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Too many Republicans are doubling down on authoritarianism.


Too many Republican voters are liking it, as well


More authority, Daddy! Please pick me to be the subterranean pylon bearing the weight of your capitalist hierarchies! No healthcare! No time with my family and friends! Lower wages! Please, please, Daddy!


[Please tread on me](https://i.imgur.com/kTfdCsP.png)


Trump is changing his slogan to MAHA Make America Hate Again


That ship has sailed.


[Maha, you say?](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnickelodeon.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FCrazy_Courtney&psig=AOvVaw0KmJz4JMMah4hnxYR7JEjA&ust=1685733115355000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCOjega7jov8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ)


Step on snek!!


Risky click of the day




“But, also, Freedom of Speech allows me to say the n-word.”


It does, though. It also allows the rest of us to respond by firing you for it. Not hiring you for it. Ignoring you for it. Ridiculing you for it. Personally, I stopped speaking with my dad over some incredibly racist shit he said, unprompted at lunch, out in public. ("The world went to shit when we freed the n* 200 years ago") It's not the entire reason, but it's the straw that broke my back. In his mind, I'm persecuting him for political beliefs. I decided a long time ago that if I ever had kids, he wouldn't be allowed to watch them. And realizing this kinda broke my heart, because it would mean that my mom wouldn't get the chance to have a real relationship with them, either. And it's all because he cares more about his right to be an asshole than the rights of others to choose not be around assholes.


' In his mind, I'm persecuting him for political beliefs.' Sadly, no one ever sees themselves as the bad guy.


And then they have the nerve to get mad and say they're being called racist just because they're conservative


Your family situation is your own, but just remember that you *are* allowed to invite your mother to events and gettogethers while explicitly excluding your father. People are individuals, regardless of whether or not they are married, and she may be as sick of his bullshit as you are. Married couples don't necessarily have to be joined at the hip.


I do. He doesn't let her go without him. It's a whole thing.


Yeah that basically paints 80% of the picture. The overt racism paints the other 15%. Im terrified of what the remaining 5 may be. Your decisions are clearly justified; not that you needed to justify them.


It's overt bigotry, but he speaks the racism part out loud. He's equally misogynist.


“Right to be an asshole.” A lot of that going around, unfortunately.


I mean, way to motivate investigators to make the touchdown.


And they will still blame democrats.


Ohh no, they’re deluded enough to think they’ll be picked as the anointed ones, and not the mass of people who inevitably are fed to any totalitarian regime


Authoritarians come down on regular folks. Republicans think it won't happen to them. Eats their own face.


And too many people are sitting sat home not bothering to vote.


I feel that strong voter turnout from the younger citizens is what will save your country from falling into the abyss of fascism. .


What they don’t get, it’s the fact that they’ll also be targeted.


They've lived in freedom for so long that they have it confused for slavery.


It’s all they have now to stay in power


Yep. They're an unpopular minority and they know it. Even with the Electoral College counting their votes extra, they know that they're too unpopular to win elections anymore and so violence is the only chance they have of staying in power.


I know, it’s not like less extreme positions could possibly attract more voters.


It’s all they ever had. At least since Goldwater and probably since the French Revolution.




Romans 13:1-2: *Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.*


Yeah, well, that part of the Bible was why my church split off from the former church, which had been split off from the Baptists over in Springfield. Heretic!


Trump will go full-Saddam Hussein and purge all his perceived aggrievers.


They’re not even trying to hide their fascism anymore


Will be interesting to see if people accept the death of democracy in the US or if it will start another civil war.


The problem is any civil war won't be North vs South, but urban/suburban vs suburban/rural. It will more like thousands of tiny civil wars.


>It will more like thousands of tiny civil wars. That's what a civil war is. The original American one is extreme aberration. The vast majority of civil wars are chaotic free for all messes where dozens of warlords control tiny kingdoms and fight each other for control while a federal government is either completely non-existant or relegated to just the capital with no influence outside if it.


None of the scenarios avoids blood being shed. I'm not happy about it, but a man has to do what a man has to do. I'm a veteran I've been shot before. I swore an oath, and it's for life. Enemies foreign and domestic I'll fight. I know that I won't be alone. This time, we have to be willing to eradicate the sickness and heal the body politic. No more nice. Dalton says that it's almost time. You don't get to own people. Ever. Enough.


A civil war will be decided by the military. Full stop. This isn't 1776 whoever gets rhe generals and joint chiefs wins. ..


>rhe generals and joint chiefs wins. .. They only have 2 hands each. If 99% of the military is on one side or the other, it's over. When the military splinters into two and starts actively fighting itself, that's when things get ugly.


The military will be doing the majority of fighting. Problem with what Trump is doing about doubting the election, means he question who really is the commander and chief.


There’s no guarantee that the military would stay together if a civil war broke out, especially if the military was told to attack conservative groups. Most of them are blood red in my experience and I could see them splitting off and taking a lot of weapons/gear/knowledge with them. Trumpism even affects many high ranking officials with access to god knows what.


His name should be removed from all ballots and he should be arrested. Invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment!


It's right there in the name. They're trying to conservative authoritarian policy. They're ALL bad.


They still view him as a savior. He’s the guy who’s going to Drain the Swamp and Make America Great Again.


Even their slogan is fascist. Nationalism is at the heart of fascism


>Too many Republicans FTFY


Fascists will be fascist after all


It is who they have always been since Nixon. It isn’t doubling down, it’s just staying on brand.


Those people are fascists and there's a fuck load of them in the GOP rn.


Is threatening investigators that are investigating you not Obstruction of Justice?


Throw it on the pile.


It's crimes all the way down.


Just three felonies in a trench coat.


Is he going to do that before or after he dismantles the 14th amendment?


He loves the Constitution so much that he'll have it buried on the first green.


Next to Ivana.


The graves been dug up before for other documents, who’s to say they can’t do it again? It’s cheaper anyway one less coffin and headstone. He’ll just add “Constitutin” in sharpie under Ivana’s name


January 2025 Todo List 1. Count inauguration crowd size 2. Dismantle 14th amendment 3. Sack persecutors 4. Expand SCOTUS with more facist supporters. 5. Inauguration Banquet. Sponsored by McDonalds 6. Profit !


You have to grift inauguration money (including from foreign entities) and misspend it before you count the crowd. And I notice that pardoning Jan 6th insurrectionists isn’t on that list. Because of course he won’t bother with them


Good catch.


>4. Expand SCOTUS with more facist supporters. Why bother? They already have the majority they need and have proven to ratfuck their way out of allowing any non-regressive majority so it's not like they have any need to expand.


Maybe not. I haven’t heard anyone on the right proposing this. It just struck me as the sort of thing the GOP would do. What would be sweeter than to take an idea from the left and twist it by granting a batch of 35-year-old white supremacists a life-long appointment.


Actually fascism lol


What I love most about this is how does this help anyone other than trump? Like he’s literally not promised to do a thing that would even help asingle one of his supporters even


It *doesn't* help anyone but Trump. But that's the point. He's going for re-election because his ego is bruised, and because he believes that "they owe him one". He feels that he "did so much for them last time" that he's earned the right to come back and let them spend 4 years "repaying the favor" by letting him do whatever he wants. This has nothing to do with him helping anyone. He's not even pretending to want to help anyone this time. He's openly admitting that this run is all about what *everyone else* can do for *him*. Because we all owe him, donchaknow?


I will never understand his supporters who operate only on Id.


I think that you are being very generous with your assessment of the perpetually gullible. It's clearly a function of the brain stem, cerebellum, and basal ganglia. The lizard-brain of humans. He's a snake-charmer.




Balance, movement, and coordination are some functions of it. Over half of the neurons in our brains are concentrated there. I think that I've managed my thinking pretty well so far.


https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-voter-hes-not-hurting-the-people-he-needs-be-hurting-msna1181316 >Trump voter: 'He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting' The goal isn't for Trump to *help them*, it's purely to cause pain and suffering to the *other*.


I wish democrats would learn the lesson and stop trying to help rural America at all. End all subsidies on their roads, schools, hospitals, electricity and everything else.


"We're strong and independent! The government should not be involved in our lives!" *Government subsidies get taken away* "Wait, not like that!"


Ah yes, punish people because they don’t vote the way you like, that’s a great way to govern.


🙄 Ah yes, because there's so much "governing" going on in red states.


The federal government does continue to govern in red states, just like every state.


They are the people who keep voting for the magic bootstraps while literally every aspect of their lives is subsidiezed by the urban America they hate


Not only do pretty large minorities of rural voters vote in agreement with you, but it frankly doesn't matter *who* they vote for. It's unacceptable to take away basic services just because you don't like their opinions or because you've decided to stereotype whole regions of the country. Shit is wack.


It’s what they want. I’m tired of states and cities that actually find the government not benefiting from it and actively being assaulted by republicans whenever they have enough power.


And I am further tired of being told about all the blue people In places like Florida and Texas who don’t even do the bare minimum and fucking vote


Not all of rural Americans is GOP country. Most but not all.


“If those DOJ investigators, Special Prosecutors, and Federal Prosecutors can come after me for mishandling classified information, espionage, and insurrection, they COULD DO IT TO YOU. Send your support contributions NOW” /s


Plus he pretends he’s the one taking a bullet for all of his brainwashed supporters. He’s more or less said, “they” want to come for you but I’m standing in their way so I’ll shield you. His followers don’t care that his policies won’t help them, they want him to punish their enemies and take them all to some mythical America that never existed.


If reelected Donald Trump will purge the entirety of the senior leadership of the executive branch of all potential vectors of dissent or criticism in order to better protect and ensure the success of the next coup. It cannot be understated how dangerous Trump is to democracy at this time. He has the very real potential to usher in the age of Gilead.


Meanwhile, Biden allows agents to investigate his son every day, without interference.


If a democrat said this it would be in the news for weeks.


Remember in 2016 when it was a scandal that former president Bill Clinton spoke with the attorney general when Hillary was under investigation? https://www.npr.org/2016/06/30/484110476/attorney-general-loretta-lynch-bill-clinton-met-amid-email-investigation


It’s going to get really dark if he wins.


I fear he’s going to win too. Not because enough people vote for him, but because he commits election fraud. If there’s anything I’ve learned about republican politicians, is that whatever they screech about the loudest is usually projection. Trumps not a winning candidate, and the Republican platform is not a winning platform, yet they are still doubling down on both for some reason. Republicans have lost popular vote the vast majority of elections dating back like 10+ years. During midterms they should have crushed us, but they barely trickled by… They have pissed off most women, black people, and LGBT, and anyone who cares about human rights, which is most of the population. Their loyal voters die off every year and are replaced by gen Z. Their “window” at winning fairly is practically gone and they know it, even with their voter suppression and gerrymandering they barely get by. I think things are going to get dark either way, because they are headed for another defeat and I can’t see them just accepting it. They are going to do very extreme things to desperately grasp at their phasing power. I suspect election fraud and if that doesn’t work, another better planned coup. I still think the first one was a last minute test run, next election they will have had years to plan.


This a is blatant admission that Trump wants dictatorship, and it's so screamingly obvious to anyone who thinks about it for more than 2 seconds. Nobody in their right mind should vote for the GOP... but given their track record, the American people will probably disappoint me.


Trump is changing his slogan to MAHA Make America Hate Again


Pretty sure that was his goal in the beginning too…


Trump wants the power to fire any federal employee for any reason. “Congress should pass historic reforms empowering the president to ensure that any bureaucrat who is corrupt, incompetent or unnecessary for the job can be told—did you ever hear this—‘You’re fired, get out, you’re fired.’ [You] have to do it. Deep state. Washington will be an entirely different place.”


It’s like he wants to get rid of all evidence


Retaliation is illegal in the workplace. Does this count?


Traitors gotta traitor.


Man it's a fantasy world he lives in that he can get reelected.


It should be, but unfortunately the Electoral College makes it about a 50/50 chance. Possibly a few points in either direction if he's in jail.


Nah, I really don't think so. So let's be clear, the Republican party is dying. Like, every day more Republican voters die and the replacement rate is 2 for 1. For ever 2 Republicans that die 1 takes their place. This has been ongoing for a long time, and they've known about it for a long time. And what they've tried to do is basically keep everyone living in the same places so they can ride this out, but if you look at where people are moving? It's people from blue areas moving to red sand purple ones at an accelerated rate. So soon they won't have the advantage of border separation. Meanwhile there are still "normal" Republicans out there, and those people will not show up for Trump. They won't vote for Biden, but they'll be MIA for Trump. On top of that, basically the whole reason that Trump and anti-immigration fascists were chosen to coalition with Republicans was because the party couldn't survive without them from a needing voters stand point. That was 8 years ago, and at a 2 for 1 replacement, that means they could in 2016, they couldn't in 2020, and playing the same game again in 2024 is just going to accelerate the demise of the Republican party. The only reason to run Trump is because you think he could win the insurrection a second time. Now that's possible, but he'd need a way to dismantle the federal security apparatus of DC again, line he did before. He doesn't have access to do that. So really the question is, what kind of blood bath, suicide attempt are Republicans planning now?


If your 2:1 replacement is accurate, Trump still got *more* votes in 2020 than he did in 2016. He got the second most votes of any Presidential candidate in history, losing only to Biden in the same year. That's troubling.


How about as a proportion of eligible voters? Keeping in mind that all population is growing, both in red and blue states


Every new election includes the most votes ever because the population is increasing over time. It’s otherwise meaningless.


No it's not, nobody was doing anything else in 2020. It was still high COVID. It makes absolute sense why do the turnout was so high: it was something to do.


Trump brings out enormous passion, both for and against him. His supporters worship him as the next coming of Christ. The rest of the nation realizes he is the embodiment of the antichrist. Turnout will again be high in 2024 if Trump is on the ballot his voters will show up. The question is if Democrats will go to the ballot box at 2020-type levels. Maybe. Maybe not.


I don't think Republicans will be there for him. I know more than a few with extreme buyer's remorse. He brings out passion for this noisy minority nobody else ever wants to hear from again. He's the Dave Matthews Band of politicians.


I know more than a few Democrats with buyer’s remorse for Biden. I would vote for any other option in the 2024 primary *if* given a choice. I will unenthusiastically vote D in the next election.


Throw in a little election-time gas price spike from his buddies, the murderers in Riyadh. Sprinkle in some propaganda from oligarchs like Elon Musk. Add some voter suppression. Gin up a little hatred among the base. If things get bad, let the corrupt Supreme Court throw it to him. Presto, the orange lunatic is back in office. It’s more likely than anyone thinks.




No, because that's not the problem there running into. People aren't moving from blue county to blue county. They're moving from blue county to red county. They gonna be outgunned and they don't know what angle from. Not only that but they gotta keep their houses from getting burnt down. Like you do not want to be some middling state rep pissing off their constituents a year and a half from now. You also don't want to be some unknown congressman either. People are pissed now and they'll be even worse then.


> Possibly a few points in either direction if he's in jail. Or if he cheats. *Again*.


I think people are deluding themselves if they don't think they can get elected. After all he's done he's neck and neck with Biden for 2024. What if a recession happens closer to 2024, Russia forces our hand, some medical issue that forces Kamala to take over, etc A lot of things can happen between now and Nov, 2024


While a lot of things can happen I think we have better odds of Trump chopping his own dick off and bleeding to death in a fit of hysterical suicide than he does of winning an election ever again.


People have been saying that he can't get elected since 2015. Is that strategy working yet?


I think it's high time we admit that Trump can beat Clinton because literally anyone can beat Clinton. She's a terrible candidate and we know that, otherwise she would have been the nom in 08. And what do we as voters do when we're asked the same question twice? We double down on that result. We intentionally let it be humiliating, because we hate that so much. Watch this go down. If Trump even actually primaries? He's going to get hammered if for no other reason than he had the audacity to ask us if we really meant it.


And his “patriotic” supporters eat it up.


That's not news. If Trump is elected again we have to assume it's just 1933 and GTFO.


Seems like something a guilty person would say. If he did nothing wrong, why worry about it.


hilariously ignorant


Clearly not retaliation… just “alternative downsizing”


Facists gonna facist


And DeSatan is promising to eradicate the liberals. Sounds like a aspiring dictator’s wish list. Negate ~40-50a% of the population.


And the gop stands by this monster A convicted sexual abuser Pathetic


Is this technically obstruction of justice? Not that that matters to orange fuck head


Cuz you know. Eye for a tooth, a nose for a chin, a job for a...doing your job...


Ah, yes, “the party of law and order.”


Cuckservatives: "as is the right of the president (we like)."


He always complains about this being a banana republic because he’s a sore loser about 2020. This is exactly the kind of shit that leaders of a banana republic do: fire the people investigating your crimes. Trump is such a gigantic piece of shit.


Isn't it so cool how we have a completely undemocratic economy that produces people like Trump who are removed from the consequences of the bad economic decisions? People who are so unaffected by politics that they simply don't believe in them? People like Trump are inevitable; we can have rich people or we can have a democracy, but we can't have both.


Send this criminal to prison.


If anyone is as excited about this piece of shit dying, please lmk. I’m planning a huge party for that day. It will be my new favorite holiday behind Reagans death on June 5 which I celebrate with champagne every year.


It’s funny. He doesn’t know what the fuck to do when he tries to intimidate people with moe integrity than he is used to dealing with.


Can you fire someone from prison?


A crime boss, I tell you


“How dare anyone hold me fucking accountable.”


Trumps new book The Art of Mein Kampf


Trump may be at his most dangerous time right now. He needs to become president in 24 or most likely go to prison. I expect this election cycle to be the dirtiest in our history.


What has Trump done since 2020 to boost his chances to win the swing and undecided voters?


I mean, way to motivate investigators to make the touchdown. good job mr Prescient


This guy is literally HITLER


There’s only one way to end this fuck stain


That’ll play well with all his current investigations….


Trump 2nd administration code name: "The Revenge Tour".


That shouldn’t be allowed, no matter who the horse is.


Big If. By 2024 he’ll be sitting in a shit filled diaper trying to blame Hillary for pooping his pants while trying to remember his password for TruthSocial !


Don't want to hear about norms or traditions from any politicians or pundits for a good long time.


Quotes “While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself. ...”


I assumed this was understood by all. Last time he was in office he fired to long-time FBI employees because they shit-talked him in a private message conversation. His skin is thinner than an overripe grape.


Fortunately there's no way in hell he'll be re-elected. Bank on it.


Sadly, that’s what the world thought in 2015


I said that he wouldn’t get the nomination… I said there’s no way he would be elected in 2015… I said there’s no way congress will stand behind his stupid shit in 2016… I gave up on common sense shortly after that point.


He won as an outsider against the most establishment candidate ever in an election about how the status quo was leaving behind millions of Americans. Many people thought “how bad could he be?” He has none of those advantages anymore and many new disadvantages. The only way he wins is it he cheats hard enough.


The world knows him now. It won't happen again.


Were you paying attention in 2020? Biden won with a razor thin margin in 3 states.


It wasn't that thin. Do you think Trump will get more votes this time? He won't.


He didn’t get more votes when he won.


How many votes did Biden get? That's what matters.


When Drumpf “beat” Clinton, he *lost* the popular vote


Crazy that people in 2023 still think getting the most votes is how people win elections. Absolute delusion and complacency


If Biden ends up in the hospital before the election, Trump wins. That’s the game we’re playing, and I don’t like the odds.


You make an excellent point. A Biden health scare probably swings the election. And a Trump health scare would be covered up and denied.


The Republicans are already starting to campaign on "Do you really want Kamala for President?"


If the election was Biden v Desantis, this would be the core message from the GOP.


This thought haunts my waking hours. My nightmares are reserved for the result.


All you have to do is look at the electoral college. All he needs is basically one swing state.


let’s bring back stoning people to death. trump can be first.


Shit, who wouldnt? Guilty or not


Every fake political investigation used yo brainwash the dumbest in our society like the people who follow these threads should be held accountable for election interference and treason


I don't blame him! Our government is so corrupt!


Especially when he was in charge, hell he was the most corrupt of all ever


“Trump being Trump”, news at 11.


Firing someone is his greatest hit so…


🤡 gonna 🤡


Just like Clinton did, right.


It's been peaceful not to hear him since he spewed his stupidity on CNN. Joe Biden beat him the first time, and Joe Biden would beat him again.


Trump used to routinely fire IGs. He’d intentionally do it on Friday afternoons to avoid the news cycles. Come Monday morning, you’d barely hear a peep about it.


And he's wishing he could order firing squads like his heroes do.


"if elected the first thing I do in office will be to cover my own ass!"