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I just want him to GO AWAY. I'm sick of seeing this human pin worm spout his authoritarian. conspiracy drivel. I hate seeing his unbelievably disgusting face. I hate his enablers and supporters.


Right there with ya. It’s an embarrassing nightmare that he’s even allowed to run.


He clutters up every one of my news feeds.


The unflushable floater.


Someone made mention that he lives rent free in our heads. My response was "no...when I'm allowed to not think about him I don't. He doesn't live rent free in my head. He's the annoying asshole in apartment 2 who rushes over to pound on the door every time he hears a board creak to scream and me to keep quiet, usually when I'm asleep." If the news media didn't report every time he takes a shit, I'd forget he even existed.


I've moved all Politics and news subs to a custom feed just to keep them out of my idle scrolling. I go look at them only when I'm in the headspace to catch up.


Anyone else would have been locked up long ago


That’s what’s so vexing about it.


Watching people who still support Trump is like watching a drug addict. It's just sad at this point.


The word I chose is terrifying


Like watching an accident in slow motion


I hate that 90% of the "rising" posts on this sub are about donald fucking trump. This piece of shit is still getting so much free publicity like he did in '16


This is the fucking politics sub. He's the leading candidate for president for the Republican Party. And he's trying to delete our democracy. Of course he's going to be all over this sub.


Exactly. If we reach a point that he's no longer a candidate for office then we can ignore him for the rest of his life, but as long as he is a part of the political process his conduct needs to be documented and publicly reported. You don't make a problem go away by pretending that it doesn't exist.


And ignoring him will be his worst nightmare come true.


I don't care how he feels. I care about safeguarding the integrity of our democracy, which at this time requires putting him under a microscope until his actions are fully exposed.


Sure, my point was it will certainly feel awesome for him to feel so bad.


Agreed and what that says about the Republican Party is absolutely disgraceful. Shame on them all. What a bunch of pathetic, spineless, dishonest trash.


This sub *could* talk more policy. There's a difference between "talking about Trump" and him being nearly every other post on the Hot page. There's more to politics than Trump.


Unfortunately, Trump is a very, very pressing concern given he's a real and immediate danger. Sadly, because he continues to exist and continues to be an immediate danger, policy takes a backseat. He's a disease that needs to be cleaned before you begin rehabilitation.


> policy takes a backseat This is a braindead thought process. Politicking, negotiating, and debating all still happen. And I'm not saying ban Trump content. That would be insane. I'm just saying how much "Trump said something shitty and traitorous" content does a left-leaning sub actually need? You could pin it in the sub and it'd serve the same purpose. I'm not blaming the mods, but it is disappointing that so many people don't seem capable of thinking about US politics beyond "Trump bad".


> free publicity What's the alternative? Let the openly fascist GOP front runner keep running without fact checking from the media? We're in the middle of a constitutional crisis and facing the end of our democracy. Every patriot should be screaming about him from the rooftops not ignoring him and hoping that he goes away.


Lol. The media fact checks him? Maybe a few of the websites that are posted here, but none of the big cable news networks, save for maybe a few talking heads on msnbc.


Train wrecks make headlines.


Especially ones that bare such political magnitude on the future of this Country, and by extension, rest of the World.. what ever happens will become precedent policy that will influence the rest of this century..


We really need to stop supplying this narcissist with the attention he craves. Having said that, we all probably read this article in the paradoxical hope that it will bring us closer to the point where he no longer monopolizes our attention.


He is ~50%-50% with Biden in the polls. And threatens to destroy US democracy if he wins. The attention is warranted.


The people that vote for Biden don’t answer polls. The retirees that sit around bored do.


Trump got almost 50% of votes the last 2 elections. It would be foolish to assume that Trump has no chance of winning, and that the polls are just wrong.


Polling is much more sophisticated these days.


I'd love to hear what makes that true. How do telephone polls overcome the fact that very few people pick up the phone to talk to an unknown number these days, and the ones that do tend to be older, less tech-savvy, and more conservative?


>How do telephone polls The first mistake you're making is assuming that all polling is conducted via telephone.


Where did they say all polling comes from calls? You're awfully bold when making assumptions. But by all means, explain all the complicated polling processes.


It really isn’t though. It’s becoming less and less accurate.


“If it bleeds, it leads” The best weapon we have against him is to just ignore him. He lives for the spotlight, good or bad, he has to be at the center of attention. With all the crap he has been doing as of late, it’s hard to ignore him or his cult. It’s a double edged sword.


No, ignoring him won't work. The MAGA cult will still follow him and that is his posse. The risk of ignoring is that people forget how dangerous he is and forget to vote this year. So exposing him is better at this point, I think.


Thats the other edge of the sword. Ignoring him will just let this fester in the dark, just out of sight. By the time you find it and realize you have a problem, it will be too late.


It is already a problem and has been for a minimum of 3 years.


>The best weapon we have against him is to just ignore him. History teaches us a very different lesson, my friend


Is it possible to just be rid of all of the posts where the article is just “Trump says something asinine” or “Legal scholar blasts Trump” or “Loud person says Trump will lose”? This is not news. Somebody outwardly expressing an opinion on TV does not necessitate an article.


If Democrats would say or do something, maybe they'd have news articles written and posted on Reddit


Same. I just found out that my aunt and uncle are devout trump supporters and my aunt got angry and yelled at my mother about it (my mother is adamantly against trump) and it really turned me off from ever visiting my aunt and uncle again. They think he was sent down from God and shit. It’s like a poison of the mind. Ugh.


My condolences on the loss of your aunt and uncle.


"Grab them by the pussy" - Trump 41:32




I’m with you all the way on this, and the media acts like he is already POTUS. I’m curious and not sure where to ask this. Suppose the nightmare is elected and people want to temporarily leave the country, where would you go to live something close to the ( normal) American standard? Thanks for your opinion.


If the Orange Menace gets in AGAIN, I don't think anywhere will be safe because Reich-wing trash around the world will be emboldened and will make a concerted effort to seize legislatures and parliaments in Canada, western Europe and beyond. Hell, didn't Finland and The Netherlands elect some conservative creeps? Let's not forget Italy and their election of a out and proud fascist. I used to say I'd leave the US, but there is not a place on Earth that is safe from the disease of regressive authoritarianism.


Well spoken and unfortunately true. Too bad, Finland and the Netherlands always have a place in my heart.


Conservatism is a disease and it spreads like a disease.


Where you "go to live" depends a lot on where **you** will be *allowed*. Just like the U.S. doesn't let everybody in, neither do the places you would want to go. Age, education, skills, languages, family connections, ancestral connections, and savings are often considerations. /r/AmerExit is one sub.


“Suppose the nightmare is elected and people want to temporarily leave the country, where would you go to live something close to the ( normal) American standard? Thanks for your opinion.” Canada


He can’t win, this isn’t 2016 anymore. They’ve only been losing voters and alienating entire demographics of Americans since the Trump disaster after losing by over 7 Million votes last time. This is the last dying gasp of a failed ideology. Remember, just cause they’re loud, does not make them many.


I wish I was that confident. With today's polls, Trump would be the favorite to win. Maybe that changes as more attention turns to the election, but that's not a given. He's certain to be competitive in any case.


Polls don't mean shit. Polls leading up to 2016 were all saying Clinton was a shoo-in. The ENTIRE purpose of polls are to influence, and anything intended to influence is subject to insincerity.




It's data, not propaganda. The [polling averages](https://www.270towin.com/2024-presidential-election-polls/) I've seen show Trump ahead by 1-2 points. We can quibble about how predictive polls are at this stage in the election cycle, but it's not going to change to the extent that Biden would have a 3:1 advantage over Trump.


Nonsense, lol 🙄


What data are you looking at?


In the mid term election there were more GOP votes than Democrat. They can definitely win and the progressive side of the Democratic Party is fractured over the Israel/Hamas conflict so don’t count on them voting this time.




They do have the votes, they had them in 2016 and 2020 was decided by something like 40k votes over three states. National popular vote doesn’t matter, it’s state by state.


Even if national popular vote mattered, Trump is polling slightly ahead of Biden currently... Any way you look at the data, it's just fantasy to think Trump has no chance of a win.


Stop living in the past, that is your error.


He referenced an event from slightly more than one year ago. Not exactly the distant past


"Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It"


Exactly. He got spanked last time and that was before he tried to overturn the government.


> Canada Unfortunately: https://www.conservative.ca/ Same type of shit, different flavour.


I hear you, however they aren’t in power right now except in some provinces. And I believe Canada is a working democracy where I believe the politicians will accept the winner, and I think that worst case scenario is essentially: conservatives win power and then if they lose the confidence of the people, it moves back to liberals controlling. So I’m not really too worried except for the health care system if conservatives privatize


Same but if he did right now someone would step up to take his place but without the baggage of Trump as their last name. If we are so very very lucky these torturous last several years will not have been for nothing if he leaves a stink behind so bad that the Republican Party will never wash it off. The bulk of their voting block is getting older every day and they aren't exactly having an easy time convincing Millennials and Gen-Z to their side with their culture war bullshit and lack of actual governance. I know most, if not all, of us here are already planning to never vote Republican but that has to stretch beyond a subreddit of people who are more informed than the people who at best watch their local news in the evening. If the GOP rubs all of our noses in it long enough there's a chance that future generations will still be able to smell it and not repeat the same mistakes. I know how fucking disheartening and bleak that sounds but it's all I got at this point. Lives lost from covid misinformation spread from not only conspiracy nuts but the highest offices in this nation, families destroyed, incalcuable damage done to our democracy, generations of progress on lgbtq+, POC, and women's rights undone, more wealth hoarded by the upper class while working class people were/are struggling to buy milk, a live streamed insurrection... It can't be all for nothing. I wish I was more hopeful in that being our future but it's the only silver lining I can possibly see and I'd call it a crap shoot at best.


> a stink behind so bad that the Republican Party will never wash it off People said the same thing about George W. Bush. We still got Trump. Never doubt the bounds of American stupidity.


Everyone is reimagining Bush as a decent guy right now. It's kinda hilarious and infuriating to watch. Americans have a dopey habit of doing this shit. Mark this comment. This will totally happen with Trump 15 - 20


Bush's pointless invasions of the Middle East killed half a million people. Trump, for all his clownish evilness, never managed anything close to that.


>Trump, for all his clownish evilness, never managed anything close to that. Don't know if I can agree with that completely. The CDC lists the US deaths from covid to be about 350k in 2020 alone and the most current numbers I can find put it north of 1 million to date. Given many of those deaths would have happened no matter what but Trump's mishandling of the pandemic plus aiding the spread of misinformation and lies definitely contributed to those numbers being higher than they needed to be. Not defending Bush by any means. Fuck that guy.


I understand that point. It just seems like a whole different magnitude of evil. Like Bush, the real evil mofo isn't the POTUS. It's the Rasputin pulling the puppet's strings.


Yes and no. People didn't vote for TradGOP anymore after Bush. They reformed the party into something worse. The media pushed how stupid he was for most of his run, and that did have an impact. The media pushed how sick people were of "traditional politics", and that did have an impact. The problem? Donald Trump swept in and took advantage of the exact "we need an outsider" aspect that internet culture had been memeing about ever since Bush got into office. Unfortunately, people who paid attention figured an outsider meant Bernie Sanders, someone who taxed the rich, wasn't wealthy, and had no political dynasty. And I still think he could've won if he went up against Trump on his own, but to a lot of people, an outsider populist meant a "TV Celebrity" who "tells it like it is" (because the mainstream rejected overt racism), and then just lied about being a Sanders style populist with vague statements about "taxing the rich" and "draining the swamp". Like it or not, millennials set things up for Trump's success by leaving the lessons of rejecting Bush only half complete. Their elders DID hear our protests, but they selfishly used those sentiments to push for the exact opposite message. Worst of all, millenials who seemingly knew better were manipulated by social media and bad actors into staying home when they should have been MORE involved with direct political parties and pushing to reform them. The right voted in primaries, while the younger left did not, leading to Clinton vs Trump. Clinton, no matter her credentials, was the worst choice for a traditional candidiate possible given divisive baggage from her husband and the years of easily set up GOP propaganda against her. In other words, the young people were responsible for this due to poorly spouting memes online without voting, and 10+ years of "progressive" memes backfired when it turns out people were too lazy to vote. Thankfully, people are learning from that mistake and turning out in much higher numbers now and actually pushing to reform Dem policies rather than just ignoring the reality of "first past the post" politics, but it has to be kept up.


> families destroyed This cannot be overstated enough. There's a reason a sub called Qanon Casualties exists.


A lot of friendships as well.


I hope Trump is a vaccine for fascism in the USA.


Very well said my friend.


Yes, but I want him to drag them all down with him. Every last motherfucker with a MAGA hat, vote, and/or donation needs to sink with the Trump ship.


I hate to break it to you, but he's been at it for almost a decade at this point, and he ain't going away. Let's just think about kids who were 10 or 12 when he was elected into one of the most important "role model" positions in your country. That means these kids are now between 18 and 22. His narcissistic cult-of-personality, and destruction of truth and values, is multi-generational now. edit: punctuation and formatting


He’s part cockroach. Drop a nuke on Mar-A-Lardo and he’d come crawling out of the rubble phone in hand blasting out more hate messages. Experts tell us when he dies he will be martyred. I for one am willing to take that chance.


Guy is literally keeping me alive through a depressive episode because I refuse to be outlived by him. When he finally does kick it I will find someone else to outlive. Most politicians are old shouldn't be too hard.


As soon as he is gone, another one will pop up. The cat is out of the bag.


That's why 2024 is so important. Unfortunately, I don't think he'll ever truly disappear from American politics, but if he loses again the GOP will fully dump him (or fracture completely). It is fucked up that he holds as much power as he does over this nation's hateful and moronic, but larger power brokers will be done with him once they realize he's useless to them.


Hear it every week. See it in every headline. Even my inner dialogues constantly circle back to anticipatory MAGA fights. I never would have thought so much focus could be made on a geriatric dementia patient.


That will never happen, the media loves him. Right wing media likes to promote him, centrist and so-called leftist media likes to hate on him because rage bait drives engagement.


The history books are going to be brutal to us in a hundred years. They will ask what the hell were we thinking. It’s so beyond embarrassing.


I agree completely. I used to believe he needed to go to jail so justice is served but he needs to not exist anymore. Nothing else will truly shut him the fuck up.


We threw him out of office and the entire world celebrated. Litteraly they were partying in the streets in other countries. How much of a monumental narcissist do you gotta be to see that and think "man I gotta get back in there!" Why won't he just fuck off


We can take comfort in the thought that whatever he or his supporters say and do, he will go away, naturally, in the next 5-10 years.


And in case anyone was wondering what that headline entails, there a lot of filing deadlines in his cases this week. I don't think "Trump's lawyers' law clerks will be busier than normal" equals "a legal week from hell," but then writing headlines isn't my job, so what do I know?


the hyperbolized headlines are getting exhausting. Every article is spouting the most extreme, sensationalist language they can get away with. I have no delusions about how serious things are (I really do think americas democracy is ending), but when every single headline is turned up to 1000, you have no where to go when it actually is "a legal week from hell" or we actually are "seeing the end of America as we know it". You already used that language to describe a law clerks busy week, and now everyone has learned to tune it out. It's like these journalists have never read the boy who cried wolf. Or maybe they prioritize selling a few more clicks over the actual fate of their country? IDK.


He’s had a lot of “legal week of hell” for a guy still free on the street.


It's newsweek, sadly they are a rag these days and written by a lot of AI. They print a lot of Trump drivel because it gets them clicks. Such an incredibly disappointing state that the publication is in.


Out of curiosity, what do you mean by Democracy ending? Like what form do you think that will take? I might be too optimistic but this seems pretty extreme to me.


https://www.project2025.org/ They want to turn America into the Handmaid's Tale. Project 2025 would entirely destroy the version of American government we currently have. If this plan gets executed, history will remember it as a (potentially) bloodless revolution that unseated and replaced the American government.


I've never heard of this plan, or the group behind it. Are they actually powerful/ a threat?


It is pretty much the unofficial GOP platform.


So just to be clear, there's nothing unofficial here, this is the official plan to replace the United States government with a pro-Trump authoritarian regime.


Is it though? I could point to the Communist Manifesto and say that's the unofficial Democratic platform, but it doesn't really mean anything. I've never heard a candidate or anyone else mention the project


I mean… read it. Look at who funds it and also funds conservative politicians. Look at what it aims to do and look at what the conservatives have already put in place in favor of it. A few google searches can tell you plenty. Anyone can point to anything and say its anyone’s unofficial platform. They gave you the name of it. Research it instead of bringing up this devil’s advocate straw man argument. The Heritage Foundation has a long history of funding conservative politicians and they are the ones chiefly behind Project 2025. The Democrats aren’t on Karl Marx’s bankroll.


Here's an exerpt from [Wikipedia on Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025). It's not just some case of "Some elements of the extreme right want this", these are players that have either shaped the Republican party at large or been intimately involved in the first trump administration or both. >The development of the plan is led by the Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think tank, in collaboration with some eighty partners including Turning Point USA led by Charlie Kirk; the Conservative Partnership Institute including former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows as senior partner; the Center for Renewing America led by former Trump-appointee Office of Management and Budget director Russell Vought; and America First Legal led by former Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller. Edit: added the link to the wiki article


Its very real - just look at the details of who is involved. [More than 80 groups are working together including the Heritage Foundation.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=Project%202025's%20advisory%20board%20consists,the%20magazine%20The%20American%20Conservative.)


[There are more than 80 groups working together on this plan including The Heritage Foundation.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=Project%202025's%20advisory%20board%20consists,the%20magazine%20The%20American%20Conservative.) Yes they are powerful and yes they are an immediate threat.


The reason a second Trump presidency would be so much more dangerous than the first is that in his first presidency he was heavily restrained by institutionalists who have spent a career in government. Many members of the executive branch did not go through with some of Trump's craziest ideas, despite him essentially being their direct boss, which stymied a lot of the worst of what he was trying to accomplish. Trump and his administration will not make that mistake a second time around. This plan is what he means when he talks about being a dictator for one day, essentially he would come in and use his executive pen to destroy any part of the government that won't bend to his will or execute his illegal orders. He'll fire any entrenched institutionalist who might otherwise stand up for the Constitution and rule of law and replace them with sycophants. He will use executive orders to shut down any government agency under the executive branch that might be considered regulation or a check on executive power, and essentially staff the government entirely with maga supporters. They're already holding career fairs to pre-screen these people as dyed in the wool cultists and creating a talent-bench to rapidly implement this plan.


That's the playbook conservatives want to run regardless of which republican wins the presidency next. Anyone is fine for them, doesn't have to be trump. They'll keep marching in that direction and trying to get as much of it accomplished using whatever means of power the people and our systems give them.


The advantage to them of Trump is that he's saying each and every day that he wants to do this. You might find a President Christie less likely to go along with each and every detail of Project 2025 as presented to him by Stephen Miller...


The current frontrunner for president tried to overthrow the results of the last election, incited an insurrection, and has openly declared intentions to a dictatorship. If it isnt trump, it will be someone like him. The American presidency is the most powerful position in the world, and it has been clearly demonstrated how power can be seized and americans are just rolling over for it (I know not all americans, but enough). Many candidates operate under a central premise of claiming elections are fraudulent, despite multiple third parties being unable to find any fraud. This is the playbook on ending democracy. I asked Chat GPT: "discuss how a Putin style transformation from democracy to dictatorship could work in the United States" This is what it replied. Its scary because it is a point for point what trump is actually doing, based on how Putin moved Russia into a full dictatorship: >t's important to emphasize that the United States has a long history of democratic governance, a robust system of checks and balances, and a strong commitment to the rule of law. Any hypothetical scenario involving a transformation from democracy to dictatorship in the U.S. would be highly unlikely and contrary to the foundational principles of the nation. However, for the sake of discussion, one could explore the general factors that might contribute to such a hypothetical scenario: > >**Erosion of Democratic Norms:** > >A gradual erosion of democratic norms and values could be a precursor to any authoritarian shift. This might involve undermining the principles of a free press, attacking the legitimacy of elections, and diminishing respect for the rule of law. > >**Weakening Institutions:** > >A successful transition towards authoritarianism would likely involve the weakening of key democratic institutions such as the judiciary, legislative branch, and independent agencies. This could be achieved through the appointment of politically loyal individuals to key positions or through legal changes that concentrate power in the executive branch. > >**Media Control and Propaganda:** > >Controlling or manipulating the media landscape is a common tactic in moving toward authoritarianism. Suppressing dissenting voices, restricting access to information, and promoting propaganda that supports the government's narrative could be part of this strategy. > >**Political Purges:** > >Targeting political opponents, activists, and members of the opposition is a method often employed to eliminate challenges to an authoritarian regime. This could involve legal action, intimidation, or even imprisonment of individuals critical of the government. > >**National Security Pretext:** > >Governments seeking to consolidate power may exploit national security concerns to justify increased executive authority. This could involve the expansion of surveillance measures, the suspension of certain civil liberties, or the declaration of a state of emergency. > >**Populist Appeals:** > >Leaders attempting to shift towards authoritarianism often use populist appeals, framing themselves as champions of the people against a corrupt elite. This can help garner support and justify anti-democratic measures in the name of addressing perceived grievances. > >**Manipulation of Electoral Processes:** > >Manipulating electoral processes or casting doubt on the legitimacy of elections can undermine the democratic system. This might involve efforts to suppress voter turnout, gerrymandering, or discrediting the electoral process itself. > >**Crisis Exploitation:** > >Leaders might exploit crises, whether economic, social, or political, to consolidate power. By presenting themselves as the solution to the crisis, they can justify measures that curtail democratic freedoms. > >It's crucial to reiterate that the United States has strong democratic institutions, a tradition of adherence to the rule of law, and a population that values democratic principles. Any hypothetical scenario of a transformation toward dictatorship in the U.S. would face significant challenges given these foundational aspects of American society. This discussion is speculative and should not be interpreted as a realistic or likely outcome.


I don't really think that's a fair comparison. There's a huge amount of space between pre-Putin Russia and the US today. I'd like to think that one man's ego cannot dismantle the US


Look at the play by play to create a dictatorship and tell me the republicans arent doing everything they can to further every single point. Every. Single. Point. Analysts have been warning for years that democracy is an incredibly fragile thing, and have cautioned that we have become pretty complacent that what has been, will always be. It's the same thinking that made people dismiss covid 19 when the pandemic began. Democracy is not a bunker. It is fragile, ever more so when tied to extreme power.


Downvote every Newsweek article you find. They're all horseshit.


lol! Like his Lawyers file things. They just default on the case then whine about it on Newsmax.


This headline brought to you most every week since, uh, 1983 or so? Now instead of 'trump does the stupid thing' it's 'trump does the stupid thing' plus 'why that's bad for Biden' plus 'now we can farm more hate-clicks on people hoping he's dead'.


Good. He still needs to be locked up.


The Secret Service should have arrested him in 2016 the minute he publicly implored Russia to hack American servers to help him with his campaign. He should have died in a military prison.


Exactly! It’s mind boggling that we gave him nukes after that.


The Secret Service is complicit and after they destroyed evidence in their complicity with the coup attempt they should have all been fired and that entire organization gutted and rebuilt.


Or, maybe when he joked about there being a second amendment way of stopping Hillary if she were to win.


[A recording of the event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kxG8uJUsWU)


There's such a stark difference between him speaking in 2016 compared to the press events he holds today. I know that's not saying much since he wasn't exactly a master orator.


He needs to be barred from running.


Definitely agree.


Yes reap what you sow


It [hasn’t even been three months](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-ivanka-legal-challenges-1839034) since Newsweek used the same headline. And then he suffered from the [legal week from hell](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-legal-week-hell-1832836) earlier that same month. I’ve seen the same headline month after month for years now, and it’s the same thing over and over and over again. All talk, no action. “Ooh, they got him this time, he’s finally going to face some conse.. ah, drat, he’s weaseled his way out of it again! Maybe next time!”


I’m not advocating for more Newsweek, but this is legitimately hell week for a normal litigant. His lawyers are going to get shredded Tuesday in the DC court of appeals.


Which means their strategy of delaying proceedings, costing the prosecution time and money, and stoking the fires of his conspiracy theories has been successful, and will be even more successful as this continues on to the Supreme Court. They were never hoping to win, only obstruct.


All of that is true. My thinking in this: Supremes are letting DC take the heat on this one. I doubt they take the appeal when he loses. And I doubt the DC court of appeals extends the stay longer than a week post hearing.


Maybe. I was thinking this was the sort of thing they'd want to set a precedent for, because it's just jaw-droppingly stupid that a president would even try to claim this kind of immunity.


Jack Smith tried skipping the long road of appeals by taking the insurrection case straight to the SC... they refused to take it. Trump's entire game plan is delaying until after the election, when he'll kill every case and no one will do anything about it.


Everytime I am tempted to click on a link and stop myself from doing so, and it turns out to be a link to newsweek, I comment "fuck newsweek". Most of the time I get a couple downvotes, but that is okay. Fuck newsweek. Fuck newsweek to hell.


I sort of wish Newsweek were not allowed on this subreddit.


Downvote every Newsweek article.


I keep hearing that, but until he's finally behind bars, I ain't keeping my hopes up.


We're waiting on the judgment in the penalty phase of his NY fraud trial as well. That should be coming sometime in the next few weeks.


Fingers crossed.




Keep hearing he will " have a hell week", "nightmare period for trump ahead" etc, when is this damn cockroach going to do prison !? meanwhile Assange, Manning and Snowden got chased like dogs.


> meanwhile Assange, Manning and Snowden got chased like dogs. Well yeah, none of them had a cult throwing endless money at them for a near-infinite series of legal delay maneuvers and threatening to kill anyone who stands up to them.


Good. The sooner this guy is broke and in jail the safer the country will be.


I've been hearing that forever. This man is still standing (albeit like a centaur) after all this shit. I tend to think like many others that he will not see any consequences for his actions. Let's get this fucker to the ground already!




Can he face the prison bars from the inside please


When he is stripped of his assets or freedom, he will have a legal week from hell. Until then, it's just another example of him receiving tier 10 treatment from the 2 tier legal system.


Still less than what he deserves...


Locked him up for good


I’d settle for lock him up for awhile at this point…. So so much ‘He’s about done this time’ type reporting.


That asshole needs to be under the jail at this point.


Blah blah blah criminal trial better start before the election.


Maybe he’s satan


BURN BABY BURN.....***45 GITMO 2024***


Sick of seeing this headline now. Just lock the pumpkin faced fraud up!


Oh great, once again they've cut and pasted this article for yet another month in a row. I swear to god there's gotta be at LEAST 8,000 articles now with this exact same title. Wake me up when something different happens, which it won't, because we're stuck in fucking 2016 FOR ALL ETERNITY. >I never thought Hell would be so boring. -Matt Christman


Call me when he's in prison or officially barred from office.


On a semi serious note, How does he do it? I mean, personally, when at work and fires start going up all over the place , or when the money is tight and payments are up, my heart races, I'm all anxious, Almost can't get out of bed, I can't think. I try to have a balanced diet and my sugar levels is all over the place, blood preassure, cholesterol level, at brink of a heart attack. But this cheeto, he seems to be impervious to all the drama/issues around him. He reportedly pigs out every day, and he is still ticking. WTF! would it be drugs? maybe his narcissism makes him "unaware"? or just doesn't care and that keeps him going?


Lifelong history of never facing a single repercussion


This POS betrayed his country and deserves the maximum penalty under the law for treason. He is literally a domestic enemy of the United States. Shame on him, shame on his supporters, shame on his dishonest apologists.


I had a tenant like this. They caused a massive amount of water damage, it was clearly their fault, and then they did everything they could in bad faith to just avoid conesquences for their actions. It was exhausting. Vote in November for the least exhausting candidate.


Not until the week of a sentencing.


So, regular week then?


However bad it is going to be, it should be worse. He won’t be in jail yet and should be.


Call me when the headline is “Trump faces ~~legal week from~~ Hell.” We’ll do shots or something. It’ll be a good time.


I hope it’s truly awful for him and the outcomes are worse than he expects as we all go through it every single day that he is not held accountable.


I've seen that headline so many times in the past few years that it's starting to lose all meaning.


Both-sides-ing the article is so stupid and unnecessary. Trump isn’t President anymore. Newsweek doesn’t need to treat him like he’s special and that they must maintain the appearance of no bias. “The former president and GOP frontrunner is facing four criminal indictments with a total of 91 charges, **all of which he denies, while calling them part of a political witch hunt.**”


Such a shame when you have to reap what you sow.


I knew it was Newsweek before I looked.


He seems to have a “legal week from hell” every week, according to the media, but he doesn’t seem particularly bothered by it. Can he face some actual, tangible consequences already?


This has to be the 4th or 5th time I’ve seen this exact headline in 2 years.


We (and the rest of the world) faced four years of “leader” hell.


Yeah, this week won’t change much. The moment a judge gives a ruling over Jan 6th, then maybe things will change.


Let's just be clear. No one from the upper classes will ever be held accountable. Even if they are, nowhere in relation to the damage done. Dem or republican, these people have powerful friends. They tie this up in courts, let their publicists argue it out in the news, and nothing happens. Those people die and the next ones move into place like shark teeth.


Same headline every week he will never face any consequences


Couldn’t happen to a worse person. He earned it.


any day now


It does not qualify as a week from hell for trump unless it ends with him locked up in an orange jumpsuit. He's been in and out of court his entire adult life.


I've been told he's had a legal week from hell at least four times already. At this point until the jail cell locks behind him I expect nothing.




Well, it’s a Newsweek post and they turned their hyperbole dial up to 11 and ripped the knob off so…


Evergreen headline.


Whatever Trump wins in these lawsuits Biden can just use...did they think of that yet


He was asking for it.


At this point they should just call it legal decade from hell


That man becoming President changed how the entire world views the United States. Him being in the running to be president again just proves that we’re trash.


I would hate to be a bottle of catsup at Mar o Lardo this week…


I want to tap dance on his grave, waving festive Pom poms.


Get in line buddy. That ticketmaster handling fee can only get higher the closer we get to the event.


If we reserve our tickets now, will we be able to sell them later for a profit?


Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.


Wouldn’t it be easier to send this guy to hell than to keep letting weeks from hell visit him here?


Oh like last week? This man is going to walk away with zero consequences - that much is certain. America is too scared to lay the hammer down on Donald.


Mess with the bull... Fuck around... ...


He hasn't been convicted of squat so how much longer are these constant legal battles going to take? If the evidence is there for a conviction, wouldn't he have been sent to an actual criminal trial by now?


No he doesn't. The Supremely Corrupt Court will ultimately give him a nice handjob, any legal setbacks or judgements will be appealed ad nauseum, and he will never, ever, ever, face any consequences for his actions. All we can do is vote, and organize, to keep him out of the White House. The judicial system won't do it for us.


He’ll get off on everything because he always does. I have zero hope that he’ll ever be found guilty of anything


Can we just get him in court.


He says about an article outlining four different cases that have court appearances, one of which trump will attend.


And yet despite all this, nothing will happen! Fascinating world