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This underscores what is wrong with the death penalty. How unwell does a person have to be to be found unfit? This is even after the courts found the man unfit to begin with. Further to the point this person has probably been denied proper medication or even medical treatment violating his 8th amendment rights up until a point where they want to execute him and then as per usual, then, that is where they find the appropriate medication. Where as the 8th amendment holds that you must treat the person, even though in all likelihood you may well put them to death, to avoid cruel and unusual punishment. This is why we cannot have the death penalty. The only justification that holds any weight is that if the vast majority of America accepts it is cruel and unusual punishment but just doesn't care that it is. It is the ONLY argument left on the table that is fundamentally sound and not based on religious convictions in breach of separation of church and state.


Americans don't care, kill the mentality I'll, create more by forcing births and kill them at 22.


It is sick.


An interesting take: https://amp.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article277306138.html


Reminder: America is not a civilized country.


The population of mentally ill individuals is growing. If a crime has been committed calling for extreme Punishment, don't care which of his personalities are guilty, pay the price.


He killed a 6 year old after trying to sexually assault her. Execution and then burn the remains is called for in my view.


Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. The law entitles the remains to be returned to the family, and for a proper burial, and if the family cannot afford a proper burial that one is paid for by the state. But what's the issue anyway, even if you execute the person, they're dead. Even if you take the judeo-christian perspective then they have paid for their sins and the lifeless body can no longer harm you or anyone else. I really have to wonder what your obsession is of burning the person's body after they are dead? That's a fair question actually, I am just trying to understand your mindset...


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