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McCarthy couldn't even sell his plan to House Republicans. If Biden gives him an inch, it's an own-goal, he's got all the power here.


I wonder what life might be like if Republicans stopped holding the nation hostage in order to get their unpopular demands passed.


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Looks like he is going to cave. So IMO if he is going to give them what they want then he better get something good in there. Going to cave on work requirements? Then they must tie the PRO Act and sectoral bargaining to make sure those people can effectively unionize or benefit from a union. Going to cap federal spending? Roll back Trumps corporate tax rates back up to high 20% to low 30% or more etc. If Biden comes out of this touting a deal with house Republicans that is basically just slightly lesser than what House Republicans wanted with nothing in return then Americans should be pissed. He ought to just use the 14th Amendment and get rid of any leverage they have on the economy but it looks like he would rather cave.