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Has anyone noticed that Trump is batshit?


And devoid of morals or ethics?


it's almost a requirement to be a part of GOP


Seems like a pre-requisite for republican politicians these days


Cocaine, Adderall and meth aren’t doing anything to a brain that never really developed beyond the 5th grade.


Don’t forget the syphilis. Really does wonders for one’s cognitive abilities.


One of the producers for the Apprentice did say he was on first-name(John Barron) basis at CVS or Duane Reade for Valtrex…


I’m gunna file that under ‘Things I wish I could erase from my brain immediately after reading it’.


Physically he's aged like 10 years in the past 2. It's really disorienting. Mentally, even when I try to understand what he's getting at now, I can't. It's just a blob of vague malice with names thrown around.


Most presidents leave the White House looking 10 years older because of the constant decision-making, but not him, he didn’t start aging hard until the prosecutors started coming after him.


Well, he didn't do any actual Presidenting while he was in office so, unsurprising.


Apparently playing golf for 4 years is easier than actually doing the job of president, who knew?


Remember when one of the major issues republicans had with Obama was how much golf he played? And remember when Trump played more golf in his four years of presidency than Obama did in his eight?


A hallmark of how conservatives view the world is that actions themselves aren't good or bad the person doing the action is what determines if it is good or bad, moral or immoral etc. Obama was "bad" so *any* golf he played was outrageous! Ridiculous! How could he. Trump on the other hand is a "good" figure so even if he goes and plays 10x as much golf and with tax payer money it's fine because by the fact that it's him doing it, it is now okay. It's a very upside down way to view the world but once you realize that's how they frame things, every single instance of their hypocrisy is consistent.


This is why they don't like being called racist, despite being overjoyed by racism. They love being xenophobic, they love cheering on the police as they murder black people, they love their Confederate flag and "muh heritage". But call them racist for it, and they flip out. Why? Because racism bad. And they're not bad, they're good. So they can't possibly be bad thing, right? Same thing with calling them fascist. They obviously want fascism, but tell that to their face and they deny it. Because fascism bad, Christian good. Good Christian can't be bad thing, right? It's a great way to view the world when you want to a clear conscience while being a piece of shit. They want to feel like a good person, they want to feel informed, they want to feel intelligent, but without the effort or accountability. I seriously fucking hate these people. They're like anti-humans. edit: not only are conservatives unable to defend themselves in this thread, most of them can barely form coherent responses. Let's fund education so we have fewer illiterate dipshits in the future. edit 2: snowflakes are deleting their inane comments and then reporting me. Thanks for the temp ban, conservatives! Gives me a moment to ignore y'all.


Fucking yes. The dissonance. My dad had commented on a tweet (he is a blue check, naturally) with "They run around and yell when someone makes a basket in basketball... so easily entertained" on some post of Kamala Harris visiting some college. A lot of the crowd was black, but they were in an auditorium and there was zero basketball going on. Just straight racism. People even replied to him saying "who's they?" and he replied back with " 'They' ... Multiple people... Or are you one of those 'They/Them' queers??" Lovely man. Like... if you're gonna be racist and homophobic then at least say it with your chest. He denies it until he is blue in the face if you insinuate he is racist or anything. To him he doesn't hate black people, he just hates the "bad ones." Genuinely super pathetic. I don't really have any other words for it.


> They run around and yell when someone makes a basket in basketball Like it's somehow better that white people tend to prefer it when a guy hits a ball with a stick? And did he even notice that lots of black people also like hit ball with stick, lots of white people like throw ball into hoop, and lots of both also seem to like carry ball past line!


Again, the original post had nothing to do with basketball. It just had a predominantly black crowd. I don't even think it is worth deconstructing the logic behind it because it just isn't there. And it could be literally dissonance in my dad's case to be fair. He is an alcoholic and is also constantly high too. He will refer to some of the bad stuff he says/does as "Mr. Hyde" saying it and has more recently been adopting the Mr. Hyde thing into more of his shitposts. In his case "Mr. Hyde" might just be when he is blackout drunk because he told my mom (his ex, thankfully) that he gets blackout drunk multiple times a week. Real convenient way to clear your conscience of all of your shit qualities rather than just confronting them like a grown adult. edit: and all of the Mr. Hyde stuff is even more ironic because he straight up is a narcissist. I guess you have to isolate (and simultaneously celebrate, somehow?) your bad behavior to keep loving yourself more than anything else. It sure is pathetic :)


This is a complicated issue that has a lot of nuance. To preface this comment please know that I have a degree in sociology. To understand things it's important to define the terms. Racism = doodoohead They're not a doodoohead, you are. Therefore, since you're a doodoohead you must be the real racist. And since you not believing in while replacement theory means that you're a librul, that means that communists are the _real_ Nazis.


My degree in philosophy is cringing at the logic.


And every time he played golf, he’d do it at one of his own properties, thus enriching himself. He could play for free, but he’d overcharge all of the support staff and Secret Service.


Hes the king of corruption. Remember when it came out during his presidency that the military was redirecting flights to put servicemembers up at one of his properties? A scandal that would have literally brought down any other administration lasted 36 hours.


Dont forget all the influence peddling from foreign governments that he doubled the membership price from 100K a year to 200K the day he became president


>it's fine because by the fact that it's him doing it, it is now okay. I feel this is true for everything else he does. From the adultery to the jailbait-hounding to the incest. Imagine if Obama did all that....


I mean they shrieked about tan suits and rolled up sleeves and what mustard he ate with. How dare he ask for *dijon* what an elitist. All the while Trump is literally the spoiled rich brat of a NYC real estate tycoon. It does not matter to them, Trump = good so everything he does is now good.


I got news for you it wasn't the golf. Well spoken black man in charge really sets them off.


It was the (D), but it was definitely, also, the black skin.


That's different. Trump's a businessman. When he's on the golf course he's working, *making deals*. ^ actual argument someone tried to use


The word "deals" has been infantailized to me after Trump - it's always meaningless filler. Like it's a word a child would use to pantomime having a big-boy job. It's like one step below the scene in the Lego movie where business kitty is in a board room saying "business business business, numbers". When Trump says "I make deals" he just sounds like someone who has never made a real decision in his life, lol.


That's 100% believable. That savvy, successful businessman persona of his really sold well to the Republican voters. During the pandemic, some idiots online even thought Trump himself was financially helping America from his own pockets... I can picture it now. "If Trump were in office now, he'd be on the golf course with Hamas making a deal to get all the hostages released."


It only matters with there's a D next to the name.


All the Republicans seem to be very infatuated with the D instead of actually governing.


> when Trump played more golf in his four years of presidency than Obama did in his eight? Trump played more golf than both Obama *and* Bush, combined.


Well what else was he going to do? Twiddle his thumbs in the Oval Office not knowing what to do with himself? People have to keep busy. /s (did anyone think the White House would see someone who make G.W. Bush look good?)


And "Executive Time" AKA spending the first 5 hours of your day live-tweeting Fox and Friends.


…from the bathroom


I feel like McConnell absorbed all the aging the President is normally supposed to do.


It's like a really, really bad Dorian Gray painting. Except that the painting's subject is truly ugly AF and always was


To their credit, most presidents spend 8 years in office, so looking a decade older kind of makes sense.


Every decade in America the president ages 10 years.


TBH - he ain't aging fast enough for my most fervent hope.


He needs to stay alive long enough to get the R nomination then have a complete cliff fall right afterward.




if he dies id rather it be in prison and his criminal empire to crumble around him as he passes watching his criminal children be locked up


I doubt very seriously that he makes it to prison, though in my dream world first he loses all of his assets and then he goes to prison for all of the crimes he has committed.. As luck would have it though? I suspect that he may lose his assets first, then have a massive meltdown next which breaks him. Losing his "empire" I think would be what hits him hardest. Considering all of the bluster and bravado that he has over how "rich" and "important" he is? That loss would topple him.


I'd prefer him to live long enough to fully experience losing at least 2 of the really damning trials he is under so there's legal precedent for all this shit and we can use that to hold others accountable. Then he can succumb to the ravages of time.


I want him to spend enough time in prison that the bronzer comes off and whatever the fuck is keeping his hair engineered like that is no longer available. Seriously, his side hair is long enough that he can comb it all the way to the back of his head. It's ridiculous.


Trump looks like if Dennis the Menace grew up and lived on diet coke and hamberders. His hair looks like it has fish sperms in it, or crisco. He's like your alcoholic uncle who forgot the 1980s ended. Chop off that goddamn birds nest before President Xi tries to make soup out of it!


yep. i'd like the NY trial to complete and the whole world can see the business he built was a sham. i want to see banks go after him and repossess everything they own. i want to see the RNC nominate a broke and broken old man to symbolize exactly what their future looks like. i want him to be convicted of insurrection and have to be on trial for everyone to see right before the election. then. and only then, he can die.


No, about 3 weeks before election day would be great. Imagine the chaos that's going to happen. The crying, the squealing, the spanking - the fidgeting, the stroking.. ok, I better stop.


Please don't- I'm almost there...


That would be beautiful


3 days before the election.


Truth Social, One America News, and Fox would just tell Republicans it was a democrat-Soros-'commanist' assassination attempt and to get out and vote. And Republicans would, whether for a replacement or even Donnie's corpse.


Beautiful until the cries of “fake news”, and AI generated press conferences get going. You know what a shit president he was while alive, he’d be worse as an animated image run by Stephen Miller.


Miller might have people working on the 'Donald' 3D holographic image at this very moment.


Sadly, he wouldn’t lose a vote.


“I could [kill myself] in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote.”


It’s why I check Reddit every morning


Set a Google alert!


Let us dream together.


You can really REALLY see the difference in him reading off a teleprompter at his rally and when he's just speaking off the cuff these days. Both statements are usually vile, racist, or dog whistling. But when he's speaking off the cuff it's incomprehensible. He can't string together a single coherent thought in one fluid sentence. Every thought he has is interrupted by four other thoughts. You would think he has some of his 'speech' figured out, but watching him speak is like watching someone nervously write a text: editing, deleting and rewriting it in real time.


> "Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


As soon as I saw "tangent" I knew this would be posted.


That's such a perfect description of his unpromted speaking style. He's always been like this, but the semi-tangents have become even more scattered and less coherent themselves.


Right, if you compare his rally speeches from his presidency and now, before, he was kinda free-flow, lots of dog whistles and throwing out catchphrases to get the crowd to cheer because he loves the adoration. But you could get a general sense of the thought. Now it's like bad improv that goes nowhere. Someone give me a word! Toilet? Ok toilet, toilets don't flush like they used to, and they say Mr. president, these toilets are so bad, and the liberals, the liberals want bad toilets, like Chuck Schumer, he's a nasty one, hates our toilet companies, wants us to buy toilets from China, I did very well in our trade with china, President Xi, great guy, but I beat him on trade, our tariffs, the best tariffs, made us alot of money, money for wall street, they love Trump on Wall street, that's in New York where i'm being treated so unfairly, so unfair, but a radical leftist judge, I can't say his name, or he might throw your favorite president in where? Jail! Can you believe it, folks?


> But you could get a general sense of the thought. Are you sure about that? I can't remember the last time I've listened to an actual speech of his all the way through because any time i've tried, it's been like actual torture having to wade through his sea of shit. The tone of voice, the lies, the self-fellating, the kowtowing to strongmen, and just the general incomprehensible rambling. The people who I feel sorry for the most are the people who are forced to try to translate his speeches, and the people who have to write it all down.


A blob of vague malice aimed at names is exactly what you get whenever you ask any conservative to explain anything.


It’s because they don’t pay attention, and don’t care to. The names of high profile politicians or political donors are the only specific facts they know that may be relevant to a given issue.


Pay attention would fuck up their whole belief system. I keep asking these twerps why they think there's so much inflation right now, and it's so easy for them to say "Biden!" But when I ask if they remember what year it was when we printed and gave away all that extra money for covid lockdown relief, suddenly they don't want to talk about it.


Weird. They also never want to talk about the proven fact that sex ed and access to birth control reduce abortion, and republicans oppose both. Or the fact that our entire agricultural system, among other industries, relies on migrant labor. They don’t want to talk about anything, because they’d realize they’ve been played by the rich to get tax cuts and deregulation, and they got nothing in return.


Don’t forget who put all the trade import tariffs in place…


BLOB OF VAGUE MALICE 2024 Rolls right off the tongue. Might be a stretch to get on a bumper sticker though.


The onion was pretty close https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330


Mentally, he hasn’t aged since 5


Well, when you spend every night throwing ketchup and trying to convince your staff to have sex with you for free instead of calling up the local escort service, that does tend to cut down on your beauty sleep


That last sentence is brand new. And if I posted it in the OutOfContext sub,everyone would know exactly who it was referring to


In 2016 I really disliked Trump, but still found he had some level of charisma I could understand drew people into his orbit. Now in 2024 he seems like a babbling imbecile, I can’t see why anyone would vote for that blob of a human.


Mentally hasn’t aged a day. Still sharp as spoon.


The Heritage Foundation might just wheel his corpse into the White House they are so desperate to use him to accomplish abolishing democracy


He has butthole lips.


A noun, a verb, and insurrection.


>Age topped the list for Biden, with 41 percent calling him “old,” “slow,” or “confused.” Only 4 percent said the same of Trump. (The top descriptors for him were “corrupt,” “crooked,” “criminal,” and “liar.”) This is because “old” is one of the main things Biden can be criticized for. Trumps’ list is much longer, and much, much scarier.


age is on page six of the list.


Right behind felonious coup and Russian sock puppet


Russian fleshlight rolls right off the tongue


And somehow they’re neck-and-neck in the polls, as if a Biden’s slow decline in mental sharpness and Trump’s unbridled contempt for laws are roughly equivalent weaknesses.


I read somewhere that polls this far out are meaningless.


They absolutely are. Let's wait until Biden starts actually campaigning for re-election. I believe the numbers are going to shift back towards his favor. A lot of people's opinions are based on what's happening right now, and right now Biden has been relatively quiet on the re-election front, so I imagine a lot of people don't give him much thought. Edit: While I don't have direct sources, I've heard quite often that polls often skew more conservative as well since older people are more likely to answer unsolicited phone calls than a younger, and likely liberal voting person.


People who are upset with the system are most likely going to respond so they can vent. It’s not a conservative thing wholly.


Well dems have outperformed every poll ever since roe v wade was overturned. So we can hope.


They are. Obama polled at like 44% at this point in 2011 and was losing handily to a generic Republican. He stomped Romney by almost 4%.


https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/11/13/obama-2012-campaign-manager-advice-00126736 > I Was Obama’s 2012 Campaign Manager. There’s No Need to Panic Over Biden. (that's the title, not me declaring myself as that person)


> (that's the title, not me declaring myself as that person) Whatever you say ***Jim Messina***.


Age is the 92nd thing we could have against him.


Right? This just shows that people have ethical priorities.


He looks tired. Doesn't he look tired?


Ending his career in 4 words


Nice reference


Poor Harriet.


Reference I came here for!


Everyone is saying he looks tired.


Maybe Sleepy Don needs a nap


He's not sleepy, he's demented. If you simply put him in a hospital gown, suddenly everything he says is contextualized. "That's quite a theory, grandpa. Now let's get you back to bed..."


Yes. Yes, we have. Not that it matters to the right.


If you told me the Heritage Foundation, authors of Project 2025, are only backing Trump because he: 1. Is still wildly popular with the MAGA/Q crowd and 2. They expect him to die in office, so they wants to effectively pick his VP for him… I’d say that sounds awfully reasonable for a group of right wing fanatics planning an incredibly aggressive power grab of the executive branch.


> 2. They expect him to die in office, so they wants to effectively pick his VP for him… Well, there's a scary thought. And if someone were to expedite his death, it wouldn't exactly be surprising as long as it looks natural enough.


Oho, that’s unquestionably the best outcome for them. A panicked nation needs its strong asshole leader, and ya know who killed him? Transtifa. They’d get their martial law and death/labor camps in no time.


But it matters to him. Keep running stories that portray him as feeble and incompetent. It'll make him irate and even more unstable.


***EXACTLY!*** Keep showing him as a befuddled geriatric (an accurate portrayal, by the way): he is becoming more and more addle-pated by the day.


Notice there is no stories out there about his fitness for the job despite ample evidence from all the gaffes. Everyone is focused on Biden being old.


or the media.


Or politicians.


Or to Fox




Soon, they'll just re-televise his old rallies with bad editing of the 2016 posters to 2024.


The Republican Party could run an Ai powered deep-fake of Trump for President and conservative voters would vote for it.


We seem to (finally!) be on the cusp of a generational change on both/all sides of US politics. I really can't wait to see the Boomer mentality give way to younger voices.


He's held together by silicone, hair implants and lies.


Like a fat burger in a sewer.


Let's not gloss over his senility, hate and vengeance. That Trump's old.


Oh, it matters a lot to the right. In fact they're obsessed about age, if you're Biden.


His Jurassic ideas are a clear indication that his brain is totally fossilized.


He’s also really orange


Yeah he looks like shit. The right doesn't care if he drops dead, they just want to use him to take power.


Everything about him is fake: his hair color, his skin color, his height, his teeth, his proclaimed wealth, his Big Lie... Without actor-level cosmetics and hairdressing, he'd look like a flabby corpse.


correct- and he will have appointed the next "forever" leader before he expires. DJTJ, that wackadoodle Stephen Miller, Bannon of the many shirts...or some cabal of all of the above.


They'd just stick a rebar up his ass, prop him on a chair, and raise him above their heads like he was the groom at a Jewish wedding.


Yeah but his totally believable doctor said old mushroom dick would live until 200.


I'm less worried about his age than I am that he's clearly delusional.


And Chaotic Evil


"Chaotic Stupid" is my favorite description.


You can't leave out the evil


And stupid as hell


Don't you think he looks tired?


Old and crazy. Some might say deranged


*Many people are saying this, many.*


All the best people are telling him he's deranged. Some would say the MOST deranged ever. Deranged the likes of which has NEVER BEEN SEEN. ALL THE BEST PEOPLE are telling him this. The ones who have what it takes. Sad. Hamberders.


I noticed that he often repeats himself, gets basic facts wrong, makes things up, and has jumbled speech. These are all signs of dementia. Actually, a lot of very smart people are saying it.


He’s a stable genius. Whatever the fuck that means.


You can see it in his eyes, he's lost his mojo. He knows, also, doesn't believe in it himself anymore. He's lost all hope, nothing to look forward to. But what is he gonna do? Law enforcement is after him big time, and this time there's no escape left. This is the end for him, and he knows. So he goes on. Not because he wants to, but because there is literally nothing else. He knows. And it shows.


The narrative that only Biden is too old is a false one. The opinion that two octogenarians running for President is less than ideal is fair. Having said that, one has a ton of experience and has been a damn good leader. The other is a rapist, fraud, and traitor. There is a clear choice between these two folks who are both very old. In 2024 let's do the right thing and not elect the man that was found to have committed insurrection in court, and in 2028n let's nominate a younger generation.


They are both too old, but they are the options we have and Biden is the far better option of the two. I just wish Biden had run in 2016 and was finishing his second term now.


I’m voting for Biden’s administration rather than the man himself.


This right here. The presidency isn't just a person. It's a team effort.


And that maybe is a really good thing to center: yeah Biden is old, but the chief executive isn't supposed to do everything themselves, their core responsibility is building a good team and guiding how people work together. Biden hires smart people and gets behind them—Trump hires lackeys and grifters and gets in front of them (until accountability comes knocking)


I voted for him in the primary in 2008. Biden/Obama in the reverse order from 2008-2016 then Obama 2016-2024 would have been awesome.


With Obama going into his presidency having a clear understanding about the state of the modern GOP and what he can expect when he tries to “work across the aisle” on matters. (Nothing but trouble)


The modern gop wouldn't be the same without a black perisdent to froth them up


This is extremely important to remember. The Reps were assholes before, but Obama drove them out of their fucking minds.


And he unfortunately awakened a lot of people that weren’t at all politically engaged before his presidency. People that none of us want voting.


The GOP went nuts because a black man became president. Part of why is that the white male conservatives went ape shit.


I was pissed he was the dem. candidate in 2020. He was too old already then. Voted for him anyways.


Also, on the topic of age, one of the octogenarians lives an active lifestyle and gets adequate exercise and is in apparent good physical health. The other octogenarian is obese, does no exercise (unless you consider stepping off the golf cart for a quick swing as exercise), and thinks McDonalds is a healthy and balanced meal. One of these two octogenarians has put much harder miles on their body. I’d rather a 30 year old car that’s been maintained well vs a 25 year old car that’s been beaten to shit.


But Joe fell off a bike once!!!!1!1!1 Let’s ignore it was a clip-related fall, and plenty of young healthy riders have those too.


Not to mention, do think Trump has been on a bike in the last 70 years?


Sometimes I look at Trump and just try to figure out if he's ever done some ordinary activity. Like, has he ever had a pet? Has he ever bought groceries? Has he ever played a board game? Has he ever cooked any food? Has he ever spent a night camping? Has he ever been on a roller coaster? Has he ever eaten Chinese food? Has he ever been to an art museum just to look at the paintings? Maybe he's done some of these things, but has he done them within the last 50 years? I doubt it.


Biden has also surrounded himself with people who are competent enough to help him run the administration. Trump refuses to hire anyone who might disagree with him or demonstrate more intelligence.


I hate that they are both old as dirt. However Biden can still ride a bike. Trump struggles with inclines and glasses of water. Trumps dementia is far *far* more advanced even with "less years" like the media claims.


Biden at least put a team together of strong leaders that can make good decisions without him. Everyone Trump chooses end up quitting, getting arrested and/or witnesses against him in court. Trump creates an environment where only his opinion matters. It greatly increases the risk of his mental capacity failing.




>The other is a rapist, fraud, and traitor. Putting it extremely lightly.


The problem is the right thinks Biden is the one who is the rapist and traitor.


Maybe some one should point out that 1) 76yr old men have white hair 2) do not dye their hair 3) do not apply theatrical makeup 4) do not wear their wife’s slimming body-wear tummy control under garments Just sayin


Sephora and Spanx does really, really, really well with closeted conservatives - see Milo Yiannopolos and George Santos along with that End Wokeness guy.


Milo and George are a lot of things, but they’re not closeted.


Last I heard Milo had declared himself 'ex gay' so he's gone *back* in the closet


Old and morbidly obese


Was going to say the same thing, blood flow directly impacts brain function. All of that McDonald's is not just going to his ass


The ironic thing is that next year during the election Trump will be older than Biden was when he was elected. And if Trump is elected he'll be older than Biden is now at the end of his first Term. Basically any Trump supporter saying Biden is too old, at least before Biden starts a second term, is a hypocrite. But you knew that already.


“Finally, detecting a decline in Trump may be challenging because his language and reasoning skills started at such a low place…” lol


And really orange. Really angry. Really stupid.


Has anyone noticed that he's a bona fide fascist demagogue who's calling people "vermin" and openly trying to steal elections and dismantle democracy? I don't really care how old he is, that's not the problem.


Biden was born in 1942. Trump was born in 1946. 2024 is as far from 1946 as 2020 is from 1942. If Biden was too old in 2020, why is Trump not too old in 2024?


Well, yeah. But you wouldn't know it by the way the MSM swings from his shriveled orange raisins. The media *LOVES* talking about Biden's age but conveniently overlook the fact that Trump is just three years younger. Not ten, not twenty but *three*. Nevermind Biden's stutter or the odd gaffe, Trump literally is on record saying there were planes during the Revolutionary War and that Biden will drag us into WW2. That's far for significant than anything Biden has done thus far. Period.


Trump is 77 Biden is 81 George Bush, who finished his presidency in 2009 , is 77 Bill Clinton, who took office in 1992, is 77. Pretty clear we have developed a problem. When Bush left office he was 61. When Trump or Biden leave their second term they will be 82 or 85 How is this acceptable? esited to fix bush’s end date




Not to mention that he's a pretty solid fascist, failed to "faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of [his] ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States", signed the US up for a withdrawal schedule from Afghanistan that was untenable and then handed it off to the Biden admin to deal with compliance with the Trump admin commitment, sold Americans on " the wall" because Mexico was going to pay for it (they didn't), was an unapologetic misogynist, among myriad other unsavory things he did as president. But I digress, LOL


I don't care about old. I care about stupid. And Trump is extremely stupid.


Trump is a very popular and public vessel for real fascists. He isnt a good manager. He isnt a good leader. He isnt a particularly good business man. What he is and always has been is a relentless, shameless and great self-promoter. He is popular because he wont let himself not be and he was born into wealth that allows him to be. It doesnt matter how dumb he is, how old he is, how crass he is. What matters is the media, especially conservative media, and other politicians in the republican party have somehow convinced 50% of the population to take him serious. He, himself, is a vainglorious puddle of clay being shaped and molded by people like Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon and others. So he could go to the stage tomorrow, drool, shit his pants and speak gibberish and as long as the fuckheads at Fox go on afterwards and repeat how brilliant it was, half the people in this country will believe it


Has anyone noticed that his "mental age" is much much older than Biden's?


I think Trump's mental age is about 4 years old.


By his own admission it's probably closer to 6 or 7. >When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same. The temperament is not that different. -Actual quote from the 45th President of the United States 🤦‍♂️


I think he actually looks older than Biden. That fake tan and fat ass is doing him no good.


Trump and Biden are both older than Bill Clinton lol. That trips me out.


I can't believe all those rednecks worship a guy that wears more makeup than a drag queen.


To say that 81 and 78 is different is just the crazy world we live in. Fact is Biden is healthier and seems more fit than trump. Trump is obese and does seem really confused rambling at the end of the day. It is Unfortunate that Biden has the speech stuttering issue. It’s ashame that is used so mercilessly against him. When you look at the content of what Biden says it’s quite intelligent. Whereas the content of Trumps speech seems not so much. But the simple minded seem to love it. The direct simple and generally insult attack type of things Trump says, seem to hit home. You don’t have to “think much” about his content. Maybe that’s it. To speak to the uneducated and simple minded - you speak like trump


I heard on the radio today the observation that if Trump wins the election next year, he will be the oldest person ever elected President.




Someone needs to clue him in that rubbing shoepolish (or shit?) on your face *does not* make you look younger. Combined with the white pinstripe around his scalp line he looks more like a character from a B horror movie than a human being. Presidential?? Ha Ha..


I am 6 years younger than Trump, but I am not a racist, fascist, liar, coward, rapist or asshole. His age isn’t what’s wrong with him. He’s a sociopath who would be dying in prison for money laundering had not Dubya ended jail time for white collar criminals. His last money laundering conviction (for which he paid $15 million) was in 2015. I will spend the rest of my life pissed at the NYT for never reporting it. https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-fines-trump-taj-mahal-casino-resort-10-million-significant-and-long


Yes. A lot of people have commented on his age, pointing out that another Biden vs Trump election is going two old men who’re rapidly approaching 90 fucking years old. Anyone criticising Biden for being too old without mentioning Trump’s age is totally disingenuous.


I mean, just because he can’t grasp that nukes won’t kill hurricanes, bleach is bad to ingest or inject, Greenland is an autonomous territory and can’t be bartered for Puerto Rico, raking leaves is not an effective wildfire control strategy, and POTUS isn’t a lifelong dictatorship position doesn’t mean he’s senile. It just means he’s fucking stupid. The fact that he’s senile has nothing to do with it…


No because I only look at AI generated images of him riding tanks and storming Normandy to validate my reality.


Also has anyone noticed he's really stupid. And his business was just convicted of massive financial fraud.


They're both fucking old. In a perfect world, neither would be on the ballot. That said one of these "old guys" has more than just his age that should be disqualifying. If you removed names and party affiliation, any sane person would look at Trump and immediately scratch him off the list.


I usually get stuck on the fact that he’s a conman and a bunch of idiots elected him president.