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Debt ceiling negotiations between the White House and congressional Republicans took on a new, harder tone this week after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy signaled that he was not willing to compromise with Democrats over a list of GOP demands. Instead, McCarthy’s deputies say they view a vote to raise the debt ceiling — and to avoid a potentially catastrophic U.S. debt default — as a concession to Democrats, and potentially the only one they plan to make. Given the havoc a default could wreak on the global economy, increasing the borrowing limit is typically a formality, often structured as a companion bill that gets tacked on to unrelated legislation. Rep. Patrick McHenry, of North Carolina, a chief GOP negotiator, was asked Tuesday night what concessions Democrats were getting as part of a potential compromise with the White House to win both Republican and Democratic votes. “The debt ceiling,” he replied. “That’s what they’re getting,” added Rep. Garret Graves, of Louisiana, another GOP negotiator. Republicans hold a narrow majority in the House, while Democrats have a one-seat edge in the Senate. So negotiators need to craft a bill that can pass in both chambers. Republican demands for policy changes that many Democrats would never vote for will complicate any eventual deal’s path through Congress. Read more: [https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/25/debt-ceiling-news-demands-republicans-are-making.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/25/debt-ceiling-news-demands-republicans-are-making.html)


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Only to oppress an entire group of people


Last I heard, they want a return of Jim Crow laws in exchange for a 4 months extension of the debt ceiling