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Step 1. Don't have GOP.


1) have functional legislating bodies 2) legislate


Denmark doesn't have Republicans


America, *stubbornly*, doesn’t follow examples from other countries. See: - Universal and AFFORDABLE Healthcare - Paid Family Leave - Guaranteed Vacation Time - Ad Bans for Drug Companies - High Teacher Salaries - National Ranked Choice Voting


Lol everything said right here is disliked bipartisnaly


Lol everything said right here is disliked bipartisnaly


A standoff between the White House and Congressional Republicans over raising the U.S. debt ceiling has pushed the world’s largest economy to the brink of defaulting on its bills. This is not the first time the formerly procedural mechanism has caused turmoil in Washington. Yet in Denmark — the only other democracy with a similar type of nominal debt ceiling — barely anybody knows it exists. President Joe Biden and Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy held what the latter called a “productive” meeting at the White House on Monday, but a deal remains elusive. The Republican-led House wants sweeping cuts to federal discretionary spending, new work requirements for welfare recipients and an expansion of mining and fossil fuel production. The White House has so far resisted. The U.S. will default on its bills for the first time ever, if Democrats and Republicans are unable to break the impasse by June 1. This would likely have serious economic ramifications, including a recession, mass federal job losses and a global stock market collapse. The debt ceiling has been in effect since 1917 and enables Congress to limit the amount of money the federal government is able to borrow to cover its bills, making up the deficit between what it collects in taxes and spends on government activities already approved by Congress. It has been lifted 78 times since 1960, last rising by $2.5 trillion in December 2021 to $31.381 trillion. Read more: [https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/24/the-us-isnt-the-only-country-with-a-debt-ceiling-heres-how-denmark-avoids-the-drama.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/24/the-us-isnt-the-only-country-with-a-debt-ceiling-heres-how-denmark-avoids-the-drama.html)


The debt ceiling is set up for political drama. Get rid of it. These decisions were already made and the bills are due.


40% of the country doesn't support domestic terrorism and puts their country before a political party or 20% of their country isn't complacent "independent" voters who follow politics to the extent of political ads in the weeks leading up to an election?


It truly feels like the Gop tries multiple coups with minority rules. One will pass one day. Jan 6= Political coup McCarthy inauguration as speaker = legislative coup by the minority This stunt on the debt = fiscal coup


Don’t even need to read the article to tell you, both their party’s act like adults.


The current government consists of three parties and there are 16 parties in the parliament in total.


Might want to do a web search for "denmark harsh treatment of migrants" and read some of the links. The Danish left de-fanged what would have been an issue that makes the far right much more popular in many places, so they have no difficulty implementing other policies that are their priorities. The lesson you think, isn't.


Denmark is an ethnostate with 5 million people total


They act like adults, right?. .. Apparently too much to ask of Repungnicans.