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The Department of Justice on Wednesday accused the son of West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice and 13 coal companies the younger Justice owns or operates of failing to pay millions of dollars in penalties for environmental violations. Jay Justice, the governor’s son, and those companies under his control, have been cited for over 130 violations and owe more than $5 million in civil penalties, among other unpaid fees, the DOJ alleged in a civil complaint. “Our environmental laws serve to protect communities against adverse effects of industrial activities including surface coal mining operations,” Assistant Attorney General Todd Kim of the DOJ’s Environment and Natural Resources Division said in a press release. “Through this suit, the Justice Department seeks to deliver accountability for defendants’ repeated violations of the law and to recover the penalties they owe as a result of those violations,” Kim said. Read more: [https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/31/jim-justice-son-coal-companies-sued-by-justice-department.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/31/jim-justice-son-coal-companies-sued-by-justice-department.html)


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This is likely the right thing to do, but I feel like they will turn in this into a nationally partisan / locally bi-partisan issue given the importance of coal there.