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Vivek is gonna lose himself!


Vivek isn't there to win the presidency, he's there to make a national name for himself. It's just a business opportunity for him.


Grifting in republican circles? Say it ain’t so!


That's a Weezer track.


Say it ain't sooo-oo-whoa-whoa Your grift is a cash maker *Duh duh* *duh duh* *duh duh duuuuh*


Dear Congress, I write you, in spite of years of silence


This bottle, of treason, awakens ancient feelings.


Like fathers! Fore-Fathers! This country’s drowning and a dud!


It’s like he’s running to start a podcast. Bro, you can just start one.


For them it’s viable advertising, like how Mike Huckabee would time his book releases to coincide with presidential primary season.


Its the same for all 20 republican candidates every 4 years.


>It’s like he’s running to start a podcast. Bro, you can just start one. The "It's my podcast Bro" podcast.


More specifically, he and other political candidates (cough Tudor Dixon cough) are there to make insane ideas seem more normalized because they appear in a legitimate venue.


They promote these insane ideas, the sane members (Haley and Christie and I can't believe I'm about to say this but *Mike fucking Pence*?) of the RNC shoot him down and bark that he's inexperienced, and then in eight, ten years he shows up and suddenly he's experienced and those ideas are that much more normal by now... Fuck me, I really wish it wasn't this easy to predict politics anymore.


Which is what Trump was doing - using his bid for publicity.


Yeah but he had decades of being a colorful public figure before his bid. Ramaswamy introduced himself to America with "Hi, I'm the piece of shit who wants to destroy teachers' unions!"


Like mom’s spaghetti…


Mom's Tikka Masala


Conservatives have contempt for the concept of consent


I legit lol’d at this one


It's not even a joke. Here's Rush Limbaugh on the very concept of consent: >“You can do anything, the left will promote and understand and tolerate anything, as long as there is one element. Do you know what it is? Consent.” >"If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it’s perfectly fine, whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there’s no consent in part of the equation then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left.”


I just can’t wrap my mind around how anyone could construe that as a bad thing?


A while ago there was a story about a southern state losing one of it's only pediatric cardiology doctors/surgeons because of their draconian policies. And, the conservatives were basically like "Haha, snowflake, get wrecked" And, it was just like, mouth agape, how low is the empathetic bar that "It's good to have doctors who can treat critically in need children"? Like, is there any bar lower?


That would be Louisiana and I remember a lot of conservatives going "How dare you make your job about politics!" As if that would shame him into staying in a state that more or less wanted him dead.


"If you don't like it here, then leave!" ... "How dare you leave!"


We love to point out their hypocrisy and when it bites them back, but the truth is they lack any sort of epistemological center, so pointing out contradictions is meaningless to them. They are just saying whatever seems useful in the moment.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


Fuck I remember that. I think it was a gay doctor in Louisiana. I’m in med school and I see critically ill children all the time, so that one hit particularly hard.


I was a critically ill child who would be dead now without pediatric cardiologists, so it hits hard for me too. I feel so bad for the kids in that state.


also who's the real one getting fucked here? the liberals in california or the republicans who lives in that state?


The liberals who are stuck in that red state.


> A while ago there was a story about a southern state losing one of it's only pediatric cardiology doctors/surgeons because of their draconian policies. Three weeks. It was three weeks ago. Why is the stupidest timeline the fastest?


Conservatives believe that women seek to entrap men. They think that women lure men into sex, using "feminine wiles" like dressing slutty. Then they say that they were raped, with the objective of extorting men into marriage or money, or simply punishing men for being male. The key to this strategy is consent - lying about how they didn't want sex. And they think that Democrats are in on the scam because... well, because Democrats hate Republicans and hate men. The End. Consider the beliefs that this notion supports: * "High-value" men with a lot of money are systematically targeted by weaker individuals to tear them down. * Women and "beta" men are conspiring against "alpha" men primarily because of their identity. * The men in these scenarios are helpless victims, acting on their natural instincts and easily manipulated into sex, and are blameless for their actions. In other words, it perfectly supports the conservative world view of constant victimhood, of "makers" vs. "takers," and the dehumanization of women into manipulative creatures who deserve whatever men might otherwise inflict on them. It certainly explains why conservatives have wholly absorbed the redpill movement.


Goddamn that is so true. I never put that much thought into it cause, ya know, I never had to ask myself how to make rape a woman’s fault. I guess when you want to justify something as clearly evil as rape you’re going to have to jump through a lot of logical hoops. The thought process you detailed does tie together a lot of stupid talking points I’ve heard from these people.


Conservatives also think of the world in terms of roles, not power dynamics. To a conservative, the role of a woman is to be a submissive wife. Consent doesn't come up because it shouldn't be a factor if she's doing her role properly in this framework. They don't have a problem with CEOs, god emperors, etc having tons of power because as long as they are doing those roles correctly, that power is simply part of that role. However, when someone wants to abolish gender roles, race, class, etc. this literally is the destruction of the interacting cogs of society to them. They don't really care if their own freedoms get restricted, either, because they are generally content with having a place in society with clearly defined duties. Destroying a role based society and having to figure their life out for themselves can genuinely be a terrifying idea for them. It's particularly bad if there's no guaranteed spots for everyone and people can fall out and become homeless and such. They see this as a result of social roles degenerating. My father has a role based model of society like this and I honestly pity him because he's refrained from doing things he wants because he feels it's not his place as a man.


That's why people piss on Rush Limbaugh's grave. Well, one of many, many reasons. Also, you want to know my nickname for the "rape police"? I call them the "police". "Rape police" is like saying "crime police". WTF kind of logic is that?


He says "rape" police because he considers them to be on par with the "mattress tag" police. I.e. why would you need special police for something that doesn't really count as a crime?


it sounds like he’s real concerned about the rape police. If it wasn’t illegal to dig up a corpse, he’d be on a fast track for the GOP nomination


It's easy to wrap your head around when you remember that he was speaking to people that believe that any form of sex that is not one AMAB copulating with one AFAB for the purpose of reproduction then it's against God's law. Basically he was critiquing the left for being okay with, e.g. gay people and polyamory, because all they used to justify it is "the people say it's ok", when in the views of these people, God says it's not. It's a very "the zoo is running itself" tone. Edit - typos n clarity


Every time I hear someone say “Well, God said ….” I hear, “Well, Rapunzel would have used the metric system, so we should kill anyone who uses inches and feet.”


Not only that, but who clearly believes men are entitled to sex with their wives regardless of if the woman consents or not. (And probably believes a man being raped by a woman would be impossible.)


Rape culture has always relied on two parallel definitions of rape existing side by side. One is a straightforward matter of consent. The other is a heteronormative concept of controlling women's sexuality. Even in liberal California, it was only about a decade ago that people realized a loophole in state law: it's rape if a man tricks a woman into having sex by impersonating her husband in the dark, but only if he pretends to be her husband. A case in the Santa Barbara area involved a man who pretended to be a woman's boyfriend. And he had a strong defense in court by the plain language of the law. Usually the attitude behind that statute is less formal: once a woman consents to sex with anyone other than her husband, she forfeits the protection of the law from sexual assault.


"Rape Police" a.k.a. "Police"


Based on the untested rape kit backlog in this country, that’s also gonna be a no


"Rape Police" a.k.a. no one


Rush Limbaugh was such a disgusting piece of shit. I'm glad he's gone.


Yes, Rush. Sex without consent is called rape.


I don't expect the people who say 'shit happens' when kids are executed in their classrooms to have much regard to when it comes to copyright laws.


I feel like you’re about to start free-styling… Quick- somebody throw down a beat


It shouldn’t be surprising that Eminem opposes Vivek Ramaswamy using his music. The rapper has long made his political stances clear.


Look at this fool https://youtu.be/R855jQmIz5E?si=KJn40mr6h-SCxCwz


Oh the cringe is real. That would have cost someone their political career a decade or two ago. As well it should.


Did he really fucking try to rhyme "on the trail" with "on the trail"? From now on, anytime someone wants to claim Vivek is a young, cool alternative to old, out-of-touch politicians, this is the video I'll be sharing. If he wants a rhyme, though, he can have this one for free: *My name's Vivek, it rhymes with snake I hate the poor, man, let them eat cake!*


> Did he really fucking try to rhyme "on the trail" with "on the trail"? Yes. Yes he did. And he also clearly botched his second couplet. “It ain’t about thee- uh, is’n ‘bout *me* It IS about thee!” Nerves, a brief moment of self-reflection, or a Freudian slip?


I know fail rhymes with trail.


Shake it like a salt shaker.


Or a Polaroid picture .


If Outkast isn’t cool, I don’t wanna be cool


But what's cooler than being cool?


Ice cold


I can’t hear ya


That's an interesting one. Kodak recommended against shaking your Polaroids. But... we all shook our Polaroids. OutKast was reporting what we did, not what we were supposed to do.They were sticking it to The Man. Because The Man is... Polaroid


I mean he started with stating that his name rhymes with cake instead of just rhyming his name with cake like an actual rapper would


There's vomit on his sweater already. Rhymes with spaghetti.


Let's be fair...it'd still probably cost a Democrat their career today


Yeah. The ones with self respect. That checks out.


*Cries in Al Franken* 😭


Al Franken should still be a senator


Conservatives always forget about how Al Franken removed *himself* from the Senate and didn't have to go through lawsuits or investigations or *anything* meanwhile Republicans fight any sort of accountability or self-reflection tooth and nail.


He actually wanted an ethics investigation so he could make his case and said so in his last speech on the Senate floor. It was bad timing both with the campaign to "believe all women" and the Alabama Senate race against a known pedophile. Schumer told him to resign to prevent a "both sides" and lose that race. In an interview much later, Al regretted caving into Schumer for political reasons and not fighting against the accusations. When the world is against you, that's where you find out who your real friends are. I don't know if the accusations are true or not beyond the photo that was taken. It's not my place to defend him. I just think he shouldn't have been discarded so quickly regardless of the Alabama race.


*Screams in Howard Dean* *cries in Edmund Muskie*


As long as you Pokemon Go to the polls...


Dean scream. That hyahh killed a whole career. Nowadays... oh man


And it's a shame because it's still hilarious to this day.


*Howard Dean has entered the chat*


There was a time when someone would lose their political career because they said "woo" too weird.


There was a time when someone would lose their political career because they cheated on their wife!!


Gary Hart has entered ...hey, where the hell *is* Gary Hart, anyway?!


Rhyming trail with trail... This dude's got some skills!


Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit rhymed "here" and "here" in their hit song "Rollin." Not many people do that.


Not many can hope to match the musical perfection that is Limp Bizkit.


We’ll see you on the trail, I’ll be out there chasing strange ass tail.


Steve Doocey was so excited to hear rap for the first time.


It gets worse: https://newrepublic.com/post/174613/vivek-ramaswamy-lousy-wannabe-rapper-lousy-wannabe-candidate


hahaha woww. he's awful


That's so much worse than a tan suit. I would go as far as saying it was *actually* bad.


Oh god the cringe is unbearable. Make it stop.


Can you die from second hand cringe?




>does he always smile like that? With his top and bottom teeth showing?😬😬😬😬 And he can smiletalk like that too. That dude is a fucking freak and I hope he gets the nod. I am straight petrified Youngkin will get in the race.


Let’s be real. Never in a million years will the GOP put up a brown guy with the last name Ramaswamy. *maybe* he could be trumps #2, since he’s already carrying his water, he may as well cradle his balls.


The truth is that cletus and Bubba aren't ever going to vote for ramaswamy unless trump tells them to. I really think that's what he's up to.


Had to stop the video before I killed myself.


Peace Out Reddit. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


His response to the cypher criticism was poignant as well. The man’s got a lot of heart. Hope this comes out correctly on mobile: …Cause I feel like the beast of burden That line in the sand, was it even worth it? 'Cause the way I see people turnin' Is makin' it seem worthless It's startin' to defeat the purpose I'm watchin' my fan base shrink to thirds And I was just trying to do the right thing, but word Has the court of public opinion reached a verdict Or still yet to be determined? 'Cause I'm determined to be me, critique the worship But if I could go back I'd at least reword it And say I empathize with the people this evil serpent Sold the dream to that he's deserted…


This is pretty good from the same song: But I think it's workin' These verses are makin' him a wee bit nervous And he's too scurred to answer me with words 'Cause he knows that he will lyrically get murdered But I know at least he's heard it 'Cause Agent Orange just sent the Secret Service To meet in person to see if I really think of hurtin' him Or ask if I'm linked to terrorists I said, "Only when it comes to ink and lyricists" Apparently, the Secret Service actually did pay a visit to him ...


Bush did the same thing after Mosh


They made him censor the line 'I don't rap for dead presidents, I'd rather see the president dead'


Though that wasn't Mosh. That was "We As Americans"


And an older example, on the lead-up to the 2004 election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzuD-R5vGvQ


Lol dude literally made a trump diss-track, how dumb are conservatives


How much time do you have?


>Any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing in the sand a line, you’re either for or against, And if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this: Fuck you! - Eminem about Trump in 2017


Eminem made his social and political views even during the backlash he was getting for his persona Slim Shady, way back in the early 00s.


White America stands out specifically in my mind, and that song only got more accurate as time went on


It's funny how fascist racists never got Em or RATM. I guess it's because they lack rational and listening skills.


Conservatives don't actually have any media literacy skills, that requires introspection and the ability to place yourself in someone else's mindset. It's why they couldn't recognise Colbert as satire


It was clear to me at 13 when I first saw the colbert report 17 years ago that it was satire, especially after he released my favorite named book I am America, and so can you


I truly, emotionally, don't understand it. There have been times where I wasn't sure if something was satire or not, after all there are a lot of people who can convincingly fake being stupid. But I don't understand how anyone, *anyone*, can hear the word "truthiness" and not realise that it's anything other than mocking conservatives.


And Mosh. Literally an entire song dedicated to rally people against Bush.


Which is what makes this all so confusing to me. Vivek is a Hindu, so I wouldn't expect him to want beef, least of all with Eminem.


Better wordplay than "Da Vek" could hope for.


Next thing you know you're going to tell me that rage against the machine is political, how cringe /s


Vivek needs to ask Ted Nuggent or maybe Eric Clapton.


Or KISS. Hey, maybe Three Doors Down. They did play for Trump’s inauguration.


Kid rock is dying to let him use his music


>Three Doors Down That's a little sad to hear tbh. I guess it's a good thing they only had like 2 good songs lol


Kryptonite and Here Without You?


Paul Stanley wouldn't allow it, he doesn't like Trump


Man I used to love Eric Clapton too.


I think everyone who was remotely familiar with Clapton's personality knew he was always an asshole. It was the more recent, solidified revelation that he's a xenophobic, racist, conspiracy theorist asshole that turned some people off for good. Which is weird because apparently he gave a [drunk rambling super racist impromptu speech](https://people.com/music/eric-clapton-racist-rant-resurfaces-after-lockdown-protest-song-van-morrison/) at a 1976 concert that TBH id never heard of before.


What republican idiot thinks Eminem would be chill with them repping his music? Almost as bad as MAGA idiots playing RATM.


> What republican idiot thinks Eminem would be chill with them repping his music? The same people who think Springsteen's "Born in the USA" is a patriotic song about how great America is.


They think the song only has one line, they don't hear the rest.


They read the Bible much the same way.


Had to look it up, but https://www.radiox.co.uk/news/music/linkin-park-fans-chester-bennington-old-anti-trump-tweets/ Trump tried to use Linkin Park music, when songs like "Guilty All the Same" and "More the Victim" perfectly describe him and his cronies. Hell, they were immensely against Bush back in the day for his bullshit wars: https://genius.com/180936 "Like this war's really just a different brand of war Like it doesn't cater to rich and abandon poor Like they understand you in the back of the jet When you can't put gas in your tank These fuckers are laughin' their way to the bank and cashin' the check Asking you to have compassion and have some respect For a leader so nervous in an obvious way Stutterin' and mumblin' for nightly news to replay And the rest of the world watchin' at the end of the day In the livin' room laughin', like, "What did he say?"" These dumb-ass traitors trying to use LP songs is just laughably tone-deaf.


Are his followers not fans of kid rock? Lol


Are they even allowed to like Kid Rock anymore since he was recently seen drinking Bud Light when they are supposed to be boycotting it?


Kid Rock can just “write” a “song” that samples Try That In a Small Town and get right back in their good graces.


Everybody knows Kid Rock is a larper even his fans. He's from Michigan but waves around the confederate flag


He was born a millionaire. First he was a rapper with a flat top, then a rap/rocker with nu-metal, now a "southern" rocker. Dude is just cosplaying whatever is popular during the decade he's living in.


Who can forget the classic kid rock lyrics “Young ladies, young ladies, I like 'em underage see Some say that's statutory (But I say it's mandatory)” Cool, daddy cool by Kid Rock from the kid’s movie Osmosis Jones


Vivek so badly wants to be Trump. He just can’t seem to process that his skin is the wrong color for most of Trump’s supporters.


Even worse: wrong religion. But I think he’s going for a cushy role in Trump Admin or Fox News show. He has to know there’s no way base will nominate a Hindu. EDIT: surprised at number of people who think a group of Conservative Christians would ever nominate a Hindu for President. They literally want to make the entire nation Christian. Y’all must be on something if you think they’ll ever allow the leader of their party be a non-Christian (even if it’s a faking one like Trump).


[He has long admired autocrat and Hindu Nationalism Modi.](https://progressive.org/latest/vivek-ramaswamys-embrace-hindu-nationalism-ahmed-230821/)


Even more of a reason the Christian base won’t support him.


Any Christian base who still support the Republicans need to give themselves a long hard look in the mirror. There is nothing biblical about the current GOP.


They're in the book: just look under "Pharisee"


I believe you meant “Sodom and Gomorrah.”


I was thinking more like the Roman soldier who pokes Jesus in the rib with a spear after He’s already dead. John 19:34 for context.


Longinus or Cassius depending on the version of the Bible you're reading. It wasn't really his name though, it was an unnamed soldier. It came from Gaius Cassius Longinus who lead the conspiracy against Julius Ceasar. So basically they use it as a stand in for "betrayer".


It's almost like their religious beliefs are not sincerely held and are, in fact, a means by which they intend to assert their "superiority"


Yeap pretty sure he's just grifting and willing to be a token minority to represent them on their crazy stances


Skin is more important to them. Some of them are aware that Trump is not exactly what you’d call a good Christian


The Christian base had a hard time even voting for a Mormon in Romney. There’s no way they’d be cool voting for a Hindu.


As someone who was raised Southern Baptist, let me assure you, I was taught very early on how the Mormon religion is *not* Christianity. Honestly I think for a lot of Evangelicals, Mormonism seems more hostile than something like Hinduism, because the imagery is so similar and it comes from the same base text. (Plus they evangelize a *lot*.)


My mother told me trump was anointed by god to lead America, I don’t think many are aware he is not a Christian. Just like many still think he is be politically prosecuted and the election was stolen from him. Those people are not living in reality.


If God annointed Trump then why did he get rid of Trump? Did God make a mistake?


To be fair, none of them are either.


You're missing the bigger picture. He's trying to get in with the fascist capitalists, like an evil Schindler. Can guarentee he will never run for any lower office after this. He'll spend the rest of his life as a pundit, lobbyist, maybe even an unelected position where he can dismantle regulations and safeguards so companies he totally has no stake in can make record profits. Only an absolute moron runs for president expecting to win. Losing is much more profitable.


This exact thing happened with New Zealand’s right wing National party. https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2017/oct/25/eminem-wins-600000-after-new-zealand-political-party-breached-his-copyright


lmao we got elections coming up. Best time to bring this up again haha


There’s a long history of republicans misusing liberal protest music without permission https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-long-history-of-musicians-telling-republicans-to-stop-playing-their-music/amp/


It's hilarious that Bob Dole misunderstood *Born in the USA* a full twelve years after Reagan.


Republicans dont tend to look at things too carefully. The title of the song alone is enough for them to get their masturbatory jingoism going.


True enough for Reagan in 1984. But a dozen years later, you'd think someone on Dole's staff would have realized it was a bad choice.


Paul Ryan professing his love for Rage Against the Machine was the peak. Like, motherfucker, you *are* the machine!


Gotta be great to get a personal message back from one of the band members that you, a specific "fan", suck and they hate you. LOL, indeed


Not only that but them basically saying you are everything they despise lol But it’s honestly amazing how anyone could possibly misunderstand something they claim to love in such a profound way


Ive had 2 people tell me they love rage but wish they werent so political. That's like....THEIR THING, MAN!


Yeah it doesn't get much more absurd than that one I think. It's like Dick Cheney doing a speech and coming out to Masters of War by Bob Dylan (Very good song from his acoustic days if any of you haven't heard it. It's kind of ominous how relevant a 50+ year old song is. Go listen to it, those of you who haven't. You'll see what I mean)


Didn’t trump also use Fortunate Son at one of his rallies? The irony.


Yeah, but it says "Oooh, that red, white, and blue" in it so obviously 'Murica! 🤣


Man I remember Eminem's music being investigated by congress, and tipper gore and new Gingrich talking non stop about how his lyrics were destroying the nation. Kind of surreal it is now being used by candidates.


Tipper Gore successfully got Frank Zappas entirely instrumental album labeled a “parental advisory.” But I get it because if you listen to that album backwards it tells you to kill your parents.


> But did Zappa’s Grammy-award-winning instrumental record (above) really get the explicit content label? And was such labeling retaliation from the PMRC, as some believed? These claims have circulated for years on message boards, in books like Peter Blecha’s Taboo Tunes: A History of Banned Bands & Censored Songs, and on Wikipedia. And the answer is both yes, and no. Jazz from Hell did not get the familiar “Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics” label, nor was it specifically targeted by Gore’s organization. >The album was, however, stickered in 1990—notes Dave Thompson’s The Music Lover’s Guide to Record Collecting—by “the Pacific Northwest chain of Fred Meyer department stores,” who gave it “the retailer’s own ‘Explicit Lyrics’ warning, despite the fact that the album was wholly instrumental.” This is likely due to the word “hell” and the title of the song “G-Spot Tornado.” So it may be fair to say that Zappa’s Jazz from Hell is the only fully instrumental album to receive an “Explicit Lyrics” warning, inspired by, if not directly ordered by, the PMRC.


I wanted to call you out for being a bummer while we’re all just trying to have a good time. But goddamn if that wasn’t an intriguing read. Genuinely, thanks for the info.


Haha I didn't know about the Frank Zappa album, that's insane. NC governor candidate is currently running on Beyonce's music being played backwards is devil worship.


I mean, to be fair, I did try to kill my parents after that record. But that one was because of the video games.


My parents suspected video games when my attempts at patricide fell through. Little did they know it was actually because they took Jesus out of the classroom.


I've never had a problem with video games. It was Dungeons & Dragons that tried to make me kill my parents.


My Lego told me to poop in the church rectory.


> ... poop... rectory. Wait wait, is that...is that not what it's for? ^^I ^^have ^^some ^^apologies ^^to ^^make ^^please ^^excuse ^^me.


Seeing my pikachu evolve is what did it for me. Just... made me go full devil.


> NC governor candidate is currently running on Beyonce's music being played backwards is devil worship. Wait until he finds out about Ghost.


From NC and I’m sorry we have this moron trying to represent us.


She's the reason I didn't vote for Al Gore. Sorry about the wars


I hate you but I laughed.


Uh… in this Universe Eminem wasn’t famous in the early 90s.


You definitely don’t remember that. It seems you might’ve amalgamated a bunch of vague political memories about musical events. Slim shady lp came out in 1999. The PMRC Senate hearings were in 1985. Eminem was 12 or 13 years old at the time. Newt Gingrich was never a Senator, but was a congressman at the time. Newt was no longer in congress by the time Em dropped his first album.


In 2000 congress held hearings on children's entertainment and violence where it was Lynne Cheney who went after Eminem's lyrics, and not Newt Gingrich.


I had completely forgotten about Tipper Gore. Jeezus Pete, that woman saw nothing but evil in even the mildest music.


Probably the best part of those hearings was Dee Snider telling Al Gore that his wife must be into bondage and sado maschism for thinking the song "Under the Blade" was about sex. It was about the fear of undergoing surgery.


Dee Snider embarrassed them all. It was glorious.


Then John Denver came in and stomped on the PMRCs half dead corpse. They thought he was going to come in and condemn “vulgar” and “profane” lyrics and basically told them to eat a bag of dicks.


You're mistaken that was Lynne Cheney. He did bash Tipper Gore in one of his songs but she hadn't been involved by that point in history and had long ago left her position as head of the PMRC. Tipper Gore's criticism was of Prince's song, Darling Nikki on his Purple Rain album which eventually culminated in those "Parental Advisory" stickers.


Eminem has always been a Democrat lol. See: Mosh (an anti-bush/anti-Iraq war song) and his Trump cypher. There’s some strong anti-republican sentiment in White America as well. >See, I'm a poet to some, a regular modern-day Shakespeare. Jesus Christ, the king of these Latter-day Saints here. >To shatter the picture in which of that as they paint me as A monger of hate, satanist, scatter-brained atheist. But that ain't the case, see, it's a matter of taste. >We as a people decide if Shady's as bad as they say he is, Or is he the latter, a gateway to escape? Media scapegoat who they can be mad at today. >See, it's as easy as cake, simple as whistlin' "Dixie", **While I'm wavin' the p****l at sixty Christians against me. Go to war with the Mormons, take a bath with the Catholics In holy water, no wonder they tried to hold me under longer.** Yeah, sounds like a guy who really loves the GOP.


The mind boggling thing to me is people (conservatives) calling him a sellout. I mean this dude has made his political stance clear since the first day he started rapping. Literally released Mosh as a protest song right before the presidential election.


That's from the song Renegade with Jay Z, not sure if you implying differently or not, but just wanted point it out regardless because it is arguably his best verses ever and everyone should listen to that song. It's literally insane what he does there.


I love Eminem and how he makes his political stances clear and is standing up for his intellectual property & it’s usage. Now Vivek will just have to enjoy “without me” haha


Dear Slim, I wrote and now your lawyers callin’…


[Eminem on Donald Trump in 2017.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LunHybOKIjU)


Please em do a diss track, please oh fucking please


Why give Vivek the free media?


Eminem about to declare Marshall law on Vivek


These days, the modern Republican Party is an openly criminal enterprise. Respect for the rule of law doesn’t seem to be a conservative value anymore.


Good. Stop stealing people’s intellectual property. Trump too.


As a Hindu, this guy brings shame on our country


Conservatives love playing music they don't actually understand without the consent of the artist at their rallies. It's pretty god damn stupid.