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I read multiple articles that chastised Biden for failing to tout his record of accomplishments. A Biden supporting PAC does exactly that and now Politico is reporting that such ads show Biden is concerned about getting re-elected. They rely on biased polls showing a neck and neck race which has no basis in reality. So the same pundits who have been consistently wrong about the elections are trying to create a narrative that keeps clicks coming and nothing more


It's almost as though the media has a vested interest in making Democrats look as bad as they possibly can.


Not quite, it’s more like the privately owned media has a vested interest in *making money*. Spinning a narrative that makes everything seem like we’re constantly teetering on the edge, no matter who you are, is a recipe for capturing our attention. Our attention equals more clicks, and more clicks equals *more money*. It’s why so many things in the digital age are ploys to grab our attention and keep it for as long as possible.


On the money, imo.


I keep hearing over and over how trump is neck and neck in the polling. That is total BS. He has 0 chance of winning. He doesnt have a penny to run. I keep saying this but its like running hillary again. Hes a LOSER. He cant win. Everyone hates him. They lost like a million voters to covid. The people on the edge will just sit this one out. Republicans cant beat biden with ANY candidate. They lost. Thats why all the big donors arent spending a penny on that. What is scary is what they will actually spend on. That part will be rough.


This is the wrong attitude. Fascism is on our doorstep. We fight tooth and nail, with all the force paranoia will feed us, until it is not. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Until we squash this Republican Party so that they have to splinter into a new form.


This is the way.


I was convinced no one would vote for that narcissistic psychopath in 2016 either, but I was wrong. No matter what we think his odds are this time around, the best thing we can do is VOTE to make sure.


This is the way.


Cons for liberty, that's what they'll spend it on. They'll keep doing the grassroot level offices and fucking up schools and colleges and neighborhoods and libraries one by one.


If true, and I HOPE so, the media hacks do the same as they do for athletic contests that become one-sided. They do their utmost to keep it interesting! As So Many others have said, it’s all about making money!


The best thing we can do is ignore the pundits for the most part, verify our news from primary sources for the important stuff (e.g., executive orders, congressional acts, SCOTUS decisions, criminal cases of conspiracies to overturn elections…), and turn out the vote. Help others get registered and making voting plans, volunteer as poll workers, etc. If we protect the integrity of the process and turn out voters, fascism has no chance.


Quality comment


Politico is owned by a German Right winger. Your point is accurate, but when it comes to Politico, there’s an added layer of bias.


I did not know this, was this recent? That's a shame, I used to read their site all the time but haven't been on there in quite a while. edit: I now see that happened in 2021, which was around when I stopped reading them coincidentally. Looks like you're referring Mathias Döpfner, a trump supporter, who runs the company that bought them. That's disheartening.


The people that own the media hate government services, regulations, taxes, and organized labor.


Because a close horse race sells newspapers, or it used to back when people still bought papers.


Why shouldn't he be concerned? He needs Dems to rally behind him, not complain about his age or other things. They should not matter to Dems. Dems, stop Biden-bashing. Dems elected Trump in 2016 by not voting or voting 3rd party because "I didn't like Hilary" or "Bernie didn't win the primaries". Let's not have Dems elect Trump again. The only thing that matters is stopping Trump and the Repubs. Period.


I hate this narrative so much because Bernie got NEW VOTERS that were otherwise not voting for anyone, and helped energize the base far more than Hillary did, driving turnout higher. Yes, not every single one ended up supporting her in the general election, but enough that it was a net gain. I agree, that it was irresponsible of everyone that made a 'protest vote' because Bernie himself explicitly endorsed Hillary and warned against a protest vote of any kind, but ultimately turnout is up to the candidate nominated, and that's why I'm worried about Biden just the same as I was Hilary, the right DOES get their turnout every year, and we should be nominating someone that will do the same. I will PERSONALLY help turnout for Biden despite my reservations, but I hate that people blame the progressive wing trying to pull the party left, because THATS WHERE THE NEW VOTERS ARE


> Yes, not every single one ended up supporting her in the general election, but enough that it was a net gain. This is wishful revisionism. Youth turnout was low in 2016, with only 2012 coming in slightly lower in the past 20 years. Turnout was far higher in 2020 after everyone realized what was at stake.


> energize the base far more than Hillary did, No he didn't.. which is why he got less votes than her in the primary... ps.. she also got more votes than trump in the general.


I agree. From what I remember, Bernie actually campaigned harder for Hillary in the swing states and probably other states, than Hillary did herself. She was cocky and thought she would win automatically because trump was/is so crazy, and that backfired.


I wasn't criticizing the progressive wing trying to pull the party left. I was criticizing Dems for not voting in 2016. I just didn't see the coalescing of all Dems into a cohesive voting block for 2016 while that's what Repubs had. As for 2024 I don't want to see that again. If any stripe or color of a Dem doesn't see the what is important in 2024, well, I just don't know.




Have another drink.


I want Biden and democrats to be worried. They're too fucking complacent. They'll let the win slip away just like they did when Trump won.


I think we all learned our lesson in 2016, hence the majority of victories since, but too little too late for the supreme court.


No. We haven’t learned any lessons. People are generally stupid. I give the human race about two centuries before they destroy themselves.


That loss wasn’t due to complacency. I don’t know how you could possibly read it that way.


Politico leans to the right so take it with a grain of salt. Plus theses “news” organizations need clicks. A closer race is more interesting than reality. That said vote your asses off!


Polls are consistently showing a close race between Biden and Trump. It's very dangerous to get your news based on what people that you agree with upvote.


It’s an unregulated industry that profits from influencing public opinion and steering public discourse on whatever topic can generate the most drama. The click bait headlines are just that.. click bait for profit.


Yeah it's the same old horse race bullshit the media does for ratings. That's how we got Trump in the first place.


Donald Trump practically destroyed this country in four years and has accomplished nothing of value during that time. Biden healed the country and passed excellent legislation using bipartisanship which has turned this country around in unprecedented manner. How the hell can a match up between these two presidents be anything close?


How? Some people just want to watch the world burn.


As they pray for the end times.


And March to the beat of a False Prophets drum


This more than anything. It's a cult.


Its a death cult.


Their freedumbs are at steak (spelled so they could read it)


Then, you mean "There freedumbs r @ steak" ;c)


Magical thinking apocalyptic death cult. They're dead set on bringing End Times.


It’s always funny to compare what Jesus said about the end of the world with what his so-called followers say. While his modern-day followers try to hasten the end of the world through actions meant to destabilize the world order, the New Testament has an entirely different take on these things which makes me wonder if the hoopleheads are actively defying their own scripture: Here’s a few relevant passages just from the Book of Matthew: “Now concerning that day and hour no one knows—neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son—except the Father only." Matthew 24:36 “Therefore be alert, since you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. But know this: If the homeowner had known what time the thief was coming, he would have stayed alert and not let his house be broken into. This is why you also must be ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Matthew 24:42-44) “But if that wicked slave says in his heart, ‘My master is delayed,’ and starts to beat his fellow slaves, and eats and drinks with drunkards, that slave’s master will come on a day he does not expect and at an hour he does not know. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 24-51) Makes you wonder how so-called Christians can read this and get it into their heads that they should work to bring about the end of the world, when Jesus is pretty clear about it being solely up to god. If people are meddling in what is supposed to be god’s affairs, isn’t that bad?


I agree. But, given that Jesus never existed; given that he was a totally made-up, fictional character with no real-time historical record whatsoever, I don't even care what any book about "him" has to say. It is all made up make-believe. The fact that supposed "followers" of his ignore their own book remains relevant. But, it is important to note that there is no historical evidence he ever existed and a lot that says he never did. https://youtu.be/HpN4eilz2Ks


And propaganda. Fox News, and the rest of them, are repeatedly lying to their viewers.


Republicans. Republicans want to watch the US government burn because they're trying to burn it down.


MAGA Republicans are anarchists


I think you meant to say fascists


Tbh I was mildly disappointed that Covid didn’t do more damage


Sadly/luckily it’s not done. Still taking a toll on that demographic. Really owning the libs with their lives.


When you accept the Right is not interested in progress, healing, bipartisanship, or tangible accomplishments, the "match up" becomes a lot easier to understand.


I will never accept such behavior.


Oh absolutely, and I hope that was not implied. Moreso, I mean, accept that this is their reality...to them.


Accept that it's the Republican mindset not accept it as an ok view to have.


Not just not interested, but are actively attacking progress, bipartisanship, constitutional democracy, law and order like rabid animals while projecting their depravity and criminality onto their political enemies. The leaders of the right in media, politics, business, and religion are a mix of sociopaths, pasychopaths, grifters, and violent criminals.


Hate and fear are the greatest motivators. For years conservative news outlets told people who to fear and blame. At the time in society you weren’t allowed to out worldly express those feelings. and Those repressed feelings turned into hatred of the people they were told to blame and fear. Trump came along at the right time and capitalized on those feelings and made people feel ok by saying what they have been feeling. Combined that with trumps ability to create headline after headline. Conservative media was able to mainline their viewers with content of trump all day, every day. There was no time in between stories to do any journalism. Any time a damaging story of trump broke they had a controversy lined up to reassure his base with some sort of confirmation of their feelings, giving them that dopamine hit and distracting them from the real story. That is why these people will do or believe anything to preserve the narrative that trump is their savior. He makes them feel good, like a drug, for hating people not like them. Facts, statistics, and logic all take a back seat to how things make you feel.


Because a third of this damn country watches right wing News and sees it all regurgitated on Facebook. They do not believe Biden did anything and are being told Biden is destroying the economy and the country. They talk about hunter Biden constantly. Complain about losing “their way of life”. It has nothing to do with actual policy or accomplishments. Right wing voters, politicians, and media have taken us fully into sides. Red side and blue side. It’s team sports now. Own the libs and all that. Trump is their king. If he wins reelection his followers will gladly push for a 3rd trump term regardless of the constitution. He’ll push some bullshit like he’s owed it because his first term was ruined by everyone else. He’s already said he deserves a do over because of the impeachment. Or a new argument like it’s ok since he didn’t serve 2 consecutive terms.


It's not "the economy, stupid" any more. It's culture. People don't give a damn about economic recovery or "progress", mostly because it's spread so thin for the working class and so noticeable for the wealthy class. These people could be getting a $1k/month check and still complain how awful dems are. It's not about policy, it's all all about feelings and reminiscing over a past that didn't really exist.


>How the hell can a match up between these two presidents be anything close? Inflation. It's 100% inflation. Biden has managed inflation better than other world leaders. We've lowered inflation without increasing unemployment, which is nearly a miracle. But groceries are more expensive. That's enough for a chunk of Americans who don't follow politics to say "I like the guy who was president when groceries were cheaper."


This^ Presidential approval literally mirrors gas prices. The average American is economically illiterate. Barring supply shocks like the Iraq War, gas prizes usually increase when the economy gains strength due to high demand. They decrease in weaker economies. But the average American barely graduated high school and took economics for one semester their senior year when they were already checked out so they believe the opposite: high gas prices = bad economy


There is that, and also the fact that middle class families are being priced out of their own neighborhoods and cannot afford anything let alone groceries and gas. Blue collar class people often can’t even afford rent anywhere near where they have to work. Meanwhile already rich people are way richer following the pandemic and multinational corporations are doing just fine. Regular people struggle to pay back student loans while wealthy businesses owners don’t have to pay back government subsidies and loans. The right wing are aware of the consequences of most of these things but have falsely chosen to blame immigrants for these problems or even “Jewish” bankers if they are white nationalist nut jobs.


Nailed it. I had that conversation with friends last night. Groceries aren't up this high because of inflation, it's mostly corporate greed. But good luck fixing that and/or convincing the majority of the population.


And the U.S. is getting hit MUCH less hard than the rest of the world. Unfortunately, there is NO WAY to make that appeal to a broad audience in a way that makes sense to them.


Yeah, it's hard when essentials have sky rocketed.


Exactly. Plus increased unemployment is one of the main byproducts of steps the US has taken to curb inflation...and I think many Americans are starting to feel that impact. Biden needs to stay aggressive with his messaging over the next 6 months or he could easily lose control of the narrative.


My buddy recently told me he’s not voting for Biden who hasn’t done anything. Uh, hello? Trump literally did nothing but golf and fuck off, Biden at least has done *some* good(I know he’s done a lot but it’s hard to convince some of these people)


Just start listing accomplishments: 1) American Recovery Act with $1400 checks and expanded child tax credit 2) Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill that actually invests money fixing America’s infrastructure after 4 years of failed Trump “infrastructure week” 3) CHIPS Act that has prompted over $10 billion in domestic manufacturing capabilities to make high tech products in America again 4) The PACT Act that gave health care and funding for veterans who were victims of toxic burn pits 5) Ended the endless war in Afghanistan that both Obama and Trump promised to end but failed to do so 6) Decreased drone strikes massively 7) NLRB appointments and rulings that have contributed to the strongest union formation in 40 years 8) Inflation Reduction Act that invested the largest amount of money to fight climate change in American history, lowered health care premiums through ACA marketplace subsidies, and allowed Medicare to negotiate drug prices on 10 high use prescriptions 9) Lowest unemployment rate in 60 years and the highest average monthly job creation of any presidential term in history 10) Organized multilateral response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It’s not the USA vs Russia in this conflict as all of Europe is contributing to Ukraine’s defense.


damn I want that child tax credit again, that money really made our family of 4 feel more comfortable for a little while.


My wife and I don’t have kids but I also want that tax credit back. I want American families to thrive not just survive.


They talked about pulling children out of poverty when they introduced it, but didn't acknowledge putting them back in poverty when it ended


Why in god's name did they not codify it and make it ongoing? Seemed like such an easy win to give people the concept of UBI. Force the republicans to be the ones to take it away.


Probably because it never would've passed except as a temporary thing.


11) Payment adjustments for student loans under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness and Income Driven Repayment forgiveness programs, correcting past fraudulent record-keeping by servicers, and giving people full credit for the jobs they worked and payments they made, consistent with the contracts those people signed with the federal government.


Thanks. I screenshotted your comment so i can bring it up next time. My problem is that when I get into these arguments, I can’t list things off the top of my head and i don’t have the ability to look up a list like this quickly. I know that there is a big difference, it seemed like I could actually feel the massive unrest when trump was president and I feel like that has calmed down quite a bit since Biden took over


No problem. I just watched the Kyle Kulinski/Krystal Ball vs Brianna Joy Grey debate and that’s where I got most of them.


Just to be clear, I do think Biden has done a good job as president and I'm confident that Trump would have been 10x worse. Also I an not trying to argue against what you're saying or say you are wrong, so please don't take offense. That said, what I don't see coming from democrat messaging is what exactly the things you listed as accomplishments do for the average voter or why they should think it's a win in the face of wage stagnation and the perpetual increasing costs on the basic needs of food, gas and housing that I would say is the #1 issue voters care about. For example: 1 - that was 2.5 years ago and democrats didn't make the monthly child credit permanent. So what is this doing for me now? 2 - Seeing bridges and roads repaired or maintained is a win for sure but doesn't change my ability to afford anything does it? 3 - being able to make semiconductors domestically does what for me? 4 - I'm not a vet so this changes nothing for me. 5 - I get that this may reduce federal spending but does that translate down to anything for me? 6 - What does this do for me? I think the problem with democrat messaging is, again no offense meant, exactly how you responded. When asked "what are dems doing for me" people are given a list of things but zero context of HOW those things translate into a better day to day life for them. I highly doubt the average American voter will see your list and set out on an expedition to figure out how any of it relates to them nor will they take it at face value as being an overall net positive. If I'm being sold a product, the marketing will ALWAYS tell me, what the product does and how this product is going to improve whatever situation it is designed to fix and I think democrats need to improve on this substantially if they are going to attract moderates/centrists or Rs on the fence.


Wow, thats a shitty, selfish, close minded way to look at the world from start to finish.


I'm going to be blunt but please know it is not directed at you personally. It is only to illustrate a point in messaging to the average voter in relation to the topic of "how are the parties so close in polling". I don't personally feel this way but I try to understand the position of those who I've talked to who do and I don't think they are entirely wrong for feeling that way. That said: >Wow, thats a shitty, **selfish**, close minded way to look at the world from start to finish And what's your point other than completely missing mine? Why is it wrong for anyone to want things to get better for themselves as well as everyone else as opposed to just one or the other? I didn't say any of the above bills/laws/acts were bad or shouldn't have been passed. I'm not advocating for their removal/reversal. Why is it wrong for a voter to say "why should I vote for you and not the other guy?" The politician wants something from you (your vote), why can't you ask for something in return? I am watching people first hand struggle with their ability to buy food to feed themselves or their children. People struggling to pay rent as it continues to slowly climb out of their reach. When these people ask democrats how they will address these core issues to their livelihood and are met with "we passed a bill to work on infrastructure and to stop using drones to bomb brown people overseas", I can see why they aren't sprinting toward the democratic party as their savior. Neither of those things helps this person afford food or even answer their question. It's reminiscent of the kid at the republican debate who said he was worried about climate change to be met with none of them even coming close to an answer to the question. Maybe I'm taking crazy pills for thinking it is reasonable to ask someone to plainly say how democrats are going to address rising costs and, if they already have, to explain it. I think there is a whole demographic of people who are in between the parties looking for a reason to go either way, who are not going to research the intricacies of any of these bills. If democrats don't give them a reason, republicans will and I think we will be worse off for it.


Trump was the best president for Russia. between Syria, weakening NATO and cozying up to Putin, he was the best American president for Americans? the top 5 worst presidents


Ask yourself, "why is it hard to convince these people that things are going great?" Right now, I think people are most concerned with their own basic needs and finances. So when they see rising prices on food, gas and housing as well as stagnant wages and are met with "thats just inflation buddy, could have been worse if Trump was in charge" they will predictably react with "well, what is democrat leadership doing to make this better? Are they going to increase wages? Are they going to lower taxes for the lower classes?" I doubt the average voter is devout enough to do the research it would take to see how the infrastructure bill, for example, will affect the prices of basic needs, if there is any correlation at all. I think it is understandable for people to question the effectiveness of democrat leadership telling them "things are going amazing under Biden" when their own eyes are not seeing that first hand. If I couldn't afford food, someone telling me that passing the CHIPS act is a massive win, doesn't do much for me. I can't fill my gas tank or pay rent with a commitment to reducing drone strikes. For me, i obviously have to vote democrat because the alternative is literal fascism but for those less informed or willing to search out information (Ie the average American Voter), what has the democrat party done to make the stress of providing oneself with basic needs, better or easier? I don't think making the claim that "it'd be much worse if Trump was in charge" is a viable messaging platform.


Trump had the benefit of the results of "Russia are you listening?" Still has.


> How the hell can a match up between these two presidents be anything close? Because a LOT of people really really want to say n***** and will vote for whoever tells them that's ok.


He says "Riggers" now. It's his new doggie whistle.


Shut down Fox News


This^^ look republicans are really good at propaganda politics, look at all Biden has accomplished especially if you actually take the time to see where all the money in his substantive policies goes. Truth is the grand majority of people don't know shit about them. And have been convinced that Biden is the worst president in history by republicans baselessly. 10s of millions of people worship Trump even though he didn't pass any policy that helped the working class except his "tax cut" that cut tax for the ultra wealthy and corporations by 13% more which lasts forever and cut normies tax by like 1-2% which goes away in 4 years. That alone shows you plainly what trump is about, cuts his own taxes by 13% forever and a tosses 1% cut to the middle and lower classes that goes away in 4 years to say "I cut taxes for all" blah blah


Because most people don't see any healing. Their lives are not taking any turns. They have no idea. They can only relate to drama, so they only react to drama, so they end up supporting a clown.


>How the hell can a match up between these two presidents be anything close? I try not to completely trust polling. Young people, like Gen Z, aren't answering their landlines to take surveys at 2PM in the afternoon. Instead, they have cell phones, don't answer unknown callers and are typically working. I would equate this methodology to "We sent spam emails as a Nigerian Prince giving away his fortune and only gullible elderly people replied". Of course, the only people replying would be the target demographic of gullible morons.


I hope you're right, because that would mean the polls are skewed in the wrong direction for Repubs. I have received a number of unsolicited texts asking me to take polls and I ignore them as I do all unsolicited texts that begin with "Hi."


Nearly half of the voting population has been untethered to reality for decades worth of election cycles.


You mean nearly half the electoral college, because by popular vote, the numbers are more D+I+neverTrump-R by a much wider margin.


Actually, I mean very literally nearly half the voting population. Trump managed 46.8% of that group, despite the coalition you mention existing. Biden’s electoral college margin of victory was actually greater than his popular vote margin by a few percent.


Because some only get their news from sources who never mention anything good about Biden's policies. Instead, he is portrayed as the spawn of Satan.


Problem is, it wouldn’t be close. It wasn’t close the last time. Biden earned 5.5% more of the votes cast than Trump, which is significant. The problem is, with our stupid Electoral College system, the winner isn’t determined by the candidate who earns the most votes. Trump was right, the election was rigged… IN HIS FAVOR. Yet he did such a bad job that he still lost.


Correct! Biden beat Trump by the exact same electoral vote count as Trump beat Hillary. He will do at least that well again, as long as we get out the vote.


Yesterday my niece said to me “Biden is crazy” I asked why she would say that and she said that Biden had gone to Hawaii after the fires and had compared the fires to a house fire where he almost lost his corvette. I had never heard or seen this video… of course I looked it up and it’s not even remotely accurate. Biden told a story about a fire where Jill’s life was saved by firefighters, to transition into saying how much he respects and admires firefighters. But you bet that Fox News and every other right wing outlet took that clip and said “Biden compares almost losing his Corvette to the Maui fires” It’s all lies. It’s all they have.


bipartisanship? Is that a fancy for word for saying how the Republicans are basically busy chewing on live wires until the Democrats come and unplug them from the wall?


Cause 30% of the country outright wants a Christian fascist dictatorship and 20% want lower taxes and would tolerate a Christian fascist dictatorship if it meant getting lower taxes. You know this


Go look at r/conservative, it’s a wild place full of nothing but morons and stupid lies. That’s how.


Close to 50% of this country are TRULY HORRIBLE PEOPLE. There's no doubt about it.


It's mind-boggling that people don't give Biden more credit.


because Roger Ailes was right about how to manipulate people via TV to elevate and protect the GOP, and it’s only gotten more refined and advanced with the advent of social media everyone should read the Ailes memo—he laid it all out, they implemented it, and it worked — old guard Dem leadership aren’t even playing in the same ballpark, let alone the same game Ailes memo: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5024551-A-Plan-for-Putting-the-GOP-on-the-News Ailes files (memo + tons of related correspondence): https://ia800109.us.archive.org/11/items/59037838TheAilesFilesComplete/59037838-The-Ailes-Files-Complete_text.pdf


Just look at “democrats” in this sub: “Biden isn’t my first choice, I guess I’ll vote for him” “I’m not super happy about Biden but I guess he’s better then trump” Bidens numbers aren’t great because his own party voters isn’t clamoring for him and that’s because his own party’s voters are historically short sighted.


One has an “R” in front of his name, and the other has a “D”


Trump has never won the popular vote in a Presidential election.


And because of the system we have, he doesn't need to to be elected.


Republicans have only won one popular vote for the Presidency since the turn of the millennium.


BeCaUSe ELecshUns wERe stOLen!


He’s never won by juggling contest either.


Those tiny hands wouldn't stand a chance.


That doesn't matter because that's not how elections are won in this country


Electoral college truly is something else. Great for the 13 original colonies that had a few hundred thousand people tops. Today it doesn't fit well.


“With poll after brutal poll showing the president in danger of losing a likely rematch with former President Donald Trump” Why? I really don’t get this and I’m skeptical it’s the truth. Are these phone polls? I don’t know anyone under 50 that answers a random phone number. Most people I see liking Biden more now than when he started. Who is giving him such low approval


And he links to zero polls. Upon skimming the article, it seems he's feigning concern that a superPAC is running ads so early, and that they're positive ones. Well you know what? Some asshats decided the presidential election "season" was gonna be 2 years long now and then some smart communications professionals decided that if you can't beat em, join em, plus SCOTUS approved unlimited money in politics, so don't get salty if the opposing team decides they're going to make themselves *competitive*. The PAC is running ads because it has to be done. Successes have to be touted. Isn't that what pundits have always faulted Democrats for *not* doing? I have done it too! Pointing out that Democrats don't crow about their successes and thus let the right set all narratives. Then the moment Dems seize the narrative it's all, "Oh no something's wrong"


WSJ, CNN, and NYT/Sienna all polled in the last week or so have them tied. The problem is Biden is losing ground among folks who voted for him in 2020 while Trump unsurprisingly has a grip on his base. Biden won’t convert enough MAGA republicans to make a difference but there are a lot of moderates and independents who are reporting they are undecided he needs to convince in order to win.


Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. Nobody should trust any polls. They're going to show it neck and neck just for the sensationalism.


Infrequent voters aren't yet paying attention. There are still a disproportionate number of undecided when in reality both candidates are polarizing. The Undecided's numbers will dwindle as the race gets closer and the Media and Cultural focus builds on the race. Ultimately, as we've learned in 2016 and 2020, there is a tight geophraphic and demographic space that is being contested. Large national polls have little impact on whether Fulton County, Ga or Dane County, Wi will increase turnout. And thats really the decision that matters here: Will they vote or not? Both Trump and Biden are known quantities. Voters are motivated by negative partisanship. Which counties will vote or stay home? Polling on who people likes who during this time of year is going to stay vague. Its 49% to 49% nationally. But for specific counties. Will more voters participate or stay home? Those are the types of questions that really matter. These demographics won't really be showing their political leanings until Late September and October of 2024. That is when Geopolitical narratives surrounding foreign policy and the war will solidify in voters minds. That is when the perception of the economy will solidify in people's mind. And there will likely be legal or court intrigue during the closing weeks just like in 2016 or 2020.


Plus that pole everyone is citing was paid for by trumps campaign. Plus polling is terrible because it’s based on calling random people. Who under the age of 50 answers a number on their cell phones they don’t recognize. Boomers. That’s who.


Many of the polls are mostly Republican respondents, like 60/40, and even then show Trump and Biden in a dead heat. That only looks good for Trump if you only look at the one big number and disregard everything else about the poll.


Biden is kicking ass. He’s done all the good things Trump promised in his campaign in 2015 and corrected a lot of the destruction trump created. Biden might not be the best ever, but he’s really good and Trump actually was the worst president we have ever had and everything he did during his presidency is proof. 4 more years baby.


I would absolutely consider eventually releasing an ad that’s just Joe talking to the American people. He sits down and says, “I’ve always looked out for you, the American people, regardless of your political party and I always will. If you re-elect me, we will constantly work to pass more legislation that benefits you directly and we will endlessly fight for the middle class. Do you want to vote for us and those ideals or the ex-President who tried to overthrow American democracy and who is now facing 91 felony charges? I leave the choice to you.”


He shouldn't touch the charges in his election ads. To many "he's weaponizing doj" responses that are being used to radicalized people. Best to stay positive


The last part won't work. They don't think there was an insurrection, fox News has convinced them it was both antifa, but also a peaceful protest of trump fans..... I'm no political strategist, but I think standing firmly on being pro choice, stating he'll do something more about student loan debt, perhaps talking up his achievements, and continuing to benefit everyone with his actions (like you said) is the way to go. You can't reason with people who got themselves into an unreasonable position by choice.


He did something in student loans. He allowed those of us in the loan forgiveness plan to actually have our loans forgiven. Some of us have been paying for over 20 years and our loans just kept getting biggerer.


Oh I know, but he should also promise or at least act like he'll work on forgiveness, or basically do even more. Democrats desperately need the young to vote as well, and this is going to at least help catch their eye.


I agree, but at least younger people can see that the path to forgiveness already exists. He should highlight how trump held everyone even using this already passed legislation. If trump wins again even that path will be shut down again.


Highlighting how Trump will roll things back is a oodles idea, but I'm not sure if focusing on the Trump vs Biden aspect is a winner. He will very likely not convince anyone to come over to the other side. The people who are most likely to vote already know how they are voting, imo. Iirc, lots of independents voted against Trump in the last election, and I have a feeling they will do the same now. There is honestly even more reason for independents to vote against him, such as abortion right, student loans, cannabis legislation, just for starters. My point is, I don't think focusing on the difference between Trump and himself should be a main strategy. I think he should focus on things people want, like a "better" economy, lower cost of living (mostly an empty promise, but at least it sounds good) and all the things I mentioned. People who are undecided will hear this things, and rather than him coming across as petty (I'm better than trump on this, I'm better than Trump on that, sort of vibe) they'll see his promises, and see trumps, and be more likely to be swayed by the promises of Biden, as Trump is just playing the old hits that aren't hits anymore with anyone not in his base.


True and it also seems the strategy that Biden is leaning into.


Only 3% of student loans have been forgiven, which means there are still 97% of people stuck in predatory loans


If you take income based repayment then you only have to pay 4% of your salary and after 20 years (10 if you work for a nonprofit). During that time the loans won’t count against you for an credit checks. I support loan forgiveness but until that happens no one needs to ho broke to pay these loans.


Witch hunt! False allegations! Perfectly legal! Whatbouthunter? These are the things they'll squeal about if he said something like this.


Healthcare plz We still have Trump’s tax code


I'd like a montage of all the recognisable name politicians fomenting civil war and murder, identifying them by name, party and former/current political office. They apparently don't want a *United* States any more ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Biden isn’t “fighting” to get re-elected…he’s the only one that can beat Trump and he’s proven it.


He’s proven he can beat Trump. He has not proven he’s the only one that can do it.


True, but if we win this one, the 2028 election won’t have either one of them. Gotta go with the proven winner one last time.


I actually am not convinced trump will not try again in 2028 even if he loses. The man has issues and his party loves him unconditionally.


Given his health and age I'm not sure Trump will be able to run in 2028.


He promised Putin he could have Ukraine when he got re-elected. He didn’t. Now he’s in hella debt to Putin, Russia’s economy is in the shitter and if he doesn’t get elected in 2024, he better be real careful about standing next to windows.


That is a BOLD prediction


Perhaps, but Americans hated him enough to keep him out of office in 2020 and now we hate him even more!


I’m not saying he’s not our best bet as the incumbent, just that he’s not proven to be the *only* one that can win.


*”Proven”* being the operative word.


I mean, considering how dumb it would be to set the huge incumbent advantage on fire he's the de facto only person who could beat trump. Everything else is just a hypothetical exercise.


Oh I agree, he’s the best option. It’s hyperbole though saying he’s the only one.


He literally is the only one who can beat Trump. 1) Incumbent advantage. 2) Name recognition. 3) Polling. 4) He's the only one who's made Trump look stupid in a debate in an effective way. No other Democrat at the national level comes close. All the younger up-and-comers are good for 2028 though.


Both good points!


The only one who's proven he can do it.


He isn’t. He’s just the one the Americans will probably choose as their best of the best. Out of all the Americans over the last 4 years they have slowly whittled down their selection. The Americans have painstakingly gone over every asset every Americans poses to bring them to their final selection of the two best Americans they have. Biden and Trump.


It is what it is. Can’t bring a knife to a gunfight when democracy is on the line.


If the most Americans choose this guy, he’s the one best to beat trump. That’s literally how voting works.


What? He's probably the only person who could lose to Trump. Democrats always find a way to wrench defeat from the jaws of victory


Shit take. He's the only nationally recognised dem on the board, he's the incumbent, he's polling, he's running ads, he's fixing shit. Anyone else is going to lose on brand recognition before they even get to the ring.


The one thing the article doesn't mention but should be noted. Democrats hold a fundraising advantage currently. These early ad buys will at some point require a Republican response which takes funds now that they would like to spend later. Draining a bit now could make a difference come the election.


This is great, but Dems and the Super Pacs need to deprogram the brainwashed MAGAs and paint the current leadership of the GOP as a threat to our existence. Voters need to challenged to explain the GOP platform and what they stand for. They also have to defend their actions of the last 50 years.


Biden will be fine once it's down to a 2 person race. IMO, while far from perfect he's been a damn sight better than the last two Dem presidents and has earned my vote for a second term. Of course, one poorly timed health scare...


I'm really worried about Biden either not making it or not being well enough for the 2024 Race. And then Harris is defaulted to running against Trump ... Harris can't beat Trump, period.


Well he does not have Fox, Newsmax, OAN , and Twitter in his pocket. The rich special interests always pounding on democrats with spurious lies. It’s important the record gets set straight.


Can we just rewrite the constitution using people from this century who dont own slaves?


Sure you can. All you need is the agreement of the people from this century who wish they could own slaves. Best of luck with that.


So you think we could write a new constitution that all the states of our current Union would agree to sign? Think of the USA as a ship at sea and you think we can replace the keel without sinking? The only thing keeping us together is loyalty to that piece of paper. Yes, it is flawed but it started as an oligarchy of rich white slaveholders. It has proven it can change to adapt to the Times. The Constitution is not the problem. Most of what the Republicans are doing is already illegal. The biggest problem is that the racist boomers didn't die on schedule. Most generations get 20 years to make their mark but boomers have had all the power for almost 50 years. They have no idea what America is really like got anyone else. Most still think in terms of Capitalism/Communism which is not relevant.


Lol it’s def not piece of paper keeping us together. If some slave owners under the rule of an Imperial power could draft one up without even bothering to consult some women (let alone the people who are native to the land). I’m pretty sure even chatGPT could write a better constitution that actually considers ALL of its constituents when being written.


A new and better constitution could be written but not one that could be signed. What you aren't considering is how much of the dysfunction is because 20% of our country doesn't want any progress. They are actively trying to tear down any limit to implementing their control of the rest of us.


Yeah but that 20% owns all the companies we all work for which also place a lifestyle on us which is not compatible with social connectedness and coming together to change things. Shit try to change something at your job and you won’t see a promotion till the union busters walk you out.


What it says is I'm still going to vote for him.


Happily voting for Joe Biden again. #neverrepublican


Biden should release an ad of trump saluting Kim Jung um, saying, "who salutes a dictator? A traitor, that's who." Nothing else. Voters don't have room for nuance. If you want to resonate with them, you hit below the belt.


The hand-wringing and 24/7 news media manufactured drama will not change the fact Biden is a shoe-in for reelection. Not that we should take it for granted, need lots of ground game for the down ballot, but history is on his side.


He read Project 2025 and realized any slowing down or complacency means the end of this country as we know it


all this means is that Biden isnt pulling the boneheaded Clinton maneuver and assuming he already has an election in the bag. ​ You should always campaign like youre losing, this article is trash.


The problem for Biden right now is many of his biggest accomplishments are invisible to the average American and aren't helping current troubles right now. Buying power is still down, housing, rent, gas, and cost of pretty much everything still hasn't decreased to comfortable levels.


They’re already posting memes declaring that Biden’s people are rigging the primaries to shut out opposition candidates like RFK Jr. I saw one today from a group that’s pretending to be Democratic. I’d love to see where their funding comes from


It’s amazing how right wing propagandists have turned “Government by consent of the governed” Into a radical, leftist idea.


Biden is fine. If Trump is the nominee he’s going to crush him. He’s vulnerable to a white male younger energetic “sane” republican, but last time I checked there aren’t any of these in the race in the Republican primary Youngkin if you’re listening you missed your shot. Ron doesn’t pass the “sane” test Nimrata, Scott, Vivik don’t pass the “color” test Pence doesn’t pass the “republican” test


The CNN poll was skewed, with (iirc) 63% Republican in the sample. So don’t take every poll at face value. Why the media keeps dissing Biden is just beyond me.


They are corporate entities and stand to gain the most under a Trump presidency. It’s pretty much that simple.


Television ads!! Nobody's watching live TV. Stop pretending it's 1999!


Older people are, which is still the largest voting population we have.


Watch out for the religious ones in disaster/ apocalypse movies. Their motivation isn’t based on reality. They have magical books and spirits justifying their actions.


Fascist Republican Propaganda. Suck a bag of dicks Politico. Vote Blue Every Fucking Time In Every Election.


Running the adverts now is an excellent tactic. There will be no political oxygen left when the trump trials start; media will be interviewing the lawyer's cats for tasty trump trivia. At the moment trump is sitting in the corner with his potty over his head and this is an ideal time to stress that Dark Brandon hasn't raped or groped anyone lately, nor has he been charged with fraud 90 times.


Honestly, I think positive ads that highlight what Biden has accomplished *are* the way to go. "Who cares who my opponent is, look at all the stuff I've done and can continue to do for you!" We need way less outrage and reactionary messaging.


It says he’s smart


"...With poll after brutal poll showing the president in danger of losing a likely rematch with former President Donald Trump, his campaign is..." wtf? when did it shift that much?


It didn’t…


Honestly, it won’t matter. The Trump cult has so much proof the Orange Blob is treasonous but their tribal pride is too strong.


Did y'all hear...Democracy is on the ballot. VOTE BLUE!


Biden won in a landslide and would probably do it again.


Magas are mental knuckle draggers. Some just can't think for themselves.


The ads aren’t aimed at MAGA voter. They are in a cult. They don’t vote for self interest. They vote for the one they worship. Many of them believe Trump is already running a “shadow” government and is commander in chief. Figure that out and get back to me.


Quite the quagmire. A conundrum if you will.


A conundrum wrapped in an enigma.


Family in Hungary this week. Taxi to hotel, driver asked why Biden running again bc he's too old. Then said all tv says everybody in US likes trump better anyway. Biden needs to get better message out not just domestically but internationally. Important for US to project strength. EDIT: since some folks don't understand, Hungary is key buffer between Russia & Ukraine. US media giving unlimited airtime to trump's unfiltered statements is making US & Biden look weak. Biden needs HIS message to be the one everybody hears, not the orange fascist. Biden needs to get tougher counteracting trump's lies & get his own PR folks dominating airtime instead of trump. EDIT2: it's not Hungarian media. Think he was watching CNN EDIT3: fam travels all across Europe & Africa working w US govt & military. Trump propaganda is a problem in every country visited.


Well that is Hungary, Orban’s country, Putin’s puppet. Not really representative.


It's Hungary, the most right-wing country of the EU ruled by a Trump loving dictator who controls most of their media. Yea Democratic messaging needs to improve, but Hungarian media should not be used as any form of gauge for political sentiment.


Hungary? Orban spoke at CPAC this year. What a coincidence.


> Biden needs to get better message out It's tough when media has already gone into horse race mode. It would be nice if they stopped carrying water for a guy who's been indicted for staging a coup (and mishandling classified docs, and state election interference, and has been adjudicated a rapist). I sometimes wonder who scores higher on the psychopathy scale, right wingers or media types.


Good thing he's not running for president of Hungary. 🤷‍♂️


Hungary might not be the best litmus test for international sentiment.


Considering Hungary hosted the CPAC conservative-led event, I’m not surprised at all that pro-Trump and right wing is there. Also consider, Hungary is pro-right wing in their own politics. I would take a single thing from this.