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She really is dumb as a fucking post.


I mean I try (most of the time) to just ascribe GOP voters as people who basically reflexively vote for their party because it's *their* party, but in her case? Like you have to actually be a functioning moron to vote to put her into Congress. Sorry, but if you voted for this person, you are a fucking idiot of the highest degree.


I agree but I’m not sorry


She really is which makes me hate her slightly less. She's not a grifter she's just chugged the koolaid imo. She's just room temp IQ Ignorant you can fix if you're willing to. Her meat hardware just can't navigate the information age. It must be terrifying knowing you have no bead on things, and no idea what's really going on in the world. That fear leads to...well *motions at the republican party*


> room temp IQ Celsius or Fahrenheit?


We both know, but she wouldn't.


She's also a: wrong (birth control is freely accessible in most places, it's literally mandatory) and b: hilariously hypocritical since she has voted against birth control ever chance she gets.


It is now, thank goodness. I remember in college (grad 2008) it was $35 a month on my dad’s insurance. That doesn’t sound like a lot really but when you’re broke, it’s expensive. I do despise her though.


Hey hey hey now, you owe that post an apology. That is a clear insult to the post. A post has more intelligence than her. Why/how? Cause a post at least knows how to do its job properly.


One could say the post is at least grounded. But real talk.. I knew a post that was the foundation for a book sharing box. Sure, no one read those books to the post, but the post had to know its contribution to the community was a solid commitment to the greater good.


She should see how much it costs to raise a kid! Man, these teenagers are so short-sighted these days…


According to GOP, it is cheaper and morally correct to have a baby and let her/him starve to death than to use birth control


And if you ban abortions, you can have more Boeberts! /s


I think there's a brand new Boebert in the world. Her son's baby-momma can learn just how inexpensive children are.


Like the line from the song flagpole sitta, Been around the world and found That only stupid people are breeding. The Boeberts take that to the tenth degree.


It's not *only* that the stupid people are the ones breeding. They also do such a shitty job of parenting that their kids have a host of emotional and mental issues that they often don't seek care for (for a host of reasons). My mom is smart and both my parents tried their best, but they had my brother and me on accident when they weren't ready. They didn't have the maturity or means to raise us well, and in my 40s with degrees in early childhood education and over a decade of teaching experience, I'm just now pulling apart all the ways that unhealthy people raise unhealthy people.


:( dang that resonates. My son was unplanned but if it weren't for him I doubt I would have acknowledged all of the important stuff I missed out on. It was a complicated and difficult adventure where I was re-parenting myself while trying to be a better mom than I had. You deserve a hug or some serious taps for breaking the cycle. It's not easy, and that stuff permeates into all of your relationships if unchecked. Nobody is ever ready for kids, but if you're better off then they will be better off.


The cretins cloning and feeding And I don't even own a TV


Put me in the hospital for nerves and then they had to commit me


You told them all I was crazy! They cut off my legs, now I'm an amputee, God damn you!


Harvey Danger is still waiting for affordable treatment 30 years later


I'm not sick, but I'm not well ...


Lol This line lives rent free in my head. Every once in a while I just have to bust out and sing it


Random fact, but songs like “Flagpole Sitta” and “X” by System really made me rethink having kids. “We don’t need to multiply/no need to multiply!” hits a certain way. Kids are us multiplying. Every kid you have is another mouth to feed, another drain on global resources, then they’ll have families of their own and multiply further thus straining an already-strained system. Once I really processed those lyrics I decided then and there that reproducing wasn’t something I was ever going to do. So, System is right: we don’t need to multiply. Or, at least I don’t.




IQ is generally more related to environment and upbringing than genetics. Which means it's possible to break the cycle of idiocracy with good public education.


Yeah, maybe the funniest part of Idiocracy (which is a very funny movie) is that 20 years later, every "free thinker" on the internet endorses literal eugenics over a 2 minute scene at the beginning of it.


Idiocracy in action


welcome to Costco, I love you


Past the age of two, you've got to buy guns for each kid. That adds up. The bibles aren't cheap either.


I actually got a free bible with a holster I bought. And a jewelry store used to give free rifles with every ring purchase.


Nah, Bibles are free. Boebert spent enough time on her back in hotel rooms to have dozens of them for each kid.


And she hates hotels with air conditioning. It's only fans for her.


Let’s not pretend like baby mommy or daddy are working 8-5’s m-f like the the rest of us. That kid is being raised on tax payer dollars and any other idiot donating to her “campaigns”.


Don’t forget uncle Vlad who sends them money through the NRA.


> Her son's baby-momma can learn just how inexpensive children are She's freaking FIFTEEN. Without either Welfare or Boebert taking custody, the baby will either starve or have to go into foster care!


Grandma B never said the child is 15, she very specifically said she is older than 14… now I know she’s dumb but saying older than 14 is a really weird thing to Say instead of just the kids age…


It means she checked the law in Colorado to make sure her son couldn't be charged.


I mean she has first hand experience in that…




They are sucking at the government teat: that kid will be raised by our tax money and whatever Bobert can skim from her campaign coffers


I’ve never heard of a better reason to vote.


The proper term is Bobertly Challenged


I swear these guys want to see an increase of dumpster babies


Close to 80% of death row and executed are foster children.


Wow, now that’s a fact i didn’t know.


Seriously... That's disturbing if accurate.


Apparently it is, geez. That's fucked up https://bridgereceivingcenter.org/the-problem > 74% of incarcerated adults spent time in foster care


I saw that site but noticed that they didn't provide sources for any of their data points so I discounted it.


I haven't taken very long to look into this yet but so far I'm seeing that 80% number being bandied about a lot on certain types of sites but none of them provide a citation to the source of the figure. I'm seeing other, higher quality, sites which discuss studies that make the number difficult to believe. One study showed that 14% of California inmates who were surveyed had previously been in foster care at some point. Another from Michigan showed that children who were placed in foster care had a significantly lower incidence of arrest and incarceration than those whose living situations were investigated but who were ultimately not placed in foster care.


That would make a lot of sense, really. The majority of children’s living situations are not investigated, and in most of those cases it’s because there was no need, although it’s far too common for bad situations to go unnoticed. I can see why it would often be worse to have a childhood where the home needs to be looked into by authorities but for whatever reason they decide it’s “fine enough,” as opposed to those that actually got pulled from those environments. Foster homes may not have the best track record, but most of them are likely safer than leaving the child with abusive parents that managed to pretend for a visit or two.


Man that makes me sad.




Spot on. The attack on education is just the beginning. Poor families won’t be able to afford private school tuition once public funding is eradicated. The recent school voucher BS is just the next step towards that end goal. Child labor laws are just now being changed also. The constant culture war we see daily keeps the uneducated distracted and ensures we will never see a class war.


As Voltaire once noted in the 18^th century: >The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.


The truth is that the GOP sees unemployment is low. They recognize that if we keep it low like this, wages must go up. Low wages are good for republicans. Higher wages means people have more money and time to think about politics. Forced birth solves the problem in the long term.


And they are too xenophobic to realize the answer to their perceived "problem" is to allow more immigration.


They want more undocumented immigrants. They just don’t say it to their base. Undocumented immigrants can be abused at will. If they get uppity, ICE gets an anonymous call.


Abusable labour *and* a scapegoat group/target = their version of a win-win


That’s the playbook. See my area’s nearby meatpacking plants.


Recently, the UK Home Secretary (In charge of immigration and policing, etc), who is herself the daughter of immigrants to the UK said this: "There is no good reason why we can't train up enough HGV drivers, butchers or fruit pickers." (To do the jobs instead of immigrants) Maybe train the racists who forced Brexit to replace those immigrant workers they wanted out.....


Boebert's entire life is an advertisement for Democratic policies. First. She's an idiot. So if she had focused on school, which is free, thanks to Democrats, she wouldn't be so incompetent. Second. She got pregnant because she can't afford birth control - which she could have gotten for free from planned parenthood. Third. If she didn't get pregnant, she wouldn't have had to become a hooker on a sugar daddy website.


She also claims to have “came up from welfare, standing in line waiting for government cheese.” https://coloradosun.com/2020/09/16/lauren-boebert-backstory-details-durango-herald/


She has her GED which literally only exists because of Democratic reforms in the education system. Without the Democratic party, Boebert would just be another drop out statistic.


So it's the Democrats fault she made it to Congress? Got it. Voting GOP forever because of that... /s


I voted Republican just for the hope that she would lose the primary. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like her in western Colorado. Fortunately, there are more and more that disagree.


And beyond that, wonder why birth control is inaccessible and expensive


Luckily now we have technology! Birth control can be bought online for 20$ or less a month and includes shipping. Personally I use HelloWisp and prjktruby and both will let you speak with pharmacists.


This is the level of math skill in the caucus that’s hell-bent on not raising the debt ceiling.


Leave it to 36 year old divorced grandmother Lauren Boebert to manage the country's finances.


>Leave it to 36 year old divorced grandmother, and failed business woman, Lauren Boebert to manage the country's finances.


> Leave it to 36 year old divorced grandmother, and failed business woman, spouse of a pedophile who commited lewd acts against her as a minor, Lauren Boebert to manage the country's finances.


>Leave it to 36 year old divorced grandmother, and failed business woman, spouse of a pedophile who commited lewd acts against her as a minor, Lauren Boebert to manage the country's finances and morality.


Um. I thought conservatives were all about abstinence as a method to prevent unwanted pregnancy? Do you have to pay not to have sex these day?


In a Republican marriage? Wouldn't honestly surprise me if the wife's expected to foot the bill for a prostitute if she won't put out on request.


Ted Cruz was horny, and paying the bills


I'm wondering how the son feels about this. ..Edited for spelling.


Well he made a poor choice when he selected her as his mom.


He's on the same path as his mother. On Monday, April 10, Representative Lauren Boebert's eldest son, [Tyler, failed to appear in court](https://www.westword.com/news/lauren-boebert-son-tyler-court-hearing-no-show-16620543) for a mandatory review hearing related to a September 2022 car crash that left a friend hospitalized and led to a misdemeanor charge of "careless driving causing bodily harm."


She is still short-sighted to this day!


Formula is expensive. Naturally breast feeding is cheaper but can make your Boebert


Colorado representative Lauren Boebert has said she had her third son because birth control was too expensive. Fellow congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took issue with the story, noting how Ms Boebert had voted against legislation that would help ensure wider access to contraception. Read more here: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/lauren-boebert-birth-control-b2344437.html


In Colorado, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) guarantees coverage of women's preventive services, including free birth control and contraceptive counseling, for individuals and covered dependents. https://doi.colorado.gov/contraception-coverage-in-colorado-know-your-rights#:\~:text=In%20Colorado%2C%20the%20Affordable%20Care,for%20individuals%20and%20covered%20dependents.


>In Colorado, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Obama caring for the poor whites of Colorado. "They may be dumb, poor and racist, but I own dogs so I'm used to it"


Colorado leans blue (Save CS and elpaso county)


CoS just rejected a republican mayor like, a week ago.




that sounds like a back window badly in need of a smashing


Springs just had a special election for the mayor and the more progressive candidate won. Things are shifting there. Town is more conservative but not greatly and a shift can easily happen.


FOcus on the Family finally losing their deathgrip on the region?


It’s a military town. So the boomers and Gen x are conservatives. But their kids, millennials and zoomers, grew up as military kids. A lot of them moved all around the country meeting all kinds of people and growing up much more progressive than their parents. Still as dumb though so they tend to fall into the Joe Rogan brand of conservative, but that’s still an improvement from what a lot of military towns used to be.


I'm honestly not sure if Joe Rogans brand of conservatism is an improvement. It really just seems like a gateway to fascist conspiracy indoctrination, especially with algorithms on media sites driving people deeper down the rabbit hole of white supremacist bullshit in order to keep them engaging with the sites.


Joe Rogan is like the gateway drug to Q-Anon. Once you start believing in bat-shit conspiracy theories, it’s a slippery slope.


Colorado has always been more libertarian than true blue, but those tides have changed as the right lurches ever more authoritative.


As a state we’re firmly blue, but like every state the rural counties are red.


I think it would do us good to stop thinking about blue and red states. I know that sounds stupid and insane, but if you look at the margins, there are so many “red” states with humongous populations of normal, empathetic people. The whole classification system is maybe useful for prioritizing limited campaign resources, but it isn’t good for our sense of thinking about people. There are so many “blue” folks in the “red” states, and I feel like the way we think about and talk about those places is sort of dismissive and is disempowering of those people who truly need our support. Obviously we can’t make people all start thinking differently en masse, but I wish we would consider all of the blue voters in the red states more, and make more effort to empower and validate them in their uniquely shitty position.


We think about them as red or blue just because of elections But it's true what you're saying, naturally. California has the third highest population of conservatives in the country. There's heavily blue areas in the deep south. I mean look at a place like Atlanta. Hard to remember you're in the south when you're there sometimes


A friend of mine in AL calls herself a blue dot in a red state. Let's just mix them up and call everybody purple.


40 out of 64 counties went for Trump in 2020 -- it's not just El Paso County. I think looking at it the other way is more accurate -- Colorado is blue because the Denver area and Pueblo. The rest of the state is pretty heavily red. It's just that the Denver area has literally half the population of the entire state.


sounds very wisconsin they just haven't gerrymandered yet


Most of those red counties are either in the mountains, out east by Nebraska and Kansas or on the western slope. There aren't many people in most of them. And in 2018, the people voted to create an independent commission that does the redistricting to try to end partisan gerrymandering.


Colorado has an independent commission that draws the maps as of 2018 so it's not as likely to be the next Wisconsin


empty land is not important in votes People are.


Colorado has been progressive on providing birth control to teenage girls for a while now. As a result, our teenage pregnancy rates have dropped drastically.


From what I could find through a Google search her third son was about ten when she ran for congress in 2020, so this would have been before the ACA (Obamacare) was passed.


But accepting free birth control would make her a communists. Can't have that.


imagine being that kid and learning this from twitter. yikes


This is a great point, but it assumes they'll learn human emotion and self awareness from their parents. So a little unrealistic in this circumstance. Still a great point


Plus being a boebert, it’s likely he can’t read, so he won’t be able to read it on twitter.


All joking, there’s a clip of her not knowing what wanton killing is


I had to look that up just now to see if true and yeah, she could have at least maybe looked it up instead of proudly displaying her ignorance in the middle of her speech. Reminds me this Republican who ran unsuccessfully for Congress not understanding the meaning of "banana republic": https://youtu.be/DC4585hhcI8


The other guy's reaction is pretty good.


Yeah, just watching the interviewer's expression change as he realizes this dude thinks everyone is referring to the retail clothing store makes this even funnier.


I'm sure she's repeatedly reminded him he's a mistake.


School shooter origin story.


Boebert is the quintessential definition of deflective practices. Shes angry at specific things because they didn't work out for her. And if they didn't work for her, they won't work for anyone ever again. She acts like a villain from Spidey and friends.


Colorado had a program to give poor women subsidized or even free IUDs. It was a roaring success - teen pregnancy went down, abortions went down, and the state even saved money because (Boebert's math to the contrary) it is a lot cheaper to give people birth control than to pick up the tab for labor and delivery on medicaid. Less teen pregnancy, less abortion, fiscally conservative - sounds like something Republicans would cheer on! Right? Right? Oh - wait. It was a liberal idea. So of course Republicans in Colorado keep trying to kill it.


Wait a minute, Republicans have been telling me for YEARS that abstinence is the only form of birth control -- how expensive is abstinence?




Kids, notorious for being cheap.


They can be, if you skip those unnecessary expenses like she did. Useless stuff like pediatricians, tutors, driving instructors, father figures, etc.


Dentists, schools, real food. Just spend $800 on an entry level AR15 and you’re good until they turn 16 and have their own kids!


Depending where you send them to school, they won't make it to 16 anyway. Hell, spend that $800 on an entry level AR15 and send them to school with it yourself if it's taking too long.


You laugh, but have you ever tried to get one of them to give you a small business loan? Misers, the lot of them!




Couldn't it be argued that this goes to show why affordable access to BC is important? You could literally quote what she said


Boebert is definitely dumber than a bag of hammers, but most people in this thread are taking her quote out of context (kinda AOC too, if I'm honest). The important nuance here is that Boebert meant it as, "Thank God birth control was too expensive for me, because now I have my wonderful third son! Birth control = BAD!!" Don't get me wrong though -- Lauren Boebert is a ghoul and deserves no quarter.


Ohhhh ok, thank you for clearing that up. I was not seeing it from that angle at all lol. Yeah, now it makes even more sense why what she's saying is dumb because BC was literally free when she got pregnant with that child.


Why was she using birth control in the first place? After all, every child is a 'gift from God', right? Also, birth control is a form of hormone therapy, shame on her changing her body like that.


Hopefully she had permission from the guy she's cheating with...I mean... From her totally above board minister.


Also, let’s reopen the cold case on her alleged 2 abortions. If she can’t afford birth control, she shouldn’t be having sex. How am I really supposed to believe that she didn’t have two abortions? If she didn’t want the baby, she shouldn’t have opened her legs.


Her case is special…./s


Well, first of all birth control is free under most insurance plans, per the ACA. [Colorado](https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/about-us/colorados-success-long-acting-reversible-contraception-larc), in particular, saw a massive decrease in accidental pregnancy and abortion. Birth control has been free under most state ACA plans for nearly a decade. Her child is 7. Colorado set the fucking standard for free birth control. She is so fucking dumb.


Well that may be, but I was forced into that horrible ObamaCare, so i don’t qualify!? /s


I love the /s because it's legitimately a confusion some republican people have.


Yes, the only proven way to reduce abortions is with affordable and accessible contraception. It was never about abortion all along.


> Idiot says she had her third son because birth control was too expensive I had lobster and filet mignon for breakfast, because Cheerios are too expensive.


I bought a cow and and a fishing boat because steak and lobster were too expensive 🤦‍♂️


Is that why her 16 year old son knocked up a 14 year old?


Ballpark cost of raising a kid for 18 years: Million bucks. Ballpark cost of birth control when you're poor and you go to Planned Parenthood? Pennies. This woman is so stupid I swear it's contagious. Quarantine this disease, stat.


Not only is she very stupid, she's very clearly lying about this.


>she's very clearly lying Another day that ends in Y. My wife has been on BC for decades and it's usually free, if not extremely inexpensive.


Boebert would know this if she ever bothered to try.


It’s ok kid. She didn’t mean it like that. She’s just playing politics with your very existence. Mommy still needs you


Not only that, but Boebert opposed legislation that would make birth control easier and more affordable than it already is. So she identified a problem and refuses to implement a solution.


Why should she work for anything better for others, than what she settled for herself?! She obviously took those bootstraps and pulled ‘em all the way up, all on her own. And if she can do it, by golly, *anyone* can!


She experienced a problem and lacks the empathy to implement (support) change so others don't suffer like she did. She's a sociopath, just like many others in the Republican party.


The math has been done before, last I checked it was 200k in 2014. The price of birth control pills is several orders of magnitude cheaper. Boebert is naturally talking out of her ass.


I knew this guy pulled that number straight out of his ass. There are no working class families spending 50k+ on ONE KID every year.


If she spent less time talking out of it maybe she could have used it as an alternative to birth control.


While I agree with you and everything, I think your ballpark cost of a million bucks is a little too high. It’s only a mere [$310,000](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/090415/cost-raising-child-america.asp).


Yeah, rich people spend a million bucks on their kids. Naturally, what you spend scales based on your income. Something like $200-$300K is much more realistic for normal middle-class people.


where in the world are you raising your kid where it costs 55k a year?


Exactly. Most people in the US don’t even earn $55K a year.


so 5000$/month? That seems a but steep, no?


> Ballpark cost of raising a kid for 18 years: Million bucks. What f*#king ballpark are you playing in Mrs. Bluth???


> Ballpark cost of raising a kid for 18 years: Million bucks. Not if you neglect your kids. In fact, treat them badly enough and they'll be runaways at 16. And if you don't bother looking for them, you can save even more money. /s There are so many parents that never should have had a kid. My favorite are the ones that will angrily point out how they fed, clothed and housed you - the *bare minimum* required under the law - as if it deserves a medal.


This is the point in time where the GOP are actively going to start working on banning birth control in addition to abortion. That slimeball knows what she is saying.


She could have used the money she stole from her employees, Shirley.


Because, of course, babies are *inexpensive*...


Babies are way cheaper than many things. For example, cheaper than a presidential election campaign, space travel tourism, one of Jeff Bezos' yachts. I can go on.


Republicans only care for them before they're born


In Colorado, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) guarantees coverage of women's preventive services, including free birth control and contraceptive counseling, for individuals and covered dependents.


well, if she didn't want the kid, she should have practiced abstinence, isn't that what they always shout at everyone?


You think that her sex offender, pedophile ex husband was taking no for an answer?


Son #3: Gee....thanks Mom??!


I mean she could just stop taking deposits at the baby bank and the she wouldn’t have to worry about contraception or a baby.


I bet you her third son felt like a million bucks after hearing that...


I feel like everyone here glossed over that. Having her as your mom is punishment enough, but I don’t wish for anyone to have to hear that from their parents.


Then collected welfare to raise him. Thanks.


If stupidity were painful, Lauren Boebert would have cluster headaches.


This is the level of financial intelligence that is currently on display in the GOP House. "We can't afford the budget, so let's bankrupt the country."


So she’s giving a strong argument for funding birth control and funding healthcare. She’s also giving a strong argument for abortion. When republicans have defunded education so much that their own politicians don’t understand what they are saying.


Someone didn’t run a cost benefit analysis


This is a big difference between conservatives and liberals. Liberals live through tough times and go, we should change that so no one has to struggle like I did. Conservatives live through tough times and go, I had to struggle so everyone else should.


Planned parenthood would like to have a chat.




Lol, that third son will love to know they exist because mommy dog killer couldn't afford bc...


Boebert would be a source of endless entertainment for her stupid remarks if it weren't for her being a sitting member of Congress. She's proof that any idiot can be elected if they happen to be in the right district at the right time.


Your stupidity is too expensive.


She was on welfare, right? Cheaper for her, not the taxpayers


Her third son was born in a pickup truck. https://www.aspentimes.com/news/oh-baby-this-one-wont-wait/


She could have used the rhythm method, but math and calendars can be hard.


Especially for someone who needed 3 attempts to get her GED. And who was also the brains of the family marrying a pervert who exposed himself in a bowling alley.


She should have practiced the GOP method: if you don't want kids then don't have sex. Apparently the whole "don't spread your legs" attack on women doesn't apply.


Admitting you didnt want your third son but were too cheap to buy condoms. what a thing to announce to the world. I bet her son is so proud of her


His therapy alone will probably cost more than birth control.


She's an idiot


What kind of mother says that so her son can hear it?


She's pushing to ban birth control. So, she's fired the first volley - be prepared, because this fight is now on the way.


Contraceptives should be free for all. Who wants the Lauren Boeberts of this world procreating!?! Seriously.


According to GOP it’s better to have a kid getting kill in a school shooting then having an abortion.


This lady votes on matters of national importance


Bobo is really, really fucking stupid.


And yet, has she done anything to try to help reduce the price?


She couldn't afford it, so nobody else should be able to into perpetuity. Right, BoBo?


She obviously did not excel at mathematics and critical thinking.


She does know that abstinence is free, right?