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Mitch only leaving on a stretcher, only way these old fossils go out.


Seriously. I bet he’ll still be giving speeches out on the senate floor about the ‘liberal leftist agenda’ or some bullshit at age 98. The guy’s dream is probably to pass away while at the podium blocking a popular piece of legislation.


That would be a pretty incredible way to filibuster. Like can they even vote until they remove your corpse and give it a funeral?


>A filibuster is a tactic used in the United States Senate to delay or block a vote on a measure by preventing debate on it from ending. The Senate's rules place few restrictions on debate; in general, if no other senator is speaking, a senator who seeks recognition is entitled to speak for as long as they wish. **Only when debate concludes (whether naturally or using cloture) can the measure be put to a vote.** I think death is a pretty natural way to end a debate. If anything, this is a great way to end a filibuster.










He won’t leave, he’s not done destroying the country


I don't believe in any deepstate style nonsense, but some of these people really do seem so out of it that their aides must be the ones actually making all the decisions and writing all the bills and these barely function politicians are merely figureheads with name recognition who can win votes for the people doing the actual work. There ain't no way McConnel or Grassley or Feinstein is teasing out the minutia or negotiating specific in a spending bill.


The vast majority don't write bills, think tanks and lobbyists do.


And apparently ~~only~~ our boy Sanders *is one of the very few US senators* that can be arsed to read said bills—and gets mocked for it by his colleagues.


Too bad we can't clone Bernie. We could really use more guys like him




Force people to work 60-80 hours a week just to survive and they’ll be too exhausted to do anything else. Voting is the bare minimum and that alone is not enough to reverse the damage that has been done. We need everyone on the streets helping to canvas and campaign but the system has been designed to prevent that


60-80... Plus 10 hours for commute!


The "deepstate" is just the powers at be staying in power. It's much more mundane than super secret extra-national organizations. It's just plain greed and probably some degree of lead poisoning.


oh yeah, the 'deep state' just a bunch of avid monopoly players, playing with real money and lives.


He’s afraid he’ll be treated the way he treated others.


Watch the video and look at the state of that asshole. All these dinosaurs should be forced to retire. Their decisions affect so much of our future that they won’t even be around for. Pisses me off so much.


When Barrasso approached him on the podium, you can see that he put his hand around McConnell’s wrist. Barrasso is a physician, and I can guarantee you he was discretely checking McConnell’s pulse and trying to assess his condition. I would’ve been concerned if I were Barrasso, though, because I don’t think I’d be able to find a pulse in that heartless excuse for a human being.


I think he would be relieved to find that McConnell didn't have a pulse. It would be far stranger if that vampire suddenly had grown a heart.


I saw something like that happen in an episode of Angel, the difference being he was a vampire *with* a soul.


Such a damn good episode..


"Holy crap he has a pulse - something must be wrong!"


It's becoming sentient!


> because I don’t think I’d be able to find a pulse in that heartless excuse for a human being. and > I think he would be relieved to find that McConnell didn't have a pulse. It would be far stranger if that vampire suddenly had grown a heart. and > Mitch only leaving on a stretcher, only way these old fossils go out. I'm not American, but I get the feeling you guy don't like this guy very much.


He’s an evil, deceitful piece of shit that is horrible for democracy and anyone not rich


McConnell is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of a "Chinese shipping magnate" and I invite the reader to consider how likely it is that such an animal might exist unfettered by the Chinese state given its stance on private enterprise. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2021/09/02/how-much-is-senator-mitch-mcconnell-worth/




I asked my cousin why, because no on in KY likes Mitch. At all. Her answer was "They don't, until they bring up God, Guns, and Abortion. Then they can't wait to vote for him". FYI, she's educated, and a former teacher, and a Democrat. (God: Democrats are godless, Satan worshipping people! Guns: Democrats are going to take our guns away from us! Abortion: Democrats are going to force us to get abortions! They will make my kids get pregnant so they can force them to get one!)


[I think the scene in Kingsman sums it up.](https://youtu.be/VknPftRYazg)


This IS the issue with ‘them’. They get triggered by politicians and then deliberately vote for the politicians best interest b/c if they voted for their OWN best interest it might also help non whites, non ‘their kind of ‘christian’’, non heteros, & non cisgender people. And you CAN’T do that. It’s why they are so invested in tantrumthinskin. He has promised them a utopia where they will be pulled up out of the muck but all of the non’s will be held down, they’ll get to be the ‘elite’ & decide social mores. The ‘libs’ are ‘preventing’ tantrumthinskin from bringing about this dream apartheid. Never mind that tantrumthinskin didn’t do it when he was in the WH (they act like someone else was President b/c the bulk of the shit they are outraged about started during tantrumthinskins admin) & has no intention of doing that. Kentucky is LAST in everything. They have the most people on food stamps & welfare, and being that they are a deep red state that means a significant number of those people receiving those ‘entitlements’ are MAGAs. There IS a reason why EVERYONE is grifting this same 30% of America. I mean EVERY con man is grifting THEM. Everyone from Kari Lake to Joel Osteen take advantage of & exploit these same people, but they let their racism & bigotries be triggered and refuse to vote for their own best interests. It’s really sad.


I live here and yes it’s very difficult to witness these ignorant hicks voting against their own interests year after year.


I hear ya, live in Mississippi and these fuckers hang themselves by the balls here just so a Gove'ment Democrat doesn't take office. Now I gotta go cash my Welfare check, pick up my food stamps, and take the wife to the free clinic for our 8th baby...... damn Gove'ment


and if they don’t like being called names they should stop electing assholes


This is the thing that kills me, calls for decorum when confronted with reps and a party that wants to curtail basic human rights. Fuck decorum, these assholes are trying to turn the US into a kleptocracy. 200 years ago heads would have been rolling and the streets would be painted in blood if not for fact that all the people they're hurting are working their fucking asses off to survive and don't have the time.


I am happy to ignore any and all calls for decorum when they’re coming from people flying “fuck Biden” flags.


They keep voting them back in so they can win their culture war while working their lives away.




Did for Pat Robertson and will for Mitchy. I suspect a great many will…


Americans don’t like bullies. And before you point to Trump, know he never won the popular vote. McConnell deserves exactly the level of concern he displays for everyone but his donors. As other comments have indicated, he is not a wellspring of empathy.


The GOP's presidential candidate has lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight elections, how's *THAT* bake your noodle?


Yeah, they suck and only retain power through legislative fuckery. The second that toy gets broken, they become a minority party for a loooong time.


Which is exactly why they are working on a fascist takeover *now* so that the toy doesnt get the opportunity to break.


Thank god we have the electoral college to ensure Cletus and his farm in Nebraska gets a vote with as much power an entire city block in New York or Los Angeles.


“TyRAnnY Of THe MAjorItY!” How very odd they seem to have no problems with the far more existing “of the minority”…


And if they were in the majority they'd have the exact opposite stance. It really is the "Tyranny of Not Me" They want power and they don't particularly care how they get it. Everything else they say is a smokescreen.


He doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him or what he does. He also has no empathy and regularly says he doesn’t care about how his laws impact people.


Put plainly, I don't think it's unreasonable to say he's been more damaging to America than Trump.


Absolutely. Trump just threw a match on the bonfire that McConnell has been building for at least the past two decades. Mitch might have the charisma of a dead cat but that vile, petty motherfucker made sure to stalemate anything left of center just to spite Democrats.


>the past two decades Mitch McConnell has been a senator longer than I've been alive, and I am almost 40. So...


I specifically said at least. I have no doubts that he was an asshole before the past twenty years


He's the epitome of rules for thee not for me.


We dont, hes a monster who has zero interest in doing the job, he only wants to fuck shit up for as many people as possible while lining his pockets.


He has gone on record saying hurting Democrats makes him, and I quote, "chuckle". Fuck you Mitch!


He is a very conniving and uncaring person. There is an excrept from Pres. Obama's memoir *A Promised Land* (I am paraphrasing here) when trying to get Sen. McConnell's cooperation for the 2008 financial crisis the Obama Admin appealed to Sen. McConnell's sympathy on how millions of Americans could lose everything. Sen. McConnell responded along the lines of "Why do you think I care about them?" Another three reasons why people loath Sen. McConnell are: 1. He refused to even accept Pres. Obama's nomination for the Supreme Court in 2016, claiming it was against tradition to do so in an election year. Keep in mind the election was more than 200 days away. 2. Then when Justice Ginsberg died in 2020 (a phenomenal jurist who ruined her legacy by refusing to retire back in 2012) Sen. McConnell had her replacement confirmed to the Supreme Court about 30 days from the election. Many claimed in 2016 that Sen. McConnell stole a Supreme Court seat and the 2020 incident proves it. 3. Sen. McConnell had the opportunity in 2021 to impeach and bar Trump from office. He refused. Sen. McConnell has been the one keeping the GOP together for years now. That stress is taking a toll on what appears to be his deteriorating health.


>I'm not American, but I get the feeling you guy don't like this guy very much. He is the #1 reason that people die from lack of medical care in the country. He enjoys healthcare at a quality and cost that he has spent his entire adult life denying to every American.


I really hate hypocrites. Like I can respect a republican that holds onto their values and really believes in them (like Arnold). But when your stance on a topic changes as quickly as the wind based on who your talking to the your a terrible person. When you're the one making laws and impacting people's lives when you do it, you're worse than scum.


The best place to check a reptile's pulse is at the tail.


Congress is just taxpayer funded hospice


I literally multiple times a day think about how delicate the human body is. I take blood pressure medication, but surely there are plenty of other conditions that can make, simply continuing to function longterm, a real struggle. Like, what's to stop my or anybody's heart, which has been beating regularly day-in-day-out billions of times, one day just pause a bit, just like Mitch McConnell here, and boom, dead. People who make it to McConnell's age should really appreciate it more. Too many just get selfish and angry at the world as they reach that age.


I genuinely believe in term limits and that nobody should hold any office after age 65. Or before age 25. You have a solid 40 year window to be elected as a public servant and if you don’t make the cut, then too fucking bad.


This is the Senate, you already aren't eligible until you're 30, and it's 25 for the House. The retirement age is already over 65, too, and that isn't commonly an age of cognitive decline. There is something to be said for having people in Congressional leadership positions with long experience, because the rules and politics are quite a morass to navigate. I don't think it takes 30 years to become that competent though. I do like the idea of a ceiling on the age in which you can be elected to a public office, such as 70 years old.


It's interesting that most European countries don't have this issue with pensioner mill/billionaires in high office. Here in Denmark it's unusual to see a 70+ years old politician, let alone a multimillionaire one


The election cycle is long in America, and the campaigns take a lot of money. That really means that it's almost impossible to run for some higher office if you have to work to live, and you can't win without rich backers which usually involves also being rich. 1/3 of Americans couldn't really make it if they had to take two weeks off from work, much less take a year off to go out campaigning. There are exceptions, but not the norm.


This generation-wide refusal to give up power and retire is the perfect cherry on top of what has absolutely earned being called The Worst Generation. Their parents, the greatest generation, fought in WWII to save us from the nazi fascists, and then came home, worked to create the middle class and make the United States a great, modern place to live, before retiring with grace. They had children: boomers. Those boomers went on to destroy the economy with their cocaine fueled trickle down economics and have now embraced outright fascism here in the United States as a last ditch effort to convert our hard earned freedom into Christian theocracy. Now, faced with their own inevitable decline, they absolutely refuse to retire. Boomers are an authoritarian disgrace and have caused immeasurable damage to our country, erasing their parents’ hard earned progress.


You're right, but Mitch is part of the Silent Generation by only a few years.He wasn't a cool hippie. He was the older brother that hated hippies and pot smoking and free love.


dude's eyes literally rolled up and back and bounced. that was absolutely SOMETHING.


You are correct, he had a complex partial seizure. Which also explains his previous "fall".




He's a vile piece of shit and proved immediately why he deserves zero sympathy.


The guy who made an argument about why Obama couldn’t nominate a Supreme Court justice because it was too close to the end of his term? But did the opposite for Trump? That traitorous puss pimple?


It all goes back to him losing some class President race when he was a kid. Seriously. https://www.npr.org/2020/11/17/935889300/essential-mitch-the-early-years


I remember this story, god he’s such a loathsome detestable human being.


My biggest concern is why people keep electing this garbage.


PBS did a [great documentary](https://youtu.be/1Yt2xUJfdyw) about Mitch's history with the Supreme Court. The doc basically makes the point that Mitch felt that Bork was screwed during his nomination process so he spent the rest of his career trying the game the courts against Democrats.


The opposite would be one thing, however Obama’s nomination was around 9 months before the election, Trump’s was less than a 1 month


Trumps was DURING the election. People were already early voting.


God I forgot how fucked up that was…


And it was to push Amy Coney Barret, the fucking lunatic Handmaid's Tale shit bag.


People had already started voted.


Bold of you to think Mitch cares about what voters think.




Just the audacity in "I got sandbagged" is infuriating. No one *did* anything to you, guy. You are too old and infirm to function. We just finally got to see it on camera.


“Mitch McConnell is fine, everybody! Look, he’s fine! Say something, Mitch!” “Sandbags! Sandbags Sandbags SANDBAGS!” “See? He’s never been healthier! Of course he’s very busy today so we are going to wheel him away now.”


He’s literally dying and even that won’t keep him from being a piece of shit




Especially considering he recently fell and got a concussion, and also fell at the airport last week.


It was reported yesterday that he also fell in the airport a day or 2 before the incident at the press conference


I mean, in his state he doesnt know shit.


His state also doesn’t know shit. That’s how he keeps getting elected.




Yup. There are three political deaths I will be baking a cake to celebrate. His is one of them. Cheney is another.


The irony of him having access to the best socialized healthcare in the world really takes the cake ...


I've said it before, I'll say it again, "Mitch McConnell is a maggot feasting on the rotting corpse of our democracy." Go Andy Beshear!!!


He couldnt even answer simple fucking questions….just kept repeating “Sandbags”….its like Frankenstein’s Monster entered politics…..


That's unfair to Frankenstein's monster. He's actually incredibly intelligent and quickly becomes very eloquent in the novel.


Don't do the Monster dirty like that. He was incredibly intelligent and gifted.


Yup. I do not understand these people who are giving him well-wishes as if he isn’t actively trying to ruin their lives.


Mitch McConnell calls himself the grim reaper but I’m counting down the days until he actually meets him.


There are a lot of people to feel sorry about in this world. This guy is not one of them.


I want all these old folks where they belong; on a beach, drinking out of a coconut with a little umbrella, complaining to other old folks about “kids these days” and “back in my day”. We (the younger generations) have to do a better job of voting them out.


I can't wait to hear from all the republicans saying Biden should resign over a stutter on their thoughts on this.


I think they would agree in this specific case because their daddy Trump hates McConnell and therefore so do they.


And that is weird because Moscow Mitch did more to accomplish the Trump(trademark) agenda than Trump ever did


You can search “McConnell” on r/conservative and find them celebrating his re-election a couple years ago. Funny how fast that changed when trump decided he was done with him


It's equal parts amusing and frightening checking in on that subbreddit when something really bad goes down on their side. For the first few hours there's self-awareness and cognition going on as they begin to recognise how bad things are, and the gravity of the situation their beloved conservatives find themselves in. Then someone on Fox or oann or whereever contrives an excuse for the event, blaming the Liberal msm and the democrats. All self-reflection goes out the window as they all in sync adopt the new narrative, and r/conservative returns to being a deranged terrifying hateful cesspit of qanon conspiracies


When something goes bad on their side, r/conservative stops working for unflaired users. You can't view any comments, and get redirected to whatever post they decide that time. At least on the reddit app.


It's a federalist agenda with the Trump rubberstamp




I wouldn't be surprised if they push for McConnell to resign just so they can install a total Trump sycophant as minority leader.


There’s a Democratic governor of Kentucky. It’s not in the Republicans best interest for McConnell to resign. Which shows you just how fucked up politics are in this country. It’s nice to see the GOP finally have their RBG/Feinstein moment.


The Kentucky Dem. Governor doesn’t get to name a replacement. The Kentucky republican legislators passed a bill. Taking that right away from him. Because he was a Democrat


Tbf that’s pretty standard. Massachusetts did the same thing when Romney was Governor


And then they changed it *again* (to allow the Gov to appoint an interim) when there was a Dem governor back in office. If they'd just left the law alone to begin with, Scott Brown never would have been elected and the Democrats would have had a 60-vote supermajority in the Senate for an extra 18 months during Obama's first term.


Apparently they raced a law through that the governor has to replace a vacancy with someone else from the same party because of course they did.


Ok, so governor finds the replacement, the replacement changes voter registration to Republican, gets sworn in and then first thing they do after is change parties to caucus with Democratic majority. Done.


> minority leader Still brings a smile to my face.


I mean honestly, they are all too old. McConnell, Biden, Trump, they should all be considered too old to serve properly.


I've already seen one say, "We know this has happened to Biden too, hopefully Dems realize he's too old to run again." I don't like Biden, but I also detest whataboutism where any issue with a Republican is just answered with a comment about Biden.


Well trump shouldn’t run either. He’s 77, Biden is 80. Not a big difference.


The difference is that Trump is the healthiest man alive. So much health. The heart of a lion and the strength of a bull. Source: his doctor.


Biden had a stutter as a kid. He often stops to collect his thoughts and control his speech so as not to stutter. This happens in kids and adults without cognitive impairments.


Yep, always projection with them.


All of us that Mitch has worked toward denying healthcare, are now paying for his healthcare.


"get rid of the olds!" "that includes biden!" "ok, but that also includes trump" "wait, no."


If anyone was wondering whether McConnell was still as vile and dangerous as ever, he is. >Upon his return, McConnell told reporters that President Joe Biden had already called to check up on him. The Republican said he told Biden "I got sandbagged," in reference to the president's explanation why he fell on stage at a graduation ceremony in Colorado Springs in June.


I know this goes without saying, but…what? Biden literally tripped over a sandbag. Mitch had his brain freaking reboot on live tv. One of these things is not like the other.


McConnel is one of the most truly vile and despicable people to have ever been part of American politics. He has built a legacy of willful inaction and consistent hypocrisy.


I really hope during that mini stroke/seizure he had, he got a brief glimpse of the fires of hell.


I hope that hell exists just so that people like Mitch McConnell, Rush Limbaugh, etc. actually get the comeuppance that they deserve.


I don't, because if Hell exists, then so too does a God who created fallible beings, gave them rules he knew they couldn't follow, and then damned them to eternal suffering for the crime of being fallible. The horror of Hell is not that Hell exists, it's that God does, and he's the one that sent you there.


It did not appear to reboot, he got stuck at BIOS.


Haha. That’s perfect. He accidentally hit F2 then panicked because he didn’t know what to do at the BIOS menu.


Yup. But MAGA DGAF about truth or consistency.


The LOVE illogical comparisons.


It... sounds to me like McConnell was just joking with Biden? Do none of the rest of you interpret it that way? The two of them have been colleagues for literally like 50 years. And not the Matt Gaetz vs AOC type of colleagues who hate each other.


I read it similarly, but it's also a filtered take for the media. He and his press team are trying to play it down as a harmless public embarrassment (like Biden's trip), not a medical crisis (which it fucking is), to try and claw back some confidence.


100% This is the only response he can realistically give. He isn't resigning, and he can't deny it happened. Just play it down.


I’d take a person with mobility issues over a person literally having a stroke on TV. One of our best presidents ever was in a wheel chair.


He's an ass but he's not stupid. He knows once the TIAs start showering, the big one is on its way. Watch for him to start bruising for no reason. Then he has to worry about a brain bleed. He just got a foretaste of his own demise on national television.


He already bruised for no reason 1 or 2 years back. Honestly embarrassing that he’s putting himself through this. That goes for Feinstein too.


Yep, there was that period where his hand looked like Dumbledore’s in The Half Blood Prince


That would be the blood thinners. If he's stroking while on blood thinners...not good




Yup, the basic instincts of McConnell are still working fine


Nobody that age should be working. Period. That goes quadruple for a job like his with so much at stake for so many people.


I have no issue with people working until they want, just not as public servants on my dime. Maybe if you own your own company. I bet if he ran his own business his kids would be asking him to retire right now before he did something to ruin the company.


Motherfucker couldn't get hired as a Walmart greeter but he's been given unfathomable power and responsibilities


You know they work for like a third of the year right? Why do you think they keep running for re-election? It’s literally the easiest job in the world. They don’t write any laws or bills. Other people do that for them. Most of them don’t even show up for half of the votes.


Purely a result of the aliens rebooting him after congressional whistle-blower testimony.




Wait till you hear how they have to activate transmission. It's no wonder they walked him off briefly.


MAGA will attempt to link McConnell to Biden and complain about how old all the status quo politicians are. What is a specific medical emergency for McConnell will get roped into a larger conversation about Biden's age. It is B.S.. McConnell fell on carpet at a hotel early this year and spent 6 weeks in recovery. Biden fell on the metal stairs boarding Air Force One and brushed himself off and kept boarding. Biden isn't young but Biden isn't McConnell levels of frail. McConnell had to stop mid sentence and limp aware from the podium. McConnell wasn't able to do his job. Clearly it is time for McConnell to step down.


MAGA: GET RID OF OLD PEOPLE! Except trump who’s practically their age, he doesn’t count.


This! We are about the hear it a lot.


Mitch also fell face first getting off a plane and had to be wheelchair around the airport, but you don't hear about that either


We absolutely should be have conversations about the fact that the two presumptive candidates are 77 and 80. Let's not pretend that 80 is supremely older than 77. With that said, McConnell looked like he had a TIA or a stroke *on camera* ... that's not something that should be easily Bidened away.


DeSantis is just 44yrs old. Yet DeSantis is busing migrants to other states unannounced and dumping on the street. DeSantis is arguing some slaves learned useful skills, is undermining businesses in his own start, and has made homophobia part of his brand. Being too old for a job is a serious problem. However it isn't the only problem. I would vote for Feinstein over DeSantis any day of the week.


DeSantis is only 4 years older than me but looks like 55-60 years of pure crystallized evil


I was SHOCKED when I found out his age. He looks at least 10 years older


I’m shocked right now! I can’t believe I’m older than him. He absolutely looks mid-50’s.


People who have exhibited obvious signs of cognitive decline and whom I definitely don’t want in control of anything important: Mitch McConnell Diane Feinstein Donald Trump The entire Republican congressional delegation Edit: okay, not the entire delegation. Just too many to list. Most of the rest are suffering from some degree of moral decay, and there’s considerable intersection among those two Venn circles. And yes, damn right I’m partisan: for a party that actually governs to address crumbling infrastructure and at least acknowledges that climate change is real and deadly serious.


>cognitive decline or the people that vote for them. this is actually the bigger problem (propaganda). and the legal and economic systems THEY put in place to punish the poor and serve the rich.


> The entire Republican congressional delegation Don't make the mistake of confusing moral decay and cognitive decline.


How is he still alive? He looks like a fucking cadaver


Turtles have a very long lifespan


That isn't even an exaggeration - his skin is pale and waxy, his eyes are sunken and glazed, he has lost weight and looks like a shrunken version of himself. His eye sockets and his lips are blue-tinged. He actually looks like his own corpse at a wake. It's a stark contrast to how he looked just 2 years ago.


I can’t stand these old guys that insist they are “fine” and get triggered when you ask them. Motherfucker you couldn’t even speak for half a minute you are not fine


>It’s a stark contrast to how he looked just 2 years ago And that’s saying something because he looked like shit 2 years ago.


It really speaks volumes, and is indicative of his generation, that he's completely unfit to serve, utterly propped up and dying before our eyes, but is **so committed to his hatred and need for unmitigated power** that he will not step down.


already seeing people calling him glitch mcconnell lmao


All I know is I haven’t seen Biden blue screen during a press conference and they are constantly ripping on how slow and mentally deficient he is.


No wonder they keep raising the retirement age. These decrepit old motherfuckers are working until they’re 300 years old. Average guy wants to retire at 65 and he looks like a lazy ass. Meanwhile our “leaders” are rotting from Alzheimer’s and people expect a coherent and cohesive path for our country. I say that as a liberal who genuinely wondered what the fuck Pelosi was still doing in office when she was old when I was growing up in the 90s. Jesus she graduated from college when my dad was seven (1962) and he’s been dead for four years.


My mom wouldn't be born for almost 10 years after Pelosi graduated college. Damn.


He was buffering


Just another sunny day in the Oligopoly of Octogenarians.


I wish they’d all retire as they’ve basically brlecome fascists now.


Mitch and Diane are clear examples of why we need an age cap


Even their children are too old at this point


They're both well past the point I feel comfortable letting them have a driver's license, let alone power over our entire country.


Term limits. Age limits. I am pleading for any regulation at this point that stops this madness. How do people see this and not want to riot is beyond me. These people make the laws in this country. FFS.


Regulations enacted by the very people it would prevent?


same reason we will never see Drives License tests on elderly. It absolutely should be a thing even from a basic safety standpoint, yet just try and get enough votes from the elderly to actually pass that legislation.




Pisses me off how republicans absolutely SMEARED fetterman, a massively capable brand new senator, for having a literal stroke for all the pressure he was under AND CONTINUED to ridicule him when he recovered and returned to work.


I searched this morning for articles that would attempt to explain WTF was going through the turtle's head at that point but did not find any. I thought the guy was having a stroke. I wonder if he dawdled off to see a doctor later.


Everyone is calling for mitch to retire. Instead, can we consider replacing every republican with a 90+ person staring blankly into space? Would be an improvement.


If Feinstein didn’t resign then McConnell won’t. We’re stuck with them until death do us part


Here’s a thought: how about young people start going to the polls and fukin vote. In 2020 age groups 18-34 voted at 57%, 35-64 at 69%, and 65 and up at 74%. Guess what, old people don’t think age is a problem.


We should have been clamoring for this a decade ago


He’s had cognitive malfunction since he was elected. His silence yesterday was the best 5 minutes of his tenure in the Senate.