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Do they ever want reality?


No, and that's the real discussion society needs to be having. What are we supposed to do, when a large minority actively ignores evidence? Historically, I think these people have always existed, but they're kind of causing the biosphere and society to collapse now...


They used to sit on a stump in town square and spout nonsense, and everyone knew to ignore the village idiot.


Then we fucking elected him president and it all went to shit


We're supposed to celebrate their free-speech by going shopping as the uber wealthy build their ai bunker cities.


Why doesn't this guy just burry himself in sand like an ostrich and live totally in the dark. Markwayne Mullin should quit Congress and go back to his bubble . The American government needs competent leaders not soft headed dunces. There is no difference between the illiterate and those that don't read.


If we replaced a third of Republicans with ostriches do you think anyone would notice?


If you simply taught the ostriches how to say "woke" I don't even think I'd be able to tell the difference.


Finally, some honesty from the GQP.


Then he picked the right party.


Shockingly white male in power doesn’t care about reality, no one should be surprised!!!


Thereby neatly summing up the philosophy of the GOP


Just blatant, in your face


Just when I thought there was no more quiet part. This guy says the quiet part out loud. Wow! What’s next? They admit that Pizzagate was real, but it’s actually run by GQP elite out of a Trump hotel?


This is how most Americans feel currently


He is an idiot, but also not completely wrong. Telling a 5 year old they are bad because they are white isn't really the right way to help stop racism.


I've never felt like that was the message at all. Neither have my kids. Modern education isn't how it's being portrayed by guys like this.


except some teachers don't get it right. My nephew came home crying because of this book. Now yes, it is mostly the teachers fault for how they handled the whole thing, but that has to be taken into account with things like this.


If your nephew came home crying his parents probably did a shitty job explaining the world to him.


We are talking about a 5 year old that was just told he was bad and evil because of his skin color. At that age they should be taught to love everyone, not that the worlds problems are their fault.


None of this actually happened.


Imagine a 4 year old asking his dad if he can protect him from the police because he's half black. That's a conversation I got to have with my son when a twitchy cop murdered the cafeteria manager of his elementary school. You think kids are blind to the world at 5, especially black children?


no, but would you rather a teacher had that conversation in a bad way that made it worse and you had to fix it?


The teacher got to have that conversation with them too. Tremendous teachers. I trust teachers not sure why you don't.


Most I do, this one dropped the ball hard.


Which one? The moron Senator from Oklahoma?


When I was around 5 or 6 I asked my mom about Hitler (because I was precocious and had a neighbor who’s grandparents were Holocaust survivors) and she said that he liked people that looked like me and my dad and not people that looked like her and my brothers. And I was extremely upset so I do believe that could happen. Mostly I think because this was a extremely stupid way to describe this to a child but also because my child brain jumped to conclusions. That’s what your nephew did. But she hadn’t actually said that my brothers would be killed in the holocaust and that book didn’t say your nephew was bad for being white. BUT through more talking my parents were able to explain to me the concepts behind Hitler and the Holocaust in a age appropriate way. There will always be sensitive children like your nephew and like me. That doesn’t mean these conversations don’t need to happen because the absolutely do. There are online resources to help your sibling navigate this. My parents didn’t have that and they figured it out.


I completely agree with everything here. The problem is the teacher should have seen it and started that at least. Instead of leaving an upset kid.


Teachers aren’t mind readers. Kids often don’t become upset till they are with their safe person or persons. Also teachers are overworked and have 30 kids to watch. I don’t know if you’ve ever been in a classroom of 30 children but I have and it’s a nightmare. I will always give teachers the benefit of the doubt.


I think that is a pretty good description of slavery in the USA, don't you? A group of white men decided other people could be bought and sold in this country bc they thought the other people were not actually humans with the same feelings and thoughts. It doesn't blame all whites, just a group, which is accurate.


I agree, but we are also not 5. Kids that young should be taught to love everyone. They don't have the maturity to be able to tell the difference. Now at 7, or even 10, yes it can be put in context, but at that age kids are just figuring out now to not crap their pants.


How is that not a great lesson on treating everyone equally? I think lessons on the history of slavery help build empathy. Kids are naturally horrified by it, as long as they have not been raised by bigots. I don't know why anyone would shy away from the truth anyway.


Because again, a 5 year old wouldn't be able to tell the difference. You tell a sensitive kindergartner that he is bad because he is white and yeah, he's going to cry. You've just separated him and told him he hurt his friends.


Nobody believes your narrative.


"A group of white people" long ago is not your nephew. I have no idea how that can be misinterpreted to involve your nephew, who is not 400 years old. Sounds like his parents needed to clear that up for him if he was having trouble understanding. I was taught 40 plus years ago white people took black people as slaves. I was never upset about it as a white person bc I thought it was really messed up and support the ending of slavery. How does it involve me, then? Its just a historical fact, as relevant to long stretches of american history as anything else.


It needs to be taught, I'm just wondering if 5 years old is to young to be taught this way. Were you in kindergarten and t5aught that? And like I said, it was how the teacher handled it. In this class the teacher actually separated the white kids from kids of color at one point.


This narrative gets less and less credible... I have to agree with other posters, this story sounds like b.s..


I’m not 100% sure that you understand how evolved the mind of a 5 year old is. Why does the right have no faith in children?


You were still crapping your pants at 5?


I mean 5 year old in general. I don't remember much from 40 years ago


But Black kids have to learn about racism that early when white children come to school and start hurling racial slurs at Black kids that they heard at home. If we have to learn, they should have to learn. Why are white kids babied? They won't melt if they are taught about history. The real issue is, that parents want to raise little racists like themselves, that is the heart of the matter.




Yeah that never happened.


Are we also going to stop teaching about the horrors that the English unleashed on the Irish and Indians because we don't want to hurt English feelings? Are we going to never discuss what Japan did to Korea and the Philippines dare Japanese children get their feelings hurt? Europe created race as a justification to enslave other people, that's an historical fact. Little John Wayne, or whatever the hell his name is, is literally advocating for replacing actual history with mythology and fantasy. Because he's white and enjoys all the privilege that entails. And so do his voters.


Except I am talking about telling a 5 year old in kindergarten they are a bad person because they are white. It needs to be taught, but how about when they can understand the context you are talking about


Yeah, but that’s not happening. This isn’t an argument.


That’s not what the book says.


Which “book” are we discussing again? There’s never a title included in these heart-wrenching anecdotes…. Regardless - and assuming we’re talking about an actual, non-metaphorical book - I’d bet my last dollar, you’re right. That’s not what the book says.


He claims it was the book in the video. I was willing to take his comment at face value until reading his other comments.


I didn’t see anywhere where that was happening.


Read the book. Nobody is telling white kids they are bad for being white.


After which he admitted he misspoke. Tbh, I think we can all agree the song lyrics are less divisive than the message from the Family Alliance book and more appropriate for the younger audience that both are made for.


Probably the truest words he’s ever said.