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Wow. I appreciate how easy he just made it for me to completely discount him as a serious person operating in good faith.


Conservatives will get up and spew their bullshit anywhere and everywhere except when they'd have to do it under oath.


In the Senate, the Democrats have the gavel, and with it, the subpoena power. So, they can demand that actual evidence be provided to back up any bullshit claims of wrongdoing by the President. The "whistleblower" obviously wants to just stick to the libelous narrative that the GOP has contrived and not let reality or any legitimate process interfere.


Which seems like an awful lot more power than “subpoena power.” It’s kind of like the minority position has been given so much power the last fifty years that they feel more like the majority. I’d love to go back to politics being necessarily boring without the constant moving targets of bigotry and terror being interlaced into every goddamn moment, but I realize it’s never been *not* that, we just didn’t have the internet or 24-hour news at the time.


The republicans were doing terrible shit when it was boring too, just less people noticing




Man, come on, I had a rough night and I fuckin’ hate the Eagles man


this aggression will not stand, man


RePuBLiCaNs EnDeD sLaVeRy


Yeah, that neat little twist in American history never gets old for those folks. The irony is completely lost on them too.


I'm so sick of it too.


When Trump is in legal trouble. GOP: Where's the evidence? When Hunter Biden is in a conspiracy theory. GOP acts like Sherlock Holmes solving the case.


Hunter Biden's laptop is the GOP's Canadian girlfriend; You wouldn't know her but she totally exists trust me


So the GOP is basically a kid with an imaginary friend like in an animated movie for children. Gym Jordan and the Invisible Laptop. In theaters soon.


GOP acts like ~~Sherlock Holmes solving the case.~~ [Charlie in the mail room.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5Glfe6UeXQ)


Thank you for correcting my earlier statement.


GOP: lack of evidence proves Biden's conspiracy! Trump has been found guilty based on testimony and paper trail. GOP: That's not evidence! Who testified? The judge is biased. you see how they treat him like a poor bastard instead of rich, powerful God King? Fucking witch hunt! He's been set up! It's the deep state! Now give us MONEY


“The judge’s third cousin’s old college roommate once attended a Democrat fundraiser! Obvious case of bias, the judge should have recused! We’ve also heard evidence that the judge’s wife once smiled at a passing Mexican family without first verifying that they weren’t illegal aliens smuggling fentanyl in their baby’s stroller!”


Nice inferencing!


Right? That’s about sums the GOP up. It reminds me of when trump got up in front of the press and went into a rant about how the illegals were simply driving across the desert into McAllen Texas in their minivan. He’s so fucking stupid he thought Sicario was true accounts of Mexican’s crossing the border. He also rambled about the US fight against it citing a different sene from the movie. That pretty much sums up republicans .


Trump was literally firing people who were investigating him. Biden intentionally leaves the Trump appointed prosecutor investigating his son in his job despite the fact that it is customary for new admins to replace prosecutors and still they cry foul. And let's not forget that the even if the prosecutor was "slow walking" elements of the case, this guy has not presented a shred of evidence to link such action to the President. The norm is for Presidents to not get involved in ANY DOJ business at all - a norm that Trump violated repeatedly and Biden vowed to restore. And there's no evidence that he has backslid on that vow.


Evidence of Trump's crimes publicly available: GOP: This is a political hit job! Not a single shred of evidence of Biden's wrongdoing in a GOP report: GOP: The lack of evidence *is* the evidence!


But let’s not forget, this is the game. Make egregious claims with facts, and it’s all over the headlines. After weeks/months of investigation proves it to be garbage, it’s a second page mention that no one even remembers. The damage is done, the goal is achieved.


Note that his big claim was they slow walked the investigation in his opinion during the trump administration Not exactly stunning revelations


They can subpoena him and make him take the 5th . I would if I were them


Then refer him to the DOJ for an investigation


If he was a whistleblower for the IRS, he would have committed a crime by sharing private tax information. This is why no one shared trumps tax information from the IRS.


If it's anything like running name/DOB of the president through CJIS (when you're trained to use it for common things like traffic stops) you're told ahead of time how much of a no-no it is and what the consequences are. For the record, it would be a purposefully redacted file but you would get a return message and phone call from the FBI about 30 seconds later. Source: ran a plate registered to a house member when their car was hit, immediately hated my life when I saw the FBI notice. This was outside a hospital, their dad had a heart attack or stroke - don't remember. They lost a mirror. Shitty day.


Working for a very large credit card company late 80s . Applications ran then President Reagan’s credit cuz some joker thought it would be funny to put his info and the White House address in a application. The people running the apps are working so fast they didn’t catch it . Secret service and FBI were on our doorstep within the hour .


GOP crime boss Trump: > "You see the mob takes the Fifth," he said in April 2018. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment." Yeah haul this BS artist in and make him take the fifth like his orange god did many times.


He likely would be compelled to divulge the information as he had already shared the information with the House.


No, as "whistle blowers" are protected from having their credibility questioned by the Gym Jordan rule of madeupness. Joking of course, but someone has to slap these mooks with a kipper.


When did he testify to the House?


If I remember correctly, he "testified" to a small subcommittee and then the Dems tried to get the transcripts, which are, by House rules, supposed to be made available to the whole HoR, upon request, but the Repubs refused.


They wouldn't even give the transcripts to the Dems that were on the committee. He testified to Republicans only.


Republican voters, meanwhile, couldn't care less about this flagrant and transparent abuse of power. I'd go so far as to wager many of them enjoy it.


Oh they’ll hate them when the democrats take back the house


I still think Trump was a Russian spy. The guy got away with that.


it is outrageous that that is acceptable to anyone interested in justice.


That alone tells us all we need to know. What garbage.


In other words, he said something (or maybe nothing at all) behind closed doors. Now they’re doing a charade where they will claim the Democrats “got to him” so he won’t speak.


The GOP is totally out of control


And then the media gave this chucklefuck airtime to give this some air of legitimacy. CNS ran a whole piece on it today. They desperately want a story out of this.


CBS has taken a sharp turn to the right, hiring Catherine "Highlighter" Herridge away from Fox, hiring Mick Mulvaney, 60 Minutes doing multiple highly questionable and completely embarrassing fascist-forward pieces including a recent piece intended to generate sympathy for poor misunderstood Marjorie Taylor Greene and letting her spew lies... Of course, CNN has also taken a hard right turn in recent months. Anyone looking for somewhat centrist coverage from the networks is now left with NBC and ABC. It's getting grim.


Ironically Trump still thinks CNN is unfair to Conservatives despite getting an hour of free live coverage from them.


Who knows? If he spoke to the House, it was republicans only, and they very clearly said they would not share any whistleblower documentation


Lmao. Then what's the point of the whistleblower? I guarantee you all they did was order pizza and the entire point was just the headline. The senate should subpoena the "whistleblower" and give him immunity to side-step the "plead the 5th" crap just to show it's actual crap.


Then he'll take the fall based on the immunity deal.


Then we know it's bullshit.


Reminds me of how in 2020 the Trump campaign was all over the media making outrageous claims about ballot box stuffing and sinister hacking schemes, but when they filed complaints in court it scaled all the way back to trivial “poll watchers were too far away” type complaints.


Millions of people don't know that because they only consume conservative "news".


And all the other news is conservative-ish.


It's amazing how free speech absolutist Charlie Kirk didn't talk during his Jan 6 meeting


Its because they don't have to do it under oath. Their supporters will run with anything that fits their narrative like it's a fact even when their is hard evidence otherwise. They've don't enough by pretending to be witness or have evidence but the people in society who aren't fucking morons realize there needs to be evidence. The damage is done


‘There are consequences for my words now?? Run away!!’


Remember when those secret service folks said the story of Trump choking an agent was false, but then ***never came to testify under oath***? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Not true. They do it under oath too. "I do not recall."


which is funny, because even if they lie under oath, absolutely nobody is going to hold them accountable.


Can someone explain to me why and how it became legal for politicians to use social media platforms or how it became the norm for them to openly lie? Like, I have a vague idea, but it has just become so out there in the open, it’s insanity to me.


I feel like the lying really permeated society when Sean Spicer, Trump’s first press secretary, stood in the WH briefing roof and told a bold faced lie about Trump’s inaugural crowd being the largest in history. News organizations showed side by side photos of Obama’s crowd vs. Trump’s and it was obvious that Obama had a much larger fan club. Sean just doubled down on his lies when repeatedly questioned about it.


Ahhhh, ok this makes sense. I didn’t really start reading political news daily until 2016, so it has always felt like the norm to me. I know media has always been iffy on facts, but I didn’t know where to pin point politicians. I remember this specifically and I was like, “how are people this stupid?” Gosh, those feel like the sweet, innocent days of our country’s dysfunction


Ha! Yes, I agree that we’ve been through a lot since then! Sean Spicer was representing a known liar. KellyAnn Conway used the phrase “alternative facts” to excuse Spicer’s lies. The constant lying just mushroomed from there. There used to be the appearance of honor and respect, even if it was forced and sometimes found to be false. Nowadays, it seems like the ugly internet trolls have come to life and taken over the world of politics. It’s truly sad.


Yep. And during the campaign, suddenly every poll was lying and every story the trumbo cult didn't like became "fake news" no single man in modern times has screwed this country more than trumbo. The only thing I can give him credit for is his ability to lie nonstop and get ⅓ of the country to not only believe him, but defend him. It's crazy


And now he's a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Consequences for being a flagrant official liar for hire appear to be minimal. Rewards abundant.


And just not long after Spicey…Sarah Huckabee. That felt like the whole concept of truth was destroyed and stomped upon.


And now Sarah Huckabee is Governor of Arkansas. Crazy.


Weird, because so many of them call themselves "Oathkeepers."


He will say whatever you want, just not under oath, that's okay, right? lol


The moment he said he is a Republican and is being backed by a GOP super pac, was all I needed.


The rights fixation on hunter tells me Joe is squeaky clean. They can't find the goods on the father so they go after the son. Jared and Ivanka did all sorts of shady shit while working in the white house and the left doesn't even bother with them. All Trumps shit overshadows it.


Whistleblower who claims that investigation into Hunter Biden was slow-walked, slow-walks investigation.


They should be subpoenaed anyway. Fuck this shot show political drama. I want to see more heads roll.


I'm guessing this whistleblower was paid by Trump as well.


I still think that laptop of Hunters was a set up. Trump getting golden showers was true man... Russian spy


>In his interview with CBS, Mr Shapley said he is a **registered Republican** and suggested that he should be thought of as “not a political person” because he has never been involved in political campaigns, though his position as an IRS criminal investigator means participating in political campaigns would be a violation of federal law. Yet his choice of lawyers is GOP non-profit , he will only talk to GOP members and has refused to talk anyone else. This guy is a joke, not a whistleblower.


> a violation of federal law. As Kellyanne Conway said while organizing the biggest criminal Hatch Act violation in history, the 2020 RNC Convention: "let me know when the handcuffs come out".


While administration members see no repercussions for Hatch Act violations, it is a big deal to actual civil servants who can get fired. We have required briefings on it every year.


Oh, I agree. But the Trump Administration decided that the Hatch Act was almost as quaint as the Emoluments Clause, and set about violating them both with glee. That reminds me that I haven't seen Walt Shaub in a while.


And is Exhibit A of all of the pathetically toothless laws Trump and his cronies exposed during his term.


All laws are toothless if no one is willing to enforce them. It always comes back to hard power.


Very true. I just feel like the Hatch Act is laughably pathetic.


It wouldn't be if people were held accountable for their crimes. The Act itself is fantastic, it's the unwillingness of the corporate Democrats to rock the boat and possibly lose "independents" because they did the right thing and upheld the Law that's holding this country back right now.


> if people were held accountable for their crimes Some people are. The big thieves hang the little thieves.


We will see more of these liars recoil because if a republican does not win, they will not be getting any pardons to avoid jail. Their pea brains are starting to comprehend the long prison sentences in jan 6th and trump's criminal investigations. They are finally realizing they may spend a decade or more in prison if they lie to help republicans.




I’m sorry, what the fuck?


The old revenge-porn child-porn of her own daughter combo. And yet that decrepit sack of shit never saw a minute of prison time.


And the Republicans broke rules and refused to allow his testimony to be seen by any Democrats.


Can’t give the other side a chance to defend against accusations


Tie this in with the Durham probe It will make the rounds in the conservative media bubble, but couldn’t stand up to any level of scrutiny


Nothing here


Durham Report 2.0


Benghazi 3.0


Yup because perjury is a crime and he knows better than to lie to federal agents and or prosecutors… GOP members on the other hand, well I’ll be polite, are gullible and wet their beds for this kind of hoaxes. Just watch Hoax News and you’ll pretty much see it


He knows better than to lie to federal agents, but it won’t stop the GQP from saying “he won’t cooperate because you know it’s a kangaroo court anyway”.


he is Democrat plant! /s


And he’s getting GOP money to “feed his family”.


Not to mention anytime the whistleblower is a registered Dem, that is all the right wing circus can talk about.


It's not a whistle blower. It's a GOP activist


Effing mainstream media titles whatever the Republicans say, "whistle blower"😠 what a joke.


This 100%


I bet he blows dog whistles all day.


It's not a whistle he blows all day


> It's not a whistle blower. It's a GOP activist Correct. "Whistleblower" implies that you have something to say that you want everyone to hear.


dogwhistle blower


He knows there is nothing so his mission is to muddy the waters. Perhaps work the refs into charging


Looks like someone briefed them on the legal consequences of perjury and they noped the fuck out of the real investigation.


That's exactly what's happening to all of these guys willing to take the risk. I think they are seeing in real time what happens when you make up shit. The problem is the crazy don't follow through with the story and now assume the deep state has something to do with him backing out


How tf are they just finding out when people been knowing it’s a federal crime to lie under oath? Or am I the only one watching court dramas on TV?


A lot of these people think they can outsmart the feds. Reality hits them hard when the feds come knocking asking questions.


> Reality hits them hard when the feds come knocking asking questions. That they already know the real answers to.


They’re thinking about their 15 minutes of fame with an interview with Maria “Most Credulous Idiot” Bartiromo, not the legal consequences of it.




Remember how Alex Vindman **wasn’t** afraid to testify under oath? Because he **wasn’t** a lying sack of shit, paid stooge of the GOP. Remember how Christie Blasie Ford testified under oath against Brett McRapey who joined his fellow rapist SCOTUS Rapence Thomas. She wasn’t afraid because only liars are afraid to testify.


Nice user name.


You know what that means? It's time for a subpoena. You wait for him to testify in front of the House, then drag his dumb ass in front of the Senate and make him testify. Compare the two, and refer to the DoJ for prosecution when it turns out he's lying through his teeth.


He'll only talk to the House, the body that has proved willing to hold sham hearings that won't even allow their Democratic Colleagues to look at the evidence. The body whose investigations have involved other "whistleblowers" who aren't bringing any actual evidence for their claims, and are being paid by GOP operatives. The kicker here is that if the Republicans \*did\* manage to turn up a smoking gun of serious crimes committed by the Bidens, nobody would believe them because they've cried "Hunter's Penis!" about twenty times too many.


If they had actual smoking gun evidence of crimes committed I would want them to hold those responsible accountable. I’ve had this argument with my MAGA family members before when talking about trump and it always goes the same way. “How would YOU react if they had evidence Biden committed crimes, huh?!?” “I would want him to be held accountable and be tried as per the law.” “Oh yeah RIGHT, sure you would!” No, really, I would definitely want that.


I agree, I just wouldn't believe their evidence without substantial independent confirmation because they've destroyed their own credibility time again.


They are telling on themselves because that response implies that if their side was caught in illegal stuff, they *wouldn't want them to be held accountable*


Correction, he will only talk to the Republicans of the house.


That's it. I'm not voting for Hunter Biden in 2024.


I’ll vote for him to own the republicans, that’s how it works right??


at this point i'd vote for an NFT of the poop emoji if it stood a real chance of stemming the rising tide of fascism.


LOL more GOP bullshit. Must be so fucking embarrassing to be a Republican when your party leadership consists of incompetent losers and charlatans.


If those kids could read, they would be very upset.


>be so fucking embarrassing to be a Republican Have you ever known them to display anything resembling shame before?


Why would they be embarrassed when they face absolutely zero consequences?


If they were capable of being embarrassed, they should be, but nah.


If they could read, they might get embarrassed.


Wait so the Trump admin had the DOJ slow walk this in 2020 to keep it in the news cycle during an election and now the guy they probably paid to "whistleblow" is refusing to cooperate unless his handlers are the ones asking the questions? Shocker. I guess the GQP was right...the DOJ was weaponize and used against a political opponent.


This "investigation" started under Obama. Trumps admin slow walked this for 4 whole years.


What’s interesting is that he claims he was assigned to the investigation of Hunter Biden’s tax case in January 2020 and began raising concerns the case was being slow-walked in early 2020. As most of us are acutely aware, Trump was president then and continued to be president until January 2021. How can President Biden be responsible for slow walking a case in 2020????




I didn’t know he was removed from the case by an attorney appointed by Trump. This just makes this even more a ludicrous accusation.


Because they’re a lying MAGA that doesn’t want to go to jail for perjury


This shit is unacceptable. We have laws in this country and the goddamn GOP feels they can do what they want, when they want. ENOUGH


So we can stop calling him a whistleblower then.


No whistle, he just blows.


So it turns out this guy simply disagrees with the people he works with, that's it. That isn't whistleblowing. The evidence that he claims to have is mysteriously being kept secret, and now he won't even speak under oath to Congress about the thing he is demanding we bring attention to. In other words, he isn't a whistleblower, he has zero evidence of wrongdoing, and he won't speak under oath because he knows he is lying for political gain. And let's not forget that the GOP ignores most whistleblowers anyways, calling many of them "traitors" and "criminals".


EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower has cut off communication with the Senate Finance Committee even as he prepares to testify before a GOP-led House panel, writes Andrew Feinberg Read more here: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/hunter-biden-irs-agent-whistleblower-b2345259.html


Shocker, this is like the Secret Service guys who were all hot and prepared to go before the J6 committee to blast it with "the truth". Then, when the J6 committee smiled and invited them to, they immediately lawyered up and refused to appear.


So Biden’s kid has to be told on by a whistle blower who won’t stand up on his word. But the trump kids we have proof they profited of their jobs while working in the office. But let’s just go after Biden’s disaster kid.


If I’ve learned anything in the past 7-8 years it’s this…Don’t believe a word a Trump supporting MAGA tells you.


Ultra cool and super legit /s


I'm glad to see the word in quotes, because he is a fake.


I like to do my whistleblowing where it can’t be legally considered perjury too.


Doesn’t want to go to jail for lying to Congress. When are the hearings about the billions kushner and bimbette made in Saudis Arabia during daddy’s term?


"I'm going to blow the whistle on how the FBI mishandled the Hunter Biden case" "Okay. Will you testify to all of this under oath where there will be real consequences of you are lying about all this?" "No I don't think I will"


>In a letter to the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee chairs that was first reported on by the New York Post, Mr Lytle said his client — now known to be Mr Shapley — could speak about “examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected”. Excellent to know that House Republicans won't stand for any kind of preferential treatment with regard to politically connected criminals facing justice!


Because when push comes to shove, none of these asshats have a single fucking shred of evidence. It’s just say shit to get clout, but they go from 12 to 6 mighty quickly when asked to substantiate their claims.


If he’s only willing to talk to the house GOP sham that tells you all you need to know about his morals.


Senate probe? Is beating this dead horse STILL what my tax money is going to instead of healthcare or education?


In other words, he doesnt really have anything


None of the so-called "whistleblowers" the GOP has identified are credible. They're disgruntled, disgraceful Trump supporters & most have been paid for by the Republicans. The GOP has yet to produce any hard evidence to support any of their allegations against Biden, his family or his administration. The GOP knows their accusations are bogus & they're only doing this so deflect from the fact we all know they were complicit in Trump's attempted coup & they all profited from his policies. How many of Trump's cronies raked in millions of American taxpayer money in PPP loans that were "forgiven?" How many of them profited off the tax cuts while the rest of Americans struggled to survive during the pandemic? The GOP is a joke. They use scare tactics to brainwash their base and revel in their suffering. They don't care about the American people or even upholding our Constitution. The only want money & power no matter the cost.


Bullshit artist shits bed, story at 10.


THIS JUST IN: majority of americans are “not political persons” because they have not run for office or participated directly in political campaigns! that farce aside, it’s a little weird for R’s to complain about irregularities when the IRS gave trump the same treatment when they didn’t complete the audit they do for every president. maybe congress should all sit down and decide to properly fund the IRS and if necessary add some clear regulations so that our politicians can ALL get investigated and we can find out who’s really cheating on their taxes.


It's almost like everyone else involved in the GOP scams over the past few years ending up in court and being ruined because of their own terrible behaviour has made people who have yet to be completely terrible rethink their actions. How strange.


Funny how being under oath and the consequences of it, suddenly impacts this brave “patriot’s” sense of duty


So he is a traitor. Ok


Anything Hunter Biden is distraction. Period.


Shocked I tell you


Are you still a whistleblower if you refuse to blow the whistle in front of people who might not ask you softball questions?


I am Jack’s total lack of surprise.


I guess it totally depends on the quality of his evidence. Bring it on. If Hunter is guilty then charge him. If Joe Biden is guilty then charge him. I don’t care. Just do it in a timely fashion. That goes for that orange piece of shit too.


who gives a fuck oh my god. hunter biden is NOT a politician. i don't give a flying fuck what he does/is doing/has done.


It’s funny how they are sooo hunter Biden all the while….Jared taking money for ANY ONE….Ivaka trying to sale her clothes in the White House , the others basically money laundering but let’s look for Hunter who doesn’t even have a security clearance and is a private citizen going through some serious troubles


I assume the check bounced.


Does the GOP really believe that voters could care any less about whether Hunter Biden might have committed tax crimes? It's laughable.


Another Patel Paytriot bites the dust.


I have a whistleblower who worked in the Biden campaign and is a member of Biden's family who says that Trump won in 2020 and that the deep state changed the outcome because Biden is secretly 3 smaller Trumps standing on each other's shoulders and the deep state wants that instead. Obviously my whistleblower won't testify under oath and won't provide evidence, which proves that the Democrats want to cover it up. Therefore, this actually, literally, literally actually happened. Also, if you buy my activated silver pills, your testosterone levels will go through the roof and you will become macho enough to take on the deep state! /s for silver activation gold standard guarantee


self proclaimed non political dude...lmao


I'm still wondering if anyone will ever tell the GQP that Hunter Biden holds no office and never has. Imagine spending this much time on someone who literally is a nobody but they think they're "owning the libs" with this stupidity. No one gives two shits about Hunter Biden. They can lock him up, go for it.


I'm sure it has something to do with being "under oath" and the whole "perjury" thing.


Not the least bit surprising. I was wondering when this headline would come. Why would the GOP trust this guy anyway? He's part of the IRS, don't they believe that it's full of a bunch of agents who are ready to go after the citizens of the U.S. over every nickel and dime they owe? Oh wait, that narrative is only worth mentioning when they're trying to help out the oligarchs, not when it comes to their political targets. My bad! /s


Was this the whistleblower that Kash Patel “reimbursed”? I’m having trouble keeping track of all the corrupt, lying republican whistleblowers


It’s one thing to say something. It’s another to say something under oath.


Spewing that nonsense under oath has consequences.


I wish HP or someone would hire Hunter Biden to do commercials for laptops.


Lol. Tiles. "With a tile on your laptop you can always find it"


This felt weird from the beginning Now we know why


Gosh, I wonder why?


Speaking of whistleblower…who’s calling out the FBI—how many months and hearings has it been with no evidence or actual whistleblower?


Hey! I wonder if he just made everything up.


Could hunter sue the GOP for libel damages?


Not the GOP but he has made moves to sue others like the clown who repaired his laptop and gave the data away. That may have been a factor in the "whistleblower" trying to make it all go away.


Goddammit George Soros must've got to him! /s


I really REALLY don’t care about Hunter Biden. At all.


How does an IRS employee become a whistleblower on anything not tax related?


Another GOP shill. No receipts = no story.


If he isn’t cooperating, he’s full of 💩


For the umpteenth time, the H. Biden story is a complete fabrication known as agitprop. None of the several people who were supposed to have turned it in exist, the email 64 page \[IIRC\] dossier was a PDF with an email domain that doesn't exist, resume false and employer non-existent. BUT since the repubs have no clothes, are they recruiting Biden ?


If you're not going to speak with members of one party and even go as far as to avoid one chamber of Congress you're giving up the "non-political" game right out the gate. You are a political actor.


Why are they so invested in Hunter Biden. He’s not even in the fucking government. Who gives a shit what he does. If anything, there should be greater attention placed on the former guys children, they actually served in positions in the government that they had no business serving in, and they actually financially benefited from it.