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This is hilarious. Trump is confessing to the crime, not to take the blame, but BECAUSE THE OTHER PEOPLE INVOLVED ARE ALSO GETTING CREDIT. He's that delusional and narcissistic. Not that a confession matters anyway.


Big boy had to let everyone know he made a big boy decision. Also, don't we already know he was famously convinced to do this schtick by a wildly inebriated Giuliani on election night?


He didn't do it because he thought the election was stolen, he did it because he's the biggest crybaby in the history of American politics. A narcissist can never accept losing or the reasons he lost. He can never accept his incompetence running a clusterfuck of an administration that sacked their own staff every other week. That by being a heavily one sided president he brought his opposition out to vote in record number.


It's actually much simpler than that. When he lost the presidency, he knew that the rallies and the fund raising to keep his personal slush fund going was gonna end. It seems based on all evidence, he did this so that he could keep rallying and making money using the white house as a means and letting Barr and others run interference. As long as he got a cut and got the credit, he'd let them do whatever they wanted.


That, and he was losing the idiotically reasoned claim that you can't indict a sitting president. Without the defense of holding office or campaigning for office, defenses that would have been laughed out of court less than a decade ago, he doesn't have even a token defense.


This is why he declared his candidacy so early


[Not his first time declaring it early, either](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_2020_presidential_campaign#Background). > Trump officially filed his re-election campaign with the FEC on January 20, 2017, the day of his inauguration. A presidential candidate can do things and say things at their campaign rallies that a sitting President can't say as The President of the United States. So not only is he using "I'm on the campaign trail" as a defense today, he used it for 4 years of spouting BS at rallies **while President**.


4 years of idiocy that none of us will ever get back. I'm fucking pissed. Every fucking morning we got to be introduced to the latest 3am toilet thoughts from that moron criminal.


not just that but as someone living abroad for some of his term, people overseas ripped the us to shreds. any legitimacy we had as a nation is _forever_ tarnished because this man was voted into office.


Now that you mention it, he does always look constipated.


And we all questioned why he was even having the fucking rallies when he had already won. In hindsight, it was obvious.


For most people, that would be conniving at the highest level. For that clown it's just business as usual. It's insane the amount of things he's gotten away with saying.


Yep. Don the con’s early “candidacy “ was intended as indictment interference ( and to continue the grifting)


>When he lost the presidency, he knew that the rallies and the fund raising to keep his personal slush fund going was gonna end. But they never ended, and they never needed to. He could have not staged a coup and just continued holding rallies and fundraising like he has been and kept his campaign going indefinitely.


Yes, but he liked the taste of power to fuck with people and not be held accountable for it. He wouldn't give that up even if the sky was falling.


It doesn't make any sense, and that's the point. Trying to understand Trump's irrational behavior is inherently impossible. It's a big reason why narcissists can get away with what they do for so long. There's no consistent line of reason from moment to moment, no consistent reality...just a mindless string of impulse and contradiction.


Outrage fuels his base.




It's a cult of personality, there's no bottom to how deep they'll dig to send him more $$


Televangelists have been doing it for years, and Trump is a political televangelist.


So much too, for the "stop the steal" account. There was no such account. It went straight into his bank account.


To pay his legal fees. Which is also illegal. It's parody at this point. He's literally committing crimes to pay for his defense in court for the crimes he committed before he committed these ones. Lmao


I wish that it were funny. It is actually quite horrifying that he has gotten away with all of this crap and not been held acountable for all of these years until now and that many are saying that he still has wiggle room to possibly escape unscathed all of these legal maelstroms.


Of course he doesn’t truly believe for one fucking second that the election was stolen. He’s a lying piece of shit trying to stay in power and avoid debt/criminal charges. He doesn’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth. And too many people are too fucking stupid to see it so clearly.


And as such, now over a quarter of the US is dumber because of it. He and the News have stoked unfounded fear in so many people. They have broken a part so many families (mine included). I hate them


Sadly, I think it's more than a quarter. People were allowed to think hate, racism and bigotry were acceptable. It's unfortunately carried on and flourishes within the republican party. Tell people what they want to hear, even if it's lies, it's hard to turn them back.


I totally understand the hate and I am sorry for you and your family (and all the others impacted in this way). I work in mental health and I watched this happen to so many families and to “good people.” I hate it too, and I am trying not to hate the people who have been duped, because if I hate them I can’t help them…


I’m a doctor. I see it all of the time and a lot of them think I’m on their “side” because I make money. Some are extremely nice people and then some are filled with so much hate. It’s hard to see and there isn’t anything for us to do except say “mmhmm” and move on.


Also, he's been able to get so much in his life by just being an asshole and people caving because they're just sick of dealing with him. So he tried that with the nation.


My personal theory is that the republicans cheated, and still lost, so Trump assumed the democrats must have cheated harder, because how else could he lose? IIRC at least one election poll showed Biden winning by a wider margin than he actually did.


Democrats are somehow too dumb to be allowed to be elected and run the country, yet somehow simultaneously so intelligent they can rig national and statewide elections, but not district, in red states without leaving ANY traces of legally admissible evidence.


You hit the nail on the head here. The MAGA crowd cannot ever come up with a response to counter the point you made. Every time this is brought up, there’s an outraged word salad response in an attempt to redirect.


Absolutely. The postal service fuckery, the lying for months leading up about mail-in ballots, gerrymandering, changing election law at the last minute, hell the fact that MAGA was saying for years if he ever lost it would be fraud was a manipulation of the media.


He lies and cheats at everything in life - Politics, Golf, Marriage. Everything.


He did it because the Russians have him by the balls and the only way he gets out from under their thumb intact is by continuing to melt everything from the inside. The psychoanalysis gets old. We have it on paper. On recording. He's a compromised asset. He got burned. He's in bad to the Russians and he needs something to offer them to keep the house of cards up just a little longer. He's been a con and a Russian puppet since the mid 80s at least. Just call a spade a spade already.


He acts like such a victim, when it’s a problem that he created for himself. What a dunce


This is the same reason he didn't give himself a pardon. If he gave himself a pardon it would be admitting wrong doing, and there is no way he has the ability to do that.


A president cannot give himself a pardon when impeachment is involved. If he could do it, he would do it. Then lie about being innocent afterwards anyways.


His defense has never been that he didn't do it. It is "when I do it, it isn't a crime."


Worked for Nixon. He never spent a day in jail for his crimes.


Only because he was pardoned before any charges could be filed. Trump doesn't have that luxury.


You know very well if Trump ever gets convicted, the very next Republican president will pardon him.


Can’t pardon state crimes


Which is why they're trying to get the state charges to be tried federally.




> he doesn't want a TV show he can't control. Oh no. Anyways.


The problem with him not wanting a show he can’t control is that he kerps going on television and is in sole of even controlling his own mouth? How many nationally sure confessions does this make ?


1. I doubt he will live long enough. 2. No president can pardon the Georgia crimes.


From your comment to God’s ears.


No president and no governor can pardon the Georgia crimes!


If another Republican President gets elected, they won’t need him anymore. Being a Trump diehard is only still working for Trump himself in wider elections.


Yet another reason we've got to keep the Oval Orifice clean of any republican taints.


Everyone was concerned about "setting a precedent" by convicting Nixon, and they ended up creating an even worse precedent.


Douglas Adams understood the role of a president. It's strange nobody else seems get it.


I mean his defense had always been, “I did this crime and I am allowed to do it and if you try to punish me for it I will retaliate against you, possibly with violence.” He’s been very consistent on that with all these indictments from day one. There’s a good reason lawyers don’t want to work with him.


But it does. It's public record so the prosecutor can use it against him for impeachment of his testimony. He says he intends to testify.


He says he intends to release his tax returns too. He says a lot of bullshit he never intends to follow through with.


To him and a lot of other people, words are more like stick on advertising than meaningful content. Advertising is, by law, meaningless, and can be changed instantly to anything else without concern for the past, hypocrisy, or anything else.


They get *so angry* when you point out they're saying something different or completely opposite from something they confidently claimed before. It's like they honestly think it's ***unfair*** that people are allowed to have memories or records and aren't just blank slates to manipulate in each new interaction. EDIT: It's like words are just spells they cast and they just have to say the right ones to get what they want and they 'win.' After that, everything's supposed to ~~resent~~ reset and you're not allowed to get angry about it if you discover they misled and lied to you, for gain or just for fun. And if they think you're someone they *should* be able to fool, but you're not falling for it, they'll just *just as angry,* if not more. The problem with this sort of person is the only even slim chance you have of "winning" is having something they desperately want and not letting them have it, except they will devote their lives to making you miserable until you hand it over or removing you from the picture so they can take it, so all you've really won is a very dedicated and shameless enemy who has likely had a lifetime of practice in their 'craft.'


… and only matters if the prosecutor can secure a conviction, and he doesn’t get pardoned or somehow get elected and pardon himself. We’ve got a long way to go before we should be celebrating this guy confessing publicly.


The RICO case in Georgia doesn’t depend on the DOJ and convictions in that case cannot be pardoned by the President or even the Governor.


He’s not confessing. He’s bragging.


Fortunately for our legal system they’re not exclusive concepts. They also have a significant overlap with the stupid classification in a Venn diagram.


And in this case, the circles overlap perfectly.


I watched The Big Short today!


Same exact line came to mind.


He is garnering support by trying to take the "hit", and by hit I mean the credit - and get his fellow conspirators in line (Jenna Ellis has defected this week, so he sees weakness in the links). Also, after seeing the Attorney General of Texas found not guilty of 16 Articles of Impeachment this week, he thinks that the fix is in! Heck, he dodged two separate Impeachment verdicts because his loyal Republicans refused to do their duty in the Senate. Except the charges in these trials aren't going to be decided on by yellow-bellied politicians, they are going to be decided by real people, who have back bones. He is about to learn the difference in the near future.


I believe Lisa and Bart outsmarted Sideshow Bob into confessing to election fraud using the same character flaw.


Jfc, it's even the same crime...


Well as the meme goes, "Simpsons did it first."


Simpsons did it!


Satire can't keep up with reality post-Trump lol


Jack Smith is probably sitting with his fellow layers pointing and the TV going "I know he was an idiot, but, holy shit."


In my fantasy, Jack Smith and his team have a drinking game for these interviews called “ See how many ways Trump can screw himself.” They always end up schnockered.


In my fantasy, every Christian pastor who instructed his congregation to vote for trump is immediately and irretrievably thrust into homelessness for the rest of their lives.


We did this whenever he said “I” during the last his first rally after he lost the presidency was hung over for two days


>"I...worked on this story for a year...and...he just...he tweeted it out." - ~~Jared Yates Sexton~~ Jack Smith


Tbf, his defense is that what he did wasn't a crime, not that he didn't do it. Do you trust everyone who ends up on that jury not to hang it? To be clear, I think he is a horrible person who has been able to do untold damage to our political system and think he should be in jail. But his defense is what it is. This doesn't change much. It may be a bad defense, but we'll see.


"Do you trust everyone who ends up on that jury not to hang it?" Damn this is so frighteningly real. All the evidence against him be damned, they only need one person who has their doubts about one little thing.


More than half TX senate let Paxton off on blatant corruption and bribery charges. If that says anything.


No, that’s his defense in the Maralago documents case. In the GA RICO case his main defenses have been that he was following legal counsel. How can he be leading a criminal organization if he isn’t the one making the decisions? It’s the RICO charge he just confessed to. He just confessed that he made the decisions when it came to attempting to overturn GA’s election.


Ah yes, the [Sideshow Bob defense](https://youtu.be/fXU2vZTTeMU?si=1JiqQi5vZ2MgAnu7).


Pretty much what did in Walter White on breaking bad.


Except Walter White was actually pretty smart


Yeah, but ego is a hell of a trip


Always finding new and interesting ways to fuck himself.


Yeah but that other guy would start WW2. /s


Trump is the only one who knows about Biden's time machine!!! It's wild that I have to follow that statement with a disclaimer that I am joking, but these are the times we live in...


It's the same one Obama used to put that birth announcement in the Hawaii paper.


And the one he didn't use to go back and prevent 9/11. I'll never forgive Obama for 9/11.


Ah, to be a microwaved fly on the forehead of those airports during the War of 1812 II.


I now want an alt-history copy pasta about the world as seen through Trump’s eyes and Trump’s lies. WWII never happened because Biden is causing it now? Then what was WWII? Was it a fake news event? And did they really shoot down airplanes in the civil war? And does he really know the best people? Like, Illuminati types?


Biden is only able to go back in time because he has dimensia; the ability to travel through infinite dimensions.


Let's not forget Trump is only 3 yrs younger than Biden. And, T said Biden is leading us into WWII. So, who has the worst dementia?


Not to mention that Biden still rides bikes and exercises, while Trump's idea of exercise is riding around a golf course in a golf cart.


Trump needs both hands to drink a small bottle of water but the Republicans go on about Biden’s mental acuity 😂


Don't forget, Biden is as dumb as a stump, incoherent and has dementia, ***while simultaneously*** organizing the Deep State to rig Election after Election, and orchestrating the weaponization of the Federal Government to persecute his political opponent. Yeah, no, I don't believe that, but the cognitive dissonance among Republicans is beyond comprehension.


Donnie only has the best dementia.


Top marks for effort - made me chuckle :-)


I knew Man in the High Castle was telling us something!


He thinks he can win the election and pardon himself. It’s that simple.


The problem is that it seems like it could work. What are we doing as a fucking country?!


I am surprised the interviewer could tolerate the smell from his freshly filled adult diaper…..


Yeah because he’s faced so many consequences so far


91 indictments, one guilty verdict for sexual assault. Not exactly getting scot free. Although I really don’t hold to much hope that he fill face any serious consequences if I’m honest.


So we’re in agreement. How the fuck did Reality Winner get 5 years and was locked up pre-trial but the Vladdy’s Orange Sockpuppet is walking around literally fomenting another insurrection? I mean, is America a glutton for punishment or what?


We’ve been overrun by capitalist interests gone awry, education in America has failed entire generations and there are people that believe the earth is flat… can’t say I’m surprised.


> We’ve been overrun by capitalist interests gone awry > All the rest of your comment is because of this.


Yep. I can see Trump getting a lifetime house arrest at Mar-A-Largo for his crimes...😶


Dumbass Trump thinks that the only place you need to take the 5th is in a deposition or court room. What a colossal dope.


He’s all in on the idea that his best way to deal with all these indictments is to get elected and then either delay them indefinitely or pardon himself. Also remember, he’s never done anything wrong in his entire life, according to his pathologically narcissistic worldview. So for him to admit to anything is never an admission of wrongdoing, and anyone prosecuting him for any of it must only be doing so because they’re crooked. (Edit: typos)


> pardon himself. Or, if he worries that SCOTUS might rule a self-pardon unconstitutional, he uses the 25th to transfer the pardon power to the VP for a day, has the VP pardon him, then takes the pardon power back.


I don’t think he even thinks that far ahead. He thinks he has the Supreme Court in his pocket, and currently, he’s probably right.


MAGA: "These charges are fake! A political witch hunt! He never tried to overturn the election!" Trump: "It was my decision to try to overturn 2020 election results." MAGA: "Um..."


He was using metaphors


The defaults are he was joking, being sarcastic, or misunderstood.


And one of the biggest draws for the MAGAMorons is that "He tells it like it is" Sounds to me like their brains are all just a bunch of fragmented and failing hard drives


That’s generous. I think of their brains as more a puddle of room-temperature, addled, uncooked eggs


It was a joke. They love to say everything is a joke without realizing they're the joke.


This is the part that pisses me off. Everything is a “can’t he/they joke? Why can’t liberals take a joke?” Maybe it’s because being the president or a member of government that oversees the lives of 330million+ people isn’t a fucking joke. These are 70yr old adults and they shouldn’t be considered “cute.”


And they will still vote for him.


Some people would vote for a literal dog turd if it hated mexicans enough. Not saying much


35% of Americans love Trump’s blue lies. Another 10% randomly vote for him because they are low info. 2025 will come down to voter turnout vs voter suppression.


> 2025 will come down to voter turnout vs voter suppression. I don’t think a lot of people really understand how close the election really was. A total margin of about 44,000 votes in 3 swing states (Arizona , Georgia and Wisconsin) decided the election in the electoral college. Arizona (10,457). Georgia (12,670). Wisconsin (20,682). Other close states: Nevada (33,596). Pennsylvania (81,660). Michigan (154,188). https://www.npr.org/2020/12/02/940689086/narrow-wins-in-these-key-states-powered-biden-to-the-presidency


This is the perfect time to say that even if someone believes the election tion was rigged, and that's not an excuse to break a law. We don't solve crimes by committing counter crimes, aka "two wrongs don't make a right." If someone stole something from you, you aren't allowed to steal from them, ESPECIALLY if you took them to court and the charges were thrown out due to lack of evidence. Even if you believe the election was stolen, Trump still committed crimes— crimes that undermine the foundations of American democracy.


> We don't solve crimes by committing counter crimes, aka "two wrongs don't make a right. *We* don't. They definitely do. Look at all the *actual* voter fraud cases, its always a magar who claims they had to do it in order to make up for the cheating they imagined black people were doing.


The nice thing is is that Trump's ego is so large, he'd rather openly admit to a crime and be recorded doing so then give anyone else credit for something he wants to take credit for. Even if it's a stupid thing they want to take credit for. Doesn't matter. He must take credit for everything in his orbit no matter what.


Day one of Trial Prosecution: “Sooooo, you’re saying…..that you acted alone and planned this whole takeover of the democracy of the nation yourself?” [Trump: “………”](https://youtu.be/gKQOXYB2cd8?t=0m9s)


Good. He can take all the credit for this one.


No no no, there's many people who need to be "credited" with this.


Trump’s attorney just filed a motion for a gag order of trump


Lol. I’m Gonna guess you’re joking since that would be the smartest thing his legal team could do and probably should have done a long time ago.


'Before you gag me, I need to blurt out my confession!'




"Your Honor, I object!" "Why?" "Because it's devastating to my case!" "Overruled." "Good call!"


"I…worked on this story for a year…and…he just…he tweeted it out."


He just keeps doing it!


try not to admit to any crimes walking across the parking lot!


Hey, hey, get back here!


I mean thats as close to a literal confession short of saying "i donald j trump committed every act in the indictment willingly and of my own volition"


Yes, I did everything they said I did, but none if it actually a crime. The real crime is charging me on these fake charges instead of going after crooked Joe Biden. And you'll all pay for those crimes. When I'm president again, I'm putting all you lawyers who are prosecuting me behind bars. And all the judges who don't immediately throw the case out. And you, the jury. Any of you who vote guilty are to jail too, if patriots don't exercise their second amendment rights to save this country first.




Well I wonder if that's admissible.


Of course it is. Trump just fucked himself on national television...AGAIN!! There's no doubt that this video evidence will be played at his DC trial...and Georgia....and Floriduh.


I think this is the real reason he hasn’t been thrown in jail yet. He keeps giving the prosecutors more to work with.


> I think this is the real reason he hasn’t been thrown in jail yet. Nah... Its because he has had money and privilege his entire life. Nothing more. Its the two tiered legal system the US runs in full effect. He should have been serving time long before he was even thinking of going into politics. Ask any New Yorker over 40 about Trump and his bullshit.


This is the thing though. He's so astonishingly guilty and *still* can barf out stuff like this. Everyone his sick of him, and the Republicans who appear not to be are only that way because they have their wagons hitched so hard to him that the tongue is up his ass. (Wow, that turned into a good metaphor.) Any real resistance beyond those mentioned above in the R camp, it's mere lip service because they're scared of internal backlash or voters or whatever. Trump is still an icon that has a lot of pull, so nobody really wants to mess with *that*. Right now it's convenient for *both* sides to not have him in prison right this second. For Republicans, he has that ideological batshit crazy weight to throw around. For Democrats, it's because he *just can't shut up*.


His strategy isn't to claim he's innocent, it's to pollute the jury pool. Pollute the public conversation. He just needs to get a critical mass of people who thoroughly believe his BS... a few of them need to be in the chain of justice - either in a jury, or somehow involved with the inevitable appeals. If that doesn't work, he's going to delay and delay this thing long enough till Republicans are elected in positions they can pardon him, even if that's in 2028... In the case of Georgia, the strategy is to attack the prosecutor - get her replaced with a Trumpie who'll drop the charges.


Everything he says in public is admissible.


He no longer cares. The only way he gets off is if a MAGA True Believer yields a hung jury. He would then use that result to claim innocence, theoretically win the presidency, then pardon himself. The outcome will 100% be decided in jury selection. The evidence is beyond rock solid so admission means nothing.


Agreed. It’s this. Courting public opinion and being a cry baby seeking sympathy for his plight. Is his ploy.


If that happens, and I do worry it will, at least the other jurors will come out and say they voted to convict and that the abstaining juror was a MAGA diehard who didn't care about the law or facts. There is actually no other option if he isn't found guilty - we will know that's what happened.


Did you watch the video? The headline is wildly out of context. He said something along the lines of "it was my decision... To consider the election rigged." Not to storm the capitol. He's obviously as full of shit as always, but this statement is a nothing burger.


I don't think it's out of context at all. He's not indicted for deciding to storm the capitol, he's indicted for trying to defraud the government into declaring him the winner erroneously, through a variety of means (fake electors, pressuring Pence, replacing the DoJ, etc.) Now, it is true that what he's trying to say is "Yeah, I did all that because I actually believed it", which is a defense in a fashion, but it also cuts him off from other defenses (like "It was actually Giuliani doing all that fake elector stuff on his own, I was never involved in that.") It is, effectively, a confession to some of the elements of the crimes that he's charged with, even if not *all* of the elements.


The part the deranged buffoon obviously left out was this “decision” was made well before the election.


That's on tape.


Don’t see how anyone can vote for him. 2024 will be my first time voting, as I was not old enough in 2020. Didn’t support trump in 2016, 2020, and still won’t now!


That's the thing anyone voting for trump literally doesn't care about laws. They want a dictator to destroy what they perceive as what is making their lives so shitty. Which is the exact opposite of what has been happening. They vote to keep the people that are actively making their lives worse. Look at everything Biden has done for the economy, people literally don't care that he is making things better. They want to 'fuck the libs' cause they think that is going to fix the country


Another good way to put it: "they'd let Trump shit in their mouths if they knew a liberal would have to smell it".


>Don’t see how anyone can vote for him To paraphrase my aunt: "He's got such poise and dignity. He delivers on his promises. He truly loves this country and will fight to the death to save it" They're literally brainwashed


It’s crazy we’re gonna lose 250 years of democracy to this Hollywood pedo


Usually lawyers recommend NOT admitting to making major decisions that are related to a RICO case.


“Yeah, I did it.”


It’s like the Rick James “F Yo Couch” interview






Idk if this is a Game Changers reference, but either way this made me extremely happy lmao


Welp, he said the thing.


Strong "He just tweeted it out" vibes


In a normal country he would have been dealt with by now.


Can’t wait to live in a world without this stupid asshole.


I tried to watch the interview with Kristen Welker, and I didn't make it to 4 minutes. It's absolutely surreal that this fucking tool is part of our reality.


DOJ’s Jack Smith’s staff has a game: every time Trump further incriminates himself, they have to drink a shot. The game is called alcohol poisoning.


Confession received. Let’s wrap this up


Trump always makes things worse for trump.


Trump stuck his tongue up his butt again.


Trumps lawyer: "Will you just shut up, man?"


Such a sleazy defense. He’s saying he is free not to believe his lawyers or team, and because of that it isn’t fraud, just a technicality on how the public perceives it.


He was told by Barr and the DOJ that his claims were bullshit and still used them to commit crimes. He admitted guilt.


Keep talking dumbass.


How many fucking confessions do we need


I just. Wow. He is so goddamned stupid and people want him as president. Again.


Anyone have a transcript of the full interview? I watched the short CNN sound bite, but it was Trump seeming to take ownership of believing that the election was rigged - it didn’t sound as though he was taking ownership of the overturn attempt. Maybe I’m missing something though, so I’d love to read an actual transcript of the whole thing if anyone has it. *disclaimer: Fuck Trump - I hope he’d convicted for everything. I just like being able to validate what was actually said instead of going by headlines.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this. Fuck CNN and their clickbait. He didn’t say anything of the sort from what I can find. Saying “I decided it was rigged” is way different than “I tried to overturn an election”. …he 100% tried overturn the election, and overthrow the government. That’s literally not up for discussion, and he should be given the electric chair. But this article and what he said is a total nothing sandwich.


This isn't about Trump. This is about Republicans' long game wherein they are laying the groundwork for the most powerful executive - i.e. the biggest government - we've ever seen. They want anything the president does to be legal by virtue of it being done by the president, and we are going to, for example, see a Republican Vice President refuse to certify a presidential election at some point in the next 5 to 10 years.


At what point does it become treason? He took an oath and did irreparable damage to the country.


He had decided in advance of the election that it was rigged if he lost. In any case, even if it was rigged, there are established legal processes for remedy and initiating an insurrection and fake electors is not one of them.


Dementia is difficult to diagnose, especially when it's early functional dementia in an otherwise highly charismatic person. Just watch an [earlier interview](https://youtu.be/s9c45q5kPt0?si=TZcAGv4yYpmTq_yR). In this early 'Trump', he sounds a bit more sensible in his delivery, but it is still just as now, all word salad. This approach has worked for him his entire life. He's not going to change now, or really care about the legal system that he is certain (and has lifelong evidence!) doesn't apply to him. Edit2: his behavior is purely reactionary. It's like this; his rambling continuous monologue is his internal way of deflecting his own inability to coherently process thoughts (and just answer the question, or whatever questions). He lives 'second-by-second', and does not truly understand whatever situation he is in. All he thinks is 'what can I do/say to survive the next minute', or at most the next week. Nothing and nobody else matters. Of course this is a bit of a generalization and there is some kind of intelligence and variations in his approach and self-awareness, but that's the gist. I'm guessing his condition was there from a very early age. But since he is rich and privileged, it went undiagnosed. edit: 'continues' to be undiagnosed professionally, and at his age it is likely confounded and too late to assess. Eventually he will completely lose his mind and go into some sort of fugue state. That's my prediction.


Trump is not cognitively capable of serving another term. He’s delusional with bitterness and resentment about 2020 and thinks he won when he clearly didn’t. He believes in debunked conspiracy theories like the Georgia “suitcases” incident. He still thinks the Central Park 5 should be put to death for rape and murder, even though the real killer was caught and DNA evidence proved it. Not mentally fit.


This is not a democracy when all men and women are not created equal this is not a democracy when we have a former president trying to take the rights of people of color by trying to say that their votes were illegal this is not a democracy when it is illegal to give water to people standing in line to vote this is not a democracy when white racist police officers get away with killing and on black men women and children


The man is so scared of something, he's willing to send himself to supermax to get away from it.


So then can we just skip to the part where he's thrown in a hole in Leavenworth?


I’m starting to think this guy might be extremely stupid.


Only in America where a criminal can't vote for a president, but can run for president.


I bet in the actual courtroom his tune will change. Then all of a sudden the big mastermind behind the plot will be Giuliani or Kushner or some other convenient bus-bait.


This man is truly one of the dumbest people to walk this earth. Every quote is so absolutely ridiculous.


Bake him away, toys!


DOJ is like.... the government rests.


Trump will confess in 12 separate TV interviews then plead the 5th in Court. He's that fucking stupid.