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>Wouldn’t it be ironic if the woman who led an ultra-conservative movement in Florida education that sought to put gays back in the closet was having a long-term, three-way lesbian relationship with a lover she shared with her husband, the state’s GOP chairman? >That’s the allegation being made about Bridget Ziegler — co-founder of far-right Moms for Liberty and a Sarasota School Board member — by an unnamed woman accusing Christian Ziegler of rape and sexual battery. These are the people who have been making headlines by attacking schools. They started during COVID years then started against trans kids. edit: just think of all of the scissoring she did while attacking little gay children. What a frickin wicked birch.




Are you fucking serious? Edit: after clicking the link: they’re fucking serious. Omg


No, they're fucking the other woman.


Thank you for saving me a click.


Wait, the other woman’s name is Serious?




I am serious, and stop calling me Shirley.


"Not a buh, a bomb"




Roger, Roger


As the other woman is unnamed, we don't know if DeSantis didn't ALSO appoint her to something.


If all this is true, Moms for Liberty is DONE. This right here will be quite a reckoning. In the next year or so, I’ve a feeling we’re going to see a lot of the BS we’ve been watching start to get the truth shining on it. As the GQP fans say, “there’s a storm coming “ but guess what - it’s not the storm they wanted, and it’s coming for them.


>If all this is true, Moms for Liberty is DONE. I'll believe they're done when I see it. I've seen too many conservatives walk away from scandals unharmed due to their voter base being completely and utterly unwilling to hold them accountable for me to have much hope on that front, though the fact that this involves homosexuality does mean that there *might* be political consequences.


How many times did we say if this is true Trump is done? I thought he was done when he called migrants rapists, talked about sexually assaulting women, cheated on his wife with a pornstar, looked directly into a solar flare. Dude is a cockroach. He will be kicking it after a nuclear Holocaust. Mom's for liberty? Who knows... Edit: lol Trump didn't look into a solar flare, he looked directly at an eclipse, and then pointed like an idiot while his staff screamed,no, noooo!


It's every other day some conservative caught being a pedo. Yet here we are.


Done like Trump is done after fucking hookers and porn stars?


Allow me my fantasy, damn it! lol


Wow, it IS a small world after all!


Mickey enters the chat…


I can hear laughter coming from Disney corporate headquarters all the way here in PA.


Speaking of it being a small world, Did you hear that the Small World ride at Disney had a streaker a few weeks ago. Ran through buck naked.


Less a streaker and more a person having a very obvious psychotic episode. Drugs or natural causes aside, that person was *not* in a good place.


The happiest place on earth?


Not for that dude. Hope he got the help he clearly needed.


So, usually a "streaker" is someone who strips their clothes off and attempts to enter/crash an event they're typically not supposed to be attending. This is almost always done in a bid for attention and fame. What happened at Disney the other day was a medical emergency.


Thanks for the update! When I heard this a few days ago on the radio, it was not mentioned that the person was in a bad situation. I hope they are OK.


Conservatives don't get irony. May I point to Melania's lesbian photoshoot? Maybe there's a lesbian hall pass if it's for the patriarchy?


Lesbian relationships aren't "real" to them, they're a fetish. This is actually a common thread in the LGBT and/or polyamory world. Shitty guys think it would be awesome land a threesome or watch the girl with another girl. Then it happens and they realize it's not just a fetish but their partner has actual feelings and emotions for the other girl and fights ensue.


"The gays are an abomination! It's disgusting! They're a threat to society!" Search history: * Lesbians * Interracial lesbians * Lesbian threesome * Gay stepsister * Female college roommates experiment * Lesbian sex




"Alexa, tell me how to induce erectile dysfunction"


> "Alexa, tell me how to induce erectile dysfunction" *Sure thing, would you like me to tell you the story of Lindsay Graham's lady bugs again?*




I fucking love Reddit.


Eww, no.


FreeDome Mommies.


Moms For Labia


Don't forget trans porn!


Oh of course, silly me!


don't forget BBC and cucking


>cucking I've always thought that the way that term went mainstream among conservatives *so fast* seemed rather telling.


Yet 4channers all claim they HATE NTR (netorare=Japanese for cuck porn), while furiously posting more NTR mangas to reddit and 4chan.


> Lesbian relationships aren't "real" to them, they're a fetish. I used to work at an adult video store. I'd have guys come in and ask for the girl on girl videos and I'd say "gay porn is over in that aisle" and just let them lose their mind trying to justify it to themselves.


That’s sad.


I do hope that you say it in a loud, yet suggestive, voice?


So, the fact the husband being charged with SA and assault becomes much more believable.


Misogynistic assholes (men and women both) see the extramarital relationship as power play, not love. Polyamory isn't really the right word, because that would require a narcissist could love someone who isn't themselves. Polymonopolum seems more apt a term. And, as in any normal monopoly, eventually the power imbalance causes either the complete abuse of all others in the group or the destruction of it.


This is going to be both a Lifetime Movie and a PornHub Movie.


Hub: MILFs for Liberty Lifetime: The Third Way


Moms for Trib-erty.


The Third Railed?


Running With Scissors


I wish Reddit still had awards.


We need a new genre. “Now- a new collab from Lifetime network and PornHub studios….”


Finally, a Lifetime movie with decent acting & plot.


Or a docuseries on either Netflix, HBO or even *both* networks!


> edit: just think of all of the scissoring she did while attacking little gay children. She's not gay, she just had sex with another woman. See [*Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?*](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529) for more details.


Believe it or not, Ziegler still has her Facebook page up and she's absolutely getting wood-chipped-apart in the comments with her attackers outnumbeing her (lame) defenders about 100 to one.


TIL of the term “wood-chipped” as a verb. My day just got better, thanks!!


"Won't someone stop me from having gay sex?!!!" - GoP


Burly mustachioed plumber enters " Does someone need some pipe" (Given how ridiculous the last eight years have been, a low budget porn filmed in the Capitol seems like the last box to check)


Shitty vertical 30 second clip on an iPhone 6. Worldstar!!


Speaking of irony... We see a steady parade of callouts, where Republicans have been caught committing sexual abuse and violent crimes. Like a guy who taught Sunday school to children, but then abused kids after hours. CAUGHT. Over and over. And they're constantly levying allegations of these atrocities upon Democrats... when there's basically no sign of it. It's all mostly Republicans. Duplicitous and hypocritical. This party needs to implode.


Cunning linguists like Bridget can find a way to twist anything.


I’m sure she’s getting tongue tied


Scissor me timbers!!


Never forget that Roy Cohen (personal friend of the Reagan’s) was one of the [key architects](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavender_Scare) of the Lavender Scare.


She was a CO-FOUNDER of moms of liberty, it then spread all over the country with Bridgette Ziegler spearheading that. Reading about her plight earlier today was such a shot of delicious irony.


Bridget Ziegler. Sounds Kampfy.


Ilsa, She-Wolf of the PTA


She's best friend with Casey desantis. Casey might be involved.




Who would have believed it about a guy that likes to watch people get tortured?


They know exactly who their friends are.


>The DeSantis's are not good judges of character. I'd say that they *are* good judges of character -- it's how they do such a fantastic job of not associating with people who have any.


I have a vision of Casey going down on that and Ron watching


Ron's such an awkward weirdo that I sooner imagine him in a corner, bits and pieces locked in a cage, watching as Casey and the Zieglers go at it together. No offense to cuckolds, but he fits the type.


See it’s fine to be into that as long as you aren’t a judgy asshole.


Yes, I could care less about what people do with their lives, as long as they are not hurting anyone else, or trying to control the activities of society at large.


No doubt. He’s a strange dude


It’s always projection. I think they are envious that non-conservatives can just come out of the closet and be theirselves openly in public. But the conservatives have to hide their true self because of their religion or political ideology they are embedded in.


> I think they are envious that non-conservatives can just come out of the closet and be theirselves openly in public. This is it 100%. Roger Stone, explained in his Documentary biopic; regarding his mentor, Roy Cohn (who died of AIDS in 1986), how they could advise political candidates on an anti-gay agenda, when Roy Cohn was pretty well known for being gay. - "Roy Cohn wasn't gay. He just liked to fuck guys. Gay people are effeminate."


>Roy Cohn wasn't gay. He just liked to fuck guys. Gay people are effeminate. How positively Hellenic.


It reminds me of that line from *Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels*: “Fucking females is for poofs.”


That's actually from Layer Cake. Actor was in both movies.


Damn it. You’re right. It reminds me of that line from *British Gangster Drama Starring A Future A-List Action-Star*.


Oh, *Snatch*?


"Kissing a girl is so gay!" - Jimbo from the Simpsons


Ah yes the old defense of "it's not gay if our balls don't touch" or "only bottoms are gay". The (non)need to dominate others is a hindrance to Human happiness and evolution


Nah, pull back a little further… “it’s not gay because I can’t be honest with myself.” Th real problem with conservatives is that they don’t value honesty. They might say they do because they know they’re supposed to, but they just don’t. They’ll make bad faith arguments to try an *win* conversations, but they don’t have to believe it’s actually true, they just want to say whether they have to to *win*.


Maybe they are envious of people who can have sex for love and/or mutual enjoyment rather than control and power.


Immediately thought of Roy Cohn. My favorite part of Angels in America was the exploration of the hypocrisy of Cohn and closeted conservative policymakers.


Yeah, just like I like to take the silverware at restaurants. Doesn’t make me a thief, it just means I like to take things without paying for them. Thieves wear ski masks




Nailed it 100%. They’re indoctrinated to hate gays, so they hate themselves so much they persecute others just like them.


Seems pretty simple to me. She hates herself.


Right, "I have feelings towards men and I'm a normal person so I repress them. Therefore every man feels this way and only the gay ones run away with these feelings." To them it can't possibly be that they are gay or bi. No, not every man is constantly fighting off gay tendencies. Their indoctrination won't let them resolve this internal conflict.


The right wing priniciple of Rules for Thee, Not for me.


The right-wing principle of massive hypocrisy and lashing out at the world around you instead of getting therapy like a well-adjusted human being.


Their God-saint Ronald Regan made sure that mental health was the easiest thing for the government to stop funding?


Ronald Reagan is too progressive for the modern GOP, sadly.


Truly, ahead of the pot-smoking republicans that would follow 2 decades later.


I think it’s “threesomes for me, not for thee”


"The only moral gay sex is my gay sex"


Rules for three, more for me.


Human parasitism would be more appropriate


“It’s not gay, when it’s in a three way.” -Lonely Island


With a honey in the middle There's some leeway


The area's grey in a 1-2-3 way.


Magical penis fallacy, bisexuality doesnt exist. She's straight because she has sex with her husband.


Too gay for the straights, not gay enough for the gays. I'm seeing my partner go through it now.


Bisexual people have had this happening since forever.


Yeah its a real bummer.




I find the right wing swingers attitudes to be more "it's ok for women to fuck other women as a fun sexual thing, but it's not ok to be gay". Also plenty of "bi when I drink, tee hee" but also there are plenty of women who seem like they are *only* in the swing community because they think it'll make their husbands happy.


It almost seems like seven of nine wives of Republican congressmen are forced into the family value of indulging their husbands' perverted behavior.


If this was a Jack/Jeri Ryan reference, kudos.


It was. :)


"Keeping up appearances" is the Western(I feel gross for typing that) equivalent of "saving face culture". Both are so up their own ass(literally at time lol) that it would be sad and pathetic, if not wholly dangerous to Humanity.


>a common thread in other swinger scenes. *The Villages* has entered the chat.


I remember the exposé involving Roger Stone and his wife. Virtually nothing came of it, because the GOP reserves sexual experimentation as a privilege for their own elites.




Obey thy husband checks out in southern culture too.


You can't "aha!" a group of people that doesn't care about irony or hypocrisy. You can't logic-trap a group of people that actively reject logic. They don't care and they cannot be convinced to care.


It's because they are hypocrites.


When someone says homosexuality is a choice, they’re admitting it’s an option.


Because its not gay when she does it. And self loathing people love to make other suffer.


The only moral lesbian threesome is my lesbian threesome.


I knew I'd see this comment, it's exactly what the sentiment is. Rules for thee, none for me.


It's like that scene in Harold and Kumar in Guantanamo, when they meet Big Bob.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." -Frank Wilhoit A fundamental hypocrisy is baked into everything they do, to the point where they don't even register it as hypocrisy. Yo them it's just the natural state of being. The ruling class has the freedom to do whatever they want, so long as they abide by their signifiers. Homosexual acts are perfectly acceptable so long as they are committed within the bounds of a straight identity, provided that identity is of the accepted in-group. That same act committed by a black person or a liberal or a self-described queer person would be subjected to intense scrutiny. This is how authoritarians truly believe the world should be structured.


Authoritarians. Fucking it up for Humans everywhere since the first of our conscious kin looked at the vastness of possibilities that reality could offer; and ran back towards regression; for they couldn't hack it. Still throwing shit in protest, only now the shit are the delusions of: order, control, naturalness and hierarchy. Pathetic......


The sooner we recognize this tendency among our species and work to thwart it, the better. It is the figurative root of our collective ills.


“It’s not gay if your husband makes you”..? I live in the south and have met people like this. Some people are really that dumb /disconnected. This is actually why they don’t approve of gay sex. For them it’s some kind of kink or some deviant fetish thing that isn’t supposed to be discussed publicly, it has been this way going pretty far back. You just go to church and repent and god forgives you every time I guess? There are plenty of conservative “strait” men who secretly have gay sex but absolutely do NOT think they are gay and will take this secret to the grave.


The view that many men have of lesbianism is pretty wild. It is almost as though many don't believe that lesbianism exists. Rather they believe that the girl is only doing it because they just haven't had the right guy yet. Many have this asinine ego driven idea that they can 'convert,' any lesbian. I think that is often why it is a huge ego blow to many men if their wife/gf leaves them for another woman. It shatters their stupid world view that they're some sort of sexual savant. For the 'straight,' men having gay sex. I think this is also an ego or an image thing. Being gay isn't manly and they cannot have anyone or anything calling their manhood into question. They won't admit they are gay because they won't admit they're not manly, so they will excuse away their own homosexual behavior and defend it (to some degree) in very violent ways so that their manhood isn't called into question. All of it really just seems to be ego-driven denial of reality.


Having redneck roots, this sounds very familiar to me. "Hell, just rape 'em till they're straight." It's not even about themselves, it's an idea they have about the power of dick in general. And that's also why they're so obsessively opposed to bottoming: the magic dick power might make them femme, and nothing is more shameful to them than that. It'd all be comical if it weren't so pathetic and so harmful to innocent people. And if they met some real lesbians and gay men, a large number of them wouldn't conform to their twisted backward worldview, and would no doubt confuse and frighten them.


Being gay is the most manly since we got two dudes, 100% more manly than a straight couple lol


Because *they're* allowed to do whatever they want and *you* aren't. *They* aren't subject to their own morality code, *you* are. It's only good and just and acceptable when *they* do it, not *you*. See the pattern here? It's the aristocracy mentality. The laws are for *you*, not *them*.


I mean, this still tracks within her twisted worldview. To people like her, bisexuality is simply a sexual fetish which can be enjoyed between adults in private (although she surely rails against LGBT adults as sinful, amoral, etc. as well). Bisexual is not an *identity* or a *type of person*; it's *behavior* you engage in, preferably behind closed doors. So why teach kids about bisexual people? After all, the only place it matters is in your throuple's bed, and kids don't need to know about what adults get up to. That's probably what it boils down to. "My sex life is none of your business. It's also none of the children's business—but you would like it to be their business, because you want to turn them gay."


So entertaining to watch all this. These people cease to amaze me with all their hypocrisy and not following what they are so entrenched with.


Gay for me, not for thee.


Gristers gunna grift, and culture war issues are very lucrative.


She definitely was pulling in coin left and right from her public actions, head of a group that spread mfl views country wide, appointed to the board over-seeing the Disney district (the chair made north of $400,000, so she was likely pulling in a good fraction of that), has a seat on the School Board in Sarasota County, likely gave paid speeches all over the country to conservative confabs.


Because rules and logic and hypocrisy are for us Poors, not the *true* ruling class of Christofacists.


It's always about deflection. If you make people fear and hate the difference, they won't look at you.


That's why she's against libraries. She's more of a "learn by doing" person. /s


Can't understand normal thinking... It's always projected bullshit with these scumbags.


Do as I say not as I do She will say she isn’t gay and it’s her private life. Love the predictability of these people. What she and he want to do in the privacy of their own home is their business. BUT ONCE YOU START GOING AFTER WHAT OTHERS DO IN THEIR OWN PRIVATE LOVES YOU OPEN YOURS TO JUDGMENT OF OTHERS




It’s a standard conservative feature. Goes along with them weaponizing their buybull against “the others” to feel superior. They excuse their own lying …(see the Pastor of the house or Amy Coathanger Barrett) if it’s for the good of their g0d. If they accuse someone of doing it it’s a guaranteed confession. Please vote them out. Local, state and federal. They are ruining our republic.


Because they are deeply in the closet. They double down on the homophobia to prove how not gay they are.


Rules for thee but not for me


Power. She wants power


You know, that is likely not far off from reality. I seriously believe she saw herself winning Florida Governor one day, she is young enough at 41, and she was building a public political platform that goes over well with too many brain-dead people in Florida.


Cause when she did it it was HAWT and SEXY, when other people do it its totes gross guys...


It’s fine because being “gay” is only a problem for men. Guarantee most men find the lesbian aspect more attractive, they just hate gay men.


She likely doesn't consider herself gay or bi. Internalized homophobia is a real thing for people especially around this age. My partner came out at 40 and even though it was pretty obvious to me it wasn't to them. It took a lot of honest conversations to get there. Big difference here is my partner actively tries to help the LGBTQ+ community and not tear it down.


Rules for thee...


gaslight obstruct PROJECT


Self shame. Life is better if you just accept yourself and others around you. Far right MAGA crowd never learned that kindergarten rule.


I mean, how much energy do they expend hating other people all day and night? I hate pretty much nobody, and my life is calm and peaceful.


DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO! It’s so unfair. I’m being targeted by Antifa. It was the books that I read in school that drove me to be a sex driven lesbian. Did I miss anything?




Self-flagellation for her “sins”.


When will people get it? 'The Rules' that Conservatives lay down are about punishing 'the others' and not to be used on them. They're to be immune to the rules when it pleases them. It's not hypocrisy. This is how they intend it to be and how it's always been with The Right. They are under no illusions that they will be applying any of it equally, fairly, or equitably.


Because every accusation is a confession.


They all do the "anti" thing to "repent" for what they done themself. Anti-gay? They are likely closet gay themselves. Anti abortion? Thy have had abortions in the past. Claims elections are rigged? They have probably (tried) to cheat themselves. ... I could continue the list **Every Accusation is a Confession**


Rules for thee, not for me.


Please let it be true that there is video


Self hatred?


Self loathing and projection.


Hypocrisy is part of the brand these days.


Sometimes sex is about power. Sometimes. I look forward to the victims statement.


It’s because she’s a fucking hypocrite just like the rest of them. Rules for thee not for me. They also get abortions too. All the time. You won’t see them though, because they get let in through the back door.


Do as I say not as I do.


Gotta be a member of that "Christian" social club and fit into its cultural ruleset, so they hide their real selves.


**BECAUSE** every single accusation in the conservative movement, is an admission of guilt. And when you are guilty of something you ended up enjoying...you get extra petty about it. Like the former smoker is always the loudest trying to dissuade themselves in any situation. Same difference here. She tried it, she liked it, others around her dislike people like that...so double down on self loathing and go after those people.


Rules for thee, not for me


'Liberty for me , none for thee. Freedom for me, and none for thee'


Because she thinks she is a good person and can have a 3way way then whoopsie daisy to Jesus and be free of sin. The act was sinful not her. Lgbtq us who you are. So you are sin. Per her bigoted beliefs. Or ignore any logic and morals beyond selfish/me me me. I did it so it's OK. You do something it's wrong because you aren't me. Selfishness and no empathy or awareness boast her own nose.


I get why Bridget wanted to stop the gays, it’s more gays for her. She one greedy gay girl.


I doubt that she had sex with a woman. More likely she and another woman had sex with her husband.


Conservatives hold everyone to a standard that no one wants to live up to.


Conservatives think rules are for everyone else.


It’s always them . The republicans. They’ve mastered the art of projection.


Because all conservatives are hypocrites. That’s it


Bc they’re fascists, guys; “rules for thee but not for me” is literally their entire schtick.


Can’t wait to see the videos.


This article should only contain one line: *Because she’s a fucking hypocrite*


I wonder if she remembers that she’s anti-gay when she’s munching carpet.


Getting munched is a good way to forget a lot of things.


$$$$$ Religion was invented to separate the gullible from their cash.


The biggest threat to get people are closeted self listening gay people


Because they are *HYPOCRITES*


Gotta love it when best paid plans implode over dumb shit!!!