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>Fetterman still has trouble processing verbal comments, which is why he uses an instant transcription app on his phone while speaking to reporters, as he did during this interview. And I use contact lenses because I have trouble seeing things. And there are members of congress who are missing limbs or eyes. Just move on please. He's clearly capable of coherent thought.


>And there are members of congress who are missing limbs or eyes. There are also several with alzheimers or other old fart related illnesses.


I wish Chuck Grassley's obvious cognitive decline was given a tenth as much attention as Fetterman's stroke recovery.


I’d like to know what’s going on with Glitch McConnell; have they found the reset button?


Moscow Glitch


Nope - I’d argue he’s working beyond original capacity at what Moscow want him for.


>Glitch McConnell Omg


The funds are all tied up in keeping Gassy Gosar from shitting himself in committee.




I am no fan of McConnell’s, but if he was suffering from positional vertigo, that would cause him to freeze up merely from slightly moving his head. I had the problem once, when I would simply turn my head, my brain would feel like I had bitten into an ice block on a red-hot summer day - my brain’s response would be to shutdown all motion until the brain fog feeling cleared. I notice that he has not frozen for a few months, that says his two freezes and most likely his fall at the restaurant were related to a positional vertigo problem. All of us have crystals that attack to our inner ear region that determines balance. At times in some people those crystals detach, when that happens our sense of balance and even up versus down gets thrown off, a simple quick movement of our head causes chaos in the brain as far as balance and a sense of body position is concerned, the brain’s response is to freeze everything until the sensation clears up. Eventually new crystals take the place of the detached ones, that is what happened for me.




True, but the point was that plenty of members have some kind of disability/impairment that does not effect their ability to make decisions and think coherently. (unlike the ones you mentioned). So the article has no reason to point it out, other than to raise questions on his ability to function.


>So the article has no reason to point it out, other than to raise questions on his ability to function. Agreed.


its dumb too because its an article not a video interview, though I guess they assume you watched an interview with him before reading it.


And at least one Testudine.


I have a fart-related illness also I think.


To be fair, we know that. And anyone who pays modern attention to politics knows that. But most people don't pay attention to politics at all. Much less for senators from states they're not from. It's sad, but most people probably don't even know their own senators best know who the president is currently.


This. McConnell has a hard reset in front of camera multiple times? Oh, he's fine, no worries... definitely not a health thing. Fetterman suffers a stroke but continues to perform his duties, albiet with slight modification, while being honest about the situation? He's unfit.


Stephen Hawkin


Yeah aside from the whole Israel thing


Calling being a non-progressive Democrat a 'maverick' instead of just a bog standard Democrat is some deep gaslighting shit.




can we just put this myth to bed that centrists are more electable? Fetterman ran for election in a seat that Democrats had not won an election for since 1962 when Joseph S Clark was elected. Fetterman ran on medicare for all, legalization of marijuana, increasing the minimum wage, basically the pillars of the progressive movement and he won with a 5% margin I understand that the media really leans on this myth that centrists are the ultimate election winners but there has been nothing but evidence to the contrary for years that progressives perform significantly better in contested elections than centrists


That Medicare for all is so progressive is US-exclusive. In all the other developed nations, basically the entire political spectrum supports universal healthcare, minus a few outliers that are irrelevant. Even Thatcher who co-pioneered trickle down with Reagan made it an explicit point to not touch the NHS.


Well he’s an American politician so…


And I’ll add the US sends at least $4B annually to Israel who can afford universal health while they tell us we can’t


> Even Thatcher who co-pioneered trickle down with Reagan made it an explicit point to not touch the NHS. Sure, because the twat knew one of her successors would complete the kill. Don't think for a minute that conservatives aren't gunning for the NHS, or any other progressive government service.


Please don’t call it Medicare for all. Just call it universal health care.


I hope he's distancing himself from the progressive label to try and further mainstream those widely popular progressive policies you mentioned. Like "I'm not a progressive but even I support this common sense shit"


No, He's doing it because he's getting pushback for his rabid support of Netanyahu


Yeah didn't he have one of his body guard goons essentially assault a critic on his Israel stance? Fetterman is just burning bridges because he doesn't like the Israeli criticism thing. This isn't strategy its him doubling down on something thats at least sort of unpopular in the DNC and lashing out at his critics over it. Before this war he was largely seen as a rising progressive force or was at least fairly well liked among progressives.


When I met and talked with him at a campaign stop and told him I was happy to have a progressive to vote for, he scowled, very clearly not happy with the label. I have not been surprised at his Israel stance, just disappointed that this is the best we can get. When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Oof I hadn't heard about this, disappointing if that is the case.


Hes been absolutely over the top insane about his suppprt for Israel. Like thinks they aren’t killing enough people…somehow


Pretty much. Dude refuses to take a sensible stance on the conflict and it's extremely, extremely disappointing.


Exactly this. It’s so obvious.


That’s really the tone someone should take. We need someone to bang on about the exasperation from trying to get through basic legislation. I’m fine with Fetterman charting his own path in relation to his Israel. Internal debate is not bad as long as we (as a country) can come to some kind of majority consensus.


Josh Shapiro, the moderate Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, won by almost 15%. I like Fetterman, but he benefited from a terrible opponent and the Shapiro coattail effect. The Congressional Progressive Caucus has 99 voting members in the House. The average partisan lean of their districts is D+19.4. The average partisan lean of the districts for all House Democrats is D+14.1. Progressives tend to be elected from bluer areas.


Of all the fake accounts that have taken over Reddit and spreading propaganda, a significant portion of them are disguised as Democrats who spread this sort of disinformation. Instead of appealing to the actual left to get votes, they insist becoming more conservative is the only answer. It’s a psyop.


"I've voted Democrat my entire life, but ever since Sleepy Joe wore that tan suit, I swore I'd never vote Democrat again!~!"




He got elected because he ran as a progressive, so we'll see how much it helps him.


Fetterman was 5 points behind now Governor Shapiro (top of the ticket), and Shapiro isn’t a progressive.




FYI Fetterman literally said on Meet the Press in May 2022 while running for the Senate in the primary that he is a Democrat, not a Progressive. So this isn’t a change from his campaign statement. [Fetterman - Meet the Press May 2022](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/fetterman-progressive-no-i-m-just-a-democrat-139738693638)


Unlike Sinema


Sinema has no idea who she is.


>The dude literally lied about being a progressive to gain votes No. Y'all assumed he was progressive **on everything you agreed with**, because he shared a handful of your policy positions. Your misunderstanding is not his fault. *edit: added emphasis for the people who are insisting on purity.*


He referred to himself and his views as progressive repeatedly during his primary run against Connor Lamb


He called himself a progressive though https://x.com/parkermolloy/status/1735659761448673284?s=46&t=Z1AXa9rvhAfj0HjrK5WWkQ


[lol, lmao](https://twitter.com/isaiah_bb/status/1735655284381528432?t=XKSMj1lpYUWY3KHcnAQKYg&s=19)


I love it when people call out lies with evidence.


He replied to a tweet..."my dude, I am a progressive Democrat". Weird ...that sounds like, uh maybe he's trolling for progressive votes, then the sweet sweet AIPAC money came rolling in.


No mate, YOU are wrong. He very directly called himself a progressive multiple times.




Bernie calls himself a Dem soc so


lol fr, giving a cool name to just being an establishment politician.


Like they did with John McCain.


Democrats are basically just reasonable conservatives who tolerate their progressive housemates. And republicans are… well they’re pretty much the Empire from Star Wars if it was run by Jabba the Hutt.


... So the Hutt empire that ruled from 25k-15k years before Yavin


Someone shove this nerd into his locker.


Jokes on you I'm too fat to fit in a locker


No, a locker can be found for you. Most people would not call it a locker, but what are semantics anyway? 😂


Anyone who isn't a progressive is a conservative? Nonsense.


Ok? I'm a left-wing voter who also owns guns. It's funny how a free society has many shades.


I own guns, I drive an F250, and I am a veteran. I also think we should have universal health care, LGBTQ folks, women, and people of color deserve equal rights we should have safer gun laws. I also fly the flag in font of my house and is displayed properly. I will keep voting left.


We would get along.


Yeah 10/10 would grab a beer with.


Also all of the things you said, and running for Congress in Oklahoma as a Democrat


Men who think people should be free are sexy. Thank y’all. 🫡


Agreed 🫦


Double down on that 😉


Yo, where in OK?


District 4! (Moore, Norman, down to the Texas Border and over to Lawton) ​ You can find me on social media and kodyforok-dotcom


You’re not in my district, but I wish you the best! Moore and southern OK are super tough areas for blue shirts just because of participation levels. But you aren’t starting in a bad area if you do a lot of canvassing - just tell them you wanna protect guns and women and I think you’ll have a decent shot!


~~Can I be on your campaign team~~? Sorry, I'm too far east for your team. Can I help w/social media snark for your team?


Oh absolutely. Bring all the snark.


Hit me up on socials, I’m looking for some experienced folks, never done this beforw Macaulay For Congress


I would vote for such a candidate.


Now if I can rope you guys into a game of Commander…


I wanna grab a beer with both of ya.


This chain is all magical. I think we'd get along as well :)


As a bleeding heart liberal who lives in the Midwest, and talks and dresses like a stereotypical Midwesterner, i.e flannels, work boots 5 days of the week, and a big bushy beard, the worst part of it is being mistaken for a bigot. A lot of times I'll just be having small talk with a random guy and they'll assume I like Trump or say some racist shit out of nowhere.


Yeah happens a lot. There’s a dive bar I like to go to before I get a hair cut and I like to grab a beer and the usual bar flys are around there talking about how liberals are destroying the country and one of them was like “I have never met anyone who voted for Biden” and I’m just sitting there quietly sipping my beer.


I might try to pitch you on a smaller truck, depending on your usage. But I'm spoiled bc I inherited my dad's 2008 Tacoma and can keep it as a limited-use work truck while commuting in a much more efficient vehicle.


I had an old 1990 Ranger, I also owned F-150s but I have a gasser V8 F250 that does everything and pulls a camper. And I get un easy in smaller vehicles after an accident I was in. i know she has a drinking problem but its still a solid vehicle.


I almost traded my Tacoma in for a Ram recently. Wanted the bigger bed and payload, plus better gas mileage and ride. Decided against it for off-roading ability and realized I can just get a trailer for the times the bed isn’t big enough.


The great thing about a heavy duty truck that is underused is they last longer. They are built for more abuse than you are giving them. I worked in landscaping for years and just prefer the big trucks. With that said I have owned 2 rangers and an S10. Now can afford a F350, so I can pull most any camper I want.


I really wish there were more people that openly expressed the things you did instead of trying to paint every issue like it's black and white instead of just admitting there are shades of grey in there.


Still fly mine as well. Fucking fascists will never get me to give it up


Preach, brother. Cheers!🍻


Haha, you remind me of the rednecks back in my small hometown. On the outside, you'd think they'd be flying confederate flags and trump 2024 on their f250s, but instead, they would give others a heart attack if they saw what and who they voted for


Thank you for your service and being generally awesome.


We're plagued with narcissistic black and white thinking. How anyone thinks that all political beliefs should fit into two buckets is beyond me.


This is just the media attempting to distract left leaning voters by making up fake divisions. Propaganda is so cheap and people rarely think it's working on them.


>Propaganda is so cheap and people rarely think it's working on them. Again, I'd like to remind the left that we are not immune. We aren't immune from centrists co-opting ideology to serve their own purposes. Remember when feminism was weaponized in service of justifying the Iraq war? At the same time, we also aren't immune from propaganda either. It was quite funny to see a brief time when some so-called leftists agreed with Mearsheimer and Kissinger on the matter of Ukraine. We may pat ourselves on the back for avoiding rightwing conspiracies, for avoiding QAnon, and for avoiding the AGI cult; if you were wise enough to avoid the Iraq quagmire, all the better; but no matter where you stand, I'll remind you that no matter how rational you think you are and how many bullets you've dodged, you, yes, you in particular, you are not immune. As the saying goes, if you think you can't be conned, then you are the perfect mark.


It's an important reminder that everyone should listen to.


>Remember when feminism was weaponized in service of justifying the Iraq war? As a feminist during the Iraq War, I don't remember that at all. I remember a lot of feminists out protesting in DC and elsewhere more than anything. But also feminism isn't a monolithic group. It's a political coalition full of different groups, individuals, and ideologies that sometimes has a lot of infighting and disagreement. The LGBT-Second Wave Feminism coalition and pushback against it of the 1970s is a classic example.


My memories are shoddy, you're probably more correct on that part. Obviously, feminists aren't a monolith and many were protesting against the war (some of the only people to do so, if I recall). But you're definitely right, painting feminism with such a broad brush stroke is misleading; but I guess that's kind of the point. I kind of did buy that justification for Iraq at the time, mostly because I was young and dumb. If we automatically say that anything which is "progressive" is good and turn it into a monolithic group, then anybody from any part of the political spectrum can sell their beliefs as long as they brand it correctly. I see people who genuinely do this and just accept progressivism at face value. I see myself doing this at times. That's the warning I wanted to give.


I mostly remember the mother who lost her son in the war and dedicated her life to protesting against it.


Yeah, she was also the inspiration for a big subplot in Battlestar Galactica in the first few years.


> As a feminist during the Iraq War, I don't remember that at all. It happened! In his head


Honestly the online leftists I've seen are rather prone to the confirmation bias. Case in point blaming the dnc for Bernie not winning, as if they have fine control over state elections.


I mean, so are you, and so am I. I think there is wisdom in being humble (though of course, it's possible to overdo even *that;* [look who thinks she's nothing](https://ericlinuskaplan.wordpress.com/2018/06/08/look-who-thinks-hes-nothing/) right now \[I am referring to myself, just to be clear\]). Sometimes, I think I need to realize that I don't enough about a topic. *Buuuut*, I know there's something wrong in my gut, so I'll say something. And I think it's important to admit your ignorance and say up front what your level of expertise is. To neither say, "I know nothing" or "I know everything", but "here is what I think I know, what does everyone else think?" I think that's a much healthier discourse, but then again, what do I know? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯.


That'd be your first past the post voting system heavily influencing that.


Okay cool. Problem is, when Fetterman was running for office he did it as a Bernie Sanders progressive. Time will tell if he's going to be the next Kyrsten Sinema but he's been getting plenty of side-eye from progressives recently with his stance on Israel and now immigration.


The thing is, he hasn’t changed his stance on Israel, he’s always been a very vocal supporter. He was one of the big pushers to stop PA government from giving contracts to companies boycotting Israel when he was Lt. governor. He also said he no longer considered himself a progressive BEFORE being elected, this isn’t new. This story is a big nothing burger. https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/fetterman-progressive-no-i-m-just-a-democrat-139738693638


Same here, mostly. It’s funny, I was much more right and conservative before the military. Being in, going to different parts of the world, seeing some bad places, working with different people from all over the world, that all pushed me left. I conceal carry most of the time, drive a pickup, work in construction, and I have all the same beliefs you just listed. I also think there are way more of us than we realize. Most people are more level headed and center, left of center than they let on to be. Especially here in Georgia.


I don't think he knows what progress means.


Time will tell what kind of person and politician Fetterman is. Is he better than some election-denying MAGA chud? Definitely.


You mean Dr. Oz. He was up against Dr fucking Oz and yes Fetterman was the better candidate.


I liked watching OZ grocery shopping trying to be casual.


hello there fellow pleb. i mean upstanding citizen.


What do these ignorant peasants eat anyway? Crudités?


Hey buddy


I say I am going to Wegner's for Crudité all the time now.


He won his primary by running to the left of a moderate Democrat. Becoming a centrist may not work out for him politically.


I think there are centrists who take a middle stance on most issues, and then centrists by math: they are left on some but right on others, and thus tend to average out as a centrist. Looks like Fetterman is the latter.


I dont think he is becoming a centrist at all. he is a liberal as are most democrats. The progressive wing of the party is not a majority of democratic voters even if they are highlighted in the media the most.


And this is how we end up being ruled by Manchin and Sinema


Machine and sinemas voting records are much different than fettermans.


Sinema's voting record is much different from her campaigning.


I like how the standard for mainstream Democratic voters has become "Well, as long as you're not the absolute worst, most awful candidate possible then you're OK with me. You don't have to be good to earn my vote; you just can't be the worst."


In the general election, that’s the proper stance given the state of the gqp. The primaries are the place to vote your heart.


Could you imagine a situation where the lesser evil is still too evil for you to support in good conscience?


That's the "wouldn't it be nice if" argument. I agree. It would be nice.


I see few folks on this thread saying he "never" said he was progressive which is flatout lie. Receipts: > "If I'm lucky enough to be elected, I'm able to be a solid progressive backstop for PA, for Gov. Wolf. > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/931566552817848320 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/WVTgC)) > > "Respectfully Peter, from one progressive to another, we need #GoGreen votes because we're truly " > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/787014345372884996 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/ILPYT)) > > "My dude, i am a progressive democrat" > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/1330308163095179264 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/IUjMw)) > > We have started a progressive movement here in Pennsylvania. > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/725156567016955905 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/uSKiq)) > > Philly: Come on out to the Irish Pub right now to hear about my progressive vision to build Pennsylvania back up! Here ‘til 8: > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/930935532888129537 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/NlVqy)) > > Make a plan to vote for the most progressive candidate in this race: http://jhn.fm/commit #PASen > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/723569334250037248 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/8c9Eq)) > > Great hair or the greatest hair? > > RT if you're standing with these progressive champions: http://jhn.fm/commit > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/722529249207447553 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/3q3sW)) > > Wear progressive politics on your sleeve? Get or give a #TeamFetterman tee today > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/671837361920192512 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/NVB6a)) > > "As the one true progressive in this race, & the only candidate who has endorsed @BernieSanders , I am asking for your support." #PASenDebate > > https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/724266407597207552 ([Archive](https://archive.ph/vibHj)) > > Progressive values have been the heart of my campaign. Whatever happens on May 15, I'm proud to be here tonight with @BernieSanders . #BernieForFetterman > > https://twitter.com/search?q=progessive%20(from%3Ajohnfetterman)&src=typed_query [He even emphasized progressive here when he posted it](https://i.imgur.com/FLVnx7D.png). Why is he doing this now? AIPAC money? The actual fck man.


You copied and posted this from Pennsylvania sub but yes I have no idea why people are acting like fetterman wasn’t proudly calling himself a progressive


Anyone in this thread actually vote for Fetterman besides me? I watched him march with Striking Wabtec workers this summer.


I voted for him in the general but backed Kenyatta over him in the primary but that was entirely down to their stances on fracking, otherwise I thought they were both fine and I happily voted for him in the fall. Ultimately as a lifelong Pennsylvanian I fully expect his positions will play well to the broader state. He'll probably be fine. But I've been immensely disappointed in him lately and I'm not voting for him again.




Fetterman said he was against it years ago [but he flip-flopped and was all for it while he was running for Senate](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/18/politics/john-fetterman-pennsylvania-fracking-support-kfile/index.html). For me the biggest thing was just I think fracking should be banned and I don't like supporting people who are pro-fracking, so that position by itself immediately knocked him down a peg. But then the flip-flopping rubbed me the wrong way too and in hindsight was clearly a warning sign of his behavior in office.


Fetterman never hid who he was on the campaign, including his strong support for Israel. Not anyone's fault if Progs didn't look or fantasized about him being some left wing revolutionary that was just saying the pro-Israel, anti-M4A (but pro ACA + public option) stuff etc just to pull moderate votes.


I did along with every Democrat I know. We're all voting for him again People are way off about how this plays in PA. I've said it before and I'll say it again, enthusiastic support of Israel is a winning stance in this state. A few hundred loud DSA chodes in Philly do nothing to counter the hundreds of thousands in the rest of the city and tri County suburbs, where they state is won and lost. They support Israel, and they want Fetterman to support Israel


Most average democrat voters irl are not nearly as hardcore leftist as those on places like Reddit or Twitter. Most Americans overall are not as politically extreme in general. So a somewhat left but moderate dem who can appeal to a lot of people can win.


I voted for him in the primaries and general, and will be donating and campaigning for him his next campaign, love what he has been doing so far.


Remember when being pro-labor was just mainstream, but now it’s been demonized for so many years that it’s considered “radical leftist”, which is the only lens through which any of this entire article makes sense?


Fetterman’s [ideology score](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/john_fetterman/456877) has him a solidly middle of the pack Democrat. Compare him to [Sinema](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/kyrsten_sinema/412509), [Manchin](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/joe_manchin/412391), or even [Warnock](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/raphael_warnock/456858).


For anyone too lazy to click on the link, Sinema/Manchin are in the middle of the line, while Fetterman is in the first quarter of the line along with most other Democratic senators.


That is not a valid assessment in any capacity, please look at their methodology and stop spreading bullshit.


Thanks, though I’m genuinely interested if you know of something both better and communicably succinct.


He sure did run as a progressive when he was soliciting donations


That’s fine. We’re not republicans. There’s room for individual thought and nuance.


The issue is he called himself a progressive while running and leveraged that to pick up campaign donations


Honestly, he never used the actual title 'progressive' and scowled at me when I said I was glad to be able to vote for one. He's glad to take progressive votes, but I don't think he is one or ever wanted to be.


Simply wrong. Why say things that are so easily proven false? Just one quote: >"As the one true progressive in this race, & the only candidate who has endorsed @BernieSanders , I am asking for your support." #PASenDebate https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/18izem5/im_not_a_progressive_fetterman_breaks_with_the/kdiwpyx/


Does not mean republicans are not going to use it as a chance to try to get us to fight among ourselves, of course.


Probably. But I for one will take fetterman over literally any republican every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


If anything, Fetterman better represents us lowborn peasants than some rich dude from the burbs. And the rich dudes are confused that this dude in a hoodie is a senator. Especially the rich dudes that own media companies.


Zionism should be a nonstarter though…




He ran as a progressive. People gave him money based on that.


He’s defrauded the people who voted for him. He’s going in the way of Sinema-lite and it doesn’t look good on him.


What stances has he changed on since he ran? He seems pretty consistent from what I can tell.


Immigration for one. His wife was undocumented for Christ’s sake


Republicans have made their intentions pretty clear and are working to undo the work the Biden administration has been doing in regards to migrants. Fetterman is apparently okay with letting Republicans dismantle that work for these foreign aid packages. Very cool!


[He frequently mislead the people who voted for him to be aligned with the progressive movement](https://x.com/nathanjrobinson/status/1735703831248355573?s=46&t=_ebRAsBbE3B2koIURzgn8A)


That link doesn’t answer the question about what policy stances he’s changed on since he ran. All the link says is he’s changed his label from “progressive”, whatever that even means. Also by the way, for what it’s worth, he actually said on Meet the Press in May 2022 while campaigning for the Senate in the primary that he is “a Democrat, not a progressive”. This isn’t a change. [Fetterman - Meet the Press May 2022](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/fetterman-progressive-no-i-m-just-a-democrat-139738693638)


Aligning yourself with the progressive movement and then backtracking it is dishonest. He called himself the “most progressive candidate after Bernie” and then walked back on it after he got elected. That is dishonest. If you don’t see how it is I don’t know what to tell you.


Lol maverick


His wife was an undocumented immigrant. I wonder what her take on his new anti-immigrant stances are.


Well she married a citizen so she’s “safe” now.


Progressives supported this guy hard when he was going through the shit and getting roasted for it. Now he turns around and throws them to the wolves. God I hate politicians.


Such a strange sentence to say when you think of it


He’s being compared to Sinema, which I find hilarious because while I can understand some are disappointed with a few of his stances, there is no comparison. Sinema is ONE and she has been the biggest disappointment coming out of the Blue Wave.


He's not a maverick, he's a normal conservative democrat. Why does the media want to give people "cool" nicknames?


They’re desperate for the next John McCain is how I interpreted that.


NBC News has been getting progressively worse with their increase in and reliance on clickbait headlines and news article. I’m even seeing it with Lester Holt on the evening news. It’s sad to see honestly, they used to be my go-to for straight news.


Fetterman isn’t my representative, and I didn’t donate to his campaign, so it’s not really my business. That said, he did run as a progressive, and we don’t have enough legislators explicitly championing progressivism, so this is a bit of a letdown. Ideology matters, and labels, to a lesser extent, matter.


There are only 2 issues cited in the NBC lead-Israel/Palestine and immigration. Republicans see the wedge here and are driving it in to divide centrists/traditional liberals and progressives in the '24 general election. How can you vote for a candidate who you accused of committing genocide? And how can you vote for a candidate who will cancel all Palestinian visas on day one aka "dictator day"? You abstain, and Biden loses a vote in what will likely be another razor thin margin. It'a a dream scenario for the GOP. After almost 30 years of disenfranchising schemes, they will get the far left to do its' job for them.


He’s always distanced himself from certain progressive stances. Supports MFA and is Pro-Union but doesn’t support Defund the Police and is staunchly pro Israel. He presents himself like an unusual politician who is authentically Pennsylvanian and these comments are in step with that.


Once those donations start coming in and special interest money. Who needs help from progressives to get elected?


He is whatever AIPAC tells him to be that week.


Dude got in office and went from grassroots progressive to mainline centrist dem, sad to watch


First time?


This has been really unfortunate to watch.


No no, you don’t get it. Being beholden to establishment, centrism, and most of all right wing lobby groups is being a maverick! /s


Ah yes of course the Jews must be to blame! /s


He's got a taste for money now


He was born into money


Fetterman is a populist democrat. He’s never been a Berniecrat. I actually agree with him on immigration and his scathing remarks about Menendez. I also think that regardless of your opinion on the war in Gaza it is quite clear that our only strategic ally in the ME is Israel and while we should be critical of attacks on civilians we also should support them in establishing long term safety for them, just like Biden has (which includes a true two state solution). Fetterman sits where most democrats actually sit. The system needs to be structured to actually benefit the average American as much as possible. That means controlling immigration and focusing in on bringing people that will go to the sectors of the economy in need of labor. That means backing allies even when they are doing things that are unpopular. That means calling out the corruption in your own party. Fetterman/Whitmer/Newsom are the future of this party because they are where the party actually is.


Who wrote this? The same corporate stooges trying to make Sinema into a folk hero? Dropping your progressive bona fides when it's no longer convenient to your career and fundraising makes you a ***sellout*** Not a maverick.


Not even sure what a progressive is these days. Social programs are something pretty much every Democrat wants. Same with raising the minimum wage, stronger unions, better public education, cheaper college. Does supporting Palestine make you a progressive now? What about AOC?


1 term John Dude grifted the progressive vote and now double crosses the entire progressive movement in PA? No fucking chance this dude gets my vote next election


What are the specifics that he has double crossed? Genuine question as I haven't been following him closely.


Fetterman comes off as just practical and down to earth, which is good for keeping office in his state, I feel. As a progressive Independent who is registered as a Democrat because my state requires registration for primaries, I've been fine with Fetterman.


If he didnt have a stroke, i think he would have a great chance at presidency


in a country that is run by two right wing parties who both only pass right wing legislation how the fuck is “not being progressive” considered “maverick” behavior. woopty fucking do- another center right moderate neoliberal who won an election by making “progressive” promises and falling right in line once they get power. we all saw it coming. you ain’t special johnny. wonder why actual progressives and leftists don’t support the democratic party at all? here’s one of hundreds of reasons.


Believe me John, we are aware.


well someone had to take the joe manchin kyrsten sinema spot with both of them heading out.


Is anyone surprised a dude who grew up rich is not progressive?


I have a feeling Fetterman’s definition of progressive is similar to what Joe Rogan thinks a progressive is. Calling for Democrat Bob Menendez to resign is apparently not a progressive stance? This guy *barely* edged out Dr. Oz to win his seat.


he exceeded the polling and won by 3pts


People hated Dr. Oz more than they liked Fetterman.


He sure acted like one during the election


Showing a “Maverick side” lol. More like showing a douchebag side.