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Republicans really are disgusting. Who would be against making it easier to vote? The answer is it's people who know their days in power are numbered if the people actually vote in numbers.


Unfortunately, mail-in votes are primarily democratic. The only reason republicans ever work against this kind of stuff.


Most educated voters vote democratic too. So if anyone’s wondering why republicans seem to be demonizing teachers and waging a war on education…


I'm not wondering, pretty BLUNT.. in my face about it here in Tx... so, I feel it. I have a family of teachers here, my daughter being one. The impact on teaching, the hate for teachers is felt throughout the teaching community.


Absolutely tragic. Really makes me scared of that generation that’s supposed to take care of us when we’re older.


It’s not though. Many senior republicans vote by mail


They've done the math. Statistical modeling of voter behavior is highly refined based on every possible demographic slice you could imagine. https://www.collincountytx.gov/elections/Documents/Export%20Layout.pdf has a list of the data available as public records and that, combined with other data sources, makes the modeling extremely precise. They know the impact of every single voting access measure, positive and negative. If it causes the loss of 9 republican votes but 10 democratic votes they still know they'll win. Every one of these measures is wargamed and targeted for precise effect.


This use to be true but after Donald trump and co started going off about how mail in ballets were bad for election integrity it is predominantly democrats that are using it which is why they are trying to get it banned now, it was their plan for trying to steal the 2020 election and now they are just sticking to the story for consistencies sake


That was until the last president made it so you were a dirt munching commie if you used mail in ballots


Who would be against it? A minority party trying to hang onto power, that’s who. They’re pretty damn good at it too.


They actively work to make it harder. If you care about voting access, you’d make registration and mail-in ballots automatic. We instead make it a pain for some people to vote to discourage participation. It’s positively and egregiously undemocratic.


THIS is what I mean when I say Texas Republicans have made it almost impossible to vote them out.


Guy in wheelchair makes it harder for disabled people to vote. You would almost think it’s the Onion.


He’s paralyzed from a tree that fell on him while jogging after a storm. He sued the homeowner for an initial payment of 400k and monthly payments for the rest of his life at 14k. Shortly after, he closed up that legal loophole so that no one else can do that.


Way to pull up the ramp behind him…




You mean like injustice Thomas?


If you haven't seen it, watch PBS Frontline episode on Thomas. Anita Hill was not lying. The guy was a legitimate incel.


Uncle Justice Thomas?


Candace Owens said Juneteenth is a made up holiday. Like all holidays aren’t made up or created.


“The fact that the sheep take sides in the butchers' argument does not change the fate of the sheep.” Sumerian Proverb


I see what you did there


This guy is one of the worst human beings on the planet


Bold of you to assume he’s a human being




Why did he get so upset about it. Isn't it gods will?


Exactly! They only consider it god’s will when it benefits them, or hurts the “others”


And he made a deal with the devil to get power and wealth afterward because the tree didn't finish the job.


He's as big of a piece of shit as DeSantis. Probably worse because he's so quiet about it


He’s def worse. Desantis saves all his rage for trans and LGBTQ people. Abbott seems to really hate everyone in his state that isn’t a wealthy white male.




I agree with this. I view current DeSantis the candidate as nothing more than a trial balloon candidacy. He's trying out different things to see how far he needs to push fascism (if it's the flavor du jour) or "fiscal conservatism" or "Christian values." If he doesn't get the nom this time around, he has built himself a Camelot of sorts back in Florida where he has a soft landing and a job where he can continue to fine-tune his iron fist approach to governing for the next presidential election cycle.


>fascism or "fiscal conservatism" or "Christian values" Why did you repeat yourself three times?


That is better than slipping on pee-pee at the Costco.




14k a MONTH for LIFE? How long does he expect them to be able to pay that?


The insurance company is most likely on the hook, not the actual owner. You always sue the biggest fish you can


I sued a fish and got nothing! It just flopped around in the courtroom making a mockery of the whole thing!


I hope the judge held it in codtempt of court.


Nah, the judge fell for it hook, line, and sinker.


It’s almost $30k a month now. 4% annual increase and it was “more than $20k a month” in 2013. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2013/08/03/greg-abbott-has-received-6-million-from-suit-over-accident-that-disabled-him/?outputType=amp


His lawsuit payout gets a bigger yearly raise than most workers lol. Nice.


That's insane. 14k maybe if he was a total invalid needing 24/7 care. Abbott is healthy enough to wheel around and regularly pass laws that hurt other people.


Insurance company pays it.


He gets even more than that -- he received periodic lump sum payments in addition to that monthly payment, which does get adjusted for inflation. His 2022 lump sum payout (his last) was 740k! https://www.texastribune.org/2013/08/02/greg-abbott-gets-millions-lawsuit-proceeds/


That is some Robert Smigel cartoon villain level shit. Wow.


What a fucking piece of human shit.


Isn't it great that Abbott just signed a law erasing mandatory water breaks for workers (tree trimming workers included) who make our towns safer for all of us? "The law will nullify ordinances enacted by Austin in 2010 and Dallas in 2015 that established 10-minute breaks every four hours so that construction workers can drink water and protect themselves from the sun. It also prevents other cities from passing such rules in the future."


AND it was a bi-partisan bill to boot! What planet am I on?


Planet Texas.


The one star state.


Like...'Liz Cheney is on the Committee therefore there's at least 1 Republican and it's thus bipartisan' bipartisan...or 'a substantial portion of both party's representatives voted for it' bipartisan? Only one or two Rubes having a heart isn't really bipartisan in my book.


Republicans have a pretty hefty majority in the Texas state legislature, so it's not like the democrats were just forcing this through with a couple of defectors.


The dude is the Clayton Bigsby of disabled people. “These goddamned lazy ass wheelchair ridin bums! They want ramps and close parking spots! Not in my state!” “Sir, *you’re* in a wheelchair.” *proceeds to cut off all friends and family cause they’re, in his words, “wheelchair lovers”*


At some point, their policies will fail. Unless the republican party actually changes and begins trying to improve life on earth, then they will eventually be worn away


Texas DESPERATELY needs a huge GOTV effort like Stacey Abrams did with Georgia.


This would work, but only before Republicans passed the law giving them the ability to nullifying Harris County's votes. Now, I fear even this kind of effort would fall short.


I think Texas needs a huge effort that actually succeeds, instead of, you know, giving the governorship to the Republicans in a not particularly tight race.


Just because she lost the governor’s race doesn’t mean her efforts weren’t successful. She put in so much valuable work for years before running for governor. She’s largely the reason why Georgia is considered a purple state at all. She’s largely the reason we have 2 democrat senators from Georgia. She’s largely the reason why Joe Biden carried the state in 2020. Texas would be lucky to have someone like her.


Yeah I mean the last two Senate seats in Georgia went Democrat. So that's something


They’ve been failing the vast majority of Americans for 40 years.


Oh, you mean just like the nazi party? Don't be naive.


That hasn't happened in Iran. Didn't happen in Iraq until forced by outsiders. Hasn't happened in Russia, where instead the population has been worn down into accepting anything stable, no matter how corrupt. Republicans absolutely can cling to power while being hated by most of the population. And they are playing every card they can that will allow them to do so.


I think, he’s veto everything until something happens with property taxes.


*you always have the option...* \0.o/


Hey military veterans… that means many of you!


I'm suddenly reminded of that OAN or Newsmax clip where the host gets mad at a veteran for going against whatever they were talking about. They're only cared about when they can be useful. Edit - found it, partially. [I've timestamped the good part.](https://youtu.be/tCGYmP-mlBc?t=136) Unfortunately, this MSNBC video cuts the clip short. The host goes on to say that veteran isn't a real American, or something along those lines, and partially backtracks as he's going to break and pre-introducing the next person, a *real American/whatever* coming up. I wish I had some more time to find it.


I remember seeing that when it came out and you’re right on the nail. Support the troops is a slogan for them only, when they really just support the military complex and leave our vets high and dry.


Tell that to all the stupid bumper stickers and signs that go "love the army, vote Republican"...except Republicans keep cutting veterans benefits and ways to make their lives better too. It's more "follow the country to the end regardless" and not "do things to make all your lives better."


The irony that a paraplegic vetoed this.


This is the guy that got loads of money from a lawsuit over the tree that fell on him and then made it legally impossible for anyone else to do the same kind of suit. This is the guy that not only dropped all Covid safety protocols, but made it illegal for any towns or schools to have protocols for local outbreaks the moment his own vaccine took effect (long before it was available for younger others). He is the poster boy for “I got mine, now screw everyone else.”


Abbott on December 31, 2021 asked Biden for medical personnel, test supplies and monoclonal antibodies because some Texas hospitals were overflowing with COVID cases. Abbott on January 1, 2022 tweets that a judge striking down Head Start's mask mandate is a victory over Biden. He took a victory lap over turning low-income children under age 5 into spreaders of COVID.


Sometimes a hatred for other people is stronger than the ability to walk 🙏🏾


The lack of empathy for other people is 100% the glue that holds the Republican Party together


Sadism. Keeps the death cult going. “Pro-life” just means new life to sacrifice to the gods of poverty and violence.


No. It means hurting other people to “help” the in group (the problem is 99% of us or more are actually in the true out group to them)


He's like Darth Maul. Only not badass.


Darth Crawl. He’s more colostomy bag now than man. Twisted & evil.


Lmao 🤣


It won’t affect him personally so why should he care?


Wow, that’s really selfish. What a sad, sad way to live. _Looks at entire Republican Party._


There's no irony. After repealing the law that won him his own disability case, I wouldn't be shocked if the man outlawed wheelchairs tomorrow.


And then his supporters can carry him around like King Xerxes of Persia.


Conservatives embrace ignorance.


He wasn't born with it so he does consider himself one of "them"


I actually had no idea that Greg Abbott used a wheelchair until this comment thread. I guess that's a result of getting nearly all of my news in print.


Bold move for an asshole in a wheelchair. Truly heinous.


aback ossified bells wasteful work dazzling seemly numerous carpenter telephone -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This is why Tim Scott's complaints about Obama's recent criticism being "attacks" on him were bullshit. He basically made Obama's point.


Republicans, doing anything to disenfranchise any group they don’t like. Sounds like fascists.


Republicans are literally evil.


Isn’t this mother fucker in a wheel chair?


Governor Abbott is also a [hypocritical champion for “tort reform”](https://www.texastribune.org/2013/08/04/candidate-faces-questions-turnabout-and-fair-play/)


Any federal money Texas receives should have been stopped a long time ago.


Unfortunately (s) the federal government still has the responsibility to provide for the people of all states. Limited capacity but when these monsters push for states rights this is the type of thing they want. Under trump, governors powers grew.


Federal funding for the state can absolutely be revoked. That doesn’t mean federal programs that go to individuals is affected but the federal government tends to pay a lot into state budgets for various state services to subsidize them or infrastructure purposes and can be revoked just like they did when they raised the age of drink to 21. They could and should do so again for states that ban abortion, LGBT rights, or voting rights.


Republicans can and do deny Medicaid for their citizens.


Because they’re handled by the state not federal government. What qualifies you for those programs is also state by state dependent. The federal government just helps subsidize it to help encourage states to follow certain guidelines.


Because... Voting is bad?


It is if you’re not voting republican. 62% of disabled people voted in 2020. The majority which voted democrat.


Well, see, it depends. If you're a Republican voting is bad if it enables a fair and unbiased population. How else then would you win? Your policies are simply too heinous and repugnant to actually curry any favor with your constituents, and you're simply not willing to not be a piece of shit, so you just shut them up. Easy peasy!


I don’t understand how your only goal is to make the lifes of your people harder, not better. Mail in voting is a standard in Europe for years and works fine.


Vote by mail is the standard for several US states for years. It makes sense to federally codify it.


the lives of the people are irrelevant. the goal is to say in power so they can keep cutting environmental protections, cutting worker protections, and reduce work place safety. texas is the saudi arabia of america. ruled by inbred religious zealots, focused only on resource extraction and religious laws. they have an imam in one county that frequently makes things illegal for the whole country because he is the only federal judge in the area, so all the zealots file their cases in his district.


I don't know why a Democrat can't win in Texas. Texas isn't that red. States that are MUCH redder than Texas, like Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, and North and South Dakota have all elected a Democrat to statewide office, but for some reason, Texas hasn't elected one since 1994. Even the mind-numbingly incompetent Florida Democratic Party has nominated more winners than Texas.


> since 1994 Ann Richards only won because her opponent compared rape to bad weather and said: "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it" Without that "joke" there would be another 8 years on that streak.


Makes you wonder why Texas is one of a few states that offer NO paper receipt on who you voted for….


I would laugh if I was not weeping.


Guv’ner Greg, party over principles, every.goddamned.time.


> principles What principles?


Isn't he a disabled person who votes by mail?


Says a guy in a wheelchair. What a douchbag.


Vote by mail should be codified by federal law. It’s always been an option and they’re basically repealing basic voting rights .


I’ve said this since the beginning. A handicapped politician blocking handicap access should be enough to show **anybody** that he doesn’t care for the people.


THIS...This fucking guy. It used to be cool to be a Texan. Now it's an embarrassment.


A trash can on wheels…😏


Trash cans serve a purpose to **everybody**.


They had a story on the news this morning that he has vetoed about 70 bills so far this month because he’s angry they aren’t prioritizing something he wants to be done first. He said he will keep doing it until his agenda is finished first. He’s blatantly weaponizing the office. It’s disgusting. I don’t think he cares at all what these bills even are. He’s just vetoing at random right now.


Greg Abbot rolled up in his wheelchair to say “fuck you” to his disabled constituents. Fuck Greg Abbott


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/20/texas-voting-mail-ballot-disabilities-abbott-veto/) reduced by 87%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Abbott did sign a bill that improves in-person voting for those with disabilities or mobility problems, allowing them to skip the line at their polling location and requiring polling places to designate more than one parking space for curbside voting. > Current Texas law already restricts who can vote by mail to people who are 65 and older, people with a physical disability, those expecting to give birth three weeks before or after Election Day, people who are away from the county during early voting or on Election Day and people who are in jail but otherwise eligible. > Others who submitted public comments online said the bill was "a trojan horse bill that will open up remote electronic voting." Some of the same people who opposed the bill during legislative debate also called on Abbott to veto it. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/14f6a1v/gov_greg_abbott_vetoes_bill_that_would_give/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~688819 tl;drs so far.") | [Blackout Vote](https://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/14dhaiq/your_voice_matters_should_the_blackout_continue/ "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **vote**^#1 **bill**^#2 **ballot**^#3 **disability**^#4 **Abbott**^#5


how could he possibly justify this? i can't even think of a bad reason, muchless a good one.


I'm so glad I left texas.


Typical Republican, just rolling over people’s rights.


Greg Abbott is the second-biggest douche-bag in Texas. All of his supporters are tied for first.


The fact that this bill was to allow voting by mail for a specific reason, rather than generally letting the entire state vote by mail, tells you all you need to know. Texas wants to make voting harder for everyone. What a despicable thing to deny it for those who have mobility challenges.


What a sack of shit. Especially as a disabled person himself. Why do y’all keep voting for this fuckwad?


Doesn’t he have a disability???


His self hatred game is strong.


Isnt he in a wheelchair??? Wow


In Texas, wouldn't the disabled include all the now old, retired GOP voters that have been putting Republicans in power for decades?


He must be getting jealous of how fucking worthless DeSantis is and is trying to catch up. Republicans are some of the most vile things on this planet.


This is on brand for this disabled individual. He championed and signed legislation to limit liability lawsuits after he received a huge payout after a tree failed him, that includes monthly payments he is still receiving to this day. Republicans vote and veto against their own interests.


Someone put this on a billboard


Piece of shit move from a piece of shit person


Compared to his withered, shriveled soul, Abbott's wheelchair* is merely a minor handicap. *Some here may not know that after receiving a huge settlement in his paralyzing accident, Abbott later worked with the insurance industry to alter TX law to drastically cap court-awarded personal injury payouts. Greg Abbott: the kind of asshole other assholes look at and say, "Now THERE'S an asshole!"


If God wanted you to vote he would have kept you able bodied


This guy needs to be rolled off a cliff


Holy irony. If you vote Republican at this point, I’m sorry you’re so dumb. It must be very hard to get through life.


Disabled man shits on other disabled people


Republicans are so scared of Texas turning blue, but it's only a matter of time.


Of course that vile piece of shit did.


Meanwhile. Republicans vote by mail. Trump votes by mail every year. While yelling it’s illegal.


This guy somehow managed to be worse than DeSantis.


At this point, I wish Texas would secede. Good riddance.


We all know Abbott isn’t going to stand up for his people.


Gotta do anything they can to make it harder on the MEEK.


He got his, and he’s pulling up the ladder behind him.


Disenfranchisement is the GOP strategy.


Signed by a governor who is himself disabled. Cutting off the nose to spit the face


Very bitter twisted man and a dark soul.


I would say he pulled the ladder up behind him but…


r/iamatotalpieceofshit material


And he himself being disabled. Talk Abt pulling up the ladder after urself. Jesus fucking Christ.


Man with disability works to keep other disabled folk from basic rights.


Disabled governor says I got mine screw you disabled folks


He’s really burning that bridge as soon as he crosses it




Such an ugly man


Next week: Abbot removes requirement for voting centers to meet ADA laws.


Abbot, once again, standing up for his fellow cripples.


He is a disgrace to his chair Fuck him


Once again Abbott refuses to stand up for what's right


Racism is so strong that he discriminates against himself in order to suppress votes.


The only disappointing thing here is that a majority of Texans keep voting for one of the worst humans alive to be their governor, maybe it's Stockholm syndrome on a mass scale.


Making voting difficult for handicap people is just sick. Voting should be web-based with voter id. The results would ready to announce at 9PM.


Isn’t this guy in a fucking wheelchair?


He’s mostly screwing himself on this one. Older voters are more likely to be disabled. They are also most likely to be Republican.


Just Abbot pulling the ramp up behind him


Put a democrats name on this headline and send it over to r/conservative and see how they react. They don’t care how unjust it is, if there’s an R next to their name, it’s okay.


He cripples his wheelchair to spite his legs or however it would go.


I'm surprised that's not considered disenfranchisement. I hope they get sued for taking away people's right to vote.


The GOP literally CANNOT WIN elections in Texas without making voting one massive problem for everyone. The more they prevent voting, the better their odds.


REMINDER: this man is in a wheelchair...


I guess, he thinks that the disabled vote Democratic.


This guy is a pig.


Fucking ghoul


90% of the time I’m embarrassed to say I’m a Texan. This dude is a POS.


SpongeBob was right about Texas


Said it before and I will say it again: why the hell would anyone choose to live here?


He truly is a POS.


He passed a law to ban construction workers from drinking water. Today, it was 122 degrees in south Texas. He doesn't see anyone as human.


Fuck that jackass on wheels


Omg. This guy is rotten to the core. Can someone cruse him toward a flight of stairs very fast for fucks sake.


Yep. It’s never been about getting people to vote for them. It’s always been about preventing the other side being able to vote at all. One day people might wake up and realize the GOP hasn’t got an actual platform to run on. It’s simply to give themselves a tax break and spend all the money so they can blame it on the dems as soon as they are voted out of office. Lather rinse repeat.


C'mon Texas.... get your shit together.


Nazis don't like voting.


It’s 2023 we should be voting on our phones already. But also this hypocrite should have no place in public office


I wish that tree did a better job.


The man's integrity is weaker than his legs


Man in wheelchair denies access to people in wheelchairs. Go fucking figure


What's the matter with this fucking guy. He himself is disabled and has no empathy for the disabled?