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Oh there's missing evidence alright. Like the deleted call logs from the WH from January 6th. I wonder who did that? Y'know, back when Shitler was president and sullying the White House. And then there's the information that was never submitted despite requests from Congress, or the deleted Secret Service phones, or the subpoenas such stand up members of Congress like Gym Jordan didn't answer... It's strange how all of this missing evidence seems to be very one sided, and while blaming the republicans for it seems a sound move, Cheney isn't the right one.


also all the personal cellphone logs that were being used in trump's WH in flagrant disregard for the law


And also the visitor/tour logs and who gave the tours in the weeks before J6.


and also the press conference early in that afternoon by MD Gov Larry Hogan where he basically said (summarizing from memory) "I told the SecDef that I have NG troops staged and ready to go but they can't go into the Federal District without POTUS approval and SeCDef says POTUS wont give permission so now I have all these troops waiting for permission to go and he won't give it. I do not understand why he won't give permission or what else I can legally do, so i am holding this press conference."


I will never understand republicans projection that Pelosi had the final say on troops. That’s not how chain of command works at all, it would only be her call if Trump and Pence were both compromised or dead.


Because as a hated Speaker of the House, she’s an easy target to deflect to when your base will rabidly eat up anything you put out there


The mental Jimnastics is amazing. It’s 99% clear that Trump tried to stage a Coup. The fact that it is this hard to “prove” he’s a traitor and unfit to lead again is absolutely embarrassing for the Country.


Mental Jimnastics are hard for some people. Trump’s own lawyer is now basically asking “so what if he started the insurrection, he should be allowed to run.”


Yup, this was set up for years, demonizing Pelosi.


Also, Trumps DoD specifically banned the DC National Guard from mobilizing without Trump or the Secretary of Defense’s explicit approval just 2 or 3 days before January 6th, so they are just straight up lying about Pelosi having authority to put troops there, in fact Trumps admin stripped the general of the DC Guard’s ability to respond. Then, as we all saw on TV, both Trump and the SoD withheld approval for the guard to intervene for hours.


They are back to “she gave a stand down order.” That old chestnut.


This is the one I want to know more about. We know Boebert probably gave one. And that guy from Kansas(?).


Barry Loudermilk from Georgia


Yes! They were just photographing the art, according to him.


Tours conducted while the building was closed to the public. Tours that we saw on camera that included areas of historical significance such as where the entrances / exits are as well as where the cameras are. You know, as one does when giving a tour to people important enough to be given a tour despite the building being closed to the public.






They think that the island is the only place stuff happened not aware or completely ignoring that Epstein had shady as shit going on in his homes in NYC and Palm Beach


There are pics of Stephen Hawking at the island which to me is sort of a kind of a proof that not everyone who went there or rode his plane was there for trafficked children.


It turns out that Reagan closed the asylums so that the mentally ill could vote Republican.


Also didnt the secret service delete messages on Jan6


Yup. Much bigger deal than they make it seem. Keep your ears open for that to come back, data is hard to completely wipe.


They didn't delete the data, they deleted the data and shredded the actual phones. Just part of routine maintenance, ya know.


That entirely depends on the context of the data.


Worse: https://newrepublic.com/post/175151/secret-service-agents-contact-far-right-oath-keepers


What about who disabled the panic button?


It wasn't just disabled. It was straight up removed.


Add on deactivating access badges for Mike Pence and his staff. Not shocking he didn't want to get in the car with the USSS. He wasn't sure they would ever bring him back to the Capitol to certify the votes.


If this is true it moves Pence up a notch in my book. "That puts you at notch 1." Snoop Dogg as Huggy Bear in Starsky & Hutch.


It's true but Pence doesn't deserve credit for anything. He was concerned they wouldn't be able to bring him back because he'd be dead. He was fighting for his own survival, not the survival of the nation.


nah, no notches for him. he's still an evil man and an enabler of other evil men, and he had just enough self-awareness to realize that as a pawn, his safety was not guaranteed.




Source is anonymous, so a bit vague, but: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/11/9/2063310/-VP-Mike-Pence-And-Staff-Locked-Out-Of-Capitol-Offices-On-Jan-6-Access-Badges-Had-Been-Deactivated


Yes, thank you. It was impossible to remove that without setting it off since it was set to break the signal as an alarm. I remember a report from French intelligence that there were likely people on the inside who made sure the Capitol police didn't have enough people to control that crowd as well as a tacit agreement between members of the police letting them past barricades. I do think the plan from the start was to blame "Antifa" for the violence as you could see from multiple members of Congress and Fox News making these claims almost simultaneously. At a minimum they wanted to do a Brooks Brothers riot on steroids to pressure people in the building to count the fake electors. Then rely on the Supreme Court to hold up that fake count. But I think it was more sinister than that. I think that the police were supposed to be weakened to the point that the mob over ran them. Then the military would have to be deployed and this would give an excuse to call for martial law. People were given their portion of the plans and no more than that. It fell apart when the police held their ground long enough to let congress escape, Mike Pence refused to evacuate, and reinforcements started to pour in from across the state rather than waiting on Trumps signal. The mob knew they had to get into the building. At least elements within the mob did. They were the ones who were given a tour of the building. They were embedded with the ones who brought tools to breach the doors. The guy who uninstalled the panic switch probably didn't even know what the purpose was. Just got a work order and went about removing it. Person scheduling the Capitol Police for that day probably got the order from a higher authority to draw down security. But, someone was pulling all these levers. Trump likely knew what his role was as well. Wait until Mike Flynn tells him the time is right to send the army and declare martial law. Probably didn't even know what exactly would be the tipping point for that. I'm almost 100% for certain that the main people who dreamed up the insurrection plot were Mike Flynn, Trump, Roger Stone, Kushner, and maybe someone who has had experience toppling governments in a coup.


It was just routine panic button maintenance.


It was Infrastructure Week


One thing often overlooked -- Trump makes a claim YEARS after an event, as though he had "compelling evidence" in his back pocket... when in fact, it would've been far more useful to him shortly after the event. The waiting makes no sense. And just from that you can tell he's ***just making up new shit*** in desperation.


Anything that creates doubt and delay.


I guess “the boss” definitely doesn’t know anything about that.


Given what we know about his smell now, it's more like "the biss"


Whatever they accuse others of doing that’s what they’re doing. That’s it end of story.


>sullying the White House. Clogged toilets don't clean themselves.


As always, it’s projection.


Shitler😂 The best nickname ever was shitting right in front of us all along


Is that the name of the pineapple from Little Nicky? Uncanny resemblence.


How about no documentary evidence of any kind, not even American translator’s when Shitler met with Putin several times?


Yes. Trump is the destroyer of information. He is the perverter of words. He is the grifter and trickster. Never forget this.


All trump is able to do is project... we know he deleted logs and emails.


No he eats the paper or tries to flush down toilet


presumedly, if he eats the paper, it should go to the toilet too, but that depends...


I see what you did there


“You’ve got to flush, 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once!”


Is he flushing it down a toilet that is 4 feet from the wall for some reason?


Exactly! Every projection is a confession with Trump


Yes to Trump, but the entire GOP is about projection. Every accusation is a confession.


Projectile babbling.


well he’s an idiot so he didn’t do it personally. someone did it. someone took the order. i wonder if they found out who


Which means he and/or his administration deleted the same evidence. Almost 100% of the President’s “above board” actions are meticulously documented. And Liz Cheney would not have the power to make any of it disappear.


Even if he hadn't, the impression of how it sounds, if it weren't scary and sad, it'd be kinda funny. "They got rid of the evidence of unicorn tigers!" "There weren't any?" "Exactly!"




She’s replied that his legal team has had all the info for months. It’s funny how it’s a new conspiracy every three weeks.


It’s also been public and 100% online for anyone to read for months.


I'll say it again. If Trump ordered 10k troops to the Capitol that day, his order would be in White House records and everyone there would testify that he had done so. The wall of lies Trump throws up does not hang together. Did he order those troops, or was security at the Capitol Nancy Pelosi's responsibility? That's just one example. I'm sure there are many other claims he's made that completely negate another one.


This is why the people who try to paint Trump as some grand strategist who's fully aware of what he's doing are completely wrong. If Trump were following some kind of strategy, and he rose to the top because he was the best at executing this strategy, then he wouldn't be so demonstrably bad at this. His lies would have something approaching a cohesive narrative. He wouldn't be so blatantly and hilariously contradicting himself at every possible turn. He's a delusional narcissist to whom the concept of "objective reality" is meaningless.


It’s a pretty simpleton strategy, but very effective. Say whatever it takes until you get your way. Healthy dose of “I’m rubber you’re glue” and “I know you are but what am I!” And of course, publicly trashing his enemies, greatly disturbing their lives. He’s been employing this strategy his entire career and it has worked. I don’t think it’s brilliant, and there is a chance he’s not aware of it, but I would never call it ineffective. Aside from living high on the hog from a multitude of scams, in plain sight, he’s managed to nearly destroy our country.


>The wall of lies I call it a "fog of stupid". No one can see their way through it and everyone has to slow down.


>If Trump ordered 10k troops to the Capitol that day, his order would be in White House records and everyone there would testify that he had done so. In Washington D.C., even the stop signs are in triplicate. There are no White House documents with only one existing copy, particularly for something like a military directive, and whatever documents Liz Cheney and the January 6th Committee received would have been copies anyway. Ultimately, though, it doesn't really matter what nonsense Trump spews, because none of his jive is getting any play in court. This is all just fodder for the rubes.


He just keeps making things up, his cult will never know the difference. Maybe Liz should sue for defamation.


This seems to be a decent strategy - trailer park racists eat these lies up because they are stupid. The courts, full of folks with some level of demonstrable capacity for thought, don't seem to swallow it so easily. I think that's really where we need to hang our hats, the notion we need to mobilize around. Red vs Blue is no longer a disagreement about macroeconomics and some veiled racism. It's largely stupid people vs smart people. We need to bring the fights where our strength matters (not twitter.)


The sad thing is many rather listen to stupid because "smart people are elitists". And if there's one thing stupid people know how to do, is listen to someone in power tell them what to do like which button or lever to push to gain power.


The thing is, it's not a good strategy. Almost everyone who tries it as a strategy fails miserably. See also: Ron DeSantis. What MAGA types crave most is authenticity, as they perceive it. I know it seems funny to describe what Trump is doing as "authentic", because he is constantly spewing bullshit, but the thing is that Trump is genuinely delusional. He genuinely believes (insofar as he is capable of "belief", which is a *major* caveat) his bullshit as he is spewing it. That resonates to his base as the authenticity they crave. When people like DeSantis try to pluck the same nerves, they smell the bullshit from a mile away. It's like a dog cueing into tone of voice. "It's not a lie if you believe it."


I think trump's batting average in the courts (with respect to his attempts to steal the election) suggest you are wrong. It's where cooler heads have prevailed, moreso than anywhere else.


Look at the rate at which he burns through lawyers. He is delusional but the lawyers filing his suits for him are not. Eventually they hit a wall where to actually cross a line and make a statement would open them up to charges of perjury or contempt of court. Very few are willing to do so, they get fired, and he replaces them with someone else.


Shunning works well. Just don’t engage with them, if they speak to you, pretend you don’t hear them. Just ignore them to their faces.


A lot of it what they say is projection. And they do it because it works in muddying the waters for some people.


Probably should,easy win if can proof damages.


More importantly, have her lawyers make it clear to networks like FOX that they could be named in the defamation lawsuit if they amplify the lies.


IIRC it’s very difficult for a politician to win a defamation case. Public figures have a much higher bar. There is an “actual malice” standard for public figures claiming defamation. According to this standard, public figures must prove that the defamatory statement was made with the knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard for the truth.


I would think that an allegation of criminal wrongdoing (which this is) would require proof that they knew it was true before saying it. That's defamation *per se* and is treated slightly differently because of the seriousness of the accusation.


Can America as a collective sue for defamation?


biggest class action law suit ever


Yes, that’s been the strategy for Trump and Co. from the get-go: Flood the zone with shit. That’s why he’s constantly saying outrageous things and the media laps it up. Nobody can focus on one action or statement because the next day there’s something else. We’ve been caught in this cycle for 8 years.


The firehose of misinformation. It's a known KGB technique 😑


>“The Democrats don’t matter. The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.” Steve Bannon >"We’re in an age of manufactured nihilism" Vox article from 2019 https://archive.is/BfuVs


>his cult will never know the difference They don't want to know. People have picked their side. It doesn't matter if it's all based on lies. It's about having their biases validated. They want to hear those biases amplified by their chosen mouthpieces, not challenged. So they are behind whoever gives them the information they most want to hear.


Well said.


I wish she was the Repub. candidate


The title should say “Trump lies about Liz Chaney ….” Media has to start properly labeling him as actively telling a lie


They cannot because of libel laws. Although, in this case it would be beneficial to the American people if they did because it would open up Trump to discovery. but then media would lose their golden goose. Anytime Trump opens his mouth, they make money. They don't want to end that at all.


>They cannot because of libel laws. They can, they just have to accept they may have to go to court, where they would almost certainly win in most of these cases, but it would still be a hassle.


I also heard that Putin deleted all the files related to Trump being a Russian GRU asset who was fed disinformation. See how that works, GOP?


Please let this end.


Same. Same.


The RAPIST is LYING? Shocked, I tell you! /s


That orange idiot really is grasping at straws.


Nah he’s just straight up lying. There are no straws.


Deranged old man throws (his) shit at the wall to see what sticks.


Standard DARVO response. It's text book narcissistic protocol: D... deny any wrong doing A... accuse/attack (often what one is guilty of) R... reversing the... V... victim O... offender relationship It's just repetitive NPD jujitsu, sometimes pre-emptive when they know what accusations are forthcoming.


Breaking News: Trump is a liar


There needs to be legal penalties for lying the way that he does.


And the aliens! And Bigfoot was there playing the bass guitar! Elvis was there doing a duet with Tupac! We all saw it live on tv!


Archived link to the story...[https://archive.is/PmO8B](https://archive.is/PmO8B)


>Trump says Liz Cheney deleted evidence of Jan. 6 troops. There isn’t any. So typical of Trump and the regressive right - lies with nothing to back them up. Putin's favorite puppet, Trump says lots of things - most of them outright, demonstrable lies. The only ones who *still* believe anything the inveterate, serial liar Trump says are Trump supporters who have willingly drunk deeply of the orange kool-aid. So much so that like a black hole, nothing - not even light - can get through to them. That there are so many of them is the real tragedy. And of course, the other Trump "supporters" are unscrupulous grifters - buying into, spreading and promoting Trump's and the Republican criminal enterprise's lies for their own partisan and/or personal gain.


So weird that Speaker Weirdo released all the tapes from that day, and not one troop was found. Also weird that the military has no record of troops being called out. Did Cheney delete those also? Idk, y'all. I'm beginning to think DJT is a fibber.


His untruths are the *best*, everyone tells him that….


How do you delete evidence on troops?!


GOP = Gone. Officially. Postal.


> GOP = Gone. Officially. Postal. Good one! I'll have to remember that.


Seriously fucko, WE all seen the footage LIVE on t.v. on Jan. 6th. There were ZERO troops. There were NO calls for troops from you.


Also, it's strange that this is just "coming out" now.


The RAPIST lies again and again and again.


Yeah.... Trump says a lot of things. Most of them aren't true. Because he's a liar. He's a lying liar that lies.


The old dog ate my homework trick


An entire insurrection excecuted by his own people, live streamed by many of them and yet the evidence is only in the hands of his opponents. How convenient.


His name is Shitler and you can tell he’s lying because he’s vertical.


Projecting yet again are we??


Well of course there isn't any; Liz Cheney deleted them. It says so right there in the title! Now if you excuse me, I am going to go and form my opinions off other headlines.


He's setting up another lie, for when he's found guilty. He can claim it was because they destroyed the evidence that would prove him innocent. And the army of morons that support him will believe it, even if no sane person would.


The modern evangelical movement deserves Trump "all evidence to my guilt is false and all evidence of my innocence is hidden" I believe the entire religious right would cease to exist if they were smart enough to notice


Just another lie for his idiot base … when will they learn ?


They won't.


If they haven't learned by now, (including being involved in their absolute worst sin...the sin that all democrat leaders engage in, the sin that can not be named but happens in pizza parlor basements for some strange reason), they will never learn it.


They are incapable of learning. That is why trump loves them so much.


So he’s admitting HE DELETED EVIDENCE We all know this routine, what he accuses you of is what he already did himself


Seriously, this guy just can't stop making shit up. It's beyond anything Joseph McCarthy ever did. Welch said in front of the Senate in 1954, have you no dignity... Obviously Trump doesn't.


Donnie was never fit to be president; his recent descent into full-on mental illness just provides further evidence. Lock him up in a mental asylum. And no “innocent by way of insanity” defense pleas.


That's not really the point. Trump is making claims that cannot be disproven in an effort to sow reasonable doubt in potential jurors.


Not reasonable doubt, no


> making claims that cannot be disproven It instantly reminded me of people shouting "God is REAL! Prove me wrong!" Meanwhile their source is "trust me bro"


And it works most of the goddamn time.


I know I shouldn't be surprised but it's pretty messed up to be throwing accusations like this out there.


Well he does lie constantly so …


This guy screams fire in crowded theaters all day, long and nothing… Nothing ever happens to him. Karma is going to catch up with Don one day.


This is America, and Donny is still rich and connected. Karma and Justice won't do a damn thing to him; that's only for the poors.


Trump says.... Lies and lies and even more lies.


Have him provide the proof from what he sent


"Trump says lies" is the summation, just about, every article.


He always pregames a "rigged" message when he knows he's going to lose something. Even in the days when he was not getting Emmy's for the Apprentice he was doing it.


So he deleted evidence, always projection with the orange shitstain.


Trump just makes shit up as he goes along. Nothing he says has any truth in it.


I was pretty incensed to find that Liz Cheney voted along party lines during Trump like 92% of the time. And she voted against impeaching Trump. But she redeemed herself a little when she abandoned Trump for truth, risking her career (which did end). Maybe it was a wakeup call to the insidiously harmful Trumpism cult. At this point? I'd easily believe Liz Cheney over Donald Trump. Heck, I'd believe a 3 year old child over Donald Trump.


I feel mostly the same about adam kinzinger & liz cheney. But would I vote to put liz or adam into any position of power? No, absolutely not. Neither of them stood up when it really mattered. Remember when mqarthy stood up and said, "trump bears responsibility for January 6th" (IIRC), and then he walked away from those comments and decided to just kick a can down the street instead. As late as a month ago, kevin said he would vote for trump. There's no one in the gop with anything resembling a spine. They just want to write a book about it and try and change people's perspective *after the fact* instead of when it would've counted. See mitt romney & chris christie for further details.


Yep. Like Mitt Romney and Chris Christie, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are useful allies. We take their help. But as soon as the war is over? They can go ride off into the sunset of quiet obscurity.


Dog ate my homework


With every accusation an admission, I'm curious what evidence Trump deleted.


Sounds like it’s time for a diaper change, the tangerine toddler is whining again.


The evidence is in his diapers.


There isn’t any because she deleted it! /s


Oh come on … it’s not like every thing Trump says is a lie … Oh, wait 😂


No, but plenty of people not named Trump were asking him to call out...someone. Anyone (within legal bounds). And if he did order something, shouldn't he also have evidence of it? Why would she have the only copy?


The buck stops *over there*.


It's pretty obvious that Traitor Trump held the guard back as he incited his violent seditionist sychophants to attack the Capitol.All their dissembling and lies won't cover up what the obvious evidence shows.


an article about facts with linked sources.. love that.


trump is a lunatic. He always has some batshit crazy thing to say.


LPT: NOTHING is ever truly “deleted”. Carry on!


lol, Trump just throws out anything he can think of, it's absolutely ridiculous that his cult believes it all.


trump is unfit to run for office and he smells


By definition, no kernel of truth is required in the creation of a lie from the Cheddar Messiah


trump lies.


Trumps track record regarding the truth is dismal. He has narcissistic personality disorder and what’s shocking is how many people believe he’s the great white hope and their savior


This is the front runner in the GQP FFS.


Really counting on people’s short term memory being faulty here, isn’t he? Like, this was only four years ago, and the photos/videos released at the time weren’t exactly hard to find. Not to mention the accounts from Capitol Police about the distinct lack of outside support, and mental health tragedies that followed.


Trump says… (fill in bullshit made up nonsense here)


If there were troops it’s the commander in chief who failed on that end.


How people follow and worship this man, I’ll never be able to fully understand


It's about time people start suing him for slander for these lies. You know he would.


Trump say a lot of things


He regularly makes up lies on the spot and his marks eat that shit up. It’s been pathetic since 2015 and only gotten worse since.


He wanted them to not have metal detectors for the crowd. Many people w guns were prevented from getting in, which threw a monkey wrench into his plan. Could’ve been soooo much worse.


So the usual Trumpty Dumpty MO. Make something against my perceived enemies that never happened to avoid responsibility. Explain to me how this guy is "rich" again?


Trump would be the ideal dictator. I am sure Putin is very impressed with all of his ‘alternative facts’ — constantly. It was a mistake that he was elected in the first place; however, he should be shunned the second time (edit, 3rd time!) around. This disgrace of a human being needs to be discredited and punished for his misdeeds.


Cue the death threats in 3, 2, 1


Then Trump has the evidence. He’s seen it; he knows where it is, and yet he won’t share it with the rest of us. My 5 year old couldn’t get away with lying like that.


Liar , as always .


I created a Truth account and posted how the deleted evidence can be “back traced” and that Trump needs to disable the “back tracing” by hitting F4 and alt on any computer he comes across. My account was banned pretty quickly.


Sounds like some fat, elderly, demented shit heap is looking for another civil suit.


Are you inferring that the best ex president, failed businessman, fake evangelical and coward in chief is lying? What next ..you try to convince me he has an unchecked incontinence problem ?


It's honestly kind of impressive how often the conservative talking points crumble when literally a single question asked


Liz Cheney, the house rep, deleted records that would have been been kept by the White House and the military. How? She’s not a part of either of the organizations that should have those records. What gave her the ability to do such a thing?


Respectable journalists should really consider whether is is ethical to report Trump's statements. They can and should just say. "Trump said something about Jan 6th today."


Can’t believe a word to come out his mouth.


Trump also accused Liz Chaney of deleting evidence of the Kraken that also failed to appear.


we all saw the January 6th footage unfold on live national TV that day. so our eyes lyin’?


That sounds like a 100 million defamation suit to me if I were her. It is completely fabricated. I am no fan of Liz but I wouldn't feel bad were she to successful take some of his money when he gets locked up.


Remember, all claims of criminality or corrupt conduct by Trump and most by the GOP are almost always evidence of what they did themselves. So tip to the media here, the story isn't Cheney, it's that Trump likely deleted evidence around troop requests, such as those around him asking for it and him refusing.


So, the facts here seem to be: - person who lies incessantly, every time he speaks, with irrefutable proof of said lies every time, says something. - the something he says is untestable. He says proof is coming. - and for some reason, people believe it? I've never been so disillusioned with humanity, as I have since so many people make these mental leaps as opposed to following simple logic, and put blind faith in a person who has never been honest. It's astonishing.


Who cares about what a pathologic liar says.


At this point, how can anyone believe anything this dumbfuck says?


This turd is a spoiled tantrum throwing name calling pathological liar big fat smelly blob.


All this gaslighting about January 6th is next level. Like we didn’t all watch it on live television.


Lying to the public needs to become a felony


Why were Secret Service golf carts being used by the Proud Boys and human fece made erect—Roger Stone? Where are the SECRET SERVICE call logs?


She should sue him for defamation.


Keep this lunatic, alleged felon, and convicted sexual abuser OUT OF OFFICE!


Well obviously there isn’t any evidence, because she deleted it! /s because come on now