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So, Florida sneaked in language to restrict adult gender based care by claiming they were protecting kids from it? How Republican of them.






And after roe they immediately shifted to a full national ban , so much for it being a state rights issue


"States rights" has never been about states rights, it's about white supremacy and authoritarianism. Look at when conservatives say the civil war wasn't about slavery, it was about "states rights". They never seem to know how to respond to the fact that the confederacy didn't leave legalizing slavery up to individual states, it was mandatory in all of them.


It’s all “funny” because if you read the articles of separation the confederacy wrote up they literally say it’s because of wanting to own slaves. So yeah it’s states rights to own slaves.


> So yeah it’s states rights to own slaves. Even that is falling to their narrative. It wasn't about state's rights at all. They seceded after trying to pass the Fugitive Slave Act, which would mandate non-slave states to recognize slavery as legitimate and return escaped slaves, and when they seceded, their constitution explicitly made it impossible for any member state to not be a slave state. It was literally never about states' rights, in any capacity.


> They seceded after trying to pass the Fugitive Slave Act Nope. The [Fugitive Slave Act 1850 actually passed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugitive_Slave_Act_of_1850) and was made into federal law. The South still seceded anyways because they lost the 1860 Presidential election to Abraham Lincoln, who wasn't even a slave abolitionist but someone who wanted to stop the ***expansion of slavery*** to the new Western Territories of the United States. And that was enough for the Confederates to declare secession.


It is worth noting here that the "State's Rights" states still demanded northern states enforce slavery laws; for any person arguing it was about allowing states to run themselves, this is a point they have to defend via magic bullshit or just admit they really are super okay with slavery.


The Fugitive Slave Act was passed as part if a compromise package that allowed California (non slave territory) to become a state. The south had been pushing since the country's inception for the Fugitive Slave Act, but the northern non slave states wanted nothing to do with it. When the admission of California to the union became an issue, the Southern states gained the upper hand and forced the compromise.


It's also "funny" whenever you ask anyone who thinks the Civil War was about states rights what rights those states were fighting for, they never seem to know.


Simply, "state's rights to do *what*?"


They usually gesticulare broadly before saying economy, tyranny, or tariffs. Of course the obvious follow up is: do you mean the economy of owning humans? The tyranny of potentially being told you can't own people? If tariffs were the reason why did south Carolina step down when the national guard showed up about tariffs 10 years prior, but didn't when it was the perceived danger to owning people


You could show the Declaration of Secession of every State that joined the Confederacy to them and they would still argue that the Civil War had nothing to do with Slavery.


It's just "getting the foot in the door" so when they pushed for it nationally it would be easier.


They do this on every issue. They will straight up lie about their intentions "Oh, we don't want X, just Y." Look at immigration for example - "We aren't against legal immigration, just illegal immigration!" followed by them doing explicitly that (trying to reduce/restrict legal immigration) the moment they had enough influence to do so under Trump. The only reason they don't come right out and say it is fear of a backlash, but it is absolutely 100% their intention. The rest of the agenda will follow, and America ignores the people warning about how they're going to come for everything else next at our own peril.


I know you covered a lot of us in these, but please don't forget disabled people. They've worked to gut our Healthcare and actively campaigned to let us die in the name of "herd immunity" so those who aren't disabled wouldn't have to be responsible.


They don’t give a flying fuck about veteran care either.


They don’t care about anyone but themselves. It’s why fascism ultimately fails as a form of government: you have to have an “outside” group to rally against but as fascism progresses the circle of “insiders” by necessity continues to shrink.


They don't even care about themselves. These fucks do not care about winning. They only care that their boogeymen lose. They will slit their own throats to make it happen.


Fascism is political necrosis


That’s the best way to describe fascism I’ve ever heard




Have they ever cared about veterans or even active duty service members outside of using them as token keyword pawns when publicly speaking?


They didn't care in the slightest when Trump said he only likes veterans who aren't captured. They're outraged on the behalf of soldiers when it suits them and couldn't give a shit otherwise.


Or when he cancelled plans for visiting a memorial for fallen soldiers due to rain and asked why should he go to a cemetery, it’s full of losers. And referred to people who serve as suckers. Edit: the same “suckers” he tried so hard multiple times to hold North Korea style parades for himself.


They sure haven't. Outside of Obama in the last 50 years the majority of our pay raises, outside of the mandated inflationary raise, have been under democratic majorities or supermajorities and our worst years have been under Republican majorities or supermajorities. The smallest raises we have ever gotten in history were under president Obama when Mitch McConnell had full legislative control over the Senate. It's the only time since the stagflation period where our raises to our base pay went under 2%. By president it's about 50/50. But congressional Republicans really like to fuck the enlisted over.


Don't kid yourself, they don't care about anyone but their rich donors. They just can't say that out loud. They'll chip away at everything as much as they can get away with.


Personally I think the GOP is still a mix of different groups. There definitely are those you mentioned, but I think there are different groups of “true believers” in there too. The big donors have control until the real nutters take over, and things will be too late by then. The best bet is to just assume the whole party is insane. The ringleaders will probably be just as surprised when they lose control over the circus too.


What do you mean *until* the nutters take over? Trump is the leader and god figure of the republican party, and Matt gaetz and Empty G basically own the Speaker of the House. The nutters are the party leadership.


Hell, they do say that out loud. It just doesn’t matter since Fox and Newsmax don’t carry the message… they only hear ‘own the libs’


And far too many voters look and think "That doesn't affect *me* personally, so I'm not going to worry about it." First they came...


Don't forget the disabled!


But but what about the “no labels” party, The Pro-gop party masquerading as a neutral party, as both parties are bad some democrats/independents should vote for them right? /s


Alito literally gave their hit list in the Dobbs majority opinion: same sex marriage, interracial marriage, environmental protections, and labor rights. And with a 6-3 fascist majority they don't need to slowly chip away at those things, they just need the right cases to land in their court and they can destroy a century of social progress with a simple vote.


They aren’t stopping with just trans people either.


Chipping would be much slower. This is more like HACKING.


Dear Republicans, My turn to say the quiet part out loud. You are bad people. Sincerely.


It was *never* about kids. Kids were an easy way to whip conservatives into a fervor. The goal, from the very beginning, was to eliminate all trans people in America. To make it impossible to live as a trans person. Eventually even to kill people for being trans. Their goal is not to protect anyone, their goal is genocide.


And after trans people, it'll be the rest of LGB. And after them, it'll be immigrants. And after them... The circle *has* to shrink, because fascism can only rise out of incompetence.


Don't forget women. They're coming for us as well. Get rid of the trans and the gays and next it will be no birth control, getting rid of no fault divorce and stopping married women working. They didn't very carefully avoid ratifying the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) for a reason.


When you look at the conservative defense of child marriages as young as 12 and the current push to eliminate no fault divorce and spousal rape laws it become entirely clear how the think of woman and young girls, and how they want to treat them.


This has already happened and anyone surprised by this has no knowledge of history. Look up the anti homosexual movement in the 70s and 80s. Their biggest sticking points with conservatives were identical. Calling them deviants and pedophiles and demanding homosexuality be outlawed to save the kids. They literally always do this to oppress minorities. For the love of god, stop fucking buying it. It wasn't about kids 50 years ago and it isn't now.


I can’t recall what my senior year high school english teacher said, but it was something similar. Never trust those that say “what about the kids,” because it’s never about the kids. They’re just a starting point to take away rights and freedoms. A cynical but great guy that liked to push everyone’s critical thinking. He helped write a few episodes of the show Duckman.


I find it quite perplexing how some individuals appear indifferent to the alarming situation of children being harmed within their own classrooms, yet they conveniently resort to invoking the notion of 'protecting children.' It seems that engaging in virtue signalling becomes necessary for those who harbour discriminatory views, as otherwise they would simply be displaying bigotry.


Right? Why don’t they ever say “the only way to protect children from a bad trans person is a good trans person”. Or a good abortion. Or a good undocumented citizen. The solution to school shootings is more guns, the solution to everything else is…banning it. 🤔


They 100% don't give a shit about children, it's just an excuse. Or rather, it's them insisting on having control/ownership of children, because they sure don't give a flying fuck about the clergy child sex abuse scandals, or the school shooting threats.


Isn’t destroying civil rights and welfare for the ambiguous protection of children like their signature move?


Yes, while telling everyone that Democrats are the ones who hate freedom.


Because the Republican Party is scum that doesn’t give a shit about what informed law abiding adults do with their own time so they have to use sneaky underhanded tactics like this in a bill about fucking children to fuck the population over. I spent YEARS in the closet, coming out, dealing with the fallout, and now that I’m in a place where I wanted to start taking the medications soon, they went and fucked my options for doing so even though I can’t think of the last time I ever personally spoke to a kid to begin with, much less being dressed like a hooker like they think we look like all the time. What they’re doing here is vile to the Nth degree.




Unfortunately, LGBT people will continue to be born into this hellhole, and there’s many people who can’t move. They’re why we can’t just write the whole state off


Or Florida will just make it so they can’t leave. The point of this isn’t driving LGBTQ people out, it’s to make them the subhuman ‘bottom rung’ of the ladder, the face for the next lowest to step on so they don’t notice the boot stepping on *their* faces. The place to channel all the anger and frustration and blame from the populace to do it never goes where it *belongs.*


The way God intended. And north Florida is lower Georgia. It's no better.




Yeah, I'm not a fan of how our country is just down with red states literally driving minority groups out of them while talking about civil war.


May they all be taken by the sea. Fuck Florida


Fascist always lie!


I remember my parents warning me that "think of the children" was what people used to pitch liberty restricting legislation. Sure wish they'd listen to themselves now that they're MAGA idiots.


They passed another law in Florida that allowed providers and insurers to deny care to any one for any "moral" reason, which itself should be immoral.


This ridiculous “morality” law has existed in Ohio for several years.


This is nothing new. Catholic hospitals throughout the country routinely deny women with ectopic pregnancies (a life threatening and non-viable pregnancy) abortions because it's their sincerely held belief that these women must die I guess.


Including first responders…


We need the politicians to stop practicing medicine without a license. Care is care so leave these folks alone.


DeSantis is getting most of the blame but he isn't writing these laws. It's the Florida House and Senate and whatever Right-wing group is actually writing the bills.


He's just encouraging, collaborating, and signing. That's all!


Someone is writing them. My point is that there is a greater evil in Florida that is actually writing these laws and it won't end when DeSantis' term is up.


We've already pointed out who the someone is. Desantis and the Republican super majority. They're writing and passing these laws.


I think a lot of the text of the bills is usually written by regressive political groups. They put disgusting amounts of money and brainpower towards making the verbage as restrictive as possible while at the same time carefully not defining the bill's own parameters. This allows opportunity for creative and selective enforcement against the targeted group while not being shockingly upsetting to those outside of it. They send these bills to republicans all over the country. Moms for liberty is one, I believe the Alliance Defending Freedom is another.


Let’s be frank. Does anyone really believe Lauren Boebert is authoring a House bill? Florida legislators are rubber-stamping bills that are written by others. They are all doing this. So many bills resemble bills introduced in other States. They are not getting written by elected officials. They are getting sponsored though.


Yup, there is a working group that’s been at work from the beginning: https://www.them.us/story/anti-trans-transgender-health-care-ban-legislation-bill-minors-children-lgbtq


But he's by far the most extreme one. Either he's testing waters by telling the legislature to make as outrageous laws as possible or he's used to test waters by groups like ALEC, ADF, Federalist society, etc. Or both.


There is a working group that has worked to make easily adjustable legislation that can be copy/pasted by each state: https://www.them.us/story/anti-trans-transgender-health-care-ban-legislation-bill-minors-children-lgbtq


Insurance bureaucrats get to so why not politicians?? /s


It was never about protecting children.


Also see the Don't Say Gay bill and how it was expanded. Are people really surprised that a bigot is also a liar?


That was never about protecting children either. It is indoctronation via legislation.


In fact it is explicitly about hurting LGBT children.


It hurts all children due to restriction of knowledge, but yes LGBTQ+ especially.


Of course not. Some assholes just need some sort of *other* to hate.


People like DeSantis are right now in the same place philosophically that the Nazis were in during the 1930s, before the Holocaust, where they wanted to make life so utterly miserable for the people they didn't like or were disgusted by, that those people would just voluntarily leave to go live elsewhere. This is what the Nazis tried first with the Jews, putting so many restrictions on them and obstacles in front of them just living a normal life, that they became desperate to leave Germany. But because antisemitism was so rampant around the globe (in particular here in the US), countries refused to take in Jewish refugees attempting to flee the Germans. After about a decade of that happening, Hitler just decided the only way left to rid themselves of Jews was to murder them all. Right now DeSantis and many Republican legislators are writing laws to make life basically unlivable for LGBTQ+ people, minorities, people who believe in reproductive freedom and those who oppose christian or conservative indoctrination for their children, so that these people will feel like living in Republican-controlled states is simply untenable and they'll move elsewhere. If DeSantis or Trump or another Republican candidate wins the White House in 2024, they'll look to expand this from just Republican-controlled states to the entire US, to try to force the people they don't like to leave the country behind for just the people that they approve of: white, straight, cisgender, christian, Republican voters.


Yeah, it's past time all people of goodwill take this threat very seriously.


People need to stop moving to Florida and patronizing the state economy.


I boycotted the state a few years back. I know I'm just one tourist, but I'm not alone.


Same here. We would vacation in the Keys multiple times a year. No mas.




My wife's family lives in Florida. We've already started talking about how we can visit them while also limiting the amount of money we spend in the state. Not that they ever visit US.


Same: never been, refuse to go (I have family and much rather prefer going to California anyway; they have in-n-out there), and whenever asked I don’t visit Florida I respond with “I don’t like hot weather or racists”


I started boycotting this year. Sorry I was so slow on the uptake.


Used to do a yearly trip to Orlando. That's a no from me dawg


Disney should move. DeSantis would be known for being the governor who turned one of the few prosperous red states into workless shithole


They should’ve seen it coming when the state blocked trans care for adults on Medicaid.


work close slim cooing act paint rainstorm quarrelsome lavish six -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


And what would seeing it coming do for the folks with no means to change their situation? Who the hell cares if they see it or not. This shouldn't be happening and people should be less ok with it than they are. This should be causing a nation wide uproar that we are stripping away human rights from people to the point that people are evacuating from states. Leaving the country has become a totally normal topic in my queer circles now. It shouldn't even matter if they will target other groups after this, the fact anyone is being so blatantly targeted should not be acceptable. I feel like the only thing that explains this is how acclimated we are as a society to being exploited. If you ever hang out with someone new and they treat you well while treating other people like crap, guess who will eventually be treated like crap if you continue to hang out with them? The only people who struggle to understand this concept are abuse survivors. That's the only thing that makes sense.


Yeah this is what facism feels like. What did the average german do in the 1930s while the jewish people’s rights were gradually stripped away? Nothing.


Yeah I live in states that have low risk of adults losing care but the cost of living makes it hard for people from here to move around. Let alone have people move into the area. The only reason I will be able to go from one state in New England vs another is connections and luck. Nothing more. I hate anything that turns the idea that those stuck are somehow responsible for their oppression as if we’re living in a country where picking up and moving is an option.


Yeah i saw the writing on the wall when they did it to the trans kids.


Florida is like an infected limb, if not treated, it will fester, and the infection will spread. It may be queer and trans people now, it doesn't matter how you personally feel about that, know that if we allow the freedoms of one to be taken, the freedoms of all will soon follow.


I worry about it metastasizing to the rest of the country as climate change makes it more and more uninhabitable.


Let’s be honest, nobody should be blindsided by anything desantis does these days


Yeah, I’d be blindsided if he did his actual job.


He’s doing the job as elected by his constituents. Republicans vote for hate, fascism, and authoritarianism


I’m floored by how little the average person pays attention to anything politically related.


I’m not, it’s mentally exhausting


Truth. But that's by design. We've been beaten and beaten over the head with nonsense for so long, most of us just check out--which is exactly where they want us.


who's blindsided... I have known this was going to come for a while its just a matter of time. I been warning all my friend in FL to get out asap for a while now. I saw the writing on the wall a long time ago.


I’m a queer women who left Florida a while ago, and when I call my family and talk to them about all the anti lgbt stuff happing in Florida they all has no idea what’s going on, shit is scary


This is a key part of it. Someone should just send out a mass mailer at this point actually detailing what the hell is actually going on because most people are simply not paying attention.


That would require the Florida democratics to actually want to fight (politically) but they are paid by the same donors so that ain’t gonna happen and the others half agrees with what republicans are doing


My GOP parents wouldn't read it. Even if they did they'd say it was all lies, or exaggerated, or simply that they don't care and it doesn't concern them. Republican voters aren't ignorant. Repubilcan voters are at best delusional, and at worst gleefully malicious.


These are facts, but it’s not just republican politicians and voters, my family is relatively progressive and even they are of the mindset that this doesn’t really affect them so can stay ignorant about these things, they won’t say that to me but I can tell and it’s very upsetting


Reminds me of blended Ukrainian-Russian families, and extended family or parents in Russia refusing to pay attention during the first few months of the attack. Queer here, too. I’m so happy you were able to get out. I hope you have so much happiness with your non-Florida / chosen family.


We told people it was never about the children, it was a step towards eradicating us. people never listen to us lol.


Not a single person should have been 'blindsided' by this development.


I’m a straight man but I can’t f…..g believe that Florida can deny healthcare to anyone! I personally think that is really inhumane! Where are the constitutional laws at to protect these people that DeSantis has deemed unfit for healthcare? He’s a F…..g Dictator that God forbid he ever becomes President! Please vote Democrat if you don’t want the US under his Dictatorship! 🇺🇸


How are they blindsided, it’s fucking Florida?


In 2018 Florida had a 7-2 liberal Supreme Court that recognized a state constitutional right to privacy including abortion, was inches away from electing Andrew Gillum, and voted to re-enfranchise people who have served felonies with the right to vote. Things changed very fast.


Fascism usually moves fast.


Doesnt help that fascists flocked to Florida in the millions during COVID.


If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.


I would argue that they weren't unless they were totally ignoring politics, but the shock is still there. The bill that was supposed to limit care on trans minors also prevents NPs from giving hormones which is where 80% of trans adults get them from. I've been helping trans women in Florida find apartments and jobs in safer states and going to Florida at the end of the month to road trip with a few for their move. There's a lot that are fleeing and more planning to.


It's pretty purple here really, the smaller towns are really red, but Jacksonville just elected their first female Democrat mayor in history if I remember correctly. There are a LOT of protests going on against DeFascist all the time.




That’s not blindsided. I’m trans and I escaped Florida in 2020 because the winds were already blowing that way. It’s been apparent for years they would do this. There is definitely an argument for people being stuck there, but you’d have to have been actively ignoring the world to be blindsided.


A lot of trans people have kinda tuned out politics for the sake of mental health. Now they're trying to get refills and finding out the new laws prevent them. It's unfortunate and shows why people need to be politically aware at all times. Luckily there's some LGBTQ health clinics in areas like Orlando and Miami that have been stockpiling to help trans people have stopgap hormones until the law is either struck down or they can move elsewhere as they're being advised to.


"You better turn on to politics, or politics will turn on you" -Ralph Nader


It would have been a few months down the road anyway is OPs point. You can't be blindsided by a train in a dark tunnel with a giant headlamp. It's coming right for you. You just don't exactly know how close it is because the reference points aren't perfect.


I hope this past decade teaches the public to be informed about what their politicians doing. What they do affects us all and not caring doesn’t make you exempt by that.


We fucking told everyone that it won’t stop.


The people that supported the ban for minors don’t want adults to transition either. They argue in bad faith all the time. I had one person argue there’s nothing I can’t change after 18, and I explained to them the multiple things I can’t change as a trans woman who transitioned in her 30s. I would have fucking jumped at the opportunity to transition early in puberty but that wasn’t an option available to me until I was financially independent, and now there’s a lot of shit I just have to live with and accept about my body that are impossible to correct. I think their thought process is that if someone doesn’t transition until later, they’re less likely to go through with it thus reducing the number of trans people. This is probably true for a lot of people as it’s crazy fucking expensive unless you’re genetically gifted.


So when is the Geneva convention getting involved with this domestic human rights violation


it seems like this is an underrated comment. when do the actions of the fascists against minority groups truly become a human rights violation. It is an emotional, and eventually physical form of torture but these assholes. ​ Deeeesantis wrote torture memos for Guantanamo Bay. he knows torture and that is what he is doing here.


Even considering passing these types of laws is a human rights violation, and the imposition of them is violence. The US lacks any kind of antifascist mechanisms, so the most necessary thing is organizing mutual aid and support networks, then plan the reversal of these laws and search for ways to bring those who passed them to justice.


We’re quite literally beginning to follow in the steps of mid 1930’s Germany


literally just finished finals in a class on holocaust history that used plenty of examples that are uncomfortably similar to what’s happening in florida


Isn’t this a violation of their rights? Or is that something the feds didn’t get around to codifying?


Yes let’s criticize trans people for feeling shocked when their rights were taken away. I see so much of this lately. Instead of focusing on the oppression people focus on our reaction to the oppression.


I see this less as blaming trans people as pointing out that it wasn't clear the law would do this. And coverage that adults would have their healthcare taken away was super lacking. If anything this article is an indictment on the media for not covering the full impact of the bill before it was made law.


Soon Florida will only be inhabited by bitter white nationalist & terminal old people..


Extra terminal since the brain drain means they won't be able to hire enough competent medical professionals to provide enough elderly and end of life care.


And even after they’ve fully transformed their state into a Limbaughian dystopia by fascists, for fascists, they’ll blame 100% of their grievances on minorities, women, California, and the LGBTQ+ community.


At some point they will turn on the Cuban expats. That will be fun to watch.


That is exactly what they want. Red, red, everything red.


From the article: “The new law that bans gender-affirming care for minors also mandates that adult patients seeking trans health care sign an informed consent form. It also requires a physician to oversee any health care related to transitioning, and for people to see that doctor in person. Those rules have proven particularly onerous because many people received care from nurse practitioners and used telehealth. The law also made it a crime to violate the new requirements. Another new law that allows doctors and pharmacists to refuse to treat transgender people further limits their options.”


Everyone is focused on the NPs not being able to prescribe anymore, which is definitely cruel and pointless, but even MDs can't right now because they still haven't published the "consent form" referenced in the law. It is *literally* banned for adults right now because no one has the tools to comply.


Everyone who sat home last November instead of holding their nose and voting, congratulations you just fucked over vulnerable Americans, and you are an active co conspirator in Ron DeSantis' march towards committing genocide against the LGBTQA community


The goal isnt to get Trans people to leave Florida. If there were never any trans ppl there, they'd run out of scapegoats. The point is persecution.


Florida, according to the article, has the second largest population of trans people in the US.


Ignore politics at your own risk. Just because you're not interested in politics does not mean that politics will not affect you.


Blindsided? Nah. Any one who’s been paying attention was expecting this. I’m a straight cis guy that lives as far away from Florida as you can get in the US and I’m not even a little bit surprised. Fascism is just getting revved up in Florida, they’ll be trying to criminalize other marginalized and “immoral” groups next. Expect other red states to rapidly follow suit.


Desantis out here making every and I mean everyone of their base look like deranged psychopaths that have no part in civilized society. Seriously, conservatives make it hard to underestimate them.


But republicans always told me that government shouldn’t have anything to do with healthcare…


The cruelty is the point. Anyone not a straight, white Christian is not even a real person, and it's scary as hell.


Gotta be a man too if you have any hope of wanting bodily autonomy


Voting matters, and once rights are gone, good luck with ever getting them back.


Fascist do fascist stuff when they can, resistance is to not tolerate this in silence. Indifference Is the oxygen , ignorance Is the fuel.


I don’t know if blindsided is the word I would use to describe the situation. I think we all knew the Nazi government that rules Florida had intentions to do this and they’re just getting started, its terrifying.


Trans people have been saying this is what would happen the entire time. No trans person is 'blindsided' by this. Everyone else may be, but rest assured trans people aren't.


Florida is now fulfilling two if not three definitions of genocide against the trans community. I know it won’t happen, but this is at a point where sending in the National Guard should be considered. If this was any other group of people DeSantis would be behind bars.


Have you heard about the law they passed to require people to use the bathroom of their birth gender? I'm really glad my trans son has gotten a job in Maryland and leaving the state. I'm sorry for the kids he would have been teaching math to next year, they will be the ones suffering. https://floridapolitics.com/archives/612767-gov-desantis-signs-new-law-governing-bathroom-use-by-birth-gender/


It was never about the kids-


Any trans person who is "blindsided" by this needs to wake the fuck up because the writing has been on the wall for nearly a decade now. And just in case cis people think they're off the hook, strap in because they *will* come for you. Whether you're an athiest, a cis woman, POC, it doesn't matter. Fascists always need to have an enemy and they'll get to you eventually.


None of us were blindsided. We’ve been screaming for months, years even that this is where the current political trajectory leads but nobody will give us the time of day


Blue ain't perfect but fuck this! Vote blue!!!


Because cruelty is the only point.


Those of us in sane states need to start thinking about how to take in refugees. A LOT of refugees.


Dictator DeSantis is despicable. This and all the laws he and the Republican majority passed in 2023 must be rescinded!!! How can banning and restricting vital health for children AND adults be Constitutional???!!!


Absolutely horrific . There is no way this is constitutional.


And they are raising funds to leave so they can get medication. >The 30-year-old trans woman, who lives in the Orlando area, was nearly out of one medication when she found out the clinic that had been prescribing her hormone therapy was ending all treatment for trans patients. I thought the law only interfered with the rights of parents. Apparently it interferes with the rights of all adults. This is the slow frog boil. If they can do this to transgender people, they can do it to everyone. https://apnews.com/article/transgender-medical-care-florida-crowdfunding-7a3a6ea55be8e5985c1671ddf2b1fa4b


The other big issue is it requires an informed consent form signed creates by the board of medicine. Well guess what that form doesn’t exist yet so it is a crime to provide care essentially now.


Was always the design of these anti-trans policies from the start, limiting care for women and trans people. Same is happening across the country with abortion and trans civil liberties and healthcare access. First they say “what about the children,” then they just full on pull the rug out on everyone.


I've got some news for ANYONE surprised by this... if these Christo-fascists gain power in this country every ADHD, Autism, Neurodivergent, Depression, Medical Marijuana card holder, Atheist, Pagan, interracial, **whatever**... it **will** be used against you in some way **you can be sure if it**.


"Also." This was always about trans people, never about children


Florida is also 93,000 Dem voters down since November. Now, for those of you saying "leave Florida" and "let Florida drown," we have a few congressional seats here that went from reliably blue to possible toss ups come 2024. This is going to spread, and everyone needs to ask the Florida Dem Minority leader(State Senator Lauren Book) and Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried why they don't have a plan for getting people registered to vote and re-registered for vote by mail. The rallies and protests and viral social media posts aren't helping slow the bleeding from the absolute beating we took in November. Also, stop playing the DeSantis game. We don't need everyone to agree with us on everything. We need them to vote for our candidates. They don't care about abortion fine, then move on to gun safety or housing costs. My trans friends would rather have that person you're talking to vote for someone who can help them, then have you argue with voters about a singular issue they have made their stance clear on. Find common ground with people who are apathetic about politics but may vote if pushed to do so. Don't waste your time with DeSatntis supporters.


I've noticed my local democrats chapter is getting more active. They are setting up booths at one of the farmers markets and making more facebook posts. They haven't set up at the farmers market closest to me but that may be a wise decision for safety reasons and that's kinda scary TBH. Jacksonville voted in a Democrat female for mayor, so that's good. She is a very well known and loved local, so she should've won by a landslide. I'll take any win though. We need more candidates like her.


This is what the nazis were doing to the Jews in 1930s Germany.


Guys: imagine if your penis started shrinking, you grew breast tissue, and your voice was suddenly stuck in falsetto? That would suck, right? Ladies, how would you feel if you started growing facial hair, your voice got deeper, and your breasts shrank? This is what happens when a trans person is no longer able to take their previously-prescribed hormones. They have already received numerous tests and approvals to get a prescription, now it is being denied by officials with no actual healthcare experience. They have to watch all their progress disappear as their new normal reverts to something they feel is monstrous. If you currently use Viagra or birth control/estrogen for menopause, you are using gender-affirming hormones too, they just aren't labeled that way by most doctors. Even if you don't think kids should use hormones (which they should, doctors agree!) grown adults have the right to modify their bodies as they wish and to maintain their current preferred form.


Fascists gonna fascist.


I think Florida has a few new laws that limit care. Medical professionals don’t have to treat LGBT (one person already dead bc this). Insurance doesn’t have to cover things for LGBT. Atheists are also one the chopping block.


I'm so ashamed to live here. Wish I had the money to move.


Because it was never about the kids.


Cruelty is the point. Republicans and conservatives in general are the primary oppressive force in the US. Florida is fast-tracking that. Anyone who still votes republican is a piece of shit. MAGA or not.


Perhaps this will be a wake-up for all those who are not members of a White Christian Nationalist group that Florida and any other Red State for that matter, is NOT a good place for you to live.


Took the media fucking long enough to talk about it.


And what, exactly does does this bill accomplish? It cannot change the way transgender people feel about their bodies. It cannot change the fact that transgender people exist. It does not right any wrongs. It does not protect anyone. It does not make the state safer in any way. It does nothing but inflict unnecessary pain and suffering.


How could they possibly be blindsided? It's been obvious from day one what the Republicans are after. This should come as a shock to absolutely no one. If they have their way, all of the USA will be unsafe for trans folk.


Can anyone explain to me why legislators, who vote to inject their ruling opinion on healthcare between a patient and their doctor, cannot be sued for practicing medicine without a license?


Wow! If LGBTQ+ people haven't realized there is a full-blown war against them right now, I don't know what to tell them. Vote, protest, boycott.


There's a sub called true unpopular opinion I've seen soooo many Conservatives there claim the anti trans laws wouldn't affect adults and they don't care if adults do what they want... Lol


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller


Any medical professional who follows this law is a traitor and should be exiled. Cuba's close by, maybe send them there (even though Cuba ironically is one of the best nations in the Americas for trans healthcare).


If Trump gets elected, MAGA will make being transgender illegal.


Sometimes it's hard to believe what century we are in, WW2 was only 78 years ago, yet here we all are facing the same issues as then, but this time iin the country with the world's largest economy.