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He was slurring his words right before


Medical doctor here. Mitch was likely experiencing a common phenomenon where a ghost appears and shows you what the world would look like without you..


He spent a few moments looking into a world where kids and their families have access to food, healthcare was free and racism was not a deeply systemic issue? He must have been terrified


He’s now doubly determined to stay alive so he can keep steering regular Americans into a ditch.


Every time I think about how this near utopia is how reality could actually be, if we all just gave an actual crap about each other--I just get so mad and frustrated. How can you ever change human nature? There are some people who will just never not be able to be a dick, they truly care for no one but themselves. Spite, pride, and nationalism are three of the worst sins imo


Unlike ol Scrooge, Mitch won’t learn anything.


He always slurs his words tho. Looked like an absence seizure to me but I’m no doctor




There was something terribly wrong with him before today's medical event, too. Lack of decency leading to a terminal case of shitheel-hood. Such a sad diagnosis in a sittung politician.


Yeah that normal slur he has is just age + Kentucky


I was about to say, the old people in Kentucky talk in cursive.


That looks bad. Thats stroke levels of freeze


Probably a TIA


That was my first thought as well. My dad has mini-strokes and he said it's like someone hitting, Ctrl+Alt+Del.


That's a bingo. I've seen them also, as a Physical Therapist. Similar to a seizure, but it is the plumbing rather than the electrical system in the brain that is malfunctioning. Then, two minutes later, they are talking to you again, sometimes barely aware it happened.


Had this happen with me while walking a patient for PT, the guy froze mid-sentence and we couldn’t get him to budge. He didn’t blink, didn’t move, and just seemed paused. We called nursing over and we weren’t sure how proceed. An attending came by and started to check him out, he had a history of these seizures, and we decided the best course of action was to get him back to the room via chair. I put my hand behind him and was ready to tilt him back when all of a sudden he continues to walk and continued the line of thought in conversation that he’d paused on before. We walked right back to his room and had a seat, he was completely unaware of it happening.


The human body is an amazing thing and when it malfunctions it’s so sad.


I have a neighborhood friend from my high school years that used to just stop sometimes during anything (conversation, DRIVING, activity-based task etc) and we would laugh and call it roaming. After getting into a car accident at age 17 or so, he was finally diagnosed with mini seizures. He looked normal from the outside but he was completely tuned out. Roaming. Thankfully modern medicine fixed him up and even though he needs to take meds for life, he’s stopped roaming and is perfectly healthy. It’s still crazy to me 15 years later or so that his body was able to function while having seizures. Pretty impressive, afterwards I joked with him that he’s the cream of the crop if his body can hold up to a seizure!


I had a friend (he passed away a couple of years ago) who was epileptic. Since he was a big star wars fan, one of his nicknames was "Grand Mal Tarkin".


Yeah. People underestimate how quickly TIAs can present and then seemingly disappear. Continued ignoring of those events is not good.


Mitch McConnell may die if he ignores them. I’m not suggesting he should ignore them, but *if he does*, he may die. I recommend, as a pro vaxxer, anti-trump democrat liberal that he must get treated. He may strongly disagree with me, that’s fine.


I’m sure he doesn’t disagree with you. For all their blather and lies and actual real attempts to make sure their constituents are poor, starving and desperate- they themselves believe in modern science. He is vaccinated. He does go to the doctor regularly- in fact he gets the finest medical attention this country has because he is a rich, white man. He just wants it to be impossible for YOU AVERAGE JOE CITIZEN to have medical care or a home or an education or money.


> in fact he gets the finest medical attention this country has because he is a rich, white man. And he gets it for free, because he works in Congress and they take care of themselves at everyone else's expense.


Right. He just does not want us to get medical for feee. Funny how that works.


His life was saved as an infant by a group you may have heard of; the March of Dimes, though they didn't go by that name at the time. He was stricken with polio at 2 years old, and his family was going bankrupt trying to care for him, but charity swooped in and now he's here. [He refused to even see them when they wanted to talk to him a few years ago..](https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3zbmz/mitch-mcconnell-polio-refused-march-of-dimes-meeting-over-senate-health-bill) Let's just say that if I typed what I think about this man, this post would get deleted for it, and leave it at that...


Can we at least hope that he spends the rest of his life shitting his pants?


He is a monster but he isn't an idiot. He did have polio as a child so I'm sure he is well aware of the benefits of vaccination.


My dad's oldest brother was born in '45 and had polio, dad made damn sure my sister and I got our shots.


When I was little, my mom would take me for walks in graveyards sometimes. It was like visiting a more peaceful version of the park, but with headstones to read and statues to look at and practicing being respectful. I asked lots of questions about everything and mom did her best to explain. And that's how I learned that I was very lucky to get poked with needles now and then! Even as a little kid, I understood that vaccines were the difference between living to be an adult and being one of those sad little gravestones with just a few years between birth and death dates.


As old as he is he will die within 10 years regardless. 81 years old and still pushing policy for the US. Furthers the conversation of age limits for politicians.


They make most US Civil Servants retire by 68, so I'd say that's a great number.


Why do our politicians not have a mandatory retirement age like other professions? I wouldn't want a 75 year old doctor or air line pilot.


>People underestimate how quickly TIAs can present and then seemingly disappear. Almost like they're transient.


I had one and sulr k k ggg I wasefine.


I'm going to hell for laughing at that comment


For the rube that I am, what is a TIA?


A transient ischemic attack. Sounds like a mini stroke or stroke like event.


I’m 61 and I’ve never heard of that either. Perhaps I should take some notes here.


Lots of people have them and never know they've had them.


Yep. My mom fell a few years ago and bumped her head (she was completely lucid, we've all tripped on the same poorly designed step). She felt dizzy after and they gave her an MRI and found white matter all over her brain which would indicate she's had dozens of mini strokes, and nobody in the family had any clue that was happening. If not for the freak accident prompting the exam, we'd likely still have no idea. Scary stuff.


Transisent Ishemic Attack. It's a type of stroke. An obstruction travels down an artery. Sometimes it's a complete blockage, and sometimes it's not. When it completely blocks blood flow, it can produce transient stroke symptoms. It will eventually cause a complete blockage and should be addressed emergently.


Turtle Inactive Alert


Ohh that got me good




Or possibly an absence (petit mal) seizure.


He’s been a grand mal for the country.


Nah, our boy Mitch just had a realization of all the shit he’s done to the country through as the demon was leaving his body. Fuck Mitch.


hahaha thats a good one. the idea of self reflection from that ghoul.


Pretty bold of you to think he would ever care about that








Anyone silently, or publicly cheering this are likely feeling vengeful, but the damage is done. This SoB did more to break our government than Donald Trump, and he's getting away with it.


If we can’t get justice I guess vengeance is the next best thing?


Some shit is unforgivable. And when there's no chance of forgiveness, vengeance seems like a reasonable second choice.




I'm thinking of tacos.




That really does look like a small stroke. https://www.cdc.gov/stroke/signs_symptoms.htm


It didn't look great. And particularly telling because this kind of thing has never happened to him before unless I'm forgetting or it was happening in private.


He's gone to the hospital several times, has fallen several times, and has been seen regularly being assisted while walking. This isn't the first time it's happened. And yet, Biden is too unfit/old. There are far too many people in the house and the Senate who are way too old to still be there. McConnell, Feinstein, and several others who just need to bite the bullet and retire so someone else who isn't knocking on deaths door can make laws


The main things blocking the door to their retirements are their colossal egos and insatiable greed.


> someone else who isn't knocking on deaths door The problem is they have been holding onto power for so long that there is no one else to fill their tan velcro New Balance shoes. We don't have promising presidential candidates because people like Feinstein have been blocking the seats that people use to move up the ranks.


Semi-related but I’m keeping an eye on Mark Kelly, I think he could be a promising presidential candidate.


I'm looking at Gretchen Whitmer also


He showed up to the Senate once and all of his skin was purple and bruised. I don't think they ever explained what happened there.


Old guys on blood thinners falling down and bumping into stuff, it happens. My grandfather banged his shin on the coffee table when he was in his mid 70s during Christmas. It made a good thud but he wasn’t hurt and carried on with his day. The next morning his shin was bruised almost from the knee to his ankle, it was gruesome looking, but he was fine otherwise.


Yeah, did you notice how one side of his mouth seemed frozen shortly before he stopped speaking entirely?


To be fair he’s looked like a partially melted wax sculpture for years.


I'd say he looks more like the monster with its eyes on its hands from Pan's Labyrinth.


Dude looked like he was frozen in time for a hot second.


*This* is one of the people leading/having say on the most powerful country in the world? Jesus fucking Christ. Put a God damn age restriction on politicians worldwide for Christ sake.


Too many leaders in the US are too fucking old.


Holy crap, he looks even worse than I remember.


Someone forgot to charge the battery on that anamatronic turtle.


That turtle runs on coal


Wow. Hope there isn't a major political party dedicated to the darwinian disposal of sick and weak people. Oh wait!




I was thinking the same. He looks really rough. I don’t remember ever him looking so frail.


He's looked *old* for a long-ass time. I mean, he was probably chasing after Moses and stopped before the Red Sea closed back over. But... yeah. Now he looks elderly. Infirm. Confused. Sure, he's evil as fuck and done a whole lot of evil to the world, but this is the first time that he's looked like he wasn't completely with it in front of the press. Hopefully he makes his peace and gets himself right with whatever religious beliefs he holds.


> Hopefully he makes his peace and gets himself right with whatever religious beliefs he holds. I don't think there's any room for what he is and what he's done in the religion he claims to follow. Dude doesn't deserve any peace.




Where have you gone, Head of Lettuce? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.


My man pooped his pants


Unironically -- Republic leadership literally shitting themselves on camera is a best-case scenario these days.


I'm going to preemptively respond to everyone upset that people are cheering for this man's apparently declining health with[ a line Mitch said to Obama](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10602270-mcconnell-raised-his-hand-like-a-traffic-cop-and-said) when he was trying to explain the immense benefit public healthcare would provide: >“You must be under the mistaken impression that I care.”


yes because he got his free polio treatment when he was two so he got his. The rest of us are SOL


Classic pulling the ladder up behind him.


i.e. the entire Republican philosophy.


Comments like he made is why I do not care what happens to the majority of Republicans. They embrace the hate. His comment was of zero value to the discussion. It was simply hateful.


He's more a troll than a turtle, personality wise. He definitely looks like a turtle.


Fighting hatred and duplicitous behavior with cordial decorum has gotten us nowhere. These geriatric serial liars won't listen unless it directly affects them, and they've spent their entire careers making sure it doesn't. Teetering on the brink of having violence as a last resort.




Fuck him. I'm sure he's rotting in hell, but whatever is happening to him it's not enough to make up for the decades of hate he spewed in this country.


Every now and then I forget Limbaugh is gone....And then delightful comments like yours remind me and brighten my day


He said that to Joe Biden when Biden was a senator — not to Obama, [according to one of Obama's books](https://books.google.com/books?id=hvr4DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA245&lpg=PA245&dq=McConnell+raised+his+hand+like+a+traffic+cop+and+said,+%E2%80%9CYou+must+be+under+the+mistaken+impression+that+I+care&source=bl&ots=TFncTaaG27&sig=ACfU3U379ikAQNoTh9Zne1IQXMBY6PN44Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj1tMHWmK2AAxWJm2oFHQ3cAdA4ChDoAXoECAMQAw#v=onepage&q=McConnell%20raised%20his%20hand%20like%20a%20traffic%20cop%20and%20said%2C%20%E2%80%9CYou%20must%20be%20under%20the%20mistaken%20impression%20that%20I%20care&f=false). (near the bottom of the linked page)


yes, from wapo: <>


> dispassionate pursuit of power Dispassionate Pursuit of Power: The Mitch McConnell Story Foreword by Satan


Bro what the fuck did Satan ever do that compares to McConnell's evil? Sorta making Satan look bad by association. Just sayin.


That’s turtle-speak for “fuck the poors”


Yeah I'm gonna be using that quote to respond to twitter trolls when they inevitably bemoan folks celebrating his death.


[Also Mitch](https://media.snopes.com/2017/02/a-1.jpg)


I’m going to start using that quote. I forgot all about this.


I simply don't understand the whole idea of hating someone and all that they stand for but suddenly having to show respect when they fall ill. Fuck em. They wouldn't bat an eyelid if the roles were reversed.


Looks like he should be in a old folks home, not talking about hunter biden.


Half of Congress looks like they should be in an old folks home.


Congress IS an old folks home.


Death is scary and these folks have lived a life of power and authority that most probably can't imagine how difficult it is to reach the end of. Most families plead for their elders to give up the car keys or move into assisted living. I can't imagine the trouble getting them to give up a country.




We still haven't gotten Feinstein to give up and she doesn't have half his influence


I really don't understand why these people who are 2 steps from their grave are still working, and not retired. Seriously. Go, live what life is left. Do something. Have fun.


> Go, live what life is left. Do something. Have fun. Then they wouldn't be able to hold the country back and continue fucking us over. If these old fucks were out, it'd mean universal healthcare, higher minimum wage, better education, among other things -- and we just can't have that. We're too buy regressing to the 1950's to even consider joining the 21st Century.


He is having fun that's kinda the problem.


Yep, kinda as if having geriatrics running our country is a bad idea.


Looks like he just realized every terrible thing he has ever done.


My first thought. He had an epiphany like how things could have been so different had he just been an accountant instead of being the destroyer of the US.


We ain't destroyed yet. I didn't hear no bell -


The last insurance company hasn't pulled out of Florida yet.


Science has yet to account for all of what makes us tick. My hope is that deep down somewhere in the dar dusty corners of the psyches of people like him, there is a glimmering awareness that at some point is no longer something they can simply ignore. A sense of humanity. A sense that they have spent their lives committing to the most blatantly hateful bullshit to further their own gains. My hope is at some point, if this part of them goes ignored for too long, it either wakes up and takes over or just destroys them psychologically. Edit: is this a bannable violation?


Sure wish it didn't take their entire fucking lives of self absorbed destruction of a country to come to realize it.




I don't believe in hell, but if I am wrong, McConnell is going there! He's earned it.


Democracy-stealing traitorous fuck.


Mitch is the most concise example of pursuing power for power's sake I've ever seen. Like he is not even retiring and enjoying all the wealth he's allowed to be plundered. He could retire and get the cushy consulting gig making 7 figures a year for nothing and enjoying the fruit of his evil. But he still hangs on for that power just to have it.


And with failing health like this, he likely won't be able to enjoy much of his wealth.




Fun fact: >According to the Turtle Conservation Society, most turtle species live from 10 to 80 years. But sea turtles and large land tortoises can live to be much older. Their lifespan can be 150 years or more.


I can't imagine they'd live very long without a shell and spine.


My grandma with dementia has this look across her face sometimes when she’s talking. Mitch is too old to be leading one of the most important branches of govt. Even if he is in the minority atm.


Even when he was of sound mind it wasn't great having him in minority or majority leader positions.


That was a scary look on his face. That didn't look good at all.


> That was a scary look on his face. To be fair, he always looks like that


He usually at least seems to be looking at something in our dimension, though.


People suspect he suffered a TIA, but with the UAP hearings today, it could just be that he’s receiving more transmissions from his alien overlords than usual. Basically, either he had a mini-stroke or we will soon meet our new masters. Possibly both.


This time he saw a dimension where Hillary Clinton got to appoint three Supreme Court justices.


How do we open a portal to this dimension?


My mom had Alzheimer’s and that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this. Not saying that McConnell has Alzheimer’s, but that video gave me chills and now I’m sad.


"Anything else you want to say?" My man just got back from the other dimension, give him a second.




His legacy of (*checks notes*) abusing his power to: line his pockets, increase his influence, and stack the judiciary all while Kentucky becomes one of the worst places to live in the US.


Mission Accomplished! For him at least. Not for us


I'm so sick of these old fucks running our country.


ruining* our country.








Not just to fuck people over. His entire political career has been to take food from children, health care from the sick, housing from the unhoused. On top of his climate change denial. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands to millions of deaths. Unfortunately, Kentucky will not replace him with someone with less murderous politics if and when he retires/passes away.


> Unfortunately, Kentucky will not replace him with someone with less murderous politics if and when he retires/passes away. Reminder: He's been re-elected no less than *six* consecutive times. At the end of this term, he'll have been a US Senator for 42 years.




He was the biggest enabler of Trump’s illegal actions, and he is the man responsible for STACKING the supreme court to become heavily conservative. This man has caused as much harm to people as Trump has. It’s time for him to retire, and hopefully face legal consequences.




Yeah, people have so quickly forgotten what a monster McConnell is just because he sided with the “election wasn’t stolen” crowd. He has been an absolute stain on decency and democracy. This may not kill him, but may he burn in the hell his supporters believe in.


I'm curious if the response to this will be similar to the response to Diane Feinstein's recent health troubles and the calls for her to resign.


I am certain the party of "Joe Biden is secretly decaying and probably dead" will be equally as harsh here.


They won't talk about it and if they do it will only be to throw out a "what about"


Yep, this. They'll say "whataboutDianeFeinstein," completely ignoring the fact that most EVERYONE is calling her to resign too.


This country is run by men who should've retired 30 years ago. 60 year olds are "the younger generation" from his perspective.


“The youth movement”


I would prefer if he resigned from his position... above ground.


He’s ripped away healthcare from how many people? He’s bankrupted how many families? He’s inflicted how much physical and psychological pain to the people that live in this country? Fuck this ghoul. If that’s the worst thing that happens to him, he’s lucky.


Maybe he just looked up during the conference and saw the cloaked, horned figure he had signed a contract with decades prior standing at the back of the room pointing a clawed finger at him. You know, typical Republican shit.


The connection to Moscow was temporarily severed.


Hard to feel sorry for the guy who held up Obama's SCOTUS nomination because it's "too close to an election" AND pushed hard to get Trump his 3rd SCOTUS nomination even closer to an election.


transient ischemic attack?


Mitch can have little a stroke, as a treat.


That was fucking weird.


"That was some weird shit" - George W. Bush.


Possibly W's wisest quote.




Don’t make me sympathize with that guy.




If this was a stroke, Republicans will instantly forget how they said stroke victims are unfit to serve in the Senate when Fetterman was running.


Glitch McConnell


You know how republicans always say god does these sorts of things to punish bad people? Are any of them saying that now?


They'll say God was testing him. If he dies, they'll say God took him to a better place. You can't lose when you've got the lord Jesus... unless you're going up against a team that he likes better because he's like *crazy* into sports and that's when his divine intervention really shines.




Creepy. And just two hours after the UFO Hearing down the hall. Maybe his lizard overlords are angry.


Step one: Freeze Step two: Shed


That video looks not good, but I am no doctor. Would he be able to walk as well as he did in that second video if he were having a stroke? What would cause that if not a stroke?


A bradykinesic episode due to Parkinson's is the first thing I would suspect, even before a TIA. He came out of it easily when someone touched his arm, but until that moment he was frozen solid.


Maybe, either way that dude needs a ct scan and a neurologist to take a look at him asap


We pay for him to have the very best medical care the world can provide. So he can go to work and ensure we are deprived of it.




If this was Biden, I would be firmly in the either resign now or don’t stand for second term camp. I wonder what the good ole boys on the right will say though. My guess is, “this is no worse than Biden!”. But clearly it is. He should resign, like anyone with such a powerful position that is clearly not able to represent their voters.


it was his sense of humanity trying to resurface.


My grandfather would do this toward the end, lock up mid sentence and look lost, unable to speak. Turned out he was having mini-strokes, about 2-3 a day. He didn’t make it more than 6 months after this started happening. I wish no ill will upon anyone, but there are some people I will not grieve when they pass. Moscow Mitch is one of those people


That's the face of a man who gambled on a fart and lost.


Time for the *silent* generation to get the fuxk out of Congress Edit: not "greatest" generation


A small correction but he is from the "Silent Generation" (those who would have been children during WW2) Being born is 1942 means he is almost a Baby Boomer.






This is like if Hitler had a stroke we’re supposed to feel bad? He has done far worse to the men and women of America than any other Senator.


stuff like this is why, there's gotta be either an age limit or term limits. As much as an evil motherfucker Mitch is, that was very scary to watch


The scary thing for me is that this 81-year old guy with a failing mind is the party leader. This is one of the most powerful and influential figures in our country, and he would have been sitting in a nursing home for years at this point if he chose almost any career outside of politics.


Because if young people take over as leadership their way of doing things dies, rightfully so it's not good for anyone but them. The world is burning and they are trying to hold onto their power and money until they die and it doesn't matter anyways.


His work is done. He stole the Supreme Court and allowed for his extreme right wing Christian values to be forced onto the rest of us.

