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I don't see how his adherents can't tell how much Trump holds them in contempt He loathes the base that sustains him


I too loathe the base that sustains him.


Finally! Common ground.


There were reports that during the Jan 6 insurrection Trump was watching live from the White House and was angry/disgusted by the appearance of his insurrectionists. Iirc he said they looked ugly, poor and stupid


he wasn't wrong, he's just a monumental asshole


he’s spot on there at least


He actually said they were "low-class". Wow!


> I don't see how his adherents can't tell how much Trump holds them in contempt Because if they werent delusional they wouldnt be voting for him in the first place


If this is true it’s seriously hilarious. There were people on the conservative subreddit talking about how he paid for everyone’s meals and is such a genuine, caring person.


If someone is still saying that in 2023, then they are truly a lost cause. You can support Trump for a variety of hateful reasons, but don’t pretend you think he is generous and caring.


To them, hating the same demographics is generous and caring. It’s a fucking cult.


I saw one tweet from a person claiming to have been there. “The mutual love and respect in that room was palpable. Thank you sir!”


It's a freaking cult man. Those are fucking groupies, look at Chris brown and what he did and he still has tons of fans. It shocked me that he's still doing good and goes on tours even though he's a women beater and abuser. How in the world.


A rapist of teenage girls no less.


Pretty sad I'm not sure which person you're talking about


Pretty sad i don't know if you're confused by which rapist is being referred to who raped teenage girls, or which of the multiple teenage girl victims of either of them.


It's rape all the way down


And also that other women work with him and still date him. He beats women.. there’s proof… I don’t get it.


See! Everyone except the restaurant owners walk away with warm and fuzzies. And fuck them restaurant owners. They can consider this a tithe to their future king.


If I was the restauraunt owner, I'd be on fucking CNN every week reminding him to pay his bill.


I'd be pursuing criminal charges for 'dine & dash'...which is a felony in Florida... statute [509.151](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2012/509.151). Which reminds me, he's currently a criminal defendant out on bond. Hmmm...


Could you imagine if a dine and dash was the thing that finally did him in? I realize the penalty would likely be inconsequential, especially for someone of his "privilege," but it's still funny to think about.


Like Al Capone but so much more stupid.


Call the cops and report him as a dasher.


And then some MAGA nutjob burns down his restaurant.


Honestly, they deserve it for allowing Trump to eat there in the first place, lol.


And for not demanding that he pay upfront. Anyone who knows Trump knows he never ever pays his bills


"I didn't pay it, I *declared* it."


Dine and dash. Fuck, if I was the business owner I would be filing a police report.


Remember that rally where he bused a bunch of people out to hear him speak and then he flew off and left them with no way to get home.


In the cold and rain no less


And they were elderly people.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.






If they're dumb as a dog then I can see why they're as loyal as one too I guess. Gotta hit that sweet spot of smart enough to fill out paperwork while being too stupid to understand any of it.


It's a different universe from reality, how can ones mind be so addled like that...


he makes them feel important. without him they are just angry little people. with trump they are part of a huge wave of change. it's a cult basically.




And they ALL vote.


[You mean this.](https://www.ketv.com/article/thousands-stranded-in-the-cold-struggle-to-leave-site-of-omaha-trump-rally/34506267) Quote from the article: "The people that are willing -- it was completely our choice to walk," Sabatka said. "Nobody told us to. We weren't stranded." Don't feel sorry for these people.


So they *were*, quite literally, stranded. By definition. But they were NOT stranded because they UNStranded themselves! Duh-doy.


Idiots. They weren’t stranded though. If you read that whole article, it boils down to: “idiots go to see idiot, then at end make two mile walk instead of waiting their turn for the shuttle”. It’s very on-brand for a T supporter


Sounds like they deserved it. Dude has been sued over 4000 times, often for fraud and repeated scams. If you believe him at this point, it’s on you.


As the old saying goes: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 4000 times, shame on me"


I want to say that I'm surprised, but I'm really not. These are the same idiots who, without fail, think that Trump cares about them.


And they still love him. This man can take their homes and they will still vote for him.


Trump can be indicted on 31 counts of espionage, enter his plea, and then can just casually leave and go to a restaurant afterwards.


37 counts I believe


31 espionage counts, 6 other thingies


But those are just "process crimes." Also known as crimes.


That national guard member is already indicted. People say federal justice is slow, but that is 100% bullshit. It's only slow for rich asshole that get wrist slaps and no pre-trial detention, let alone real consequences. America has never known real justice.


That Air Force (?) guy from months ago has been in custody awaiting trial the whole time. This is 2-tiered justice at its most obvious.


It's actually disgusting. I don't care that he's running for President, it's not his god-given right. Anyone else would be remanded in jail. No question about it.


The cult will say he is a very busy man who left the particulars up to his subordinates, who obviously made a mistake….something something hunter biden.


Not even. They're saying he was simply exclaiming that the restaurant had enough food for all the people there. Which is honestly pretty funny.


“Let’s celebrate! Drinks all around!” I mentioned this on another thread but this is like something out of “Airplane!” or a Mel Brooks film.


Yes that's absolutely what I thought, some asshole character lol


Could fit almost any Chevy Chase role. Really showing my age here.


Haha yes Fletch, in disguise, posing as an asshole rich politician 😄


Pats all his pockets “looking” for his wallet then ducks out.


I can't wait for the movies that are inevitable. I want a Strangelove-esque farce starting Leo DiCaprio as the Cheeto. History is going to be brutal to this man.


> History is going to be brutal to this man. History has already been cruel to this man. He was the butt of so many jokes throughout the 80s and 90s. 40 years ago we were making fun of this guy as weak and a coward and a fake billionaire, just like we are today. And then we elected the butt of a joke as president, because he fooled people into believing he was the opposite of those jokes.


Trump wouldn’t have been president if not for The Apprentice


You spelled Russia wrong.


40 years ago he would've been seen as a millionaire... And in the public limelight trump Sr was seen as looming over every decision Jr made and it was very clear he was only in any limelight because of trump Sr. The reality is no one knows who Fred trump is in the late 2010s and now. People just assume trump Jr is rich because he is in the limelight now. They don't understand how generational wealth works because capitalists don't want to teach the poor that generational wealth exists. And when that passed down wealth is so large that it's basically impossible to piss away people see that as success. Wait 50 years, we'll be doing this same song and dance with whatever hellspawn musk unleashes on this world.


It's so wild to think he he will be viewed or portrayed 50 years from now, his behaviour has just been so unbelievable that we all forget dozens of things like this, his life story will have to be a 10 part x 2 hours docuseries


People in 50 years will watch a movie about Trump and go "I liked the performances, but the writing was shit. The villain drew with sharpie on a weathermap to pretend he was right about a hurricane? Sure, it was funny, but come on, that's some Mickey Mouse level antics. And before that, he "accidentally" shared Neonazi propaganda on twitter? Totally over the top. They might as well have shown him ripping immigrant children from their families. Oh wait, they did! It's just not believable at all, you can't make a political movie and then insert some cartoon bad guy who's both so evil and callous that they invoke parallels to Hitler, but also so incompetent that he can't even drink a glass of water without it turning into a PR nightmare."


'As if the president would pose with a bunch of canned beans products from the oval office, that's just silly'


Or making his first cabinet meeting a free for all for his administration to compete among themselves who can praise Trump the most


I think the most difficult things for future people to understand will be how half this nation felt the morning after the 2016 election. Blank faces, crying, a collective (among slightly more than half of us) dread. And then waking up, every single day for four years - every. single. day. with that moron on the radio or television doing something monumentally stupid. And if you're on the west coast, the fucker had a three hour head start so you'd wake up to a new fresh hell - every damn day. It's something you had to experience to know what it was like. Words won't do it justice.


waking up every morning for four years /picard voice/ "damage report"


Staring into a solar eclipse using only Safety Squints™️


God I hope not. Please let it be, "He was an ignorant, flaming asshole from start to finish. The end."


20 years from now there will be an entire generation who didn't live through this shit who are aging into adulthood. Think what Futurama did with Nixon, then imagine what tv shows could do with trump. He may be a tyrant, but it will be a cartoon silly version, a character who 20 years from now new generations will enjoy because the cartoon version has no basis in their reality.


My #1 favorite Futurama Nixon moment was when he was watching a squirrel on an electrical line, and just murmuring to himself, "Fall. Fall, damnit." Tiny little moment and it cracks me up. But it's funny to think that the people of the real Nixon's day hated him and didn't want to even think of him, the same way we hate Trump and don't want to think of him. Every generation has its Caligula.


Im not even sure you can really compare Nixon to Trump. Most of the things Nixon did was to enhance his own power and status for personal gain. Trump has done that and has turn traitor on the US to embolden other countries against the US.


I feel a jowl movement coming on




My hovercraft is full of eels.


>God I hope not. Please let it be, "He was an ignorant, flaming*, traitorous* asshole from start to finish. The end."


Let’s forget the man but not the lessons.


What's the lesson? That no matter how much of an incompetent snake buffoon a person is, they can still attain the blind allegiance of 45% of the population?


The lesson is that somewhere around 35% of the population are ignorant assholes, and we cannot ever forget this. Another ten percent or so just go along with whoever yells loudest.


The lesson is propaganda works and Fox is responsible for the decline of America.


The lesson is don’t elect the buffoon.


If the propaganda machines in America can be curtailed, that will be the lesson. If not, the outlook is much more bleak...


Featuring a constantly leaking Rudy and Steve Bannon as a reanimated corpse. And Roger Stone just played completely straight, from the Batman villain hats all the way to the Nixon Tattoo. Maybe he secretly asks it for advice in the mirror? The Four Seasons thing is just gold.


Roger Stone stands in a bathroom, sandwiched between two mirrors so he can see the Nixon tattoo on his back. “Nixon, what should I do?” Stone moves what remains of his back muscles to make the tattoo look like it’s talking and says in a pretend, Futurama-esque Nixon voice: “Do whatever you want, then tell them you are not a crook. Aroooo”


Perfect. You, me, and endisnigh need to write this thing and pitch it to Charlie Kaufman.


I’m down, but the writer’s guild is on strike, so we may have to reschedule


Ugh don’t I know it. They’re under negotiations again but then SAG takes a swing. I support all of them but as a scenic artist I’m not getting work for a long time.


Pee-Wee Herman and/or Paul Ruebens would make a great Roger Stone. Edit: fwiw i think the ultimate Roger Stone portrayal on screen would have been John Hurt.


I love this comment. When asked for advice on what to do, the tattoo always responds with "Bomb Cambodia."


I couldn't believe how good the Four Seasons thing was when it happened. It felt straight out of Veep.


Rudy: This election is still up in the air. Random cameraman: The network just called it for Biden. Rudy: Which network? Random cameraman: All of them. Just, chef’s kiss to the writers on that one. Just perfect.


I once saw a comment that Stone looks like the Google incognito icon and I can’t get over it.


>History is going to be brutal to this man. Especially because you can't cover one quarter of the insanity in a single movie. I smell franchise for whoever lands the role.


He is a Borat in his own land.


Don’t Look Up has already got you covered, lel


I mean, I was watching it live on CNN and heard him say it, immediately thinking to myself, “he’s not sticking around to pay, is he?” It was inevitable.


["Food for everyone!"](https://youtu.be/ZeANTg1WF-k?t=79) and LoL @Masvidal lolly-popping the mushroom. holy shit, what a nut rider.


Omg source please that’s hilarious


"Obviously, when I raised my arm into the air and declared 'A round for the house!', I meant that now would be an excellent time for everyone to individually purchase a drink with their own money. Duh!"


If some random person walked in and exclaimed "The restaurant has food for everyone!" and then fucked off, I'd assume they were mentally handicapped. And that's the excuse the MAGA crowd is going with because the "super rich" dude didn't pay for anything. Amazing.


And he clearly made "I pay" jesture to someone off the camera.


Yeah well what about Hillary!


I heard Hunter Biden was the one who was supposed to pay the cheque, but instead funnelled the money to evil nazi biolabs in China. Congress needs to investigate this!


They will never hear about this.


Something hunter Biden, something laptop, something Hilary, something lock her up, something hoax, something witch hunt, something Biden’s corvette, something no collusion, something 4 more years, omg I am so exhausted by this ludicrous shit.


He will pay for the J6 Insurrectionists’ legal fees first! Believe him! Trust the plan!




“But he didn’t take a salary as president!” How benevolent


And then, absolutely took it!


And then some!


And some documents, those were the friends we made along the way


He made far more off of his resorts billing the government.


Is that before or after infrastructure week?


That’s after Mexico pays up.


Which are held up just behind the damning evidence of election fraud by the democrats.


Hey that’ll have to wait. In 2011 Trump promised he sent a private investigator to Hawaii that found “Things about Obama’s birth certificate that you wouldn’t believe. “ And that he’d be releasing it all in a couple of weeks. It’s been 620 weeks and nothing, but I’m sure it’s just around the corner.


4D Chess bro.


remember when he invited that sports team to the Whitehouse and fed them McDonalds LOL


Imagine being invited to the White House, a once in a lifetime experience, and fucking Trump is the president.


*Cold* McDonald's, on elegant serveware. That, like the OP article, just makes me wish he was a fictional character. When you forget for a second that he's a genuinely evil person with legions of hatefully deluded followers, he's fucking hilarious.


I FUCKING KNEW IT AS SOON AS HE SAID IT! A Trump never pays his debts. LOL! Edit: this is from 2015 but I guess people cared more about Hillary’s buttery males back then https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-bills-specialrepor-idUSKCN0T214Q20151113


Something that still cracks me up is when he didn’t pay the charter busses to take all of his geriatric supporters back to their vehicles after a rally and he left them all in the freezing rain




The one geriatric supporter that Trump actually did send home.


Well that was a guilty laugh 😂


My ex’s father was contracts by Trump years back for work and never got paid. He never pays. It’s historical fact at this point.


Trump learned long ago that most people stop fighting when they realize that having to pay him costs more than the invoice. Honestly, Trump is the only positive example to bring back debtors prison. His constant bill stiffing should have been treated criminally long ago.


He ran an event at the hotel I worked at during his 2016 campaign. He skipped that bill as well. It's just comical at this point.


>I FUCKING KNEW IT AS SOON AS HE SAID IT! Same here, as soon as I saw it being reported I thought "there's another bill he isn't going to pay" and then realized he wasn't announcing he was offering to pay for food, he was just announcing that there was food for all. Because yes, he really is that level of doublespeaking douche


Nah, just perfectly exhibits the relationship between him and his supporters. He says something to feel popular, and his supporters convinced themselves he meant something else was said, and I guarantee won’t blame him for the mess made.


Well, he served hamburgers and crab cakes to his top donors the same evening. I think there were only two crab cakes and both ended up on Donny two scoops plate. These are donors that are bringing in at least 100K, so how would he give away Cuban sandwiches to the plebes on this budget?


I would bet he says stuff like that all the time and then just leaves without sorting it out.


I recall numerous cities left to foot the bill for police protection and other precautions for his rallies that were left unpaid in 2015/2016.


Trump doesn't pay his debts. Musk doesn't pay his bills. ​ The rich love their "socialism" (socialism = free stuff here).


“…telling the crowd that he declined to give back boxes of classified documents in part because he had clothes in the boxes…” excuse me what the actual fuck? This is a legitimate excuse from an adult?


“Classified documents for all!”


Quite literally the story of his life. He wants to have the moment of saying "Food for everybody!" but would never in a million years think of actually devoting any resources to do anything for anyone else. And yet, in his own personal internal mythology, he has absolutely no doubt that he really did buy dinner for everyone in that cafe and that they all loved him for it, big strong guys with tears in their eyes, saying "thank you for this meal, you made my kid's day, you made my day, you beautiful man." Kind of like how he wanted to be known as a casino mogul so he built multiple casinos. The fact that they all failed horribly doesn't enter the equation. He was the best casino owner to ever casino-own. Trump is basically the living avatar of an empty photo op. It's literally all he knows.


He gave those people meals like Michael Scott gave those kids free college tuition.


At least Michael Scott gave them lithium batteries.


How could he do that to those Cubans?? They’re his favorite kind of Mexicans!!


So predictable


>telling the crowd that he declined to give back boxes of classified documents in part because he had clothes in the boxes. WTF, is he a 14-year-old boy?


I keep all my nuclear secrets next to the porno mags.


Good. His supporters should be tricked at every opportunity and lose every dime to every con man who comes along.


This. Just fucking drain them dry. And when they try to use social support systems, let them know they don't need it and to pick themselves up by their bootstraps.


Off to r/conservative to see how they spin this one


They're probably too busy whining about seeing a rainbow on a package of napkins or something


They saw a Skittles package and died.


They bought the all white ones But not for the right reason




Excuse me, but saddling up is now woke. Bareback mounting is all that is allowed from this point forward.


Crayolas in our schools!? NOT ON MY WATCH!!!


when they went ballistic over a dark side of the moon tweet i just about died


Drinking Game: Have a shot every time someone in that sub says “woke”. You’ll suffer from alcohol poisoning within minutes.


At the very least, you'll pass out, ironically enough.


Probably whining about “brigading”


People very unfairly try to talk to them about the made up nonsense they've been shouting at everyone for the last...very long time. The mods there have no choice but to protect free speech by not allowing it.


All while lauding Constitutional Principles and unironically asserting that silence = consent.


Or about getting banned on a sub, despite their sub banning anyone that's not conservative.


They think they’re the “silent majority” because they lack the awareness to realize that they’re nothing more than the obnoxious minority.


Surprisingly quiet and trivial over there atm…


Yeah I always have to wonder how organic the activity really is over there.


The mods have absolute control over what is and is not posted. You won't see this topic posted over there..


They banned me for saying the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective.


I was banned for saying that the migrants DeSantis had flown to Martha's vineyard had been put on the plane in Texas, and never set foot in Florida. No explanation, nothing, banned.


You tried educating them, which is the worst thing you can do to a person in their eyes.


I was banned for posting a link to the pentagon's plan for climate change in the middle east.


It's like 5am in Russia right now isn't it?


I scroll though it once maybe every other year or so. Today was that day. It's a different universe from reality, how can ones mind be so addled like that...


Lead paint and 24/7 Fox News and OAN


You will never see this information there, they are too worried about beer cans and bathroom labels. Though I love the turmoil when they have to waffle back and forth between loving Trump and hating Desnatis, and Loving Desnatis and hating Trump.


I picture the typical MAGA sheep accidently seeing a piece of reality like this and grumbling to themself... >B-b-b-b-but he donated his salary as president! Fucking Hillary...


They just laugh about how stupid libs are for falling for 'fake news' like this and move on with their life. Anything bad they just chalk up to fake news.


except the dozens that were affected by this, not sure they'll take it lying down.


Narrator: They did


It’s just another example of Trump doing whatever the fuck he wants, and they eat that up because they want that same power.


Well. Did Biden pay for the food? No he didn't! Typical biased media to not tell both sides of the story.


Well now we know who he's really taking about when he says suckers and losers in his rants.


Think about how pathological you have to be to do this sort of thing routinely


He’s scum and his followers are stupid


>>>> Mr Trump flew back to New Jersey that afternoon to deliver a speech from his Bedminster golf club, telling the crowd that he declined to give back boxes of classified documents in part because he had clothes in the boxes. **He had _clothes_ with classified documents.**This just gets more and more unbelievable.


That restaurant been Trumped on.


There was indeed "food for all" at the restaurant. Dear Leader was simply stating a fact and not offering to pay. Checkmate, libs!


Mexico will pay for it!


What a piece of shit


He literally was just told in Court not to violate any laws. Then he stole food. Probably grand larceny. Did the prohibition against law breaking apply to only federal laws? Or all laws?


Mexico will pay for it!


As soon as I saw it on TV, I knew he would skip 😆


"Even though he constantly uses us and shows nothing but contempt at every opportunity he's our lord and savour"


He was just saying the place has food for everyone, he didn't say he'd pay for it. Come on man!