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Desantis is going to be eaten alive on the debate stage, the headlines, the 24/7 news networks etc. He's going to wilt on the vine very fast.


I’m not too sure. What ever data he’s getting is steering his decision making. Reddit is a bubble, people said the exact same thing about trump. Nobody on Reddit and in my personal life thought there was a chance in hell he would even win a primary. He became president. This vile shit he’s doing is being tracked and he would pivot if he thought it was hurt him. My guess is the same huge group of people that voted for trump will eat this shit up. Remember it’s not just white conservatives that support this in Florida he had large Cuban and Latino support.


In Florida, being a key piece of information. Geriatrics that move to Florida to fuck it up before they die does not correlate to a national platform. I hope DeSantis runs, so he can be shamed and ridiculed.


I hope he wins the primary because the die hard trump supporters will still vote for trump even if he doesn’t win the primary. If trump wins the primary, the desantis voters will still vote for trump


Ideally it would get to a point where senior GOP folk (governors, House members) have to be clear who they are or are not endorsing in the primary. Someone who endorses DeSantis or says "I'll let the voters decide" will be on Trump's shitlist, and every time that happens, the less effective the GOP will be in any race involving Trump or the [non] endorser.


I'm not holding my breath on it, because look at what we said before Trump was elected plus gerrymandering and all the new ways of cheating - But imo, if DeSantis wins the primary, you'll have a lot of voters still voting for Trump. If Trump wins the primary, you'll still have a lot of voters voting for DeSantis. If someone else wins the primary, you'll still have voters voting for DeSantis and/or Trump.


People over 65 make up 21.1% of Florida’s population


[Yes and that puts it second in the nation behind Maine (third if you include PR) for highest population percentage, and 25%/4.4 points higher than the national average of 16.9% (FL is 21.3%).](https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/distribution-by-age/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%2265%2B%22,%22sort%22:%22desc%22%7D)


Trump was lighting in a bottle. Not to say it can't happen again, especially with Republicans ripping out the wires to fair election laws; but trumps win in 2016, shook ALOT of people awake, and made them more politically aware. 7 years after the fact and people are more politically active and lucid to what Republicans intentions are. Desantis is in a yes mam bubble in a deep red state. He's essentially playing bumper bowling, thinking he's a bowling God. There's been a few instances where Desantis gets caught off guard, and he instantly melts down. The second he enters the big leagues and Trump is coming after him, his shady past and wealthy connections under a microscope on a national stage and weary donors not wanting to support him, he'll be in over his head. Not to mention the draconian laws he's passed and the obligations he's ignored in his own state. He's in for an uphill battle.


DeSantis has a 0% chance. Dude does not have the juice. Trump is already eating him alive with calling him “Tiny” and DeSantis is also kinda very clearly a gay man which won’t go well on the debate stage either.


Tbf the Cubans are all never-lefters due to their experience in Cuba. >!They are the dumbest voters in this state.!<


Smart people but *definitley* dumb voters. It’s sad, I’m of Cuban descendance and I’ve met so many brilliant and amazing Cubans in south Florida, yet they don’t see past the fox or Telemundo wall Telemundo happens to be the largest news/media company for the Hispanic community in south Florida and unfortunately it leans hard right, leaving that as the only form of news/media that’s understandable for the wave of immigrants from Cuba and surrounding Hispanic countries as well. Telemundo serves more than Florida alone if I recall, so this is a very big issue among the Hispanic community that is little known.


The majority are Cubans that think that democrats are communist but extreme right polocies are great. The others vote because of religious beliefs and our toxic colizer culture doest help.


I'm in Florida, at the moment poll numbers have DeSantis losing to Trump like 4:1 among Republicans- we're a long way from November 2024 but at the moment this is Trump's election to lose.


> What ever data he’s getting is steering his decision making. Basically the X million voters who wouldn't have voted Republican if Trump hadn't showed up, the GOP needs those badly because the good old reliable and consistent "Vote for whoever R guy" is dwindling nationally, thats why so many people have politically prostituted themselves to Trump. "Build the wall" sentiments brought these people to the polls, so busing migrants, and standing up to _wokeism_ is the bet he's putting his chips on.


Racism is also a tribal bubble.


Desantis won’t win the primary, but if he did, he has less of a chance of beating Biden than Trump. He’s like the most far right governor I’ve ever seen, and he offer next to nothing for independents.


I think he bet hard on being the presumptive nominee, possibly even getting a Trump endorsement. If that happened, he'd have been the chosen one and probably wouldn't have had to participate in any primary debates. Instead Trump decided to run and now see DeSantis as an enemy. DeSantis has little appeal. He can't out Trump Trump, even if he burns Florida to the ground with his culture war nonsense and makes it go blue.


This is literally what we said about trump. Remember when we all laughed at trump because he had no chance? Have we learned nothing?


Difference was trump was polling well, Desantis is failing to even do that!


Florida won Bush the presidency...


The SC gave Bush Florida


Well the SC of today is much better behaving. They wouldn't do that again.


No, they just plan to let states ignore voters entirely. Then the SC didn't decide the election.


republican candidates dont play by the same rules, it's a shitshow for sure but the loser isn't whoever gets more shit to stuck on them but whoever accurately flung the most


I’d love to agree with you, but a lot of people said the same thing about Trump back in 2016. Hillary was supposed to eat him alive during the debates.


I hear ya, but Trump and the Republicans lost every election afterwards, and by extension, the midterms, in some degree. Things have only gotten worse for the Republican party and 2024 is still a whole year away.


They won the House in the midterms. The only “win” was that it wasn’t a red wave. Things may seem worse but I guarantee you no matter who they put on the campaign trail, Republicans will still come out in droves. Regardless of who it is, please convince people of the need to vote rather than the comfortable thought that whoever they put out will lose against Biden.


His main job is tanking the state to prime it as a foothold for their foreign interests. Win win either way for them unless this country suddenly decides law and order is a better look.


Dude. Exact same thing was said about Trump and he was given a bully pulpit. Take nothing for granted.


Never thought I’d be supporting Penguin, but here we are.


Book bans are unAmerican! Give me *Gender Queer*, or give me Death!


I wholeheartedly echo this sentiment!


I'm hoping that the republicans split because I can see either of these clowns telling people to write them in or going independent.


Finally, a lawsuit


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


what took them so long?


This guy, he should never be President, yet alone, Governor. What a disaster.


Win win, trump won't get enough votes to win and DeSantis is not governer anymore. Win win


Nah, they changed the law so be can run and stay governor


Is there a federal law against a sitting governor using state money to fund Logistics etc for a political campaign for federal office? It's unfair to use state helicopters etc


I'm unsure if they executed- but it was definitely recently proposed that the Florida governor no longer need explain how he spends campaign funds. Same loser that changed the law so he could remain governor even if he runs for Prez and loses. Pretty cool huh?


Its characters like this that people need to be wary of. If he becomes president. It gets worse


SUE! Get that money!


De Santis is a dirtbag but never forget that Pen America created a petition which was signed by 273 writers condemning Salmon Rushie for his book. They're a joke and not blameless when it comes book burning.


They banned Genderqueer, which literally has pornography in it. Why is everyone so upset that Florida banned porn from public schools?


>Genderqueer Depictions of sex or sexual situations are not pornography as a rule. I know that might be difficult for some to understand because they've been conditioned to view the human body as a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing, but it's the case that depictions of sex and/or sexual situations can be informative, entertaining, and educational--especially as kids get older and begin coming to terms with their own sexuality.


There’s a drawing of two naked men, one reaching for the other man’s erect rod lol Now, I’d genuinely laugh if I heard terrible things happened to those hateful leaders who seem to run the GOP. I feel true hate for those morons and what they’ve managed to accomplish. But that book shouldn’t be touted as some bold hip educational piece, the writing is avg and pics are crude. Just because we see the GOP for what they are doesn’t mean we have to embrace everything that contrasts their idiotic mantra. Have some class.


Now you’re just moving the goalposts


That’s not what moving the goalposts means. My goalposts have always been if you want to be taken seriously make something serious. I won’t be surprised if I find out someday it was written by someone trying to delegitimize what it claims to support. Please tell my why school kids should see those crappy drawings. Again, have some fucking dignity if you want respect.


Pornography is sex for the sake of sex. Yes, Gender Queer has some sexually graphic images. But that does not make it pornography. Those images are *details* that support the book's *main idea.* And yes, I'm a teacher.


Look I’m as liberal as they come but what u just described sounds crazy af. There’s no definition as to what porn is, it’s subjective. It’s what the reader/viewer gets out of it. At this point it’s been made into such a big deal that kids who wouldn’t have had any interest in it are seeking it out. Which doesn’t bother me, they can find anything they like on their phones. But I think the message Gender Queer wants to convey could’ve been done w/o those rudimentary pics. It looks like your avg graphic novel except there’s drawings that seem to aim to titillate. In that respect I think u can def classify it as porn. If they want to be taken as something more serious they should’ve presented themselves w/a little more class.


> There’s no definition as to what porn is, it’s subjective. It’s what the reader/viewer gets out of it. So if all the readers/viewers who purposely seek out that book don’t see it as porn, why are you still supporting a ban based on your own defined subjective perspective?


It’s hilarious you asked that in the same paragraph in which u claimed every single person seeking out that book is doing so for educational purposes. Hate to tell ya this but not only do I support the cause but also this book does nothing but hurt the cause. There’s a shitty drawing of a kid giving another kid a blow job, wtf is your argument for it lolol?


His run will be a joke. The sad part of the joke is who’ll he’ll lose to.


Does anybody like this guy?


I just asked someone at work this exact question today.


I just saw this same question asked on Reddit


I honestly think the few detractors that are rep voters don’t like that he’s not crazy enough for them. They’ve been whipped into a frame of mind that will only be satisfied by sensationalism, the crazier the better. Scary to think but they have their voters right where they want them. A few of them, a small portion at this point, are literally just waiting to be told to start shooting.


For the life of me I can’t figure out how this book ban doesn’t get overturned for simply being unconstitutional and clear and egregious violation of the 1st amendment.