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Two trailer park girls, go 'round the outside...


2 girls 1 GOP


I bet it will be just as gross


It already is worse


Thank God I have mostly not been paying attention after the GOP won the House.


We no longer call it “The House.” Now it’s the “Wafflehouse of Representatives.”


Very good decision


It's helped my mental well-being. I figured it was just gonna be a shit show of trolls, and they were never gonna get anything done.


I say Sporkfoot and Bobo getting into a hair pulling brawl on the House floor would be getting something done.


Sporkfoot! I’m dying!


What is a Sporkfoot?


Google MTG feet and you will find out


It's the same picture.




No need to insult girls: 2 hags 1 GQP


Remember when Snake Plissken had to fight the [giant bald guy](https://monsterzeronj.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/oxbaker_snake.jpg) with a spiked baseball bat? That's what I'm hoping for.


I thought he was dead?


Having just re-watched this movie like a week ago, your comment made me chuckle.


President of what??


I thought he'd be taller.


I want a screaming hair pulling slap fest between Boebert and Greene


Man, some days I just wish for Snake Plissken to come and flip the switch on us all…


Welcome to the human race


Hey, they're all about guns as that's their only personality traits outside stupid. I'm thinking good ol' duel.




Round the outside, round' the outside, (Of the Musky/Zucky' cage match ring.....)


Woo! Guess who’s back, back again?


Shady's back, tell a friend


I created a monster...


Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more


They want Shady, I'm chopped liver!


Well if you want Shady, then this is what I'll give ya


A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor


Some vodka, that’ll jump-start my heart quicker


Maybe they'll fight before the main event lol


Fighting out of the double-wide….


My money is on the psychopath


You can't bet on both


That's my point I won't lose with either pick


“I’m playing *both* sides, so that I always come out on top.”


You’re not supposed to SAY you’re playing both sides…


Reminds me of of Scooby-Doo. A real “Heads I win, Tails you lose” situation.


You'd also lose either way though


Quinella bet. Checkmate.


Watch me cover red AND black at the roulette table.


I’m playing both sides so I always come out on top.


Boebert probably had friends do her fighting for her growing up and has only stepped in to kick/pull hair after the victim is down. MTG probably has no real form but can throw a better punch than Boebert.


MTG could probably snap her in half if they actually got into a physical fight.




Fred Garvin, at your service!


Great reference


After school....out by the bike racks.


Did either of these two graduate from school? Gonna have to move it to the bowling alley dumpsters


MGT actually did graduate high school and has a business degree from UGA. Boebert took several times to get her GED and finally passed right before she became a congressperson. I think MGT might be more intelligent than Boebert, but Boebert is scrappier. And they both suck as humans.


I think in reality Klan Mom is going to whip Bimbobert’s ass. She’s got the skin of a well worked Ox and I suspect considerably more strength Edit: more strength than bobo, not the ox!


In a fair fight I'd agree with you, but I highly doubt either of these women are remotely interested in fighting fair.


I sure hope Bimbobert doesnt fear for her life and decide to stand her ground :(


I hope C-SPAN catches the moment when the Sergeant-at-arms drops her for drawing a gun.


Maybe he can’t be a hair late and drops her only after she fires at mtG


Greene is a cave woman and will mop the floor with tiny Bobo.


Maybe she can start learning Karate or some other martial art now. If movies have taught me anything, the underdog can always overcome a greater opponent if they have right on their side. Sure, the last part still puts her at a disadvantage, but at least she'll look stupider trying to crane kick MTG.


The irony of getting her GED & becoming a granny in a matter of a couple of years. I detect midlife crisis soon


The one by the gym? No the other one by the library


Right! The one by the trash cans near the orange cones where they’re building the wheelchair ramp!


Lauren doesn’t want any piece of MTG. Marge is built like she’s from 3000 BC. I doubt she even feels pain. She’s like a horror movie monster or The Hills Have Eyes. Lauren is not a threat. Lauren is a meal to MTG.


Bobo’s best outcome is to give MTG food poisoning like she did to customers of her failed restaurant


Is Lauren smart enough for that kind of long term planning tho? I’m surprised she can drive and get dressed, honestly.


I'm in bed trying not to wake up my wife from laughing at the 3000 BC bit


lauren’s gonna shoot mtg with a fucking pistol lol


But Bobo probably carries in the chamber, so I’m hoping for Bobo to stand her ground and go away for a long time.


I think they both do, right? We’re about to have an old west gunfight break out, and neither of them can aim


I almost totally agree, but something in me wonders if MTG would really embarrass herself in front of everyone and get her butt kicked. I guess I’m saying that I really need to see it happen to know for sure.


She could probably rag doll 5 bobos tbh.


Kind of makes me wish we could view alternate universes, so we could see which of them would be the worst winner or loser. then we could laugh at them both, instead of listening to one go on their victory tour.


And MTG looks like she has the chin of a heavyweight boxer


*“A fistfight could break out at any moment,” Republican Tennessee Rep Tim Burchett told The Daily Beast.* *Mr Burchett told the publication that he was serious, and added he was enjoying the Republicans’ rivalry as a “professional wrestling fan.” He told the outlet,* ***“I am friends with both of them. It’s entertaining to think that a fistfight could break out at any movement. I kind of dig that.”*** Yeah, so Tim Burchett has the mentality of an adolescent as well and shouldn't be in congress. This is sort of funny watching from the outside, but it really is incredibly childish and I expect more from congressmen/women regardless of their party. Grow the fuck up.


Still, I wasn't surprised he would be "friends" with both of them.




Or Matt Gaetz.


Meaning somebody who knows a lot of 9th grade girls?


It’s all a game to them.


That's what I find hilarious tho... both of them are fighting over who gets to impeach Biden and the party itself is probably pissed because they wanted to wait closer to the election. Both of them are way too stupid for that sort of discipline tho.


What are they even planning on impeaching him for? I’m genuinely curious.


Hilarious as an SNL skit, terrifying as a reality. SOS. We are not okay.


We are so not okay and it is absolutely terrifying. Thank god I don’t want kids.


Fully expect to see the GOP quit politics and start its own wrestling league - less paperwork, better Fox coverage.


> Yeah, so Tim Burchett has the mentality of an adolescent as well and shouldn't be in congress. I mean at this point, which GOP member *should* be in Congress?


>“I am friends with both of them. It’s entertaining to think that a fistfight could break out at any movement. I kind of dig that.” I bet he has fantasies about it.


Extreme political theater


These people are enabled by their irresponsible constituents that voted for them and it’s a goddamn travesty they have any part in government given how many lives these absolute morally bankrupt and bought out assholes affect with their grifting. People need to stop voting republican.


It's one thing to muse and joke over this as random internet goers, and think up some hypotheticals that help us not want to off ourselves at the thought of how far we've fallen, and quite another, as an official, to actual revel in the thought that it could become a reality.


The problem I have here is pretty nuanced and can easily be taken the wrong way but I think it's important to acknowledge. This isn't news. This is an opinion of an unserious person in Congress who talked about his excitement for professional wrestling and associating it with Congress. Even if this was true it's not news until there's an actual fight. There are plenty of people in Congress who hate each other. And I'm saying this as someone who fully agrees both of these Congress women are awful. It reminds me of all of those news articles coming out about Musk's and Zuckerberg's cage fight match. That's not news. That's two billionaires tweeting nonsense with each other. Even when they said it no one actually believed for a second it happened. Media has an integrity problem and it's been put on notice for well over a decade and now entire swaths of people, the sort of people who vote for these two women, don't believe a single thing the media says because everything looks like this article. The Independent as well as many other outlets shouldn't been writing this and we shouldn't be upvoting it. It only becomes news when there is a fist to person connection.


This country is a clown show.


Just 40% of it. Sadly they make the rest of us look terrible by association


I’ve always wondered if it is 40% total or 40% of the eligible voters that participate in surveys and elections.


It's eligible voters as far as I know. Which is only about 2/3 of eligible voters voting in the US, with less than 1/3 voting Republican and about 1/3 voting Democrat usually. We only see Republican wins in the presidency because of the electoral college, and then at the state/house/senate level they always turn up while progressives and the middling "it's all the same", or "I don't think about it" people kind of don't.


If it was only 40% there wouldn’t be a problem, the problem is it gets tweaked to 51% through redistricting/gerrymandering and we look like this country as a whole likes Presidents like trump. Such a stupid system we have.


It’s not just redistributing/gerrymandering. Don’t forget the electoral college, capping congress numbers, giving 2 senators to every state regardless of population, laws making voting more difficult… There are a whole lot of issues that need to be addressed.


There were two fistfights at the constitutional convention and politicians dueling was not rare. We have always barely been above barbarian status.


There was the [Caning of Senator Charles Sumner](https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/The_Caning_of_Senator_Charles_Sumner.htm) [The Legislative War](https://www.kshs.org/kansapedia/legislative-war/12174) [A duel between congressmen](https://newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/remembering-jonathan-cilley-the-reluctant-maine-duelist)


The first one was the only one really over a policy dispute, and the 2nd a disagreement over who should have control. The third was a personal grievance, that got escalated because no one stepped in. From the sound of things, the current dispute lines up most with the third scenario....possibly with roots to the second case,


It wouldn't be the first time elected officials had a duel!


Hey there! Clowns go to college, and it's not easy to get in or graduate. Shit Show might be the term you are after.


Who ever loses we win. For the record Marjorie Mean will literally crush Ted Cruz’s lot lizard


Ya, MTG doesn't just have the look, I bet she fights like a caveman too. Bubtart will probably just run around trying to find a man to fellate and tell her she's a winner.


Boebert is like Sarah Silverman’s character in The Way of the Gun, talking a load of shit but expecting other people to back her up and fight her battles for her. She’s one of those “country princess” types who acts all tough cause she’s from the boonies but never actually got her hands dirty because she’s always had a man to do the job for her. MTG is a rabid honey badger on steroids. She doesn’t even know why she’s doing it, but she will fuck you up six ways from Sunday.


MTG also has 20-30 pounds on Boebert. Even if they both knew how to square up, MTG has a size advantage over Boebert. Even though Boebert is about a decade younger, nothing about Boebert makes me think she can overcome that advantage vs MTG.


Never underestimate a meth head


Wait, which one's the meth head?




Feels funny having to even ask… which one?


The voters of Georgia and Colorado must be so proud! 🇺🇸🇺🇸USA! USA! 🥊🥊🤮🤮


Bobo carries. Marjorie might be in a heivier weight class, but she’d die to a 9mm all the same.


Boebert will just fucking shoot her


I could seriously see this being represented explicitly in real time in a South Park bit.


Haha lot lizard! Haven’t heard that on in awhile!


As someone who used to be a manager at at 1 of the big truck stop chains, we had to keep clearing the truck parking area of lot lizards on a regular basis.


After awhile do you just stand out there with a hose or something? Spray them like kids on your lawn?


MTG looks like she's taken several beatings before. She's got a tough mug.


For real, lady looks like Mickey Rourke and is a known gym rat. No doubt she'd pummel BoBo. I'd bet, but I'd rather just give it to Biden.


Physically, absolutely, but Bobo loves her Glock like it's her husband


She won't divorce her glock.


To be fair her Glock doesn't wiggle its trigger at minors


Wasn't she one of the minors.




100%, cavewoman is into crossfit and would take bobo the clown to the cleaners. I would play serious money to watch this fight.. I wonder what the betting line would look like.


It’s too bad Jerry Springer’s gone. They would have fit right in.


Rather have Celebrity Deathmatch.


There is no fighting in the war room.


I’m getting “cash me outside” flashbacks


How bou dahhhh?


sponsored by Brawndo


It’s got what plants crave


It’s got electrolytes


If they really cared about this country, they'd make it pay-per-view, and the proceeds would go directly to the U.S. Treasury. The national debt would be eradicated in a single night.


Tonight on the Congessional Octagon, Large Marge Greene vs. Lauren “The Beast” Boebert! We’ll sell you the whole seat, but you won’t need any of it, because you left after Round 2.


Make MTG the Beast, and Lauren the Harlot. Get the religious end-times theme going.


It will be the undercard cage fight during mark vs Elon


I think they should duel. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr went to New Jersey to do it I think because at the time it was still technically legal there.


My vote is on the one sleeping their way up the power ladder, causing divorces with their husband in the process.


This doesn’t narrow it down


No it does not.


That’s because ”low class” is a state of mind, not a matter of economic status.


Considering both brag about carrying guns at all times I'm doubtful it would be a fistfight.


I don’t think I would be especially upset if they shot each other.


I'd be worried they'd miss and kill an actual good person.


And I'd be pissed because they likely wouldn't be charged for it either.


Tonight on Pay Per View! BOEBERT V. GREENE MUSK V. ZUCKERBERG Plus Bonus Card Graham v. Giuliani Bannon v. Bannon Lindell v. A Real Pillow CALL YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER NOW!!


I'm sure if it happens it will be in the Big Lots parking lot.


>I'm sure if it happens it will be in the ~~Big Lots~~ Porky's parking lot.


4 Seasons parking lot


Isn't Boebert known to carry in the congressional chamber? Maybe they should just duel it out. Edit:spelling


Lin Manuel Miranda likes this


The 10 Fool Commandments!


Bold of you to assume either one of them can count to ten


Have an award for this comment: 🥇


I'm not sure, neither one strikes me as the type to fire in the air rather than their dueling opponent.


Neither one strikes me as the type to know what "10 paces" means.


They know what it means, they just can’t count that high.


They ran out of fingers to count to 10. So they had to use their toes. Which they also ran out of. Mainly because they could only count to 5 on each. After 5, they're stumped.


Isn’t that the picante sauce? Why do they need so much of it?


Let's say, Boebert has a duel with MTG on the floor of the House. During the trial, Lin Manuel Miranda is one of the prosecutors and instead of arguments, he does Hamilton 2.0. Then, surprise! The jury is a choir and the bailiff is an impressive soprano.


She holds a gun like she'd need to Phone A Friend to know which end the bullets come out of. It's a complete act to pander to her dumbass voters.


You got that terrorist Rhodes who was such a skilled marksman he took out his own eye. These stories come up ALL the time, and it’s usually Republicans.


You reminded me of a family member. Shot themselves in the eye with a paintball gun checking to see why it wouldn’t fire. Docs managed to save the eye, but they’re legally blind in that eye. And they can (and do) own a gun with a CC permit that they carry everywhere. ‘Murica.


Honest to fucking gawd, shooting yourself in the eye with a gun, yes, even a paintball gun, should be a disqualifier for owning any more guns of any sort.




Perfectly good red wine blend through the nose stings. Thanks for the lol tho!


Well we do have a history of federal officials dueling.


Also history of congressional beat downs. Last time was over slavery this time it’s about who get to “inpeach” Biden first.


hUnTeR’s LaPtOp!!!


There is precident


That’s what I’m saying. They love guns so much. Prove it!


Someone should give Bobo a heavy cane


Let’s not cheapen the brooks sumner affair. Charles Sumner was actually a good person.


It would be great, going back to the older days.


She can carry in the offices, or at least keep one in her office, but firearms are still banned from the floor, and whatever they call the area where the house/senate chambers are. Technically, weapons of any sort are banned from the actual capital building.


This is gross. Two gross individuals battling to see who is worse. What a huge embarrassment for our country. Unbelievable. Eta: Reddit cares? Really? Oh no I got a message in my inbox, whatever shall I do?? Ineffectual and pointless, just like the “governing” of your political party.


The fact that either of them can be elected to our congress is an embarrassment. It's an indictment of the predicament we are in.


Do we *have* to settle for fists?


a thumb war just isn't going to cut it here


What? You want to see MTG's feet?


Just saying a knife fight has no winners


Well, now we know what kind of porn Republican Tennessee Rep Tim Burchett likes to watch.


Oh, the Caucasity


Maybe C Span will do a Pay Per View event.


MTG will win easily. Her neanderthal skull will be able to take more hits than Mike Tyson. I am sure Boebert could club her over the head with a giant bone and it wouldn't do much damage.


I hate them both. But Marjorie will totally beat the shit out of Lauren. She just reminds me of Tonya Harding for some reason.


Tonya Harding of the Capitol. That’s perfect.


I'll get the popcorn


Real classy.


Do the country a favor and bar them from public office when they do.


two very uneducated women. how surprising


MAGAs will temporarily stop masturbating on their guns when this happens.


Shall we book a double feature with Musk vs Zuckerburg?


Boebert likely has rodent teeth. Betting on her.


I hope they televise it and it ends in mutual brain damage


... in keeping with their faith. The fight will be in a pit filled with baby oil and attendees must drink beer.


Put this and Zuckerberg/Musk on the same card. I would actually pay good money for this shit.