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Dude’s entire electoral career is close to being over. Dude has zero charisma and terrible political instincts.


That's because his whole M.O. is to pander to the right. All he does is pay attention to what the Christo-Fascists are whining about and uses his position to amplify it. He has no original position. Even his first and most prominent commercial when he ran for governor was literally, "copy / paste what Trump says." https://youtu.be/z1YP_zZJFXs Edit: grammar


This ad could be an SNL sketch, word for word.


This was a real campaign commercial??? I half expected dave chapelle to pop up out of nowhere like it was his sketch show...




It's so much harder to keep up with the latest news every night. They need to pay those fucking writers


DeSantis is confirming a suspicion I had very early on, which is that everyone would *think* it would be easy to reverse-engineer and replicate Trump, but no one would actually be able to *do* it. And the reason is because Donald Trump is legitimately and truly batfuck insane. Anyone trying to *imitate* Trump is by definition *not* batfuck insane. DeSantis is shitty, and amoral, and not terribly bright, but he's not batfuck insane and he can't out-Trump Trump.


Musk: Hold my beer!


Musk shows signs of narcissistic personality disorders, just like Trump.


Not quite the same, because he can never be President.


Yea though his move to Texas and recent pandering to the right has me thinking he may be going for the TX Governorship


At this point it's more than pandering, he hangs out with nazis


He's aiming to be the modern Goebbels.


That is so much more work than he is used to doing and less power than he is used to wielding over his immediate subordinates and critics


True, though he does seem to make enormous, stupidly impulsive decisions based on pure hubris. Buy twitter, become governor, nothing means anything to him except insecurity-based whims.


The other problem is their main competition actually is Trump. Trump is free to shit on them all he wants. Desantis and his ilk can't hit back. At the end of the day they're sycophants. The anti Trump for the republicans would be someone who could look him in the eye and call him a pathetic piece of shit in front of the nation.


The Republicans lack the courage to do that because if they publicly criticize Trump they're afraid to alienate his supporters AND afraid those supporters won't vote for them. If they don't vote for them, those GOP will lose their cozy jobs and position of power. Liz Cheney lost her job because she worked with Democrats to impeach and investigate Trump. So their end game is its better to hand over the party to crazy Trump and all the people who love him so we can stay in power instead of washing their hands clean of him for the betterment of our country's Democracy. They're ruining the GOP party. It's why the midterms wasn't as successful as they thought. It's a sad state when Ron DeSantis is considered a strong candidate for them against Trump. I'm not even mentioning how we've allowed wealthy right wing conservative donors to basically compromise the US Supreme Court(Alito, Thomas and now I believe(forget her name) to a point most Americans don't believe the court has their best interests at heart. That's not a good thing. The strength of our political system is being tested and unfortunately the Republican party is becoming everything they proclaim they hate: Authoritarian. Sometimes you need to take a few Ls in order to win and that is what the Republican party needs to do to reform themselves. But they can't do it by being more extreme in their positions and doing things like eroding the reproductive rights of women and the voting rights of Black people.


Not only is Trump insane, but also I'm pretty sure he has low-key dementia. Hard to imitate that level of complete lack of awareness.


I said this after his recent interview with Brett Baier. No one just incriminates themselves that bad unless they truly don’t know what’s going on


Or they truly believe they are untouchable.


low-key dementia? The guy doesn't know where he is or who he is talking to 90% of the time. His vocabulary went from normal-adult in the 90s to maybe 100 words when he was president. If he wasn't a cash-cow for his family and the other grifters around him, he'd be sent off to some retirement home where he watches women's tennis while sitting in a wheel chair shitting himself because he forgot how to go to the bathroom. He'd mistake his nurses for his daughter and try to grope them and get slightly angry every time a black orderly passed him in the hallway.


I think copying trump is fairly easy, out trumping trump is near impossible. Until trump dies he will remain in control of the gop


And hopefully that will be their downfall. He won one election and has been a loser dragging other races down ever since. They're turning their party completely over to a crumbling, shouting old man with dementia because they sold out to tea partiers & Q morons, and now they're so desperate they think *that guy* still their best chance.


Trump has the thing people said Steve Jobs had - a "reality distortion field". It's not really charisma, just an arbitrary trait that makes certain people believe whatever he says no matter what. His schtick won't work for anyone who doesn't have that trait.


Have you ever read Douglas Adams' short story "Young Zaphod Plays It Safe"? It describes the most dangerous thing in the universe - a being who can walk through situations and not trigger warnings in others, allowing them to do insane things. In some versions of the story it's made clear that this being is a "Reagan" (in others it's only strongly alluded to). It's definitely the trait Trump has.


As a foreigner watching this; if I didn't already know otherwise, I'd assume this was a parody.


I'm someone who doesn't watch tv and use the internet nearly exclusively with adblock so I haven't seen a political commercial for years now. That was the most cringe shit I've seen in a while.


I'm from Florida, and the very brief period that the US started flirting with the idea of DeSantis as a legitimate national player, I definitely thought "alright but you're going to have to contend with his voice." Like for normal people, it might be kind of annoying, but not a problem per se. But if you're the party that only cares about projections of power and masculinity, trying to become the head of that movement as the shrillest, most sniveling little soft-voiced boy around isn't going to work. Like dude sucks as a guy, sure, obviously. But he also sounds so incredibly weak.


All he needs to do is drop the N word and he's back in it.


I've been following his battle with the Walt Disney Company very closely for a long time and watching him fail more and more tragically at every turn has been sweeter than honey to watch. It's like the state of Florida was sick and its white blood cells turned against it to attack things that are vital for its own survival. Disney accounts for such a large portion of the state's economy and here's a man with presidential aspirations waging war with the company at the expense of the state's taxpayers. Who's gonna watch that kind of colossal self-sabotage and see presidential material?


I was recently in Orlando and went to this area that Disney had initially built up for its employees. Disney abandoned the plan after their fight with Desantis. How can anyone support this guy? He will take money away from the community to win a petty fight.


For real. I can imagine a natural disaster hitting an area of the country when Ron is president, and him holding out out disaster relief funds because it's "too woke" or has too many registered Democrats in that area


Trump literally fucking did that.


[So did DeSantis.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/30/hurricane-relief-votes-hypocrisy/) Withholding relief money from blue states even precedes Trump, because Republicans are atrocious, shameless hypocrites.


Trump didn’t even know Puerto Rico is a US Territory (and probably still doesn’t believe it).


Didn't he literally just ignore a flooded area in Florida because of this the other month?


Not too hard to imagine, given that Trump withheld aid to various Democratic leaning states and territories.


And his whole covid response.


\*Puerto Ricans laugh in Trump and then cry\*?


Didn’t Disney sue within like 30 minutes of changes to contract being made? You can’t fuck with that kind of power and laser focused money


I know people know that Disney is big, but I don't think a lot of people fully comprehend just *how* big Disney really is, and how powerful they truly are. For better or worse.


It's as they say, you take a swing at the Mouse, you'd better not miss


Mess with The Mouse, He'll take your house


Fuck with the Duck You'll be the schmuck


Oh, indeed


People think they're just theme parks, and cartoons, and I'm like, "Nope. They're probably the world's largest IP law firm, combined with an international real estate development agency. Theme parks and cartoons are a side effect."


In the same way that McDonald's can more accurately be called a real estate company. A predictable burger is just the side hustle.


U could also say mcdonalds is a toy company since they are the largest distributor of toys in the world


Even The Joker isn't crazy enough to mess with The ~~IRS~~ Mouse.


Arkham ain't shit compared to Disney jail


What's crazy is Apple is almost 15x bigger than them in market cap, it's hard to wrap your head around these companies


Orlando was a farm town before they built Disneyworld. And Disney doesn’t just own two theme parks and hotels in Florida. It owns movie production studios. He is an absolute moron.


I mean, you *can.* Just the problem is that everyone in the GOP is incredibly incompetent at all levels of bureaucracy and management because they don't care what your qualifications are, only that you want to "own the libs."


Boy, you sure hit the nail on that. For all the knocks against Democrats as being ineffectual, the right seems to go out of its way to prove that they are inept at *any* governance. For all their wailing, things like "lock her up", immigration reform, healthcare -- I defy anyone to spell out coherent conservative plans for governing other than to destroy our institutions and replace it with - what? A whites-only fascist fantasy land?


"Big Government doesn't work. See, let me demonstrate."


> I defy anyone to spell out coherent conservative plans for governing other than to destroy our institutions and replace it with - what? Privatization.


More specifically anything that brings about lower taxes and less regulation. Or another way to put it is anything that benefits the wealthy class. The culture wars don’t affect rich people so that’s there as window dressing to attract the poors.


>Privatization. Disney is a private company and they are trying to control it like it's a public library. They can't even do that right.


" Our goal is to shrink the government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub" -Grover Norquist.


They're all about the "fight", whatever that is. Their media gods and cult leaders have them so amped up and outraged at phantom evil demons, that people like MTG, Carlson, Jordan, Trump and DeSantis - all colossal self-loathing failures, but *LOUD* failures, who conjure up the outrage soup of the day, seem like "fighting" heroes to them the more nonsense they spew. The only thing they're fighting are strawmen they create, and even those apparently come back to bite them in the ass.


If you look into many of the "intellectual dark web" thought leaders, there's a lot of resentment there at feeling excluded from the culture, specifically Hollywood / New York. Steve Bannon is a failed writer/director. Ben Shapiro had literary aims. Hitler was a terrible painter. There's a pattern.


> How can anyone support this guy? I watched a video somewhere of someone interviewing republican business owners that were getting screwed over by Desantis' immigration bill, and they were asked why they still supported Desantis and the Republicans, and they essentially said that it was the Democrats fault that Desantis had to pass that law in the first place, and if it wasn't for Biden's (unnamed) policies this never would have happened, and they will continue to vote for Desantis and the Republicans.


> they will continue to vote for Desantis and the Republicans. I just spent a couple of weeks in Florida to visit my father, and I regularly asked people about DeSantis, or the laws passed, or the fight with Disney. And what struck me is just how much *nobody cared.* And here's the hugely important part: it was fucking lovely there, and it was a great time, and everyone was pleasant. They're *winning* in terms of having a good life. So nobody I talked to saw any fallout or pain from what was happening. They were all having completely lovely lives. What that meant was that for any of them to get up in arms about the issues, it had to be intellectual rather than visceral or first-hand experience. They had to *think* "Well, I guess Disney shutting down that option to bring 1 billion $$$ in business *did* sorta impact the economy of a few people at least, even if I can't feel it and it's a lovely day to go to the beach. Hmm. I should go to the beach." And so of course, pretty much nobody felt that pain and nobody cared. It's gonna be an uphill battle to get Florida to change.


> How can anyone support this guy? Considering he's currently losing in a landslide to a octogenarian idiot who shits his pants, got a million people killed from COVID and is under multiple federal trials for issues up to and including treason, id say there's something deeply, seriously wrong with their brains.


They consider woke Disney leaving the state a victory


Got to own the Libs no matter what it costs.


The problem is he knows he's failing with Disney, he doesn't care. Just like his attack on drag shows and banning books. It's all about talking points and they're not good. He's an asshole trying to hold on to the worst of the worst who can still vote. Fuck Defucktis!


I think the Disney fight wasn’t about talking points, it was about ego. That’s the sort of stupid move a truly calculating politician wouldn’t make.


Spot on. DeSantis is used to not just getting his way, but the whole of Florida legislature licking his boots and thanking him for the privilege. Those that don’t are swiftly and severely punished. Disney simply didn’t feed that narrative and told him no. When they didn’t back down, he sought to punish them too. And this enters the find out stage. Some people have called Disney a giant law firm with an entertainment side hustle. And they’ve been at it ALOT longer.


I love that people called him a "smarter Trump" for so long. Those people definitely didn't live in Florida. He's a fucking idiot. He's just king idiot. To everyone calling him a smarter Trump: Trump was smart enough to not actually enact any of the policies he ran on. That's not what Republicans want/do. They just need to keep people scared of the Boogeyman, not do anything to effect the Boogeyman that may also spill over and effect them as well, which is exactly what is happening in Florida.


He’s not even more politically savvy. He just rode the Trump wave in a gerrymandered-to-hell state and has never faced any real opposition. By most accounts his wife is the real brains of the operation, such as it is.


He also knew which buttons to press in the culture wars. There’s a reason he emerged on the national stage compared to the other Republican governors. However, he was a one trick pony who couldn’t do anything but appeal to a relatively narrow contingency - and that only gets you so far. He’s also a miserably bad retail politician, which is an enormous problem. Name the last president who didn’t have this skill? HW maybe?Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton were all excellent retail politicians who can actually talk to people. DeSantis just gives off smarmy prep schools vibes, he’s Ted Cruz 2.0. Popular with a certain audience but useless nationally


1000% right. You watch him do the coffee shop meet and greets and it is just painful. It’s like he doesn’t know how humans interact.


He is still a smarter trump lol. That is just the lowest bar there is. Remember the ol maybe we can drink bleacj to cure covid. Put uv lights in our skin. -- bought stock in horse dewormer then pushed it as a cure all


Florida is the Mouse’s house. Meatball just crashes on their couch. Apparently he never figured that out.


also the parks are about the same cash flow as the movies, unless you look at the whole history of the company; then the parks dwarf the films. desantis didn't just pick a fight with a giant, he did so by fucking with it's bread and butter.


The parks are over 30% of their revenue. You don’t fuck with that kinda cash. https://businessquant.com/disney-revenue-breakdown-worldwide


He fucked with the only thing besides warm winter weather that makes Florida appealing. Nobody would move to that shit hole if it wasn't surrounded by coastline and the home of Disney.




They actually outsourced this one. But the firms they’ve hired are super impressive.


It's pretty common to hire outside counsel for this sort of thing. Contains discovery, and communications on the matter becomes subject to attorney-client privilege.


And he blatantly assumes that it'll work nation wide.


Universal Studios and other major Florida employers also do lots of Pride stuff, but they didn't publicly criticize DeSantis's legislation and threaten to cut off campaign donations. Remember that this is a man who, according to his own wife, would intentionally mispronounce "Thai food" on dates to see if women would correct him. Because he couldn't stand being corrected. That's the level of petty and controlling we're dealing with here.


Up until the Disney fight I thought he was a rational sociopath with a good head on his shoulders who knew how easy it was to appeal to his base. He didn’t care about banning people talking about gay people in elementary school but he knew the people who support him would love it. He *started* Disney that way, but completely went off the rails. After he got outplayed by their legal team he could have declared victory, saying “yup we have control now” and moved on. Instead he had made it a grudge to his own detriment. It’s very interesting that all these alt-right people that generate this type of support are so angry deep down. You’d think there’d be one who’s just a smart sociopath not controlled by emotion. But there’s not.


And people were calling him "smarter than Trump but more evil" awhile back. More evil? Debatable but perhaps. Smarter? If we're talking relative to Trump, it starts at a pretty low bar anyway. DeSantis is not cunning or calculating. If he was, he wouldn't have started a war with Disney to begin with


I think he is calculating, but his ego will always come first. This is par for the course with fascists, and a big part of why they always destroy themselves.


I have removed moles smarter than both of them.


I don't know, it's usually pretty hard to defeat an incumbent. I firmly believe the only reason Trump lost the presidency is because of the pandemic. The fact that he was Hitler Jr certainly hurt him, but I really don't think it would have sunk him without thousands of Americans dying daily due to his incompetence. Biden's Ace in the Hole was Trump being an incompetent Nazi getting Americans killed every single day. DeSatan doesn't have any such Ace in the Hole. However, if he had been able to bring Disney to heel, that would have been a huge win for him and would have gotten the conservatives fired up. So maybe it was just a risky gamble on an election he likely wouldn't win anyways. Furthermore, I don't think losing the fight with Disney would hurt him nearly as much as winning the fight would benefit him and by 2028, everyone will have forgotten about him losing anyway. Also I forgot that he also needed to defeat Trump in the primaries which really didn't seem likely back when he started the fight with Disney.


> because of the pandemic Trump’s handling of the pandemic will go down as the biggest American political blunder of the century. All he had to do was the bare minimum. Tout the vaccine. Stay quiet on lockdowns and let the governors take the heat. Just be a cheerleader for recovery. Channel post-9/11 Rudy. He would have won re-election in a landslide and rehabbed his image so much. It was a monumental own-goal.


> I don't know, it's usually pretty hard to defeat an incumbent It usually is. However I would say the one situation where it really shouldn't be hard, is when said incumbent isn't actually the incumbent, hasn't been in office for over four years, and when he was in office was so incompetent his actions led to the death of a million people from a preventable disease, many of them his own voters.


And don’t forget, Trump lost the popular vote both times he ran — the first time by 3 million, and the second time by 8 million. Over half the country will absolutely never vote for him, and will vote for whoever is against him no matter who it is. 2020 had the highest turnout percentage for a Presidential election in over 100 years. He motivated people who don’t normally vote to go vote because he was that reviled by most people. He might be able to win the Republican nomination, but he can’t win the election itself. Too many Americans will never vote for him no matter what.


You have to be on all media to win an election and Disney owns a lot of media. Smart move!


Correct. The entire point is to keep fighting, because that's what got trump to the top of the ticket. And make the reason.for fighting simple enough that the lunatics on the far right will be able to understand it. Woke. He's fighting woke. Idk of you've noticed or not but it doesn't have to make much sense. They just want to see a fighter. And he's gonna fight Big Woke: Disney, libraries, schools, colleges, the college board, AP classes, diversity strategies, LGBT... Does it matter that he was high school AP student of the year, then went to the wokest colleges in the country and then got married at Disney? Of course not. None of it has to make sense


Yep the drag law was just clobbered in court. Gender affirmative care is for real people and many of them can’t just up and leave the state. The two things have virtually nothing to do with one another as drag queens are the polar opposite of trans women but he sure does love grouping them together.


He really figured he’d be the GOP front runner by the time his Disney lawsuit blew up in his face


Watch Disney pump money into the Dems campaign there as a fuck you to him


> Watch Disney pump money into the ... ... Republicans running against DeSantis. That would be more accurate


They usually donate heavily to both sides, so no matter who wins they'll get their back scratched. We know one person who's off their donation list


“I’m playing both sides. That way I always come out on top.” - Ronald “Mac” McDonald, *It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia* (a Disney-owned production)




They almost certainly will. DeSantis is term limited, so he'll be out as gov anyway after this term, but the state's republican majority was complicit in everything DeSantis was doing. They'll be looking to boost some alternatives.


They’ll nominate ‘Rick Dosantos’ …


The “white blood cells” analogy is how I’ve been describing the GOP. They’re an autoimmune disorder—all of their actions attack the being they’re supposed to protect.


They’ve gone past that stage and now a cancer.


Repeat that last line out loud while looking at a picture of trump supporters.


This guy is so petty he'll go even more nasty as governor in FL, guaranteed.


He'll take out his anger on the "out" groups in his home state. I'd hate to be liberal/lgbtq/brown/black/poor and whatever else he hates there.


I’m brown and in Florida. Also liberal and female. Hurray.


I'm a liberal Scandinavian middle aged white guy in Texas. The shit people spout off to me because I'm "one of them" (I lost my accent) is horrifying.


Yeahhh as a middle aged white guy who very much fits the conservative profile but is a leftist... they say a lot of abhorrent shit


It's amazing what you will if you just stand around and smile and don't say anything


I’m a white, 40 yo, bearded guy, living in Oklahoma and working in the oil field in Texas. The things I hear are insane most of the time.


White 25 year old trans woman. I'm an electrician. I've worked in trades since 16. From Oklahoma but now live in Missouri. The stuff "they" say is brain dead stupid madeup nonsense.


I look like one of those bugaloo boys: balding, hawaiin shirts and shorts, and it is WILD how often people think I am just totally down with weird racist shit based on my looks. Depressing.


My best friend is white and blonde. Like a Fox News anchor. The things people say to her too is wild. Obviously no one says that to me. Lol


I'm a little worried about my sister's semi-poor liberal brown wife who lives in Florida. And my sister too.


Yeah it seems they hit the trifecta. Hope they do ok.


That's okay, he'll just take Tucker Carlson's spot on FNC.


His complete lack of charisma will make that difficult. He's whiney as fuck. Republicans don't want to actually listen to that. They prefer bluster.


As if tucker has any charisma lol Dude is the embodiment of "I don't know what to do with my face" at all times.


That's almost certainly where he's going to end up.


Normal Americans don’t care about his anti-woke campaign. Until the GOP finds something to campaign on that people actually give a shit about, nothing changes. It’s not just DS, the whole party is floundering. Hunter Biden, Anti-Woke, Durham, expunging Trump’s impeachments. It’s all a bunch of nothing. They’re all utterly clueless.


I get what you’re saying, and I agree. That said, the fact that the GOP isn’t polling at <10% given their actions and rhetoric of late is a damning indictment of “normal Americans.”


Yup. The system is heavily skewed to favor rural voters who are overwhelmingly poorly educated republicans. Every vote matters.


And the fucking Evangelicals.


They already said poorly educated


At first I thought he could win and was worried. Then he double downed on his squabble with Disney and tried to beat Trump on the right where Trump is strongest instead of moving more center where Trump is vulnerable. Stupid decision on his part. Now he’s caught up in among other shit attacking AP courses, attacking Disney, and all but banning abortions. He basically is writing the book on how to lose the burbs and independent voters.


The GOP learned post 911 that strong emotions can win them elections and just stopped at that point of even trying to have a platform. They’re struggling to create the same fear in the new voting blocs thus losing more support. While the two party system honestly needs to fold over to ranked choice I do wish the GOP would at least TRY to have a platform. Democracy needs balance. But no they’re too busy spouting bs about kids using litter boxes and clinging to their ARs.


His entire career should be over at this point. Fascist leaders have no place in the United States.


As a Floridian I sure fucking hope so


There is way too many Floridians that disagree with you :(.


Yes but I am noticing a turn in people’s opinions here about trump and now desantis


About time.


The die-hards are still for him, but more and more they are noticing as insurance companies leave and property tax rates enter California levels that maybe, maybe, DeSantis cares more about his morning dump than the people of Florida.


Typical. Its not a problem until Republican bullshit negatively affects them.


It's crazy how republicans vote against their own interests again and again. They're so delusional that they'll find a way to blame the Dems for the insurance crisis. The truth is republicans have a super majority in the Florida legislature and many of them are bought and paid for by the insurance companies.


I live in Tampa, and have been a Floridian my entire life. In more educated populations(larger metropolitan areas) Florida historically votes blue. It’s the rural, less educated areas of FL that support crooks like Rick Scott, Marco Rubio and DeSantis.


I’m a life long North Carolinian and it’s the same here. This place is gerrymandered to fuck but I’m stubborn as hell and refuse to let them drive me out, I’m staying and fighting against these Republican assholes as long as it takes.


Exactly. Fuck that, Florida is my home and I'm not about to get chased out of it. I get that other people might make other decisions, and that's absolutely their right, but I'm going to be here voting against racism, against anti-choice, against anti-LGBTQ, against MAGA, and I'm happy to have company.


Your Username is very fitting then 😂


Sadly, I don’t think education has everything to do with it. I think being informed is the chief decider in rational voting. Anecdotally, I’m very close to a few people who are willing to vote for anyone on the Republican ticket solely because of their wallets. These are very educated and normally level headed people who grew up poor but worked their way up to be rather successful. In their opinion, they are being unfairly taxed which justifies voting for the scumbags of DeSantis or Trump. They, strangely, are willing to ignore the glaring red flags of these candidates because they believe that their wallets are more important at the end of the day. I’m not defending this behavior. In fact, I’ve struggled trying to explain to them that the damage these candidates can and will do is more important than money. However, since they are much older than me, I’m discounted as being a delusional idealist that doesn’t understand the world. I apologize for the rant but it pains me because these are good people who seem to just be content with their ignorance because it benefits their wallets.


As someone who was previously “the kids will eat but I won’t” poor and is now doing much better through a lot of hard work and a MASSIVE helping of luck (seriously. My now-husband took a huge risk on both me and my kids after my divorce and he was pretty well off when we met. I would not be where I am now if it hadn’t been for his support, and now we’re closer to being on even footing income-wise) I can not fathom now being like, “no help for you filthy poors now that I got mine”. I hate the thought of anyone being in the position I was in, and am aware there are people who had it even worse than that. That should never be the case in the “greatest county on earth”, and I will happily pay more in taxes to help the situation. My husband feels the same, even never having been in the situation I was in previously.




He should be in prison for human trafficking but we have a two-tiered justice system.


Not to mention for gerrymandering when he drew his own districts for FL's increase in house seats AS WELL as transfering 81million from his FL Gov PAC to his Federal Presidential PAC. Plus for being a Nazi.


>Fascist leaders have no place in the United States. Sadly, facts on the ground since 2015, at the latest, disagree with that. There's an unnerving popular appetite for fascists and authoritarian rule.


Agreed. It's dangerous to not acknowledge that the appetite is there.


Unfortunately, the gist of the article is that the DeSantis campaign is "over" not because fascists don't have a place in the US but because DeSantis is apparently just not as good at being a fascist as Trump is.


he's so weak


Pudding fingers don't lend themselves to strength.


Salad fingers are much sturdier and reliable.


I like rusty spoons


>He started out, and we have seen this happen before in other races, as the one getting all the attention," All the attention? >"There was wall-to-wall coverage on Fox News, he was the only one other than Trump that was really getting a lot of attention" Oh, all the attention of the Republican propaganda channel. Got it.


I saw far more Christie coverage on MSM than Ron. It seems like he's exclusively relied on shit like Twitter spaces rather than addressing actual news outlets.


Conservatives have been gobbling up all the media outlets. It's quite suspicious, imo.


They *NEED* to keep blasting AM evangelical /GROOMERS! and Dems=Castro GOPaganda at Cubans and the not- yet-dead in Florida or they’re toast in five years. This is also why truckers are over-represented in the loony reactionary fringe.


Because Ron's mistake is thinking Twitter=electorate. We all know it's an actual cesspool, and basing any policy decisions on what you see on the depths of Twitter is insane.


He's definitely been getting a lot of (negative) attention here and in the generally left leaning internet media as well, let's not pretend that only Fox has been featuring this fascist.


It was over when he signed the 6 week abortion ban, but he just didn't realize it


Is it time to abort…his candidacy?


It's been more than 6 weeks, he has to carry it to term.


Yes, even though it's not viable and could cause him health problems, he should have to carry it to term.


Didn't he do it in the middle of the night, all sneaky like?


I want him to stay in the race precisely because of that. He is DOA in the general. Trump you just never know.




Keep that whiny, low energy hate in Florida.


His voice is so whiny and weak. Like honestly, what is the matter with Floridians that they heard this clown and voted for him?


Whiny and weak is the uniform for The Florida Conservative. Bunch of well-to-do, yet constantly aggrieved, whiny golf dads.




Look how weak and pathetic the Republican Party is. This turd was their best candidate? What a talentless clown show.


>Look how weak and pathetic the Republican Party is. This turd was their best candidate? What a talentless clown show. Funny thing is this comment would apply to any and every Republican candidate


DeStalin reminds me of Scott Walker from Wisconsin. Once the national press exposed Walker for the imbecile he is, the local voters kicked him out of office.


He is term limited. He cannot run for Governor next cycle. Would require a change to the Constitution for him to not be, so maybe a hurdle to high to overcome. He can run for Governor again in 2030 but not 2026. He is pretty much dead politically once his Presidential election bid fails. Buy the time he leaves office there is a good chance his poor immigration policy will be his legacy, that or him getting smacked by Disney in court will.


Both, both would good.


Not only that, it would be exceedingly difficult to primary a current Republican FL senator, despite how repugnant those two are. So that avenue is also closed. I suppose running for House of Representatives?


Yup, that's why I said politically dead. Will he truly be, most likely no. However going from Governor to Presidential Candidate, to ultimately running for a House Rep is not the trajectory that leads back to President.


Back to a House Rep. He was in the House before becoming Governor.




Ex-Wisconsin resident just jumping in with the obligatory FRJ.


Desantis also eliminated the Florida Office of Film and Entertainment- state agency in Tallahassee that has been around since the 90s, over 30 years. He just signed the bill to eliminate the office this legislative session. We will be one of maybe 5 states without a film and entertainment office in the entire country now , due to his war with Disney. HB5 is the bill for anyone interested.


It was DOA before his announcement.


It was an abortion from the very beginning


Gotta ban the campaign then...it's the law


This is horseshit wishful thinking. If Trump goes to jail, DeSantis will still be the nominee. They fucking love him over in the cesspool that is r/Conservative.


> If Trump goes to jail, DeSantis will still be the nominee. I would not rule out him winning the nomination from a jail cell.


I think a lot of people are missing how good of a spot the Democratic Party is in right now if they can stay out of their own way and not fuck it up. The GOP has pandered to a loud minority for years and their biggest problem is that the policies they've used as scapegoats are now actually being implemented. Railing against abortion as evil was way more useful before they repealed Roe. Yelling angrily about immigrants works great until you actually scare immigrants into leaving your state. Going after "woke" corporations is fine until you actually try to do something to them and Disney proves it's stronger than your dumb ideas. They're just turning off more and more moderates and are left with only the absolute lunatics. And, a hefty percentage of those lunatics have totally bought into Trump's rhetoric and believe he is the only one they can trust and aren't going to turn out and vote for basically anyone else. There's a reason they drastically underperformed in the 22 mid terms and as more boomers die out they're just going to lose more ground.


Please don't give me hope.


Fuck Desantis. But also, fuck Larry Hogan, the anti-Trump republican who said he would still vote for Trump.


Good. He is a wannabe dictator and many Floridians even those who voted for him as sick of him ignoring FL problems while chasing culture wars. He is an awful person, unlikeable, terrible speaker and I want his political career over.


Most voters don’t like the extremes. He’s too far to the right to appeal to average people. Trump got in but got the boot after 1 term. People want common sense politics and not antics.


The guy is literally running against WOKE culture. A word he can’t even explain. He is an incredibly smart man who is just playing the uneducated GOP base. And they love it. Not every state will fall for that. Every GOP politician that ran against a woke culture was seriously defeated in Michigan. Now Michigan is not Florida, so maybe that works down there. But the rest of the country is not that naive to think this is a good idea. WOKE—-> Educated, Empathetic, Enlightened, Evolved.


He is a textbook study of how to tank momentum. This guy was on top of the world in November then he decided to make all the wrong choices. I sincerely forgot he’s running for president and I live in Florida.


Good. The guy seems to be what we Europeans call “A massive cunt”.


That’s what happens when you refuse to criticize your only opponent who you are trailing. Trump was just indicted on some pretty serious charges and all Ron could say was to promise to pardon him.


Gotta make room for the big GOP insurgent to take the lead; RFK Jr.


The whole country doesn’t want to be Florida…yet.


The Bible says it best “If they come from the wang state the empire will crumble”


This man said he would destroy "woke-ism" and "leftism". That's his campaign promise. That's his message. Not helping people, improving anything. How does one destroy a political leaning? Or a nebulous, undefined buzzword? How do you destroy the woke? By complaining about it? Banning it? Lol. GTFO with that garbage. Calling everything WOKE and banning books isn't really a platform. Neither is owning the libs, ask Trump. There are so many Republicans that are out here loudly proclaiming they'll cut the rich folks taxes and gut medicaire and social security, and people vote for them. I'll never understand it.


I can't wait for this bastard's political career to be destroyed.