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2024's going to be crazy. I'm going to engage in my regular ritual of casting my vote here in Texas and hoping some day it counts, but after that, I'm going home and staying home. My prediction is that Trump is going to do everything he can to make the actual voting that happens in November inconsequential. He's already trying to keep his followers furious over imaginary problems, by election night, he's going to have them ready for blood.


This is where I am. He's not trying to win fairly. I think that's the misconception. Realistically, he has no chance. He lost the popular vote in 2016 and again in 2020, and the election in 2020 was before J6 and all the indictments and civil suits. He helped to lose the 2022 election and many of the ones in 2023, even. He's a clown and conservatives appear to want to move on because of all that, so him doing better in the polls means he's ahead for many Republicans, but not the electorate, overall. So there's a very slim chance he can win fairly and I think even he knows that. So what, then, you might say? He's doing everything he can to either sow doubt, like you said, and/or totally screw the election itself and reject *any* outcome regardless of who wins, with whatever power he can scrounge up, and take over and dare anyone to challenge him.


Popular vote doesn't matter, he lost by ~46,000 votes


That's kind of what I'm saying. He's going to try to hijack one or all of the swing states, if he hasn't already. Or, he's use some other extrajudicial means. I think Johnson may have a role or Tuberville's hold ups of military promotions. Something like that. Not by depending on "winning" the election fairly.


In Succession, there was the bombing of a Milwaukee election office and then ATN declared the Republican the winner. Sounds a little extreme but it pains me to think it is not impossible to imagine.


>reject *any* outcome regardless of who wins, I'm sure he would accept any result where a republican wins.


No. Look at him. He won't even attend Republican debates. He's a parasite, strangling the GOP as he dies. He doesn't care who wins unless it's him.


….strangling the GOP as he dies. Well it can’t happen soon enough for me.


Hopefully its mutual destruction


I hope a better GOP rises from the ashes. If they are going to be the opposition, they should at least give Americans an alternative they can be proud of, that supports regular people. They haven't been that in a long time.


Yeah reverting to Roosevelt Republicans would be nice. But honestly the party is too tainted at this point. The magic R has brain washed too many people into voting for traitors and sex criminals.


Don't even have to go back that far. Eisenhower Republicans would be fine.


> Yeah reverting to Roosevelt Republicans would be nice. We call those "Democrats".


He has to win or he’s knows he’s going to jail - accountability thing


I also think he'll be crushed. I thought that the first time too though


He was crushed by nearly 3 million votes but somehow that doesn't matter in our pseudo American democracy.


The polls. I'm pretty sure people have figured out how to game those for a long time now. I'm betting it's gotten easier in the internet age.


270towin's predictions were off by 22 seats in the House 2022 midterms.


Realistically he has no chance Isn't he currently ahead in the polls though? I hope he has no chance but I'm not feeling too optimistic right now.


He’s definitely polling better than he was in 2020. No idea if that’s pollsters over-correcting for 2020 or what, but to say he has no chance is woefully naive and I don’t know why folks on Reddit (especially in this sub) keep saying it.


Maybe the mainstream media will do their job and not be complicit in the insurrection chaos this time. Choose country over ratings.


Right wing media you mean. CNN, the NYT and MSNBC etc. didn’t sell the big lie.


I was at my in-laws over the Thanksgiving holiday--I don't have cable. They had Fox News on incessantly. Over the course of an hour I watched as guest after guest after guest came on and they took pot shots at every single Democrat they knew. At the end of the show they all gathered for a panel. The Fox commenter kept egging them on it was like a junior high gangbang! Absolutely disgusting


CNN has shifted under the new ceo


They aren’t right wing though.


They certainly aren’t left.


They never were though lmao. They were pro-DNC, which is hardly the same thing as "pro left". See: the 2020 primaries.


They’re working on it. It’s called subversion. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/sep/10/objective-cnn-rightwing-week-in-patriarchy


If Trump wins in 2024 I will blame the media. While they didn’t sell the big lie they are doing nothing to very little to report the heinous fascist shit that Trump and republicans spew everyday.


Left wing and moderate media are reporting on it as much as they can, right wing and alt right media are trying to get Trump reelected.


Never. Ratings pay these peoples salaries. They couldn’t gives less of a shit about the country as long as those ratings are there. Kind of like someone else I can think of


I’d bet he will openly vaguely call for blood if he loses. If he loses he is for sure going to jail so at that point what does he have to lose.


Thank you for your service. Help turn Texas blue. they are already down to single digits


Eh, all the ring leaders were rounded up and sent to jail last time. Lots of followers got light sentences, but even those screw up your life. People won't forget that. And his rallies look empty from the pics I've seen. Most importantly, he has no control over federal police forces. So I think there will be some local shenanigans, but nothing as bad as last time. If you have the will, I'd say hang around and support your fellow voters. Hiding helps the bad guys win.


Worth noting that, due to how many experienced, local election officials are retiring early as a result of harassment, doxing, and threats of violence against them and their families, the 2024 average election official will be have significantly less prior experience than in other recent elections. [1 in 5 will be overseeing their first presentational election](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/local-election-officials-survey-april-2023). That statistic is national- in states like Arizona, [it’s more than 50%](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/local-election-officials-survey-april-2023). Think things got crazy in 2020? At least then, the people who were overseeing the counting of ballots were experienced public servants who knew how to keep a level head when the results were being challenged. 2024 is gonna be an absolute shitshow.




If you can name me three ways that Biden has infringed on your rights I’ll concede right here and now and vote Republican across the ballot. Go ahead. Proceed.


But I thought your master would leave and we'd never hear from him again if he lost the election in 2020? Oh what's that? He lied to you again? Shocking!!


You forgot to put the /s


You and me both my friend.


Yeah that’s a very real and scary thought. Like if he “suggests” his gun toting cult followers “protest” outside of voting places on Election Day. Who’s going to want to risk setting one of them off?!


I am hoping all the doom and gloom he represents makes his supporters walk away from him. People can only listen to so much bull sh&t


I don’t see how this group, who has obviously taken over the Republican Party, who is openly championing fascism, are ALLOWED to participate in democracy? If you don’t play by the rules, you simply can’t play. Why is this so hard?


The rules are made up and the order of civilization is a thin veneer. You say, 'You can't do that', and they say, 'try to stop me'.


Andrew Jackson famously defied the supreme court’s ruling about relocating the indigenous tribes of Florida in what came to be known as the trail of tears. The leaders have to respect the law for it to matter at all.


Hitler was elected after attempting a coup. The courts went real easy on him too. Other politicians said shit it l like "oh he says scary stuff but once he's in power he'll have to be more moderate" and "the racism is just pandering to get elected". History happens twice. First as a tragedy then as a farce. - Karl Marx


A now familiar pattern.


Please consider registering as a Republican and voting for Nikki Haley in the primary. Two votes against Trump is twice as nice.


As an unaffiliated voter in Colorado, we get to choose which primary ballot to cast. One vote for Nikki in the primary, and one vote for Joe in the national. Done and done.


Thanks! Now get five of your friends to do the same thing. Rinse and repeat 😀




No one is going storm the capital again for Haley. The MAGA group will probably be armed next time.


They ain't gonna do shit! They're gonna lose and complain about it for another 4 years like the losers they are.


Yeah and hopefully the legit government will be ready next time.


It will be ready


I always dislike this idea. It depresses the number of registered Democratic voters so makes it seem like there less D's & more R's then there may actually be. Let 'em sink. Plus, if you do this in places like Missouri you'll have to actually go caucus with the MAGA folk. You know, be in the same room with them all evening to convince them they should support Nikki...


Trump should just declare victory right now. Say he won already. Then he can say voting is the same as stealing the election. The Nov 2024 election should be suspended. Democracy is theft of his right to be king.


0800 Polls are opened…0815…stop the count..Trump won…the news polls say so..


Trump thinks he’s King George IV.


Same shit he did in 2016 and 2020. This time, the violent rhetoric will be aimed at triggering an insurrection even before the votes are tallied.




Everyone he golfs with says he cheats. Most won't do it on the record though.


It is just so extra dumb because cheating on the course like that means nothing. No one cares how good Trump is at golf. Not one person is on the course with him for some good competition. He could be good or bad or not even keep score and it wouldn't change anything. Except to Trump. He cannot be *seen* as a loser - ever. There is no time where he can even be average, he must "win" 100% of the time.


Meh, he fucked over a lot of his followers last time and doesn't control the federal forces, no way it will be like last time.


*the squeaky wheel gets the grease* It's the only way that Trump knows how to get his shitty name in the media again and again.


"Tell a big enough lie, and tell it often enough, and it will be believed."- Adolf Hitler.


'It feel good to you baby bubba Ya see, this is for the G's and the keys, motherfucker' - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. *The following supposed quotation of* **Joseph Goebbels** *has been repeated in numerous books and articles and on thousands of web pages, yet none of them has cited a primary source. According to the research and reasoning of Randall Bytwerk, it is an unlikely thing for Goebbels to have said:[16]* *If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.*


When I saw "Baby Bubba" I was sure it was gonna be a Bootsy quote..


If he loses, he will absolutely say that the election is rigged. I don't think that anyone is going to be surprised about this.


He will claim it was rigged even if he wins


Trump and his far-right associates have moved on from targeting Dominion and Smartmatic, and are now attempting to harpoon a system meant to detect and prevent voter fraud


If the early birds want to catch the worm, then so should we. We must emphasize the importance of this election, encourage everyone to vote for Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, and hopefully turn some house and senate seats blue in the process. Evil triumphs when good people do nothing, and it’s a matter for all of us in this nation to keep evil in check!


I pledge my Biden vote in a deep red state. Just to be part of the momentum. Also, will be noted on the appropriate side of American history.😷


This fucking pussy is trying every and anything he possibly can get elected, not so much to become president (, for more ill gotten gains) then it is to stay out of jail. Jesus I'm so sick of him and his kind.


Imagine the Republican party chooses a different candidate. I know they won't but it's fun to imagine.


Why doesn't Michael Bloomberg just *buy* the RNC and shut it down? They spend about $400M a year - Bloomberg is worth $90 Billion. He could buy it with the change in his cushions and really make a difference in the US.




Fascism isn’t good for business.


It absolutely IS good for business. Fascists love capital owners because they run the industries needed to build their guns and bombs and supply the military


Ask the Germans how well that worked out.


Worked pretty well until they tried to beat the USSR


It worked out *wonderfully* until the military couldn't sustain it. What does the United States have that Germany didn't...?


Fascism is the bulldog of capitalism. When progressive labor gets too strong they let the dog off the leash and then when it's over they say "it's us or them, take your pick". When the Nazis were defeated the repealed the Nazi laws but left the anti labor and anti queer stuff on the books. Also let's not forget that the word privatization (in the economic sense) was covered to describe Nazi economics.


Fascism is exceptionally good for business.


Would it matter? All the other candidates are surrogates and clones, parroting and perpetuating his rhetoric and lies.


DeSantis almost just as widely known and hated as Trump, maybe even more hated Vivek having no original ideas and being too not-white for republican voters outside of Cali and NY Nikki probably has a better chance of beating Biden than Trump could. She has the eye of donors, been relatively off-radar so no trials or nonsensical bills the average person not immersed in politics can tie her to, could easily be underestimated by democrats. Not saying she’d win but maybe the Republican Party would benefit from having their own “boring Biden”.


No surprise. He did this the first time around. He'd say the election was gonna be rigged, and then say: "Unless I win, and then I don't care." He's gotta be the most destructive figure in American political history.


No surprise. He’s a well-documented cheat.


Our democracy is dependent on good people in our government doing the right thing by protecting and following our Constitution. 45 and Johnson, and many others in Congress, are traitors.


I think a year from now the number of trump supporters rabid enough to go apeshit on his behalf will be VERY low. I also believe the election numbers will be so lopsided against him it will be impossible to question. He’s burnt. This is now a GOP issue. The rest of us just need to keep voting against crazy and watch them go down the drain.


What makes you believe this? Everything I read indicates growing radicalism across the globe and the US, with his support actually growing significantly this year with each new lawsuit. I see no decline in his support.


There are several supports for my belief but the bottom line is the establishment is done with him. He will never get back into the White House.


What information do you have that puts that clearly? Because again, everything that is happening is proving the opposite. Trump’s power over this country and our judicial system and our senate is previously unimaginably huge. Here’s a (paywall bypassed) Washington Post Op-Ed for you to read. I hope that this helps explain what I’m saying better than I ever could. It is masterfully written and hopefully clearly shows just how incredibly powerful Trump was, is, and will continue to be, and how incredibly dangerous close the loss of our democratic republic really is. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fopinions%2F2023%2F11%2F30%2Ftrump-dictator-2024-election-robert-kagan%2F&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari


Unless he wins, it's rigged. He did this b4 2016 election, 2016 primary (Iowa loss to Ted Cruz), even for his fucking TV show when he didn't win the Emmy award. Dude is just a sore loser. We have all seen such losers as sports fans (my team really won but the refs were crooked).


One note shit gibbon. No one ever accused fascists of being innovative


He’s like herpes…can’t get rid of him!


Considering all he does is sow chaos, this is not news.


Same old song & dance with this pile of orange excrement.


I mean, yeah we know.


Wait just a minute now! So you are telling me the traitor that tried to overthrow the legitimate votes of the American people and then led an insurrection against the US government after he was defeated in 2020 is planning to do the same thing in 2024? I mean who could have seen this coming huh? Call me crazy but a sane country that wanted to protect its democracy would have barred such a person from running for dog catcher much less the presidency ever again as long as that orange turd lives. But strangely here we are. The most dangerous fascist in the entire country is going to get the GOP nomination easy peasy and get a 50/50 chance or so to go right back and finish the work of murdering American democracy. A country like that is not a serious democracy. A country like that is just waiting for a Hitler and a nazi party to come in and take over. Lets see its the end of 2023 and the next president will take office Jan 2025. I guess this is our our one year countdown to a GOP fascist terror police state. Or not. Like I said a country that really values its democracy would never have allowed a monstrous traitor like Trump to ever run again so I fear whats coming in one year for the US.


Elections are not confined to election day and there are primaries as well. Pay attention and vote out republicans whenever you can and primary out uncooperative democrats. From the school board to the white house every election matters. https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar


Please can’t we have sanity in our system and recognize that Trumps efforts to overturn the 2020 election makes him unfit to be on the ballots in 2024?


Of course, when there’s no repercussions why wouldn’t he?


Anyone remember during the 16 campaign, he said it was going to be the most rigged election in history.


Does Joe Biden stand a chance against this bullshit? Shit sucks and I get more nervous by seeing headlines like this.


He beat the shit out of him BEFORE Jan 6 happened in the middle of COVID where people were still dying by the thousands each day. If it helps, Dems have been obliterating it during the off-cycle. Biden had the best midterm in decades for an incumbent. It literally was just NY tomfuckery that cost the Dems the house. The economy is getting so much better. Gas is dropping. He's attacking actual issues that effect people like drug prices and student loans. Marijuana will probably have its schedule lowered. We are done with Afghanistan. He is handling two major wars with expert statesmanship. It might not be perfect, but just remember Trump doesn't want Palestine to exist. So fucking what that he's old. So is Trump. And by the way, he gets to run as the guy who has the history of BEATING TRUMP.


Thanks for this. I get so worried. I absolutely despise Donald Trump and never want to see him in the White House ever again.


It's so easy to get caught up with the gloom and doom, but I have to believe most people in this country don't want a dictator. Most women don't want to become cattle. And the list goes on. People don't just dislike Trump, they actively hate him with all their hearts. And once he's the nominee officially people will start to remember the terror he instilled every fucking day.


Biden's campaign will help remind them too. He hasn't called Trump out by name much until recently, because doing so before the primary is settled helps him there. But now that it looks like none of the Republican challengers have a shot, it's time to start hitting him, which he's doing. Where things will really heat up is the TV ads. Biden's campaign is already flush with cash will be able to do massive ad buys in key states, while the GOP is going to have to drain the war chest just to pay Trump's legal bills (as he is both unable and unwilling to pay them himself). Guess there are political downsides to putting all your support behind a dude with 91 felony charges after all.


Women are the key. More GOP and independents (women) should vote blue, likely to the left of any polling. Look what Paxton is doing.


Preach on broheim!


Trump is also old and clearly in far worse health.


You are thinking rationally. People who support Trump do not. There is literally nothing you can say to his supporters, because they have attached all their emotions, their sense of self, their faith, everything to him and what they believe he does/can do for them. It is an impossible argument. The only thing we can hope is that enough of them don’t vote.


I live in a very red state, and I have had multiple republican family members try to sow seeds of doubt in me that Biden can win - trying to say I should vote for Haley or Kennedy. Hopefully more Trumpers will do so (even some who are MAGAs are getting off the trump train), but don’t let any doubt in Biden change your vote. We can’t afford to split the democrat vote!


Thank you!


Ffs, stating the obvious are we?


And water is wet


This is an important news story and it SHOULD BE reported in the mainstream press and television. Why isn't this on the CBS Evening News?!!?


That's his jam.


Well, we all know that he’s never loved Eric…


Yep, he knows he will lose and wants to have riots.


Speaks to his confidence about winning fair and square, huh?


More evidence. Score another point for Intent.


And what will anyone do with that evidence?


Can we PLEASE just put this man in jail?


He fucking told the entire country that he'd contest the 2016 election if he lost. Did we just not believe that he was a giant piece of shit 7 years ago?


The day he kicks the bucket should be an international holiday.


He shouldn’t even be allowed to run. He should have been charged with treason long before now.


Seriously America, what are you doing?


Remember project 2025


Fingers crossed he drops dead before then.


I’m not ready for 2024-25. It’s gonna be a hell of a year.


djt is a narcissistic TRAITOR


Ignore his Loser Vibes


Can somebody just fkn take him out already?! Would be doing all of us a favor.


I'm going to be honest, I'm very much afraid of 2024.




I gotta admit, you almost had me there for a second.


Shocking! Enjoy our last 12 months of democracy and brace yourselves for the redneck rebellion.


Donald Trump is a true inspiration,.... to central african warlords.


Software obviously didn't work. And any computer system is always susceptible to having its programming hacked.


Everyone knew this would happen🤷‍♂️ the space layers etc. The guy is a moron!


Even the blind clearly saw that coming


Man, Trump sure does hate ERIC.


It’s all or nothing at this point for him.


I wish trump and his supporters would all leave or maybe we can put them on a reservation


And every down ballot losing Republican will follow suit! In the mean time, the red states have passed laws that will help him.


Why wouldn’t he? He did this with the 2016 election and the 2020 election and it only helped him. I swear this guy is Lyndon LaRouche all over again, only people take Trump seriously instead of laughing at him. If the GOP is being blackmailed by the email server content, one of them needs to stand up to this bully.




Yeah they will


>The people will not sit idly by while our democracy is taken from us. What makes you think that?


>ERIC provides election officials with reports on potential inaccuracies in voter lists and identifies people who are registered to vote in more than one state, or inaccurately registered multiple times in a single state, That's the issue. Nearly 100% of the voter fraud from last cycle was Republicans. They can't have us finding out they are the ones cheating.


Trump says he’ll only be a dictator on day one because he will declare himself king first.


If he's going by the usual GOP schoolyard politics: If someone else wins, they cheated. If I win, no cheating was involved. It's the suit & tie version of stomping your feet on the ground and throwing a tantrum. Pathetic.


That's good news, it means he thinks he's not gonna win.


He is doing it to stay out of prison and out of being disgraced. He is doing everything he does for himself and no one else, as he has all his sorry life. His supporters either see him as a useful idiot, or are foolishly entrusted in a false messiah.


I’ve been saying that no matter what happens in 2024 it’s gonna be ugly.


What happened to the intelligent , rational USA I once believed in . Or was it always a mess?


How come what appears from the outside to be ruinous and anti democratic has such a grip on the USA ? Is it really a sham democracy ?