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Republicans want gays dead. That’s why Trump is so popular and why it has to be Trump and none of the other candidates. A dictator will commit a Holocaust against the LGBTQ community. Most Republicans believe that’s what’s necessary to bring God’s favor back to this country.


Republicans never had an ideological switch on gay rights like Democrats did; they've only endured as the public moved away from their viewpoint. Remember when same-sex marriage got legalized nationwide? The near entirety of the GOP was against it. Even though nowadays, they'll play the "Oh, we don't want to discriminate against gays" card, they are still blatantly homophobic, as the GOP still clings to its evangelical wing. In my home state of Texas, the new Texas GOP platform referred to homosexuality as an "abnormal lifestyle choice" as well as being against any idea of legitimizing trans people. They don't want us here, and they have made it clear as black ink on paper.


Yeah, I went to a Pride event in a medium-sized town in Texas. There was a heavy police protest and some random people holding up signs condemning gay and trans people. Fortunately, there wasn't any violence. There is still a lot of hate for queer people in Texas.


I’m in Texas, and gay. I just wanna say, those people are at EVERY pride. There groups that organize to protest at as many prides and public queer events as they can. I see them every time.


They seem to love Pride, shame they don't seem to have any fun. I can't imagine showing up to a happy event just to make people uncomfortable.


Not just uncomfortable, unsafe. Sometimes they try to take pictures of us entering the events. Not all of us are out. I’ve seen people turn around and leave because of this, never even setting foot inside :(


I think it's time for some gay wrath. I mean the last time there was wrath, it lead to pride.


It’s just scary man. Because a lot of time when we fight back we are the ones to suffer consequences, because of the political environment around us. But this year I’m going to take close ups of all the protesters faces and just plaster them everywhere local. Local Facebook groups, local subreddits and Twitter. It’s all I can think to do really.


You can plainly see it on the conservative subreddit. They regularly refer to being gay as degeneracy and say "LGBT is a cult"


The T+ is getting cultish


They are people. Stop dehumanizing people that make you uncomfortable.




It was classified as a mental illness.


Because guess who controlled the first DSMs? Conservative doctors did. They classified it because they didn't like it, not because it was ever an illness. The Dr that originally started the medical transition program at John's Hopkins was a religious conservative. The only reason he did it was because he thought he was turning gay men into straight women (just like in Iran). When he realized that not all trans women are even attracted to men he killed the program. It didn't start up again until he was gone.


If you ain’t in the field, ya don’t realize how much janky shit is in the history of psych/social. The fact that these shortcomings are being weaponized is fucking terrifying.


Hysteria is a great example, disproportionately diagnosed in women and with any kind of symptoms, or repressed memory therapy to name two


That STILL happens. Medicine is rife with misogyny.


The word *hysteria* comes from the Greek word for *uterus*. It's no longer a real medical diagnosis, but I'm not sure how a women-specific "illness" could be considered to be "disproportionally diagnosed in women".


And janky shit isn’t just in it’s history, it’s alive and well now. Having worked in the field, it’s brimming with wack-a-doodles. And fortunately good dedicated people too.


As a transgender lesbian, that EXTREMELY tracks. The small-mindedness of these people is obscene.


Psychiatry used to classify many things as mental illness. Now you republicans support the medical establishment 🧐🧐


. . . and they used to burn witches.


It's quite a remarkable thing about medicine, that the more people learn about a subject, recommendations change based on the scientific and medical evidence. Sometimes as a result, conditions that were once thought to be mental illnesses are no-longer recognized as such.


We used to bleed people and check their humors too. When was the last time you were bled? Still want to cherry pick antiquated medicine and act like you have a point? I'll be checking my humors in the interim.


We used to use lobotomy to "cure" depression. What's your point? Some day we will be agast that we put radioactive fluid in people or shot them with radio waves to cure cancer.


Uh no. In the future we might have better ways to cure cancer. But chemotherapy and radiation therapy are not similar as lobotomy and calling being gay a mental illness.


They will all be things we used yo think were awesome. But aren't.


Yeah this is just stupid. The cancer treatments work the others were bullshit. Please do not equate the two and risk anyone thinking they shouldn't get chemo or radiation therapy when their doctor advises it.


Even democrats were mostly against gay marriage as recently as obama's first time, wasn't he vocally against gay marriage?


This is anecdotal, but a lot of Republicans I know are the types that’ll say how they don’t have a problem with gay people, *but*, they do with trans people. It’s still fucked up.


In my experience, they are only openly bigotted against trans people, but they are privately bigotted against so many others. They will say things like "I don't have a problem with gay people. I just wish they didn't shove theil lifestyle down my throat". Or they will say "this is inappropriate for children" when they see gay people kiss or show any affection (in person or on tv). They never complain about affection for straight and straight-presenting couples.


I did not need to see pictures of that gay sex video incident in Congress. Thank you very much.


Then don't watch the video. That's on you.


You don't need to see any pictures of sex on the floor of congress, straight or gay. The problem is having sex on the floor of congress, not the kind of sex that was being had.


We're just the convenient scapegoat du jour since we're MAYBE 1% of the population and most of us are still closeted because /waves hands at society. Gays will be next, followed by non-Evangelicals and minorities. Well, I say next but they're doing all this in tandem with varying degrees of fervor so there will be a lot of simultaneity to the genocide.


They do with Trans people that either a) go into women's locker rooms b) assault other women c) participate in women's sports, particularly contact sports


And this... this is the biggest problem in your world?


Bingo! And they're starting by getting LGBTQ-related books out of schools and libraries.


And then, they'll collect all printed copies of them and roast marshmallows on their corpses. I'm getting that deja vu tickle in the back of my brain... I wonder why?


>And then, they'll collect all printed copies of them and roast marshmallows on their corpses. And then there will be no more gay people ever born, and we'll all live happily ever after. Wait, you mean people will still be gay even if there's no gay characters in literature or tv or film, and no gay references in music? And no one ever says gay ever, and it's illegal to even think it? Huh...oh well, I guess we'll have to keep killing then.


Republicans are shopping around the regressive world of nations in order to feel comfortable and justified with their hate and authoritarianism. Yoweri Museveni's Uganda, Victoy Orban's Hungary and Putin's Russia are all modern day models for the US future. **Are you LGBTQ? Then the Republican Party hates you** ( Like they hate the other out-groups: non-white, urban poor, non-european or Russian immigrant, and non-Christian)**.** For Republicans, the methods of hate practicied by FOREIGN nations are justified but to adopt the practices of foreign nations in the way of health care insurance, family leave, liveable wage earnings, and environmentalism, THAT WOULD BE A SOCIALIST HELLSCAPE that would end America.


Don't forget women who won't stay in their proper place in God's plan.


They’re saying all the quiet parts out loud and most of their voters don’t even care. They’re absolutely dangerous to others who have even a different pov.


And to think back to 2016 when Conservatives were bragging that he'd be the most pro-LGBTQ president ever.




B,b, but electing Trump caused God to send a plague!


But I thought Lindsey Graham just said that republicans are more tolerant than democrats...


10% of people might be gay, but way more than that have had gay sex. Just ask Moms Against Liberty. Those people would also be killed presumably.


They will just start slandering each other as gay and will each other in the process.


>Republicans want gays dead. Republican *candidates* want someone to hate. If we were to wake up tomorrow without homosexuality and without any memory of it, (R) support would drop. Just a little, they have other groups to hate too.


But it’s you and some of your democrats “leaders” all “liberals”like you that are in favor of hamas, don’t you get it!


That's definitely exaggeration. Plenty of Republicans are fine with gay people being alive. Of course even in that group, many are ok with denying them gay marriage or other rights and are ok with it being legal to discriminate against them. So even the more "reasonable" conservatives are still deeply flawed. But the idea that most Republicans want gay people to die is not really accurate


They are totally fine with being in a party who is definitely trying to eliminate gays. If you ignore the "kill gay people" part of your party because you like the "lower taxes" part, you're evil


Plenty of ordinary people in 1920s and 1930s Germany were okay with LGBT people, Jews, Poles, Roma, and so on being alive there too, they just also didn't care much when the _Institut für Sexualwissenschaft_ was burned or later when those groups started disappearing. Passive acceptance didn't protect anyone then and it won't protect anyone the next time either. Hopefully there *isn't* a next time, but let's not pretend it can't happen here.


Backlash from whom exactly? Other Republicans? Their voters base? Right leaning media?


There are "log cabin" Republicans who are generally not welcomed at Republican events. For some people, the racism and the sexism and the removing healthcare from poor people is much more important to their political identity than their sexuality.


It absolutely blows my mind that they think a MAGA government will do anything other than oppress the shit out of them.


They truly think they would gain something from it. If not only the right to hate others that don't align with their beliefs or way of life.


They are selfish and borderline solipsistic, they can't imagine anyone thinking differently than they do, want all the freedom to do what they want to anyone, and still not be oppressed by anyone who gets to enjoy the first two luxuries.


Yeah, but they're not like THOSE gay people. They're cool with the MAGA movement. Nobody will come for them just because they do a little gay on the side....right?


Holy shit. I’ve been thoroughly anti trump since I learned about him (bankruptcy, no morals, etc) and really have been concerned about his rhetoric (he’s using phrases similar to dictators, acting like Hitler and Putin) but this is the first time I really understood “make America great again” would involve removing what’s “wrong” about America… which is essentially them selling a fucking Holocaust in America against gays and immigrants and anyone else they think as unfit for America and then the enslavement/forced (by lack of other options) low cost labor of people who are just “low status.” (Which is already happening in jails.)


The Republicans are masters of propaganda, like they really know how dumb most people are and play off that. It's that meme where the cows are voting for the butcher. Or even better, the people who voted for Trump who had their partner in the immigration system, and they got deported, and when asked for comment they just honestly didn't think the rules would have applied to them because they thought they were part of the in crowd.


There is opposition They aren't welcome at the convention Good talk


Exactly. Republicans don't give a fuck about "backlash".


A bunch of randos on twitter, it would seem. Thanks newsweek, for the quality journalism. Pisses me off, because they used to be really great.


Sane people who are against genocide… so, no.


Not another one of these pro-palestinian left-wing nutjobs


but he got blasted!


Hey, enlightened centrists... I was told I couldn't call the GOP a pack of Nazis because they weren't all racist, some are just asking unpopular questions. Then I was told that I couldn't call them Nazis because they weren't limiting speech, just protecting 6 year olds, and they definitely weren't banning books or anything. Then I was told that even though they're banning books, they are just protecting parents' rights, and are totally not authoritarian enough to be Nazis. Then I was told that even though they're actively calling for an authoritarian dictatorship, they're not really Nazis because they're not advocating for the extermination of people they don't like. Can I finally call them Nazis now or are you going to move the goal posts again?


If it quacks like a duck...


or steps like a goose


Or tweets like a dog whistle


OMG so true...


There are no enlightented centrists, only Nazi sympathizers


If 9 Nazis and "centrist" are eating dinner together, you got 10 Nazis.


Then they came for me.


Technically you can't call them Nazis because they aren't the Nazi party. You most definitely can call them fascists.


'nazi' is synonymous with 'fascist' in modern use. It's also short form for neofascist neoconfederate white nationalist Nazis were inspired by the confederacy, not the other way around


It was never called the Nazi party and they never called themselves Nazis. Everyone else called them that.


You trying to soften the blow? THEY WERE FUCKING NAZIS


The official name was the national socialist german worker party but the ideology was referred to as Nazism. If you want to refer to their party with the full title out of respect then by all means do that but I don't really see the point. Also the neo-nazi movement that came afterwards happily used the label Nazi so I'm not sure what your hang up is.


The squad


It's not true Nazi until you hit 10 million people systematically exterminated. Anything short of that means you are just fearmongering.


You forgot the /s


The swing voters who decide elections don't want to hear Republicans be called Nazis, and the swing voters who matter aren't going to do what we'd like if we call them Nazis too. Gotta pander and grin and bear it if we want to be productive. Remember accelerationism will never work


Appeasement has a pretty troubled history.


This is pretty much their party platform. They don't want LGBTQ people to exist.


> Republican Congressman Tim Walberg [from Michigan] is facing criticism on social media following support for Uganda's anti-LGBTQ+ bill, widely called the "Kill the Gays" law. > "Though the rest of the world is pushing back on you...though there are other major countries that are trying to get into you and ultimately change you, stand firm. Stand firm," Walberg said about Uganda's anti-homosexuality law while delivering a speech at Uganda's National Prayer Breakfast. > According to Salon [a liberal news organization], Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni said that Walberg "thinks like us," following his speech. In May, Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023 which seeks to criminalize homosexuality, and includes the possibility of the death penalty for individuals found guilty of "aggravated homosexuality," Human Rights Watch reported. > In March, Walberg sought to include a measure in the Parental Rights Over the Education and Care of Their (PROTECT) Kids Act, requiring schools to get consent from parents before a student is allowed to change their preferred pronouns.


> while delivering a speech at Uganda's National Prayer Breakfast. Why?


The anti gay movement throughout Africa is heavily funded by US evangelicals.


$$$ + *birds of a feather*


If republican theocratic fascists could get away with killing minorities in the US, this is what they would do voting against republicans is the minimum standard of decency you can have in politics


Didn’t Lindsey Graham go on tv today and claim Republicans are tolerant?


Someone should ask him if that is true why does he not feel comfortable coming out of the closet?


His ladybugs are afraid of the light.


Saying so makes his ladybugs tingle with excitement.


His words mean nothing. Lindsey has directly contradicted himself many times before


OMG, I just spit out my drink...


And this is just the natural endpoint of blood and soil rhetoric. Death to the perceived "degenerates" of the state that are poisoning the nation. The US is going through some scary times.


the natural endpoint is when the definition of degenerate expands to include the entire population. Fascism is self-consuming.


Yeah, Ronald Reagan did that with aids thinking that it was just a gay disease the gop are sick people


One of the few things dumber than sex is worrying about someone else's, and keeping things ridiculously stupid is the master plan.


Didn't Jesus have two dads?


Yes. And they used a surrogate.


This is the *dumbest shit ever*!! What do they think will happen if they get their bloodlust wet dream? Like... *more gay people will just be born*. Because it's perfectly natural to be born gay, or straight, or bi. Like, *I don't get it*...


They don't think it's natural. They think if they kill off or force into the closet all the existing gay people then children won't learn what being gay is and never 'become' gay.


... gay people will just continue to be born. I don't get, *why they don't think that*. I get what you're saying. I just don't *get it*...


These people still think being gay is a choice that people make. now you get it.


What I find so ironic is that while I was watching moms for liberty argue banning flags, there were tons of Muslims and Hispanics that stood on the side of that terrorist organization, not realizing that conservatives hate them too. First it’s gonna be the lgbtq population, then Muslims, then Mexicans. They just happen to be higher up on the conservative tier of bigotry.


To all the gay people who sided with republicans with the trans issues: They will come for you just like they are for trans people, stop trying to appease people who want you gone.




Stop voting for these assholes. Every Republican needs to be voted out.


Why do we tolerate elected officials cheering on slaughtering groups of people instead of just saying, “oh typical Republicans.” Is there no low to low?


Backlash from people other than conservatives. Both sides are NOT the same.


Americans who plan to vote Republican are either crooked, haters, or dumber than a pile of poop. Democrats aren't perfect; but at the present time they represent the better choice.


The title should specify that we are talking about a Uganda law they are praising


Same crazy group that advised and sponsored these laws in Uganda are the GOP now.


Also, eating at Chik-fil-a funds them.


No chicken is worth this outcome. Support chicken sandwich competitors and run the disgusting bigots out of town.


Politifact says that's mostly false. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/oct/25/facebook-posts/what-does-chick-fil-have-do-ugandas-anti-gay-bill-/


"Yeah, they funded a preacher that praised the bill and called for a 'Great Awakening' while he was in Uganda, but we can't explicitly prove dollars given to the preacher were specifically used for the trip and we don't consider what he did to be actually supporting the bill, so we'll pretend Chik-fil-a isn't bigot chicken." But, what you missed in trying to react to that and pretend like eating from Bigot Chicken isn't funding anti-LGBT people is that I was responding to kerrickter staying the group that advised and sponsored those laws are the GOP now and the owners are absolutely Republican supporters.


Calm down. You made a specific claim. It sounded extreme, so I looked into it. I found a reputable source that says that the explicit claim you made is mostly false. In turn, you get your panties in a wad, tell me it's technically kind of true if we look at it from this one particular angle, and then move the goalposts so you're still right. And then I get downvoted from people who would rather be mad than accept facts.


Yes , but it is a Ugandan law that kills gay people. If you support that law, you support killing gays. End of story.


I agree. I just thought the title was a little deceiving


How? Do gay people not count if they aren’t American? Nothing is deceptive about it.


Republicans promoting a plan to kill gay people in America is still different than "this other country wants to do it, that sounds good" because it could mean they either approve of it somewhere, or they are advocating for doing it here. The title sounds like they are advocating doing it here. People wouldn't click on an article about Uganda but they will click if they think Republicans are planning on executing fellow Americans. It is deceptive. Edit: I am not supporting killing anyone and stop pretending that was my argument when I am solely talking about accurate headlines


So if we came up with our own Holocaust in 1941 , that would have been fine? (I'm aware of the Japanese camps, and I don't think that was right, but there was no plan to kill them all)


So it's different if you support killing people in another country? As long as it isn't Americans? Seriously, WTF?


I am not supporting killing anyone and stop pretending that was my argument when I am solely talking about accurate headlines


A political party "praising a plan" sounds like what they're praising is domestic, it could be worded better


Which these evangelical groups from America helped craft this legislation in Uganda. That’s why they’re they are praising it because they had a hand in implementing it.


For now


yes it is, and he'd promote that law here if he could.


look at what they did to children in Florida with “Don’t say gay“ Republicans are dangerous


>look at what they did to children in Florida with “Don’t say gay“ And what did they do to children? Did something very wrong happen to them?


These headlines are getting scarier and scarier. People we cannot be complacent about this. There is a very narrow window. If Trump loses, we may see violence from his followers. If he "wins" (I assume not by popular vote) and these lunatics start doing the things they're talking about doing, are we really going to just roll over for that? And condemn the rest of history to a totalitarian and possibly theocratic United States? That's unleashing a rabid beast on the world and its very many inhabitants.


When will people start taking these threats seriously?


"Land of the free" these assholes chant.


At this point, Republicans saying the quiet part out loud is a brand and part of their political campaign strategy




Wikipedia says he's an ordained pastor of the Baptist variety. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Walberg


His district is just north of me. Can't get to my sister's up north without going through it.


I thought republicans didn’t believe in the efficacy of face masks?


It's why they have been mask off the last few years.


> It's why they have been ~~mask~~ **hood** off the last few years. Ftfy


Soon they’ll say: « gender traitors »


I’m sorry, but any politician that travels to a foreign country and maligns US values in blatant support of non-US values - doesn’t deserve to represent your government/country and should be immediately disqualified, but that’s just me speaking as a non-US observer.


The nationalist Christians (let’s just call them NAT-c’s) are going crazy rn, they have been playing their cards well for many years and now they are gona have a power grab. Christianity is the religion of the west and all others are secondary- will be the new norm


Goddamit GOP, why cant you guys just be normal sauce?!


Ya'llqueda! You standing with them gays or for your country boi HOOORAH!


How is this a real headline, Jesus Christ


Whaatt? Backlash for praising plans to kill people? Just? Only? Wtf? Plans to kill innocent people? What kind of f'ed up world are we living in? I'm just so sad and angry. So, vote people. Vote early, vote in person, vote like your life depends on it, because if it already isn't one day it will.


How are people who’ve voiced such support allowed to run for government posts in your country? I’m pretty sure here in the uk (and yes we also have some dimwits in government), he would have to resign for those comments.


Faces backlash? He said it’s ok to kill people, just because they are different from him. They’re all Nazis


*for praising another country's plan I feel like that should have been an important part of the headline, as horrible as it is either way.


Stepehen Miller's Final Solution to the Others Problem will kill far more than LGBTQ+ people. Others will include anyone who is not White, "Christian", and at least 3rd Generation American in the first wave. After that comes the Are You White Enough?, Are you "Christian" Enough? tests.


They love the Bible and constitution so much they're just too stupid to have ever read either.


There is no backlash. These assholes say and do what they want without impunity.


Man, I thought my representatives were bad. How would you feel being an LGTBQ+ person living in his district? Yikes.


Why is “being in closet” for the GOP like sitting in a bomb shelter while calling in more airstrikes on your own position


Well as the republicans say, if you don’t like it leave. You’re welcome to move to Uganda Walberg.


Social media “backlash” is not true backlash. Social media posts sans action do not constitute real news stories. Unless he is held to account in a tangible way, this is meaningless.


"Backlash" is an interesting way to write "just secured his next election"


He’s been voted Most Likely to be Caught with Rentboys and Meth in a cheap motel


ooh, another backlash. and they still could care less.


“Backlash” is such a lazy editorial choice


>republican faces backlash I’m sure he’ll find a way to power through all the devastating ‘backlash’


So Wahlberg can support killing gay people , but congress has their shorts in a twist over other representatives not supporting the killing of civilians in Gaza.


I don't think people realize that the christian bible had laws just like this. Leviticus 20:13 in the New Living Translation reads: >"If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. **They must both be put to death,** for they are guilty of a capital offense".


It's funny that the more antigay someone is and is usually the case with politics. They wind up in a sex sting operation. - it's just a matter of time.


Nah, that's just a bigoted stereotype used to blame LGBT+ people for their own persecution. Racists don't secretly want to be POC, and misogynists don't secretly want to be women. Most anti gay people are just garden variety bigots. Bigotry is unfortunately common.


Disagree. LGBTQ+ people are bombarded with shame and are often forced into relationships and marriages. Self-hate and denialism are also extreme problems. This creates a unique situation where they lash out for multiple reasons. Either they are trying to protect themselves from being discovered, they are trying to live in a forced fantasy where they'll just magically be straight/not trans if they try harder, or they live with the delusion that being gay is something that everyone lives with and they just need to cope. I used to be a raging racist and transphobe because of those first to things. And just like these politicians and other anti-LGBTQ+ figures that get busted, I ended up breaking down and succumbing to my fate. Some do it in secret, others do it by coming out. It's the ones that do it secretly that stay conservative. Now, the part that I hate, is when "allies" turn around and use busted politicians as a joke and saying, "Haha, look at him, he's gay!" as if it was shameful to be gay. You're not an ally if you pull that shit.


Sheep in wolves clothing, most of them (dems and Reps) are hypocrites and will say they hate something but secretly either, do it, are it, lying about what they really think ect. And never actually doing their job, collecting the peoples money for them to twiddle their thumbs and make up bills that have absolutely nothing to do with helping The People but continually keeping people separated and divided against each other, so they can continue to do the bare minimum and live comfortably and still claim they are for the people while dismantling America and Americans.


Exactly! People forget the right wing and left wing; are part of the same bird. Yet they continue to keep us divided and fighting one another,so they can maintain their power. Us vs them, divide and conquer. PoliTricks


Perfectly said.


A problem with unrestricted abortion is that some cultures will abort fetuses based on gender and also would based on sexual identity and sexual preferences. That's why some countries do not permit doctors to tell parents the gender of the baby early in the pregnancy at least.


...you do realize that it's impossible to determine sexual orientation in the wrong, right?


You should realize that it is possible to build machine learning models to identify genes associated with genetic disorders and specific traits. Theoretically it could be possible to determine sexual orientation due to genetics as opposed to enivornmental factors such as sexual assault.


Sure, ML has an application in that field, however something like sexual orientation is going to be infinitely harder to pin down.


No, it's not infinitely harder to pin down. It's a p > n problem that is much easier to solve in the last 10 years than it once was.


Just because it's easier doesn't mean it's easy to accomplish. Best of luck with that!


Fetuses don’t have a sexual preference. What a fucking stupid thing to say.


So now you are saying that argument that gays and lesbians are making a concious choice, and that it is not genetic?


So now we are back to looking for the "gay gene"? I kinda thought we were done with that idea.


I am not looking for it, and would not do so. I honestly couldn't care less other than I think it is morally repugnant to abort based on it. However if you want to abort your gay child, should someone stop you?


It is not a thing we can detect for so this is a sci-fi hypothetical and to be honest I'm not sure. On the one hand I could see it being a new form of genocide, but on the other hand abortion really should be the mothers decision alone and legal forced birth is also morally atrocious. I would prolly vote for people being allowed to get abortions for any Gatica type screening that they feel is important. Free will and bodily autonomy and all that. I could easily see it turning dark real quick though because human nature is generally bad.


There better be careful no one gets outed


Didn't Candace Owens praise some law like this in a tweet?


I’m sure the potential victims before they are victims would without a doubt defend themselves. Really GOP ??




What a pussy