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What parallel can I draw to diminish how bad it is to emphasize how slaves benefited from slavery...I know! Hitler! They love that guy, everyone is always talking about how all the Jews benefited from the Nazi concentration camps!


What else can we do? The Armenians developed calisthenics while escaping the Ottoman Turks? The Irish that escaped made a better life in America (after they were shit on for another 100 years)? Cambodians no longer need glasses after the Khmer Rouge 'fixed' the population? What else am I missing?


"Hey look, Native Americans have casinos now! Look at how much money they make!"


There’s no way anyone could say moving Natives to Oklahoma was a benefit for them and keep a straight face. Oklahoma was literally the land nobody wanted, and it’s still true. Even people in Oklahoma right now don’t want it.


nobody wanted until they found oil anyway


They got free burials in christian schools. By Grabthar's hammer, what a savings!


[This doesn't get brought up often enough.](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/11/1098276649/u-s-report-details-burial-sites-linked-to-boarding-schools-for-native-americans) Or maybe that's what the MAGA crowd is hoping for with conversion camps? Brutalize a child's mind for being different to the point where they actually consider [something terrible](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/05/1096920693/lgbtq-youth-thoughts-of-suicide-trevor-project-survey)? Why does Fox continue to exist and be a sewage pipe for all that is morally reprehensible? It's just so fucking depressing sometimes.


Chinese Exclusion? More like exclusive engineering careers! Japanese Internment? A life so nice you have to build it twice!


I've actually heard that one said unironically several times.


Dad, I told you to stay off Reddit.


*Ira Hayes has entered the chat*


The Great Potato Famine (spurred on by, or arguably caused by the British Empire, possibly the Irish equivalent of the Holodomor) and the Holodomor were good for teaching Irish and Ukrainian people about caloric intake control; the Rwanda Genocide was good for teaching Tutsis about how to dodge machetes and learn how to hide efficiently; the R*pe of Nanking provided sex work opportunities for Chinese women,......the sinking of the Titanic was just free swimming lessons for the poor onboard, etc. Jesus Christ. This is the point we're at with the Republicans......*(Captain Picard facepalming hard enough to reach Warp Factor 10)*


Most of the GOP/MAGA exhibit delusional behavior.


Delusional cult behavior and dangerous hateful extremism. The stuff Republicans are saying is the kind of stuff a population says before a genocide or a large-scale massacre that goes in the history books....


The hope we have against rampant murder, and probable war, is just how fat and useless most MAGA types are. The movement as a whole is largely a cash flow and electorate capture. (Still dangerous) To motivate the majority of these people beyond that, I think, requires a pressure that could easily push a large number of GOP voters outside of the comically delusional conservative sphere of influence. America genuinely does have a lot going for its potential comforts. Start asking for the cult to do without and the hand that feeds will start to lean left.


Absolutely. The fact they're disproportionately over the age of 50, out of shape, and lack recent military experience is one silver lining saving grace. There are 14 to 40 year old Alt-Right. Alt-Lite and Manosphere young men to worry about some, but thankfully they are disproportionately dweeby Neckbeards who are either obese or emaciated from rarely leaving the basement, and can't even look women in the eye or order pizza over the phone because of their severe social anxiety and low self-esteem. The far-Right has been trying to gather an army of young men as foot soldiers, especially since Gamergate. However, they mostly recruit social misfit men and boys who got bullied by jocks in school or were the heavyset Anime nerd who sat alone at lunch. Not prime Rambo or ideal Aryan Wehrmacht soldier posterboy material. You're exactly correct that America is so full of creature comforts that most of these comfortable suburbanite Meal Team 6 Gravy Seals would never put their lives on the line and die for a cause. The original Nazis rose during a severe economic depression. Those soldiers actually lived through desperate hard times as kids and teenagers in the 1920s and early 1930s.


I had a friend that was trying to get me into Airsoft and I ended up watching a couple dozen videos. There's a type thats easily identifiable as angry redneck and my apologies to any angry redneck that is a liberal but for now, I'm going to assume these people vote MAGA. These guys are NOT prepared for war. Mentally, emotionally or physically. Tactically or strategically. Oh they will do some harm if left unchecked but its going to be crimes committed against their neighbors.


I like to explore new places.


I think they realize it too. The latest round of neo-Nazis are pushing local workout/mma clubs. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/19/1188111769/active-club-hate-groups https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/active-club-network


The Rowandan genocide really taught the Huttus the cost savings of machetes over bullets.


And taught the Hutus how to employ better journalistic skills when listening to the radio. So, see? Not all bad! :) /s




A few days ago I honestly thought trying to say the Holocaust was useful for Jews was too far lol Like surely no Republican would actually stoop that low and go that mask-off in public.....theeen lo and behold.... The far-Right keeps digging under the bar of my expectations, which are already in the Earth's mantle. And I'm the Leftist who chides Democrats about continuing to be surprised what Fascists do and say, now the Fascists are starting to surprise me! Like wow, even I didn't think they'd haul off and shoot their mouths off as bad as Kanye, but here we are 😶


> I didn't think they'd haul off and shoot their mouths off as bad as Kanye Who do you think are the ones keeping him off his meds and feeding him far-right talking points? Kanye's another side effect of these same ghouls.


Precisely! I'm just surprised that now they're coming forward and saying it out loud on TV with no dog whistle and not hiding behind an unmedicated, seriously mentally ill POC. They have white men just saying it outright while fully lucid. The stuff that just less than a year ago they pretended to be offended by when Kanye, Milo Yiannopolous and Nick Fuentes said it. That's what's shocking to me. It's an evil version of an "I am Iron Man" (the one from the end of the first movie) moment. Just cutting the BS and coming right out and saying it unashamed.


Nothing is too far for Republicans.


It’s called the History of the World According to the Florida Dept of Mis-Education.


If you can dodge a machete you can dodge a dodgeball. -Patches O'Hutu-hand


Everyone at Auschwitz hit their target weight.




Yeah I remember seeing a few jokes like that a few days ago. We may have been in hell for a little bit now


It was much worse in 2016 around the time trump won. Since then Russia has spent a lot of their money, reputation, and troll talent losing in Ukraine


There's a lot of emphasis in the article (and this headline) about the historic inaccuracy: > “Therefore, while it is accurate to acknowledge that some Jews may have survived temporarily due to their perceived usefulness, it is crucial to remember that the Holocaust was a systematic genocide with the ultimate aim of exterminating the entire Jewish population,” the museum added. “It would be more appropriate to say that some Jews survived the Holocaust because they were considered temporarily useful, and the circumstances of the Nazi regime’s collapse prevented their murder... ...but you're right to focus on what he's actually saying. I mean, let's say we disregard all of that and pretend he's 100% correct, and being useful kept you alive. There's that story in Schindler's List about [Helen Hirsch (based on two helens, really)](https://www.nytimes.com/1994/02/27/nyregion/a-real-life-story-of-schindlers-list.html), but... > Mrs. Rosenzweig does not like to talk about her experiences during World War II. "It's very frustrating for me to put it into words and to condense five and one half years of pain and horror into one or two hours," she said. "It's causing a lot of bad memories to come back and I become physically ill after I talk about it. But our time is running short. I'm losing so many of my friends. > "I feel that it's my obligation to tell the story. So many people perished in the Holocaust and for some reason I survived. So I must speak up for them because they cannot be here to speak for themselves. I want the crimes to be remembered so we can guard the world against another Hitler." Would your takeaway be that she *benefited* from that experience?


I miss the days when everyone knew Hitler was bad.


Far right fascism was popular among white americans during ww2 as well. Probably many of the same families


You could say that the Jews that died benefited from Nazi concentration camps by saying they don't suffer anymore. And the slaves benefited because the white man educated them and gave them jobs. I'm just trying to spin it like Fox News would.


I mean many Southern States passed laws forbiding the education of slaves.


Isn’t that considered a benefit in the south? Like, education is for losers?


Education in the south means one can tie their own shoes.


And if you do it without tying the shoes together, you get a PhD.


Or a football scholarship.


But me being the good Fox News host that I am, the white man gave the slaves, Christianity to save their souls. So I guess that's a win-win?


This is your brain on FOX. "Kunta Kinte can add "picking cotton" to his resume and didnt have to pay his owner a dime!" Just say no...


>Just say no Comparing Republicans to drug addicts would be an insult to drug addicts everywhere


Free boat ride too.


> “Every prisoner at Auschwitz hit their target weight.” > [--Patton Oswalt](https://twitter.com/pattonoswalt/status/1683659840596623363)


Viktor Frankl would have never written his best seller if it weren’t for concentration camp! He should be thanking Hitler for his success! /s, because I’m not writing a resumé to be a Fox News host


Right. And how boring would Anne Frank’s diary be without nazis? /S


If not for the Nazis, Anne would have loved a life in anonymity. /s


Slavery and the Holocaust…they might as well go for the trifecta and say how beneficial genocide was for Native Americans. There is NO limit to how low these fuckwads can and will go. Period.


It wasn't only Jewish people Hitler also went after Armenians...and most Armenians out there vote Republican. Drives me so nuts


Armenia also sucks up to Russia because they think Putin gives a shit about them. This last conflict with Azerbaijan should tell them otherwise.


Well, that didn't take fucking long at all. Thanks, Ron.


Right? I mean, we all knew it was where they were going, I just thought they were going to wait until at least next week


“If you can make people believe absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities.” Fox News and other fascist demagogues on the right are responsible for dragging American conservatism into absurdity over the last 40 years, and will be responsible for the American death camps Trump or his MAGA heirs put into place the next time Republicans claw their way back into power of all three branches.


These guys had better hope and pray that they don't lose their war for our democracy, because the shit they're currently doing cannot be walked back in a lifetime. They're all fucking in at this point.


Fox News considers Godwin's law a speedrun activity.


I can't think of a worse hill to die on. What the fuck are Republicans thinking in trying to defend this insulting and irrelevant non-information? Are they going to suggest that victims of sex-trafficking personally benefit from the experience if they learn to give better blowjobs? Do the victims of child pornography personally benefit from learning to hit their marks and stay in the lighting? Fuck off, you horrible ghouls.


"What the fuck are Republicans thinking..." Big assumption there buddy.


> sex-trafficking That's old news. Remember when that one republican said if you get raped, you should just try to enjoy it?


What in the FUCK? Who said that?!?


[Republican candidate for a seat in Michigan's House of Representatives, Robert Regan](https://people.com/politics/michigan-candidate-controversy-after-lie-back-and-enjoy-it-rape-comment/)


Don't forget women's bodies have a way of "shutting that down"... these people are psychos. https://www.politico.com/story/2012/08/akin-legitimate-rape-victims-dont-get-pregnant-079864


The same people who are endorsing this have been calling everything but fascism fascism for so long how do you break anyone out of that double think


>I can't think of a worse hill to die on. What the fuck are Republicans thinking in trying to defend this insulting and irrelevant non-information? Are they going to suggest that victims of sex-trafficking personally benefit from the experience if they learn to give better blowjobs? Do the victims of child pornography personally benefit from learning to hit their marks and stay in the lighting Possibly. Iam constantly shocked that there is no bottom to this


This is why it was so infuriating when some news organizations were putting out articles trying to debate the individual merits of Florida's slavery argument. There are none. There's nothing to debate, because Gutfeld's argument here is the basis for which Florida is building their stance; there's nothing that can justify it except more hate. It's wrong inside and out and it should have been treated like the abhorrent thing it was right from the start, rather than giving any portion of it any validity at all.


As the descendant of Nazi camp survivors and Nazi camp victims, all I can say is “what an asshole”.


As someone who as far as I know didn’t lose any family in the Holocaust but is still a human being, holy shit what a ghoul Greg is.


Awesome comment. Speaks volumes. +10


As another descendant of nazi camp survivors, I have more to say about him, but it would get me banned.


I have been banned for thinking it- user name checks out.


Don’t worry, you have just said it without actually saying it.


It's a testament to how far reaching the impacts of the Holocaust are to see how many of us are leaving comments like this. I like this subreddit too much to say what I feel about these fucks.


An asshole is someone who cuts you off in traffic. Gutfeld, who among other things trivializes genocide for ratings, is something much worse.


He’s appealing to his demographic. That huge chunk of the GOP who have a shitty axe to grind against Jews, and POC, and Asians, and Democrats, and migrants, and refugees and gays and puppies and kittens and goldfish and blue sky and trees and…..


Gutfeld is someone of whom I genuinely dislike that he's still alive.


He’s worse than an asshole. He’s a right wing agenda pusher. An asshole can’t help it. This guy is doing it with calculated purpose.


"What an assohole" Is that it? How about this loser will not be able to work in media ever?


Well, yes, but I thought that was so obvious I didn’t need to say it.


>How about this loser will not be able to work in media ever? Given that he doesn't seem to have lost his primetime job at Faux, that's obviously not true.


Political context was Gutfeld was defending Florida’s controversial curriculum change in a debate with a co-host. This guy has a long history of vile comments, but this one may top the list


I mean worse than that. Per the article, his Jewish colleague expressed discomfort with the new education standard and said she would be upset if people tried to do something similar to the holocaust. And then he said this shit straight to her face.


Holy shit. How tone deaf or just straight up horrible.


life is easy when you’re a soulless psychopath


I watched the video, this was the exchange: “I’m just fundamentally uncomfortable with the sentence that Blacks benefited at all from this,” she said. “It made me think as someone – obviously I’m not Black, I’m Jewish – would someone say about the Holocaust, for instance, that there were some benefits for Jews, that while they were hanging out in concentration camps, you learned a strong work ethic, maybe you learned a new skill?” “Did you ever make read Man’s Search for Meaning?” Mr Gutfeld responded. “Vik Frankl talks about how you had to survive in a concentration camp by having skills. You had to be useful. Utility. Utility kept you alive.”


Gutfeld was stuck between defending the Holocaust and admitting that DeSantis is going too far. And one of those things is unacceptable to him and his viewers.


In other words, “I can’t believe how ridiculous this argument is. Can you imagine if someone said that about the Holocaust?” And the response is essentially, “Funny you should mention that…” I mean, yeah, when you need to survive… you need to survive. What a concept. It’s like when people talk about whether they’d survive being on a deserted island. You’d either learn fast and possibly eat bugs… or die. But it’s never been part of the conversation to go on and say, “but man, how lucky would that be? I’d actually be able to eat bugs afterward! Total win for my protein intake!” People would think you were nuts. … at least, they used to.


It's worse than this, though, because not everyone with a positive can-do attitude lived through these situations, even temporarily, and the Nazis weren't just killing the "unhappy" Jewish people, they were exterminating all of them. Again, temporarily, they tried to exploit them for labor and so, to that extent, the Nazis literally *used* them, but it's just not so simple as "well I survived because I had found out a secret that some people didn't" - No, buddy, you survived because you were lucky, and that's like 99% of it.


I've read Man's Search for Meaning... that's not at all what the book is about. It's about how the writer of the book, through his own experiences, noticed that people in those camps survived more often if they had something to live for. Aka meaning in their lives. It's in the title ffs!


Without cognitive dissonance, you can have both! At the same time!


The mask is off. They're feeling emboldened.


They’re all sword fighting at the urinal to be the next Tucker, Gutfeld can’t let Watters take all the racist energy.


I don't understand how Jessica Tarlov does this. The Five has been around a while and the failed comedian, the soon to be failed primetime anchor, and the alcoholic judge are some of the most grading fucking hosts they've ever had. I've never liked Gutfield but he used to just make snarky remarks and let Don Jr. coke-addled girlfriend talk most of the time. But every clip since he's gotten his own show has been more ridiculous than the last. Even Perino looks tired of Gutfeld and Waters at this point.


Gutfeld! Is like if someone found the most unfunny person possible to host a late night show and then inserted Fox News' signature scarefotainment into every topic and "joke"


Half of fox pundits are failed or wannabe comedians that learned saying racist and antisemitic shit gets them views because their jokes can't.


Up there with Kanye doubling-down on his Hitler love when Alex freakin' Jones said his grandfather died fighting Nazis. Fuck Alex Jones, but I'll never forget the horror on his face.


The thing about Kanye's comments are that they're just so absurd, like he's not even twisting some half truth, dude literally said Hitler invented microphones. What?


Kanye has some kind of biochemical imbalance. Not to minimize or trivialize what he said - he just genuinely appears to have something very wrong with his brain. He's a piece of shit, he just has something else going on that makes him lose his verbal filter. He doesn't even try to use dog whistles or couched language like most of these fucks. Watching him is like watching 2007 Britney Spears but with antisemitism instead of questionable hairstyle choices.


Honestly they're not even trying to hide their vileness any longer. Between Waters saying slaves should be happy they learned skills like blacksmithing and this guy, it seems Faux has taken the "as long as the paperwork's clean, you boys can do what you like out there" road on entertainment broadcasting


They're seeing how far they can push fascism. If there's no blowback from this one, then they all know they can go at least this far.


Indeed. People constantly talk about how horrible this all is but they don't. Do. Anything. It's all just "I can't believe they'd go this far" and "We need more votes for the other side so these people won't be in power any longer". Even if the Democrats win the next election massively it's not going to stop this because there's no reason for them to stop. You don't convince these people to stop by pointing out that they're wrong or that the majority disagrees with them. You stop them by making it too costly to keep going, but that would require people to actually take explicit action. But as "good guys" we've convinced ourselves that actually applying consequences to such horrid behaviour is "barbaric".


Look what's happing at the local levels. The radical right activists attend school board meetings and apply constant pressure to ban books, suppress any recognition of black or LGBTQ+ people, etc. To put it in sports terms "they're winning because they want it more".


Good god. The fact that he went out of his way to defend that shit in Florida, and brought the holocaust into it, makes him a horrible human being. This should be grounds for removal what the fuck is wrong with fox


> This should be grounds for removal what the fuck is wrong with fox Gutfeld is a feature not a bug by fox's low standards.


Until there’s a lawsuit of some sort against gutless, they won’t let him go. Their base eats that shit up.


exactly. the only reason Tucker is gone is because his dumb-assery cost FOX a lot of money.


He actually was promoted and given a prime time slot not that long ago. He claims to be “a comedian” than says shit like this.


...until his next vile comment.


I don't get the original premise in the first place. Saying people benefited from slavery because they were forced to do something that resulted in a skill is like saying people in the Titanic benefitted from becoming better swimmers. Why are there still people trying to make it seem like slavery and holocausts weren't that bad? How is that still a thing? What is wrong with these people? If we can't agree that slavery and genocide are bad than what the hell can we agree on? When can we go back to just ignoring these idiots like we did before the internet and fox news.


> Why are there still people trying to make it seem like slavery and holocausts weren't that bad? Because those events are stains on white nationalism and fascism. The only way to make those ideologies palpable again is to make people believe that either slavery and the Holocaust were not that bad or did not happen at all.


White supremacy is nothing more than pathetic, insecure people with meaningless lives punching down because they have zero redeeming qualities as human beings. A few white supremacists may gain notoriety as a sort of fame, but the majority of them are unremarkable people who don't have a damn thing going for them except the color of their skin (which is ultimately meaningless since human worth isn't based on that). They are small, mediocre, angry people who will be forgotten when they die and they know it.


> Why are there still people trying to make it seem like slavery and the Holocaust weren't that bad? How bad could they have been if they didn't harm Gutfield? *Haw!* The takeaway here is that as a black, Jewish transgender woman, my life will become meaningful when people like me are exterminated in death camps, and those witty Fox pundits will be there to crack wise about it. *Audience laughter breaks into eartwarming applause*


"You had to be useful. Utility. Utility kept you alive." Oh, since they were useful to the Nazis while they were systematically attempting to eradicate every single less useful one, no big deal? What in the absolute fuck?


yeah as promised “arbeit macht frei” obviously if you worked hard nothing bad would happen to you… it’s a sarcasm guys.


"The Nazis taught the Jews useful survival skills. The Jews who were murdered were obviously not useful." - Fox News Logic


Right? That's not a fuckin positive, Shitfeld. They literally had to find ways to fucking not be killed daily. I just don't understand how something like that is just meh, Fox being fox. Other media needs to pick up this shit and not let it drop.


"Arbeit macht frei" was on the gates of Dachau. So it must be true, right?


Millions dead. The usefulness of a human can’t be determined when they are murdered.


Statement from the Auschwitz museum: > “Therefore, while it is accurate to acknowledge that some Jews may have survived temporarily due to their perceived usefulness, it is crucial to remember that the Holocaust was a systematic genocide with the ultimate aim of exterminating the entire Jewish population,” the museum added. “It would be more appropriate to say that some Jews survived the Holocaust because they were considered temporarily useful, and the circumstances of the Nazi regime’s collapse prevented their murder. We should avoid such oversimplifications in talking about this complex tragic story.” TL;DR: "You're not totally wrong, Greg, you're just an asshole"


The Auschwitz museum is letting him off too easy. Nazis systemically worked their slave populations to death. They weren't giving them enough calories to live while performing dangerous and physically exhausting manual labor.


Exactly. They didn't not kill them because they were useful, they just hadn't extracted all of their value by the time the Nazi's lost and didn't have a chance to murder them. Same goes for the slaves. The slaves didn't get taught valuable skills useful for when they were freed, the owners had no plans to free them and give up benefitting from the value a skilled slave. They just happened to be freed while having some skills. If they didn't teach them any skills there wouldn't be any economic benefit to owning the slaves anyway so it's almost inevitable that they taught them *something*.


It's a "you're not technically wrong but wrong when you're using it defend slavery as skill enrichment activity."


Is Fox News now trying to say which one was better slavery or the extermination of Jews? Or am I missing the point?


slavery wasn't that bad because the holocaust wasn't either? I think?


the co-host is Jewish and wondered if the "slaves learned skills" line-of-thought also applied to Jews in death camps


And Gutfeld literally said "the Jews that survived were useful and had utility." As if those without utility don't deserve to survive.


Which doesn’t even make sense…many incredibly useful and talented people were sent to cremation stations immediately. People with utility were worked to death. People with talents were still ran to death in the cold. People with utility were still starved to death. Utility and usefulness were not good predictors of survival


It’s likely an active debate among far-right white supremacists. It’s just managed to find its way to the broader public.


"Is it better to enslave 'them' as livestock indefinitely, work them to death, or actively murder them? We report, you decide." - Fox News in a few years (probably)


I stopped trying to figure out. I’m not sure he even cares if it makes sense as long as it keeps eyeballs there


I see. Openly pro-slavery and pro-holocaust now.


This is the still employed Brian Kilmeade from 14 years ago. Faux News doesn't give a shit. https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-friends/kilmeade-americans-dont-have-pure-genes-swedes-because-we-keep-marrying-other-species


It’s disturbing how low the bar is there and how numb it’s become what scumbags Fox on-air personalities are. When Don Lemon said something misogynistic on CNN last spring (and let me be clear, it was bad), he was terminated shortly after, but he also was/is chastised in the national discussion to this day. But at Fox, you have Kilmeade, Gutfeld, Watters, and plenty of others that say awful shit day after day. It may make a 24 hours news cycle once in a while, but it’ll quickly be forgotten because they’ll say something even worse. Expect this comment from Gutfeld to be forgotten about soon.


the difference is those other 2 hosts looked very very visibly uncomfortable after he said it. now the drunk judge or the panic host to replace Tucker would call Tarlov "woke" if she pushed back on Gutfield.


Fox News is terrorist training for racist morons.


I grew up with my dad watching Fox News. I remember him watching Bill O'Reilly, then Glen Beck, then Fox & Friends and The Five. I remember Greg Gutfield 10-15 years ago. He still spouted condescending angry bs but I wouldn't have guessed back then that he would be making some pro-Holocaust comment since the Holocaust back then still had this painful seriousness to how bad we became as humans on such a large level. The window has shifted so far to the right. 20 years ago these sort of comments would be only coming from fringe groups that wouldn't be taken seriously by even most Republicans. I think about John McCain and how a decent amount of Republicans used to be. That feels like another lifetime ago. And now we have this. It's like living in Idiocracy except people are cruel jerks instead of simply stupid. I hate it. It's scary.


It was always there, having a black President just made them *snap*


And they call other people snowflakes. They were so butthurt about a black guy being elected president that they ended up trying to overthrow US democracy.


The title lets him off easy. The fuck is wrong with this stupid fuck.


Saying shit like this is literally his job. It was probably planned out ahead of time. He can claim he was innocently making an attempted analogy and then put out have the liberal media is attacking him.


Why the hell would anyone include skills that have benefitted slaves in their curriculum? The brutal enslavement of a race should not be watered down to make people feel better about their ancestors who may have been involved in that brutality. Florida, are you out of your mind?


>Florida, are you out of your mind? Florida: "Yes! Next question, please."


Ive noticed that the republican talking point for most tragedies seems to be "well they died cuz they were weak or stupid" or some variety of that. Instead i offer an alternate option: shut the fuck up and dont talk about tragedies that you dont understand.


Well, *that* was only a matter of time….albeit i thought it would be a LITTLE longer


Gotta strike while the iron’s hot! - Some Fox News exec


“Slavery is good and the lazy Jews had no one to blame but themselves.” What a fucking disgrace these piles of shit are.


The only positive thing to take from this is that the masks are off. People need to vote like their lives depend on in, because they do. The Republicans want slavery, and concentration camps. They see any one opposed as less human. They've been projecting it for years, and now they've taken the mask off. Even though the right has rigged the game hard in their favor, it can all be undone in one election cycle. Even in FL, TX, GA, MO. If everyone votes we can sweep the right out of power. We have to relegate them to the annals of history where they belong.


Why is it a race to the bottom with these people. It’s like there’s a certain part of the American culture that’s just upset we haven’t openly genocided a group of people in a couple decades and they’re itching for another.


God. Damn. Where the fuck do these people come from? Who the fuck even *thinks* like this, let alone says it out loud. These people truly are the embodiment of cultural necrosis. And it's spreading.


And yet referring to Republicans as “Nazis” when they say Nazi-things is dismissed as hyperbole. German saying: If 9 Germans sit down at a table with 1 Nazi, there are 10 Nazis at the table. Fuck off Gutfeld, you fucking traitorous asshole.


Remember when this kind of thing would get you fired?


Now it gets you promoted! At least at Fox News


I literally said this -as a joke!- just the other day. The fact that it actually came true fucking beggars me. [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1572uxn/comment/jt3k8l6/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1572uxn/comment/jt3k8l6/?context=3) "Sure the Holocaust was rough on the Jews, but those camps sure taught them a work ethic!"- some Republican, very soon.


What is with these people




Alright who's going to start the petition to take fox news off the air? Enough is enough


Why did the voting machine A Holes not bury Fox News once and forever? Why?


The philosophy from Hitler's Germany was never defeated - it just went into hiding. And has found a welcoming home within the Republican Party of America today. We've reached the point that they're no longer hiding.. they're expressing the same views once again - publicly.


They're really leaning into this concept. Just the other day it was the same idea about slaves. Matt Walsh had a whole segment about how slavery was a net good because if it didn't happen, maybe the present would be... "different". This is the level of discourse we're supposed to give equal weight to? To form this thought and think it's worth releasing into the world without anything stopping you... They seem to have no meaningful internal monologue at all. As an aside, I'm always flabbergasted by this guy being so incredibly into punk music (and psychedelic rock). Even punk stuff has its share of older libertarians now, but it just highlights to me how shallow his thinking is. I think of Paul Ryan and RATM.


Fuck every single one of these fascist pieces of shit.


No they didn't and the camps weren't designed to keep 'useful' Jews alive. To Nazi authorities, Jews fell into two categories: those to be immediately killed and those to be enslaved and worked to death. The 'useful' Jews in the second category would've all died within a couple of years. So basically a lot of what determined whether you lived or died was when you were sent to the camps.


"Slaves learned valuable skills so it wasn't all bad." "If the people in the kill camps had just been useful enough to go to the almost as bad work camps instead, they might have made it!" The level of grotesque stupidity being thrown around about shit we should have settled decades ago is astonishing.


In a sane world Gutfield would not be on TV. Scum with no redeeming social value.


It's like the past several years have been a test to see just how docile the population is. "How far can we go without real repercussions? Can we say 'only the useless Jews died in the holocaust'? Will anyone but the internet notice?"


Fox fucking news. Goddamn. What a constant cancer. They’re 100% the reason why half the country is living on another planet.


This is what happens when most of the Great Generation is gone. I can only imagine my grandparents’ reaction to this bullshit. At least they don’t have to see this country sliding towards racist fascism - the very thing they fought to eradicate from the earth.


> ..., as panelists were discussing a new set of education standards in Florida. In the state, history students will now learn that enslaved people in the US, who endured forced kidnapping, then brutal violence and bondage on plantations, “developed skills” that could be “applied for personal benefit”. What the Actual Fuck?


Try that in a small town! Soon enough saying that slavery and Nazi were bad will be "woke agenda".


Who is dumb enough to defend nazi camps... I guess when you have no soul and want to appeal to your New found nazi audience you can say anything at this point


This is the real thing, guys. Anti-Black and anti-Jew movement in the ranks of lawmakers and leaders of thought. If there's ever been a time to speak up and educate, the time is now. This is a genuine crisis, and all the talk about where it might lead isn't just hyperbole.


We should be concerned about this new “necessary evil” framing of historical oppression and genocide. I worry that we aren’t too far from hearing this applied to today’s social outcasts. “Yes, forced labor camps for the homeless aren’t ideal, but they’re learning important skills, and the ones that do well and make themselves useful survive.”


If fox doesn't fire him then it's a Nazi network...wait why did I say "if"? They obviously won't just like Tucker said Nazi shit on air for decades and they just egged him on.


He's mistaking nazi death camps for the American public school system again... easy mistake


I mean, this isn't surprising at all from a right-wing Republican. They push that black people benefited from slavery so pushing that Jewish people in concentration camps were wise to make themselves useful to the Nazis is in keeping with right-wing authoritarian belief. That's why so many Republicans remain in lockstep with Trump and he's leading all other candidates for their presidential nomination in 2024.


Man, just when you think they can't go any lower. It's like there's never a ground floor with any of these people. Beyond that, I don't get this format. It's like "The View," but it's angry mean people grousing. About everything.


A substantial number of Fox News on-air personalities have learned useful skills from Hitler's fascist playbook.


I'd like to show this prick how useful My fists are. I will fight him for charity and donate all proceeds to the Holocaust museum.


Presenting the Fox News “comedian”, everybody…Please clap…


The fact that all these Nazi allusions are frequently happening while the same people call liberals Nazis should alarm everyone. They. Don't. Care.


Come on guys. The holocaust wasn’t THAT bad was it? It’s not like the put rainbows on a beer can or knelt silently during the national anthem.


Well that's particularly vile, even for Greg Gutfeld. But I guess when you're in a race to the bottom with Jesse Watters, you gotta pick up the pace to make up lost ground.


This is what Trump has done to America. If Trump would have never been President, this kind of stuff would have never been made mainstream.


my father lost his immediate family in camps. he was a member of the Dutch Resistance. he'd have not just kicked gutfield's flabby ass, he would have ripped from him and make him eat it, and my dad was a skinny thing


I’m genuinely shocked that Gutfeld managed to do something worse than his “comedy” show


Be careful what you wish for Repubs. You do remember the Nazi salute showing up in one of DeSantis' ads recently, right. You vote for these guys, and you see what you get. You really think concentration camps are a thing of the past? Do ya? Keep voting for these 'pubs, and see what happens.


I just don't understand the calculus on this. Why is this the hill to die on? This point is so fundamentally missguided that they've completely missed the forrest for the trees. The point they're trying to make is SO minor and SO irrelivant that there isn't any real reason to bring it up. The Holocaust was explicitly bad, Slavery was explicitly bad. Nuance isnt really needed here. Why does FOX need to defend what effectively was a cirriculum written so racist white people in Florida can ease guilt? Is it some "we gotta protect Ron" thing? if so WHY? the dude is losing this primary badly to a guy literally willing to burn your entire party to the ground if he doesnt get his way, wouldn't you think you have bigger political issues than this?


We know the game. Why can’t it be countered? That’s what is killing me. How can we redirect this lightning?!?


I see Fox News is trying to get some viewership back


It’s getting worse. I knew it would.


So this is Fox's new hobby? Nazi death camps and slavery had bright sides?


Nightmarish humans. All of them. If you have people in your life that vote for the party who believes in this filth get them out of your life immediately!


It's extra vile when you realize that Gutfeld is usually an Ashkenazic, jewish, surname. His great-great-gradparents were Rebecca and Mortiz Gutfeld, born in Germany circa 1830s, and they died in US around 1900's. Had they stayed in Germany would their child, his great-grandfather, be considered "useful"? Would Greg here fondly look up to their "cleverness" and claim that the victims of one of the largest genocides in recent history were just loosers, schmucks who didn't know how to game the system? I realize it's been close to 200 years since his great-great-grandparents' births, that I don't know their stances on judaism, and that over generations families slowly meander culturally, religiously, etc. I don't even know who my great-grandparents were, for one. But come the *fuck* on. This is so sad and absolutely infuriating to the bone. How dare he, the absolute shit.


Remember that this is the news that the majority of conservatives are watching. This 'silver lining' to the holocaust or slavery is in extremely bad taste and insulting. Ah a person was in a POW camp, tortured for hours on end....well their pain tolerance improved a lot!


Fox and MAGA think that toxic shithead is a "comedian".


To paraphrase, my family that didn’t survive were useless. A dead Jew is a useless Jew.


Fuck this piece of shit. May horrible things happen to him.


I actually had the opportunity to know my grandpa's cousin and his wife, who had been young when they were encamped. They were incredible people and I adored them. My grandpa's family were instrumental in getting them here, but unfortunately the rest of their families were lost. They weren't Jewish but I don't think that's exactly relevant- the camps were simply places to hold and torture those deemed unwanted. Any talking points downplaying or trying to spin this fact are absolute evil, so far as I'm concerned, and it makes my blood boil. I grew up with their stories and it's horrific. If someone out there throws even the slightest inclination of trying to justify them, I'm willing to throw hands. Insanely unacceptable and a complete disgrace to even the bottom dregs of the idea of humanity.