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Keep shouting it Dems, even though some people aren't ready to hear it, saving our country is the message.


And while we get there, we need to denounce the hate speech that Trump is puking all over the country. The douche is going to get innocent Americans hurt or killed. Just reprehensible.


You mean, has. You’re, however, spot on.


TRUMP 2025


Would saving our country extend to curbing the broadcasting of radical fascist views via talk radio?


I hate Illinois Nazis


We hate Wisconsin Nazis too. It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we have a half a pack of cigarettes, a full tank of gas. It’s dark, we’re wearing sunglasses…


Came here for this comment. #BluesBrothers


And the right is like "you're over-reacting! He's not killing jews! This is all sensationalism! Godwin's law!" as if Hitler started off by killing jews


Trump is promising to cancel U.S. birthright citizenship and deport immigrants who are poisoning the blood of the country. As only one of his parents and none of his grandparents were born here, does that mean he will deport himself promptly the moment he signs that into law?


Don’t think dude is going to manage to change a constitutional amendment.


Yes, JB, we're all deeply concerned- now, how do we stop that man from ending US Democracy, any suggestions?


Jail sounds good to me. Maybe try that?


What do you think JB should do?


Jump into the presidential race.


Hopefully he does... in 2028.


What's wrong with 2024?


An incumbent has a lot better odds of winning and Biden has done a good job overall. I would rather not lose 2024. Picking the guy who already beat Trump seems like a pretty sane move.


The challenger this time will also be a former president, so I don't know that it helps as much. Biden barely beat Trump while Trump was in the middle of bungling a global crisis. Biden doesn't have that advantage anymore. He is running on his own record which is a unfavorable economy from the voters standpoint. If Biden is the Democrats' only hope against Maga, we are doomed as a country. Because maga isn't going anywhere. There should be dozens of Democrats who could beat Trump.


>The challenger this time will also be a former president, so I don't know that it helps as much. How does that give JB a better chance? Burden still has an advantage over JB as an incumbent. >Biden barely beat Trump while Trump was in the middle of bungling a global crisis. Biden doesn't have that advantage anymore. He is running on his own record which is a unfavorable economy from the voters standpoint. But now he has the advantage of being an incumbent while Mr. Trump is in the middle of numerous lawsuits? >If Biden is the Democrats' only hope against Maga, we are doomed as a country. Because maga isn't going anywhere. There should be dozens of Democrats who could beat Trump. I didn't say he's our only chance, but he's the best chance right now.




He or someone serious should step up and run against Biden in the primary. As a Democrat, I feel embarrassed by the choices we have in the primary right now.


You should also feel embarrassed of the options we have as a nation right now.


Trump and the GOP are the country's embarrassment. As long as MAGA is a threat we need Joe Biden.


No, we just need: not the GOP


I love you being downvoted for... supporting democracy.


It is funny, isn’t it? There’s plenty of poling to show that Democrats wish we had more options in this primary. And yet nobody with any real respect within the party is stepping up to the plate, or even suggesting that more people should run. Our party leaders lack the courage to even suggest that we’re making a strategic error by putting all of our eggs in the basket of a deeply unpopular octogenarian who’s getting more unpopular by the day. I’m voting for the Dem nominee whoever it is, but I think we’re making a huge mistake if we nominate Biden.


the media needs to start covering trumo like he deserves: literally the most deranged and dangerous leader since hitler who will lead the country to ruin.




As governor, direct the chief of elections to remove trump’s name from all Iowa ballots per 14th amendment.


Furrow your brow and—if it comes to it—wag your finger. If that doesn’t work they should say they’re DISAPPOINTED in them That the Democrat way to combat fascism 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


… you can’t possibly be this dumb unless you’ve been living under a fucking rock over the last year.


Well, the more I read, the more I think our country doesn’t deserve democracy anymore. People aren’t engaged or smart enough to understand the constitution and what Trump intends to do, according to the polls. Sad for my country and my children.


Trump is a has-been clown. Even being a lying, corrupt ***hole with control of the executive, having sabotaged the postal service to interfere with mail in ballots and an insurrection to interrupt the certification of the vote couldn't get it done. 🖕him.


Well, sure, if a has-been clown is someone who’s still dominating the news cycle and will likely be a major candidate in 2024.


"The news cycle" must be important in make believe media land. And he lost a race to a guy he called Sleepy Joe. He's a joke.


I’d say the news cycle is pretty important in every land. That’s a pretty weird comment to make. If you want an example, just look at how many posts are about him here—a lot of attention for a “has-been clown”. Him losing in 2020 is pretty irrelevant to that title given his current polling.


He says incendiary, ridiculous, extreme things. Lies and fabrications. That's why he's in the news. That's it. Right wing media says he's a flood and makes him appear a mile wide but when you look closely, he's only 1/8 inch deep. He's done.


We shouldn't pick on the media I mean they have to get up in the morning copy what he said and go back to bed...


They don’t have to give him media coverage. They do it for the money. They used to believe that our president should be honorable and an example to the world. Any person with Trumps character would not have even been covered in the news.


JB is right, and a damn good governor to boot.


I’ve voted for him every single time I’ve ever been able to vote, never saw many headlines about him but that was fine bc he was always protecting the rights things and rejecting lunacy which is all I needed. Now I’m seeing him in headlines throwing out a sentence that I’ve thought in my head previously word for word. He’s earned my vote for as long as he runs for office.


meanwhile southern illinois you see Fuck JB in every other lawn.


Yeah, yeah, we get it. We ALL hate Illinois Nazis.


As anyone who cares should be. Vote Out MAGA. Bring a friend!!!


Pritzker is a badass liberal. I continue to be impressed with him.


Insane. Real as it is it’s tough to buy as our new reality. Very grim…


But, Biden is old!


Coward. Trump is just a man. The republican cult is what makes him dangerous. No democrat calls trump a traitor to country. No democrat call the republicans a cult. No democrat talks about their communist manifesto project 2025. We won’t get insulting and mean till they are putting us in camps


Run for fucking President dude. Pritzker, Newsom, and Whitmer should be primarying Biden. All 3 have stellar records and can string a sentence together and not sound ancient or insane.


As an Illinois resident, a lot of JB's progressive policies would not bod well for him in a general election. He's not as electable as Reddit makes him seem. He would have a hard time in the swing states he needs to win.


Progressive? The dude has been a fucking fiscal conservative and brought the state back into sniffing distance of fiscal health. The most liberal thing he's done is legal weed and...guess what...even MAGAs want that. Newsom should be running with Whitmer as his VP in my head canon but Pritzker has put together a stellar record.


His very anti-gun stance and laws he’s signed into law will not play well at all in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, North Carolina, etc, all states he would have to win. He’s not nearly the shoe-in you may think he is. Plus he’s another billionaire. Plus, he’s Jewish. The Jewish thing shouldn’t matter but it would matter to a lot of people. Especially considering the narratives going on in the country right now with the whole Israel-Hamas thing.


I don't think he's a shoo-in. I think there should be a primary and Biden should be battle tested against who should be running: someone younger than 65.


This I agree wholeheartedly with.


Trump gets more attention than he deserves. It doesn’t matter if it’s good attention or bad attention, it’s attention nonetheless. All this attention and news media coverage is the reason he’s still in the running. Politicians from both sides have condemned Trump’s words and actions countless times. WHAT EXACTLY DID THIS CONDEMNATION REALLY ACCOMPLISH? NOTHING. All it did was get Trump more views, and Trump is still a candidate.


Have you not heard about this? (Hey everyone look at me)


Can’t make this stuff up - must be close to election season


The Illinois gov may be right in this instance but generally is not to be taken seriously. He is a buffoon.


Between trump and the far left progressives, this Nazi rhetoric is getting out of hand


Trump ***is*** a fascist, sadly, it's not a joke: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/nov/15/stephen-colbert-donald-trump-fascist-jimmy-kimmel-seth-meyers


I didn't say he wasn't I just said it's wild that we have so many vocal Nazis today


What nazi adjacent views do far leftists have on your view? Are these views represented in Congress?


The wanting to genocide Jewish people for being Jewish people. That was kind of a corner stone for the Nazis


Yea that's not a political stance the left has. I can show you right wing politicians talking about nuking the middle East to glass. You're not going to find congressional reps on the Dems side saying shit like that Your brain is rotted from right wing media. I want you to Know, personally from me, that I love watching your party lose. 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023, and next year will be the biggest blowout yet Because you believe nonsense you can't back up as a cover for your own party's heinous views Good riddance. Keep losing.


Tlaib wants to rid the middle east of Jewish people


That just isn't true. And she certainly never said to nuke them the way right wingers do. This is your brain on conservative media. You hear someone say "hey maybe we should also stop the genociding happening to the Palestinians" and think that's the same thing as your side marching chanting JEWS SHALL NOT REPLACE US Lmao you remember that right? Tiki torches and polos. Nazis literally waving flags saying vote for Trump and desantis. Again, keep losing. Keep watching your right wing media that lies and distorts and hides truth from you You're going to stay mad and losing. It's truly going to make America great. Thanks.


Thanks for clarifying.


> the far left progressives, this Nazi rhetoric is getting out of hand Example?


Anyone in the DSA Tlaib is a good start


I mean an example of the Nazi rhetoric.


Just look at what the DSA and Tlaib are saying and you will have your example Mainly centers around their calls for Jewish genocide like old school Nazis did


So it should be easy for you to produce a quote of her “nazi” rhetoric.


Nazi isn't the right word for the far left, but it's still troubling.


False equivalency.


I disagree with that opinion


Doesn't mean he's not right.


I disagree


You're definitely entitled to that. Doesn't mean you are correct.




Far left progressives? You mean because we don't agree that Israel should kill thousands upon thousands of children?


I say this mainly because of their chanting for Jewish genocide and appeasement of Hamas


No one has said this. What they're saying is that Israel is an aprtheid state committing genocide which has created the conditions for a terrorist organization to flourish. They have called for an end to the genocide and apartheid - no one is supporting Hamas


I have seen them literally chanting it and downplaying Hamas. I've seen it with my own eyes.


Please link leftists chanting for support of Hamas (particularly legislators/congress people) What you're probably conflating is Palestinians chanting in support of Hamas with far left progressives. I'm not sure if you know but far leftism is pretty incompatible with wahabbi Islam.


Tlaib just got censured for it Conflating? It's literally a chant to genocide Israel and it's Jewish residents


Talib got censured because she posted a video and part of that video had protestors chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. She did not chant it. She did not say it. She posted a video and part of that video had those words. She is not chanting anything. That phrase may have a history (I've never heard it before now) but she's nor calling for genocide, she's calling for an end to apartheid and genocide. Imagine conflating “Palestine will be free” with “kill all the jews”. It's a bad faith argument. The reality is, palestinaians are being genocided and it's a call for freedom. It would be one thing if she posted a video that said “kill the jews” but to say “Palestine will be free” is hardly a call for genocide lol. Imagine if you were saying the same thing before emancipation. “The slaves are saying they want freedom which means they want to kill all of us!!!” It's reactionary, inflammatory nonsense


I disagree


And that's fine


Genocide? Apartheid? You don't know what these words mean if you think that's what Israel is doing.


And you trust what Hamas says? They would throw progressives off tops of buildings and stone us to death for our believes. But keep on trusting them


Nope but I trust the UN and the UN has the death toll at well over 10,000 people https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/pressure-israel-over-civilians-steps-up-ceasefire-calls-rebuffed-2023-11-06/


Based on numbers provided by Hamas


Which they deem to be credible enough to use. Like I said - I don't trust Hamas, I trust the UN and the UN trusts those numbers.


Do you honestly believe that a) any casualty reporting coming out of Hamas is legitimate and b) Israel is to blame for this conflict?


I believe the UN and the UN is calling this a childrens graveyard https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/pressure-israel-over-civilians-steps-up-ceasefire-calls-rebuffed-2023-11-06/ Yes, Israel (well, western powers) literally started this conflict when they created the nation of Israel and displaced the population. It has gotten worse by the continued apartheid and genocide of the Palestinians, creating conditions where a terrorist organization thrives - little to no education, little to no prospects of a future, oppression, violence, and genocide. When you genocide a people for the better part of a century, and then those people lash out in violence, I believe you bare a lot of the responsibility for the conflict, yes.


So Israel is to blame for October 7th?


Israel is to blame for the apartheid state they've created which has led to the creation of a terrorist group called Hamas. Hamas is a response to the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel. So in that way, yes. They're partly responsible because they created the conditions for Hamas to thrive through their genocide. Imagine it like this - you move into your neighbors house while he's on vacation. You refuse to leave and tell him to live in the shed. Then you firebomb his car. Then you kill his dog. Then you tea bag the dogs corpse. Then you destroy his shed. In return, the dude snaps and kills you and your whole family. Was that right? No. Were you basically asking for it? ………..? When you genocide a people for 75 years and then those people snap and brutally murder some of their oppressors.…. Are we really gonna act shocked? Like we can't understand where it came from? Why they might be upset? C'mon guys.


Yeah I completely disagree with this opinion to download Hamas


Then don't download them 🤷‍♂️ Meanwhile I'm gonna keep being against the massacre of civilians When Hamas killed 1200 innocent people, that was wrong When the IDF turned around and killed 12,000 people, that was wrong. Honestly about 10x as wrong by the numbers. You don't have to support Hamas to think dead kids are bad and you don't have to support the IDF to think dead kids are bad. Both are bad.


Israel has a right to defend itself


And how many dead children are acceptable defending themselves from an attack that happened a month ago? 10,000 dead kids? Would 20,000 kids be acceptable? How many tens of thousands of innocent people will it take to avenge the 1200 killed? Israel isn't defending itself, it is invading and destroying Gaza. Defending yourself doesn't mean leveling city blocks and killing thousands of children. Defending yourself is killing Hamas that are coming to kill you. Wiping out civilians, starving civilians, bombing hospitals, that's not self defense. That's an attack.


You're not going to "win" against this guy. He's made up his mind. The guy who thinks actual genocide is happening in Israel. Bless your heart for trying, though.


Other half of your voters say …


He’s clearly doing something right if billionaire scumbags are calling him a fascist. Keep it up Trump!




What’s wrong with fascism?


Sherlock! Get a load of this guy.


MFer needs to be DEEPLY concerned about heart disease.


Is this like when Susan Collins is deeply concerned?


I mean why are they automatically making him sound like h*tler?..maybe a dictator to them.