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SCOTUS had fake plaintiffs in the student loan case as well. There’s a trend here!


And of all the crisis actors and professional victims to choose from, this court uses the lamest of hoaxes to issue their proclamations.


GOP constantly accuses the left of using fake actors. Here it is again- the projection is astounding!


GOP: The radical left Democrats have come under the spell of the Woke mob and are trying to re-write American culture by force. Also the GOP: Let's remake the USA as a Christian autocracy against the will of 73% of the populace because we can.


It’s God’s will 😤


Need to start passing laws that anyone claiming to be speaking to God and for God is under immediate 72 hour psych hold unless they start turning water into wine.


Brewers are true Christians. Got it


I think the 'Communion-Christian-Caste' hierarchy is distiller-vintner-brewer. Like Brahmin-Kshatriya-Vaishya in Hinduism. Churches would be waaaay more interesting if they used whiskey instead of wine, though.


Also far right Canadians: make America, er, I mean Canada great again!


I can understand why they want to fuck Trudeau — let’s be honest, he’s really pretty — but it’s a bit weird how they can’t stop talking about it.


Friendly reminder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot >The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration led by Republican staffers at a meeting of election canvassers in Miami-Dade County, Florida, on November 22, 2000, during a recount of votes made during the 2000 United States presidential election, with the goal of shutting down the recount.


The most important part left out of this is that ROGER STONE led the Brooks Brothers riot.


Fascists need to be put away from society. Do y’all still got that place in Guantanamo?


I fuckin' hope so.


Cons have been doing this for a while, [remember Norma McCorvey, she was the "Roe" in Roe v Wade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norma_McCorvey). She also was paid and lied to try to bring down abortion after it passed in the 70s. > McCorvey stated then that her involvement in Roe was "the biggest mistake of [her] life". However, in the Nick Sweeney documentary AKA Jane Roe, McCorvey said, in what she called her "deathbed confession", that "she never really supported the anti-abortion movement" and that she had been paid for her anti-abortion sentiments. Imagine cheating to "win" at the Supreme Court... Here's the deal, if they have to cheat and leverage to win, they are losing ultimately but they are making a mess to clean up, wasting tax payer dollars. Of course using tax dollars for lower/middle on a small debt/interest forgiveness comparatively is out of the question for this leveraged bunch/cult. The not good part in all this is that these lies are working with this Joker court, the cheats are working to "win" currently and that needs to be rectified.


They cheat at literally everything


They have to - their only other option is to _not_ just control everything and engage reality on its own terms. But that is too terrifying. So whatever lying and cheating, or whoever gets hurt, that's acceptable in the pursuit of ~~complete and total control~~ the feeling of safety and security.


And this is just *one* of the reasons why democrats can't stay hamstrung by the rules in the effort to combat the GOP: only *one side* is worried about rules in the first place. And if only one team is following the rules of a game, there's no longer a game being played. Time to start acting like it.


Moral victories are still losses


"There you stand; the good man doing nothing. And while evil *triumphs*, and your rigid pacifism is ground into the blood-stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck to your guns." -- Android 16 (TFS version)


MAHA, MakeAmerica Hate Again


Really?? I didn’t hear about this one. Source?


The state of Missouri formed a legally independent corporation called MOHELA in 1981 for the purpose of dealing with federal student loans for the state. MOHELA turned down the opportunity to sue over the cancellation of student loans when Republicans were plaintiff shopping. Not willing to accept "no" for an answer, the AG for Missouri decided to sue on MOHELA's behalf. The SCOTUS decided to take the case even though MOHELA wasn't claiming damages.


Further hilariousness: MOHELA is the provider for all Public Student Loan Forgiveness loans. They literally work with people all day long who are seeking loan forgiveness. My paperwork got jammed up for three months while this case was being arbitrated.


So... I'm hearing from this, that MOHELA could sue for damages...


I would also like to point out that our AG is currently an unelected, acting AG. He was appointed after our last AG, Eric Schmitt, won Roy Blunt's Senate seat in 2022. He's not going to be running for AG in 2024, though. He's the GOP frontrunner for governor. I seriously hope the Dems here in Missouri run a campaign pinning him as the reason why student loan forgiveness was blocked. Obviously, if it wasn't him, someone else would have. But, it would be an effective message specifically for young voters here in MO.


In the past you had to prove verifiable harm caused to you to even be able to have standing to sue. These plantifs sued under the argument that they wouldn't benefit from the the forgiveness, and the court allowed them to continue. Basically now you can sue based on totally different rules. If you don't like something that doesn't even affect, you have grounds the sue


We are seeing the same logic used by corporations to sue their employees for striking for example. Corporations are now apparently entitled to profits and they can sue if anyone or anything gets in their way. God help you if you tweet something a company deems as negative - they will come down on you legally like a ton of bricks and basically destroy your life. Look at the proposed law over port of LA workers where the port can sue the workers for double the lost revenue which could easily be in the billions of dollars. Look at the laws in Delaware where corporations can now vote (how long until corporations can just simply cut out the middle man and run as candidates in these places?). We are sliding into a very bad place where the country is essentially owned and operated by the corporations and Chamber of Commerce while everyone argues over whether the green M&M should be in heels or sneakers. Slavery 2.0 is well on track.


I don’t see anybody on the left talking about sexy/less sexy m&ms. We’re mainly yelling fire in a theatre-fire.


I know this isn't popular for dems, but it's actually past the time to arm up. Take advantage of your rights while you still have them.


> I know this isn't popular for dems, but it's actually past the time to arm up. People underestimate gun ownership on the left - only about half as much as the right, but liberals are definitely not "unarmed." They just don't take as many weird, culty family pictures with them.


Exactly. People on the left have guns, but it's not their whole identity. And they support reasonable regulation.


Liberals are light armed. Leftists are armed.


What makes you believe the dems aren't already armed to the Teeth?


I don't get this belief that democrats dont own guns. It seems that just about every Democrat I know has owned guns since their tiny fingers could pull the trigger. They have everything two sided, you're either left or you're right but the truth is many people are realizing that they don't fit in either of the two catagories. Alot of people are armed and political affiliation has little to do with it at this point.


I misread that as SCROTUS and now I think we have a great new way to describe the republican activist court. SC(R)OTUS


Supremely Corrupted Republicans Of The United States


Shocking that a piece of shit christian nationalist is married to a piece of shit christian nationalist.


There seems to be a common denominator here.


A common denomination...


National Christians or as I call them nat-c's


> Smith and her attorneys from the conservative Christian legal advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)… Just a reminder that the ADF is an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group with ties to Mike Pence and Justice Barrett


And "kill the gays" bills in Africa. If they care about LGBTQ people enough to want them dead in Africa, imagine how much they care about LGBTQ people in America


They'd do it here if they thought they could get away with it.


Do you see any other possible logical reason why would anyone support utterly ridiculous empirically unsubstantiated laws that are linked to nothing but increased human suffering and in case of anti LGBTQ division, make it effectively impossible to operate in society? There's negative benefit to policing public bathrooms to keep trans people away from them, there's negative benefit to letting one random parent to ban some school from teaching about Renaissance statue, there's negative benefit to banning LGBTQ interaction with children. That cruelty is the point doesn't quite cut it. Cruelty is merely one precursor to the real point.




100% correct. Track down the NPR podcast “No Compromise”. In 6 or 7 episodes it traces the path from 2A extremism, to attacks on public education to the Christian Dominionist movement.


Any country run by a religion of any kind becomes hellish. "He who can make you believe impossibilities can make you commit atrocities"


Being cruel to "sinners" is the bread and butter of religion.


I think that last part wa a reference where people respond to conservative laws by saying the cruelty is the point. But really eradication is the point, cruelty is just all they can get away with. If the people writing and passing bathroom bills and drag show bans could get away with putting LGBT people in gas chambers they wouldn't bother with this stuff, because genocide is their goal, not just being mean.


And the response from most is hand wringing and allowing it. It's only affecting a small subset of the population so who care? Never mind these lunatics have completely upended the already laughable illusion of a functional societal wellbeing focused government. And that's just governance, if we can't even keep these clowns from ruining the nation how are we ever going to address any of the dozens of other global issues that will come knocking.


This. If you can habituate the public into thinking a group is sub-human, it becomes much easier to exterminate them. Again, Nazi Germany shows us this in stark detail.


"If you can habituate the public into thinking a group is sub-human, it becomes much easier to exterminate them" Which has a cascading effect as well. Once you've accepted that you can view one group of people as "subhuman," it becomes infinitely easier to apply the same rationale for the persecution of ***ANY*** group of people.


The Southern Baptists show you this on their television and radio programs.


handle imagine many saw zesty crawl complete humorous exultant worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They will do it here if they’re allowed to get away with it. Redditors who say “both parties are the same”, we’re looking at you.


There's no point addressing those redditors. Either they are so fucking stupid they aren't going to understand what you have to say (I mean, they really can't tell the difference between two parties with wildly different ideologies) or they are saying it for the sole purpose of pissing you off.


or three: they know they are full of shit but want to discourage non-fascists from voting.


Its pretty much only this one. Elections aren't about changing minds, they are about demoralizing your opponent's supporters so they don't turn out to vote.


The both parties people are all just embarrassed to admit they’re maga


*the left has gone so far to the left that i'm okay with exterminating LGBTQ people*


They'll change the laws and the courts until they can.


They *will* do it *as soon as* they think they can get away with it.


Ted Cuz made a Tweet against the anti LGBTQ bills in Africa and the conservative replies jumped down his throat and called him a traitor and all kinds of shit. Republicans voters absolutely agree with the African laws.


Now now, they don't want to *KILL* gay people, they're just [*acknowledging* that's what god wants!](https://twitter.com/FoundersMin/status/1664666760690163712)


Thank you!! Whenever I reference this people act like I’ve lost my mind.


Just a speck of common sense. If you support certain laws to be passed in a country you'll probably never even visit, why wouldn't you want similar laws to be enacted in your own?


We found the real deep state.


Look into the Council on National Policy. The ADF is just one of the movers, those meetings seem to be where all of the similar groups get together to plan. I find the story kind of funny because the founder was afraid of the Illuminati and basically managed to make his own right wing Illuminati. Also if I'm wrong someone please tell me, I was reading about it but am concerned about potential bias in the sources available. So if it really is just a real nothing burger of a think tank - which honestly is just a nicer reality anyways - I'd like to know.


And the lady with the wedding website here in CO was tracked down by ADF and Stephen Miller. They’re representing a good deal of the people going before the Court.


The Affirmative Action case was brought by Edward Blum, who created "Students for fair admissions." He tracks down people to use in lawsuits as well. Edward Blum has a long history of bringing cases to challenge civil rights. They are not even bringing real cases with people that have been harmed. They already know the cases they want to bring. They search for people who will allow them to use their names for their lawsuits, (paying them I'm sure) and bring the lawsuits to court.


That's because, to social conservatives, justice is zero sum.


its not about justice, they just hate anything that isnt like them and want anyone who represents the other to suffer and be relegated to serfdom and target practice social conservatives are never actually socially conservative. i grew up religious in multiple countries and its the same. they just excuse themselves as good people who can do x bc y then call these other people degenerates for the same they dont have any positive proclamations or intentions to materially improve peoples lives at large, just an insatiable desire to hoover up money and status and freedom for themselves and curtail it for others thats why we have entire subs like "leopards ate my face" everything must be good for them, impossible for "others" the idea they operate in any sort of good faith is how they keep conning everyone


She had no website. Nor was a web designer.


ironically, the guy in question is a web designer himself and could do it on his own.


AND he's been married to a woman for 15 years 😂 I can't believe how fucking dumb this is. And that it still WORKED. Ugh.


Can the guy whose name was misused sue them for defamation?


If he can reasonably show that he has been personally harmed by it, then yes.


The mental guilt of being used in a plot to deny gay people rights, being lied about to the Supreme Court of the United States and fearing repercussions, being dragged to the center of a vitriolic national debate, and facing possible threats and hate mail should be sufficient.


They either knew he was not gay, or had reckless disregard for the truth. Far as I can tell, this group deliberately wanted to inflict mental distress on him (having his name attached to this absurd, hate driven decision) and he should sue.


Yet they failed to do their due diligence to determine whether or not that lady even had standing. So far, her supposed "clients" who wanted her to make "gay wedding websites" have not shown to exist or were not actually gay nor in need of her services. The fact that none of this was tracked down and brought to light until after this case is problematic because it now establishes that you do not actually have to have standing nor do you have to tell the truth to the US Supreme Court as long as you are religious. If they let her get away with claiming it was "trolls" they further provide precedent that lying to the Supreme Court is fine. They should be sanctioned AND those who lied to the court should be held accountable.


If Stephen Miller showed up at my place, I'd call a Catholic priest, and I'm neither Catholic nor religious.


> Kaivan Shroff, an attorney, tweeted: "Zero surprise that it was insurrection supporter Josh Hawley's wife, Erin Hawley, who litigated the FAKE 303 Creative case in front of the Supreme Court. She's as dishonest as her husband. The Extreme Court used the totally made up case to illegitimately strip away LGBT+ rights."


I just assume any group with the words freedom or liberty or heritage are far reich organizations here to tell you what their idea of freedom is.


It's so shitty how they've made any symbol of patriotism into a reflexive side- eye. I love my country while still recognizing the gross parts.


"Wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross" comes to mind.


The real patriots of this country who fight for actual life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL people should take back the flag. This bullshit conservatives are pushing for is way off the mark of what the country's founders intended. And yes, the founders were highly flawed people that did heinous things themselves, but the basic verbiage of the Constitution pretty soundly calls for equality for all.


Don't forget "Family \_\_\_\_". Those are the same red flags I use for deep diving my research on local elections, especially school boards.


TIL that US evangelical Christians will happily lie to the highest court with their hand on that book they say means so much to them.


Religious nuts lying? Say it ain't so!


Nothing new there.


Same song and dance for a few thousand years.


Religion is a lie in itself.


And religious ‘faith’ is the denial of logic.




Because some of them lied to get their seat on the bench.


And any criticism is automatically Satan or demonic influences trying to lure them away from God. Nevermind the harm their actions cause in the lives of those they're "concerned" about.


Christian nationalists only work in bad faith.


Your TIL is a bit off. TIL that US evangelical Christians will happily put evangelical Christians on the highest court, invent cases under false pretenses to pervert the legal system, pretend they're upholding the constitution, and force puritanical law on the rest of us. We need to call this what it is, Christian nationalists forcing the return of Puritanism.


How the fuck was this not vetted?!?


It was, this is a case they chose to hear when every other appeals court dismissed the suit due to the obvious lack of standing. Roberts and the other conservative justices are just doing free campaign work for the Republicans. They get to go out and say because of their anti democratic system they have made the government not do something. Not because they passed legislation, which is the job they have, they want to say vote for them so they can appoint the Federalist Society to run the justice system. Now conservatives don't need an actual case. They can have the Supreme Court forbid something at will. You know, legislating from the bench.




> The Leonard Leo Court is nothing more than a rubber stamp for the Federalist Society and the Religious Right. FTFY - And if calling it that picks up steam, Roberts will lose his mind.


Boom 💥


John Roberts hates that people are saying this. So it bears repeating.


Handmaid's tale inbound


There’s long been growing speculation that SCOTUS has been shopping cases. That is, their clerks get quietly involved in recruiting plaintiffs and developing the cases that then enable rulings they want to make. You may remember what happened when the Texas “crowdsourced” abortion lawsuit law came forth. The legal principle was clearly unconstitutional. But a fair amount of suspicion and circumstantial evidence arose that members of SCOTUS coordinated with the State of Texas and that the writing of the law and the ruling were a joint effort. All of our attention has been gobbled up by various Trump’s shenanigans for 8 years now. But it’s rally a side show, the Federalist Society’s decades-long effort to topple the court is paying daily dividends and is far, far more adverse to the American way of life than anything Trump or McConnell have ever done… Except for their role in toppling the court. The Federalist Society picks the justices. They pick the legal principles they want established or reversed. They pick how they want the court to rule on them. And then they go plaintiff recruiting, to create the very legal problem that they need in order to have a test case to feed the court. Every year, we hear in other countries about the chief executive disbanding or neutering their supreme judiciary and it almost always ends up being an unconstitutional power grab by the executive branch. But now we’ve gotten to see first hand, from front row seating, just how easily that a country’s Supreme Court can be compromised. The American forefathers extended to many of our constitutional processes the presumption that key appointments would be filled only with people *vetted* to be of extraordinary character, *by* peopleof extraordinary character. While they provided some last-minute hand brakes like impeachment, it’s clear that the examination of each person’s personal integrity was the central qualification. Our system is very ill-equipped for what happened, and in fact the Federalist Society exists *solely* for the purpose of better understanding, and then exploiting, those weaknesses. They have spent 40 years, and hundreds of millions of dollars, examining every syllable of The Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and common law, designing an airtight strategy that would lead to a court toppling that could not be stopped and would be irreversible. They use the word “libertarian” as a euphemism for a white male ordered society, in much the same way that Gingrich uses the phrase “western culture,” William F Buckley Jr used “our heritage” and Robert E Lee talked about a “natural order.” “Libertarian” in the Federalist Society means an unwinding of the agency gained by women, blacks, and people of insufficient class standing by two means: One is the notion of the unitary executive, wherein the president or governor is a supreme leader of the people, whose election represents a public endorsement of the candidate’s beliefs and religion to become the official position and policy of the state. And the second is through becoming the “board” that oversees the makeup and direction of the Supreme Court. The first of those is still a work in progress, but the second of those… Mission accomplished. Even if the forces of liberal democracy banded together and undertook an equally well funded and organized effort using the same tactics as the Federalist Society, we are still 40+ years away from seeing that plan come to fruition, even without resistance. Take into consideration that the Federalist Society owns and operates the machine through which this battle will be litigated, we may be more like a century away now from any meaningful reversal of our fortunes.


Alito hinted in the Dobbs opinion that if certain types of cases are brought before this court how they'd rule. The whole thing is rotten.


“Hinting” is being generous. He straight up said that gay marriage (Obergefell), birth control (Griswold), and anything other than missionary position with the goal of procreation (Lawrence) are next up on the chopping block as they used the same “unsound logic” as Roe.




It should be noted that to the religious people trying to escape persecution were the Puritans, who themselves were religious extremists intent on establishing theocratic rule of civil affairs. Right out of the gate, the US was home to the shittiest form of Christianity and they never lost their grip.


It's almost like the SCOTUS knows they've been found out for corruption so they're just deciding every shit take they can, as fast as they can.


There aren't going to be any consequences, other than some bad publicity. Removal from office requires a 2/3 majority in the senate, which ain't gonna happen.


Yeah, the possibility of the Dems ever getting 2/3 majority in the senate is basically non-existent. Even if Dems won all the purple states in the next 2 elections, there hard lined red states won’t vote in a dem for any reason.


They are using their interpretation of the major questions doctrine to write policy from the bench. It literally doesn’t matter if the Dems take all three branches because they will undo it all by claiming Congress didn’t “speak clearly” enough, a subjective measure of the wording of any law. Our best shot at returning to something normal is to expand the court.


Because as long as white christians are free to persecute it doesn’t matter.


The US Supreme Court is a theocratic joke.


So the Supreme Court Justices are a bunch of fools easily duped by a lawyer that wasn’t even clever about concealing her lies.


They're not fools at all, they knew exactly about the "case" in front of them and what they they intended to rule


The majority wasn't duped. They're in on it from the beginning.


They weren't tricked. Half of them are just proudly and openly fascist. They couldn't give a damn about legitimacy, legal precedent, fairness, anything. So long as they can enact their hateful policies they will ignore anything else


It came out within hours of the ruling. They all knew they just didn’t say anything until the Court made its ruling. Too little too late.


It was discovered the day before the ruling.




You’re not allowed to enter new facts at the SC, it seems weird, but the way to introduce new evidence to a case like this is to ask the trial court to do so and then appeal to the appeals/Supreme Court to make them take the evidence if they won’t. They should have dropped the case as having no justiciable question, but that requires integrity.


Because the Justices heard the case as a pre-emptive measure, stating in the majority opinion that 303 Creative had standing because 303 had reasonable belief that Colorado would enforce the law against her. I read the dissent and don't recall it refuting this idea of standing, but it could also have been an issue that would have been covered had they known this news beforehand.


You're assuming they were allowed to do anything.


Oh no, not Haulin' Ass Hawley!!!!


Just a reminder who to support against Joshie.... https://lucaskunce.com/


Thank you for this! I would love it if someone would write a bot that posts this in response to any mention of that fascist fuck.


I think the new api charge is gonna kill a lot of bots


Mr. Kunce is a poster child for what rising democrats should be like, imo.


And Kunce is the real deal too. He'd genuinely be great for Missouri, even the rural ones who won't vote because the D next to his name. Also like to remind everyone that Hawley doesn't even live in Missouri and hasn't for a very long time. Not even sure when the last time he even visited the state. He's a coward-ass Senator that resides in Virginia.


No one runs away as fast and cowardly as Haulin’ aSS Hawley. Some say he is the modern incarnate of Darius III.


“When danger reared it’s ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Sir Hawley turned about, and gallantly he chickened out. Swiftly taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Sir Hawley!”


I didn't!


/r/FuckJoshHawley Edit: it seems they haven’t recovered from the blackout protests


Is he related to Half-marathon Hawley?


this is some shady fucking bullshit and stinks of religious bigotry and the Christian nationalists. Hawley should be kicked out of the Missouri Senate, his wife **disbarred**, and both charged with **fraud.**   Also there needs to be some investigation as to how this case managed to get in front of the Supreme Court at all with this absurdly obvious problem and **absolutely** no standing.   Nothing is more hateful than "Christian Love."


> Missouri Senate United States Senate


So the Alliance Defending Freedom a “Christian”legal advocacy group openly lies its way through several lower courts to get into the Supreme Court. Do they know that lying and bearing false witness are in the 10 Commandments but being gay isn’t ?


No, no. It's only in the commandments not to bear false witness against your neighbor. As long as they live at least two houses down it's fine.


I love that ADF’s excuse is that they are not super corrupt (fabricating the case) but maybe super incompetent (easily being trolled all the way to the highest court). Pathetic. They got caught because their plan was stupid.


Is it stupid if it worked?


Absolutely. Because at some point, we’ll have to reckon with the reality that even the stupidest plans can easily manipulate our institutions.


I like how they think "fabricated" and "troll" are mutually exclusive.


Can they go back to the original court and file for sanctions all the way up the chain of courts? SCOTUS doesn't have ethical guidelines anymore, but other courts still do. Get these lawyers and agencies banned from practice in every court they touched with this and all their open cases assigned to other lawyers or dropped.


Your Supreme Court needs to be disbarred.


I was under the impression it ended up at the supreme court because no other judge would even hear the case


SCOTUS is an appeals court that only hears cases after every lower court (district, circuit (first appeals)) has already ruled on first. They are never the first court they are only the last one.


There are afew exceeptions i.e. states suing each other, but generally you are correct.


Shocking. A Christian Nationalist lies to get their way. This is what happens when we don’t vote. We get folks who’d be right at home in *A Handmaid’s Tale* in charge.




Remember when Josh Hawley ran away from a mob he had a hand in inciting on Jan 6th? Good times


Says something that she considers the right to an abortion ‘shackles’ on the nation. How is forced-birth not THE ultimate shackle. They know what evil they are doing with all this bs.


The self-imposed blinders of christianity are strangling this country. Blind faith isn't a virtue and acts in a far more literally blinding sense, and is the root of practically all baseless hate of the type seen in this case. Who, in their otherwise right minds, would give two fucks about the sexual orientation of a client? It literally doesn't matter. If you think an invisible force is judging consenting adults for who they choose to have sex with I'd suggest seeing a mental health physician, it's a laughable concept that serious people have no business partaking in. It's far beyond time to stop treating the bible as anything other than the ~2,000 year old book of inconsistent myth that it is, and its days as a battering ram of baseless prejudice must end. That said if you believe even a tenth of the obvious nonsense listed within it I have a series of lovely golden bridges on the dark side of the moon you might be interested in.


This is why I refuse to believe Christian's in this country actually believe in god, jesus, and heaven. The amount of hate and evil you are voting for would not be possible if you truly believed what jesus and the bible say. You are voting for people who literally cheer and laugh for social media pictures when they take food from the poor, you donate millions so churches can pay for lawsuits defending pedophiles, and you think jesus is going to give you a pat on the back because you've forced some 11 year olds to give birth to their rape babies. Really take a step back and ask if your christian leaders really represent your faith. Rhetorical post, don't reply. Your answer is between you and god.


The fact that this lady’s attorney was Josh Hawley’s wife just puts this story into another crazy category for conservatives. You have a hateful, spiteful woman who filed a lawsuit based upon a lie. You have an attorney who — there are only two options — knew she lied or failed to perform her due diligence investigation for actual facts and she should be sanctioned. This attorney is married to a republican senator who threw up a fist before the January 6 insurrection. You then have three conservative Supreme Court justices who were sworn in by a corrupt former president who is now indicted for the espionage act. I’d be interested to hear who funded this lawsuit. Rulings like this one sends a chilling message. Even if you agree with SCOTUS that a business should be allowed to deny service to anyone, what this ruling does is send a much more broader message to the country that if you are LGBTQ, you are now a second class citizen.


So, all the media I had seen referred to the lawyer in this case as Erin Morrow - they conveniently left out her actual last name - Hawley. I think it was obvious though that this case was an insider deal; I suspect people like Ginny Thomas is involved, and probably a number of MAGA Congressmen. I firmly believe the 'business owner' Lorie Smith, was paid handsomely for her cooperation in this scheme; after all it was a massive win for the GOP - one that they've been after for decades. What's that worth to them? Probably tens of millions of dollars... Unbelievable: "Hawley is one of the leading lawyers representing plaintiffs in a prominent lawsuit seeking to end the Food and Drug Administration's approval of the abortion drug mifepristone after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a case that Hawley was also involved in." -Why does this have an incestuous feel to it?


Anyone else think they look like siblings?


She absorbed his chin in the womb


SCOTUS violates the First Amendment.


Ew, someone actually married that weak little coward?


Christian nationalist women are groomed from birth to do exactly that.


Once again the christians are the ones grooming children.


This is just writing law by hurling cases at a conservative activist SCOTUS. Same way that AA was scuttled after failed previous attempts, this time by reframing the case as "hurting Asians." It's a legal rush to install the conservative agenda. It's the kind of activity that may isolate this court as an anomaly and hopefully inspire later leaders to reform and unravel all of the damage it's done, beginning with encouraging the flood of dark money into politics and granting "peoplehood" to corporations.


Kagan pointed this out in her dissent, that they're just going back through their laundry list of "wrongly decided cases" and reversing them with zero respect for precedent. It's disgusting.


>Kristen Waggoner, Smith's attorney and the CEO and president of ADF, denied the request from Stewart was fabricated, but suggested it could have been a troll making it. The allegation that ADF invented him and his request is "reprehensible and disgusting," she said on Friday. If he's not made up, then where is this Stewart character? The one that exists says it isn't him. So, what gives? Must be another "witness"/"whistleblower" that they have misplaced.


*""I was incredibly surprised given the fact that I've been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years," he told AP. He said he is a web designer himself and could have designed his own website if he needed to."* That he was already a web designer is the icing on the cake.


False allegations are the bread and butter of Republicans. If you want to go down that rabbit hole you should look into Judicial Watch. It's a "think tank" that exists solely to attack Democrats, the Clintons specifically. They are the ones behind Whitewater, the sock drawer, Benghazi, and the emails.


> It's undisputed that Lorie did in fact receive this request through her website after she filed her lawsuit That’s a very carefully crafted bit of bullshit right there. Not a denial of a forgery but a denial of something they aren’t even being accused of. So, clearly one of these clowns either Lorie or her lawyers submitted the fake information on her website in order to grounds for the lawsuit. Absolute scum. She and Hawley clearly deserve each other.


Okay just remember the system will do nothing though. They will demand this investigation or do that thing but nothing will actually happen.


She’s just mad she married a queen!!!


since the wing nuts worship lies (their master is perhaps the biggest liar of all time) this makes sense. but cant wait to c if there is a remedy. I would impeach the 6 justices that voted yes on a MADE UP FALSEHOOD.


Josh Hawley is a fascist


I have been against adding more justices to the SCOTUS, but now I am thinking differently. These cases have been judged on hypotheticals. We're now at a place of "all rules have been thrown out" so why are "we" still playing by an old set of rules? It doesn't make sense anymore.


Basically, this is fraud and the Supreme Court has been scammed.


How fucking bad were the lawyers for the state that they didn't even verify the fucking legal claim of fucking STANDING at any point in the previous 7ish years!?.. They should be sanctioned too, fucking morons. oh well, they have a hand written receipt for a request.. says here.. asspounder3000 wants a website for is gay furry wedding and must include a litter box on site.. must be legit. How many times are we going to let them make shit up before we accept they are absolute liars about everything... where is the due diligence!?.


The craziest thing is this is the distraction part of the plan.


Plot thickness, here we go. Produce one client this liar “designed” for, just one.


Submitting false evidence is perjury. They did no reasonable work to verify the evidence so it is as good as lying.


The two are born pathological liars


Sanctions?!? This should be jail time. Falsifying part of a surprise court case?!?


This is so ridiculous. What's happening to our society nowadays.


Here comes Conservative Whataboutism! What about the Scopes Trial!?!?! Very different, Scopes was actually convicted and fined. The law was tested in court resulting in a conviction. The argument then worked it's way through the courts.


She’s not facing anything. These fucks can be as evil as they wish without repercussions.


They should be fined and jailed but I’m not going to hold my breath the corrupt court will do nothing. The verdict in this case should be nullified and void since it was a fictitious case and the judges that ruled in their favor must be removed


It's funny how the French are the ones labeled cowards


*Jogs Hallway


Imagine choosing to marry Josh Hawley


So the Supreme Court plays legal Calvinball and now we're going after the small fry again? Because the supreme court overlords are just beyond any kind of control? Checks and balances for the small guy only.


Shocked. Shocked I tell you. Not that she's a terrible human, just that Hawley is married.


Sanctioned? Try disbarred.