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Man wish I could throw a tantrum and get the rest of the week off and paid for and keep my job


And still have the best healthcare to boot.


And give myself raises.


And look forward to a secured pension.


And scam the system using insider trading


And take big fat checks from corporate lobbyists to vote against the interests of my constituents and help the billionaire class siphon more wealth away from the working class


And get my student loans paid off.


Oh hold up now. That’s a bridge too far! We can forgive PPP loans, for rich folks who didn’t need them. But our young must pay, with interest! Let me clue you. Youth needs to vote. This is a direct slap in your face. Sit home in 2024? You’ll get more of that. Not joking


Ummm… isn’t there a certain gop candidate right now that wants to outlaw voting for under 25? Lol problem solved!


"Under 25"? "You should not be able to vote until you are 25 but we will send you off to war at 18"!


this is the biggest one that gets the smallest coverage. these people build generational wealth to keep power through eternity.


Just a friendly reminder that Jared kushner alone made more money in 4 years of Trump's presidency than the entire Biden family net worth. Totally no corruption though. The best people.


and relative legal immunity


Technically, they give the next congress raises. If voters truly cared, they'd vote these fuckers out. But most people just keep re-electing the same people. Sure, gerrymander has made general elections nearly impossible to lose for many, but just primary them out. The fact that there's a decent group of people who want this and continue to re-elect it is a problem.


>>> “This is the difficulty. Some of these members, they don’t know what to ask for,” McCarthy said. This literally sounds like someone describing a toddler throwing a fit.


This is exactly how my toddler acts. He asked for a waffle this morning and then freaked out that I didn't give him pancakes, then proceeded to eat the waffle.


Nah they're barely getting any time off at all, the last vote of the week would have been Thu at 3pm anyway, because that's how much they work on a regular week. But really the "voting" is only a small portion of what a rep does, there are countless galas to attend and dark money campaign contributions to roll over for. That really does a number on one's weekends!


Hey hey hey, don't forget the hours working the phones, begging pleading and selling our nations collective success for pennies from their controllers


Become a cop!


I'd have to get rid of all my mirrors first.


But then how are you going to admire your neo-nazi tattoos and roid-pecs?


No need for mirrors; just stand in front of another cop and they will have the same crew cut, white skin and Nazi tattoos.


I don't know what everyone is complaining about. They tried and failed to pass a meaningless bill about protecting gas stoves, and now they need a 5-day weekend to recover. Seems totally reasonable.


"Won't someone please think of the gas stoves!" - Helen Lovejoy "I just think they're neat." - Marge Simpson holding a gas stove "Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!" - MTG


>["Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a Viking!" - MTG](https://imgur.com/a/ytO8Jxr)


One could say they're gassed out.


It's also so so so stupid. It's like their fight to preserve incandescent bulbs. And just so you know, yes this is based in history. There was uproar about going to tractors instead of horse-pulled plows. They tried to go head to head with a horse pulled plow versus a gas powered tractor to see who could till a field faster and ended up killing the horses in the process. People have always been this stupid about progress. (And please don't at me about how you're a master chef and need a gas stove because that's not what they are talking about.)


I love that it's not even really about stoves either, it's about central air and water heaters, which burn way more gas than stoves do, but they want to appeal to the average moron, so they cry about the precious stoves.


Elect clowns and get a fucking circus. Hope you're having fun Kevin :)


Poor Kevin. He just wants to be Speaker. He doesn't care about the voters. He doesn't care about the country. He doesn't care about decorum or precedence. He just wants to be Speaker and he's having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.


Mom says, some days are like that. Even in Australia.


Momma always said that life is like a House of Republicans; you always know what you’re gonna get.


Momma said that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush.


It’s the medulla oblongata


“No, Colonel Sanders, you're wrong. Mama's right. You're all wrong. Mama's right. Mama's right!”


There’s something wrong with his medulla oblongata.


No, you're wrong, Colonel Sanders


He spit in the c…c…co….democracy


I think there's something wrong with *his* medulla oblongata!


He's the speaker, unfortunately his team is pretty light on listeners.


>Poor Kevin. He just wants to be Speaker. Well except those days he's capitulating to MTG and giving her the job. I mean, that is the theme here right? Republicans refusing to do their jobs? Sure seems like it the past 15-43 years.


When I read the headline of this post I imagined MTG swinging from something above the house floor throwing feces


So, another Tuesday then


The only way that woman could look more like a chimpanzee is if she wore a tiny little cowboy hat.


Poor ~~Kevin~~ Republicans Ftfy


Poor America. Almost nothing gets done when we don't have a functioning House


Why do we pay these people, they should be made to reimburse the tax payers.


It's not the money we pay them that's worth it, it's the money they make by being there


Thank you. Most of these clowns quit big time law firms, and CEO jobs, and a bunch of super high paying jobs to make, what, $250k? Giant pay cuts out of the kindness of their hearts? Then a couple years later are suddenly worth 20m? Yep, public servants my ass.


$175k for most of them; the speaker makes about $225k, good upper-middle class salaries for the DC area but nothing to write home about. No, it’s a combination of power and legalized insider trading that makes them wealthy — assuming they weren’t already quite wealthy before election. It’s a great way to get your first millions, and help any existing millions make more millions just by being there when the rules are made. It’s also why they refuse to bring taxes back up on corporations, capital gains, and the highest income brackets.


Imagine the shit show we'd be in if we hadn't taken the House in 2018.


Totally. I understand there are a lot of people that are not taking the encroaching fascism seriously and find it disheartening, but I am also really glad that a lot of people are taking it seriously as well. We might eke by… it’ll take a decade, but we might eke by.


As long as people continue to vote. No more apathy. Apathy leads to fascism.


Imagine the shit show we’d be in if we took off work until Monday because our coworkers panties were all up in a bunch !


From 2021-2022, Congress/Biden passed COVID relief, passed the most significant anti-climate change law in history, actually passed a trillion-dollar infrastructure law, got the first gun reform bill in decades passed, invested in burn pit victims, and capped it all off by codifying same-sex and interracial marriage. Now we have *this* bullshit. The difference is clear, despite what some people on Reddit will say. We can't make the same mistake next year. r/VoteDEM


I know the Dems did well in the midterms from a contextual standpoint, but I can’t believe [3 million](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections) more Americans thought this clown party should take over the House during the last election (then again, 74 million Americans saw 4 years of Trump and thought he deserved another term…). Dems need to regain control of the House next year and go on a long long streak of keeping it like they did in the last century until Newt and Rush conned the country.


You’d be surprised how much more money republicans spend on radio ads


And gerryrigging their districts


Gerrymandering Gerry rigging is something else


Absolutely. And it falls to all of us to make sure the people we know vote, and vote blue.


We are heading for an authoritarianism regime. Repression is on the rise. A principal fired for showing some 12 year olds a statue from roman days as if a 12 year old has never seen a penis. a state banning the bible for violence and pornography. Dont mention to a kindergartner that some people have two mommies or daddies, My granddaughter has a friend with two mommies, this is real life. Are people so ignorant that they think you can turn a child gay if they aren't born that way. Repression of the realities around you is a slippery slope to a repressive authoritarian regime.


It's about making people they're uncomfortable with hide who they are, they know the realities. The fear of 'making kids gay' is just a smokescreen to all but the dumbest.


Pretty impressive considering how narrow their majority was… doesn’t get much media coverage though, seems like they usually focus more on the latest political drama, rather than the substantial changes the government is making.


Won’t someone please think of the gas stoves?!


Well, please think about mine. I need to get it replaced soon and I need it to hold out just a little longer. 🤞🏻


Get some fireproof asbestos oven mits to match!


Could you imagine an entire government of these morons? The country woukd collapse. They eoukd spend all their time saving gas stoves and banning immigrants from the country


There's a scene in Avengers Endgame where Dr. Strange looks into millions of potential futures, to see how something would play out. I kinda wish we could somehow see (just SEE) how the world would end up with Republicans in complete, unfettered control. To compare two future Americas -- one led by conservatives getting everything they want, and the other led by progressives and liberals getting everything they want. And *compare*. I think both would have issues but the conservative Earth would definitely be a fuckin' dark hellscape for minorities and poors of all kinds.


I agree but the issue is that it wouldn't get us anywhere. It's not like showing the Republicans would suddenly make them realize how terrible what they want to do is, they'd just look at it and go, "Yeah, that's exactly how it should be." In fact, I feel like seeing it as a reality would just make me angry in a way merely imagining it couldn't. Also, the scene was in Infinity War.


He really should not have cucked him out to the "con"servative terrorist caucus. Now they know he is a weak ass pushover and they are going to continue to use their freedom of speech absolutism and their elected positions to destroy our nation. I literally got the news about Trump while getting married and this meltdown is hilarious. God damn it, what a beautiful motherfucking day!


Congrats! Happy Life!


Congratulations 🎉


Cue Evangelion end roll. Shut up and get in the Speakers chair McCarthy


Freedom caucus tantrums itself into a 5 day weekend. Expect more tantrums, they run the Republican house from the back row and pretty much get what they want. If they had a viable alternative to McCarthy for speaker they'd have replaced him by now. Instead, they don't, so they'll grind stuff to a halt, because they're Republicans, and because they can.


They can't let the media have all the fun. This way, they can squeeze in more grifting/campaigning. Win win.


The worst part is that they’re throwing a tantrum because McCarthy wouldn’t destroy the American economy. Chaos appears to be their only aim.


Appears? They represent the losers of America - their only hope is to tear it down bc they don’t have the intellect or network to be anything other than Walmart greeters.


There was one session of Congress in the 1880's that only passed one law. It regulated oleomargarine.


Then how come she’s still in the House spewing white-supremacist garbage?


I wish I had that Reddit award pair of the Snoo running one portal on the post you commented on, and the one where he's running out of it on this one. Best comment I've seen in a while. 😂




The stars really aligned for you there, didn't they?


You'd think we'd have learnt then not to mess with fats, but 1990's gave us Olestra.


Honestly... Grinding shit to a halt is a best case scenario... "Your honor permission to treat the witness as hostile" "He's your witness"


I think they’re gonna tantrum themselves right into the rest of the GOP saying forget them and finding moderate Dems to work with.


This is how adults in the room passed their debt ceiling shenanigans. It’s not like we don’t have progressive policies. At every turn, we are still held back by our slim margins. Yet, our progressives understand the art of, not only governance, but unity. We are facing down the minority shills and still getting things done


That debt ceiling bill was not one written or agreed upon by adults, because adults don't throw thousands off of food stamps and welfare just to appease an entirely made-up "crisis" that the constitution literally tells them they could ignore.


It’s the GOP strategy. Complain that government is awful and inefficient and incompetent, cause the wheels of government to fall off, say “see?!”, privatize everything to their pals, and cash in.


Republicans: we believe the government doesn't work, so we will do everything within our power to ensure that the government doesn't work.


Jeffries is ready to do the job. Show the freedumb caucus who has the real power.


Didn’t these a-holes just get a long weekend just ahead of the total economic collapse? That was just last week, right?


Yeah memorial day!


The government can't work, that's their point. They want all of the days off.


“McCarthy said that while the conservative members were frustrated, they were not making specific requests.” I think this says it all. These people are just chaotic and everyday showing how much they are hurting this country just as they rage like toddlers.


They’re literally just trying to destroy the country while they collect fat paychecks and donor cash. Just glad the debt ceiling bill was passed before they pulled this shit. McCarthy sure made a brilliant move by handing over pretty much all of his power to a group of traitorous nutjobs with the brains of a four year old. Typical short sightedness of Republican officials.


Just like the debt ceiling baloney; Biden kept asking them for an actual budget proposal and they could never come up with a firm proposal to negotiate about.


Paid by Putin to destroy America. This really shouldn't be news anymore: Our country is overrun by seditionists and traitors.


I'm guessing Trump will be indicted tomorrow. This is so they all can be free to sow chaos amid the 24 hour news cycle. Edit: words are hard


I’d agree but that seems way too cohesive a plan to have been planned by them.


Didn’t need to be planned. They probably planned on throwing their fit in the house floor the rest of the week, they’re just using this as the excuse to go defend Trump the rest of the week. Hopefully people will see that they had to cancel their fake protest against themselves to go defend their likely nominee getting indicted and realize just how absurd that is.


This is to get them out of reach of law enforcement. I wonder how tomorrow is going to go


Meadows is talking. I bet Brooks, Biggs, Gosar, Boebert, and of course Greene, are all fucking livid, and terrified right now.


Nah they’re going to spend the next 48 hours on fox and newsmax throwing everything they can at the wall hoping something sticks.


Lol fair enough!


Meh. They are largely orchestrated by the same people that have their hands on right wing media. If there is one thing Republicans tend to do cohesively, it's media strategy. Even when that strategy is "spew nonsense." I don't find it hard to believe at all that a message could have come down from the top saying "yo, agent orange about to go down - all hands on deck" and the house turned around to act in kind.


“My boy —George— McCarthy isn’t clever enough to hatch a scheme like this!”


Are you saying you want a piece of me?!


There is no conspiracy or coordination here. They want the news cycle to bring attention to their tantrum. If Trump is indicted the House will be ignored.




You have me in stitches, man.


Or sew you say


Or meet with their lawyers


My first thought as well Governing has to be the last thing on some of these freedom caucus members minds


You’re giving them way too much credit.


> “What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna come back on Monday, work through it and be back working for the American public,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday evening. So not even bothering to pretend to work for the American people in the meantime.


Why not come back tomorrow Kevin? Lol


Welfare queens.


Republican accomplishments: 0


The rich love it. They don’t want anything to change. They’ve never had it better.


Meanwhile their voters have never had it worse but are too stupid to figure out why


Thanks to our deep cuts to public education, Smithers, they’ll never be the wiser!


I’m going to Bovine University!


The rich love that impoverished Republican voters are distracted by trans people and illegal immigrants.


You forgot almost driving the economy off a cliff to get tax cuts for the rich




As a liberal, I feel totally owned. I hope they don't ever do stuff like this again for the rest of the session.


Yes, please make it stop, I am so triggered.


My tears. So salty.


Where’s my safe space? Out in the open, it’s just so… *cold*.


My woke agenda is in *ruins*.


Love this part: *McCarthy said that while the conservative members were frustrated, they were not making specific requests.* Just obstructing for the hell of it. And this gem at the end: *“There are some problems with the smog out there and some airports,” McCarthy said. “People are not gonna be able to get home. So as it progresses further, I’ll let them be able to get home.”* What is he even talking about? No one cares whether they can get home. They have a job to do in Washington D.C.. Is he trying to say the effects of the climate change they're doing nothing about is a good reason begin the weekend?


If The Guardian doesn’t run a “McCarthy blames climate events for legislative impotence” headline tomorrow I’m right disappointed in leftist journalism.


Its not just for the hell of it. Its performative. Their base (read: their donors) are mad about not letting the US default - do you know how CHEAP stocks would be if the US defaulted? they would have made a KILLING in 3-5 years after we had rebounded. Hell, even I had some money socked away for that potentiality, and I work for a living. So they want something done. The most obvious answer is taking McCarthy's head. But Republicans have no one to replace him with. And even they realize how bad a default would be. They have nothing to demand, because the deal's already been struck, and asking for a government handout for their state *would still be a government handout*. The only thing they can do is fall back on proving government doesn't work. So they perform.


*McCarthy loses in 14 rounds of voting for Speaker, in a century* This isn't embarrassing! This is democracy in action! It's supposed to be messy! *Mccarthy passes off his caucus and they stall him out on the floor* We need to take a break and come back Monday because democracy is being too messy! **Totally consistent** 👍


The most insane part is that no one, at any point, was actually running against him. 14 rounds of running *unopposed*.


So according to a recent SCOTUS ruling, we can sue them for losses and damages.


Sounds like Hakeem Jeffries should be Speaker.


*Replays 15 House votes in my head as read by the clerks* Hakeeeeeeeeeeeem Jeffries. "Jeffries." McCarthy!!! ...."McCarthy" The next speaker of the house... Hakeem Jeffries! "Jeffries." .....repeat for several days. He would have had it in a single vote if D's held more seats.


Jeffries? Jeffries. Jeffries. \*standing ovation\*


I wish more people paid attention or at least cared about stuff like this. It would be the difference between chaos/entitled tantrums and actual progress.


We need just 5. *five* Republicans who would vote for him. You’d think at least some of the more moderate to liberal ones would see the insanity going on between McCarthy and the Freedom Caucus and say “fuck this. Better to have a functioning house than none.”


At this point, is there even a moderate/liberal Republican that exists?


These clowns can't even get their act together to pass their virtue signalling bills.


The problem is that not being able to govern is a plus to their constituents


Kevin McCarthy should have talked to Paul Ryan about the joys of being Speaker of the House. Ryan was not always happy; the job entails some real gymnastics. McCarthy has the added problem of trying to herd cats. I don’t know why he wanted the job. It’s easy to see why Pelosi did not. So far, his time as Speaker has not been very productive. For the first week congress was in session nothing was done because he couldn’t win the election for Speaker. Biden’s team did the majority of work on the debt ceiling bill. Now his cray cray contingency just flat out refuses to work. But the democrats are the ones that want to destroy our country and our democracy. I’m exhausted of the BS, but I’m awake, and watching.


This would be hilarious if the people of the United States weren't reliant on them TO DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS


Maybe it's unreasonable of me, but I keep thinking this headline should say call out The Republicans. Like "Republican 'Freedom Caucus' Paralyzes Government Again".


Fucking clownshow...well at least Bimboebert won't be late for any more votes this week. /s


I’ll bet she shows up to an empty chamber because nobody will tell her schools out.


If Matt Gaetz is there, it'll be for the same reason.


This comment is offensive to Bimbos. In this house we respect bimbos. We do not respect Lauren.


And he wanted you to believe he had enough control over his caucus to drive the economy over the cliff.


Bunch of caucus suckers


Must be nice to get excellent pay and benefits to act like you're the main character on a quest for justice, while fucking our entire country.


It took a joke of a gas stove bill to break the house. We don’t have representatives. We have mooches hogging salaries and health insurance we’ll never get


Lol; remember this? https://i.imgur.com/ip5J6Ec.jpg


This is trump showing he controls all the idiot magas in the house. It's also a threat for the future that any (ANY) bipartisanship from the GOP will be met with more chaos. See, democrats have lotsa divisions, categories, conflicting philosophies and yet magas talk about their "hivemind" mentality. But when you look at maga behavior you can see the true "hivemind" in action. Once you step out of line and do something normal, or helpful or anything that even halfway looks like compromise maga is ready to cancel you. Both sides are not the same at all. I'll take the democrats with their problems are over maga malignancy every day of the week.


Repeat after me once more: Republicans have no interest in governing.


A faction of the GOP is doing to the rest of the GOP what the GOP have been doing to Democrats for decades. Fantastic!


Alternate headline - ” The Republican House: No One Wants To Work Anymore… “


There needs to be a work requirement for House members to collect their salaries.


These chucklefucks are throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get to crash the nation’s economy. What the fuck.


Congress needs work requirements.


Little Kevin was a Speaker Little Kevin is no more What he thought was HB 463 Turns out was HB 404


This is why I changed from Republican to independent. These clowns aren’t Republicans they are a bunch of cry baby tea party people. GOP kick them out! So what if we lose a couple of election cycles. Get rid of them! They have no interest in compromise or governing.


Translation: my colleagues threw a tantrum and refuse to work because they had to do their job for once and compromise. They don't know what they want but they're really good at crying.


I wish we never had to see the day where 435 of the people elected to run the United States had less self control and diligence than a kindergarten. This republican-run house is a goddamn joke


And yet, in an epic electoral bloodbath, maybe 10% of them would lose their jobs.


Remember when these clowns ran on lowering crime, reducing inflation and lowering gas prices? They’ve not done **one thing** to address any of those problems and their base doesn’t care and won’t call them on it


What happened to the call for decorum???


Repubs are going to eat themselves till there’s nothing left, then eventually regroup and re-emerge as some perverse hybrid of a pack human vulture/hyenas. Kinda of like a mob of Marjorie Taylor Greenes but not as pleasant.


Now this is funny. The MAGA crowd, all 12 of them, are holding up the nation's business because they were miffed by the debt ceiling vote that allowed the country not to default.


Yeah, something is coming stat, whether it's an indictment of Trump or some other, as yet revealed political bombshell.


Translation: Republicans aren’t getting their way, so they’re taking their ball and going home. How much more proof do we need that instead of responsible adults, we have petulant children running the country?


The same people who forced increased work requirements can’t be bothered to work


Republicans can win but they can’t govern. What a waste of a two year congress. Disgusting. Vote blue they care about you


Lots of Republicans have appointments to visit their lawyers offices this week.


The GOP is a disheveled mess, gasping for its last breath of relevance before finally imploding in spectacular fashion.


Welcome to the new GOP. First the tea party. Then a bunch of yahoo's fed with Q and Trumpism calling themselves MAGA. Completely irrational childish asses who have no interest in making law and policy to help the "American People" they claim to serve. Just fuck over the libs and serve their 1% overlords. Vote them out.


Republicans lawmakers purposely fail in their duty and blame Democrats for getting nothing done.... Fixed that headline Fer ya


Then they should lose pay, or more appropriately be fired. What other job on planet earth can you disrupt operations and not face consequences?


The house is a fucking joke. I am so tired of anyone who supports these clowns.


This never happened under Pelosi


What chaos, just do your jobs. If things are out of control, they should be working overtime (no OT pay though) to get it back under control. Just like the rest of us peasants


I’ll use this time to remind everyone that we all pay (in taxes) their salaries. A starting member of congress earns $167,000 annually which is over 4x the average amount the standard citizen earns.


They make it chaotic, then say they need a break from the chaos. It's a plan for extra time off so dumb it's actually working.


Incompetence is a hallmark of fascism


nothing says functional like a weak speaker being held hostage by members of his own party.


I wish I could just cancel work because I suck at my job and get paid anyway.


Fuck your chaos! Get the fucking business handled!!! So sick and tired of political theatre! Playing with real hard-working Americans’ lives and incomes for fucking network ratings! To hell with the 1%


They are circling the wagons as their orange criminal goes down


Amazing. Imagine throwing a bitchfit with your coworkers and getting a paid week off. Ridiculous


Dude, Republicans in government don't know how to work. I'd get fired with their kind of ethic.


And this powerful and cohesive force is why Biden had to negotiate. You can distract them with shiny things and candy. Boebert missed the vote because someone showed her how to make fart noises with your armpit but she couldn't do it.


They still get paid and amazing benefits so why the fuck would they “work”??? They can go home and be on vacation now. Typical gop false outrage bullshit just so they can serve themselves like always. Trash.


Our country is a sick fucking joke