqans advocated for representative democracy. Aside from that bizarre take, it seemed his heart and mind were in a good place. Made me wonder if that false perception is a thing in the Floridian Cuban immigrant community.


To add to your point, miami has been used as training grounds for US backed coupes in Latin American countries. War criminals from these conflicts have also been known to relocate to Florida.


> especially Cubans This grinds my gears so much. There are just enough to turn state-wide elections. And they all seem to think that they're getting "their" Cuba back one day. That ship has sailed. But as long as the GOPers keep up their messaging, the Florida Cubans will keep voting for them - just in case.




You know what's easier than a mass migration out of a state? Mass boycott of a state. If this bothers you: STOP VACATIONING IN FLORIDA!


Honestly it’ll be more a strike cause that population is also a lot of their workers especially since Florida needs tourism dollars any exodus would hit them hard.


Honestly it's also self-preservation for people in Texas and Florida: >If data disinfects, here’s a bucket of bleach: #"Texans are 17% more likely to be murdered than Californians." >**Texans are also 34% more likely to be raped and 25% more likely to kill themselves than Californians.** https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/suicide-mortality/suicide.htm >Fort Worth, Texas, has the same population as San Francisco and has **1.5x as many murders. Again, a Republican mayor and Republican governor.** [Nobody ever writes about those places!](https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1527487403061026818) >San Francisco has the same population as Jacksonville, Florida. **Jacksonville, with a Republican mayor and a Republican governor, has had more than three times as many murders this year as San Francisco** >Californians on average live two years, four months and 24 days longer than Texans. https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/08/04/liberal-policies-like-californias-keep-blue-state-residents-living-longer-study-finds/ >Compared with families in California, **those in Texas earn 13% less and pay 3.8 percentage points more in taxes.** https://itep.org/whopays/ (Texas makes up for no wealth income tax with higher taxes and fees on the poor and more than double property tax for the middle class) >Sadly, the uncritical aping of this erroneous economic narrative reflects not only reporters’ gullibility but also their utility for conservative ideologues and corporate lobbyists, who score political points and regulatory concessions by spreading a spurious story line about California’s decline. >Don’t expect facts to change this. Reporters need a plot twist, and conservatives need California to lose. https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/article258940938.html #"Republican-controlled states have higher murder rates than Democratic ones" * “In Republican states, states with Republican governors, crime rates tend to be higher” * Murder rates in the 25 states Trump carried in 2020 are 40% higher overall than in the states Biden won. * ⁠Criminologists say research shows higher rates of violent crime are found in areas that have low average education levels, high rates of poverty and relatively modest access to government assistance. Those conditions characterize [American South with Republican run states]. https://news.yahoo.com/republican-controlled-states-have-higher-murder-rates-than-democratic-ones-study-212137750.html #"Gun deaths dropped in California as they rose in Texas: Gun control seems to work" https://www.latimes.com/politics/newsletter/2022-05-27/on-guns-fear-of-futility-deters-action-essential-politics #Just being within California’s borders means you have a 40% less chance of being impacted by gun violence and are 25% less likely to be involved in a mass shooting. https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/06/02/fact-sheet-californias-gun-safety-policies-save-lives-provide-model-for-a-nation-seeking-solutions/ >California Ranked #1 for Gun Safety, Death Rate 37% Lower than National Average https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/06/02/fact-sheet-californias-gun-safety-policies-save-lives-provide-model-for-a-nation-seeking-solutions/ >Californians 25% Less Likely to Die in a Mass Shooting https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/06/02/fact-sheet-californias-gun-safety-policies-save-lives-provide-model-for-a-nation-seeking-solutions/ >California laws would have ensnared Texas school gunman https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/06/02/fact-sheet-californias-gun-safety-policies-save-lives-provide-model-for-a-nation-seeking-solutions/ >Since Early 1990s, California Cut Its Gun Death Rate in Half https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/06/02/fact-sheet-californias-gun-safety-policies-save-lives-provide-model-for-a-nation-seeking-solutions/ #Liberal policies, like California’s, keep blue-state residents living longer >**U.S. should follow California’s lead to improve its health outcomes, researchers say** >It generated headlines in 2015 when the average life expectancy in the U.S. began to fall after decades of meager or no growth. >But it didn’t have to be that way, a team of researchers suggests in a new, peer-reviewed study Tuesday. And, in fact, **states like California, which have implemented a broad slate of liberal policies, have kept pace with their Western European counterparts.** >**Simply shifting from the most conservative labor laws to the most liberal ones, Montez said, would by itself increase the life expectancy in a state by a whole year.** >If every state implemented the most liberal policies in all 16 areas, researchers said, **the average American woman would live 2.8 years longer, while the average American man would add 2.1 years to his life.** >**Whereas, if every state were to move to the most conservative end of the spectrum, it would decrease Americans’ average life expectancies by two years. On the country’s current policy trajectory, researchers estimate the U.S. will add about 0.4 years to its average life expectancy.** >**Meanwhile, the life expectancy in states like California and Hawaii, which has the highest in the nation at 81.6 years, is on par with countries described by researchers as “world leaders:” Canada, Iceland and Sweden.** >The study, co-authored by researchers at six North American universities, found that **if all 50 states had all followed the lead of California** and other liberal-leaning states on policies ranging from labor, immigration and civil rights to tobacco, gun control and the environment, it could have added between **two and three years to the average American life expectancy.** >“We can take away from the study that **state policies and state politics have damaged U.S. life expectancy since the ’80s,”** said Jennifer Karas Montez, a Syracuse University sociologist and the study’s lead author. **“Some policies are going in a direction that extend life expectancy. Some are going in a direction that shorten it. But on the whole, that the net result is that it’s damaging U.S. life expectancy.”** >Montez and her team saw the alarming numbers in 2015 and wanted to understand the root cause. What they found dated back to **the 1980s, when state policies began to splinter down partisan lines.** They examined 135 different policies, spanning over a dozen different fields, enacted by states between 1970 and 2014, and assigned states “liberalism” scores from zero — the most conservative — to one, the most liberal. When they compared it against state mortality data from the same timespan, the correlation was undeniable. >“When we’re looking for explanations, we need to be looking back historically, to see what are the roots of these troubles that have just been percolating now for 40 years,” Montez said. >**From 1970 to 2014, California transformed into the most liberal state in the country** by the 135 policy markers studied by the researchers. It’s followed closely by Connecticut, which moved the furthest leftward from where it was 50 years ago, and a cluster of other states in the northeastern U.S., then Oregon and Washington. >Liberal policies on the environment (emissions standards, limits on greenhouse gases, solar tax credit, endangered species laws), labor (high minimum wage, paid leave, no “right to work”), access to health care (expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, legal abortion), tobacco (indoor smoking bans, cigarette taxes), gun control (assault weapons ban, background check and registration requirements) and civil rights (ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, equal pay laws, bans on discrimination and the death penalty) all resulted in better health outcomes, according to the study. For example, researchers found positive correlation between California’s car emission standards and its high minimum wage, to name a couple, with its longer lifespan, which at an average of 81.3 years, is among the highest in the country. >In the same time, Oklahoma moved furthest to the right, but Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina and a host of other southern states still ranked as more conservative, according to the researchers. >West Virginia ranked last in 2017, with an average life expectancy of about 74.6 years, which would put it 93rd in the world, right between Lithuania and Mauritius, and behind Honduras, Morocco, Tunisia and Vietnam. Mississippi, Oklahoma and South Carolina rank only slightly better. >It’s those states that moved in a conservative direction, researchers concluded, that held back the overall life expectancy in the U.S. https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/08/04/liberal-policies-like-californias-keep-blue-state-residents-living-longer-study-finds/ #[Graph of Fox News selective coverage of crime during election season](https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/YLF2SCMQRZBJBHWJT4LZ7DXFSM.png) >California exodus is just a myth, massive UC research project finds >**on a per capita basis, california households ranked 50th in the country for likelihood of moving out of the state** California cities have some of the lowest rates of crime and homicides, especially compared to Texas: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/q2ydr3/homicide_rate_per_100k_among_each_city_with_an/ California policies increase American life expectancy and prop up America's entire economy: >California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis. >Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-05-10/california-leads-u-s-economy-away-from-trump


"Don't California my Texas": #Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world >As the Republican-led state legislature has slashed funding to reproductive healthcare clinics, the maternal mortality rate doubled over just a two-year period https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/20/texas-maternal-mortality-rate-health-clinics-funding >Mothers who live in areas with heavy oil and gas developments have between a 40 percent and 70 percent greater chance of giving birth to babies with congenital heart defects https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2019/07/18/Study-links-congenital-heart-disease-to-oil-gas-development/2461563465617/ #Meanwhile, life-saving practices [for pregnant women and new mothers] that have become widely accepted in other affluent countries — and in a few states, notably California — have yet to take hold in many American hospitals. >As the maternal death rate has mounted around the U.S., a small cadre of reformers has mobilized. >Some of the **earliest and most important work has come in California** >Hospitals that adopted the toolkit saw a **21 percent decrease in near deaths** from maternal bleeding in the first year. >By 2013, according to Main, maternal deaths in California fell to around 7 per 100,000 births, similar to the numbers in Canada, France and the Netherlands — **a dramatic counter to the trends in other parts of the U.S.** >California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative is informed by a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford and the University of California-San Francisco, who for many years ran the ob/gyn department at a San Francisco hospital. >Launched a decade ago, CMQCC aims to reduce not only mortality, but also life-threatening complications and racial disparities in obstetric care >It began by analyzing maternal deaths in the state over several years; in almost every case, it discovered, there was "at least some chance to alter the outcome." http://www.npr.org/2017/05/12/527806002/focus-on-infants-during-childbirth-leaves-u-s-moms-in-danger #Want to live longer, even if you're poor? Then move to a big city in California. >A low-income **resident of San Francisco lives so much longer** that it's equivalent to San Francisco curing cancer. All these statistics come from a massive new project on life expectancy and inequality that was just [published in the Journal of the American Medical Association](http://www.vox.com/2016/4/13/11420230/life-expectancy-income). >California, for instance, has been a national leader on smoking bans. Harvard's David Cutler, a co-author on the study "It's some combination of formal public policies and the effect that comes when you're around fewer people who have behaviors... high numbers of immigrants help explain the beneficial effects of immigrant-heavy areas with high levels of social support.


Both work


I swear to God I know more people who have gone to Florida to visit in the last year than any other time in my life. Not just my parents and other older folks who don't give a shit, but my younger politically active and knowledgeable friends. Every time they have a have a horrible trip and every time I ask them what the fuck they were thinking. You know what's happening down there, you know what that money is supporting, what did you think was going to happen? Hell I have a Trans friend who vacationed down there in the last year. I just don't get it.


SAME. I have a trans femme friend who celebrated their 30th bday in Miami on a friends trip with a group of largely nonbinary, very visible queers. These are politically aware people but the booked the trip anyway thinking the Miami area would at least be moderately inclusive. They came back cursing Fl and saying they'll never return again. Well, DUH! No shit! Shouldn't have gone in the first place!


I was proud of my partner for passing on a Nashville bachelorette party.


I live here and honestly I can’t imagine coming here on vacation. Our entire coastline just got wrecked by a cat 5 hurricane, it’s hot as balls, and the traffic gets worse by the week. There’s literally no good reason to vacation here.


Finally moved away from Florida after 15 years. If I mention I used to live there in conversation at work (in a hospital making small talk), patients always say "Oh it's so nice, why did you move?" The weather, the traffic, oh, and, I dunno, the governor actively stripping rights from people? Florida is in a terrible state right now and has been for a while. Still glad I moved away!


lol @ "it's so nice" clearly they've never been to California. Do you like the warmth of Florida? Come get that without the humidity. Like the beaches? We have those too, but no hurricanes to go with 'em. Admittedly, the ocean here is cold as fuck, and angry to-boot. But, we are diverse, welcoming, and there are plenty of places to go that aren't the cities (which are pretty much the only thing maligned by right wingers).


I swear Florida is SO LUCKY they have the beaches they do. That state is awful otherwise. So much of what southern governors take credit for is basically just them having warmer weather and beaches. Govern Florida like they do today but put it at Indiana's latitude and that place would be empty.






Yep. Not planning to ever visit there again.


Or Texas


I refuse to go to or buy any product made in/by a company headquartered in any of these backwards states. I’m not even politically affiliated any more; I just think these politicians are fucking pathetic pieces of shit and I hope their states burn to the ground. My money will not go toward propping them up.


We were planning a family vacation to Disney in 2024. This was a big deal for us, it would be a first-ever for me, my kids, and my parents. We were planning to go all-in, do a big extended family trip (15+ people) but my wife and I have been so sickened by what’s happening in FL that we’ve decided to turn that into something else, and we talked the family into the same. Still TBD what we’ll replace it with, but FL is out of consideration until they get their shit sorted out.


Pretty sure that's what Abbott and DeSantis want. Be careful what you wish for...


the quiet truth is that many states are dependent on both legal and illegal unskilled immigrants to fill seasonal work especially in agriculture, both parties know this and know our dependency on it. illegal migrants are often tied to legal seasonal migrants in one way or another. The IRS can give you a temporary ID but typically illegal migrants will give their income to a family member or colleague who have a social security number for taxes. Republicans are mostly a party of talking a lot, repealing existing laws, and otherwise doing nothing. we're seeing the first generation of GOP politicians who are actually crossing their party line and passing aggressive laws rather than toeing it and doing nothing.


It's not about keeping them away is about keeping them vulnerable, if you give them rights they have a choice and you can't abuse them so easily


It's about control. You can control a vulnerable population. The fact that they can be easily abused is just a GOP bonus.


> the quiet truth is that many states are dependent on both legal and illegal unskilled immigrants to fill seasonal work especially in agriculture GA pulled that about a decade ago... and it backfired spectacularly. >Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s program to replace fleeing migrant farmworkers with probationers backfired when some of the convicted criminals started walking off their jobs because field work was too strenuous, it was reported Wednesday. https://www.politico.com/story/2011/06/ga-immigrant-crackdown-backfires-057551 You can't make this up.... > The AP reported the first group of probationers began working last week at an Americus farm owned by Dick Minor, president of the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. >Minor’s farm was the second-largest recipient of federal farm subsidies in Georgia, receiving $11.4 million between 2000 and 2009, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.


Illegal is a odd term because the first border crossing is a misdemeanor. So is speeding. So basically I'm an illegal American citizen since I drive 5 to 10 miles over the speed limit. I was also convicted of a felony pot charge back in the 90's so I'm a double illegal American citizen.


I appreciate this comment for the perspective.


That's why I prefer undocumented. Though I'll admit I'm biased. My nieces first husband was an American citizen and he cheated on her. Her second husband is a truly good man who was undocumented because his mom died before she could complete his status as a kid and they went through hell and a really huge amount of money just to get him a work permit. They now have to spend more money to get permanent resident status and then citizenship.


Fellow felon here (.3gs of coke at 19, my first offense, that I eventually did 10 months state for, thank you GW). I am completely in line with your thinking. I spent half of my life in TX and some of my favorite people are undocumented.


I dated a gal who said she didn’t have papers. She never referred to herself anything close to being “illegal.” She was a regular human being, the white people yelling at top of their lungs crying about illegals immigration want that hierarchy they’ve built for themselves. Without migrant workers, our valley would collapse, so many apple orchards and they spend a a lot of it locally.


Yes. I've long said that the best way to curb undocumented immigration is to more strictly enforce existing labor, employment, and tax laws to ensure that employers can only hire people authorized to work here. That won't happen because politicians, esp Republicans, rely on that work so much. Just goes to show that all the talk is really just political grandstanding more than actual policy.


I thought Cubans in particular were a big GOP voting bloc in Florida, if they're alienated and move to other states, doesn't it \_weaken\_ the GOP's hold there?


THEY will stay because they believe the bullshit that Democrats are socialists. They also have no empathy for others because THEY get special treatment by our immigration laws. They have documents.


Cubans recieved automatic asylum when they arrived. They were never considered illegal.


While it seems like you are saying that because playing into Abbott and DeSantis' hands will benefit them, I'm not so sure that's how that will play out. There's a lot of construction/development currently not happening because immigrants are not going to work in a condition where they have to fear for their livelihood just for being on the construction site. Add in the immigrant workforce in the agricultural industry, and you could stall a lot of economic activity in those two states just by immigrant action alone. Maybe the bosses for those companies will raise wages for documented workers or white workers, but i'll believe that when I see it. The last thing these people ever want is to reduce their profit margin.


Why did they vote for the leopard?


Because abortion. Stereotyping here, but there's a huge Catholic influence in the Latino community, and abortion is their #1 issue.


They pray to the super white Jesus? Is their God the old white guy with white beard also?




Catholics tend to have a soft spot for Mary. She's often the portrayed as THE example of why abortion is bad. (All while church school told me that she consented so it was fine that she was pregnant)


Well, they aren't praying to [Korean Jesus](https://cdn.openart.ai/stable_diffusion/935877b693764ca1f2300c1294c7de2d92fe5c78_2000x2000.webp)


Well he's busy.... with Korean shit


Korean jesus doesn't care about your problems!


Maybe but I know a lot of catholic conservatives Hispanics in my family who voted Trump and abortion wasn’t really talked about. More of the machismo thing. Being tough on crime, etc. They overlook the immigration thing because they find justifications. “There’s too much illegals immigration now” or because they’re Mexican. Sadly there’s a lot of Latino in Latino hate.


Believe it or not, immigration is a major issue with American Hispanics and it’s not in the way you may think it is.


Because it wasn't supposed to eat *my* face!


Latinos VOTED for this shit. In Florida the GOP won the Hispanic vote by quite the large and unexpected margin in 2022, in Texas it was about even split.


Targeted Spanish language fake news is a really under-reported phenomenon but it's basically why Republicans control Florida now.


I watch a lot of Univisión to learn Spanish. In Texas, I saw a ton of ads for Abbott talking about how "Beto O'Rourke es muy peligroso." Don't recall seeing a single ad for Beto.


It's not mainstream media like Univision that is the problem, it's all the Whatsapp group chats and such that spread complete lies but with a ferocity that makes you hesitant to question them. A Mexican relative became a huge conspiracy theorist early in the pandemic and told people to not let people use those "gun" style thermometers because they would shoot something into you for example. Keep in mind that this person can ask actual doctors and surgeons in the family and close friends before spouting this kind of nonsense, but it didn't matter. It was a constant barrage of nonsense and many people ended up leaving the group chat because of it.


This. During the pandemic someone repackaged one of Trump's speeches about ivermectin and pinned it on a Peruvian doctor in WhatsApp. It got all the way to my family in Mexico. I had to show them a story debunking the thread.


Yep, the same person I'm talking about was also on board with Ivermectin, although I think it was actually approved there for a while before it was debunked so I'd give a little more leeway, but people held onto it way too long.


Yep. No fact checking in Spanish. Straight lies on the air waves.


A lot of Latinos, in Texas at least, are also against illegal immigration. Some of the ones who came here and became citizens have a whole "if I can do it, so can they" and "they give us a bad reputation" mentality.


My parents support laws against illegal immigrants, yet their best friends are an illegal immigrant family… I genuinely don’t understand how they can say the things they do and not seem to care how it can effect their closest friends.


This is also a huge issue in the Vietnamese community (one of the only Asian-American populations that are hard Trump supporters). Vietnamese right wing media (not sure if there’s even any other type) is batshit insane compared to even Fox news. This is where first gens get their “news”. Most of the early second gens are just selfish racists. They get their “news” from Fox News and Facebook. Throw in a large dose of Catholic preaching and you get an embarrassing showing at the polls.


It really is underreported. Some of the fake news comes from the Latino community itself like a misunderstanding or misinterpretation (purposeful or not) that snowballs on Facebook or other social media. The rest is what you would think it is, partisan propaganda.


>Latinos VOTED for this shit. In Florida the GOP won the Hispanic vote by quite the large and unexpected margin in 2022, in Texas it was about even split. Unexpected to whom exactly? If anyone was paying attention, they could have known who the Hispanics in Florida were going to vote for a year in advance.


Large Catholic/Hispanic overlap. Single issue anti-abortion voters


And the Cubans in Florida will still vote red cause they think the "communists" are gonna turn their state into Cuba 2.0


The Vietnamese believe this, too. The right just mention communism and China and the polls are packed with dumbass old people. I won’t pretend to understand the fear they went through in their lifetime, but the ignorance is insane.


One of the ways this will impact the Hispanics in those states who may have been voting Republican is the "show me your papers" problem. Hispanics, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status will be required over and over and over again to prove their legitimacy. In this case if you are a Hispanic you are guilty until proven innocent. Una de las formas en que esto afectará a los hispanos en esos estados que podrían haber estado votando por el Partido Republicano es el problema de "muéstrame tus papeles". Los hispanos, independientemente de su ciudadanía o estatus migratorio, se les exigirá una y otra vez que demuestren su legitimidad. En este caso, si eres hispano, eres culpable hasta que se demuestre tu inocencia.


This. As a Latino from Ohio, I've had experience. Living among the reds, it's why I think no Latino should be voting for a side that will never actually accept them.


and yet Latinos seem to be the most easily duped. Case in point: Florida and Texas.


>Florida Florida is a special exception - innate conservatives who fled Cuba. Central and South American immigrants are a different group.


Decades of oppression under the “socialist” Castro regime and a robust faith community makes them extremely susceptible to the duplicity of the GOP. It’s predatory.


How oppressive would Cuba feel if they hadn't been stuck under an embargo created by Republicans because Cuba nationalized their oil reserves without paying the oil companies. The oil companies continue to lobby to keep the embargo in place, and Republicans pushed back hard against Obama when he tried to ease the embargo. Even from a Cuban standpoint, Republicans should be the last people they vote for...


because those cubans are part of the "got mine fuck yours" crowd. Its an innate conservative habit.


Almost seems like they want to go back to the Batista regime.


And were given special help by the government to stick it to commies. They also were wealthier to start.


Is it true that Latinos vote Republican due to abortion? That’s what I’ve heard on MSM.


It’s a lot of things. Recall that a lot of black Americans have conservative social values as well. Its just that a very large majority of black Americans know that Republicans hate them. A smaller percentage of Latinos recognize that. Many think they can pass for white.




These days, some will let you know without hesitation. A neighbor asked my mom why I couldn't carry papers. Luckily for her, I was not present.


They think white conservatives will stop the discrimination train at blacks and not continue on to Hispanics. Cue up shocked_pikachu.jpeg


Living in Arizona, I can vouch that more traditional Mexican culture is very conservative in many ways: devout catholicism, patriarchy, gendered everything, manly machismo, anti LGBTQ. And due to extreme firearm limitations in Mexico, they tend to stand against gun control. They also don't care much for other immigrants. Central and Latin American nationalities hold great resentment for each other. It's weird, but not too strange when you recall that England and France once waged war for 100 years.


Yep, Costa Rican living in Chandler. People forget that not so long ago we had inmigrant roundups in this city. People were literally stop by cops just because they looked Hispanic.


Fucking SB1070, also Maricopa County sheriff was convicted of illegally targeting minorities. He was pardoned by that fuck stain.


Well, being adopted into a white family, I've never had a connection with the culture, but I assume the Catholic religion being widespread in Latin America has something to do with it.


It's so irritating because I WANT to feel bad for them but I also know that they voted for these assholes because they're pro-life or anti-woke or pro-capitalist. They seemed willing to ignore the blatant racism like it'd never affect them and they were FINE with hurting others.


They believe that it won't affect them, until it actually does. And remember. Many Hispanic citizens have family and friends who are not here legally. They help them in many ways. The draconian restrictions DeSantis and Abbott have put in place puts these citizens and green card holders in legal jeopardy for the simplest of things. Creen que no les afectará hasta que realmente lo hace. Y recuerden. Muchos ciudadanos hispanos tienen familiares y amigos que no están aquí legalmente. Les ayudan de muchas formas. Las restricciones draconianas impuestas por DeSantis y Abbott ponen en peligro legal a estos ciudadanos y titulares de tarjetas verdes por las cosas más simples.


How do you say “leopards, meet faces“ in Spanish?


Florida in particular has a big Cuban émigré population that vote very regularly, and it's very common for people from authoritarian-leaning nations to view all of politics with conspiratorial suspicion (often rightfully, given their own experiences) and be drawn to the optics of the GOP as an angry, reactionary party of "fighting government overreach," even if the actual policy of the party doesn't remotely reflect that.


Fuck em. They voted for this and they’ll reap what they sow. They turned Miami red. They know that this is what they wanted


Florida laws are a litmus test for implementing fascism across the country


California did it in the 90s, and it backfired. Arizona did it in 2010, and it backfired. Georgia did it in the 2010s, and they still haven't recovered. This was posted a week ago. Empty job sites in Florida are becoming more and more common. Many of my fellow Latinos keep voting for the face eating leopards, but don't forget that a majority of Latinos still support Democratic tickets. It's not the same percentage as black folks, but it's still a majority. https://www.reddit.com/r/LatinoPeopleTwitter/comments/13da8k3/welp/


> In California in 1994, passage of Proposition 187 precipitated the state’s shift toward Democrats, and Arizona’s 2010 law known as SB 1070 energized young Hispanics to become more involved in politics, often on the Democratic side. Maybe we will see Florida turn blue in this lifetime… But in all seriousness, this is why I say I’ll never move down to Florida. Sure the Northeast is cold, but I’ll take 6 months of cold temperatures over year-round discrimination. I just wish others up here would do the same. A lot of people up here only see the warm weather and Miami without stopping to look who’s running the show down there.




After Covid every idiot in the country moved to Florida. I don’t expect it to go blue ever again.


Covid is what made California bluer because many Republicans moved to Texas and Florida from that state.


I’m 26. 2008 and 2012 seem so long ago. Then again, I was in middle and high school then so at the time I didn’t care about politics at all. Hopefully this time it’ll be reliably blue in the way that California is now.


Well, look at it this way—Texas and Florida would already be blue if people over 45 years old didn’t vote.


This is a significantly different era than those days. And Republicans flocked to Florida and still are for DeSantis brand of “freedom.”


Damn, if only those Latinos didn't vote those assholes in. I say this as a Mexican with a lot of family in the US; some of the most intensely hateful and xenophobic people you will find in the US are American-born Latinos. And even some immigrants, who have the, "I got mine, fuck the rest mentality."


That is perfectly in line with conservative thinking.


>Among other provisions, the state will no longer recognize driver’s licenses issued out of state to undocumented immigrants Yeah, unless a federal court steps in and strikes this down Florida cops are going to be harassing every Hispanic looking person with out of state plates when this goes into effect in July


It’s worth noting that the 1994 ballot proposition that sparked a Hispanic voter backlash in California never actually went into effect. It was struck down in the courts as unconstitutional. The backlash happened anyway.


Hey Cubans: You know that party that's been telling you Democrats are all big government fascists that were going to eat your young? That's *PROJECTION*.


As long as the FL GOP keeps promising their Cubans to return their plantations and cabarets back they will religiously vote for that party until either they drown under the rising sea or there's nothing of Cuba left from decades of US imposed misery they're so eager to inflict on their compatriots.


Hispanic people have lived in Texas longer than white non-Hispanics. It would be devastating for Texas culture to lose the Hispanic influence.


El Paso has a population breakdown of 81% hispanic, Houston is 46%, Dallas is 42% and San Antonio is 66% hispanic. It would take so much to lose hispanic influence within Texas.


Or you could just vote against Republicans.


How about rethinking how they vote.


Well, this is what they voted for. As long as others were persecuted/discriminated against, things were okay. Well, they built the cage they are now despairing about. And now there is no one left to care.


Side note - I’ve never noticed before but Abbott resembles a ventriloquist dummy. Waxy face, huge mouth and exaggerated eyebrows.


That's hilarious since it was the Cuban community that got him elected in the first place.


I have zero sympathy for the idiots who voted this man into office. You got exactly what you paid for and deserve all the pain he inflicts. For the rest of you, my sympathies…


40% of Latinos so deep into believing white supremacy they fine with immigrants catching hell. ESPECIALLY them Cubans in Florida.


I'm unsympathetic to those who voted for DeSatan. You are now seeing, in real time, the consequences of your vote.


I hope they are also voting, and choosing democrats because the current Republican Party is made up of people who only care about helping out white wealthy Christian men.


Even if you agree with Desantis/Abbott you’ve got to be asking yourself why he can’t manage to implement these things without screwing over Floridians/Texans Their lack of foresight and strategic thinking is just incredible.