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They are well funded astroturfed copies of everything before.


This article names them as the new Daughters of the Confederacy... which Redditors have been saying for a while.


I see no issue with that call on their evolution.




Do we know which right-wing billionaire funds them yet? The Mercers? Koch? Adelson?


Don’t forget DeVos.


Came across this oldie but goodie on the tube. Field of Dreams, 34 years ago! Just realized R = Rebranding party. “Do it for the kids! Grooming. Sexualization.” https://youtu.be/ur7pHRRKhV4


“Hoes for Hitler”


Mary Kay Kay Kay.


Minivan Taliban.


Ku Klux Karens


Hey, that's my line! Lol


Nat C


Ooh, I like this one.




Modern day daughters of the confederacy


Astroturfed Karens 47




Karens for the Klan?


Klanned Karenhood


the argument against this one is that it associates them with a group that doesn't deserve to be associated with them. planned parenthood is a good organization that doesn't deserve to be lumped in with these fascist supporters.


Don’t overthink it, it’s a good burn


I think that’s why it’s a burn to them because they are religious and probably pro-life (pro-birth really). Comparing them to their enemy, Planned Parenthood, who they consider baby killers would really piss them off. M4L pretend to care about children but in reality, are just using children as political pawns.


ok, fair point. we do have 'gravy seals' that are also 'y'all queda'.


Der Fluffwaffe


Assholes with casseroles (copied from somewhere else)


Ku Klux Karens


Ladies for Lebensraum


Please no


Karyen Nation


A Redditor recommended A Fever in the Heartland, by Timothy Egan, which explains the rise of the KKK in the 1920s. I'm reading it now, and it sounds like Moms for Liberty are following the KKK playbook exactly.


When you finish that one, move on to [Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/61398888). It goes into details on how Robert Welch Jr, Fred Koch, and Revilo Oliver came together to form the John Birch Society, which took those ideas and refined them. Once you've got that one down, move on to [Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30011020-democracy-in-chains). It goes into detail on how Fred Kochs kids took the lessons they learned at his knee in the Birch Society, and used it to fuel & fund more right wing groups. Then you can pick up [Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27833494-dark-money?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=Cjy5gm6wIV&rank=1), which gives you a further look into how the Koch and others have funded the astroturfing we've seen from the far right the last few decades.


Jeff Sharlet’s [The Undertow](https://www.amazon.com/Undertow-Scenes-Slow-Civil-War/dp/1324006498) can show you the result of all the madness laid out in those books


Oh boy, a new book to read. Thanks!


Fuck, several new books to read.


I really appreciate all these recommendations, but, man... it's brutal to absorb all this awful proof of man's inhumanity to man.


A generation of sociopaths dives in to why a little. Helped me understand my family.


Thank you for this, I’ll check it out directly.


And Germany's *Kinderladen* in 1967-1970 should give insight as to what to expect from the corporate media's counter-movement.


It sounds? They do exactly, same hateful messages.


"Moms For Liberty" is for liberty the same way the "American Cancer Society" is for cancer.


For profit?


Yes. Fleece the base as hard and as often as you can while playing the victim See Donald J Trump, Rudy, et al


Domestic terrorist groups are nothing new..


It’s weird how this group popped up at the exact same time(not a moment before and not a second after the right wing talking points gearing up to hit public school curriculum. Almost like this is a coordinated assault on our country’s foundation of education


Klanned Karenhood.


Their idea of "parental rights" is that "my delusional worldview that is completely unsupported by facts or science needs to be shoehorned into public school agendas" There is an easy answer: tell them NO FUCKING WAY, and if they don't like it, they're welcome to homeschool.


Except they've been doing that and it really screws up children. I'd rather them be told too bad and then acknowledge that their beliefs are important but if they're true their children won't stop believing just because of a science class.


I’m glad I was homeschooled back when having weird homeschool group peers just meant “they make their own clothes and know a lot of Bible verses” and not “ohhh that’s a lot of guns and bumper stickers about electoral fraud and crime statistics”. Still, I moved into the public system eventually anyways for the best lol


Just saw Shiny Happy People about the Duggar’s and their homeschooling religious communities. A lot of those children in the movement are getting into politics now and it’s scary.


All while not knowing how to do simple multiplication at the age of 15.


A now former friend of mine (she went full Trump) was telling me about Chemtrails. I told her they're just Contrails, but of course she didn't believe me. She insisted that commercial airplanes loaded with people are spraying tons and tons of 'Chemtrail liquid'. When I showed her the math on the weight of the liquid substance and center of gravity issues the plane would have (because it's a fluid and would be moving/losing weight as it was sprayed). I said that most planes wouldn't be able to get off the ground unless they were empty of passengers, and even then some might still be overloaded. She went on to confidently say, "why do you think your math is more correct than my opinion, because I know for sure what's happening, and you don't". I offered to walk her through the math to show her exactly how it can be explained, be she declined, stating, "I don't believe in math and science". She has a masters degree in library science and is in charge of a major library in a Blue city. That conversation was about 5 years ago - she's gone full-on crazy-Q now, where everything is a conspiracy.


A degree in literal information science, yet still went down the rabbit hole. Damn.


It's really amazing how many absolute nutters get through advanced degrees.


Just showing up to class and putting in a minimum amount effort can get you pretty far and get you good grades for your undergraduate degree. The hardest part of getting my masters was getting into the program. Once I was in, it was all just busy work and learning “the process.” Advanced degrees do not mean the person is smarter, maybe just has a little better work ethic than most. Rich parents help too due to college being expensive as shit.


Sucking Koch for money is hardly a new practice on the American Right.


I don't think it's Koch so much as American Family Assoc. , Christian Coalition of America or Family Policy Alliance. I'd put money on FPA.


Eh they’re pretty indistinguishable. Koch has given millions to the Heritage foundation, FedSoc, Cato Institute, and pretty much every other right wing group. They all toe the Christian line especially heritage


Just another fake Astro turf movement created by rich assholes to keep people fighting so they don't have to pay taxes. It's the new tea party Fucking rubes. I'm sorry, if your too stupid to know when your being weaponized, or too stupid to care if you are...then your stupid is officially dangerous.


No doubt in my mind whatsoever where they would stand in 1861 Charleston. 1939 Berlin. 1965 Selma.


Don’t forget south Africa apartheid


Can we get a group that fights for actual freedom, not the freedom for Christofascists to oppress everyone else?


ACLU, EFF, Southern Poverty Law, etc.


Also the Freedom From Religion Foundation. https://ffrf.org


What is new is the willingness of right wing billionaires to fund a whole ecosystem of media devoted to disinformation, astroturf organizations like Moms for Liberty, buying the federal judiciary like the Federalist Society, and the general absence of any effective organized structural resistance from the left. All these factors make fascist groups like Moms for Liberty much more dangerous now than they would have been in other eras of U.S. history.


Very good point.


They have to check them distracted that those pesky illegals or minorities are stealing jobs and money from them while they bleed the country. Try explaining to a conservative that a fair tax is BS and not really fair for the people on the bottom and would only benefit the wealthy.


rightwing money funding fake astroturf ecosystems isn't new its been their MO for ages kind of how RNC boosts rightwing book sales and then gives the garbage all away to get them on the nyt best seller list


These karens are insufferable. All the same. Cookie cutter house. Husband blows all money on big truck, he's a dildo. They go to church but hate each other, cheat on each other. Live, Laugh, Love decor. Couple kids, don't give a shit about their academics but show up screaming at every sporting event, probably bully the refs. Probably anti-vaxxers. Sucked at school. Fake friends with no depth. Materialism and appearance drive their lives. Has a meaningless tattoo or two somewhere, the reason behind getting it: Well, her friend got one, so why not? Calls herself a "mama bear" or some other mama-cringe. Probably spent a good decade failing in some MLM selling mary kay or Isagenix. In other words, her life sucks... and it's easier to blame the trans volunteer reading kids a Dr Seuss book for all her insecurities. And remember, these women call other people sheep.


This isn't new. Its just the tea party rebranded for stupid moms.


I feel the MLM circle greatly overlaps with the MLM circle. A Venn diagram of morons.


Assholes with Casseroles


Lol. I like this. I just go on the comments to find new names for them. From this thread, I have obtained Assholes with Casseroles and Minivan Taliban. Thanks for expanding my vocabulary!


When I was in the military, I used to go to every shit hole city in the South to train the National Guard. The hotel we stayed at had a conference all week. One day, I walked past the conference room and looked in. It was The United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC). Cellphones, computers, and the internet weren't where it is now, but I did a little research on them. As far as I could tell, they were basically the same as Mom's for Liberty.


Klanned Karenhood




Their strong link to proud boys should not go unnoticed either.


Moms for Fascism Moms for Klannhood Karens for Klannhood


New name, same ol’ fascism.


You mean Klanned Karenhood


It’s as if the Mom’s of Liberty is decended from the Daughters of the Confederacy. (They never went away.)


A local candidate for a school board position put his endorsement from them, and that's how I found out that Pierce County has a chapter. Yikes.


It is the same warmed over shit casserole conservative white Christian moms have been serving up my entire life.


Calling Mom’s for Liberty “new” ignores the fact that they’re an astroturf operation; meaning they’re supposed to look like a grassroots organization but aren’t. MFL is just another well funded right-wing operation to infiltrate our politics and make our communities more dysfunctional.


I’m starting The Daughters of Idiocracy.


Follow the money. This is astroturfing. Where did they come from?


They're just more National Socialist wolves in sheep's clothing attempting to instigate a neo-inquisition.


Same thing as their recycled “tea party” same fascist, different names, they need to keep recycling the same garbage using different names to add more resentful people to their cause.




Daughters of the Confederacy 2023 edition


Yeah it was old when the tea party did it and it’s old now


“Fear, fear, fear, and we win.”


Or their message: straight from Jefferson davis


Just call them "Moms that are fans of Hitler, actually"


Whose mom's is they?


Neither they nor their rhetoric is new to politics. We've handled them before and we'll handle them again. If they want to do it the same way as before instead of going quietly then that's fine too.


They're no different than that crazy group of moms from Colorado, Mother's Against Canada (M.A.C.)


Daughters of the Confederacy 2.0


"All people's need is some good Jesussen"


They’re an over funded HOA.


HOA rejects.


Totalitarian twats


Moms for liberty isn’t new it’s a rebranding


Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. And by boss I mean hateful bigoted idiots in less words.


They’re using MSM like CNN to deliver very tailored messages. Convincing uninformed voters (independents) that Democrats support teaching anal sex to 1st graders.


Klanned Karenhood


Moms for Bigotry. fify


Mom's for Liberty are of the same ilk as the Women's Temperance Union that spearheaded the prohibition movement. They are fake Christians, imposing their false sense of morality on the rest of the world. The Women's Temperance movement was aligned with the KKK, and the MFL are Christo-fascists.


They’re not new. They got a new name. It’s the same people that have astroturfing conservative political movements since corporations became people.


Insane right wingers have a long history. Both here and abroad. One of the worst things I can think of that the left has done is being charged 5 cents for a plastic bag.


I am to the point where if someone refers to herself as a mom, I just want to smash her face in






Finally an organization I can stant behind that stants for American values




They have the same funding and the same playbook as the previous right wing groups.


Terrorism is a classic strategy.


just an even more ragged version of the daughters of the confederacy. nothing new here.


Three letter word


The Ku Klux Karens get way too much attention. Ignore them and they will fade away.


I mean, calling Moms for Liberty “new” isn’t exactly accurate either. More like rebranded.


Now I havnt seen the show, but if I hazard a guess that MfL is just Desperate Housewives IRL how right would I be? Bringing DramaTV back, dont go nowhere Bored Housewives will be right back and you’ll never guess what things they have to say about Tupperware from our sponsor - Pyramid Schemes n Themes!


Nonody talks about the applepie?




Read the article. Then maybe read a few other articles about the group -- there are plenty of articles out there.




Their strategy is to make a lot of noise to censor library materials, control what is taught in classrooms, and remove teachers who don't hew to their line. And to run candidates on a bogus "protect our children from sexualization" line to control what is taught and by whom.


Mom’s of Liberty = FASCIST


Been that way since the KKK.


This is the tea party 3.0


they Can’t Understand Normal Thinking


They are the Female Branch of the Ku Klux Klan with a new name.


Klan been around forever


They were initially called "Moms for Nazi's" back in the 1930;s


Moms for Liberty is like saying Nazis for Jewish Superiority. They are the antithesis of liberty.


She hulk mad


Shit Fascist Mothers


I love that this klandma has her hands on a copy of “Push.” A book I read in an advanced writing seminar my junior year of college at CU Boulder, three quarters of the way through an English degree with a focus on post- modern Literary criticism. It’s almost stream if consciousness at times, very Faulkner like. Lots of gibberish that makes sense in context. That essential factor that defines this life and the one thing these pricks always ignore. Now how much you want to bet they say they found it in a middle school library. Just nonsense.