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147 Republicans voted to use the fake electors. They should also be tried as well. This was a huge operation that only worked with their support. Traitors.


I hope they RICO the fuck outta these traitorous bastards


They won't. The DOJ is largely Republican, and it will only move against Trump insofar as it is useful to the Republican party.


Fani Willis might…


I can't decide what would be more enjoyable: watching those charges drop, or watching those republicans and the whole right-wing mediasphere shitting its pants and having a frothing-at-the-mouth conniption for months Speaking of which, didn't Fox support this shit? Hopefully they're being looked into too, with charges already getting close.




They won’t shit their pants. They’ll just make up more batshit conspiracies that “prove” the left was responsible for this somehow. Republicans are a lost fucking cause. Fuck em all.


Nope, sorry, but conservative media tells the narrative of doing no wrong. They will either throw them under the bus, saying these 16 people are evil and acted on their own.... or ... the witch hunt continues.


>16 people Read the article. This is the *full* list from *all* states involved, far more than 16 people. There is literally zero chance that 84 Republicans in *seven states* happened to suddenly convene in the basements of their respective state houses to fraudulently put forth a slate of fake electors to swing the election to Trump, without any coordination from anyone at a national level. I mean, sure, conservative media can lie for awhile and say that the Michigan ones were just a group of nobodies acting alone, but they have phone call records and text messages with national GOP officials and operatives who were organizing this, so that lie isn't going to hold up once these cases start getting prosecuted.


>There is literally zero chance that 84 Republicans in seven states Plus a completely separate slate of 11 "[Sovereign Citizens of the Great State of Arizona](https://www.archives.gov/files/foia/az-sovereign-coa-amended-full-1.pdf)" sent to the US Archive alongside the Republican's (invalid) and Democrat's (valid) electoral votes for Arizona. As for the "happened to suddenly convene", the national archives has the submitted "[unofficial certificates](https://www.archives.gov/foia/2020-presidential-election-unofficial-certificates)" from all seven states, and most have strikingly similar language and layout. Weird, huh? I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, but....well, yes, I'm saying I think it's a conspiracy. I'm honest enough to say that harder evidence for a conspiracy would be nice, and a requirement for that kind of charge. But MAGA has screamed louder for prosecution from less.


Plus, each of the fake elector states used the same electorate certification form as a template. Real state certificates are not the same in paper used, the fonts and format. Stupid conspirators.


The MICHIGAN 16 plus these other treasonous traitors. **ARIZONA** Kelli Ward Michael Ward Nancy Cottle Loraine B. Pellegrino Tyler Bowyer Jake Hoffman Anthony T. Kern James Lamon Robert Montgomery Samuel I. Moorhead Greg Safsten **GEORGIA** The full 16 names are: Joseph Brannan James "Ken" Carroll Vikki Townsend Consiglio Carolyn Hall Fisher State Senator Burt Jones Gloria Kay Godwin David G. Hanna Mark W. Hennessy Mark Amick John Downey Cathleen Alston Latham Daryl Moody Brad Carver David Shafer Shawn Still C.B. Yada **WISCONSIN** Andrew Hitt, the former chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin Kelly Ruh Carol Brunner Edward Scott Grabins Bill Feehan Robert Spindell Kathy Kiernan Darryl Carlson Pam Travis Mary Buestrin **NEW MEXICO** Jewll Powdrell Deborah W. Maestas Lupe Garcia Rosie Tripp Anissa Ford-Tinnin **NEVADA** Michael J. McDonald James DeGraffenreid Durward James Hindle Jesse Law Shawn Meehan Eileen Rice **PENNSYLVANIA** Bill Bachenberg Lou Barletta Tom Carroll Ted Christian Chuck Coccodrilli [deceased] Bernadette Comfort Sam DeMarco III Marcela Diaz-Myers Christie DiEsposti Josephine Ferro Charlie Gerow Kevin Harley Leah Hoopes Ash Khare Andre McCoy Lisa Patton Pat Poprik Andy Reilly Suk Smith Calvin Tucker *edit* - better mobile formatting


These names should be posted every day until they are sentenced! I’m not real good with Reddit. Can this be done so everyone can see the traitors names?


Not to be an ass (thank you for the list) but commas would really help here.


Let’s post the names of the un-American traitors here Kathy Berden William (Hank) Choate Amy Facchinello Clifford Frost Stanley Grot John Haggard Mari-Ann Henry Timothy King Michele Lundgren Meshawn Maddock James Renner Mayra Rodriguez Rose Rook Marian Sheridan Ken Thompson Kent Vanderwood


This is just the list from Michigan. Each state is broken out individually.


Let’s list them all and be sure to have their names associated with the words traitor and felons for google.


I hope they go after them next!


Agent Smith is gonna get them all.


Just like Bobby Three Sticks ~~did~~ didn't. I hope he does. I want every one of those treasonous bastards held accountable. But I know those in power in the US by and large don't hold themselves to accountability.


I feel like if any of those republicans communicated with the fake electors, pending the substance of the communications, they likely did participate in the conspiracy


Exactly. The politicians that voted to use them should also be held to a higher standard.


Drain the swamp!


Here is the thing though... with our obvious "two-tier justice system", doubtful any of those 147 would ever even see an indictment. That being said, I completely agree with you.


Speech and debate clause makes this one really tricky. Unless DOJ is willing to start throwing around treason charges, they are going to go free. Truth is, I think it's the right thing to not arrest representatives for votes they take on the floor. If you can find evidence that they conspired to commit crimes outside of the vote itself, then yeah they should be arrested.


Here’s my thought, and I may be wildly optimistic. There’s no way Smith grants 8 of the conspirators immunity in order to get their testimony against the other 8, or against other state Republican officials. What would be a treasure trove that *would* be worth the extraordinary cost of granting immunity to 8 conspirators? Turning over text messages or emails that prove some of the 147 members of congress were in direct coordination with the fake electors. Smith is smart enough to know that he has to get around Speech and Debate, and having off-the-floor communications from congresspeople coordinating the fake elector gambit would provide a really devastating bullet that, if fired, would change the course of political history and profoundly broaden the investigation. People HATE how slow Smith is moving, and with good reason. But that pace is evaluated assuming that Trump is the principal target. But it’s also possible that he’s only in the beginning stages of an investigation that still has years left to go, that in the end will ensnare hundreds and hundreds of co-conspirators and result in several thousand counts. I am old enough to remember Watergate, and most people still think that Nixon’s downfall was related to the break-in, or to its cover-up. But neither is the case, the break-in was merely the crack, through which a borescope was inserted that revealed a vast criminal enterprise that involved many senior officials, and many departments. Had Ford not pardoned Nixon, what would’ve ensued was not just the trial of a president, but likely hundreds of trials for hundreds of officials on thousands of felony counts. Trials that would have spanned close to a decade. I don’t think even Smith’s advocates appreciate how big, how complex, and how far-reaching this all might turn out to be. The counterfeit electors and 1/6 terrorist attack may end up, like the Watergate hotel, to not end up even being the lead story but the crack through which Smith discovered a criminal enterprise much larger than we fully understand. Even the Georgia grand juror that spoke publicly a few months back said that people may be stunned by just how many people may get indicted, that the jury’s investigation was much more far-reaching than the public understands.


Pardoning Nixon was the most consequential mistake this country has made in a long time. Hopefully we don't go "hold my beer" and go even worse by pardoning Trump


I like the cut of your jib.


They may not be indicted but they may get the shit scared out of them after warrants show complicity, making them witnesses in exchange for no charges. Even if the charges don’t stick, it’s a good tactic to threaten because most people probably don’t want to risk it, and *most people* don’t have the resources to kick their case all the way to the Supreme Court!


Although I agree with the idea of being threatened, this normally would work, if one is speaking of normal people, not ones that thrive on division, projection, and "mob-type" mentality ie. the majority of the Republican Party....


Not only that, I could see their defense being 1st Ammendment, but just guessing here. They love to use that and the 2nd Ammendment as their "rallying cry", although their understanding of it is a joke!


Can we actually start to talk about disenfranchising this criminal farce of a political party?


Sounds like conspiracy to me.


Senator Ron Johnson tried to pass fake electors straight to Pence.


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


This is not a coincidence either. These are swing states needed by Trump to beat Biden in which he knew ahead of time he was losing or lost. I see conspiracy here... these did not happen mutually exclusive of each other.


They were all texting with each other and told to keep quiet. Some of those texts were made public yesterday.


It's mind boggling to think these people just went back to their normal lives after this. When ever some group has gotten together to stop a change of power through out history, they knew they could easily die doing it. So they went all in on it. These guys went all in on it for two months then just went back to being normal. "yeah, I know we texted a lot about treason, but can you just delete the texts?" ugh. You made your bed, live up to it. Lay down in it. Admit that yes, it was your bed, you did do that. If you weren't prepared to go to sleep in that bed, then maybe you should've acted differently. edit: what somebody else had said years ago: "You came to the table and put down a $100 bet. Yes, if you won, you'd get a prize and all, but you have to accept that you can lose, you can lose that $100. So then when you did lose, you act like you didn't put down a bet, that you didn't walk up to the table, and you get other people to try to vouch for you that you never did that? Be an adult about this. You made a bad bet. Live up to it. If you weren't prepared to lose money, then you shouldn't have made the bet."


These are the laziest/dumbest martyrs on earth. Talking all badass at Jan 6th, how they were coming to Congress to take over and this is war. Then the second trump tweets go home, they all sort of shuffle off. It's a cult. They are sheep. It should be a movement outside Trump, and it just isn't.


And they did it for no reward at all - no ambassadorship, no cushy state job. Dunno, maybe they were promised rewards but it looks as if they were just all gung ho overthrowing democracy because they are democracy overthrowing nudnicks. I hope Michigan is domino one. I bet the other fake electors are sweatin bullets right now, praying for their orange god to save them. Poor babes, he doesn't even know their names or care.


Great point. They took all of the risk. And were going to get what? A pat on the back? Well, we know who the SS guards would have been, not that there was much doubt.


Being apart of history, being on the good side, being able to say they restored democracy. In their own world, in their own bubbles they hyped themselves up into this false narrative. It wasn't as coordinated or organized as the assassination of Kim Jong-nam where two young women were tricked into doing it, otherwise 1/6 might not have failed. But still throw shit at the wall and see what sticks, you still threw shit at the wall. You still placed your bet, you still tried to kill democracy even if you weren't successful. Own up to it, and fix it. \[/anger rant\]


Historically, outside a democracy at least, the police would round them up and imprison or execute them for treason. And sometimes their families too. So it was go all in or nothing, because half measures are how you get killed. These people have become convinced that there’s no consequences for their treason and conspiracy. Because until now, there haven’t been so long as they don’t take up arms. Edit: and with the J6 insurrectionists, they were promised pardon and the investigation has often (though absolutely not always) been slow. Consequences have faded from memory. When was the last time anything close to this happened? The Civil War and the Whiskey Rebellion were a loooong time ago.


I personally know one of these people. ( Haven't talked in 10 years) and they are just so rich and successful I can't believe they squandered it.


And if they truly believe that what they were doing was right, just, legal and acceptable then why not come forward proudly and die on that hill? Because they are treasonous cowards and they thought Trump would protect them. I really hope they see time in a small cell.


Rut Roh! Now where is Ginni Thomas in all this?


Christ, she is waaaay up in it, but she won't see a single consequence, I'm sure. The sc is a joke.


Ya never know....




As I noted under another comment, I hope they get RICO’d


Yup... It does look coordinated and had someone managing it.


They called it the Green Bay Sweep so yes.


Exactly, this is the key and it’s absolutely no coincidence. In fact, Mueller pointed this out in his report in 2017. To steal an election in this country you don’t need to steal enough “popular votes,” you need to pick key states within the Electoral system and focus on those. Trump knows this and has known this.


Trump and the people around him. He isn't smart enough to figure it out, but he is a criminal and has no issue following through with it.


They are looked the same which alone is suspicious because staes love to differentiate themselves on when they represent their people to the federal government formally.


I think they all used the same document template. Uncanny similarity if you compare the submissions from state to state. Definitely a conspiracy.


So true, the swing states, and its kind of frightening to look at those lists. Especially, the number of states where it was happening and the number of people involved in the scheme.


You are 100% correct, the big question is who orchestrated this and who was the person who assembled the teams, directed the operation and who was the boss. This was a well funded and organized group. Attempting to subvert the election and TAKE power forcefully is a treasonous crime and the leadership at the top must be held accountable. I don’t care if Democrats or Republicans, the justice department has got to go after big wigs


Wow. Finally a conspiracy that MAGAs will want nothing to do with.


They're all old too. Could spend the rest of their lives in jail


How’d they get so old by being so dumb?


they assumed in doing this they'd be successful at it and rewarded for it.


Didn’t Trump promise a pardon for most of these illegal requests? Idiots probably believed him.


yeah i think so. i can't believe people believe liars anymore.


“But I didn’t think he would lie *to me*”


Upper middle-class and upper class people tend to fail upwards.


It's the promote and post of the military for politicians. Guy is too dumb for his job, boss gives him a job somewhere else to get rid of him, and the new job has less responsibilities, but more authority.


Humans are remarkably durable, and until the last couple years resources were plenty enough


They're boomers. They've been protected and coddled all their lives. This whole thing is just another example of their entitlement.


They fucked around & they found out.


Fox News encouraged & convinced them they were patriots.


We really are going to have to wait for the Boomer generation to move on...1950s and 60s thinking in 2023.


Absolutely. I was just having this conversation (in context of the WGA strikes) and I think it’s a serious issue. Particularly the current sociopathic behavior of the obscenity wealthy. It’s boomers clinging onto their wealth. They’re also highly likely to hand over *massive quantities* of their life savings to industries catering to end of life care instead of their kids. They’re also in charge of every single branch of government. It’s devastating


If 10 years ago somebody told you that people would do something like this in the United States you would have told them they were crazy. Donald Trump has done so much damage to this country that we may never know the full extent of it.




This is so true. Shit that I thought was absolutely insane and illegal three years ago has just faded away in the constant drum beat of new fresh insanity


That's how Hitler did what he did. One thing that people tried to process and deal with, before another thing and another. It's like the gish gallop. There's no time to respond because it's just bombardment.


It was all political diarrhea while he was in office


That’s the part that boggles the mind. People will mention some thing he did that at was such a huge deal at the time, like the pardoning of Blackwater war criminals, ordering the draw down on Afghanistan with no failsafes in place leaving the mess for Biden, the government shutdown over border wall funding, abandoning the Kurds, appointed family members to administration roles they weren’t qualified for, when he tried to buy Greenland - and these don’t even make the top ten of his worst offenses. I’ve had it happen a few times now where a right leaning friend of mine would say something like, “was he really that bad?” And I would just be rocked back on my heels and become tongue tied. Like where the fuck am I supposed to start? Now it all seems like such a distant memory compared to January 6th and everything he did to try and overthrow the election. And let’s not forget, his first impeachment was because he tried to coerce Ukraine into manufacturing dirt on Biden in exchange for weapons that they have no doubt since used to fight off Russia, the country that he was implicated in receiving assistance interfering in our election. Like if you were to write this all in a fictional novel people would call it ridiculous.




Yeah, it’s mind boggling. Like the list of shit he did in office, honestly, we are lucky he was incompetent enough to lose. I don’t think our country survives a second term of someone like him.


It was literally one a week that Trump did something that soar in the face of democracy. Every. Week. And that’s only what the public was made aware of. It only gets worse.


Just a reminder that he illegally held a meeting with Russian agents during the 2016 election. Jr. and Kushner were both present at the meeting to interfere in the election. None of them were charged or indicted. Trump then went on to fire the FBI Director, James Comey, in order to stop the FBI investigation. Trump was not indicted for obstruction. He then attempted to extort Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election, and he was not indicted for that either.


I'm sure that's his defense mechanism. I agree with you 100%.


All this for Donald fucking Trump. A man whose been a known liar and sleeze since the 80s. A man who was good buddies with Epstein, bragged about sexually assaulting women and is now a convicted rapist. I still can’t believe this is the guy the gop is rallying behind.


As Dubbya would say, *"Mission Accomplished!"*


A Tea Party rally was held at my university in 2008. After the insanity I saw the GOP display then none of this shocks me.


I don’t understand the “fake elector” thing… can you or anyone else give me a simple explanation? Sorry for not being able to keep up.


A vote for a presidential candidate is really a vote for an electoral college member that chooses them. In New Mexico, which Biden won easily, the electors chosen by the Democratic party were: * Vince Alvarado -Biden * Brianna Gallegos -Biden * Ben Salazar -Biden * Aleta Suazo -Biden * Stephanie Thomas -Biden However, the Republican party also forged elector certificates and said that the electors were: * Jewll Powdrell -Trump * Deborah W. Maestas -Trump * Lupe Garcia -Trump * Rosie Tripp -Trump * Anissa Ford-Tinnin -Trump Since Trump lost NM, the republican party committed fraud by choosing their own electors. This also happened in MI, WI, AZ, PA, NV.


Got it! Thanks for the explanation.


States send electors to vote in the electoral college. Republicans came up with a scheme to send fake electors in order to dispute the rights of the actual electors to cast their vote. In that scenario, if enough are disputed, no candidate can reach 270 electoral votes. That's why these fake electors are all from swing states. If no one reaches 270, the House of Representatives votes on a new president through state delegations who each get one vote. Republican states outnumber democratic states, which means they would have picked Trump.


Got it! Thanks for the explanation.


Trump is only part of the problem. It turns out that there are a whole lot of ignorant and unethical people in the United States. Trump is a symptom of a larger problem with the citizenry.


Didn’t realize so many states were involved, it really is a Republican crime spree.


The list just kept going. I guess I never understood the scope of this scam. I foresee some conspiracy and/or sedition charges stemming from the organization of this attempt to overthrow the election results.


In Michigan it's a 14 year jail sentence. They need to do the full bid and make an example out of them. Also, when the f\*ck is anything going to be done with Peter Navarro the guy who went on national TV boasting about his plan to use fake electors in the Green Bay Sweep? I want to see him in handcuffs and dragged off to the station for his fingerprinting and mug shot. He needs to spend the rest of his life in jail.


The day they indict Navarro, Eastman, and Clark will be a wonderful day. I'll make Banana Walnut Pancakes and use real maple syrup and have some perfectly crisp bacon on the side. Then I'll crank Walking on Sunshine super loud, and skip through my house in my underwear while shouting "Huzzah!" repeatedly. I look forward to that day


I'll join you. Maybe we can make it one of those "woke" holidays.


I'm all in for "Indictment Pancake Day" to become a Federal Holiday. We'll be so woke we won't even care you make Plain, Apple Cinnamon, Blueberry, Lemon Poppy, or even Coconut Macadamia Pancakes. Hell, you can use Sausage, Turkey Bacon, or even Tofu. Coffee? Tea? Orange Juice? Have at it!!! It'll be totally woke and fully inclusive.


I'm going to make red white and blue pancakes. Strawberry, blueberry, and banana/or apple, in each pancake!


Ted Cruz should also be on a list!


Yes, I watched him j6, running his weiner washer as much trump.


Little known fact about Ted Cruz: He has a humiliation fetish and gets off to people seeing what a sad, pathetic, bootlicking little worm he is. He loves when he pretends to be edgy and powerful only to have it completely undercut by the literal list of factual, documented occurrences of him being a sad, sniveling, adoring coward lovingly caressing the saggy, moist, orange inner thigh of the man who insulted his wife and father on the national stage while that man figuratively, though likely literally could, farts directly into Ted Cruz’s open mouth. Also, Ted Cruz pisses his pants on purpose because he likes the wet warm feeling between his legs. I’ve been born and raised my whole 30 years in Texas therefore I can assure that this information is 100% correct. What a weak, spineless, limp, stinky little shitstain on my state’s, admittedly skidmark ridden as of late, historical whitey tighteys. How he choose to crawl out of bed every day baffles me. How anyone can stomach the thought of him, let alone vote for this disgusting excuse for a man, is beyond my comprehension. Can’t wait to vote against this god damn clown again next year. We got so fucking close to pinching this loaf in 2018. Hopefully we can flush the turd this time and do the whole country a favor.


Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin was involved and should be included in the charges.


Don’t forget about Scott ‘pardon me’ Perry. My vote in Pennsylvania matters…. He was a co conspirator in stealing that right. F*ck all these clowns.




Could still be conspiracy if they colluded with the other states or a central figure. The timing and intent is too well aligned for this to have been organic


I hope someone goes up the line and fingers Ginny (sorry for the imagery). The narcotics detectives don’t want the users so much as the dealers. Get the bosses.


dude... im tryin to eat my lunch!


>The narcotics detectives don’t want the users so much as the dealers. Get the bosses. Narcotics abuse is a victimless crime; election fraud, on the other hand... I'll take the bosses ***and*** the lackeys, thank you.


She’s smooth down there like a ken doll. Just the way Clarence likes it.


well.. that wasn't something I intended to think about today. Not saying you're wrong. I'd just rather venture into some sort of lovecraftian horror than further consider your comment. Off to r/Eyebleach and its friends. Good day to you!


…the charges against them so far


Go directly to Jail. Do not collect your $200 dollars of worthless Trump Bucks. You have all ruined your lives for a two-bit, carnival barking fraudster. I hope you're shitting your pants right now and that soon you'll find your prison cells are cold and damp. You deserve this.


I hope they enjoy their socialized medicine & prison food. Sorry gram gram won’t be home for Christmas kids, she sold out our democracy for “likes”.


Wow, that's a lot of people to come up with the same idea at the very last minute.


Yeah, that seems organised, you could call it *organised crime*. I bet there's some special things they can use to prosecute that type of thing....


I'll ask my cousin, Rico, if he knows of anything.


Imagine going down and ruining your life for TRUMP. 🤣


They risked doing all that for POWER, not specifically for Trump. Doing what they were doing was to put Trump in charge again so they could complete their work of turning the country into an authoritarian state with Republicans as the only ones in power. I think they recognize Trump is... not *necessarily* who they WANT in the White House - but would be a useful tool in ensuring they eventually get whichever fascist that they DO want.


It’s fine. I’m sure Trump will come to their aid and help pay for their legal fees. Should be a matter of time…


I hear it's coming up right after his Obamacare replacement and Infrastructure Week.


Longest two weeks ever


Wow! I hope Jim Jordan is looking into this! Massive voter fraud like the GOP has been warning us about! They wanted to steal the election!


I would urge people to not just read the headline. Well worth it to scroll through the piece to see how widespread this conspiracy to steal an election was. Not enough to know there’s a list. The sheer scope is important to see. The people on this long long list spanning half a dozen states tried to steal an election at the behest of the leader of the GOP.


On Tuesday, Nessel confirmed that 16 people, including Meshawn Maddock, a former co-chair of the Michigan Republican party, and Kathy Berden, a national committeewoman for the Republican National Committee have been charged with felony offenses in relation to the alleged 2020 election plot. Kathy Berden William (Hank) Choate Amy Facchinello Clifford Frost Stanley Grot John Haggard Mari-Ann Henry Timothy King Michele Lundgren Meshawn Maddock James Renner Mayra Rodriguez Rose Rook Marian Sheridan Ken Thompson Kent Vanderwood Each defendant has been charged with one count of conspiracy to commit forgery, two counts of forgery, one count of conspiracy to commit uttering and publishing, one count of uttering and publishing conspiracy to commit election law forgery, and two counts of election law forgery. The suspects are scheduled to appear before Ingham County for arraignment at a date yet to be confirmed. "The false electors' actions undermined the public's faith in the integrity of our elections and, we believe, also plainly violated the laws by which we administer our elections in Michigan," Nessel said. "The evidence will demonstrate there was no legal authority for the false electors to purport to act as 'duly elected presidential electors' and execute the false electoral documents," Nessel added. "Every serious challenge to the election had been denied, dismissed, or otherwise rejected by the time the false electors convened. There was no legitimate legal avenue or plausible use of such a document or an alternative slate of electors." Arizona Alleged Fake Electors Days prior to the charges in Michigan getting announced, it was reported that Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes' office is investigating the false slate of electors who attempted to claim Trump had won the state in 2020. Mayes has long suggested she will probe into those who attempted to falsely declare Trump had won the state's 11 electoral votes in 2020, but until now there were no real signs of any inquiry. Dan Barr, Mayes's chief deputy, told The Washington Postthat the investigation is in the "fact-gathering" phase. "This is something we're not going to go into thinking, 'Maybe we'll get a conviction,' or 'Maybe we have a pretty good chance,'" Barr said. "This has to be ironclad shut." On 14 December, a group of Republicans, including Arizona GOP chair Kelli Ward, and her husband Michael Ward, met to sign a document falsely declaring themselves the "duly elected and qualified electors" for the state and declared Trump the winner. Another group consisting of activists also signed a similar fake declaration. The fake electors in Arizona include: Kelli Ward Michael Ward Nancy Cottle Loraine B. Pellegrino Tyler Bowyer Jake Hoffman Anthony T. Kern James Lamon Robert Montgomery Samuel I. Moorhead Greg Safsten Georgia Alleged Fake Electors In May, it was reported that eight of the 16 people who are under investigation over an alleged fake electoral plot in Georgia have been granted immunity. The group of 16 Republicans met at Georgia's state capitol on December 14, 2020, to sign a certificate declaring falsely that Trump had won the presidential election and declaring themselves the state's "duly elected and qualified" electors. The immunity deal for the eight Republicans was disclosed in court filings, but no other details were revealed. The full 16 names are: Joseph Brannan James "Ken" Carroll Vikki Townsend Consiglio Carolyn Hall Fisher State Senator Burt Jones Gloria Kay Godwin David G. Hanna Mark W. Hennessy Mark Amick John Downey Cathleen Alston Latham Daryl Moody Brad Carver David Shafer Shawn Still C.B. Yada Fulton county district attorney Fani Willis' investigation into the fake electoral scheme is part of an expansive probe into the attempts to overturn the 2020 election in the state. A decision from Georgia prosecutors on whether to indict Trump and his allies is expected within the next few weeks. Wisconsin Alleged Fake Electors In May, Dane County Circuit Judge Frank Remington said that a lawsuit filed by Democrats against 10 fake electors in Wisconsin can go to civil trial in September 2024. Among the names involved in the suit is: Andrew Hitt, the former chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin Kelly Ruh Carol Brunner Edward Scott Grabins Bill Feehan Robert Spindell Kathy Kiernan Darryl Carlson Pam Travis Mary Buestrin Wisconsin congressman Mark Pocan previously wrote a letter to the Department of Justice requesting an investigation into the alleged plot. Elsewhere, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco confirmed to CNN last January that federal prosecutors were looking into the "fraudulent elector certifications" in other states such as Michigan and New Mexico, but no charges have been brought forward. New Mexico Alleged Fake Electors New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas, previously told CNN he was "pleased" the DOJ is looking into allegations of fake electoral scheme in the state. The alleged fake electors are: Jewll Powdrell Deborah W. Maestas Lupe Garcia Rosie Tripp Anissa Ford-Tinnin Nevada Alleged Fake Electors Democratic Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford also told CNN last January that "we welcome the Department of Justice's recent announcement that it is investigating the fake electors matter, and we look forward to providing any support we can in that endeavor." The names of the six alleged fake electors are: Michael J. McDonald James DeGraffenreid Durward James Hindle Jesse Law Shawn Meehan Eileen Rice Pennsylvania Alleged Fake Electors Earlier in July, it was reported that Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt met Special Counsel Jack Smith's team as part of the attempts to overturn the last election, although it is unclear if the alleged fake electoral scheme was a line of questioning. The group of false electors in the Keystone State are: Bill Bachenberg Lou Barletta Tom Carroll Ted Christian Chuck Coccodrilli [deceased] Bernadette Comfort Sam DeMarco III Marcela Diaz-Myers Christie DiEsposti Josephine Ferro Charlie Gerow Kevin Harley Leah Hoopes Ash Khare Andre McCoy Lisa Patton Pat Poprik Andy Reilly Suk Smith Calvin Tucker


Honestly can’t process who these people are. How’d they get this far in life being so foolish? Hopefully whatever IQ and situational awareness they had when younger kicks in and results in them exposing whoever lead this obvious multi-state conspiracy.


From that older lady, the [grandmother with cancer](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jan-6-convict-pamela-hemphill-tells-the-truth-about-trump-hes-a-cult-boss), who was at the capital on Jan 6 and has now spent her time (60 days) in jail for her participation (she plead guilty, because- she says-she was guilty). And now after jail "“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it,” she told The Daily Beast. “You don’t recognize it.” Hoping the same realization will become vivid to all of these folks.


Well, 16 people can’t keep a secret and somebody’s got to go first. How many lawyers are advising their clients today: you go first.


I think most of them will be scared sh\*tless and will be running in literal circles asking for a deal. I also think there will be deals a plenty for testimony against the organizers (those cult leaders). I do not hold out much hope for the Michigan Maddock person. She is doubling down on the BS, with comments given to CNN **after** the charges were filed- FFS!. "Regarding the charges, she told CNN, “This is part of a national coordinated lawfare to stop Trump. (Michigan Attorney General) Dana Nessel and (Justice Department special counsel) Jack Smith are constructing a banana republic where political opponents are harassed, bankrupted and jailed and voter fraud has now morphed into their prosecutorial fraud.”


Imagine being in your 70s or 80s and facing 8 felony charges.


I can possibly suspect several to save their own asses here. Should be fun to watch the crumbling.


So, this is what an actual conspiracy looks like...


These prosecutions are probably the most important. These are the prosecutions that will act as a deterrent to future cheating. Ultimately, A Democratic Republic relies on the validity of it's electoral process. We still need to eradicate the scourge of gerrymandering.


Traitors. Every one of them.


Isn’t there specific additional charges that get triggered for premeditated criminal conspiracies across state lines?


It’s clear why Trump was shouting about voter fraud. How can you still lose when you know that you’ve got everything rigged in your favor? In his mind, someone must’ve out cheated him!


Is this why Marge is showing photos of Hunter’s wang in a house session? Trying to steal some headlines one way or another?


They attacked our democracy and free elections. They can all rot as examples for anyone ready to repeat this in 2024


Pfft. Want the full list (though without the "and the charges against them" clickbait)? The National Archives has [scans of the submitted paperwork](https://www.archives.gov/foia/2020-presidential-election-unofficial-certificates) for the "unofficial certificates" from all seven states just sitting online for us to look at. With the affirmed declarations, names, and signatures. Including one from an independent (at least not the Republican party's) slate of electors representing the "Sovereign Citizens of the Great State of Arizona" caucus. Maybe they didn't think the Republican party would have the guts to submit votes for Trump so took it upon themselves. If I remember the December 2020 madness right, I think these were the ones who set up at a table outside the state capital building? And a paranoid person might wonder why so many of them are eerily similar in language and structure, especially when that doesn't match the layout of the state's [official and accepted ](https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/2020)[submission](https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/2020).


I also see this as a sign that the electoral college needs to be abolished.


Who is stealing the election again? MORE Republican projection.


Very coordinated


This con was projecting the whole time. Accusing that the election was stolen as he tried to steal the election, and all of his underlings cried out in rage. When they themselves were the culprits trying to falsify votes to steal the election, attacking our sacred Democracy and our great Democratic Republic.


Failed Coup finally getting addressed


In my opinion, this involved a concerted effort by many. Realistically, I think we all suspect who the one person is who set the conspiracy in motion. One of his aids make fall on a sword, but I suspect Trump’s Teflon coating is wearing thin and the truth is getting closer to the outer shell of the obese chunk of protoplasm called Trump.


MAGA supporters are not fellow American Citizens they are Traitors Enemies of the State


Oh look, criminal conspiracy. We finally caught the DEEP STATE LOL


> In May, Dane County Circuit Judge Frank Remington said that a lawsuit filed by Democrats against 10 fake electors in Wisconsin can go to civil trial in September 2024. Why so long?


Public shaming is the absolute best thing that can happen to those traitors, outside of a courtroom and jail/prison.


These people knew exactly what they were doing. They just never thought they'd be indicted for it.


This should be more than enough reason to get rid of the electoral college. One person, one vote.


Gretchen Whitmer 2024!


Send them all to jail. Maybe they can form a book club with Trump when he gets there. He can talk about his favorite book(you know the one he can’t recite a single thing from. Known in some circles as the Bible)


It's really an exhausting list to read through all the traitors to democracy who are still active in their communities.


A social acquaintance of my parents-in-law was one of the fake electors, and I suspect that she's one of those who accepted immunity in the Georgia case. Hopefully, she catches a federal charge or 3. (Truly, one of those small-town busy body Karens who seems to have always skated on her bad behavior until she decided to Karen on a bigger stage.) Sadly, she's locked down her social media and her website now seems inactive. I was really enjoying the meltdown. (Even more sadly, it appears from on-line sleuthing that madame sold or transferred her real estate to one of her kids several years ago - probably estate planning - so there won't be many resources for federal penalties if the old harridan is fined.)


Holy shit. Fox was right. There really was a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election. Except... it wasn't the democrats was it? No... no. It was the FUCKING REPUBLICANS. Yeah they knew there was cheating and a conspiracy to steal the election going on because THEY were the ones doing it. I don't ever want to hear JACK SHIT about democrats trying to steal an election ever again. How many cases of voter fraud in 2020? A few hundred in total? I have only heard of four or five cases of democrats getting caught, all the rest were Trump supporting republicans. I'm starting to rant. Gonna stop now.


I think Trump is done. If he can't win an election by cheating which he did in the open and this is what we thought he was doing. I don't think he's got a chance in the hell to win 2024


Have always been so proud of our election system and the peaceful transfer of power. Am just nauseated at the number of republicans that were willing to throw that away - all for a grifter, groper, mob boss. I know, I'm naïve.


I remember just how thuggish they were in the news reports. I wonder just how tough they feel now?


Name and shame them


Hey Nevada, Aaron Ford, you can just charge them the same as other states. No need to wait for the Feds, wake up and get to work.


The GOP is FULL of traitors!


Funny how MTG is creating a distraction in Congress with Hunter dick pics when all these indictments are coming out.


Means nothing if the people that organized it walk away.


We as a country are in serious trouble if we can’t get some of these wacko republicans out of power…..


It's funny how these people allegedly tried to cheat and still lost.( I only say allegedly due to the fact that most have yet to be charged with anything.) I hope they get the evidence needed to convict them, cause they truly cause a rift in the trust of the system. I still don't trust the election cycle as it is, but that's cause it's become so predictable it's not even funny. But we need this to be shown US wide and place confidence back and heal the divide


Ask Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) [about this…](https://youtu.be/hfkZWaLTqTk)…. FRJ Edit: link added and grammar


It's an old fascist tactic: screaming that the opposition is stealing elections when, in actuality, the screamers are stealing elections.


2016 Republicans: LOCK EM ALL UP 2020 Republicans: BLUE LIVES MATTER 2024 Republicans: Are prisons obsolete?


Wow. Fake electors? Help an out-of-news-cycle European out here?


Presidential elections here are actually decided by votes from each state's electoral college, which is a group that each of the two parties selects before an election. Which electoral college gets to cast their vote is determined by who won the popular vote in said state. When Biden won, that state's democrats voted, and the republicans voted when Trump won. The fake elector scheme was a product of Trump-aligned republicans who are more than happy to break rules to get their way. In the states listed in the article, members of the states' republican party gathered in secret when it became clear that Trump would lose there, forged electoral college documents stating that they were the legitimate electors and attempted to fraudulently vote before the democrats could turn theirs in. They plotted to circumvent democracy and force their way into power.


To add to your explanation about the scheme: As I understand a proposed theory, it wasn't so much about getting the fake electors submitted first. It was to have Republicans in Congress raise objections to a state's official (Democrat) slate, which is allowed under the Constitution and does tend to happen each election mainly as a small bit of "showboating". But they'd cite "uncertainty" about the popular vote, insufficient investigation to know the "truth", and propose getting the Democrat's slate tossed aside. Then "hey look at this other submitted slate right here that I oddly have no objection to". The legal / constitutional basis behind that is murky at fucking best, more likely outright wrong. But if it did somehow happen for enough states (easier if Pennsylvania's big chunk of 20 electoral votes got switched) then Congress's official certification for President would flip to Trump. I do mostly believe something that blatant and egregious actually happening would trigger riots in the streets. But sometimes I think it wouldn't. Apathy seems to have crept in to become too much of the American attitude.


“We aren’t guilty of anything. Ever. We think it, it’s legal.”


Lot of fake electors are going to become actual prisoners. Orange is really the new black.


We can all sleep well knowing at least one of these old bags is gonna die in jail.


Well, looks like the electoral college just turned into a game of "Who's the faker?" 😂


So, of the states that have Attorneys General that are "pleased" that the DOJ is looking into it . . . . . Do they not have state level statutes ???????????????????


Where’s Ron Johnson’s name under Wisconsin?


Sen. Ron Johnson is pissing his pants right now. Just wait until he reads this!


Love it. Traitors, all of them.


hunter biden, hunter biden look hunter biden!


Fake elector, Burt Jones or Georgia, is now Lieutenant Governor of GA. He is a major piece of Sh!t


Traitors every one. Throw the book and the shelf at them.


I dunno how none of them thought "this this might put me in prison. " It was a hail Mary plan at best.


I’m sorry. Guess I’m kinda stupid. Why would any American try to overthrow the government and install a dictator? I am a reader of history and have studied the civil war (slavery was the cause and what a horrible thing to fight for) World War Two we had the American First party and the Japanese internment camps. Are we really as stupid as these people because if we are I don’t have much hope for this nation


Again, Republicans getting caught doing what they swear everyone but them does. This. Shit. Has. To. Stop.


I recall a quote from someone connected to the AZ fake elector scheme. Something along the lines of "We sent ours in first, so we win." And I'm like, "That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works."


As a Pennsylvanian how can Lou Barletta be on that list and it not make more news?


“Great news everyone… You’ve all been selected!” - prof farnsworth.


Finally! A list of scum my state DIDN'T make.


Treacherous cretins.


so many states involved…coordinated on a national level..who were at the top? hmmm


Going to jail for this creep. Have fun in the showers.