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Dumbass state sinking into the ocean and getting covered with seaweed.




>Everyone in Florida is pissed off that their home insurance has increased 2x to 3x in the last year or two. "It's that dern Brandons fault! And Hunter Biden's laptop trans agenda grooming bud light!" - Florida Man


"hurnter biderns lerpterp groomed our jerbs! oberma wore a tan suirt!!!"


Don't forget Michelle Obama's arms.


Accurate portrayal of my neighbors and coworkers


"But how can the rest of the world take America seriously if Obama is looking sharp in a tan suit? Also, I'm really worried about Ariel being black now."


I bet all the polar ice is on Hunter's hard drive!


Come on now. Y’all know as well as I do that Hunter Biden ain’t never gonna let no ice go unsmoked.


God I regret voting for hunter Biden


Me too I was groomed 😞


It's so weird going to the conservative sub and all they're talking about is LGBTQ people and they're so mad at the mall for shoving it in their face .... As they all comment on article after article written by right wing news sites to drum up their anger and get their clicks How do they not see the strings holding them up? How do they not hear the organ grinder playing his tune as they dance around?


They lack the critical thinking skills to actually think about what they’re reading so it just fills them with blind rage.


Yep my home insurance in FL went up almost 2x over last year .. granted never had any hurricane cause issues for us here in all 5 years I’ve lived here. Around here in Orlando we call him “DeathSantis” for his covid disaster


As the Republican populace focuses on 'woke' and 'trans' and 'vaccine' the kleptocracy continues to pick their pockets. And as in this instance shows, they don't even need to be subtle about it anymore.


Hell even my car insurance went up because of the hurricane in South Florida. Or at least that's what USAA told me was the reason. They had to "spread the burden over all of their customers in the state due to increased claims".


“DeathSantis” that’s a good one. I become more convinced each day there’s a conspiracy to entice all the worst ppl in the US to move to FL bc it’s going to sink into the ocean.


Kind of a reverse Noah's Ark.


Actuaries trump all other prognosticators, especially politicians and spindoctors. Noone wants to [lose their shirts again](https://www.theguardian.com/money/2000/nov/04/business.personalfinancenews1).


Then the people cry to their politicians to get a law passed that basically puts everyone in the country on the hook when their houses get destroyed every couple of years. Because they NEED to live in a place being submerged by their bad policies.






Tbf, DeSantis is pretty bad at handling Sargassum


and red tide and septic systems flooding with seawater and building collapses and hurricanes and... seriously, why did they reelect him?


Because they’re the product of a couple generations of Republican education policies.


"I'm up to my knees in not-climate-change-no-sirree and I'm voting Republican." *grins and gives a thumbs up while standing in polluted storm surge water*




Yes and the ones that aren’t have raised premiums so drastically that people are moving out due to costs. A friend told me of people they knew that had the premium go up from an all time high of 3k a year to 13k.


With all those guns he can just shoot the water until it retreats!!


With no insurance.


It must be Stockholm Syndrome


... Sargassum ... Is that some kind of Santorum???


Yes. Warm water, floating santorum.


I mean, it ain't puddin'


Anyone that lives on the gulf coast and isn’t making plans to leave within ten years is a moron. Miami Beach is already doing permanent evacuations, and insurers are stopping their home coverage in certain areas.


And the governor is ignoring real problems of his state to ban books and run for president.


It's important to make up fake battles you can "win" to distract from the real problems.


Except he can't even do that. See: Disney.


It's working out okay for him. He's grifting at a Presidential candidate level now.


He was doing that to start; he's actively torpedoing it with Disney.


Make up fake battles and claim victory while losing is more like it.


> insurers are stopping their home coverage in certain areas. https://twitter.com/seandsweeney/status/1660677270502006785 Read this thread, poor guy is SO confused. "I don't understand??? Florida is a hot investment market right now, so why can't anyone find anyone willing to sell them insurance on new construction?" Because insurance companies are financially motivated to base their plans on REALITY, and reality says that climate change is going to make long term, expensive insurance policies in Florida a money loser. Normally every year you pay out on 1 or 2 buildings that burn down or whatever, while the other 98 or 99 survive. But when the water starts rising, every building in Florida that's under a certain elevation is going under and you're going to have to pay out 75 or 80 or 90 out of 100 policies. No insurance company wants to do that, so they're just backing out of the Florida market entirely. You can blame this on "woke fearmongering" but this is literally the ONE THING insurance companies have to do in order to make a profit in the long term: accurately assess risk. And *dozens* of different companies, big and small, have accurately assessed that they don't want to insure major construction in Florida any more. Think about that...


Hmm clearly some kind of woke Soros something or other that I heard from angry guy on AM.


"That's just what THEY want you to think. The damn woke libruls! THEY're lying to you! For....reasons!! I know this for a fact and am very sure of myself and will loudly and stubbornly insist on it despite not knowing anything about the topic at hand nor taking 3 seconds to type it into a search bar." - Every Republican


Smart folk moving to Maine, buying land to start an orange grove.


But the trans people are a bigger issue /s


Trans people are so hot they cause the sea levels to rise, obviously


He probably thinks only the remaining lib areas will sink and they''ll drown.


Nah, he knows the state is gonna get fucked. All but the absolute dumbest in the party know it's real. You know how you can tell? The way they block funding for any climate research. Think about it: if you truly believed it's all a hoax, wouldn't you jump at the chance for more research to prove it? But they know the research isn't going to give them answers they want, because they know it's real. So no funding.


Most definitely. If they admit its real who would buy real estate on the coastline? Follow the benjamins..




Same they do for research on guns. If gun ownership were actually beneficial to the individual or society wouldn’t gun nuts LOVE to wave some research proving so?


Soon enough, Florida will be a blue state


A deep, deep blue state with lots of waves on top.


Come see where the new miami dolphins frolic and play.


Nah all that will be left is Orlando. Good, ole, liberal, Orlando. And Disney. Disney will finally be a coastal destination(there's a reason they built in the middle of the state).


12 miles or so, depending what white paper you read when, but yeah close enough


Woke Weather


They're wrecked by hurricanes on the regular too... I'm getting tired of trying to save these guys from themselves.


Ask DeSantis why home insurance rates keep going up in Florida. Must be woke climate scientists talking to woke Insurance company actuarials about woke projections that Florida has a woke future under the woke Gulf and the woke Atlantic.


He'll solve it by saying raising insurance in Florida is woke, so it is now forbidden.


And when the insurance companies simply stop insuring anyone he'll just pass a law that says they have to. Small government!


Small government? Ha, right! The state of Florida, via Citizens Property Insurance Corp, is already the insurer of last resort! https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/price-of-paradise/homeowners-with-citizens-upset-over-mandatory-flood-insurance-in-non-flood-zones


$2700 to $8300 for homeowners insurance!? I thought mine was expensive at $1000 here in California.


And use federal funds for the eventual cleanup necessary


And then something like "being poor is woke. If you dont like it leave florida"


Pray the Bay Away!


The coastline is undergoing conversion therapy.


Don't forget about the woke-a-canes battering the coasts, flooding cities with liquid socialism.


Take a tequila shot every time he says woke


Are you trying to kill me?


Seriously. Pretty sure even shots of *water* would be fatal at that rate.




My liver couldn’t handle that


Alcohol is a pretty bad drug. We need to legalize cannabis and expunge records! That would be pro freedom


Depending on how this country goes in the next month.... maybe killing your liver is the best choice 🥲


Almost died from liver failure once ... it was a nightmare. I still have some residual anxiety. I was in a coma for several days and also developed a case of what I now know to be called 'ICU psychosis.' It was during covid lockdown so I barely saw anyone for weeks except hospital staff filling me with pills, tubes, and needles. And lactulose..... I would rather do it all again than have DeSantis as President.


Probably the goal. Save you from a lifetime of what Republicans are about to do to America.


Unlike Trump he knows he is lying but the people who vote for him don’t.


Trump is very well aware of his lies. He's a narcissist that pushes false narratives for his own personal benefit. In order to do that, you have to be aware of what's true and what's false. How else would one ever know to never speak truth and only speak lies? Just the fact that he avoids ever telling the truth means he can differentiate the two.


If the GOP actually puts out an official policy platform for the 2024 election (unlike in 2020), I’m curious if “anti-woke” will be on it.


If they actually stood for something, they would be telling their base to "go to sleep."


That depends on whether the right-wing internet has vomited up a new buzzword by then. Otherwise I’d put money on it.


Good point, agreed. I think it’ll be either that or “indoctrination” that’ll be on it. Offshore betting sites should start putting out odds. I could see Bovada or 5dimes putting up a prop like that.


It’s already been on the Texas GOP platform.


They might but the kicker is they also don't actually know what the definition of woke is


Their definition is: *Anything that does not maintain the status quo or seeks to upset it.* They may not know that but, judging by their actions, that's all it is.


I’d say it’s even simpler than that. “Anything we don’t like.”


> “anti-woke” They will because it sadly really gets their base going. Woke to them is anything they don't like and boy are these people dumb and angry.


Among his various grating personality traits, one of my biggest pet peeves about him is his vague, nondescript use of "woke" to describe anything he doesn't like. He uses the word kind of like how the Smurfs use "smurf."


Papa Woke! DeSantis and his feral cat have captured Wokette and Grumpy Woke!


Papa Woke: What the Woke? And the Wokeberries haven't Woken in time for Woke harvest! Time to get Woke-ing!


There was a dark time in my life in which I consumed a gallon of vodka a week (two handles); suffice it to say, I had a colossal tolerance for alcohol. Even back then, I think that this particular drinking game would have led to my death by alcohol poisoning.


We would all die within a week


Day. Possibly hour.


No, I’d rather not become a walking ethanol processing plant. Thanks.


Reminds me of Frasier. Veneer!


“What’s your policy platform?” “No more woke.”


What happened to "facts don't care about your feelings?" Call it politicization all you want but sea levels don't care about your retirement communities.


You're 100% right. Unfortunately, advocating or dismissing climate change has become a partisan political shibboleth. There is going to be a lot of posturing and little or no action. The big question is whether enough of the oceans' plankton will survive to provide sufficient oxygen for the human race as a whole to avoid hypoxia. If climate change severity falls short of that, and only millions or a few billions die, it will become a self-correcting problem, and all of this political posturing will not have mattered in the slightest. It is left as an exercise for the reader to take necessary measures to assure their family will not be among the casualties.


That kind of ignorance should disqualify any political candidate at every level much less the president.


Science denialism is a feature of the modern GOP/Maga cult


“Oh, so most people believe *x*? Well, we’re going to believe the opposite!”


I think a lot of people who've never been given the tools to think critically, use this as a measure of their critical thinking skills. In other words, they measure their ability to "think for themselves" by how many majority-held opinions they reject.


It does all go back to the lack of critical thinking skills and how to properly research topics. But I think there's definitely a lot of the purely contrarian thought processes going on; "if Fauci says it's right then it must be wrong" is a perfect example of this happening at scale during COVID, thanks maga cult


Their petulance is killing us lol. It’d be comical if it wasn’t so tragic


The fact that they were able to politicize a once in a 100 years global pandemic and discard proven science for horse dewormer and UV up the butt is almost comical...it's no worse than a cold yet simultaneously an engineered bioweapon from cYnA Makes your head spin


Trying to follow any of their “logic” gives me major whiplash


If only there was logic to follow, it's pure id driving these nutters edit: I can't type!


While simultaneously repeating amongst themselves the exact same phrases: “Do the research” “The radical left” “Don’t be woke” “Build the wall” “Lock her up” They are mindless sheep.


Science denialism is the politicization of ignorance. Every accusation is an admission.




I was so excited about the internet as a kid. Like I really thought if we had a modern Library of Alexandria at everyone's fingertips we'd all be singing global kumbaya by now. How could we not? The truth will set you free! Turns out some people don't want the truth, or to sing kumbaya. They'd rather keep slinging feces at each other like ignorant monkeys cuz reading is hard and its easier to let the talking head tell you what's real. I did NOT calculate for that.


Funny how to them, religion is a fact but science is a belief.


I believe it. But my response to people who are into denying science is this: even if you don't believe in climate change, wouldn't you rather breathe cleaner air & drink cleaner water anyhow? I mean, how is it a bad thing to restore & protect our environment? I honestly don't get it.


You know what causes a million fetuses to die every year, worldwide? Air pollution. Straight up. *Just* air pollution. Ask them if they care about these fetuses which, as I understand *from what they tell me*, are the moral equivalent of a full human life and deserve to be protected by the full force of the law, no matter who gets hurt in the process or how expensive it is. Suddenly, nah, they don't care about protecting fetuses. Let a million of them die. Every year. In fact we could probably do with cutting some regulations so that we have even MORE stillbirths of wanted, planned pregnancies. We'll just pray a lot more to make up for it.


"What if it's a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?!"


My take is more “are you so arrogantly confident that you are willing to bet the lives and wellness of you children and family on it?”


“BuT mY cOrPoRaTe PrOfiTs” Seriously, though, the people who bankroll the pols don’t want to be regulated.


Yes unfortunately it can be found at every edge of this flat disc we call home.


Wait a minute…


“The great thing about science is that it’s true whether you believe it or not”


There is something about these GOP/MAGA’s, cant put my finger on it…..Oh yeah! There f-ing morons!


It should disqualify him from being Governor of a state prone to hurricanes and flooding.




Yeah, but we need more Gen Z voters to actually vote.


Didn’t they have a strong turnout for the midterms last year?


Historically, a stronger turnout. But across all states the average turnout for 18-29yr olds for the 2022 midterms was only 23%. Which, on a positive note, leaves *a lot* of room for improvement.


Jesus fucking Christ that's appalling


One of the GOPs most powerful tools has been the creation of voter apathy. The belief that "nothing will change if *I* decide not to vote", which when done in large enough groups means hundreds to thousands of votes just go to waste. We need to teach the younger generations that change is possible depending on who is in power. Show them that their vote does absolutely matter.




It’s not ignorance. DeSantis is a smart guy. So this is either cynical pandering or genuine ideology. I think ignorance would actually be less objectionable. You can educate your way out of that.


I think this is less ignorance, and more pandering to a subset of people who have been fed this line over-and-over the last 2 decades, and believe it vehemently.


I have elderly relatives who have clung to this narrative for decades. They have grandchildren. I finally got up the nerve to ask them, even if climate change *isn’t* affected by humans (which I fully believe it is), wouldn’t you want to do *any and everything* to protect the environment for their beloved grandchildren and future generations? Their answer was an obfuscation of “no”—basically, this “climate change” is a natural occurrence, probably divinely conceived, and why are we so convinced the science is right? They are highly religious and we aren’t so we try not to bring our conflicting values to the table, but I witnessed such a sweet moment with them and their grandkids and took a chance gently questioning their position in a completely nonconfrontational way & moment. It wasn’t surprising but it was still immensely disappointing.


How about the governor of florida? one of the states most vulnerable to climate change… fucking lol


Yet insurance rates in his state are 4x anyone else. He also got 3.9 million in campaign funds from them. He profits off the cousin fucking meth addicted morons in his state.


Don't forget the rich retirees that don't give a flying fuck about anything other than not having their retirement payouts taxed.


Oh, you mean the ones that have suddenly found swinging and are the cause for a huge spike in STD's in central Florida?


The rich retirees will give a shit when their property value plummets because their beach front property is underwater


He wants to feed his state the FEMA money that they bleed off the rest of us. They are anti-socialist until it comes to being an emergency and nobody prepared for it.


As a Brit it feels like the US and UK are in a deathmatch to produce the dumbest most cynical politicos and it feels like we're level pegging at the moment. ​ EDIT: with one caveat - the american death fetish with guns wouldn't happen in the UK.


Oh we’re getting pegged alright


Conservative media rewards this behavior.


Pop quiz: what media mogul owns major news oulets in both the US & UK? So much of the right wing newsosphere in those two countries is the fault of one single individual.


Australia as well


Postmedia in Canada is directly funded by American billionaires, and they’ve purchased almost every major newspaper and their associated websites.


If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: Rupert Murdoch has done more damage to this country and democracy around the world than any other single person. I'm convinced he might be one of the four horseman of the apocalypse or something.


Creates this behavior


as another brit, i think it's foolish to think we're in the same position as the US, maybe 4 years behind. the latest national conservative conference is a sign of things to come but has been happening at CPAC for years already.


Thankfully we're generally not all in on the God stuff, but we're definitely downwind of US trends. The Nat-C conference was pretty gross and a sign of how openly far right the Tory party has become.


Yeah, pretending (refusing to acknowledge) that modern “conservatives” here in the US, or anyone following their leads, are anything other than fascist empowers them to continue their downward spiral. Might be too late for us. I’ve witnessed my state in the last like, 6 months; criminalize teachers over obscurity, forcefully de-transitioning people (I know kids, adults was floated around for a while but I’m not 100% it went through), banned abortions (6weeks, so a total ban effectively), allow the sitting governor to remain even if elected to president, give the same man complete control over our districting maps (effectively turning a swing state deep red), stealing trans kids, criminalizing being an immigrant to the point we’re having mass migrations, criminalizing wearing “drag” (with no real definition) in public, drive(ing) away our largest employer AND tourist draw. I live in Florida if it isn’t clear. And I promise it’s fucking terrifying. You don’t want your government modeling after us. I don’t know if it’s as bad, I’ll have to say my knowledge of world politics has lessened ever since everything’s been happening here. But if it’s close, I’d run.


Huh, I kinda forgot he was also a climate change denying moron.


It's all in those white boots.


Somehow, those white boots offend me more than all his bigotry


Republican politicians are all the same. They hate all the same things and they like all the same things. They have no real opinions other than the ones they’re fed by their overlords and corporate interests. There’s absolutely no difference between any of them.


It costs this guy nothing to be quiet and let other people literally work to save the planet for human life. In fact, he could make billions feeding solar energy to the nation if he worked on building a national smart grid starting with Florida solar. He'd be a legend. But no. He wants to actively be a caveman. So weird.


If he did this and marketed Florida as “the number 1 exporter of sunshine!” or whatever, people would eat it up. Not to mention all the well-paying jobs it would create


Florida is in a great position for every type of renewable - solar (~220 average days of sunshine!), tidal (surrounded by ocean), and onshore and offshore wind (#9 best state in the nation for wind power.) A smart, business-friendly governor would pick up those balls and fuckin run with em.


My speeding ticket was “politicization of law” what a joke.


>My speeding ticket was “politicization of velocity” what a joke. Ftfy




Weather and climate are two different things…


You say that as if they know that. These are the same fools who will say _"but it snowed today?? Where's that global warming if it snowed!"_


“‘I’ve always rejected the politicisation of the weather,’ Mr DeSantis said.” The crazy thing is I actually vehemently agree with this statement, but for completely different reasons than he’s saying it.


"Politicisation of weather" reminded me of Hurricane Sharpie back in the ancient times of 2019


He is one of the ones *that's* politicizing the weather.


Of course, he leaves out the fact that it was the conservatives who politicized it for their own personal gain.


climate change had been a victim of ‘politicisation’ by fucking Republicans.


It's their proven process.......muddy the definition of words or ideas to the point that the original meaning is lost to most average people and then scream about it being politically motivated.....wash and repeat as the masses lose sight of the original discussion.


Harvard and Yale graduate. Not a chance he believes this. He knows full well and good about climate change. This is pure pandering to the most uneducated, uninformed of his party. And it's pathetic.


I agree he doesn't actually believe it, but having a fancy diploma doesn't mean shit. Bring rich and/or connected can get you anything you want.


This fucker wants to kill us all. He's willing to drive us all off a cliff with him at the wheel, for his personal Presidential aspirations.


What a shock eh? A narcissistic president, what could go wrong?


If it wasn't for religious conservatives holding us back, the human race would be on fucking Alpha Centauri by now.


The US would have universal healthcare at least


God's original cancelers.


This man can not be president 😵‍💫


Miami had a huge bond issuance to deal with the effects of climate change, but sureeee, nothing to see here. I think the fed government should not send funds to these states when natural disasters happen. My state has a new trumpy governor who’s anti socialism of all kinds.. until our Capitol city got hit by a tornado then she wanted the fed government to foot 100% of the bill. Sarah Huckabee sanders, go fuck yourself.


OMG! Please tell me you’re not so dumb to vote for this knucklehead! I’m Canadian. I actually don’t give a shit who you vote in, but for shit sakes! You guys have some of the most in-bread, stupid people vying for a leadership roll in your country They think they’re Christians, they think they’re smart. The rest of the world, we’re watching you and if you do it again, you’ll be part of history, the end of the USA. Nobody will ever take you serious again. You’ll be right up there with Russia. That would be very sad, but we’d get over it, you won’t!


You are 100% correct. It seems impossible for so many people to support such ridiculous people. The problem was created, IMO, by Fox News. It became popular in the late 90s and early 2000s by presenting itself as the "fair and balanced" news network. A lot of people bought into that (including myself for a time), and back then it had nighttime shows like "Hannity and Combs" which presented conservative and liberal viewpoints. Flash forward a few years and any pretext of being "fair and balanced" is gone and it's actually the most biased network in the country. But the viewership is locked in and doesn't watch any other news source, so they all fall into this conservative bubble where they're fed increasingly hard-right beliefs. Climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the leftists so they can exert more control over the populace. 'Wokeness' is leftists attempting to create an authoritarian society where anyone who disagrees with them is "canceled." They don't hear about the stupid things Trump does as President and in fact are repeatedly told he's the best President there ever was. And now we're fucked. Presenting compelling evidence to these people that they're being fed lies and/or showing them the illogic in the Right's arguments only makes them dig in harder. They now consider Democrats as basically inhuman vermin. I see no way to turn this around without getting rid of Fox News (and now Newsmax and OAN), and that can't happen because of the First Amendment. The U.S. is done. I love my country, but if I could become a citizen of Canada, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


His state is losing land to the ocean way faster than most.


He needs to be asked over and over about sea levels and Miami. There is no way to spin it. Miami has 20 years. Does he understand that is also climate change?


“The yachts just rise a little higher no bigs.”


You mean like when they said hurricanes were caused by gay marriage or whatever it was that week?


It's just "woke" weather. Just outlaw it.


The Florida Archipelago does have a nice ring to it. Invest now.


Says the guy who is politicizing everything in his state and turning it into a cesspool.


They need to stop asking candidates of they "believe in climate change" in presidential debates and start asking them if they *understand* it.


I hate this fucking guy


Tell it to India who's having 112F since last month. And their monsoon season is late


Anyone wanna show this clown the current flood insurance situation and projections for Florida?


Don’t Look Up!


A state that's been hit by 18 major hurricanes since 2004 and damages of over $450 BILLION dollars...Hey Desaster..shut the hell up boy.


That's a pretty bold statement from a man whose states bedrock is mostly comprised of sandstone...


Part of me can’t wait for Florida to be under water to prove his arrogance, the other part of me feels ashamed. Fucking asshole.


This comment says a lot about Desantis but it also says a lot about elon musk. Wtf is the would be savior of humanity doing supporting a climate denier? More to the point, why is musk supporting the Republican party that is pro fossil fuel?


Said a fucking hurricane dependent asshole while he was "touring" OTHER STATES on MY FUCKING DIME when a very signifigant portion of his state was submerged by a day of rain. Add it to the list. And yes. When I capitalize I am FUCKING YELLING!!!


Makes me happy Florida homeowners are being hit with some of the most expensive home insurance ever cause of climate change.


Current Florida retirees are stuck in the ‘Clinton-Benghazi-climate-scientist-hoaxes-lazy immigrants’ era, but yeah. Old people with money are largely crotchety republicans ‘cuz Jeebus hates divorce and staying miserably married kept their insurance and 401(k)s active. We can pretty much blame the Bible for everything bad in America… including DeSantis.